Changeset 1305 in SHVCSoftware

21 Jul 2015, 00:37:39 (9 years ago)

port rev 4352

10 edited


  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComInterpolationFilter.cpp

    r1287 r1305  
    337337 * \param  isLast     Flag indicating whether it is the last filtering operation
    338338 * \param  fmt        Chroma format
     339 * \param  bitDepth   Bit depth
    339340 */
    340341Void TComInterpolationFilter::filterHor(const ComponentID compID, Pel *src, Int srcStride, Pel *dst, Int dstStride, Int width, Int height, Int frac, Bool isLast, const ChromaFormat fmt, const Int bitDepth )
    372373 * \param  isLast     Flag indicating whether it is the last filtering operation
    373374 * \param  fmt        Chroma format
     375 * \param  bitDepth   Bit depth
    374376 */
    375377Void TComInterpolationFilter::filterVer(const ComponentID compID, Pel *src, Int srcStride, Pel *dst, Int dstStride, Int width, Int height, Int frac, Bool isFirst, Bool isLast, const ChromaFormat fmt, const Int bitDepth )
  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComLoopFilter.cpp

    r1290 r1305  
    847847 \param bFilterSecondP  decision weak filter/no filter for partP
    848848 \param bFilterSecondQ  decision weak filter/no filter for partQ
     849 \param bitDepthLuma    luma bit depth
    850851__inline Void TComLoopFilter::xPelFilterLuma( Pel* piSrc, Int iOffset, Int tc, Bool sw, Bool bPartPNoFilter, Bool bPartQNoFilter, Int iThrCut, Bool bFilterSecondP, Bool bFilterSecondQ, const Int bitDepthLuma)
    917918 \param bPartPNoFilter  indicator to disable filtering on partP
    918919 \param bPartQNoFilter  indicator to disable filtering on partQ
     920 \param bitDepthChroma  chroma bit depth
    919921 */
    920922__inline Void TComLoopFilter::xPelFilterChroma( Pel* piSrc, Int iOffset, Int tc, Bool bPartPNoFilter, Bool bPartQNoFilter, const Int bitDepthChroma)
  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPattern.cpp

    r1290 r1305  
    7575 \param  iRoiHeight    pattern height
    7676 \param  iStride       buffer stride
     77 \param  bitDepth      bit depth
    7778 */
    7879Void TComPatternParam::setPatternParamPel ( Pel* piTexture,
  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPicYuv.cpp

    r1289 r1305  
    78 Void TComPicYuv::create ( const Int iPicWidth,
    79                           const Int iPicHeight,
    80                           const ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC,
    81                           const UInt uiMaxCUWidth,  ///< used for generating offsets to CUs. Can use iPicWidth if no offsets are required
    82                           const UInt uiMaxCUHeight, ///< used for generating offsets to CUs. Can use iPicHeight if no offsets are required
    83                           const UInt uiMaxCUDepth,  ///< used for generating offsets to CUs. Can use 0 if no offsets are required
     81Void TComPicYuv::create ( const Int iPicWidth,                ///< picture width
     82                          const Int iPicHeight,               ///< picture height
     83                          const ChromaFormat chromaFormatIDC, ///< chroma format
     84                          const UInt uiMaxCUWidth,            ///< used for generating offsets to CUs. Can use iPicWidth if no offsets are required
     85                          const UInt uiMaxCUHeight,           ///< used for generating offsets to CUs. Can use iPicHeight if no offsets are required
     86                          const UInt uiMaxCUDepth,            ///< used for generating offsets to CUs. Can use 0 if no offsets are required
    8487#if SVC_EXTENSION
    8588                          const Bool bUseMargin,     ///< if true, then a margin of uiMaxCUWidth+16 and uiMaxCUHeight+16 is created around the image.
    8689                          const Window* conformanceWindow)
    88                           const Bool bUseMargin)    ///< if true, then a margin of uiMaxCUWidth+16 and uiMaxCUHeight+16 is created around the image.
     91                          const Bool bUseMargin)              ///< if true, then a margin of uiMaxCUWidth+16 and uiMaxCUHeight+16 is created around the image.
    90 {
    9196#if SVC_EXTENSION
    9297  if(conformanceWindow != NULL)
    99104  m_iPicHeight        = iPicHeight;
    100105  m_chromaFormatIDC   = chromaFormatIDC;
    101   m_iMarginX          = (bUseMargin?uiMaxCUWidth:0) + 16; // for 16-byte alignment
     106  m_iMarginX          = (bUseMargin?uiMaxCUWidth:0) + 16;   // for 16-byte alignment
    102107  m_iMarginY          = (bUseMargin?uiMaxCUHeight:0) + 16;  // margin for 8-tap filter and infinite padding
    103108  m_bIsBorderExtended = false;
  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComPrediction.cpp

