

5 Jun 2012:

12:49 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [72] by tech
Copy of Vidyo branch for Samsung integration.
04:47 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [71] by vidyo
additional changes to make decoder use VPS parameters

3 Jun 2012:

21:48 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [70] by vidyo

22 May 2012:

21:10 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [69] by tech
Changed depth distortion console output from VSO PSNR to depth PSNR
20:46 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [68] by tech
Fixed vc8 project file
20:34 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [67] by tech
Copy from HTM-3.0-Qualcomm for Vidyo integration
00:18 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [66] by qualcomm
Integration of Qualcomm's m24938

18 May 2012:

13:21 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [65] by tech
fixed character encoding of TEncCu.cpp TComSlice.cpp
12:44 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [64] by tech
Integration branch for Qualcomm.
10:19 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [63] by lg
09:38 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [62] by lg

16 May 2012:

15:37 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [61] by suehring
remove non-ascii characters
10:33 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [60] by tech
Copy of tag/HTM-3.0

14 May 2012:

20:52 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [59] by hschwarz
20:52 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [58] by hschwarz
updated configuration files
12:44 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [57] by hschwarz
corrected output of decoded camera parameter files

11 May 2012:

21:20 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [56] by hschwarz
updated trunk (move to HM6.1)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.