1 | /* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD |
2 | * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party |
3 | * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are |
4 | * granted under this license. |
5 | * |
6 | * Copyright (c) 2010-2014, ITU/ISO/IEC |
7 | * All rights reserved. |
8 | * |
9 | * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
10 | * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: |
11 | * |
12 | * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, |
13 | * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. |
14 | * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, |
15 | * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation |
16 | * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. |
17 | * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may |
18 | * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without |
19 | * specific prior written permission. |
20 | * |
32 | */ |
33 | |
34 | /** \file TComSlice.cpp |
35 | \brief slice header and SPS class |
36 | */ |
37 | |
38 | #include "CommonDef.h" |
39 | #include "TComSlice.h" |
40 | #include "TComPic.h" |
41 | #include "TLibEncoder/TEncSbac.h" |
42 | #include "TLibDecoder/TDecSbac.h" |
43 | |
44 | //! \ingroup TLibCommon |
45 | //! \{ |
46 | |
47 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
48 | ParameterSetMap<TComVPS> ParameterSetManager::m_vpsMap(MAX_NUM_VPS); |
49 | ParameterSetMap<TComSPS> ParameterSetManager::m_spsMap(MAX_NUM_SPS); |
50 | ParameterSetMap<TComPPS> ParameterSetManager::m_ppsMap(MAX_NUM_PPS); |
51 | Int ParameterSetManager::m_activeVPSId = -1; |
52 | #endif |
53 | |
54 | TComSlice::TComSlice() |
55 | : m_iPPSId ( -1 ) |
56 | , m_iPOC ( 0 ) |
57 | , m_iLastIDR ( 0 ) |
58 | , m_eNalUnitType ( NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL ) |
59 | , m_eSliceType ( I_SLICE ) |
60 | , m_iSliceQp ( 0 ) |
61 | , m_dependentSliceSegmentFlag ( false ) |
63 | , m_iSliceQpBase ( 0 ) |
64 | #endif |
65 | , m_deblockingFilterDisable ( false ) |
66 | , m_deblockingFilterOverrideFlag ( false ) |
67 | , m_deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 ( 0 ) |
68 | , m_deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 ( 0 ) |
69 | , m_bCheckLDC ( false ) |
70 | , m_iSliceQpDelta ( 0 ) |
71 | , m_iSliceQpDeltaCb ( 0 ) |
72 | , m_iSliceQpDeltaCr ( 0 ) |
73 | , m_iDepth ( 0 ) |
74 | , m_bRefenced ( false ) |
75 | , m_pcSPS ( NULL ) |
76 | , m_pcPPS ( NULL ) |
77 | , m_pcPic ( NULL ) |
78 | , m_colFromL0Flag ( 1 ) |
80 | , m_noOutputPriorPicsFlag ( false ) |
81 | , m_noRaslOutputFlag ( false ) |
82 | , m_handleCraAsBlaFlag ( false ) |
83 | #endif |
84 | , m_colRefIdx ( 0 ) |
85 | , m_uiTLayer ( 0 ) |
86 | , m_bTLayerSwitchingFlag ( false ) |
87 | , m_sliceMode ( 0 ) |
88 | , m_sliceArgument ( 0 ) |
89 | , m_sliceCurStartCUAddr ( 0 ) |
90 | , m_sliceCurEndCUAddr ( 0 ) |
91 | , m_sliceIdx ( 0 ) |
92 | , m_sliceSegmentMode ( 0 ) |
93 | , m_sliceSegmentArgument ( 0 ) |
94 | , m_sliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr ( 0 ) |
95 | , m_sliceSegmentCurEndCUAddr ( 0 ) |
96 | , m_nextSlice ( false ) |
97 | , m_nextSliceSegment ( false ) |
98 | , m_sliceBits ( 0 ) |
99 | , m_sliceSegmentBits ( 0 ) |
100 | , m_bFinalized ( false ) |
101 | , m_uiTileOffstForMultES ( 0 ) |
102 | , m_puiSubstreamSizes ( NULL ) |
