Custom query (96 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 96)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#43 fixed editorial changes related to tech lizhang

In H., x-0 should be replaced by x0 in the sentence 'edge_dc_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ] equal to 1 specifies that edge_dc_abs[ x0 ][ y0 ][ i ] and edge_dc_sign_flag[ x-0 ][ y0 ][ i ] are present'.

#81 fixed typo in I. tech lizhang

The 'SbW’ of the following sentence in subclause I. – When ( SbW + nSbH ) is equal to 12

should be replaced by 'nSbW'.

#91 fixed misalingment between software and working draft tech lizhang

In the NBDV derivation process, the availability of left block is checked by invoking the following function:

pcTmpCU = getPULeft(uiIdx, uiPartIdxLB, true, false);

The last input parameter is set to false so that the availability check of the left block is done without considering the constraint of tiles.

However, in the WD and in 3D-HTM of MV prediciton process,the tile constraint is always considered. Therefore, it is suggested that using the same strategy for NBDV derivation by replacing the above line with: pcTmpCU = getPULeft(uiIdx, uiPartIdxLB);

In this case, there is no need to change the specification.

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