Changeset 1497 in SHVCSoftware for branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib
- Timestamp:
- 3 Dec 2015, 20:12:43 (9 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib
- Files:
- 5 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1496 r1497 121 121 122 122 #if SVC_EXTENSION 123 // SHM: temporal solution to keep VPS with a picture, ideally it should be picture specific, but currently sizeof(TComVPS) = 232897716123 // SHM: temporal solution to keep VPS with a picture, ideally it should be picture specific, but currently sizeof(TComVPS) = 86929196 124 124 static TComVPS m_vps; 125 125 #if N0383_IL_CONSTRAINED_TILE_SETS_SEI -
r1485 r1497 3271 3271 for(Int lsIdx = 0; lsIdx < getNumLayerSets(); lsIdx++) 3272 3272 { 3273 U IntmaxSLMinus1 = 0;3273 UChar maxSLMinus1 = 0; 3274 3274 for(Int k = 0; k < getNumLayersInIdList(lsIdx); k++ ) { 3275 3275 Int lId = getLayerSetLayerIdList(lsIdx, k); -
r1494 r1497 624 624 Bool m_splittingFlag; 625 625 Bool m_scalabilityMask[MAX_VPS_NUM_SCALABILITY_TYPES]; 626 U Intm_dimensionIdLen[MAX_VPS_NUM_SCALABILITY_TYPES];626 UChar m_dimensionIdLen[MAX_VPS_NUM_SCALABILITY_TYPES]; 627 627 Bool m_nuhLayerIdPresentFlag; 628 U Intm_layerIdInNuh[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1]; // Maps layer ID in the VPS with layer_id_in_nuh629 U Intm_dimensionId[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1][MAX_VPS_NUM_SCALABILITY_TYPES];628 UChar m_layerIdInNuh[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1]; // Maps layer ID in the VPS with layer_id_in_nuh 629 UChar m_dimensionId[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1][MAX_VPS_NUM_SCALABILITY_TYPES]; 630 630 631 631 // Below are derived variables 632 U Intm_numScalabilityTypes;633 U Intm_layerIdxInVps[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS]; // Maps layer_id_in_nuh with the layer ID in the VPS634 U Intm_maxSLInLayerSetMinus1[MAX_VPS_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1 + MAX_NUM_ADD_LAYER_SETS];632 UChar m_numScalabilityTypes; 633 UChar m_layerIdxInVps[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS]; // Maps layer_id_in_nuh with the layer ID in the VPS 634 UChar m_maxSLInLayerSetMinus1[MAX_VPS_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1 + MAX_NUM_ADD_LAYER_SETS]; 635 635 Bool m_ilpSshSignalingEnabledFlag; 636 636 … … 643 643 Bool m_outputLayerFlag[MAX_VPS_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1 + 2*MAX_NUM_ADD_LAYER_SETS][MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1]; 644 644 Bool m_directDependencyFlag[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1][MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1]; 645 U Intm_numDirectRefLayers[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1];646 U Intm_refLayerId[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1][MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1];645 UChar m_numDirectRefLayers[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1]; 646 UChar m_refLayerId[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1][MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1]; 647 647 UInt m_directDepTypeLen; 648 648 Bool m_defaultDirectDependencyTypeFlag; … … 659 659 Bool