103 | , m_cabacInitFlag ( false ) |
104 | , m_bLMvdL1Zero ( false ) |
105 | , m_numEntryPointOffsets ( 0 ) |
106 | , m_temporalLayerNonReferenceFlag ( false ) |
107 | , m_enableTMVPFlag ( true ) |
108 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
109 | , m_layerId ( 0 ) |
110 | #if REF_IDX_MFM |
111 | , m_bMFMEnabledFlag ( false ) |
112 | #endif |
113 | #if POC_RESET_FLAG |
114 | , m_bPocResetFlag ( false ) |
115 | #endif |
116 | , m_bDiscardableFlag ( false ) |
117 | #if O0149_CROSS_LAYER_BLA_FLAG |
118 | , m_bCrossLayerBLAFlag ( false ) |
119 | #endif |
121 | , m_pocResetIdc ( 0 ) |
122 | , m_pocResetPeriodId ( 0 ) |
123 | , m_fullPocResetFlag ( false ) |
124 | , m_pocLsbVal ( 0 ) |
125 | , m_pocMsbVal ( 0 ) |
126 | , m_pocMsbValRequiredFlag ( false ) |
127 | , m_pocMsbValPresentFlag ( false ) |
128 | #endif |
130 | , m_picOrderCntLsb (0) |
131 | #endif |
132 | #endif //SVC_EXTENSION |
133 | { |
134 | m_aiNumRefIdx[0] = m_aiNumRefIdx[1] = 0; |
135 | |
136 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
137 | memset( m_pcBaseColPic, 0, sizeof( m_pcBaseColPic ) ); |
138 | m_activeNumILRRefIdx = 0; |
139 | m_interLayerPredEnabledFlag = 0; |
140 | ::memset( m_interLayerPredLayerIdc, 0, sizeof(m_interLayerPredLayerIdc) ); |
141 | #if P0312_VERT_PHASE_ADJ |
142 | ::memset( m_vertPhasePositionFlag, 0, sizeof(m_vertPhasePositionFlag) ); |
143 | #endif |
144 | #endif //SVC_EXTENSION |
145 | |
146 | initEqualRef(); |
147 | |
148 | for (Int component = 0; component < 3; component++) |
149 | { |
150 | m_lambdas[component] = 0.0; |
151 | } |
152 | |
153 | for ( Int idx = 0; idx < MAX_NUM_REF; idx++ ) |
154 | { |
155 | m_list1IdxToList0Idx[idx] = -1; |
156 | } |
157 | for(Int iNumCount = 0; iNumCount < MAX_NUM_REF; iNumCount++) |
158 | { |
159 | m_apcRefPicList [0][iNumCount] = NULL; |
160 | m_apcRefPicList [1][iNumCount] = NULL; |
161 | m_aiRefPOCList [0][iNumCount] = 0; |
162 | m_aiRefPOCList [1][iNumCount] = 0; |
163 | } |
164 | resetWpScaling(); |
165 | initWpAcDcParam(); |
166 | m_saoEnabledFlag = false; |
167 | m_saoEnabledFlagChroma = false; |
168 | } |
169 | |
170 | TComSlice::~TComSlice() |
171 | { |
172 | delete[] m_puiSubstreamSizes; |
173 | m_puiSubstreamSizes = NULL; |
174 | } |
175 | |
176 | |
177 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
178 | Void TComSlice::initSlice( UInt layerId ) |
179 | #else |
180 | Void TComSlice::initSlice() |
181 | #endif |
182 | { |
183 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
184 | m_layerId = layerId; |
185 | m_activeNumILRRefIdx = 0; |
186 | m_interLayerPredEnabledFlag = 0; |
187 | #endif |
188 | m_aiNumRefIdx[0] = 0; |
189 | m_aiNumRefIdx[1] = 0; |
190 | |
191 | m_colFromL0Flag = 1; |
192 | |
193 | m_colRefIdx = 0; |
194 | initEqualRef(); |
195 | m_bCheckLDC = false; |
196 | m_iSliceQpDeltaCb = 0; |
197 | m_iSliceQpDeltaCr = 0; |
198 | |
199 | m_maxNumMergeCand = MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS; |
200 | |
201 | m_bFinalized=false; |
202 | |
203 | m_tileByteLocation.clear(); |
204 | m_cabacInitFlag = false; |
205 | m_numEntryPointOffsets = 0; |
206 | m_enableTMVPFlag = true; |
208 | m_pocResetIdc = 0; |
209 | m_pocResetPeriodId = 0; |
210 | m_fullPocResetFlag = false; |
211 | m_pocLsbVal = 0; |
212 | m_pocMsbVal = 0; |
213 | m_pocMsbValRequiredFlag = false; |
