6 Jan 2015, 03:12:18 (10 years ago)

update on PTL

1 edited


  • branches/SHM-upgrade/source/App/TAppEncoder/TAppEncCfg.cpp

    r957 r959  
    6565  MAINREXT = 4,
    6666  HIGHTHROUGHPUTREXT = 5, // Placeholder profile for development
     68  MULTIVIEWMAIN = 6,
     69  SCALABLEMAIN = 7,
     70  SCALABLEMAIN10 = 7,
    6772  // The following are RExt profiles, which would map to the MAINREXT profile idc.
    6873  // The enumeration indicates the bit-depth constraint in the bottom 2 digits
    338343  {"main-RExt",            Profile::MAINREXT           },
    339344  {"high-throughput-RExt", Profile::HIGHTHROUGHPUTREXT },
     346  {"multiview-main",       Profile::MULTIVIEWMAIN      },       //This is not used in this software
     347  {"scalable-main",        Profile::SCALABLEMAIN       },
     348  {"scalable-main10",      Profile::SCALABLEMAIN10     },
    372382    {"main_444_12_intra",  MAIN_444_12_INTRA},
    373383    {"main_444_16_intra",  MAIN_444_16_INTRA},
     385    {"multiview-main",     MULTIVIEWMAIN    },
     386    {"scalable-main",      SCALABLEMAIN     },
     387    {"scalable-main10",    SCALABLEMAIN10   },
    515530  return readStrToEnum(strToScalingListMode, sizeof(strToScalingListMode)/sizeof(*strToScalingListMode), in, mode);
     534namespace Profile
     536  static inline istream& operator >> (istream &in, Name &profile)
     537  {
     538    return readStrToEnum(strToProfile, sizeof(strToProfile)/sizeof(*strToProfile), in, profile);
     539  }
    518543template <class T>
    10141039  string inputColourSpaceConvert;
    10151040#if MULTIPLE_PTL_SUPPORT
    1016   ExtendedProfileName extendedProfile[NUM_POSSIBLE_LEVEL];
     1041  ExtendedProfileName extendedProfile[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS + 1];
    10181043  ExtendedProfileName extendedProfile;
    12661291  // Profile and level
    12671292#if MULTIPLE_PTL_SUPPORT
    1268   ("NumProfileTierLevel",                             m_numPTLInfo,                                         2, "Number of Profile, Tier and Level information")
    1269   ("Profile%d",                                       extendedProfile,               NONE, NUM_POSSIBLE_LEVEL,  "Profile name to use for encoding. Use main (for main), main10 (for main10), main-still-picture, main-RExt (for Range Extensions profile), any of the RExt specific profile names, or none")
    1270   ("Level%d",                                         m_levelList,            Level::NONE, NUM_POSSIBLE_LEVEL, "Level limit to be used, eg 5.1, or none")
    1271   ("Tier%d",                                          m_levelTierList,        Level::MAIN, NUM_POSSIBLE_LEVEL, "Tier to use for interpretation of --Level (main or high only)")
     1293  ("NumProfileTierLevel",                             m_numPTLInfo,                                         1, "Number of Profile, Tier and Level information")
     1294  ("Profile%d",                                       extendedProfile,          NONE, (MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS + 1),  "Profile name to use for encoding. Use main (for main), main10 (for main10), main-still-picture, main-RExt (for Range Extensions profile), any of the RExt specific profile names, or none")
     1295  ("Level%d",                                         m_levelList,       Level::NONE, (MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS + 1), "Level limit to be used, eg 5.1, or none")
     1296  ("Tier%d",                                          m_levelTierList,   Level::MAIN, (MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS + 1), "Tier to use for interpretation of --Level (main or high only)")
    12721297  ("MaxBitDepthConstraint",                           tmpBitDepthConstraint,                               0u, "Bit depth to use for profile-constraint for RExt profiles. 0=automatically choose based upon other parameters")
    12731298  ("MaxChromaFormatConstraint",                       tmpConstraintChromaFormat,                            0, "Chroma-format to use for the profile-constraint for RExt profiles. 0=automatically choose based upon other parameters")
    12741299  ("IntraConstraintFlag",                             tmpIntraConstraintFlag,                           false, "Value of general_intra_constraint_flag to use for RExt profiles (not used if an explicit RExt sub-profile is specified)")
    12751300  ("LowerBitRateConstraintFlag",                      tmpLowerBitRateConstraintFlag,                     true, "Value of general_lower_bit_rate_constraint_flag to use for RExt profiles")
    1277   ("ProgressiveSource%d",                             m_progressiveSourceFlagList,   false, NUM_POSSIBLE_LEVEL, "Indicate that source is progressive")
    1278   ("InterlacedSource%d",                              m_interlacedSourceFlagList,    false, NUM_POSSIBLE_LEVEL, "Indicate that source is interlaced")