m_crossLayerIrapAlignFlag; 660 660 Bool m_crossLayerAlignedIdrOnlyFlag; 661 U Intm_maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1 - 1][MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1];661 UChar m_maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1 - 1][MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1]; 662 662 Bool m_maxTidRefPresentFlag; 663 663 Bool m_maxTSLayersPresentFlag; 664 U Intm_maxTSLayerMinus1[MAX_LAYERS];664 UChar m_maxTSLayerMinus1[MAX_LAYERS]; 665 665 Bool m_singleLayerForNonIrapFlag; 666 666 Bool m_higherLayerIrapSkipFlag; … … 678 678 679 679 Bool m_vidSigPresentVpsFlag; 680 Intm_vpsVidSigInfo;681 Intm_vpsVidSigIdx[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1];682 Intm_vpsVidFormat[16];680 UChar m_vpsVidSigInfo; 681 UChar m_vpsVidSigIdx[MAX_VPS_LAYER_IDX_PLUS1]; 682 UChar m_vpsVidFormat[16]; 683 683 Bool m_vpsFullRangeFlag[16]; 684 Intm_vpsColorPrimaries[16];685 Intm_vpsTransChar[16];686 Intm_vpsMatCoeff[16];684 UChar m_vpsColorPrimaries[16]; 685 UChar m_vpsTransChar[16]; 686 UChar m_vpsMatCoeff[16]; 687 687 688 688 Bool m_bitRatePresentVpsFlag; … … 700 700 Int m_vpsNumRepFormats; // coded as minus1 701 701 RepFormat m_vpsRepFormat[16]; 702 Intm_vpsRepFormatIdx[16];703 704 Intm_viewIdLen;705 Intm_viewIdVal[MAX_LAYERS];706 707 Intm_numberRefLayers[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS]; // number of direct and indirect reference layers of a coding layer702 UChar m_vpsRepFormatIdx[16]; 703 704 UChar m_viewIdLen; 705 UChar m_viewIdVal[MAX_LAYERS]; 706 707 UChar m_numberRefLayers[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS]; // number of direct and indirect reference layers of a coding layer 708 708 Bool m_recursiveRefLayerFlag[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS][MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS]; // flag to indicate if j-th layer is a direct or indirect reference layer of i-th layer 709 709 710 710 Int m_numAddLayerSets; 711 U Intm_highestLayerIdxPlus1[MAX_NUM_ADD_LAYER_SETS][MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS];712 U Intm_predictedLayerId[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS][MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS];713 U Intm_numPredictedLayers[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS];714 Intm_numIndependentLayers;715 Intm_numLayersInTreePartition[MAX_LAYERS];716 U Intm_treePartitionLayerIdList[MAX_LAYERS][MAX_LAYERS];711 UChar m_highestLayerIdxPlus1[MAX_NUM_ADD_LAYER_SETS][MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS]; 712 UChar m_predictedLayerId[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS][MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS]; 713 UChar m_numPredictedLayers[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS]; 714 UChar m_numIndependentLayers; 715 UChar m_numLayersInTreePartition[MAX_LAYERS]; 716 UChar m_treePartitionLayerIdList[MAX_LAYERS][MAX_LAYERS]; 717 717 718 718 Bool m_subLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag [MAX_VPS_OP_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1]; … … 730 730 Int m_vpsNumAddHrdParams; 731 731 std::vector<Bool> m_cprmsAddPresentFlag; 732 std::vector< Int>m_numSubLayerHrdMinus1;732 