Changeset 419 in SHVCSoftware for branches/SHM-3.1-dev/source/Lib
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- 8 Oct 2013, 20:18:04 (11 years ago)
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- 1 edited
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r418 r419 45 45 #define HM12_RANDOM_ACCESS 1 46 46 #define RANDOM_ACCESS_SEI_FIX 1 47 #define VPS_NUH_LAYER_ID 1 ///< N0085: Assert that the nuh_layer_id of VPS NAL unit should be 047 #define VPS_NUH_LAYER_ID 1 ///< JCTVC-N0085: Assert that the nuh_layer_id of VPS NAL unit should be 0 48 48 #if SVC_EXTENSION 49 49 #define MAX_LAYERS 2 ///< max number of layers the codec is supposed to handle 50 #define POC_RESET_FLAG 1 ///< N0244: POC reset flag for layer pictures.51 #define ALIGN_TSA_STSA_PICS 1 ///< N0084: Alignment of TSA and STSA pictures across AU.52 #define REPN_FORMAT_IN_VPS 1 ///< N0092: Signal represenation format (spatial resolution, bit depth, colour format) in the VPS53 #define TIMING_INFO_NONZERO_LAYERID_SPS 1 ///< N0085: Semantics of vui_timing_info_present_flag to always set that flag to zero for non-zero layer ID SPS54 #define RPL_INIT_N0316_N0082 1 ///< N0316,N0082: initial reference picture list construction55 #define FINAL_RPL_CHANGE_N0082 1 ///< N0082: final ref picture list change (encoder)50 #define POC_RESET_FLAG 1 ///< JCTVC-N0244: POC reset flag for layer pictures. 51 #define ALIGN_TSA_STSA_PICS 1 ///< JCTVC-N0084: Alignment of TSA and STSA pictures across AU. 52 #define REPN_FORMAT_IN_VPS 1 ///< JCTVC-N0092: Signal represenation format (spatial resolution, bit depth, colour format) in the VPS 53 #define TIMING_INFO_NONZERO_LAYERID_SPS 1 ///< JCTVC-N0085: Semantics of vui_timing_info_present_flag to always set that flag to zero for non-zero layer ID SPS 54 #define RPL_INIT_N0316_N0082 1 ///< JCTVC-N0316, JCTVC-N0082: initial reference picture list construction 55 #define FINAL_RPL_CHANGE_N0082 1 ///< JCTVC-N0082: final ref picture list change (encoder) 56 56 #if FINAL_RPL_CHANGE_N0082 57 57 #define EXTERNAL_USEDBYCURR_N0082 1 ///< N0082: final ref picture list change (encoder) //dev ver. … … 59 59 #endif 60 60 #define IL_SL_SIGNALLING_N0371 1 ///< JCTVC-N0371: inter-layer scaling list 61 #define M0464_TILE_BOUNDARY_ALIGNED_FLAG 0 ///< VUI flag to indicate tile boundary alignment62 #define M0463_VUI_EXT_ILP_REF 0 ///< VUI extension inter-layer dependency offset signalling61 #define M0464_TILE_BOUNDARY_ALIGNED_FLAG 0 ///< JCTVC-M0464: VUI flag to indicate tile boundary alignment 62 #define M0463_VUI_EXT_ILP_REF 0 ///< JCTVC-M0463: VUI extension inter-layer dependency offset signalling 63 63 #define SPS_EXTENSION 1 ///< Define sps_extension() syntax structure 64 #define SCALED_REF_LAYER_OFFSETS 1 ///< M0309: Signal scaled reference layer offsets in SPS64 #define SCALED_REF_LAYER_OFFSETS 1 ///< JCTVC-M0309: Signal scaled reference layer offsets in SPS 65 65 #define VERT_MV_CONSTRAINT 1 ///< Vertical MV component constraint flag 66 #define SCALABILITY_MASK_E0104 1 ///< scalability mask for depth66 #define SCALABILITY_MASK_E0104 1 ///< JCT3V-E0104: scalability mask for depth 67 67 68 68 #define ILP_SSH_SIG 1 ///< JCTVC-N0195 proposal 2, JCTVC-N0118: add presence flag in VPS ext to condition inter-layer prediction signaling in slice segment header … … 77 77 #define VPS_EXTN_PROFILE_INFO 1 ///< Include profile information for layer sets in VPS extension 78 78 #define VPS_EXTN_DIRECT_REF_LAYERS 1 ///< Include indication of direct dependency of layers in VPS extension 79 #define VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SET_IDX 1 ///< M0268: Signal output_layer_set_idx[i] as output_layer_set_idx_minus1[i]80 #define VPS_MOVE_DIR_DEPENDENCY_FLAG 1 ///< M0268: Move the syntax element direct_dependency_flag to follow the syntax element dimension_id81 #define VPS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_LAYERS 1 ///< M0268: Signal profile information and output layer information as in Sec. 3 of M0268v282 #define SPS_SUB_LAYER_INFO 1 ///< M0268: Do not signal sps_max_sub_layers_minus1 and sps_temporal_id_nesting_flag for nuh_layer_id greater than 083 #define VPS_SPLIT_FLAG 1 ///< M0163: Do not signal dimension_id and the last dimension_id_len_minus1, when splitting_flag is equal to 1.79 #define VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SET_IDX 1 ///< JCTVC-M0268: Signal output_layer_set_idx[i] as output_layer_set_idx_minus1[i] 80 #define VPS_MOVE_DIR_DEPENDENCY_FLAG 1 ///< JCTVC-M0268: Move the syntax element direct_dependency_flag to follow the syntax element dimension_id 81 #define VPS_PROFILE_OUTPUT_LAYERS 1 ///< JCTVC-M0268: Signal profile information and output layer information as in Sec. 3 of M0268v2 82 #define SPS_SUB_LAYER_INFO 1 ///< JCTVC-M0268: Do not signal sps_max_sub_layers_minus1 and sps_temporal_id_nesting_flag for nuh_layer_id greater than 0 83 #define VPS_SPLIT_FLAG 1 ///< JCTVC-M0163: Do not signal dimension_id and the last dimension_id_len_minus1, when splitting_flag is equal to 1. 84 84 #define M0457_PREDICTION_INDICATIONS 1 85 85 #define M0040_ADAPTIVE_RESOLUTION_CHANGE 1 … … 89 89 #define TILE_BOUNDARY_ALIGNED_FLAG 1 ///< JCTVC-N0160/JCTVC-N0199 proposal 2 variant 2: VPS VUI flag to indicate tile boundary alignment 90 90 #define N0160_VUI_EXT_ILP_REF 1 ///< VUI extension inter-layer dependency offset signalling 91 #define VPS_VUI_BITRATE_PICRATE 1 ///< N0085 -Signal bit rate and picture in VPS VUI91 #define VPS_VUI_BITRATE_PICRATE 1 ///< JCTVC-N0085: Signal bit rate and picture in VPS VUI 92 92 #else 93 93 #define M0464_TILE_BOUNDARY_ALIGNED_FLAG 0 ///< VUI flag to indicate tile boundary alignment … … 97 97 98 98 #define SPS_PTL_FIX 1 ///< remove profile_tier_level from enhancement layer SPS 99 #define SH_DISCARDABLE_FLAG 1 ///< M0152: Use one reserved flag in the slice header for discardable flag99 #define SH_DISCARDABLE_FLAG 1 ///< JCTVC-M0152: Use one reserved flag in the slice header for discardable flag 100 100 101 101 #define DERIVE_LAYER_ID_LIST_VARIABLES 1 ///< Derived variables based on the variables in VPS - for use in syntax table parsing … … 103 103 #define SVC_UPSAMPLING 1 ///< upsampling filters 104 104 #define ROUNDING_OFFSET 1 ///< JCTVC-N0111: upsampling rounding offset using scalling factors 105 #define N0214_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER_16BITS 1 ///< JCTVC-N0214 support base layer input more than 8 bits105 #define N0214_INTERMEDIATE_BUFFER_16BITS 1 ///< JCTVC-N0214: support base layer input more than 8 bits 106 106 #define ARBITRARY_SPATIAL_RATIO 0 ///< JCTVC-N0219, JCTVC-N0273: Support arbitrary spatial ratio 107 107 #define BUGFIX_RESAMPLE 1 ///< JCTVC-N0055: resampling bug fix for positive left scalled offset … … 116 116 #endif 117 117 118 #define REF_IDX_ME_ZEROMV 1 ///< L0051: use zero motion for inter-layer reference picture (without fractional ME)119 #define ENCODER_FAST_MODE 1 ///< L0174: enable encoder fast mode. TestMethod 1 is enabled by setting to 1 and TestMethod 2 is enable by setting to 2. By default it is set to 1.120 #define REF_IDX_MFM 1 ///< L0336: motion vector mapping of inter-layer reference picture118 #define REF_IDX_ME_ZEROMV 1 ///< JCTVC-L0051: use zero motion for inter-layer reference picture (without fractional ME) 119 #define ENCODER_FAST_MODE 1 ///< JCTVC-L0174: enable encoder fast mode. TestMethod 1 is enabled by setting to 1 and TestMethod 2 is enable by setting to 2. By default it is set to 1. 