Custom Query (1442 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 1442)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#79 fixed VLC bug when MDDT is turned off wjhan

As a MDDT tester in TE12, we found the following problem:

TMuC VLC encodes first 64 coefficients of transformed residual in intra (after TMuC 0.5), but when MDDT is turned off, interleaved coding of TMuC 0.1 is used.

Furthermore, we found that turning off MDDT disables RDOQ in intra modes.

It should be changed as: (1) enabling RDOQ when MDDT=0 (2) same coding method (first 64 coefficients) for MDDT=0 and 1.

It affects two tests (low-complexity configuration only) in TE12: (1) MDDT-off test (2) MDDT-off + ROT-off combination test.

Patch can be applied for this without affecting all other tests in TE12.

#82 fixed Incorrect MDDT scan LUT for UNIFIED_DIRECTIONAL_INTRA mcoban mcoban

Currently the dimensions of the MDDT scan LUTs do not match the new prediction modes introduced by UNIFIED_DIRECTIONAL_INTRA.

Furthermore the mapping from prediction modes to scans needs to be updated for the UNIFIED_DIRECTIONAL_INTRA.

#83 fixed Issues with HHI_ALLOW_ROT_SWITCH fbossen

2 issues appear when disabling HHI_ALLOW_ROT_SWITCH:

  • code does not compile
  • TComTrQuant::init does not properly set m_iSymbolMode

Simplest resolution seems to remove the macro and keep the code corresponding to its 'on' setting.

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