Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 1442)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1414 fixed orphaned variables kolya

line 262 of TEncSearch.cpp both of these variables do nothing

m_puiDFilter = s_auiDFilter + 4;

#1413 fixed Missing bitstream constraint in JCTVC-U1005-v2 specification kiranmisra

Per adoption of JCTVC-U0036, at last JCT-VC meeting, the following bitstream constraint should be included in JCTVC-U1005:

It is a requirement of bitstream conformance that the value of pps_palette_predictor_initializer_present_flag shall be equal to 0 when either palette_max_size is equal to 0 or palette_mode_enabled_flag is equal to 0.

Also, the following typo should be corrected: pps_scc_extension_flag( ) to pps_scc_extension( )

#1412 fixed Typo in H.8.1.4 Derivation process for inter-layer reference pictures (in R1013_v6 and U1005_v2) Tomohiro Ikai

In H.8.1.4 Derivation process for inter-layer reference pictures,

cmPic is used as " the picture sample resampling process as specified in clause H. is invoked with the picture sample arrays, cmPicSampleL, cmPicSampleCb and cmPicSampleCr, of the colour mapped direct reference layer picture cmPic as inputs, and with the resampled picture sample arrays, rsPicSampleL, rsPicSampleCb and rsPicSampleCr of the inter-layer reference picture ilRefPic as outputs."

But the cmPic seems not defined. On the other hand, cmRefPic is derived but not used. Maybe replacing cmPic with cmRefPic resolves this issue (or replacing cmRefPic with cmPic).

In addition, "If equalPictureSizeAndOffsetFlag is equal to 1, BitDepthRefLayerY is equal to BitDepthCurrY, BitDepthRefLayerC is equal to BitDepthCurrC, SubWidthRefLayerC is equal to SubWidthCurrC and SubHeightRefLayerC is equal to SubHeightCurrC, the following applies: ", how to generate ilRefPic is not so clear althogh rsPicSampleL, rsPicSampleCb and rsPicSampleCr are set (these parameters should be about ilRefPic).

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.