120 #define REF_IDX_MFM 1 ///< JCTVC-L0336: motion vector mapping of inter-layer reference picture 121 121 #define JCTVC_M0458_INTERLAYER_RPS_SIG 1 ///< implementation of JCTVC-L0178 122 122 #if JCTVC_M0458_INTERLAYER_RPS_SIG … … 124 124 #define MOTION_RESAMPLING_CONSTRAINT 1 ///< JCTVC-N0108: Allow maximum of one motion resampling process for direct reference layers, and use motion inter-layer prediction from the same layer as texture inter-layer prediction. 125 125 #endif 126 #define JCTVC_M0203_INTERLAYER_PRED_IDC 1 ///< implementation of JCTVC-M0203Inter-layer Prediction Indication126 #define JCTVC_M0203_INTERLAYER_PRED_IDC 1 ///< JCTVC-M0203: implementation of Inter-layer Prediction Indication 127 127 #if JCTVC_M0203_INTERLAYER_PRED_IDC 128 #define ILR_RESTR 1 ///< JCTVC-M0209 Inter-layer RPS and RPL128 #define ILR_RESTR 1 ///< JCTVC-M0209: Inter-layer RPS and RPL 129 129 #define ILR_RESTR_FIX 1 ///< Fix encoder crash when temporal layers are used with scalable coding 130 130 #define EARLY_REF_PIC_MARKING 1 ///< Decoded picture marking of sub-layer non-reference pictures 131 #define N0120_MAX_TID_REF_PRESENT_FLAG 1 ///< JCTVC-N0120 max_tid_ref_pics_plus1_present_flag131 #define N0120_MAX_TID_REF_PRESENT_FLAG 1 ///< JCTVC-N0120: max_tid_ref_pics_plus1_present_flag 132 132 #define N0120_MAX_TID_REF_CFG 1 ///< set max_tid_il_ref_pics_plus1 and max_tid_ref_present_flag in the config. file (configuration setting) 133 133 #endif 134 134 #if REF_IDX_MFM 135 #define REMOVE_COL_PICTURE_SIGNALING 1 ///< JCTVC-N0107 remove alternative collocated picture signalling135 #define REMOVE_COL_PICTURE_SIGNALING 1 ///< JCTVC-N0107: remove alternative collocated picture signalling 136 136 #define M0457_COL_PICTURE_SIGNALING 1 137 137 #define N0139_POSITION_ROUNDING_OFFSET 1 ///< JCTVC-N0139: offset for collocated block in motion mapping … … 148 148 #define IDR_ALIGNMENT 1 ///< align IDR picures across layers : As per JCTVC-N0373, IDR are not required to be aligned. 149 149 #endif 150 #define FAST_INTRA_SHVC 1 ///< M0115: reduction number of intra modes in the EL (encoder only)150 #define FAST_INTRA_SHVC 1 ///< JCTVC-M0115: reduction number of intra modes in the EL (encoder only) 151 151 #if FAST_INTRA_SHVC 152 #define NB_REMAIN_MODES 2 ///< nb of remaining modes (M0115)153 #endif 154 155 #define RC_SHVC_HARMONIZATION 1 ///< JCTVC-M0037 ,rate control for SHVC152 #define NB_REMAIN_MODES 2 ///< JCTVC-M0115: nb of remaining modes 153 #endif 154 155 #define RC_SHVC_HARMONIZATION 1 ///< JCTVC-M0037: rate control for SHVC 156 156 157 157 #else … … 165 165 #define FIX1071 1 ///< fix for issue #1071 166 166 #define VIEW_ID_RELATED_SIGNALING 1 ///< Introduce syntax elements view_id_len_minus1 and view_id_val 167 #define M0043_LAYERS_PRESENT_SEI 0 ///< M0043: add layers present SEI. Macro shall be equal to 0 according to the JCTVC-N0174 discussion. The code is to be removed.167 #define M0043_LAYERS_PRESENT_SEI 0 ///< JCTVC-M0043: add layers present SEI. Macro shall be equal to 0 according to the JCTVC-N0174 discussion. The code is to be removed. 168 168 169 169 #define MAX_NUM_PICS_IN_SOP 1024
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