Changeset 193 in 3DVCSoftware for branches/HTM-4.0.1-VSP-dev0/source/Lib/TLibCommon
- Timestamp:
- 19 Nov 2012, 21:15:40 (12 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/HTM-4.0.1-VSP-dev0/source/Lib/TLibCommon
- Files:
- 2 deleted
- 15 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r166 r193 58 58 59 59 #define HM_VERSION "6.1" 60 #define NV_VERSION "4. 0.1"///< Current software version60 #define NV_VERSION "4.1" ///< Current software version 61 61 62 62 // ==================================================================================================================== -
r166 r193 76 76 if( ucVspMergePos == VSP_MERGE_POS ) 77 77 { 78 #if VSP_TEXT_ONLY 79 if( !getSlice()->getSPS()->isDepth() ) 78 #if VSP_CFG 79 if( getSlice()->getSPS()->getVspDepthPresentFlag() || !getSlice()->getSPS()->isDepth() ) 80 #else 81 if( !getSlice()->getVspDepthDisableFlag() || !getSlice()->getSPS()->isDepth() ) 80 82 #endif 81 83 if( getSlice()->getSPS()->getViewId()!=0 && !bVspMvZeroDone ) … … 150 152 m_pcTrCoeffCr = NULL; 151 153 #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION 154 #if FIX_MEM_LEAKS 155 m_ArlCoeffIsAliasedAllocation = false; 152 156 m_pcArlCoeffY = NULL; 153 157 m_pcArlCoeffCb = NULL; 154 158 m_pcArlCoeffCr = NULL; 159 #endif 155 160 #endif 156 161 … … 211 216 m_piEdgeDeltaDC1 = NULL; 212 217 #endif 218 #endif 219 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 220 //add a variable to store the partition information 221 //a 2D array in part_symbol, uidepth format 222 //initialize m_partInfo to OL_END_CU 223 for (Int i=0; i < OL_PART_BUF_SIZE; i++) 224 { 225 for (Int j=0; j < 2; j++) 226 { 227 m_uiPartInfo[i][j] = OL_END_CU; 228 } 229 } 213 230 #endif 214 231 } … … 295 312 m_pcArlCoeffCb = m_pcGlbArlCoeffCb; 296 313 m_pcArlCoeffCr = m_pcGlbArlCoeffCr; 314 #if FIX_MEM_LEAKS 315 m_ArlCoeffIsAliasedAllocation = true; 316 #endif 297 317 } 298 318 else … … 410 430 if ( m_pcTrCoeffCr ) { xFree(m_pcTrCoeffCr); m_pcTrCoeffCr = NULL; } 411 431 #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION 432 #if FIX_MEM_LEAKS 433 if (!m_ArlCoeffIsAliasedAllocation) 434 { 435 xFree(m_pcArlCoeffY); m_pcArlCoeffY = 0; 436 xFree(m_pcArlCoeffCb); m_pcArlCoeffCb = 0; 437 xFree(m_pcArlCoeffCr); m_pcArlCoeffCr = 0; 438 } 439 #endif 412 440 if ( m_pcGlbArlCoeffY ) { xFree(m_pcGlbArlCoeffY); m_pcGlbArlCoeffY = NULL; } 413 441 if ( m_pcGlbArlCoeffCb ) { xFree(m_pcGlbArlCoeffCb); m_pcGlbArlCoeffCb = NULL; } … … 516 544 Void TComDataCU::initCU( TComPic* pcPic, UInt iCUAddr ) 517 545 { 546 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 547 TComDataCU* pcCU = pcPic->getCU(iCUAddr); 548 #endif 518 549 519 550 m_pcPic = pcPic; … … 732 763 m_apcCUColocated[1] = getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, 0)->getCU( m_uiCUAddr ); 733 764 } 765 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 766 setPartDumpFlag (pcCU->getPartDumpFlag()); 767 #endif 734 768 } 735 769 … … 1061 1095 memcpy(m_uiSliceStartCU,pcCU->m_uiSliceStartCU+uiPartOffset,sizeof(UInt)*m_uiNumPartition); 1062 1096 memcpy(m_uiEntropySliceStartCU,pcCU->m_uiEntropySliceStartCU+uiPartOffset,sizeof(UInt)*m_uiNumPartition); 1097 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 1098 setPartDumpFlag (pcCU->getPartDumpFlag()); 1099 #endif 1063 1100 } 1064 1101 … … 2346 2383 #if H0204_QP_PREDICTION 2347 2384 UInt lPartIdx, aPartIdx; 2385 #if FIX_COMP_WARNING_INIT 2386 lPartIdx = 0; 2387 aPartIdx = 0; 2388 #endif 2348 2389 TComDataCU* cULeft = getQpMinCuLeft ( lPartIdx, m_uiAbsIdxInLCU + uiCurrAbsIdxInLCU ); 2349 2390 TComDataCU* cUAbove = getQpMinCuAbove( aPartIdx, m_uiAbsIdxInLCU + uiCurrAbsIdxInLCU ); … … 3146 3187 RefPicList eRefList = uiRefIdx ? REF_PIC_LIST_1 : REF_PIC_LIST_0; 3147 3188 Int iBestRefIdx = getCUMvField(eRefList)->getRefIdx(uiPartAddr); 3148 if(iBestRefIdx >= 0 && getSlice()->getViewId() == getSlice()->getRefViewId(eRefList, iBestRefIdx)) 3189 if(iBestRefIdx >= 0 && getSlice()->getViewId() == getSlice()->getRefViewId(eRefList, iBestRefIdx) 3190 #if VSP_N 3191 && getSlice()->getPOC() != getSlice()->getRefPOC(eRefList, iBestRefIdx) 3192 #endif 3193 ) 3149 3194 iAddResiShift++; 3150 3195 } … … 4614 4659 #endif 4615 4660 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx ) ) 4616 #if VSP_N4617 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)4618 #endif4619 4661 { 4620 4662 for(Int iList = 0; iList < (getSlice()->isInterB() ? 