#! /bin/sh # The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD # License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party # and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are # granted under this license. # # Copyright (c) 2010-2014, ITU/ISO/IEC # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may # be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS # BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF # THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. SUB_TOOLS_DIRECTORY=$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's/[^\/]*$//') . ${SUB_TOOLS_DIRECTORY}encode.shl LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX="LM" RESUME_MODE_OPTION="-rm" TARGET_BITRATES_OPTION="-tb" INITIAL_LAMBDA_MODIFIERS_OPTION="-il" ENCODE_COMMAND_ARGS_OPTION="-ca" function outputUsageAndExit { local TARGET_BITRATES_USAGE_STRING=targetBitrates local INITIAL_LAMBDA_MODIFIERS_USAGE_STRING=initialLambdaModifiers local ENCODE_COMMAND_ARGS_USAGE_STRING=encodeCommandArgs echo "Usage: $0 [$RESUME_MODE_OPTION] $CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER_OPTION $CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER_USAGE_STRING $Q_OPTION $Q_USAGE_STRING $TARGET_BITRATES_OPTION $TARGET_BITRATES_USAGE_STRING [$INITIAL_LAMBDA_MODIFIERS_OPTION $INITIAL_LAMBDA_MODIFIERS_USAGE_STRING] [$ENCODE_COMMAND_ARGS_OPTION $ENCODE_COMMAND_ARGS_USAGE_STRING] [$EXTRA_ARGUMENTS_OPTION $EXTRA_ARGUMENTS_USAGE_STRING] $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_OPTION $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_USAGE_STRING $INPUT_NAME_USAGE_STRING" >&2 echo "${USAGE_INDENT}$RESUME_MODE_OPTION engages resume mode which allows the user to resume an execution that was interrupted before completion." outputConfigurationIdentifierUsage outputQUsage echo "${USAGE_INDENT}$TARGET_BITRATES_USAGE_STRING is the target bitrates. For example: \"23:35 24:3473242 etc...\"." >&2 echo "${USAGE_INDENT}$INITIAL_LAMBDA_MODIFIERS_USAGE_STRING is the Lambda-modifiers to use for the first guess. For example: \"$-{LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX}23 1e0 $-{LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX}24 0.98 etc...\"" >&2 echo "${USAGE_INDENT}$ENCODE_COMMAND_ARGS_USAGE_STRING is the extra arguments to be passed to encodeCommand.sh. The common arguments that are available to both $0 and encodeCommand.sh should not be passed though this argument. For example, don't pass $Q_OPTION here because it is an option of $0. $EXECUTABLE_OPTION and ($CONFIGURATION_PATH_OPTION or $CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY_OPTION) must be passed through this argument. For example, \"$ENCODE_COMMAND_ARGS_OPTION '$EXECUTABLE_OPTION ~/bin/encode.exe $CONFIGURATION_DIRECTORY_OPTION ~/cfg/'\"." >&2 echo "${USAGE_INDENT}$EXTRA_ARGUMENTS_USAGE_STRING specifies extra arguments to be passed directly to the encoder (not to encodeCommand.sh)." >&2 outputOutputDirectoryUsage outputInputNameUsage exit 1 } NORMAL_MODE="NORMAL_MODE" RESUME_MODE="RESUME_MODE" mode="$NORMAL_MODE" # For every argument $1 while [ "" != "$*" ] ; do case $1 in $RESUME_MODE_OPTION) mode="$RESUME_MODE" ;; -*) checkDollarTwo "$1" "$2" case $1 in $EXTRA_ARGUMENTS_OPTION) extraArguments=$2 ;; $Q_OPTION) q=$2 ;; $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_OPTION) outputDirectory=$2 ;; $CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER_OPTION) configurationIdentifier=$2 ;; $TARGET_BITRATES_OPTION) targetBitrates=$2 ;; $INITIAL_LAMBDA_MODIFIERS_OPTION) initialLambdaModifiers=$2 ;; $ENCODE_COMMAND_ARGS_OPTION) encodeCommandArgs=$2 ;; *) printf "You entered an invalid option: \"$1\".\n" >&2 outputUsageAndExit ;; esac shift ;; *) if [[ "" == $inputName ]] ; then inputName=$1 else printf "You entered too many arguments.