Custom query (105 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#17 fixed SPS layer ID should not be used for layer ID of slice Vadim adarsh

In some places, the SPS layer ID is used instead of the slice layer ID, which could be wrong in many cases.

Attached ticket fixes this issue.

#75 fixed Semantics of max_vps_dec_pic_buffering_minus1 jlchen Vadim

max_vps_dec_pic_buffering_minus1[ i ][ k ][ j ] plus 1, when NecessaryLayerFlag[ i ][ k ] is equal to 1, specifies the maximum number of decoded pictures, of the k-th layer for the CVS in the i-th OLS, that need to be stored in the DPB when HighestTid is equal to j.

Semantics is ambiguous when saying "k-th layer for the CVS in the i-th OLS". It can be understood as a layer with index k in CVS in the i-th OLS, however it is a layer with index k, where the k is the index within layers included into i-th OLS.

Probably, "for the CVS" can be removed or moved after OLS.

#57 fixed Setting the PTL in the init() function Vadim jaypadia

Old way: PTL 0 is set using the PTL information from SPS. This is before the PTL changes.

Void TEncTop::init(Bool isFieldCoding)
  // initialize SPS
  /* set the VPS profile information */
  *m_cVPS.getPTL() = *m_cSPS.getPTL();

After rev 941 (and rev 976) fix, the PTL changes are in. PTL_x is set using the config for PTL_idx x. Also, the new code below even takes care of PTL_0. So PTL_0 doesn't need to be set using the SPS; we would have SPS for the higher layers with different PTL values which could overwrite the PTL_0. Also the encoder config sets the PTL for VPS & SPS using the same configuration. So the line can be removed.

  //Populate PTL in VPS
  TComVPS *pVPS = m_acTEncTop[0].getVPS();
  for (int ii = 0; ii < m_numPTLInfo; ii++)
    pVPS->getPTL(ii)->getGeneralPTL()->setProfileCompatibilityFlag(m_profileCompatibility[ii], 1);

This line could be commented / removed.

  /* set the VPS profile information */
  //*m_cVPS.getPTL() = *m_cSPS.getPTL();
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