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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#580 fixed unmatch over lossless coding spring

When I run the lossless coding under lowdelay configuration for sequence BQSquare_416x240_60.yuv or SlideEditing_1280x720_30, the decoder does not match the encoder. Can you help to fix this problem?

I use the default setting with the following flags set as 1. LosslessCuEnabled : 1 # 1: Set "qpprime_y_zero_transquant_bypass_flag=1" and enable the lossless mode as well as the RD-based mode selection process. TransquantBypassEnableFlag: 1 # Value of PPS flag. CUTransquantBypassFlagValue: 1 # Constant lossless-value signaling per CU, if TransquantBypassEnableFlag is 1.

#1008 fixed uniform_spacing_flag should be inferrable bbross vlad

I propose to add wording:

"When not present, the value of uniform_spacing_flag is inferred to be equal to 1".

to "uniform_spacing_flag" semantic description, otherwise scanning process defined by: 6.5.1 Coding tree block raster and tile scanning conversion process is not well defined. Picture parameter set RBSP semantics uniform_spacing_flag equal to 1 specifies that tile column boundaries and likewise tile row boundaries are distributed uniformly across the picture. uniform_spacing_flag equal to 0 specifies that tile column boundaries and likewise tile row boundaries are not distributed uniformly across the picture but signalled explicitly using the syntax elements column_width_minus1[ i ] and row_height_minus1[ i ]. When not present, the value of uniform_spacing_flag is inferred to be equal to 1.


#427 fixed uniform_spacing_flag related code needs to be cleaned up ksuehring

uniform_spacing_flag is represented in the code using the term UniformSpacingIdr. This should be changed to a boolean flag to match the text.

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