2: 1); iList ++) … … 4625 4667 { 4626 4668 Int refViewIdx = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, refId); 4669 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 4670 Int refPOC = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId); 4671 //if( !pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, refId ) ) 4672 if ( refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId() || refPOC != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) 4673 #else 4627 4674 if (refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId()) 4675 #endif 4628 4676 { 4629 4677 TComMv cMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 4643 4691 4644 4692 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx )) 4645 #if VSP_N4646 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)4647 #endif4648 4693 { 4649 4694 for(Int iList = 0; iList < (getSlice()->isInterB() ? 2: 1); iList ++) … … 4654 4699 { 4655 4700 Int refViewIdx = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, refId); 4701 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 4702 Int refPOC = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId); 4703 //if( !pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, refId ) ) 4704 if ( refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId() || refPOC != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) 4705 #else 4656 4706 if (refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId()) 4707 #endif 4657 4708 { 4658 4709 TComMv cMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 4672 4723 #endif 4673 4724 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx ) ) 4674 #if VSP_N4675 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)4676 #endif4677 4725 { 4678 4726 for(Int iList = 0; iList < (getSlice()->isInterB() ? 2: 1); iList ++) … … 4683 4731 { 4684 4732 Int refViewIdx = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, refId); 4733 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 4734 Int refPOC = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId); 4735 //if( !pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, refId ) ) 4736 if ( refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId() || refPOC != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) 4737 #else 4685 4738 if (refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId()) 4739 #endif 4686 4740 { 4687 4741 TComMv cMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 4700 4754 #endif 4701 4755 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx )) 4702 #if VSP_N4703 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)4704 #endif4705 4756 { 4706 4757 for(Int iList = 0; iList < (getSlice()->isInterB() ? 2: 1); iList ++) … … 4711 4762 { 4712 4763 Int refViewIdx = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, refId); 4764 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 4765 Int refPOC = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId); 4766 //if( !pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, refId ) ) 4767 if ( refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId() || refPOC != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) 4768 #else 4713 4769 if (refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId()) 4770 #endif 4714 4771 { 4715 4772 TComMv cMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 4731 4788 #endif 4732 4789 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx )) 4733 #if VSP_N4734 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)4735 #endif4736 4790 { 4737 4791 for(Int iList = 0; iList < (getSlice()->isInterB() ? 2: 1); iList ++) … … 4742 4796 { 4743 4797 Int refViewIdx = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, refId); 4798 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 4799 Int refPOC = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId); 4800 //if( !pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, refId ) ) 4801 if ( refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId() || refPOC != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) 4802 #else 4744 4803 if (refViewIdx!= m_pcSlice->getViewId()) 4804 #endif 4745 4805 { 4746 4806 TComMv cMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 4965 5025 UInt uiLeftPartIdx = uiIdx; 4966 5026 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx ) ) 4967 #if VSP_N4968 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)4969 #endif4970 5027 { 4971 5028 bTmpIsSkipped = pcTmpCU->isSkipped( uiIdx ); … … 4985 5042 return; 4986 5043 } 5044 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 5045 else if (pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId) != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) // MCP 5046 #else 4987 5047 else // MCP 5048 #endif 4988 5049 { 4989 5050 cTmpMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 5006 5067 5007 5068 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx )) 5008 #if VSP_N5009 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)5010 #endif5011 5069 { 5012 5070 bTmpIsSkipped = pcTmpCU->isSkipped( uiIdx ); … … 5026 5084 return; 5027 5085 } 5086 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 5087 else if (pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId) != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) // MCP 5088 #else 5028 5089 else // MCP 5090 #endif 5029 5091 { 5030 5092 cTmpMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 5046 5108 #endif 5047 5109 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx ) ) 5048 #if VSP_N5049 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)5050 #endif5051 5110 { 5052 5111 bTmpIsSkipped = pcTmpCU->isSkipped( uiIdx ); … … 5066 5125 return; 5067 5126 } 5068 else // MCP 5127 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 5128 else if (pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId) != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) // MCP 5129 #else 5130 else // MCP 5131 #endif 5069 5132 { 5070 5133 cTmpMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 5086 5149 #endif 5087 5150 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx )) 5088 #if VSP_N5089 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)5090 #endif5091 5151 { 5092 5152 bTmpIsSkipped = pcTmpCU->isSkipped( uiIdx ); … … 5106 5166 return; 5107 5167 } 5168 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 5169 else if (pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId) != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) // MCP 5170 #else 5108 5171 else // MCP 5172 #endif 5109 5173 { 5110 5174 cTmpMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 5128 5192 #endif 5129 5193 if(pcTmpCU != NULL && !pcTmpCU->isIntra( uiIdx )) 5130 #if VSP_N5131 if(pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getViewId() != NUM_VIEW_VSP)5132 #endif5133 5194 { 5134 5195 bTmpIsSkipped = pcTmpCU->isSkipped( uiIdx ); … … 5148 5209 return; 5149 5210 } 5211 #if VSP_N & VSP_BUGFIX 5212 else if (pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, refId) != m_pcSlice->getPOC()) // MCP 5213 #else 5150 5214 else // MCP 5215 #endif 5151 5216 { 5152 5217 cTmpMvPred = pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getMv(uiIdx); … … 5753 5818 { 5754 5819 aiRefIdx[iList] = getCUMvField( RefPicList(iList) )->getRefIdx( uiPartIdx ); 5755 if( aiRefIdx[iList] >= 0 && getSlice()->getRefViewId( RefPicList(iList), aiRefIdx[iList] ) == NUM_VIEW_VSP)5820 if( aiRefIdx[iList] >= 0 && isVspRef( RefPicList(iList), aiRefIdx[iList] ) ) 5756 5821 { 5757 5822 iRet |= (iList ? 0x02 : 0x01); // L0=1, L1=2, BI=3 … … 5802 5867 return iRet; 5803 5868 } 5869 5870 Bool TComDataCU::isVspRef ( RefPicList e, Int iRefIdx ) 5871 { 5872 if( iRefIdx < 0 ) return false; 5873 5874 if( getSlice()->getRefPic( e, iRefIdx )->getViewId() == getSlice()->getViewId() 5875 && getSlice()->getRefPic( e, iRefIdx )->getPOC() == getSlice()->getPOC() ) 5876 { 5877 return true; 5878 } 5879 5880 return false; 5881 } 5804 5882 #endif 5805 5883 … … 5866 5944 5867 5945 #if AMVP_VSP_UNAVAILABLE 5868 if( pcTmpCU != NULL && pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) >= 0 && pcTmpCU-> getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) == NUM_VIEW_VSP)5946 if( pcTmpCU != NULL && pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) >= 0 && pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) ) 5869 5947 { 5870 5948 return false; … … 5908 5986 return false; 5909 5987 } 5988 #if VSP_N /// 5989 if( pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList2nd, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList2nd)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) ) 5990 return false; 5991 #endif 5910 5992 iNeibRefPOC = pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList2nd, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList2nd)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ); 5911 5993 if( iNeibRefPOC == iCurrRefPOC ) // Same Reference Frame But Diff List// … … 6035 6117 6036 6118 #if AMVP_VSP_UNAVAILABLE 6037 if( pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) >= 0 && pcTmpCU-> getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) == NUM_VIEW_VSP)6119 if( pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) >= 0 && pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) ) 