\n" >&2 outputUsageAndExit fi ;; esac shift done verifyProvided "$Q_STRING" "$q" verifyQ $q verifyProvided "$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_STRING" "$outputDirectory" verifyDirectory "$OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_STRING" "$outputDirectory" verifyProvided "$CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER_STRING" "$configurationIdentifier" verifyConfigurationIdentifier "$configurationIdentifier" verifyProvided "target bitrates ($TARGET_BITRATES_OPTION)" "$targetBitrates" verifyProvided "$INPUT_NAME_STRING" "$inputName" outputPathBegin="${outputDirectory}${inputName}_${configurationIdentifier}_q${q}" logPath="$outputPathBegin.log" metaLogPath="${outputPathBegin}_meta.log" TRUE=true # Outputs "$TRUE" if the given file exist. Outputs nothing if the given file does not exist. The first argument is the path to the supposed file. function doesFileExist { ls $1 &> /dev/null if [[ 0 == "$?" ]] ; then echo "$TRUE" fi } # Validate the mode (normal or resume) based on whether or not the meta-log file already exists if [[ "$TRUE" == "$(doesFileExist "$metaLogPath")" ]] ; then if [[ "$NORMAL_MODE" == "$mode" ]] ; then echo "$metaLogPath already exists. Consider using resume-mode." >&2 outputUsageAndExit else # Resume-mode cat "$metaLogPath" # Output the pre-existing meta-log so we can resume where we left off fi else # Meta-log file does not exist if [[ "$RESUME_MODE" == "$mode" ]] ; then echo "$metaLogPath does not exist and resume-mode is enabled." >&2 outputUsageAndExit fi fi # Outputs the number of elements in the given bitrate vector function bitrateVectorSize { echo "$1" | sed -e 's/[^ ]//g' | wc -c | sed -e 's/^ *//' } # Initialize targetBitrateVectorSize targetBitrateVectorSize="$(bitrateVectorSize "$targetBitrates")" # Outputs the product of the two input values function multiply { echo | awk "{print $1 * $2}" } # Extracts the bitrate at the given index from the given bitrate vector. The first argument is the given index and the second argument in the given bitrate vector. function extractBitrateFromVector { local localIndex=$(expr "$1" "+" "1") echo "$2" | awk "{ print \$$localIndex }" } # Outputs a bitrate vector by multiplying the $targetBitrates vector by a given scalar. The first argument is the given scalar. function populateBitrates { local lI=0 local lResult="" while true ; do local lTargetBitrate=$(extractBitrateFromVector "$lI" "$targetBitrates") if [[ "" == "$lTargetBitrate" ]] ; then break; fi local lNew=$(multiply "$lTargetBitrate" "$1") lResult="$lResult $lNew" ((++lI)) done echo "$lResult" | sed -e 's/^ //' } # Initialize the ranges outerRangeMins=$(populateBitrates "0.980") innerRangeMins=$(populateBitrates "0.985") innerRangeMaxs=$(populateBitrates "1.015") outerRangeMaxs=$(populateBitrates "1.020") # Outputs the given string to the meta-log (both the file and stdout) with no newline character. The first argument is the string to output. function outputToMetaLogNoNewline { toPrint=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/%/%%/g'` printf -- "$toPrint" printf -- "$toPrint" >> $metaLogPath } # Outputs the given string to the meta-log (both the file and stdout) with a newline character. The first argument is the string to output. function outputToMetaLogWithNewline { echo "$1" echo "$1" >> $metaLogPath } # Extracts the Lambda-modifier at the given index from $lambdaModifiers. The first argument is the given index. function extractLambdaModifier { printf -- "$lambdaModifiers" | sed -e 's/^-//' | sed -e 's/ -/\ /g' | grep "${LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX}$1 " | sed -e 's/^[^ ]* //' } # Outputs the given Lambda-modifier with a fixed number of decimal points. The first argument is the given Lambda-modifier. function formatLambdaModifier { printf "%.7f" "$1" } # Outputs $lambdaModifiers to the meta-log with proper formatting function outputLambdaModifiersToMetaLog { local lI=0 local lLambdaModifier=$(extractLambdaModifier "$lI") local lLambdaModifier=$(formatLambdaModifier "$lLambdaModifier") local lOutput="-${LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX}$lI $lLambdaModifier" while true ; do ((++lI)) local