    r1287 r1305  
    686686 * \brief Generate motion-compensated block
    687687 *
    688  * \param compID   Colour component ID
    689  * \param cu       Pointer to current CU
    690  * \param refPic   Pointer to reference picture
    691  * \param partAddr Address of block within CU
    692  * \param mv       Motion vector
    693  * \param width    Width of block
    694  * \param height   Height of block
    695  * \param dstPic   Pointer to destination picture
    696  * \param bi       Flag indicating whether bipred is used
     688 * \param compID     Colour component ID
     689 * \param cu         Pointer to current CU
     690 * \param refPic     Pointer to reference picture
     691 * \param partAddr   Address of block within CU
     692 * \param mv         Motion vector
     693 * \param width      Width of block
     694 * \param height     Height of block
     695 * \param dstPic     Pointer to destination picture
     696 * \param bi         Flag indicating whether bipred is used
     697 * \param  bitDepth  Bit depth
    697698 */
  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibCommon/TComTrQuant.cpp

    r1303 r1305  
    19621962/** Wrapper function between HM interface and core NxN forward transform (2D)
    1963  *  \param compID colour component ID
     1963 *  \param channelBitDepth bit depth of channel
    19641964 *  \param useDST
    19651965 *  \param piBlkResi input data (residual)
    19681968 *  \param iWidth transform width
    19691969 *  \param iHeight transform height
     1970 *  \param maxLog2TrDynamicRange
    19701971 */
    19711972Void TComTrQuant::xT( const Int channelBitDepth, Bool useDST, Pel* piBlkResi, UInt uiStride, TCoeff* psCoeff, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange )
    19971998/** Wrapper function between HM interface and core NxN inverse transform (2D)
    1998  *  \param compID colour component ID
     1999 *  \param channelBitDepth bit depth of channel
    19992000 *  \param useDST
    20002001 *  \param plCoef input data (transform coefficients)
    20032004 *  \param iWidth transform width
    20042005 *  \param iHeight transform height
     2006 *  \param maxLog2TrDynamicRange
    20052007 */
    20062008Void TComTrQuant::xIT( const Int channelBitDepth, Bool useDST, TCoeff* plCoef, Pel* pResidual, UInt uiStride, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange )
    28462848/** Get the best level in RD sense
    2847  * \param rd64CodedCost reference to coded cost
    2848  * \param rd64CodedCost0 reference to cost when coefficient is 0
    2849  * \param rd64CodedCostSig reference to cost of significant coefficient
    2850  * \param lLevelDouble reference to unscaled quantized level
    2851  * \param uiMaxAbsLevel scaled quantized level
    2852  * \param ui16CtxNumSig current ctxInc for coeff_abs_significant_flag
    2853  * \param ui16CtxNumOne current ctxInc for coeff_abs_level_greater1 (1st bin of coeff_abs_level_minus1 in AVC)
    2854  * \param ui16CtxNumAbs current ctxInc for coeff_abs_level_greater2 (remaining bins of coeff_abs_level_minus1 in AVC)
    2855  * \param ui16AbsGoRice current Rice parameter for coeff_abs_level_minus3
    2856  * \param c1Idx
    2857  * \param c2Idx
    2858  * \param iQBits quantization step size
    2859  * \param errorScale
    2860  * \param bLast indicates if the coefficient is the last significant
    2861  * \param useLimitedPrefixLength
    2862  * \param channelType  texture channel type (luma/chroma)
     2849 *
    28632850 * \returns best quantized transform level for given scan position
     2851 *
    28642852 * This method calculates the best quantized transform level for a given scan position.
    28652853 */
    2866 __inline UInt TComTrQuant::xGetCodedLevel ( Double&          rd64CodedCost,
    2867                                             Double&          rd64CodedCost0,
    2868                                             Double&          rd64CodedCostSig,
    2869                                             Intermediate_Int lLevelDouble,
    2870                                             UInt             uiMaxAbsLevel,
    2871                                             UShort           ui16CtxNumSig,
    2872                                             UShort           ui16CtxNumOne,
    2873                                             UShort           ui16CtxNumAbs,
    2874                                             UShort           ui16AbsGoRice,
    2875                                             UInt             c1Idx,
    2876                                             UInt             c2Idx,
    2877                                             Int              iQBits,
    2878                                             Double           errorScale,
    2879                                             Bool             bLast,
    2880                                             Bool             useLimitedPrefixLength,
    2881                                             const Int        maxLog2TrDynamicRange
     2854__inline UInt TComTrQuant::xGetCodedLevel ( Double&          rd64CodedCost,          //< reference to coded cost
     2855                                            Double&          rd64CodedCost0,         //< reference to cost when coefficient is 0
     2856                                            Double&          rd64CodedCostSig,       //< rd64CodedCostSig reference to cost of significant coefficient
     2857                                            Intermediate_Int lLevelDouble,           //< reference to unscaled quantized level
     2858                                            UInt             uiMaxAbsLevel,          //< scaled quantized level
     2859                                            UShort           ui16CtxNumSig,          //< current ctxInc for coeff_abs_significant_flag
     2860                                            UShort           ui16CtxNumOne,          //< current ctxInc for coeff_abs_level_greater1 (1st bin of coeff_abs_level_minus1 in AVC)
     2861                                            UShort           ui16CtxNumAbs,          //< current ctxInc for coeff_abs_level_greater2 (remaining bins of coeff_abs_level_minus1 in AVC)
     2862                                            UShort           ui16AbsGoRice,          //< current Rice parameter for coeff_abs_level_minus3
     2863                                            UInt             c1Idx,                  //<
     2864                                            UInt             c2Idx,                  //<
     2865                                            Int              iQBits,                 //< quantization step size
     2866                                            Double           errorScale,             //<
     2867                                            Bool             bLast,                  //< indicates if the coefficient is the last significant
     2868                                            Bool             useLimitedPrefixLength, //<
     2869                                            const Int        maxLog2TrDynamicRange   //<
    28822870                                            ) const
    29302918 * \param c2Idx
    29312919 * \param useLimitedPrefixLength
    2932  * \param channelType  texture channel type (luma/chroma)
     2920 * \param maxLog2TrDynamicRange
    29332921 * \returns cost of given absolute transform level
    29342922 */
    30993087/** set quantized matrix coefficient for encode
    3100  * \param scalingList quantized matrix address
    3101  * \param format      chroma format
     3088 * \param scalingList            quantized matrix address
     3089 * \param format                 chroma format
     3090 * \param maxLog2TrDynamicRange
     3091 * \param bitDepths              reference to bit depth array for all channels
    31023092 */
    31033093Void TComTrQuant::setScalingList(TComScalingList *scalingList, const ChromaFormat format, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], const BitDepths &bitDepths)
    31413131/** set error scale coefficients
    3142  * \param list List ID
    3143  * \param size Size
    3144  * \param qp   Quantization parameter
     3132 * \param list                   list ID
     3133 * \param size                   
     3134 * \param qp                     quantization parameter
     3135 * \param maxLog2TrDynamicRange
     3136 * \param bitDepths              reference to bit depth array for all channels
    31453137 */
    31463138Void TComTrQuant::setErrScaleCoeff(UInt list, UInt size, Int qp, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange[MAX_NUM_CHANNEL_TYPE], const BitDepths &bitDepths)
  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibDecoder/TDecSbac.cpp