6038 6120 { 6039 6121 return false; … … 6061 6143 if( pcTmpCU->getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList2nd, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList2nd)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) != m_pcSlice->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, iRefIdx ) ) 6062 6144 return false; 6145 #if VSP_N /// 6146 if( pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList2nd, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList2nd)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) ) 6147 return false; 6148 #endif 6063 6149 if( iNeibRefPOC == iCurrRefPOC ) // Same Reference Frame But Diff List// 6064 6150 { … … 6084 6170 return false; 6085 6171 } 6172 #if VSP_N /// 6173 if( pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) ) 6174 return false; 6175 #endif 6086 6176 6087 6177 #if VSP_N 6088 if( pcTmpCU-> getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) == NUM_VIEW_VSP)6178 if( pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) ) 6089 6179 { 6090 6180 bRefVsp = true; … … 6119 6209 return false; 6120 6210 } 6211 #if VSP_N /// 6212 if( pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList2nd, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList2nd)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) ) 6213 return false; 6214 #endif 6121 6215 6122 6216 #if VSP_N 6123 if( pcTmpCU-> getSlice()->getRefViewId( eRefPicList2nd, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList2nd)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) == NUM_VIEW_VSP)6217 if( pcTmpCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList2nd, pcTmpCU->getCUMvField(eRefPicList2nd)->getRefIdx(uiIdx) ) ) 6124 6218 { 6125 6219 bRefVsp = true; … … 6161 6255 Int iColViewIdx, iColRefViewIdx; 6162 6256 TComPic *pColPic = getSlice()->getRefPic( eRefPicList, refidx); 6163 #if VSP_MV_ZERO // shimizu 6257 #if VSP_N 6258 if( pColPic->getSlice(0)->getViewId() == getSlice()->getViewId() && pColPic->getSlice(0)->getPOC() == getSlice()->getPOC() ) 6259 { 6260 return false; 6261 } 6262 #endif 6164 6263 TComDataCU *pColCU = pColPic->getCU( uiCUAddr ); 6165 6264 iColViewIdx = pColCU->getSlice()->getViewId(); 6166 #if VSP_N 6167 if( iColViewIdx == NUM_VIEW_VSP ) 6168 { 6169 return false; 6170 } 6171 #endif 6172 #else 6173 #if VSP_N 6174 if( pColPic->getSlice(0)->getViewId() == NUM_VIEW_VSP ) 6175 { 6176 return false; 6177 } 6178 #endif 6179 TComDataCU *pColCU = pColPic->getCU( uiCUAddr ); 6180 iColViewIdx = pColCU->getSlice()->getViewId(); 6181 #endif 6265 6182 6266 6183 6267 if (pColCU->getPic()==0||pColCU->getPartitionSize(uiPartUnitIdx)==SIZE_NONE||pColCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartAddr)) … … 6207 6291 iColRefViewIdx = pColCU->getSlice()->getRefPic(eColRefPicList, iColRefIdx)->getViewId(); 6208 6292 #if VSP_N 6209 if( iColRefViewIdx == NUM_VIEW_VSP)6293 if( iColRefViewIdx == pColCU->getSlice()->getViewId() && pColCU->getSlice()->getRefPic(eColRefPicList, iColRefIdx)->getPOC() == pColCU->getSlice()->getPOC() ) 6210 6294 { 6211 6295 continue; … … 6351 6435 // UInt uiColRefViewId = pColCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( eColRefPicList, pColCU->getCUMvField(eColRefPicList)->getRefIdx(uiAbsPartAddr))->getViewId(); 6352 6436 UInt uiCurRefViewId = m_pcSlice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, riRefIdx)->getViewId(); 6353 if( uiCurRefViewId == NUM_VIEW_VSP)6437 if( uiCurRefViewId == m_pcSlice->getViewId() && m_pcSlice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, riRefIdx)->getPOC() == m_pcSlice->getPOC() ) 6354 6438 iScale = 4096; 6355 6439 else … … 6368 6452 { 6369 6453 #if VSP_MV_ZERO 6370 if( uiCurRefViewId == NUM_VIEW_VSP)6454 if( uiCurRefViewId == m_pcSlice->getViewId() && m_pcSlice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, riRefIdx)->getPOC() == m_pcSlice->getPOC() ) 6371 6455 rcMv.setZero(); 6372 6456 else … … 6481 6565 return false; 6482 6566 } 6567 #if VSP_N /// 6568 if( isVspRef( eRefPicList, iRefIdx ) ) 6569 { 6570 return false; 6571 } 6572 #endif 6483 6573 6484 6574 // Prefer a vector crossing us. Prefer shortest. … … 6495 6585 } 6496 6586 int iColRefPOC = pColCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC(RefPicList(l), iColRefIdx); 6587 #if VSP_N /// 6588 Bool bColVsp = pColCU->isVspRef( RefPicList(getSlice()->isInterB() ? getSlice()->getColDir() : 0), getSlice()->getColRefIdx() ); 6589 Bool bColRefVsp = pColCU->isVspRef( RefPicList(l), iColRefIdx ); 6590 if( ( bColRefVsp && !bColVsp) || (!bColRefVsp && bColVsp) ) 6591 #endif 6497 6592 if( pColCU->getSlice()->getRefViewId( RefPicList(l), iColRefIdx ) != pColCU->getSlice()->getViewId() ) 6498 6593 { -