std::vector<UChar> m_numSubLayerHrdMinus1; 733 733 std::vector<TComHRD> m_bspHrd; 734 Intm_numSignalledPartitioningSchemes[MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1];735 Intm_numPartitionsInSchemeMinus1 [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16];736 Intm_layerIncludedInPartitionFlag [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16][MAX_LAYERS][MAX_LAYERS];737 Intm_numBspSchedulesMinus1 [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16][MAX_TLAYER];738 Intm_bspHrdIdx [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16][MAX_TLAYER][31][MAX_LAYERS];739 Intm_bspSchedIdx [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16][MAX_TLAYER][31][MAX_LAYERS];740 #endif 741 UIntm_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag[MAX_LAYERS];734 UChar m_numSignalledPartitioningSchemes[MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1]; 735 UChar m_numPartitionsInSchemeMinus1 [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16]; 736 Bool m_layerIncludedInPartitionFlag [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16][MAX_LAYERS][MAX_LAYERS]; 737 UChar m_numBspSchedulesMinus1 [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16][MAX_TLAYER]; 738 UShort m_bspHrdIdx [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16][MAX_TLAYER][31][MAX_LAYERS]; 739 UChar m_bspSchedIdx [MAX_VPS_OUTPUT_LAYER_SETS_PLUS1][16][MAX_TLAYER][31][MAX_LAYERS]; 740 #endif 741 Bool m_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag[MAX_LAYERS]; 742 742 Int m_vpsNonVuiExtLength; 743 743 Bool m_vpsPocLsbAlignedFlag; 744 744 std::vector< std::vector<Bool> > m_necessaryLayerFlag; 745 std::vector< Int>m_numNecessaryLayers;745 std::vector<UChar> m_numNecessaryLayers; 746 746 #endif //SVC_EXTENSION 747 747 … … 841 841 Bool getRecursiveRefLayerFlag(Int currLayerId, Int refLayerId) const { return m_recursiveRefLayerFlag[currLayerId][refLayerId];} 842 842 Void setRecursiveRefLayerFlag(Int currLayerId, Int refLayerId, Bool x) { m_recursiveRefLayerFlag[currLayerId][refLayerId] = x; } 843 IntgetNumRefLayers(Int currLayerId) const { return m_numberRefLayers[currLayerId]; }843 UChar getNumRefLayers(Int currLayerId) const { return m_numberRefLayers[currLayerId]; } 844 844 Void setNumRefLayers(); 845 845 … … 849 849 UInt getNumAddLayerSets() const { return m_numAddLayerSets; } 850 850 Void setNumAddLayerSets(UInt x) { m_numAddLayerSets = x; } 851 U IntgetHighestLayerIdxPlus1(UInt set, UInt idx) const { return m_highestLayerIdxPlus1[set][idx]; }852 Void setHighestLayerIdxPlus1(UInt set, UInt idx, U Int layerIdx){ m_highestLayerIdxPlus1[set][idx] = layerIdx; }851 UChar getHighestLayerIdxPlus1(UInt set, UInt idx) const { return m_highestLayerIdxPlus1[set][idx]; } 852 Void setHighestLayerIdxPlus1(UInt set, UInt idx, UChar layerIdx) { m_highestLayerIdxPlus1[set][idx] = layerIdx; } 853 853 Void setPredictedLayerIds(); 854 U IntgetPredictedLayerId(UInt layerId, UInt predIdx) const { return m_predictedLayerId[layerId][predIdx]; }855 Void setPredictedLayerId(UInt layerId, UInt predIdx, U Int x){ m_predictedLayerId[layerId][predIdx] = x; }856 U IntgetNumPredictedLayers(UInt layerId) const { return m_numPredictedLayers[layerId]; }857 Void