    r1290 r1305  
    296296 * \param rParam                  reference to parameter
    297297 * \param useLimitedPrefixLength
    298  * \param channelType
     298 * \param maxLog2TrDynamicRange
    299299 */
  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncSbac.cpp

    r1291 r1305  
    337337 * \param rParam                  reference to Rice parameter
    338338 * \param useLimitedPrefixLength
    339  * \param channelType             plane type (luma/chroma)
    340  */
    341 Void TEncSbac::xWriteCoefRemainExGolomb ( UInt symbol, UInt &rParam, const Bool useLimitedPrefixLength, const ChannelType channelType, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange )
     339 * \param maxLog2TrDynamicRange
     340 */
     341Void TEncSbac::xWriteCoefRemainExGolomb ( UInt symbol, UInt &rParam, const Bool useLimitedPrefixLength, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange )
    343343  Int codeNumber  = (Int)symbol;
    15071507            const UInt escapeCodeValue = absCoeff[idx] - baseLevel;
    1509             xWriteCoefRemainExGolomb( escapeCodeValue, uiGoRiceParam, extendedPrecision, channelType, maxLog2TrDynamicRange );
     1509            xWriteCoefRemainExGolomb( escapeCodeValue, uiGoRiceParam, extendedPrecision, maxLog2TrDynamicRange );
    15111511            if (absCoeff[idx] > (3 << uiGoRiceParam))
  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncSbac.h

    r1291 r1305  
    119119  Void  xWriteUnaryMaxSymbol ( UInt uiSymbol, ContextModel* pcSCModel, Int iOffset, UInt uiMaxSymbol );
    120120  Void  xWriteEpExGolomb     ( UInt uiSymbol, UInt uiCount );
    121   Void  xWriteCoefRemainExGolomb ( UInt symbol, UInt &rParam, const Bool useLimitedPrefixLength, const ChannelType channelType, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange );
     121  Void  xWriteCoefRemainExGolomb ( UInt symbol, UInt &rParam, const Bool useLimitedPrefixLength, const Int maxLog2TrDynamicRange );
    123123  Void  xCopyFrom            ( const TEncSbac* pSrc );
  • branches/SHM-dev/source/Lib/TLibEncoder/TEncSlice.cpp

    r1291 r1305  
    13301330 * \param [out] startCtuTsAddr
    13311331 * \param [out] boundingCtuTsAddr
    1332  * \param [in] pcPic
    1333  * \param encodingSlice Identifies, if the calling function is compressSlice() [false] or encodeSlice() [true]
     1332 * \param [in]  pcPic
    13351334 * Updates startCtuTsAddr, boundingCtuTsAddr with appropriate CTU address
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.