Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SanJoséSubjectiveViewing

Jan 27, 2012, 8:24:02 PM (12 years ago)



  • SanJoséSubjectiveViewing

    v1 v1  
     1= Subjective Viewing =
     3== Preparing material for subjective viewing ==
     5=== Video data ===
     6Please provide a directory per proposal or reference containing:
     7 - decoded 8bit yuv files, using the naming convention of the original material on
     8   the uni-hannover ftp site.  Eg, "BQMall_832x480_60.yuv".
     9   [[BR]]
     10   This will allow scripts to automatically determine the display parameters.
     12 - if the same sequence at multiple QPs is to be tested, place video files in
     13   directories called qpNN.
     15 - this data should be copied to {{{Z:\XXX\SomeUsefulIdentifierEgCE11}}} on the playout computer.
     17 - please avoid using spaces in file or directory names.
     19For example, assuming two proposals, "REF" and "DUT" we should see the following:
     21$ ls -R REF/
     29$ ls -R DUT/
     38=== Preparing a playlist ===
     39We have a script that will create a playlist in the correct form to do a randomized
     40A-B-A-B viewing.  It requires an input file to list the sequences that are of interest
     41and the order in which to evaluate them:
     43 1. Create a textfile that names the order you wish to view the test points.  Eg,
     45$ cat order.txt
     53    Note the lack of any "DUT" or "REF" prefix.
     54 1. Run [[|]] to generate a playlist:
     55    [[BR]]
     57$ /path/to/REF /path/to/DUT order.txt > out.plst
     59    NB, the path given to REF and DUT should be fully qualified.
     60 1. For a subjective test with multiple viewing sessions, it is advisable to generate
     61    multiple copies of the playlist, one for each viewing session.  Each viewing session
     62    is then randomized differently.
     63    [[BR]]
     64    For example,
     66$ for N in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do
     67 /path/to/REF /path/to/DUT order.txt > session$N.plst
     68  done
     71=== Running the test ===
     72Launch the [[|videoplayer]] using:
     74$ /path/to/videoplayer --vt.readahead=128 --vdu-fps=60 --quit --full --osdstate=2 $ANYOPTIONS_IVE_MISSED out.plst
     77The player will quit automatically when it reaches the end of the playlist.
     79//DF: this could be made simpler if we create a small script and associate the .plst
     80file extension with it.  Then people only have to double click on the correct playlist//
     82== Notes on test configuration ==
     83 - The [[|]] script
     84   will produce an A-B-A-B stimulus, with A and B randomized for each test point.
     85   [[BR]]
     86   eg, for BQMall @ qp22, it might be REF-DUT-REF-DUT, but for qp27 it might be DUT-REF-DUT-REF.
     88 - If the test involves multiple proposals, an A-B-C-D-E-..Z-A-B-C-D-E-..Z stimulus can be generated
     89   by providing multiple directories.  The stimulus order for each test point is randomized.
     90   Eg, {{{ REF DUT1 DUT2 DUT3 DUT4 order.txt }}}
     91   [[BR]]
     92   //DF: this seems kind of pointless, surely it should be A-A-B-B-C-C-D-D-E-E-...Z-Z, which is what we've done before//
     94== Notes on black & white level ==
     95By default, the videoplayer outputs R'G'B' at 16-235, however on a
     96computer monitor, this will look wrong.  The following options will set
     97the output range to 0-255: {{{ --out-black=0 --out-range=256 }}}
     99Alternatively, one can interactively toggle between the two to see the
     100difference by using the 'n' and 'b' keys.
     102//DF: what range has the monitor been configured for?