    1279   ("NonPackedSource%d",                               m_nonPackedConstraintFlagList, false, NUM_POSSIBLE_LEVEL, "Indicate that source does not contain frame packing")
    1280   ("FrameOnly%d",                                     m_frameOnlyConstraintFlagList, false, NUM_POSSIBLE_LEVEL, "Indicate that the bitstream contains only frames")
     1302  ("ProfileCompatibility%d",                          m_profileCompatibility, Profile::NONE, (MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS + 1), "Compatible profile to be used when encoding")
     1303  ("ProgressiveSource%d",                             m_progressiveSourceFlagList,   false, (MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS + 1), "Indicate that source is progressive")
     1304  ("InterlacedSource%d",                              m_interlacedSourceFlagList,    false, (MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS + 1), "Indicate that source is interlaced")
     1305  ("NonPackedSource%d",                               m_nonPackedConstraintFlagList, false, (MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS + 1), "Indicate that source does not contain frame packing")
     1306  ("FrameOnly%d",                                     m_frameOnlyConstraintFlagList, false, (MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS + 1), "Indicate that the bitstream contains only frames")
    12821308  ("LayerPTLIndex%d",                                 cfg_layerPTLIdx,               0, MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1, "Index of PTL for each layer")
    1283   ("ListOfProfileTierLevelOls%d",                     cfg_listOfLayerPTLOfOlss, string(""), MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1, "PTL Index for each layer in each OLS except the first OLS. The PTL index for layer in the first OLS is set to 1")
     1309  ("ListOfProfileTierLevelOls%d",                     cfg_listOfLayerPTLOfOlss, string(""), MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1, "PTL Index for each layer in each OLS except the first OLS. The PTL index for layer in the first OLS is set to 1")
    12851311  ("Profile",                                         extendedProfile,                                   NONE, "Profile name to use for encoding. Use main (for main), main10 (for main10), main-still-picture, main-RExt (for Range Extensions profile), any of the RExt specific profile names, or none")
    26222648    }
    26232649#if MULTIPLE_PTL_SUPPORT
    2624     if( olsCtr > startOlsCtr ) // Non-default OLS
    2625     {
    2626       scanStringToArray( cfg_listOfLayerPTLOfOlss[olsCtr], m_numLayerInIdList[m_outputLayerSetIdx[olsCtr - startOlsCtr - 1]], "List of PTL for each layer in OLS", m_listOfLayerPTLofOlss[olsCtr] );
    2627     }
    2628     else
    2629     {
    2630       scanStringToArray( cfg_listOfLayerPTLOfOlss[olsCtr], m_numLayerInIdList[olsCtr], "List of PTL for each layer in OLS", m_listOfLayerPTLofOlss[olsCtr] );
    2631     }
     2650    Int olsToLsIndex = (olsCtr > startOlsCtr) ? m_outputLayerSetIdx[olsCtr - m_numLayerSets] : olsCtr;
     2651    scanStringToArray( cfg_listOfLayerPTLOfOlss[olsCtr], m_numLayerInIdList[olsToLsIndex], "List of PTL for each layers in OLS", m_listOfLayerPTLofOlss[olsCtr] );
     2652    //For conformance checking
     2653    //Conformance of a layer in an output operation point associated with an OLS in a bitstream to the Scalable Main profile is indicated as follows:
     2654    //If OpTid of the output operation point is equal to vps_max_sub_layer_minus1, the conformance is indicated by general_profile_idc being equal to 7 or general_profile_compatibility_flag[ 7 ] being equal to 1
     2655    //Conformance of a layer in an output operation point associated with an OLS in a bitstream to the Scalable Main 10 profile is indicated as follows:
     2656    //If OpTid of the output operation point is equal to vps_max_sub_layer_minus1, the conformance is indicated by general_profile_idc being equal to 7 or general_profile_compatibility_flag[ 7 ] being equal to 1
     2657    //The following assert may be updated / upgraded to take care of general_profile_compatibility_flag.
     2658    for ( Int ii = 1; ii < m_numLayerInIdList[olsToLsIndex]; ii++)
     2659    {
     2660      if (m_layerSetLayerIdList[olsToLsIndex][ii - 1] != 0 && m_layerSetLayerIdList[olsToLsIndex][ii] != 0)  //Profile / profile compatibility of enhancement layers must indicate the same profile.
     2661      {
     2662        assert( (m_profileList[m_listOfLayerPTLofOlss[olsCtr][ii]] == m_profileList[m_listOfLayerPTLofOlss[olsCtr][ii - 1]]) ||
     2663                (m_profileList[m_listOfLayerPTLofOlss[olsCtr][ii]] == m_profileCompatibility[m_listOfLayerPTLofOlss[olsCtr][ii - 1]]) ||   
     2664                (m_profileCompatibility[m_listOfLayerPTLofOlss[olsCtr][ii]] == m_profileList[m_listOfLayerPTLofOlss[olsCtr][ii - 1]]) );
     2665      }
     2666    }   
    26332668  }
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