Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#88 fixed Merging and skip/direct configurability wjhan

Currently, skip and direct modes are turned off when merging is used. For TE11, new configuration using both merging and skip/direct is needed. With this feature, three possible ways can be tested:

  1. merging only
  2. skip/direct
  3. merging + skip/direct (for TE11)
#89 wontfix Incompatibility between DIF and AMVRES fbossen

Software currently silently disables adaptive motion vector resolution when directional interpolation filter is used (InterpFilterType=3): [TAppEncCfg.cpp]

if(m_iInterpFilterType == IPF_TEN_DIF)

m_bUseAMVRes = false;

The software should instead produce an error to alert the user than the configuration is not supported.

#90 fixed Configurability of rounding control for bipred fbossen

The ROUNDING_CONTROL_BIPRED macro enables adaptive rounding for biprediction. In addition it also modifies the distortion computation functions. To better distinguish the effect of the distortion computation modifications and the adaptive rounding itself, a configuration file option should be added to disable the adaptive rounding part. The effect of such an option would be to control the way the rounding mode is set in TEncGOP::compressGOP.

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