Changeset 1230 in SHVCSoftware for branches/SHM-dev/source
- Timestamp:
- 9 Jul 2015, 00:53:21 (9 years ago)
- Location:
- branches/SHM-dev/source
- Files:
- 10 edited
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
r1226 r1230 1389 1389 ("ScalingList", m_useScalingListId, SCALING_LIST_OFF, "0/off: no scaling list, 1/default: default scaling lists, 2/file: scaling lists specified in ScalingListFile") 1390 1390 ("ScalingListFile", cfg_ScalingListFile, string(""), "Scaling list file name. Use an empty string to produce help.") 1391 ("SignHideFlag,-SBH", m_signHideFlag, 1)1391 ("SignHideFlag,-SBH", m_signHideFlag, true) 1392 1392 ("MaxNumMergeCand", m_maxNumMergeCand, 5u, "Maximum number of merge candidates") 1393 1393 /* Misc. */ … … 1491 1491 ("SEIToneMapExposureIndexIdc", m_exposureIndexIdc, 0, "Indicates the exposure index setting of the camera") 1492 1492 ("SEIToneMapExposureIndexValue", m_exposureIndexValue, 400, "Specifies the exposure index setting of the camera of Extended_ISO") 1493 ("SEIToneMapExposureCompensationValueSignFlag", m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag, 0, "Specifies the sign of ExposureCompensationValue")1493 ("SEIToneMapExposureCompensationValueSignFlag", m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag, false, "Specifies the sign of ExposureCompensationValue") 1494 1494 ("SEIToneMapExposureCompensationValueNumerator", m_exposureCompensationValueNumerator, 0, "Specifies the numerator of ExposureCompensationValue") 1495 1495 ("SEIToneMapExposureCompensationValueDenomIdc", m_exposureCompensationValueDenomIdc, 2, "Specifies the denominator of ExposureCompensationValue") -
r1214 r1230 317 317 Int m_exposureIndexIdc; 318 318 Int m_exposureIndexValue; 319 Intm_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag;319 Bool m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag; 320 320 Int m_exposureCompensationValueNumerator; 321 321 Int m_exposureCompensationValueDenomIdc; … … 367 367 368 368 Int m_TMVPModeId; 369 Intm_signHideFlag;369 Bool m_signHideFlag; 370 370 #if !RC_SHVC_HARMONIZATION 371 371 Bool m_RCEnableRateControl; ///< enable rate control or not -
r1185 r1230 444 444 Int m_exposureIndexIdc; 445 445 Int m_exposureIndexValue; 446 Intm_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag;446 Bool m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag; 447 447 Int m_exposureCompensationValueNumerator; 448 448 Int m_exposureCompensationValueDenomIdc; -
r1226 r1230 88 88 , m_pcTrQuant ( NULL ) 89 89 #endif 90 , m_colFromL0Flag ( 1)90 , m_colFromL0Flag ( true ) 91 91 , m_noOutputPriorPicsFlag ( false ) 92 92 , m_noRaslOutputFlag ( false ) … … 200 200 m_aiNumRefIdx[i] = 0; 201 201 } 202 m_colFromL0Flag = 1;202 m_colFromL0Flag = true; 203 203 204 204 m_colRefIdx = 0; … … 2283 2283 , m_numTileRowsMinus1 (0) 2284 2284 , m_numSubstreams (1) 2285 , m_signHideFlag ( 0)2285 , m_signHideFlag (false) 2286 2286 , m_cabacInitPresentFlag (false) 2287 2287 , m_encCABACTableIdx (I_SLICE) … … 2523 2523 2524 2524 TComRefPicListModification::TComRefPicListModification() 2525 : m_ bRefPicListModificationFlagL0 (false)2526 , m_ bRefPicListModificationFlagL1 (false)2525 : m_refPicListModificationFlagL0 (false) 2526 , m_refPicListModificationFlagL1 (false) 2527 2527 { 2528 2528 ::memset( m_RefPicSetIdxL0, 0, sizeof(m_RefPicSetIdxL0) ); -