setNumPredictedLayers(UInt layerId, U Int x){ m_numPredictedLayers[layerId] = x; }854 UChar getPredictedLayerId(UInt layerId, UInt predIdx) const { return m_predictedLayerId[layerId][predIdx]; } 855 Void setPredictedLayerId(UInt layerId, UInt predIdx, UChar x) { m_predictedLayerId[layerId][predIdx] = x; } 856 UChar getNumPredictedLayers(UInt layerId) const { return m_numPredictedLayers[layerId]; } 857 Void setNumPredictedLayers(UInt layerId, UChar x) { m_numPredictedLayers[layerId] = x; } 858 858 Void setTreePartitionLayerIdList(); 859 IntgetNumIndependentLayers() const { return m_numIndependentLayers; }860 Void setNumIndependentLayers( Int x){ m_numIndependentLayers = x; }861 IntgetNumLayersInTreePartition(Int idx) const { return m_numLayersInTreePartition[idx]; }862 Void setNumLayersInTreePartition(Int idx, Int x){ m_numLayersInTreePartition[idx] = x; }863 U IntgetTreePartitionLayerId(Int idx, Int layerIdx) const { return m_treePartitionLayerIdList[idx][layerIdx]; }864 Void setTreePartitionLayerId(Int idx, Int layerIdx, U Int layerId){ m_treePartitionLayerIdList[idx][layerIdx] = layerId; }859 UChar getNumIndependentLayers() const { return m_numIndependentLayers; } 860 Void setNumIndependentLayers(UChar x) { m_numIndependentLayers = x; } 861 UChar getNumLayersInTreePartition(Int idx) const { return m_numLayersInTreePartition[idx]; } 862 Void setNumLayersInTreePartition(Int idx, UChar x) { m_numLayersInTreePartition[idx] = x; } 863 UChar getTreePartitionLayerId(Int idx, Int layerIdx) const { return m_treePartitionLayerIdList[idx][layerIdx]; } 864 Void setTreePartitionLayerId(Int idx, Int layerIdx, UChar layerId) { m_treePartitionLayerIdList[idx][layerIdx] = layerId; } 865 865 866 866 UInt getMaxLayerId() const { return m_maxLayerId; } … … 878 878 Void setScalabilityMask(Int id, Bool x) { m_scalabilityMask[id] = x; } 879 879 880 U IntgetDimensionIdLen(Int id) const { return m_dimensionIdLen[id]; }881 Void setDimensionIdLen(Int id, U Int x){ m_dimensionIdLen[id] = x; }880 UChar getDimensionIdLen(Int id) const { return m_dimensionIdLen[id]; } 881 Void setDimensionIdLen(Int id, UChar x) { m_dimensionIdLen[id] = x; } 882 882 883 883 Bool getNuhLayerIdPresentFlag() const { return m_nuhLayerIdPresentFlag; } 884 884 Void setNuhLayerIdPresentFlag(Bool x) { m_nuhLayerIdPresentFlag = x; } 885 885 886 U IntgetLayerIdInNuh(Int layerIdx) const { return m_layerIdInNuh[layerIdx]; }887 Void setLayerIdInNuh(Int layerIdx, U Int layerId){ m_layerIdInNuh[layerIdx] = layerId; }888 889 U IntgetDimensionId(Int layerIdx, Int id) const { return m_dimensionId[layerIdx][id]; }890 Void setDimensionId(Int layerIdx, Int id, U Int x){ m_dimensionId[layerIdx][id] = x; }891 892 U IntgetNumScalabilityTypes() const { return m_numScalabilityTypes; }893 Void setNumScalabilityTypes(U Int x){ m_numScalabilityTypes = x; }894 895 U IntgetLayerIdxInVps(Int layerId) const { return m_layerIdxInVps[layerId]; }896 Void setLayerIdxInVps(Int layerId, U Int layerIdx){ m_layerIdxInVps[layerId] = layerIdx; }897 898 U IntgetMaxSLayersInLayerSetMinus1(Int ls) const { return m_maxSLInLayerSetMinus1[ls]; }899 Void setMaxSLayersInLayerSetMinus1(Int ls, Int x){ m_maxSLInLayerSetMinus1[ls] = x; }886 UChar getLayerIdInNuh(Int layerIdx) const { return m_layerIdInNuh[layerIdx]; } 887 Void setLayerIdInNuh(Int layerIdx, UChar layerId) { m_layerIdInNuh[layerIdx] = layerId; } 888 889 UChar getDimensionId(Int layerIdx, Int id) const { return m_dimensionId[layerIdx][id]; } 890 Void setDimensionId(Int layerIdx, Int id, UChar x) { m_dimensionId[layerIdx][id] = x; } 891 892 UChar getNumScalabilityTypes() const { return m_numScalabilityTypes; } 893 Void setNumScalabilityTypes(UChar x) { m_numScalabilityTypes = x; } 894 895 UChar getLayerIdxInVps(Int layerId) const { return m_layerIdxInVps[layerId]; } 896 Void setLayerIdxInVps(Int layerId, UChar layerIdx) { m_layerIdxInVps[layerId] = layerIdx; } 897 898 UChar getMaxSLayersInLayerSetMinus1(Int ls) const { return m_maxSLInLayerSetMinus1[ls]; } 899 Void setMaxSLayersInLayerSetMinus1(Int ls, UChar x) { m_maxSLInLayerSetMinus1[ls] = x; } 900 900 Bool getIlpSshSignalingEnabledFlag() const { return m_ilpSshSignalingEnabledFlag; } 901 901 Void setIlpSshSignalingEnabledFlag(Bool x) { m_ilpSshSignalingEnabledFlag = x; } … … 918 918 Void setDirectDependencyFlag(Int currLayerIdx, Int refLayerIdx, Bool x) { m_directDependencyFlag[currLayerIdx][refLayerIdx] = x; } 919 919 920 U IntgetNumDirectRefLayers(Int layerId) const { return m_numDirectRefLayers[layerId]; }921 Void setNumDirectRefLayers(Int layerId, U Int refLayerNum){ m_numDirectRefLayers[layerId] = refLayerNum; }922 923 U IntgetRefLayerId(Int layerId, Int refLayerIdc) const { return m_refLayerId[layerId][refLayerIdc]; }924 Void setRefLayerId(Int layerId, Int refLayerIdc, U Int refLayerId){ m_refLayerId[layerId][refLayerIdc] = refLayerId; }920 UChar getNumDirectRefLayers(Int layerId) const { return m_numDirectRefLayers[layerId]; } 921 Void setNumDirectRefLayers(Int layerId, UChar refLayerNum) { m_numDirectRefLayers[layerId] = refLayerNum; } 922 923 UChar getRefLayerId(Int layerId, Int refLayerIdc) const { return m_refLayerId[layerId][refLayerIdc]; } 924 Void setRefLayerId(Int layerId, Int refLayerIdc, UChar refLayerId) { m_refLayerId[layerId][refLayerIdc] = refLayerId; } 925 925 926 926 UInt getDirectDepTypeLen() const { return m_directDepTypeLen; } … … 963 963 Bool getCrossLayerIrapAlignFlag() const { return m_crossLayerIrapAlignFlag; } 964 964 Void setCrossLayerIrapAlignFlag(Bool x) { m_crossLayerIrapAlignFlag = x; } 965 U IntgetMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(Int refLayerIdx, Int layerIdx) const { return m_maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1[refLayerIdx][layerIdx]; }966 Void setMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(Int refLayerIdx, Int layerIdx, U IntmaxSublayer) { m_maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1[refLayerIdx][layerIdx] = maxSublayer; }965 UChar getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(Int refLayerIdx, Int layerIdx) const { return m_maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1[refLayerIdx][layerIdx]; } 966 Void setMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(Int refLayerIdx, Int layerIdx, UChar maxSublayer) { m_maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1[refLayerIdx][layerIdx] = maxSublayer; } 967 967 Bool getMaxTidRefPresentFlag() const { return m_maxTidRefPresentFlag; } 968 968 