r166 r193 159 159 Int* m_pcArlCoeffCb; ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cb) 160 160 Int* m_pcArlCoeffCr; ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Cr) 161 #if FIX_MEM_LEAKS 162 Bool m_ArlCoeffIsAliasedAllocation; ///< ARL coefficient buffer is an alias of the global buffer and must not be free()'d 163 #endif 161 164 162 165 static Int* m_pcGlbArlCoeffY; ///< ARL coefficient buffer (Y) … … 237 240 UInt* m_uiSliceStartCU; ///< Start CU address of current slice 238 241 UInt* m_uiEntropySliceStartCU; ///< Start CU address of current slice 242 243 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 244 //add a variable to store the partition information 245 //a 2D array in uidepth, part_symbol format 246 UInt m_uiPartInfo[OL_PART_BUF_SIZE][2]; 247 UInt m_uiPartNum; 248 Bool m_dumpPartInfo; 249 #endif 239 250 240 251 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 600 611 601 612 Void compressMV (); 613 614 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 615 Void resetPartInfo () {m_uiPartNum = 0;}; 616 Void incrementPartInfo () {m_uiPartNum ++;}; 617 Void updatePartInfo(UInt uiSymbol, UInt uiDepth) { m_uiPartInfo[m_uiPartNum][0] = uiSymbol; m_uiPartInfo[m_uiPartNum][1] = uiDepth;}; 618 UInt* readPartInfo() { return (UInt*)m_uiPartInfo;}; 619 Void setPartDumpFlag(Bool flag) { m_dumpPartInfo = flag; }; 620 Bool getPartDumpFlag() { return m_dumpPartInfo; }; 621 #endif 602 622 603 623 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- … … 665 685 Int isVspMode ( UInt uiPartIdx ); 666 686 Int isVspMode ( UInt uiPartIdx, TComMv cCompMv ); 687 Bool isVspRef ( RefPicList e, Int iRefIdx ); 667 688 #endif 668 689 -
r166 r193 743 743 { 744 744 #if VSP_N 745 if( pcSlice->getRefViewId( eRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx ) != NUM_VIEW_VSP)745 if( !pcCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx ) ) 746 746 #endif 747 747 if( pcSlice->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx ) == pcSlice->getPOC()) … … 846 846 Bool bInterview = ( uiRefViewId < m_uiCurrViewId ); 847 847 #if VSP_N 848 Bool bVsp = ( pcRefPic->getViewId() == NUM_VIEW_VSP);848 Bool bVsp = pcCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, iRefIdx ); 849 849 AOT( bInterview && bVsp && iRefPoc != pcSlice->getPOC() ); 850 850 AOT( !bInterview && !bVsp && iRefPoc == pcSlice->getPOC() ); … … 947 947 Bool bInterview = ( uiRefViewId < m_uiCurrViewId ); 948 948 #if VSP_N 949 Bool bVsp = ( pcRefPic->getViewId() == NUM_VIEW_VSP);949 Bool bVsp = pcCU->isVspRef( eRefPicList, iRefIdx ); 950 950 AOT( bInterview && bVsp && iRefPoc != pcSlice->getPOC() ); 951 951 AOT( !bInterview && !bVsp && iRefPoc == pcSlice->getPOC() ); … … 1502 1502 Bool bUsesInterViewPrd = ( abCurrIntView[0] || abCurrIntView[1] ); 1503 1503 #if VSP_N 1504 if(( aiCurrRefIdx[0] >= 0 && pcCU-> getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, aiCurrRefIdx[0] )->getViewId() == NUM_VIEW_VSP) ||1505 ( aiCurrRefIdx[1] >= 0 && pcCU-> getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, aiCurrRefIdx[1] )->getViewId() == NUM_VIEW_VSP)) {1504 if(( aiCurrRefIdx[0] >= 0 && pcCU->isVspRef( REF_PIC_LIST_0, aiCurrRefIdx[0] ) ) || 1505 ( aiCurrRefIdx[1] >= 0 && pcCU->isVspRef( REF_PIC_LIST_1, aiCurrRefIdx[1] ) )) { 1506 1506 //if refpic is VSP, copy to Original cuurent PDM 1507 1507 TComPicYuv* pcPdm = pcCU->getPic()->getPredDepthMap(); -
r166 r193 69 69 m_pcResidual = NULL; 70 70 #endif 71 #if DEBUGIMGOUT72 m_acPicYuvDebug = NULL;73 #endif74 71 m_pcPicYuvPred = NULL; 75 72 m_pcPicYuvResi = NULL; … … 102 99 } 103 100 m_apcPicYuv[1] = new TComPicYuv; m_apcPicYuv[1]->create( iWidth, iHeight, uiMaxWidth, uiMaxHeight, uiMaxDepth ); 104 #if DEBUGIMGOUT 105 m_acPicYuvDebug = new TComPicYuv; m_acPicYuvDebug->create( iWidth, iHeight, uiMaxWidth, uiMaxHeight, uiMaxDepth ); 106 #endif 107 101 108 102 /* there are no SEI messages associated with this picture initially */ 109 103 m_SEIs = NULL; … … 172 166 delete m_pcResidual; 173 167 m_pcResidual = NULL; 174 }175 #endif176 #if DEBUGIMGOUT177 if (m_acPicYuvDebug)178 {179 m_acPicYuvDebug->destroy();180 delete m_acPicYuvDebug;181 m_acPicYuvDebug = NULL;182 168 } 183 169 #endif -