214 | m_pocMsbValPresentFlag = false; |
215 | #endif |
217 | m_picOrderCntLsb = 0; |
218 | #endif |
219 | } |
220 | |
221 | Bool TComSlice::getRapPicFlag() |
222 | { |
223 | return getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL |
224 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP |
225 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP |
226 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL |
227 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP |
228 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA; |
229 | } |
231 | Bool TComSlice::getBlaPicFlag () |
232 | { |
233 | return getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP |
234 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL |
235 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP; |
236 | } |
237 | Bool TComSlice::getCraPicFlag () |
238 | { |
239 | return getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA; |
240 | } |
241 | #endif |
243 | Bool TComSlice::getRaslPicFlag () |
244 | { |
245 | return getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_R |
246 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_N; |
247 | } |
248 | Bool TComSlice::getRadlPicFlag () |
249 | { |
250 | return getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_R |
251 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_N; |
252 | } |
253 | #endif |
255 | Void TComSlice::decrementRefPocValues(Int const decrementValue) |
256 | { |
257 | for(Int listNum = 0; listNum < 2; listNum++) |
258 | { |
259 | RefPicList dpbPicSliceList = (listNum == 1) ? REF_PIC_LIST_1 : REF_PIC_LIST_0; |
260 | for(Int listIdx = 0; listIdx < getNumRefIdx( dpbPicSliceList ); listIdx++) |
261 | { |
262 | setRefPOC( getRefPOC(dpbPicSliceList, listIdx) - decrementValue, |
263 | dpbPicSliceList, |
264 | listIdx |
265 | ); |
266 | } |
267 | } |
268 | } |
269 | Int TComSlice::getCurrMsb( Int currLsb, Int prevLsb, Int prevMsb, Int maxLsbVal ) |
270 | { |
271 | if( prevLsb - currLsb >= (maxLsbVal >> 1) ) |
272 | { |
273 | return prevMsb + maxLsbVal; |
274 | } |
275 | else if( currLsb - prevLsb > (maxLsbVal >> 1) ) |
276 | { |
277 | return prevMsb - maxLsbVal; |
278 | } |
279 | else |
280 | { |
281 | return prevMsb; |
282 | } |
283 | } |
284 | #endif |
285 | /** |
286 | - allocate table to contain substream sizes to be written to the slice header. |
287 | . |
288 | \param uiNumSubstreams Number of substreams -- the allocation will be this value - 1. |
289 | */ |
290 | Void TComSlice::allocSubstreamSizes(UInt uiNumSubstreams) |
291 | { |
292 | delete[] m_puiSubstreamSizes; |
293 | m_puiSubstreamSizes = new UInt[uiNumSubstreams > 0 ? uiNumSubstreams-1 : 0]; |
294 | } |
295 | |
296 | Void TComSlice::sortPicList(TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic) |
297 | { |
298 | TComPic* pcPicExtract; |
299 | TComPic* pcPicInsert; |
300 | |
301 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPicExtract; |
302 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPicExtract_1; |
303 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPicInsert; |
304 | |
305 | for (Int i = 1; i < (Int)(rcListPic.size()); i++) |
306 | { |
307 | iterPicExtract = rcListPic.begin(); |
308 | for (Int j = 0; j < i; j++) iterPicExtract++; |
309 | pcPicExtract = *(iterPicExtract); |
310 | pcPicExtract->setCurrSliceIdx(0); |