Void setMaxTidRefPresentFlag(Bool x) { m_maxTidRefPresentFlag = x; } 969 969 Bool getMaxTSLayersPresentFlag() const { return m_maxTSLayersPresentFlag; } 970 970 Void setMaxTSLayersPresentFlag(Bool x) { m_maxTSLayersPresentFlag = x; } 971 U IntgetMaxTSLayersMinus1(Int layerIdx) const { return m_maxTSLayerMinus1[layerIdx]; }972 Void setMaxTSLayersMinus1(Int layerIdx, U Int maxTSublayer){ m_maxTSLayerMinus1[layerIdx] = maxTSublayer; }971 UChar getMaxTSLayersMinus1(Int layerIdx) const { return m_maxTSLayerMinus1[layerIdx]; } 972 Void setMaxTSLayersMinus1(Int layerIdx, UChar maxTSublayer) { m_maxTSLayerMinus1[layerIdx] = maxTSublayer; } 973 973 Bool getSingleLayerForNonIrapFlag() const { return m_singleLayerForNonIrapFlag; } 974 974 Void setSingleLayerForNonIrapFlag(Bool x) { m_singleLayerForNonIrapFlag = x; } … … 1000 1000 Bool getVideoSigPresentVpsFlag() const { return m_vidSigPresentVpsFlag; } 1001 1001 Void setVideoSigPresentVpsFlag(Bool x) { m_vidSigPresentVpsFlag = x; } 1002 IntgetNumVideoSignalInfo() const { return m_vpsVidSigInfo; }1003 Void setNumVideoSignalInfo( Int x){ m_vpsVidSigInfo = x; }1004 IntgetVideoSignalInfoIdx(Int idx) const { return m_vpsVidSigIdx[idx]; }1005 Void setVideoSignalInfoIdx(Int idx, Int x){ m_vpsVidSigIdx[idx] = x; }1006 IntgetVideoVPSFormat(Int idx) const { return m_vpsVidFormat[idx]; }1007 Void setVideoVPSFormat(Int idx, Int x){ m_vpsVidFormat[idx] = x; }1002 UChar getNumVideoSignalInfo() const { return m_vpsVidSigInfo; } 1003 Void setNumVideoSignalInfo(UChar x) { m_vpsVidSigInfo = x; } 1004 UChar getVideoSignalInfoIdx(Int idx) const { return m_vpsVidSigIdx[idx]; } 1005 Void setVideoSignalInfoIdx(Int idx, UChar x) { m_vpsVidSigIdx[idx] = x; } 1006 UChar getVideoVPSFormat(Int idx) const { return m_vpsVidFormat[idx]; } 1007 Void setVideoVPSFormat(Int idx, UChar x) { m_vpsVidFormat[idx] = x; } 1008 1008 Bool getVideoFullRangeVpsFlag(Int idx) const { return m_vpsFullRangeFlag[idx]; } 1009 1009 Void setVideoFullRangeVpsFlag(Int idx, Bool x) { m_vpsFullRangeFlag[idx] = x; } 1010 IntgetColorPrimaries(Int idx) const { return m_vpsColorPrimaries[idx]; }1011 Void setColorPrimaries(Int idx, Int x){ m_vpsColorPrimaries[idx] = x; }1012 IntgetTransCharacter(Int idx) const { return m_vpsTransChar[idx]; }1013 Void setTransCharacter(Int idx, Int x){ m_vpsTransChar[idx] = x; }1014 IntgetMaxtrixCoeff(Int idx) const { return m_vpsMatCoeff[idx]; }1015 Void setMaxtrixCoeff(Int idx, Int x){ m_vpsMatCoeff[idx] = x; }1010 UChar getColorPrimaries(Int idx) const { return m_vpsColorPrimaries[idx]; } 1011 Void setColorPrimaries(Int idx, UChar x) { m_vpsColorPrimaries[idx] = x; } 1012 UChar getTransCharacter(Int idx) const { return m_vpsTransChar[idx]; } 1013 Void setTransCharacter(Int idx, UChar x) { m_vpsTransChar[idx] = x; } 1014 UChar getMaxtrixCoeff(Int idx) const { return m_vpsMatCoeff[idx]; } 1015 Void setMaxtrixCoeff(Int idx, UChar x) { m_vpsMatCoeff[idx] = x; } 1016 1016 1017 1017 Bool getBitRatePresentVpsFlag() const { return m_bitRatePresentVpsFlag; } … … 1043 1043 Void setCprmsAddPresentFlag(Int i, Bool val) { m_cprmsAddPresentFlag[i] = val; } 1044 1044 1045 IntgetNumSubLayerHrdMinus1(Int i) const { return m_numSubLayerHrdMinus1[i]; }1046 Void