Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 1442)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1402 fixed Ambiguous semantic for constrained_intra_prediction_flag xiuxx

In section of HEVC SCC draft 3, the semantic of constrained_intra_prediction_flag is as follows:

"constrained_intra_pred_flag equal to 0 specifies that intra prediction allows usage of residual data and decoded samples of neighbouring coding blocks coded with or without using a reference picture that is not the current picture. constrained_intra_pred_flag equal to 1 specifies constrained intra prediction, in which case the general intra prediction process only uses residual data and decoded samples from neighbouring coding blocks coded without using a reference picture that is not the current picture."

However, there is ambiguity about the definition of "general intra prediction". It can be interpreted as either intra prediction only or intra and IBC prediction. In current SCM-4.0, it should refer to the second case, i.e., intra and IBC prediction. It is recommended to improve the text to match SCM-4.0.

#1401 fixed SCM4.0 issue with constrained intra prediction (CIP) being enabled xiuxx

It was observed that the SCM4.0 reference software crashed when constrained intra prediction is enabled.

The corresponding patch is provided in the attachment to match the CIP solution in HEVC SCC draft 3.

#1400 fixed bad destructor kolya

~TEncSearch() contains deleting of memory that was arranged in init function, not in a constructor. It would be better to match clearing memory in a kind of "destroy" function, as it was done in many places in code.

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