lLambdaModifier=$(extractLambdaModifier "$lI") if [[ "" == "$lLambdaModifier" ]] ; then break fi local lLambdaModifier=$(formatLambdaModifier "$lLambdaModifier") local lOutput="$lOutput -${LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX}$lI $lLambdaModifier" done outputToMetaLogNoNewline "$lOutput;" } # Initialize lambdaModifiers and output it to the meta-log if [[ "$RESUME_MODE" == "$mode" ]] ; then if [[ "" == "$initialLambdaModifiers" ]] ; then # If no initial lambda-modifiers provided, use default value lambdaModifiers=$(tail -n 1 < "$metaLogPath" | sed -e 's/;$//') else # Initial lambda-modifiers provided echo "You cannot use $RESUME_MODE and specify the initial lambda-modifiers. In resume-mode, the lambda-modifiers will be retreived from the last line of the meta-log." >&2 outputUsageAndExit fi else if [[ "" == "$initialLambdaModifiers" ]] ; then # If no initial lambda-modifiers provided, use default value lambdaModifiers="-${LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX}0 1" for (( i=1; i<"$targetBitrateVectorSize"; ++i )); do lambdaModifiers="$lambdaModifiers -${LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX}${i} 1" done else # Initial lambda-modifiers provided lambdaModifiers="$initialLambdaModifiers" fi outputLambdaModifiersToMetaLog fi # Calculates the difference percentage between the given target bitrate and the given bitrate, appropriately formats this difference percentage, and then outputs it. The first argument is the given target bitrate and the second argument is the given bitrate. function calculateAndFormatDifferencePercentage { # Calculate the result and format it with the right number of decimal places local result=$(echo | awk "{print 100*($2-$1)/$1}") local result=$(printf "%.3f" "$result") # Separate the sign from the result local sign=$(echo "$result" | sed -e 's/[^-]*$//') if [[ "$sign" != "-" ]] ; then local sign="+" fi local result=$(echo "$result" | sed -e 's/^-//') # Pad leading zereos to make two digits before the decimal point if [[ 2 == $(echo "$result" | sed -e 's/\..*$//' | wc -c | sed -e 's/^ *//') ]] ; then local result="0$result" fi # Output the result including the sign and the percent sign echo "${sign}${result}%" } # Outputs $TRUE i.f.f. the first argument is less than the second argument function lessOrEqual { echo | awk "{ if($1 < $2) print \"$TRUE\" }" } # Outputs $TRUE i.f.f. the second argument is greater than the first argument and less than the third argument ($1 < $2 < $3) function isInRange { if [[ "$TRUE" == $(lessOrEqual "$1" "$2") ]] ; then if [[ "$TRUE" == $(lessOrEqual "$2" "$3") ]] ; then echo "$TRUE" fi fi } # From the given bitrate vector, outputs the "bad" bitrates by filtering out the "good" bitrates. The first argument is the index of the last good bitrate and the second argument is the given bitrate vector. If the first argument is -1, then the given bitrate vector is outputted in its entirety. function filterOutGoodBitrates { local result="$2" for (( i=0; i<="$1"; ++i )); do result=$(echo "$result" | sed -e 's/^[^ ]* //') done echo "$result" } # Outputs a given line from the given variable. The first argument is the line number to output and the second argument is the given variable to extract the line from. function outputLine { echo "$2" | head -n "$(expr "$1" + 1)" | tail -n 1 } # Initialize iterationCount if [[ "$RESUME_MODE" == "$mode" ]] ; then iterationCount=$(wc -l < "$metaLogPath" | sed -e 's/^ *//') else iterationCount=0 fi ITERATION_COUNT_LIMIT=50 # The number of attempts to make before giving up while true ; do # The main loop # Run the encoder sh ${SUB_TOOLS_DIRECTORY}encodeCommand.sh $inputName $encodeCommandArgs $CONFIGURATION_IDENTIFIER_OPTION $configurationIdentifier $Q_OPTION $q $OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_OPTION $outputDirectory -ea "$extraArguments $lambdaModifiers" | sh > $logPath if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then printf "Unexpected exit status from encodeCommand.sh\n" >&2 