2 Apr 2015:
- 20:37 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1088] by
- tag SHM-9.0
26 Mar 2015:
- 19:43 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1087] by
- fix error for SVC_EXTENSION = 0
- 05:08 Ticket #79 (decoder assertion for 3 layers structure when MaxTidRefPresentFlag is on) closed by
- fixed: fixed with rev 1085
- 05:07 Ticket #78 (encoder assertion on multiple layers coding structure) closed by
- fixed: fixed with rev 1084
- 05:06 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1086] by
- fix layerIdc derivation for OLS index
- 04:33 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1085] by
- fix for getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 and remove O0225_MAX_TID_FOR_REF_LAYERS
- 01:03 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1084] by
- fix for the sample and motion prediction flags, problem was reported …
- 00:40 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1083] by
- set pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc] slice layer ID value to fix the assertion
25 Mar 2015:
- 22:57 Ticket #79 (decoder assertion for 3 layers structure when MaxTidRefPresentFlag is on) created by
- Decoder assertion on the following line code for 3 layers structure …
- 06:18 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1082] by
- fix SHM ticket #78, m_ppcTEncTop is mistakenly use refLayerIdc instead …
- 06:14 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1081] by
- fix SHM ticket #78, the samplePredEnabledFalg/motionPredEnabledFlag …
- 06:09 Ticket #78 (encoder assertion on multiple layers coding structure) created by
- Encoder assertion on 3 layers when the 3rd layer depends on the 2nd …
23 Mar 2015:
- 16:31 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1080] by
- change software version
13 Mar 2015:
- 18:08 Ticket #77 (Broken logic when sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag==0) closed by
- fixed: If better implementation is needed, please open the ticket for HM core.
12 Mar 2015:
- 00:04 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1079] by
- remove setting for sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1
11 Mar 2015:
- 23:12 Ticket #77 (Broken logic when sps_sub_layer_ordering_info_present_flag==0) created by
- There is an error in decoding the SPS. When …
10 Mar 2015:
- 18:22 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1078] by
- fix inference for sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1
- 17:32 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1077] by
- update the older Visual Studio project files and some fixes to avoid …
- 17:11 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1076] by
- move the check for target layerId.
- 17:01 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1075] by
- default NecessaryLayerFlag setting when VPS extension is not present. …
6 Mar 2015:
- 17:16 Ticket #74 (Wrong layer ID is used in multiple places) closed by
- fixed: fixed with latest revisions
- 17:16 Ticket #76 (TComDataCU::getBaseColCU has signed/unsigned error) closed by
- fixed: fixed with rev 1074
- 03:19 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1074] by
- fix for the ticket #76
- 03:10 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1073] by
- fix the index for getMaxVpsDecPicBufferingMinus1
- 02:52 Ticket #76 (TComDataCU::getBaseColCU has signed/unsigned error) created by
- The following bit of code in function TComDataCU::getBaseColCU does …
5 Mar 2015:
- 23:46 Ticket #75 (Semantics of max_vps_dec_pic_buffering_minus1) created by
- max_vps_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[ i ][ k ][ j ] plus 1, when …
- 05:52 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1072] by
- add encoder configuration for BL 8bit and EL 10bit (CGS2x)
- 05:51 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1071] by
- Add encoder configuration for BL 8bit and EL 10bit (CGS 2x)
- 02:48 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1070] by
- fix uninitialized variables
- 01:59 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1069] by
- fix getLayerDec index
- 01:56 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1068] by
- fix g_bitDepthLayer index
- 01:07 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1067] by
- fix default layerID setting
- 01:00 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1066] by
- roll back m_acTDecTop array size to MAX_LAYERS to avoid decoder crash.
- 00:20 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1065] by
- fix index for m_ppcTEncTop
4 Mar 2015:
- 22:55 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1064] by
- The size of m_acTDecTop, m_apcTDecTop and m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFile is …
- 22:53 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1063] by
- m_gcAnalyzeAll/I/P/B shall be ordered by layer index instead of layerId
- 22:34 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1062] by
- support simulcast
- 22:33 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1061] by
- replace layerId with layerIdx as input argument
- 22:32 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1060] by
- use MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS for assertion
- 22:29 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1059] by
- support simulcast when NumActiveRefLayers is 0
- 22:28 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1058] by
- support simulcast when NumActiveRefLayers is 0
- 09:55 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1057] by
- revert back using layerIdx for m_ppcTEncTop, fix RefLayerId settings …
- 01:14 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1056] by
- use index for SamplePredEnabledFlag and MotionPredEnabledFlag
- 01:13 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1055] by
- use index for DimensionId, SamplePredEnabledFlag and motionPredEnabledFlag
- 01:13 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1054] by
- use layerId for getLayerEnc()
- 01:11 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1053] by
- change layer Id and layer index
- 01:09 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1052] by
- change layerIdmin to layerIdxmin
- 00:19 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1051] by
- use layerId as an index for m_ppcTEncTop
3 Mar 2015:
- 23:40 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1050] by
- rename layerIdx to layerId
- 23:36 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1049] by
- fix the index for m_ppcTEncTop to be layerId
- 02:48 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1048] by
- 1. change MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1 to MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1 2. change …
- 02:47 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1047] by
- 1. change MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1 to MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1 2. change …
- 02:47 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1046] by
- 1. change MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1 to MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1 2. change …
- 02:46 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1045] by
- 1. change MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1 to MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1 2. change …
- 02:46 Changeset in SHVCSoftware [1044] by
- 1. change MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1 to MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1 2. change …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.