setNumSubLayerHrdMinus1(Int i, Int val){ m_numSubLayerHrdMinus1[i] = val; }1045 UChar getNumSubLayerHrdMinus1(Int i) const { return m_numSubLayerHrdMinus1[i]; } 1046 Void setNumSubLayerHrdMinus1(Int i, UChar val) { m_numSubLayerHrdMinus1[i] = val; } 1047 1047 1048 1048 TComHRD* getBspHrd(Int i) { return &m_bspHrd[i]; } 1049 1049 const TComHRD* getBspHrd(Int i) const { return &m_bspHrd[i]; } 1050 1050 1051 IntgetNumSignalledPartitioningSchemes(Int i) const { return m_numSignalledPartitioningSchemes[i]; }1052 Void setNumSignalledPartitioningSchemes(Int i, Int val){ m_numSignalledPartitioningSchemes[i] = val; }1053 1054 IntgetNumPartitionsInSchemeMinus1(Int i, Int j) const { return m_numPartitionsInSchemeMinus1[i][j]; }1055 Void setNumPartitionsInSchemeMinus1(Int i, Int j, Int val){ m_numPartitionsInSchemeMinus1[i][j] = val; }1056 1057 Int getLayerIncludedInPartitionFlag(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l) const{ return m_layerIncludedInPartitionFlag[i][j][k][l];}1058 Void setLayerIncludedInPartitionFlag(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Intval) { m_layerIncludedInPartitionFlag[i][j][k][l] = val; }1059 1060 IntgetNumBspSchedulesMinus1(Int i, Int j, Int k) const { return m_numBspSchedulesMinus1[i][j][k]; }1061 Void setNumBspSchedulesMinus1(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int val){ m_numBspSchedulesMinus1[i][j][k] = val; }1062 1063 IntgetBspSchedIdx(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Int m) const { return m_bspSchedIdx[i][j][k][l][m]; }1064 Void setBspSchedIdx(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Int m, Int val){ m_bspSchedIdx[i][j][k][l][m] = val; }1065 1066 IntgetBspHrdIdx(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Int m) const { return m_bspHrdIdx[i][j][k][l][m]; }1067 Void setBspHrdIdx(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Int m, Int val){ m_bspHrdIdx[i][j][k][l][m] = val; }1068 #endif 1069 Void setBaseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag (Int layer, Int val){ m_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag[layer] = val; }1070 IntgetBaseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag (Int layer) const { return m_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag[layer]; }1051 UChar getNumSignalledPartitioningSchemes(Int i) const { return m_numSignalledPartitioningSchemes[i]; } 1052 Void setNumSignalledPartitioningSchemes(Int i, UChar val) { m_numSignalledPartitioningSchemes[i] = val; } 1053 1054 UChar getNumPartitionsInSchemeMinus1(Int i, Int j) const { return m_numPartitionsInSchemeMinus1[i][j]; } 1055 Void setNumPartitionsInSchemeMinus1(Int i, Int j, UChar val) { m_numPartitionsInSchemeMinus1[i][j] = val; } 1056 1057 Bool getLayerIncludedInPartitionFlag(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l) const { return m_layerIncludedInPartitionFlag[i][j][k][l];} 1058 Void setLayerIncludedInPartitionFlag(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Bool val) { m_layerIncludedInPartitionFlag[i][j][k][l] = val; } 1059 1060 UChar getNumBspSchedulesMinus1(Int i, Int j, Int k) const { return m_numBspSchedulesMinus1[i][j][k]; } 1061 Void setNumBspSchedulesMinus1(Int i, Int j, Int k, UChar val) { m_numBspSchedulesMinus1[i][j][k] = val; } 