r166 r193 91 91 TComPicYuv* m_pcResidual; // residual buffer (coded or inter-view predicted residual) 92 92 #endif 93 #if DEBUGIMGOUT94 TComPicYuv* m_acPicYuvDebug; // debug image95 #endif96 93 97 94 TComPicYuv* m_pcPicYuvPred; // Prediction … … 120 117 Int** m_aaiCodedScale; 121 118 Int** m_aaiCodedOffset; 119 120 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 121 UInt* m_texPartInfo; 122 UInt m_uiTexPartIndex; 123 #endif 122 124 123 125 public: … … 183 185 #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED 184 186 TComPicYuv* getResidual() { return m_pcResidual; } 185 #endif186 187 #if DEBUGIMGOUT188 TComPicYuv* getPicYuvRecDbg() { return m_acPicYuvDebug; }189 187 #endif 190 188 … … 262 260 Void removeResidualBuffer (); 263 261 #endif 262 263 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 264 UInt accessPartInfo ( UInt count ) { return m_texPartInfo[m_uiTexPartIndex + count]; }; 265 Void incrementTexPartIndex ( ) { m_uiTexPartIndex += 2; }; 266 UInt getTexPartIndex () { return m_uiTexPartIndex; }; 267 Void setTexPartIndex ( UInt idx ) { m_uiTexPartIndex = idx; }; 268 Void setPartInfo ( UInt* texPart) { m_texPartInfo = texPart; }; 269 #endif 270 264 271 Bool getValidSlice (Int sliceID) {return m_pbValidSlice[sliceID];} 265 272 Int getSliceGranularityForNDBFilter () {return m_sliceGranularityForNDBFilter;} -
r166 r193 126 126 m_apcTComDataCU = NULL; 127 127 128 129 #if FIX_MEM_LEAKS 130 if( m_apcTComTile ) 131 { 132 for( i=0; i<(m_iNumColumnsMinus1+1)*(m_iNumRowsMinus1+1); i++ ) 133 { 134 if ( m_apcTComTile[i] ) delete m_apcTComTile[i]; 135 } 136 } 137 #endif 138 128 139 delete [] m_apcTComTile; 129 140 m_apcTComTile = NULL; -
r166 r193 184 184 Void setChromaTo ( Pel pVal ); 185 185 186 #if DEBUGIMGOUT187 // Degub tools188 public:189 Void colsetToPicYuv ( const UChar ucColor[3], Int iOffset[2][2], TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );190 Void colsetToPicLuma ( const UChar ucLumaOffCol, Int iOffset[2][2], TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );191 Void colsetToPicChroma( const UChar ucUCol, const UChar ucVCol, Int iOffset[2][2], TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );192 Void drawLineToPicYuv ( bool bHor, bool bVer, UInt uiSize, TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );193 #endif194 195 186 };// END CLASS DEFINITION TComPicYuv 196 187 -
r166 r193 95 95 Void xPredInterPrdDepthMap ( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvRef, UInt uiPartAddr, TComMv* pcMv, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, TComYuv*& rpcYuv, UInt uiRShift, UInt uiOffset ); 96 96 #endif 97 97 98 #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION 98 99 Void xWeightedAveragePdm ( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc0, TComYuv* pcYuvSrc1, Int iRefIdx0, Int iRefIdx1, UInt uiPartAddr, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, TComYuv*& rpcYuvDst, UInt uiSubSampExpX, UInt uiSubSampExpY ); -
r100 r193 377 377 Bool m_bUseEstimatedVSD; 378 378 #endif 379 #if LGE_WVSO_A0119 380 Int m_iDWeight; 381 Int m_iVSOWeight; 382 Int m_iVSDWeight; 383 Bool m_bUseWVSO; 384 #endif 379 385 380 386 Bool m_bUseVSO; … … 410 416 Void setVSOMode( UInt uiIn); 411 417 UInt getVSOMode( ) { return m_uiVSOMode; } 412 418 #if LGE_WVSO_A0119 419 Void setUseWVSO ( Bool bIn ) { m_bUseWVSO = bIn; }; 420 Bool getUseWVSO ( ) { return m_bUseWVSO;}; 421 Void setDWeight ( Int iDWeight ) { m_iDWeight = iDWeight; }; 422 Int getDWeight () { return m_iDWeight; }; 423 Void setVSOWeight ( Int iVSOWeight ) { m_iVSOWeight = iVSOWeight; }; 424 Int getVSOWeight () { return m_iVSOWeight; }; 425 Void setVSDWeight ( Int iVSDWeight ) { m_iVSDWeight = iVSDWeight; }; 426 Int getVSDWeight () { return m_iVSDWeight; }; 427 #endif 413 428 #if HHI_VSO_DIST_INT 414 429 Void setAllowNegDist ( Bool bAllowNegDist ); -
r166 r193 112 112 , m_iViewOrderIdx ( 0 ) 113 113 #endif 114 #if VSP_CFG 115 , m_uiNumVspRefPics ( 0 ) 116 #endif 114 117 { 115 118 m_aiNumRefIdx[0] = m_aiNumRefIdx[1] = m_aiNumRefIdx[2] = 0; … … 146 149 #if VSP_SLICE_HEADER 147 150 m_bVspFlag = false; 151 #if VSP_CFG 152 memset( m_uiVspRefPos[0], 0, sizeof(UInt)*MAX_NUM_REF_PICS ); 153 memset( m_uiVspRefPos[1], 0, sizeof(UInt)*MAX_NUM_REF_PICS ); 154 #else 155 m_bVspDepthDisableFlag = false; 156 #endif 148 157 #endif 149 158 } … … 195 204 #if VSP_SLICE_HEADER 196 205 m_bVspFlag = false; 206 #if VSP_CFG 207 m_uiNumVspRefPics = 0; 208 memset( m_uiVspRefPos[0], 0, sizeof(UInt)*MAX_NUM_REF_PICS ); 209 memset( m_uiVspRefPos[1], 0, sizeof(UInt)*MAX_NUM_REF_PICS ); 210 #else 211 m_bVspDepthDisableFlag = false; 212 #endif 197 213 #endif 198 214 … … 544 560 } 545 561 562 #if VSP_CFG 563 UInt cIdxTmp; 564 for( cIdx = 0, cIdxTmp = 0; cIdx <= num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; cIdx ++ ) 