r1226 r1230 285 285 UInt cpbSizeValue [MAX_CPB_CNT][2]; 286 286 UInt ducpbSizeValue [MAX_CPB_CNT][2]; 287 UIntcbrFlag [MAX_CPB_CNT][2];287 Bool cbrFlag [MAX_CPB_CNT][2]; 288 288 UInt duBitRateValue [MAX_CPB_CNT][2]; 289 289 }; … … 388 388 Void setDuBitRateValueMinus1 ( Int layer, Int cpbcnt, Int nalOrVcl, UInt value ) { m_HRD[layer].duBitRateValue[cpbcnt][nalOrVcl] = value; } 389 389 UInt getDuBitRateValueMinus1 (Int layer, Int cpbcnt, Int nalOrVcl ) { return m_HRD[layer].duBitRateValue[cpbcnt][nalOrVcl]; } 390 Void setCbrFlag ( Int layer, Int cpbcnt, Int nalOrVcl, UIntvalue ) { m_HRD[layer].cbrFlag[cpbcnt][nalOrVcl] = value; }390 Void setCbrFlag ( Int layer, Int cpbcnt, Int nalOrVcl, Bool value ) { m_HRD[layer].cbrFlag[cpbcnt][nalOrVcl] = value; } 391 391 Bool getCbrFlag ( Int layer, Int cpbcnt, Int nalOrVcl ) { return m_HRD[layer].cbrFlag[cpbcnt][nalOrVcl]; } 392 392 … … 1551 1551 { 1552 1552 private: 1553 UInt m_bRefPicListModificationFlagL0;1554 UInt m_bRefPicListModificationFlagL1;1553 Bool m_refPicListModificationFlagL0; 1554 Bool m_refPicListModificationFlagL1; 1555 1555 UInt m_RefPicSetIdxL0[REF_PIC_LIST_NUM_IDX]; 1556 1556 UInt m_RefPicSetIdxL1[REF_PIC_LIST_NUM_IDX]; … … 1563 1563 Void destroy (); 1564 1564 1565 Bool getRefPicListModificationFlagL0() { return m_ bRefPicListModificationFlagL0; }1566 Void setRefPicListModificationFlagL0(Bool flag) { m_ bRefPicListModificationFlagL0 = flag; }1567 Bool getRefPicListModificationFlagL1() { return m_ bRefPicListModificationFlagL1; }1568 Void setRefPicListModificationFlagL1(Bool flag) { m_ bRefPicListModificationFlagL1 = flag; }1565 Bool getRefPicListModificationFlagL0() { return m_refPicListModificationFlagL0; } 1566 Void setRefPicListModificationFlagL0(Bool flag) { m_refPicListModificationFlagL0 = flag; } 1567 Bool getRefPicListModificationFlagL1() { return m_refPicListModificationFlagL1; } 1568 Void setRefPicListModificationFlagL1(Bool flag) { m_refPicListModificationFlagL1 = flag; } 1569 1569 Void setRefPicSetIdxL0(UInt idx, UInt refPicSetIdx) { assert(idx<REF_PIC_LIST_NUM_IDX); m_RefPicSetIdxL0[idx] = refPicSetIdx; } 1570 1570 UInt getRefPicSetIdxL0(UInt idx) { assert(idx<REF_PIC_LIST_NUM_IDX); return m_RefPicSetIdxL0[idx]; } … … 1622 1622 Int m_numSubstreams; 1623 1623 1624 Intm_signHideFlag;1624 Bool m_signHideFlag; 1625 1625 1626 1626 Bool m_cabacInitPresentFlag; … … 1755 1755 Int getNumSubstreams () { return m_numSubstreams; } 1756 1756 1757 Void setSignHideFlag( IntsignHideFlag ) { m_signHideFlag = signHideFlag; }1758 IntgetSignHideFlag() { return m_signHideFlag; }1757 Void setSignHideFlag( Bool signHideFlag ) { m_signHideFlag = signHideFlag; } 1758 Bool getSignHideFlag() { return m_signHideFlag; } 1759 1759 1760 1760 Void setCabacInitPresentFlag( Bool flag ) { m_cabacInitPresentFlag = flag; } … … 1919 1919 TComTrQuant* m_pcTrQuant; 1920 1920 #endif 1921 UIntm_colFromL0Flag; // collocated picture from List0 flag1921 Bool m_colFromL0Flag; // collocated picture from List0 flag 1922 1922 1923 1923 Bool m_noOutputPriorPicsFlag; … … 2063 2063 Int getRefPOC ( RefPicList e, Int iRefIdx) { return m_aiRefPOCList[e][iRefIdx]; } 2064 2064 Int getDepth () { return m_iDepth; } 2065 UIntgetColFromL0Flag () { return m_colFromL0Flag; }2065 Bool getColFromL0Flag () { return m_colFromL0Flag; } 2066 2066 UInt getColRefIdx () { return m_colRefIdx; } 2067 2067 Void checkColRefIdx (UInt curSliceIdx, TComPic* pic); … … 2121 2121 #endif 2122 2122 Void setRefPOCList (); 2123 Void setColFromL0Flag ( UIntcolFromL0 ) { m_colFromL0Flag = colFromL0; }2123 Void setColFromL0Flag ( Bool colFromL0 ) { m_colFromL0Flag = colFromL0; } 2124 2124 Void setColRefIdx ( UInt refIdx) { m_colRefIdx = refIdx; } 2125 2125 Void setCheckLDC ( Bool b ) { m_bCheckLDC = b; } -
