Changeset 1106 in 3DVCSoftware for branches/HTM-12.2-dev2-HHI/source/Lib/TLibDecoder
- Timestamp:
- 6 Nov 2014, 20:29:09 (10 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/HTM-12.2-dev2-HHI/source/Lib/TLibDecoder
- Files:
- 8 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1103 r1106 721 721 } 722 722 723 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 724 Void TDecCavlc::parseSPS(TComSPS* pcSPS) 725 #else 723 726 #if H_3D 724 727 Void TDecCavlc::parseSPS(TComSPS* pcSPS, Int viewIndex, Bool depthFlag ) 725 728 #else 726 729 Void TDecCavlc::parseSPS(TComSPS* pcSPS) 730 #endif 727 731 #endif 728 732 { … … 993 997 if ( pcSPS->getSps3dExtensionFlag() ) 994 998 { 999 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 1000 parseSPS3dExtension( pcSPS ); 1001 #else 995 1002 parseSPSExtension2( pcSPS, viewIndex, depthFlag ); 1003 #endif 996 1004 } 997 1005 … … 1020 1028 1021 1029 #if H_3D 1030 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 1031 Void TDecCavlc::parseSPS3dExtension( TComSPS* pcSPS ) 1032 { 1033 TComSps3dExtension* sps3dExt = pcSPS->getSps3dExtension(); 1034 UInt uiCode; 1035 for( Int d = 0; d <= 1; d++ ) 1036 { 1037 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "iv_mv_pred_flag" ); sps3dExt->setIvMvPredFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1038 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "iv_mv_scaling_flag" ); sps3dExt->setIvMvScalingFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1039 if( d == 0 ) 1040 { 1041 READ_UVLC( uiCode, "log2_sub_pb_size_minus3" ); sps3dExt->setLog2SubPbSizeMinus3( d, uiCode ); 1042 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "iv_res_pred_flag" ); sps3dExt->setIvResPredFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1043 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "depth_refinement_flag" ); sps3dExt->setDepthRefinementFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1044 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "view_synthesis_pred_flag" ); sps3dExt->setViewSynthesisPredFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1045 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "depth_based_blk_part_flag" ); sps3dExt->setDepthBasedBlkPartFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1046 } 1047 else 1048 { 1049 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "mpi_flag" ); sps3dExt->setMpiFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1050 READ_UVLC( uiCode, "log2_mpi_sub_pb_size_minus3" ); sps3dExt->setLog2MpiSubPbSizeMinus3( d, uiCode ); 1051 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "intra_contour_flag" ); sps3dExt->setIntraContourFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1052 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "intra_sdc_wedge_flag" ); sps3dExt->setIntraSdcWedgeFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1053 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "qt_pred_flag" ); sps3dExt->setQtPredFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1054 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "inter_sdc_flag" ); sps3dExt->setInterSdcFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1055 READ_FLAG( uiCode, "intra_single_flag" ); sps3dExt->setIntraSingleFlag( d, uiCode == 1 ); 1056 } 1057 } 1058 } 1059 #else 1022 1060 Void TDecCavlc::parseSPSExtension2( TComSPS* pcSPS, Int viewIndex, Bool depthFlag ) 1023 1061 { 1024 1062 1025 1063 } 1064 #endif 1026 1065 #endif 1027 1066 … … 1841 1880 { 1842 1881 UInt uiCode; 1882 1883 #if !HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 1843 1884 for( Int i = 1; i <= pcVPS->getMaxLayersMinus1(); i++ ) 1844 1885 { … … 1906 1947 } 1907 1948 } 1949 #endif 1908 1950 1909 1951 UInt uiCamParPrecision = 0; … … 1994 2036 #endif 1995 2037 