Custom query (6 matches)


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Status: closed (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#21 The code for deriving (xRL, yRL) for inter-layer motion parameter derivation seems to be wrong Vadim defect critical SHM software SHM-5.0
#22 A bug in parsing of ref_format() Vadim defect critical SHM software SHM-5.0
#23 Another bug in parsing of ref_format() Vadim defect critical SHM software SHM-5.0
#24 The decoder crashes when VPS extension is not present in the bitstream Vadim defect critical SHM software SHM-5.0
#25 The decoder crashes when VPS VUI is not present in the bitstream Vadim defect critical SHM software SHM-5.0
#32 SHM-6.0 (CGS=0) memory leak Vadim defect major SHM software SHM-6.0
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