r1226 r1230 1383 1383 READ_CODE(bitsForLtrpInSPS, uiCode, "lt_idx_sps[i]"); 1384 1384 } 1385 IntusedByCurrFromSPS=pcSlice->getSPS()->getUsedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag(uiCode);1385 Bool usedByCurrFromSPS=pcSlice->getSPS()->getUsedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag(uiCode); 1386 1386 1387 1387 pocLsbLt = pcSlice->getSPS()->getLtRefPicPocLsbSps(uiCode); -
r1148 r1230 141 141 142 142 const UInt uiNumSubstreams = pcSlice->getNumberOfSubstreamSizes()+1; 143 // const UInt uiNumSubstreams = pcSlice->getPPS()->getEntropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag() ? pcSlice->getNumberOfSubstreamSizes()+1 : pcSlice->getPPS()->getNumSubstreams();144 143 145 144 // init each couple {EntropyDecoder, Substream} -
r1203 r1230 1299 1299 else 1300 1300 { 1301 beValid = pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getSignHideFlag() > 0;1301 beValid = pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getSignHideFlag(); 1302 1302 } 1303 1303 -
r1214 r1230 261 261 Int m_exposureIndexIdc; 262 262 Int m_exposureIndexValue; 263 Intm_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag;263 Bool m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag; 264 264 Int m_exposureCompensationValueNumerator; 265 265 Int m_exposureCompensationValueDenomIdc; … … 312 312 Char* m_scalingListFile; ///< quantization matrix file name 313 313 Int m_TMVPModeId; 314 Intm_signHideFlag;314 Bool m_signHideFlag; 315 315 Bool m_RCEnableRateControl; 316 316 Int m_RCTargetBitrate; … … 750 750 Void setTMISEIExposureIndexValue(Int b) { m_exposureIndexValue = b; } 751 751 Int getTMISEIExposurIndexValue() { return m_exposureIndexValue; } 752 Void setTMISEIExposureCompensationValueSignFlag( Int b){ m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag = b; }753 IntgetTMISEIExposureCompensationValueSignFlag() { return m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag; }752 Void setTMISEIExposureCompensationValueSignFlag(Bool b) { m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag = b; } 753 Bool getTMISEIExposureCompensationValueSignFlag() { return m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag; } 754 754 Void setTMISEIExposureCompensationValueNumerator(Int b) { m_exposureCompensationValueNumerator = b; } 755 755 Int getTMISEIExposureCompensationValueNumerator() { return m_exposureCompensationValueNumerator; } … … 845 845 Void setTMVPModeId ( Int u ) { m_TMVPModeId = u; } 846 846 Int getTMVPModeId () { return m_TMVPModeId; } 847 Void setSignHideFlag( Int signHideFlag ){ m_signHideFlag = signHideFlag; }848 IntgetSignHideFlag() { return m_signHideFlag; }847 Void setSignHideFlag( Bool signHideFlag ) { m_signHideFlag = signHideFlag; } 848 Bool getSignHideFlag() { return m_signHideFlag; } 849 849 Bool getUseRateCtrl () { return m_RCEnableRateControl; } 850 850 Void setUseRateCtrl ( Bool b ) { m_RCEnableRateControl = b; } -
r1212 r1230 1271 1271 else 1272 1272 { 1273 beValid = pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getSignHideFlag() > 0;1273 beValid = pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getSignHideFlag(); 1274 1274 } 1275 1275 }
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