rpcSlice->setSPS(sps); 2038 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 2039 #if H_3D 2040 rpcSlice->init3dToolParameters(); 2041 #endif 2042 #endif 1996 2043 rpcSlice->setPPS(pps); 1997 2044 if( pps->getDependentSliceSegmentsEnabledFlag() && ( !firstSliceSegmentInPic )) … … 2599 2646 READ_UVLC( uiCode, "five_minus_max_num_merge_cand"); 2600 2647 #if H_3D_IV_MERGE 2648 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 2649 rpcSlice->setMaxNumMergeCand(( ( rpcSlice->getMpiFlag() || rpcSlice->getIvMvPredFlag() ) ? MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS_MEM : MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS) - uiCode); 2650 #else 2601 2651 if(rpcSlice->getIsDepth()) 2602 2652 { … … 2610 2660 rpcSlice->setMaxNumMergeCand(( ivMvPredFlag ? MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS_MEM : MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS) - uiCode); 2611 2661 } 2662 #endif 2612 2663 2613 2664 #else -
r1084 r1106 91 91 #if H_3D 92 92 Void parseVPSExtension2 ( TComVPS* pcVPS ); 93 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 94 Void parseSPS3dExtension ( TComSPS* pcSPS ); 95 Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS ); 96 #else 93 97 Void parseSPSExtension2 ( TComSPS* pcSPS, Int viewIndex, Bool depthFlag ); 94 98 Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS, Int viewIndex, Bool depthFlag ); 99 #endif 95 100 #else 96 101 Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS ); -
r1094 r1106 315 315 { 316 316 #if H_3D_ARP && H_3D_IV_MERGE 317 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 318 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getIvResPredFlag() || pcCU->getSlice()->getIvMvPredFlag() ) 319 #else 317 320 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getVPS()->getUseAdvRP( pcCU->getSlice()->getLayerId() ) || pcCU->getSlice()->getVPS()->getIvMvPredFlag( pcCU->getSlice()->getLayerId() )) 321 #endif 318 322 #else 319 323 #if H_3D_ARP … … 345 349 #endif 346 350 #if H_3D_NBDV_REF 351 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 352 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getDepthBasedBlkPartFlag() ) //Notes from QC: please check the condition for DoNBDV. Remove this comment once it is done. 353 #else 347 354 if(pcCU->getSlice()->getVPS()->getDepthRefinementFlag( pcCU->getSlice()->getLayerIdInVps() )) //Notes from QC: please check the condition for DoNBDV. Remove this comment once it is done. 355 #endif 348 356 { 349 357 DvInfo.bDV = m_ppcCU[uiDepth]->getDisMvpCandNBDV(&DvInfo, true); … … 1064 1072 } 1065 1073 } 1066 1074 1067 1075 TextType eText = ( uiChromaId > 0 ? TEXT_CHROMA_V : TEXT_CHROMA_U ); 1068 1076 UInt uiWidth = pcCU ->getWidth ( 0 ) >> ( uiTrDepth + 1 ); … … 1072 1080 Pel* piPred = ( uiChromaId > 0 ? pcPredYuv->getCrAddr( uiAbsPartIdx ) : pcPredYuv->getCbAddr( uiAbsPartIdx ) ); 1073 1081 Pel* piResi = ( uiChromaId > 0 ? pcResiYuv->getCrAddr( uiAbsPartIdx ) : pcResiYuv->getCbAddr( uiAbsPartIdx ) ); 1074 1082 1075 1083 UInt uiNumCoeffInc = ( ( pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxCUWidth() * pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxCUHeight() ) >> ( pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxCUDepth() << 1 ) ) >> 2; 1076 1084 TCoeff* pcCoeff = ( uiChromaId > 0 ? pcCU->getCoeffCr() : pcCU->getCoeffCb() ) + ( uiNumCoeffInc * uiAbsPartIdx ); 1077 1085 1078 1086 UInt uiChromaPredMode = pcCU->getChromaIntraDir( 0 ); 1079 1087 1080 1088 UInt uiZOrder = pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiAbsPartIdx; 1081 1089 Pel* piRecIPred = ( uiChromaId > 0 ? pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvRec()->getCrAddr( pcCU->getAddr(), uiZOrder ) : pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvRec()->getCbAddr( pcCU->getAddr(), uiZOrder ) ); … … 1088 1096 1089 1097 pcCU->getPattern()->initAdiPatternChroma( pcCU, uiAbsPartIdx, uiTrDepth, 1090 1091 1092 1093 1098 m_pcPrediction->getPredicBuf (), 1099 m_pcPrediction->getPredicBufWidth (), 1100 m_pcPrediction->getPredicBufHeight (), 1101 bAboveAvail, bLeftAvail ); 1094 1102 Int* pPatChroma = ( uiChromaId > 0 ? pcCU->getPattern()->getAdiCrBuf( uiWidth, uiHeight, m_pcPrediction->getPredicBuf() ) : pcCU->getPattern()->getAdiCbBuf( uiWidth, uiHeight, m_pcPrediction->getPredicBuf() ) ); 1095 1103 1096 1104 //===== get prediction signal ===== 1097 1105 { … … 1108 1116 if ( pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, eText, uiTrDepth ) ) 1109 1117 { 1110 //===== inverse transform =====1111 Int curChromaQpOffset;1112 if(eText == TEXT_CHROMA_U)1113 {1114 curChromaQpOffset = pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getChromaCbQpOffset() + pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceQpDeltaCb();1115 }1116 else1117 {1118 curChromaQpOffset = pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getChromaCrQpOffset() + pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceQpDeltaCr();1119 }1120 m_pcTrQuant->setQPforQuant ( pcCU->getQP(0), eText, pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetC(), curChromaQpOffset );1121 1122 Int scalingListType = (pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) ? 0 : 3) + g_eTTable[(Int)eText];1118 //===== inverse transform ===== 1119 Int curChromaQpOffset; 1120 if(eText == TEXT_CHROMA_U) 1121 { 1122 curChromaQpOffset = pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getChromaCbQpOffset() + pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceQpDeltaCb(); 1123 } 1124 else 1125 { 1126 curChromaQpOffset = pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getChromaCrQpOffset() + pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceQpDeltaCr(); 1127 } 1128 m_pcTrQuant->setQPforQuant ( pcCU->getQP(0), eText, pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetC(), curChromaQpOffset ); 1129 1130 Int scalingListType = (pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) ? 0 : 3) + g_eTTable[(Int)eText]; 1123 1131 assert(scalingListType < SCALING_LIST_NUM); 1124 m_pcTrQuant->invtransformNxN( pcCU->getCUTransquantBypass(uiAbsPartIdx), eText, REG_DCT, piResi, uiStride, pcCoeff, uiWidth, uiHeight, scalingListType, useTransformSkipChroma );1125 1126 //===== reconstruction =====1127 Pel* pPred = piPred;1128 Pel* pResi = piResi;1129 Pel* pReco = piReco;1130 Pel* pRecIPred = piRecIPred;1131 for( UInt uiY = 0; uiY < uiHeight; uiY++ )1132 {1133 for( UInt uiX = 0; uiX < uiWidth; uiX++ )1134 {1135 pReco [ uiX ] = ClipC( pPred[ uiX ] + pResi[ uiX ] );1136 pRecIPred[ uiX ] = pReco[ uiX ];1137 }1138 pPred += uiStride;1139 pResi += uiStride;1140 pReco += uiStride;1141 pRecIPred += uiRecIPredStride;1142 }1143 }1132 m_pcTrQuant->invtransformNxN( pcCU->getCUTransquantBypass(uiAbsPartIdx), eText, REG_DCT, piResi, uiStride, pcCoeff, uiWidth, uiHeight, scalingListType, useTransformSkipChroma ); 1133 1134 //===== reconstruction ===== 1135 Pel* pPred = piPred; 1136 Pel* pResi = piResi; 1137 Pel* pReco = piReco; 1138 Pel* pRecIPred = piRecIPred; 1139 for( UInt uiY = 0; uiY < uiHeight; uiY++ ) 1140 { 1141 for( UInt uiX = 0; uiX < uiWidth; uiX++ ) 1142 { 1143 pReco [ uiX ] = ClipC( pPred[ uiX ] + pResi[ uiX ] ); 1144 pRecIPred[ uiX ] = pReco[ uiX ]; 1145 } 1146 pPred += uiStride; 1147 pResi += uiStride; 1148 pReco += uiStride; 1149 pRecIPred += uiRecIPredStride; 1150 } 1151 } 1144 1152 else 1145 1153 { -