1062 1063 UChar getBspSchedIdx(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Int m) const { return m_bspSchedIdx[i][j][k][l][m]; } 1064 Void setBspSchedIdx(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Int m, UChar val) { m_bspSchedIdx[i][j][k][l][m] = val; } 1065 1066 UShort getBspHrdIdx(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Int m) const { return m_bspHrdIdx[i][j][k][l][m]; } 1067 Void setBspHrdIdx(Int i, Int j, Int k, Int l, Int m, UShort val) { m_bspHrdIdx[i][j][k][l][m] = val; } 1068 #endif 1069 Void setBaseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag (Int layer, Bool val) { m_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag[layer] = val; } 1070 Bool getBaseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag (Int layer) const { return m_baseLayerPSCompatibilityFlag[layer]; } 1071 1071 Bool getAltOuputLayerFlag(Int idx) const { return m_altOutputLayerFlag[idx]; } 1072 1072 Void setAltOuputLayerFlag(Int idx, Bool x) { m_altOutputLayerFlag[idx] = x; } … … 1081 1081 const RepFormat* getVpsRepFormat(Int idx) const { return &m_vpsRepFormat[idx]; } 1082 1082 1083 IntgetVpsRepFormatIdx(Int idx) const { return m_vpsRepFormatIdx[idx]; }1084 Void setVpsRepFormatIdx(Int idx, Int x){ m_vpsRepFormatIdx[idx] = x; }1085 1086 Void setViewIdLen( Int val ){ m_viewIdLen = val; }1087 IntgetViewIdLen() const { return m_viewIdLen; }1088 1089 Void setViewIdVal( Int viewOrderIndex, Int val ){ m_viewIdVal[viewOrderIndex] = val; }1090 IntgetViewIdVal( Int viewOrderIndex ) const { return m_viewIdVal[viewOrderIndex]; }1083 UChar getVpsRepFormatIdx(Int idx) const { return m_vpsRepFormatIdx[idx]; } 1084 Void setVpsRepFormatIdx(Int idx, UChar x) { m_vpsRepFormatIdx[idx] = x; } 1085 1086 Void setViewIdLen( UChar val ) { m_viewIdLen = val; } 1087 UChar getViewIdLen() const { return m_viewIdLen; } 1088 1089 Void setViewIdVal( Int viewOrderIndex, UChar val ) { m_viewIdVal[viewOrderIndex] = val; } 1090 UChar getViewIdVal( Int viewOrderIndex ) const { return m_viewIdVal[viewOrderIndex]; } 1091 1091 Int getScalabilityId(Int, ScalabilityType scalType ) const; 1092 1092 -
r1491 r1497 3452 3452 READ_CODE(3, uiCode, "video_vps_format" ); vps->setVideoVPSFormat(i,uiCode); 3453 3453 READ_FLAG(uiCode, "video_full_range_vps_flag" ); vps->setVideoFullRangeVpsFlag(i,uiCode); 3454 READ_CODE(8, uiCode, "colo r_primaries_vps" ); vps->setColorPrimaries(i,uiCode);3454 READ_CODE(8, uiCode, "colour_primaries_vps" ); vps->setColorPrimaries(i,uiCode); 3455 3455 READ_CODE(8, uiCode, "transfer_characteristics_vps" ); vps->setTransCharacter(i,uiCode); 3456 3456 READ_CODE(8, uiCode, "matrix_coeffs_vps" );vps->setMaxtrixCoeff(i,uiCode); -
r1487 r1497 2359 2359 WRITE_CODE(vps->getVideoVPSFormat(i), 3, "video_vps_format" ); 2360 2360 WRITE_FLAG(vps->getVideoFullRangeVpsFlag(i), "video_full_range_vps_flag" ); 2361 WRITE_CODE(vps->getColorPrimaries(i), 8, "colo r_primaries_vps" );2361 WRITE_CODE(vps->getColorPrimaries(i), 8, "colour_primaries_vps" ); 2362 2362 WRITE_CODE(vps->getTransCharacter(i), 8, "transfer_characteristics_vps" ); 2363 2363 WRITE_CODE(vps->getMaxtrixCoeff(i), 8, "matrix_coeffs_vps" );
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.