

16 Mar 2016:

19:06 Ticket #109 (syntax naming mismatch) closed by Vadim
fixed: fixed with rev 1533
19:05 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1533] by seregin
fix syntax naming, ticket #109
18:59 Ticket #106 (encoder crashes without message) closed by Vadim
wontfix: Please submit HM ticket if the fix is needed.
18:57 Ticket #104 (The encoder output shows the framerate in the intraPeriod field) closed by Vadim
fixed: fixed as suggested with rev 1532
18:57 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1532] by seregin
fixed m_iIntraPeriod derivation, ticket #104
18:55 Ticket #102 (NO_CLRAS_OUTPUT_FLAG may not be disabled) closed by Vadim
fixed: I fixed CGS_3D_ASYMLUT = 0 build with rev 1531, NO_CLRAS_OUTPUT_FLAG …
18:49 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1531] by seregin
fix for CGS_3D_ASYMLUT = 0, ticket #102
17:44 Ticket #101 (wrong conformance check on encoder side) closed by Vadim
fixed: fixed with rev 1530
17:43 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1530] by seregin
fix the assert, ticket #101
17:41 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1529] by seregin
fix the assert, ticket #101
17:39 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1528] by seregin
fix the loop limit, ticket #108
17:19 Ticket #109 (syntax naming mismatch) created by kolya
Naming should be changed: coded_vertex_flag -> coded_res_flag …

3 Mar 2016:

17:54 Ticket #108 (wrong loop) created by kolya
in TEncGOP.cpp, there is for( UInt i = 0; i < MAX_LAYERS; i++ …
15:27 Ticket #107 (too long linking time in Visual Studio) created by kolya
In VS 2013 and VS 2015 x64 Release is linking several minutes. There …

2 Mar 2016:

15:42 Ticket #106 (encoder crashes without message) created by kolya
for the cfg file attached encoder dies in run-time trying to code …

26 Feb 2016:

17:53 Ticket #105 (misleading text) created by kolya
There is cross_layer_bla_flag equal to 1 affects the derivation of …

24 Feb 2016:

17:21 Ticket #104 (The encoder output shows the framerate in the intraPeriod field) created by CFeldmann
This gave me quite a shock because I though I had to re run all my …
16:37 Ticket #103 (wrong windows derivation) created by kolya
In SHM decoder, scaled and ref windows offsets are derived in time of …

20 Feb 2016:

01:55 Ticket #95 (Temporal layer bitstream constraints) closed by jlchen
fixed: The temporal Id of the current picture and the reference picture are …
01:46 Ticket #31 (Inaccurate note related to IRAP picture definition) closed by jlchen
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.