565 #else 546 566 for( cIdx = 0; cIdx <= num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; cIdx ++ ) 567 #endif 547 568 { 548 569 #if VSP_N 570 #if VSP_CFG 571 Int iVspRefPos = getVspRefPos(REF_PIC_LIST_0, 0); 572 iVspRefPos = ( iVspRefPos > 0 ? iVspRefPos - 1 : -1 ); 573 if( pcVspPic && iVspRefPos != -1 && cIdx == (iVspRefPos >= num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 ? num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 : iVspRefPos) ) 574 #else 549 575 if( pcVspPic && cIdx == num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 ) 576 #endif 550 577 { 551 578 m_apcRefPicList[0][cIdx] = RefPicSetVspCurr[0]; … … 555 582 } 556 583 else 584 { 585 #if VSP_CFG 586 m_apcRefPicList[0][cIdx] = m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicListModificationFlagL0() ? refPicListTemp0[ m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicSetIdxL0(cIdxTmp) ] : refPicListTemp0[cIdxTmp]; 587 cIdxTmp++; 588 #else 557 589 m_apcRefPicList[0][cIdx] = m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicListModificationFlagL0() ? refPicListTemp0[ m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicSetIdxL0(cIdx) ] : refPicListTemp0[cIdx]; 590 #endif 591 } 558 592 #else 559 593 m_apcRefPicList[0][cIdx] = m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicListModificationFlagL0() ? refPicListTemp0[ m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicSetIdxL0(cIdx) ] : refPicListTemp0[cIdx]; … … 567 601 else 568 602 { 603 #if VSP_CFG 604 for( cIdx = 0, cIdxTmp = 0; cIdx <= num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; cIdx ++ ) 605 #else 569 606 for( cIdx = 0; cIdx <= num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; cIdx ++ ) 607 #endif 570 608 { 571 609 #if VSP_N 610 #if VSP_CFG 611 Int iVspRefPos = getVspRefPos(REF_PIC_LIST_1, 0); 612 iVspRefPos = ( iVspRefPos > 0 ? iVspRefPos - 1 : -1 ); 613 if( pcVspPic && iVspRefPos != -1 && cIdx == (iVspRefPos >= num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 ? num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 : iVspRefPos) ) 614 #else 572 615 if( pcVspPic && cIdx == num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 ) 616 #endif 573 617 { 574 618 m_apcRefPicList[1][cIdx] = RefPicSetVspCurr[0]; … … 578 622 } 579 623 else 624 { 625 #if VSP_CFG 626 m_apcRefPicList[1][cIdx] = m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicListModificationFlagL1() ? refPicListTemp1[ m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicSetIdxL1(cIdxTmp) ] : refPicListTemp1[cIdxTmp]; 627 cIdxTmp++; 628 #else 580 629 m_apcRefPicList[1][cIdx] = m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicListModificationFlagL1() ? refPicListTemp1[ m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicSetIdxL1(cIdx) ] : refPicListTemp1[cIdx]; 630 #endif 631 } 581 632 #else 582 633 m_apcRefPicList[1][cIdx] = m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicListModificationFlagL1() ? refPicListTemp1[ m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicSetIdxL1(cIdx) ] : refPicListTemp1[cIdx]; … … 1501 1552 #if HHI_DMM_WEDGE_INTRA || HHI_DMM_PRED_TEX 1502 1553 , m_bUseDMM (false) 1554 #endif 1555 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 1556 , m_bDepthPartitionLimiting (false) 1557 #endif 1558 #if VSP_N 1559 , m_bVspPresentFlag (false) 1560 #if VSP_CFG 1561 , m_bVspDepthPresentFlag (false) 1562 #endif 1503 1563 #endif 1504 1564 { -
r166 r193 45 45 #include "TComRom.h" 46 46 #include "TComList.h" 47 47 48 //! \ingroup TLibCommon 48 49 //! \{ … … 353 354 #endif 354 355 356 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 357 Bool m_bDepthPartitionLimiting; 358 #endif 359 355 360 #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION 356 361 UInt m_uiPredDepthMapGeneration; … … 372 377 #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED 373 378 TComResidualGenerator* m_pcResidualGenerator; 379 #endif 380 381 #if VSP_N 382 Bool m_bVspPresentFlag; 383 #if VSP_CFG 384 Bool m_bVspDepthPresentFlag; 385 #endif 374 386 #endif 375 387 … … 618 630 #endif 619 631 632 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 633 Void setUseDPL(Bool b) {m_bDepthPartitionLimiting = b; } 634 Bool getUseDPL() {return m_bDepthPartitionLimiting;} 635 #endif 636 620 637 Void initMultiviewSPS ( UInt uiViewId, Int iViewOrderIdx = 0, UInt uiCamParPrecision = 0, Bool bCamParSlice = false, Int** aaiScale = 0, Int** aaiOffset = 0 ); 621 638 Void initMultiviewSPSDepth ( UInt uiViewId, Int iViewOrderIdx ); … … 660 677 Void setResidualGenerator( TComResidualGenerator* pcResidualGenerator ) { m_pcResidualGenerator = pcResidualGenerator; } 661 678 TComResidualGenerator* getResidualGenerator() { return m_pcResidualGenerator; } 679 #endif 680 681 #if VSP_N 682 Void setVspPresentFlag( Bool b ) { m_bVspPresentFlag = b; } 683 Bool getVspPresentFlag() { return m_bVspPresentFlag; } 684 #if VSP_CFG 685 Void setVspDepthPresentFlag( Bool b ) { m_bVspDepthPresentFlag = b; } 686 Bool getVspDepthPresentFlag() { return m_bVspDepthPresentFlag; } 687 #endif 662 688 #endif 663 689 }; … … 1277 1303 #if VSP_SLICE_HEADER 1278 1304 Bool m_bVspFlag; 1305 #if VSP_CFG 1306 UInt m_uiNumVspRefPics; 1307 UInt m_uiVspRefPos[2][MAX_NUM_REF_PICS]; 1308 #else 1309 Bool m_bVspDepthDisableFlag; 1310 #endif 1279 1311 #endif 1280 1312 … … 1584 1616 Void setVspFlag ( Bool val ) { m_bVspFlag = val; } 1585 1617 Bool getVspFlag () { return m_bVspFlag; } 1618 #if VSP_CFG 1619 Void setNumVspRefPics( UInt val ) { m_uiNumVspRefPics = val; } 1620 UInt getNumVspRefPics() { return m_uiNumVspRefPics; } 1621 Void setVspRefPos( UInt dir, UInt idx, UInt val ) { m_uiVspRefPos[dir][idx] = val; } 1622 UInt getVspRefPos( UInt dir, UInt idx ) { return m_uiVspRefPos[dir][idx]; } 1623 #else 1624 Void setVspDepthDisableFlag( Bool val ) { m_bVspDepthDisableFlag = val; } 1625 Bool getVspDepthDisableFlag() { return m_bVspDepthDisableFlag; } 1626 #endif 1586 1627 #endif 1587 1628 -
r56 r193 198 198 static UInt xGetSAD16 ( WedgeDistParam* pcDtParam ); 199 199 static UInt xGetSAD32 ( WedgeDistParam* pcDtParam ); 200 //static UInt xGetSAD64 ( WedgeDistParam* pcDtParam );201 200 202 201 static UInt xGetSSE4 ( WedgeDistParam* pcDtParam ); … … 204 203 static UInt xGetSSE16 ( WedgeDistParam* pcDtParam ); 205 204 static UInt xGetSSE32 ( WedgeDistParam* pcDtParam ); 206 //static UInt xGetSSE64 ( WedgeDistParam* pcDtParam );207 205 208 206 };// END CLASS DEFINITION TComWedgeDist -
r166 r193 213 213 214 214 __inline Pel xClip (Pel x ) { return ( (x < 0) ? 0 : (x > (Pel)g_uiIBDI_MAX) ? (Pel)g_uiIBDI_MAX : x ); } 215 216 #if DEBUGIMGOUT217 public:218 Void colsetToPicYuv ( const UChar ucColor[3], Int iOffset[2][2], TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );219 Void colsetToPicLuma ( const UChar ucLumaOffCol, Int iOffset[2][2], TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );220 Void colsetToPicChroma( const UChar ucUCol, const UChar ucVCol, Int iOffset[2][2], TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );221 Void drawLineToPicYuv ( bool bHor, bool bVer, UInt uiSize, TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvDst, UInt iCuAddr, UInt uiAbsZorderIdx, UInt uiPartDepth = 0, UInt uiPartIdx = 0 );222 #endif223 224 215 };// END CLASS DEFINITION TComYuv 225 216 -
r166 r193 44 44 #define VSP_N 1 45 45 #if VSP_N 46 #define VSP_TEXT_ONLY 1 47 #define NUM_VIEW_VSP 99 46 #define VSP_BUGFIX 1 48 47 #define VSP_N_DUMP 0 49 48 #define FORCE_REF_VSP 2 // 0=NotUseVSPSKIP 1:VSPSKIPforFlag 2:VSPSKIPforMergeIdx 50 #define VSP_MV_ZERO 0// use zero vector for VSP49 #define VSP_MV_ZERO 1 // use zero vector for VSP 51 50 #if VSP_MV_ZERO 52 51 #define AMVP_VSP_UNAVAILABLE 1 … … 54 53 #define VSP_MERGE_POS 5 // position of vsp in merge list (0..5) 55 54 #define NTT_SUBPEL 1 56 #endif 57 #define DEBUGIMGOUT 0 //Debug YUVImage Out 58 #define DEBUGLOGOUT 0 //Debug Log Out 55 #define VSP_CFG 1 56 #endif 59 57 60 58 #define VSP_SLICE_HEADER 1 59 #if !VSP_CFG 61 60 #define VSP_FRAME_INTERVAL 2 61 #endif 62 62 63 63 #define FIXES 1 … … 66 66 #define FIX_INIT_ROM 1 67 67 #define FIX_VIRT_DESTRUCTOR 1 68 #define FIX_DBL_CONTROL_DEFAULT 1 68 #define FIX_MEM_LEAKS 1 69 #define FIX_VSO_SETUP 1 70 #define FIX_COMP_WARNING_INIT 1 69 71 #define FIX_RDO_MACRO 1 70 72 #define FIX_LG_RESTRICTEDRESPRED_M24766 1 73 #define FIX_REMOVE_TILE_DEPENDENCE 1 74 #define FIX_DBL_CONTROL_DEFAULT 1 71 75 72 76 … … 116 120 #define SAIT_VSO_EST_A0033 1 // JCT2-A0033 modification 3 117 121 #define LGE_VSO_EARLY_SKIP_A0093 1 // JCT2-A0093 modification 4 118 122 #define LGE_WVSO_A0119 1 // JCT2-A0119 Depth Metric with a weighted depth fidelity term 123 124 #define OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 1 //JCT2-A0044 125 #if OL_DEPTHLIMIT_A0044 126 #define OL_DO_NOT_LIMIT_INTRA_SLICES_PART 1 //Turn this on to not perform depth limiting for I-SLICES. 127 #define OL_END_CU MAX_INT //Default for initializing the partition information buffer 128 #define OL_PART_BUF_SIZE 86 //maximum number of possible partition bits in a CU 129 #endif 119 130 120 131 #define HHI_INTERVIEW_SKIP 1
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.