exit 1 fi # Extract and output the bitrates bitrates=`${SUB_TOOLS_DIRECTORY}extractBitrates.exe < $logPath` outputToMetaLogNoNewline "$bitrates;" # Make sure that the index set of the extracted bitrates matches the index set of the target bitrates if [[ "$targetBitrateVectorSize" != "$(bitrateVectorSize "$bitrates")" ]] ; then echo "Index set from the extracted bitrates does not match the index set from the target bitrates" >&2 exit 1 fi # Calculate the bitrate difference percentages and output them to the meta-log percentages="$(calculateAndFormatDifferencePercentage "$(extractBitrateFromVector "0" "$targetBitrates")" "$(extractBitrateFromVector "0" "$bitrates")")" for (( i=1; i<"$targetBitrateVectorSize"; ++i )); do percentages="$percentages $(calculateAndFormatDifferencePercentage "$(extractBitrateFromVector "$i" "$targetBitrates")" "$(extractBitrateFromVector "$i" "$bitrates")")" done outputToMetaLogNoNewline "$percentages;" # Initialize and output areBitratesSatismodifiery areBitratesSatisfactory=yes for (( i=0; ; ++i )) ; do outerRangeMin=$(extractBitrateFromVector "$i" "$outerRangeMins") bitrate=$(extractBitrateFromVector "$i" "$bitrates") outerRangeMax=$(extractBitrateFromVector "$i" "$outerRangeMaxs") if [[ "" == "$bitrate" ]] ; then break fi if [[ $(isInRange "$outerRangeMin" "$bitrate" "$outerRangeMax") != "$TRUE" ]] ; then areBitratesSatisfactory=no break fi done outputToMetaLogWithNewline "$areBitratesSatisfactory" # Exit if we are finished or if we have iterated too many times if [[ yes == $areBitratesSatisfactory ]] ; then mv "$logPath" "${outputPathBegin}_final.log" exit 0 else # Rename the deprecated log countString="$iterationCount" if [[ 1 == `printf -- "$countString" | wc -c | sed -e 's/^ *//'` ]] ; then countString="0$countString" fi mv "$logPath" "${outputPathBegin}_dep${countString}.log" ((++iterationCount)) if [[ "$ITERATION_COUNT_LIMIT" == "$iterationCount" ]] ; then outputToMetaLogWithNewline "Could not reach target bitrates" exit 1 fi fi filteredMetaLog=$(sed -e 's/;[^;]*$//' < $metaLogPath | sed -e 's/;[^;]*$//') bitratesFromMetaLog=$(printf -- "$filteredMetaLog" | sed -e 's/^[^;]*;//') # Initialize goodIndex goodIndex=-1 for (( i=0; i<"$targetBitrateVectorSize"; ++i )); do innerRangeMin=$(extractBitrateFromVector "$i" "$innerRangeMins") bitrate=$(extractBitrateFromVector "$i" "$bitrates") innerRangeMax=$(extractBitrateFromVector "$i" "$innerRangeMaxs") if [[ "$TRUE" == $(isInRange "$innerRangeMin" "$bitrate" "$innerRangeMax") ]] ; then goodIndex="$i" else break fi done badBitrates=$(filterOutGoodBitrates "$goodIndex" "$bitratesFromMetaLog") lambdaModifiersFromMetaLog=`printf -- "$filteredMetaLog" | sed -e 's/;[^;]*$//'` badLambdaModifiers=`printf -- "$lambdaModifiersFromMetaLog" | sed -e "s/^.*-${LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX}$goodIndex [^ ]* //"` lineCount=`printf -- "$badBitrates\n" | wc -l | sed -e 's/^ *//'` # Initialize guessLambdaModifiersIn guessLambdaModifiersIn="$(outputLine 0 "$badLambdaModifiers");$(outputLine 0 "$badBitrates")" for (( i=1; i<"$lineCount"; ++i )); do guessLambdaModifiersIn="$(printf -- "$guessLambdaModifiersIn\n$(outputLine "$i" "$badLambdaModifiers");$(outputLine "$i" "$badBitrates")")" done # Run guessLambdaModifiers guessedLambdaModifiers=$(printf -- "$guessLambdaModifiersIn" | ${SUB_TOOLS_DIRECTORY}guessLambdaModifiers.exe "-.5" "$(filterOutGoodBitrates "$goodIndex" "$targetBitrates")") if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then printf "Unexpected exit status from guessLambdaModifiers.exe\n" >&2 exit 1 fi # Initialize lambdaModifiers and output them to the meta-log lastLambdaModifiersFromMetaLog=`printf -- "$filteredMetaLog" | tail -n 1 | sed -e "s/;[^;]*$//"` goodLambdaModifiersFromMetaLog=`printf -- "$lastLambdaModifiersFromMetaLog" | tail -n 1 | sed -e "s/-${LAMBDA_MODIFIER_PREFIX}$(expr "$goodIndex" + 1).*$//"` lambdaModifiers="${goodLambdaModifiersFromMetaLog}${guessedLambdaModifiers}" outputLambdaModifiersToMetaLog done