r1100 r1106 153 153 #if H_3D_DBBP 154 154 #if SEC_DBBP_VIEW_REF_CHECK_J0037 155 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getVPS()->getUseDBBP(pcCU->getSlice()->getLayerIdInVps()) && (pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_2NxN || pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_Nx2N) && pcCU->getWidth(uiAbsPartIdx) > 8 && pcCU->getSlice()->getDefaultRefViewIdxAvailableFlag() ) 155 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 156 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getDepthBasedBlkPartFlag() && (pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_2NxN || pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_Nx2N) && pcCU->getWidth(uiAbsPartIdx) > 8 && pcCU->getSlice()->getDefaultRefViewIdxAvailableFlag() ) 157 #else 158 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getVPS()->getUseDBBP(pcCU->getSlice()->getLayerIdInVps()) && (pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_2NxN || pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_Nx2N) && pcCU->getWidth(uiAbsPartIdx) > 8 && pcCU->getSlice()->getDefaultRefViewIdxAvailableFlag() ) 159 #endif 156 160 #else 157 161 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getVPS()->getUseDBBP(pcCU->getSlice()->getLayerIdInVps()) && (pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_2NxN || pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_Nx2N) && pcCU->getWidth(uiAbsPartIdx) > 8 ) … … 833 837 pcCU->setSDCFlagSubParts( false, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); 834 838 839 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 840 if( ( !pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) && !pcCU->getSlice()->getInterSdcFlag() ) || 841 ( pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) && !pcCU->getSlice()->getIntraSdcWedgeFlag() ) ) 842 #else 835 843 if( ( !pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) && !pcCU->getSlice()->getVPS()->getInterSDCFlag( pcCU->getSlice()->getLayerIdInVps() ) ) || 836 844 ( pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) && !pcCU->getSlice()->getVPS()->getVpsDepthModesFlag( pcCU->getSlice()->getLayerIdInVps() ) ) ) 845 #endif 837 846 { 838 847 return; -
r1084 r1106 66 66 67 67 virtual Void parseVPS ( TComVPS* pcVPS ) = 0; 68 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 69 virtual Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS ) = 0; 70 #else 68 71 #if H_3D 69 72 virtual Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS, Int viewIndex, Bool depthFlag ) = 0; 70 73 #else 71 74 virtual Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS ) = 0; 75 #endif 72 76 #endif 73 77 #if H_3D … … 157 161 Void resetEntropy ( TComSlice* p) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->resetEntropy(p); } 158 162 Void decodeVPS ( TComVPS* pcVPS ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parseVPS(pcVPS); } 163 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 164 Void decodeSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parseSPS(pcSPS); } 165 #else 159 166 #if H_3D 160 167 Void decodeSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS, Int viewIndex, Bool depthFlag ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parseSPS(pcSPS, viewIndex, depthFlag ); } 161 168 #else 162 169 Void decodeSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parseSPS(pcSPS); } 170 #endif 163 171 #endif 164 172 #if H_3D -