311 | |
312 | iterPicInsert = rcListPic.begin(); |
313 | while (iterPicInsert != iterPicExtract) |
314 | { |
315 | pcPicInsert = *(iterPicInsert); |
316 | pcPicInsert->setCurrSliceIdx(0); |
317 | if (pcPicInsert->getPOC() >= pcPicExtract->getPOC()) |
318 | { |
319 | break; |
320 | } |
321 | |
322 | iterPicInsert++; |
323 | } |
324 | |
325 | iterPicExtract_1 = iterPicExtract; iterPicExtract_1++; |
326 | |
327 | // swap iterPicExtract and iterPicInsert, iterPicExtract = curr. / iterPicInsert = insertion position |
328 | rcListPic.insert (iterPicInsert, iterPicExtract, iterPicExtract_1); |
329 | rcListPic.erase (iterPicExtract); |
330 | } |
331 | } |
332 | |
333 | TComPic* TComSlice::xGetRefPic (TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, |
334 | Int poc) |
335 | { |
336 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
337 | TComPic* pcPic = *(iterPic); |
338 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end() ) |
339 | { |
341 | if( (pcPic->getPOC() == poc) && (pcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced()) ) |
342 | #else |
343 | if(pcPic->getPOC() == poc) |
344 | #endif |
345 | { |
346 | break; |
347 | } |
348 | iterPic++; |
349 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
350 | // return NULL, if picture with requested POC is not in the list, otherwise iterator goes outside of the list |
351 | if( iterPic == rcListPic.end() ) |
352 | { |
353 | return NULL; |
354 | } |
355 | #endif |
356 | pcPic = *(iterPic); |
357 | } |
359 | assert( pcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced() ); |
360 | #endif |
361 | return pcPic; |
362 | } |
363 | |
364 | |
365 | TComPic* TComSlice::xGetLongTermRefPic(TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, Int poc, Bool pocHasMsb) |
366 | { |
367 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
368 | TComPic* pcPic = *(iterPic); |
369 | TComPic* pcStPic = pcPic; |
370 | |
371 | Int pocCycle = 1 << getSPS()->getBitsForPOC(); |
372 | if (!pocHasMsb) |
373 | { |
374 | poc = poc & (pocCycle - 1); |
375 | } |
376 | |
377 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end() ) |
378 | { |
379 | pcPic = *(iterPic); |
380 | if (pcPic && pcPic->getPOC()!=this->getPOC() && pcPic->getSlice( 0 )->isReferenced()) |
381 | { |
382 | Int picPoc = pcPic->getPOC(); |
383 | if (!pocHasMsb) |
384 | { |
385 | picPoc = picPoc & (pocCycle - 1); |
386 | } |
387 | |
388 | #if POC_RESET_RPS |
389 | if( ((!pocHasMsb) && ((poc & (pocCycle-1)) == picPoc)) || ( pocHasMsb && (poc == picPoc)) ) |
390 | #else |
391 | if (poc == picPoc) |
392 | #endif |
393 | { |
394 | if (pcPic->getIsLongTerm()) |
395 | { |
396 | return pcPic; |
397 | } |
398 | else |
399 | { |
400 | pcStPic = pcPic; |
401 | } |
402 | break; |
403 | } |
404 | } |
405 | |
406 | iterPic++; |
407 | } |
408 | |
409 | return pcStPic; |
410 | } |
411 | |
412 | Void TComSlice::setRefPOCList() |
413 | { |
414 | for (Int iDir = 0; iDir < 2; iDir++) |
415 | { |
416 | for (Int iNumRefIdx = 0; iNumRefIdx < m_aiNumRefIdx[iDir]; iNumRefIdx++) |
417 | { |
418 | m_aiRefPOCList[iDir][iNumRefIdx] = m_apcRefPicList[iDir][iNumRefIdx]->getPOC(); |
419 | } |
420 | } |
421 | |
422 | } |
423 | |
424 | Void TComSlice::setList1IdxToList0Idx() |
425 | { |
426 | Int idxL0, idxL1; |
