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Results (58 - 60 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#59 fixed PPS scaling list inferring fix Vadim o.nakagami

Suggestion to fix SHM decoder on PPS scaling list inferring process.

When pps_infer_scaling_list_flag is equal to 1 in EL PPS, the current decoder makes MD5sum mismatch. I think it is due to the wrong if-branch condition of the decoder.

Attached zip includes a sample bitstream to reproduce the bug and a suggested fix.

The sample bitstream has two layers. The BL PPS has pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag equal to 1, and the EL PPS has pps_infer_scaling_list_flag equal to 1.

I confirmed MD5sum match by SHM-dev decoder (rev.1008) with the fix patch.

#60 fixed Decoder assertion on multiple layer dependency structure Vadim eeehey
  1. num_add_layer_sets value is not set at decoder when NumIndependentLayers is less or equal to 1.
  2. Decoder assertion when 2nd and 3rd enhancement layers only depend on the base layer.
#61 fixed SPS PPS 6 bit extension Vadim jaypadia

sps_extension_6bits and sps_extension_data_flag are reserved for future use, but according to spec, a decoder should be able to decode bitstreams if they are not equal to zero.

"When present, sps_extension_6bits shall be equal to 0 in bitstreams conforming to this version of this Specification. Values of sps_extension_6bits not equal to 0 are reserved for future use by ITU-T | ISO/IEC. Decoders shall allow the value of sps_extension_6bits to be not equal to 0 and shall ignore all sps_extension_data_flag syntax elements in an SPS NAL unit."

The same is applied to pps_extension_6bits and pps_extension_data_flag as well. Look at the patch. It allows the values of the syntax elements to be non-zero.

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