r1084 r1106 703 703 704 704 TComVPS *vps = pcCU->getPic()->getSlice(0)->getVPS(); 705 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 706 Bool bLimQtPredFlag = pcCU->getPic()->getSlice(0)->getQtPredFlag(); 707 #else 705 708 Bool bLimQtPredFlag = vps->getLimQtPredFlag(pcCU->getPic()->getSlice(0)->getLayerId()); 709 #endif 706 710 TComPic *pcTexture = pcCU->getSlice()->getTexturePic(); 707 711 Bool bDepthMapDetect = (pcTexture != NULL); … … 757 761 Bool bParsePartSize = true; 758 762 TComVPS *vps = pcCU->getPic()->getSlice(0)->getVPS(); 763 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 764 Bool bLimQtPredFlag = pcCU->getPic()->getSlice(0)->getQtPredFlag(); 765 #else 759 766 Bool bLimQtPredFlag = vps->getLimQtPredFlag(pcCU->getPic()->getSlice(0)->getLayerId()); 767 #endif 760 768 TComPic *pcTexture = pcCU->getSlice()->getTexturePic(); 761 769 Bool bDepthMapDetect = (pcTexture != NULL); … … 982 990 { 983 991 #if H_3D_DIM 992 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 993 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getIntraSdcWedgeFlag() || pcCU->getSlice()->getIntraContourFlag() ) 994 #else 984 995 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getVpsDepthModesFlag() || pcCU->getSlice()->getIVPFlag() ) 996 #endif 985 997 { 986 998 parseIntraDepth( pcCU, absPartIdx+partOffset*j, depth ); … … 1124 1136 if( uiIsDimMode ) 1125 1137 { 1138 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 1139 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getIntraSdcWedgeFlag() && pcCU->getSlice()->getIntraContourFlag() ) 1140 #else 1126 1141 if( pcCU->getSlice()->getVpsDepthModesFlag() && pcCU->getSlice()->getIVPFlag() ) 1142 #endif 1127 1143 { 1128 1144 m_pcTDecBinIf->decodeBin( uiSymbol, m_cDepthIntraModeSCModel.get( 0, 0, 0 ) ); … … 1136 1152 } 1137 1153 } 1154 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 1155 else if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getIntraSdcWedgeFlag() ) 1156 #else 1138 1157 else if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getVpsDepthModesFlag() ) 1158 #endif 1139 1159 { 1140 1160 pcCU->setLumaIntraDirSubParts( DIM_OFFSET, absPartIdx, depth ); 1141 1161 } 1162 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 1163 else if( pcCU->getSlice()->getIntraContourFlag() ) 1164 #else 1142 1165 else if( pcCU->getSlice()->getIVPFlag() ) 1166 #endif 1143 1167 { 1144 1168 pcCU->setLumaIntraDirSubParts( ( 1+ DIM_OFFSET ), absPartIdx, depth ); … … 2120 2144 Void TDecSbac::parseDBBPFlag( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) 2121 2145 { 2146 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 2147 AOF( pcCU->getSlice()->getDepthBasedBlkPartFlag() ); 2148 #else 2122 2149 AOF( pcCU->getSlice()->getVPS()->getUseDBBP(pcCU->getSlice()->getLayerIdInVps()) ); 2150 #endif 2123 2151 AOF( !pcCU->getSlice()->getIsDepth() ); 2124 2152 -
r1084 r1106 76 76 Void setBitstream ( TComInputBitstream* p ) { m_pcBitstream = p; m_pcTDecBinIf->init( p ); } 77 77 Void parseVPS ( TComVPS* /*pcVPS*/ ) {} 78 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 79 Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* /*pcSPS*/ ) {} 80 #else 78 81 #if H_3D 79 82 Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* /*pcSPS*/ , Int /*viewIndex*/, Bool /*depthFlag*/ ) {} 80 83 #else 81 84 Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* /*pcSPS*/ ) {} 85 #endif 82 86 #endif 83 87 #if H_3D -
r1100 r1106 726 726 727 727 #endif 728 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 729 #if H_3D 730 m_apcSlicePilot->init3dToolParameters(); 731 #endif 732 #endif 728 733 pps->setSPS(sps); 729 734 pps->setNumSubstreams(pps->getEntropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag() ? ((sps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() + sps->getMaxCUHeight() - 1) / sps->getMaxCUHeight()) * (pps->getNumTileColumnsMinus1() + 1) : 1); … … 1239 1244 TComVPS* vps = m_parameterSetManagerDecoder.getPrefetchedVPS( 0 ); 1240 1245 assert( vps != 0 ); 1246 #if HHI_TOOL_PARAMETERS_I2_J0107 1247 m_cEntropyDecoder.decodeSPS( sps ); 1248 #else 1241 1249 m_cEntropyDecoder.decodeSPS( sps, vps->getViewIndex( m_layerId ), ( vps->getDepthId( m_layerId ) == 1 ) ); 1250 #endif 1242 1251 #else 1243 1252 m_cEntropyDecoder.decodeSPS( sps );
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.