Custom query (105 matches)


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Results (43 - 45 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#44 fixed VPS: SHM Software fixes to match Spec Vadim jaypadia

SHM software drifts from the Spec for some VPS conditions. Please look at the patch for the fixes. The patch is on latest SHM rev 953.

I have encapsulated all the fixes under the #define VPS_FIX_TO_MATCH_SPEC so as to be able to compare with and without the fixes.

#45 fixed parseProfileTier() fix Vadim jaypadia

In rev 964, some changes were added to profile tier level encoding and parsing. For the new constraint flags, the spec (7.3.3) has check for certain profile idc values. These are missing in SHM.

Please find the patch in the attachment for the fix.

This one will affect all the bitstreams from other compliant clients which don't have the related profile_idc values.

#46 fixed refRegionOffsetPresentFlag incorrectly configured Vadim johnnyVidyo

In TAppEncTop.cpp, there is the following problematic line setting the encoder's refRegionOffsetPresentFlag based on the configuration value.

m_acTEncTop[layer].setRefRegionOffsetPresentFlag( i, m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_refRegionOffsetPresentFlag );

This is incorrect, as the argument to the function is the array rather than the indexed boolean value inside the array. The array index "[i]" needs to be added to the argument:

m_acTEncTop[layer].setRefRegionOffsetPresentFlag( i, m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_refRegionOffsetPresentFlag[i] );
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