427 | for ( idxL1 = 0; idxL1 < getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); idxL1++ ) |
428 | { |
429 | m_list1IdxToList0Idx[idxL1] = -1; |
430 | for ( idxL0 = 0; idxL0 < getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); idxL0++ ) |
431 | { |
432 | if ( m_apcRefPicList[REF_PIC_LIST_0][idxL0]->getPOC() == m_apcRefPicList[REF_PIC_LIST_1][idxL1]->getPOC() ) |
433 | { |
434 | m_list1IdxToList0Idx[idxL1] = idxL0; |
435 | break; |
436 | } |
437 | } |
438 | } |
439 | } |
440 | |
441 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
442 | Void TComSlice::setRefPicList( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, Bool checkNumPocTotalCurr, TComPic** ilpPic) |
443 | #else |
444 | Void TComSlice::setRefPicList( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, Bool checkNumPocTotalCurr ) |
445 | #endif |
446 | { |
447 | if (!checkNumPocTotalCurr) |
448 | { |
449 | if (m_eSliceType == I_SLICE) |
450 | { |
451 | ::memset( m_apcRefPicList, 0, sizeof (m_apcRefPicList)); |
452 | ::memset( m_aiNumRefIdx, 0, sizeof ( m_aiNumRefIdx )); |
453 | |
454 | return; |
455 | } |
456 | |
457 | m_aiNumRefIdx[0] = getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0); |
458 | m_aiNumRefIdx[1] = getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1); |
459 | } |
460 | |
461 | TComPic* pcRefPic= NULL; |
462 | TComPic* RefPicSetStCurr0[16]; |
463 | TComPic* RefPicSetStCurr1[16]; |
464 | TComPic* RefPicSetLtCurr[16]; |
465 | UInt NumPocStCurr0 = 0; |
466 | UInt NumPocStCurr1 = 0; |
467 | UInt NumPocLtCurr = 0; |
468 | Int i; |
469 | |
470 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
471 | if( m_layerId == 0 || ( m_layerId > 0 && ( m_activeNumILRRefIdx == 0 || !((getNalUnitType() >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP) && (getNalUnitType() <= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA)) ) ) ) |
472 | { |
473 | #endif |
474 | for(i=0; i < m_pcRPS->getNumberOfNegativePictures(); i++) |
475 | { |
476 | if(m_pcRPS->getUsed(i)) |
477 | { |
478 | pcRefPic = xGetRefPic(rcListPic, getPOC()+m_pcRPS->getDeltaPOC(i)); |
479 | pcRefPic->setIsLongTerm(0); |
480 | pcRefPic->getPicYuvRec()->extendPicBorder(); |
481 | RefPicSetStCurr0[NumPocStCurr0] = pcRefPic; |
482 | NumPocStCurr0++; |
483 | pcRefPic->setCheckLTMSBPresent(false); |
484 | } |
485 | } |
486 | |
487 | for(; i < m_pcRPS->getNumberOfNegativePictures()+m_pcRPS->getNumberOfPositivePictures(); i++) |
488 | { |
489 | if(m_pcRPS->getUsed(i)) |
490 | { |
491 | pcRefPic = xGetRefPic(rcListPic, getPOC()+m_pcRPS->getDeltaPOC(i)); |
492 | pcRefPic->setIsLongTerm(0); |
493 | pcRefPic->getPicYuvRec()->extendPicBorder(); |
494 | RefPicSetStCurr1[NumPocStCurr1] = pcRefPic; |
495 | NumPocStCurr1++; |
496 | pcRefPic->setCheckLTMSBPresent(false); |
497 | } |
498 | } |
499 | |
500 | for(i = m_pcRPS->getNumberOfNegativePictures()+m_pcRPS->getNumberOfPositivePictures()+m_pcRPS->getNumberOfLongtermPictures()-1; i > m_pcRPS->getNumberOfNegativePictures()+m_pcRPS->getNumberOfPositivePictures()-1 ; i--) |
501 | { |
502 | if(m_pcRPS->getUsed(i)) |
503 | { |
504 | pcRefPic = xGetLongTermRefPic(rcListPic, m_pcRPS->getPOC(i), m_pcRPS->getCheckLTMSBPresent(i)); |
505 | pcRefPic->setIsLongTerm(1); |
506 | pcRefPic->getPicYuvRec()->extendPicBorder(); |
507 | RefPicSetLtCurr[NumPocLtCurr] = pcRefPic; |
508 | NumPocLtCurr++; |
509 | } |
