Custom query (105 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#75 fixed Semantics of max_vps_dec_pic_buffering_minus1 jlchen Vadim

max_vps_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[ i ][ k ][ j ] plus 1, when NecessaryLayerFlag[ i ][ k ] is equal to 1, specifies the maximum number of decoded pictures, of the k-th layer for the CVS in the i-th OLS, that need to be stored in the DPB when HighestTid is equal to j.

Semantics is ambiguous when saying "k-th layer for the CVS in the i-th OLS". It can be understood as a layer with index k in CVS in the i-th OLS, however it is a layer with index k, where the k is the index within layers included into i-th OLS.

Probably, "for the CVS" can be removed or moved after OLS.

#95 fixed Temporal layer bitstream constraints jlchen Vadim

There are the following constraints defined in the semantics of inter_layer_pred_layer_idc[i].

It is a requirement of bitstream conformance that for each value of i in the range of 0 to NumActiveRefLayerPics − 1, inclusive, either of the following two conditions shall be true:

  • The value of max_tid_il_ref_pics_plus1[ LayerIdxInVps[ RefPicLayerId[ i ] ] ][ LayerIdxInVps[ nuh_layer_id ] ] is greater than TemporalId.
  • The values of max_tid_il_ref_pics_plus1[ LayerIdxInVps[ RefPicLayerId[ i ] ] ][ LayerIdxInVps[ nuh_layer_id ] ] and TemporalId are both equal to 0 and the picture in the current access unit with nuh_layer_id equal to RefPicLayerId[ i ] is an IRAP picture.

It seems that highlighted temporal Id should be temporal Id of the reference layer picture rather than the current picture TemporalId.

#6 fixed Decoding crash when SliceMode=2 for RA and LDP/B cases Vadim XiangLi

When using multiple slices per picture, such as SlideMode=2 (other settings are the same as SHVC CTC), decoding crash is observed with SHM-3.x software.

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