Custom query (105 matches)


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Results (40 - 42 of 105)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#67 fixed m_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag may have undefined values in the decoder Vadim hallapur

The array has undefined values when VPS VUI is not present. To correct the issue the following line should be added to TComVPS::TComVPS() :

::memset(m_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag, 0, sizeof(m_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag) );

#66 fixed Wrong layer ID used when calling setNumDirectRefLayers Vadim hallapur

NumDirectRefLayers is initialized in TDecCAVLC.cpp:

vps->setNumDirectRefLayers(layerCtr, numDirectRefLayers);

It does not work when layer IDs are non-consecutive. The correct way to initialize is:

vps->setNumDirectRefLayers(vps->getLayerIdInNuh(layerCtr), numDirectRefLayers);

#65 fixed Decoder output reconstruction file :The bit depth was not set correctly for each layer. Vadim hironf

There is a mistake in the output reconstruction file in the SHM-8.0.

In the output reconstruction file process the output bitdepth is not initialized.

Please find in attachment a patch for TappDecTop.cpp(It is generated with the SHM8.0 rev 1026).

It is necessary to do more test. The patch corrects only one method. The output reconstruction file is generated in several places in the code.

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