Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Results (61 - 63 of 1442)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#39 wontfix 9 intra prediction mode fbossen anonymous

please introduce configuration for only using 9 intra prediction modes

#1014 fixed : insufficient condition for the invocation of the process bbross PhuongNguyen

In Initialization process for the arithmetic decoding engine :

"This process is invoked before decoding the first coding tree block of a slice segment."

This condition is not sufficient because arithmetic decoding engine is also initialized when we start a new tile or a new line in WPP.

So either we remove this line or we list all the conditions as shown in 9.2.1 Initialization process.

#967 wontfix : redundant condition for codIOffset and codIRange bbross PhuongNguyen

The condition "the bitstream shall not contain data that result in a value of codIOffset being greater than or equal to codIRange upon completion of this process." is redundant in because :

+ When the arithmetic decoding engine is initialized in, the bitstream shall not contain data that result in a value of codIOffset being equal to 510 or 511. Therefore, codIOffset is smaller than codIRange. + If codIOffset is smaller than codIRange, after each bin decoding in the case of context or bypass and before an eventual renormalization, the new value of codIOffset is smaller than the new value of codIRange by construction. + If codIOffset is smaller than codIRange before the renormalization, the relation remains the same after the renormalization.

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