Custom query (96 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 96)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#21 fixed DMM Signalling tech lizhang

'y0+i' should be replaced by 'y0+j' in all the following arrays used in section H. wedge_full_tab_idx[ x0 + i ][ y0 + i ] wedge_predtex_tab_idx[ x0 + i ][ y0 + i ] dmm_delta_end_flag[ x0 + i ][ y0 + i ] dmm_delta_end_abs_minus1[ x0 + i ][ y0 + i ] dmm_dc_1_abs[ x0 + i ][ y0 + i ] dmm_dc_1_sign_flag[ x0 + i ][ y0 + i ] dmm_dc_2_abs[ x0 + i ][ y0 + i ] dmm_dc_2_sign_flag[ x0 + i ][ y0 + i ]

'dmm_delta_end_sign_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ]' used in section H. should be replaced by 'dmm_delta_end_sign_flag[ x0 + i ][ y0 + j ]'

#22 fixed Semantics related to chain coding tech lizhang

The following two equations, DcOffsetP0[ x0 ][ y0 ] = ( 1 − 2 *edge_dc_0_sign_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ]) * edge_dc_1_abs[ x0 ][ y0 ] (H 12) DcOffsetP1[ x0 ][ y0 ] = ( 1 − 2 *edge_dc_0_sign_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ]) * edge_dc_1_abs[ x0 ][ y0 ]

should be replaced by: DcOffsetP0[ x0 ][ y0 ] = ( 1 − 2 *edge_dc_0_sign_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ]) * edge_dc_0_abs[ x0 ][ y0 ] (H 12) DcOffsetP1[ x0 ][ y0 ] = ( 1 − 2 *edge_dc_1_sign_flag[ x0 ][ y0 ]) * edge_dc_1_abs[ x0 ][ y0 ] (H 13)

#30 fixed Wrong reference of subclause tech lizhang

In JCT3V-D1005_spec_v1, H.8.3.7 should be replaced by H.8.3.5 in the following text:

– When iv_mv_pred_flag[ nuh_layer_id ] is equal to 1 or iv_res_pred_flag[ nuh_layer_id ] is equal to 1, the decoding process for candidate picture list for disparity vector derivation in subclause H.8.3.7 is invoked at the beginning of the decoding process for each P or B slice [Ed. (GT): VSP should be added here as condition.]

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.