510 | if(pcRefPic==NULL) |
511 | { |
512 | pcRefPic = xGetLongTermRefPic(rcListPic, m_pcRPS->getPOC(i), m_pcRPS->getCheckLTMSBPresent(i)); |
513 | } |
514 | pcRefPic->setCheckLTMSBPresent(m_pcRPS->getCheckLTMSBPresent(i)); |
515 | } |
516 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
517 | } |
518 | #endif |
519 | |
520 | // ref_pic_list_init |
521 | TComPic* rpsCurrList0[MAX_NUM_REF+1]; |
522 | TComPic* rpsCurrList1[MAX_NUM_REF+1]; |
523 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
524 | Int numInterLayerRPSPics = 0; |
526 | if( m_layerId > 0 && m_activeNumILRRefIdx > 0 ) |
527 | #else |
528 | if( m_layerId > 0 ) |
529 | #endif |
530 | { |
531 | for( i=0; i < m_pcVPS->getNumDirectRefLayers( m_layerId ); i++ ) |
532 | { |
533 | #if O0225_MAX_TID_FOR_REF_LAYERS |
534 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = getVPS()->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(ilpPic[i]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId(),m_layerId); |
535 | #else |
536 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = getVPS()->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(ilpPic[i]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId()); |
537 | #endif |
538 | if( ((Int)(ilpPic[i]->getSlice(0)->getTLayer())<= maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1-1) || (maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1==0 && ilpPic[i]->getSlice(0)->getRapPicFlag() ) ) |
539 | { |
540 | numInterLayerRPSPics++; |
542 | assert( ilpPic[i]->getSlice(0)->getDiscardableFlag() == 0 ); // Inter-layer RPS shall not contain picture with discardable_flag = 1. |
543 | #endif |
544 | } |
545 | } |
546 | if (numInterLayerRPSPics < m_activeNumILRRefIdx) |
547 | { |
548 | m_activeNumILRRefIdx = numInterLayerRPSPics; |
549 | } |
551 | if( m_pcVPS->getScalabilityMask( SCALABILITY_ID ) ) |
552 | { |
553 | Int numResampler = 0; |
555 | Int numMotionResamplers = 0; |
556 | Int refResamplingLayer[MAX_LAYERS]; |
557 | memset( refResamplingLayer, 0, sizeof( refResamplingLayer ) ); |
558 | #endif |
560 | const Window &scalEL = getSPS()->getScaledRefLayerWindow(m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[i]); |
561 | Int scalingOffset = ((scalEL.getWindowLeftOffset() == 0 ) && |
562 | (scalEL.getWindowRightOffset() == 0 ) && |
563 | (scalEL.getWindowTopOffset() == 0 ) && |
564 | (scalEL.getWindowBottomOffset() == 0 ) |
565 | ); |
566 | #endif |
567 | |
568 | for( i=0; i < m_activeNumILRRefIdx; i++ ) |
569 | { |
570 | UInt refLayerIdc = m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[i]; |
571 | UInt refLayerId = m_pcVPS->getRefLayerId( m_layerId, refLayerIdc ); |
573 | #if O0098_SCALED_REF_LAYER_ID |
574 | const Window &scalEL = getSPS()->getScaledRefLayerWindowForLayer(refLayerId); |
575 | #else |
576 | const Window &scalEL = getSPS()->getScaledRefLayerWindow(m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[i]); |
577 | #endif |
578 | Int scalingOffset = ((scalEL.getWindowLeftOffset() == 0 ) && |
579 | (scalEL.getWindowRightOffset() == 0 ) && |
580 | (scalEL.getWindowTopOffset() == 0 ) && |
581 | (scalEL.getWindowBottomOffset() == 0 ) |
582 | ); |
583 | #endif |
585 | Bool sameBitDepths = ( g_bitDepthYLayer[m_layerId] == g_bitDepthYLayer[refLayerId] ) && ( g_bitDepthCLayer[m_layerId] == g_bitDepthCLayer[refLayerId] ); |
586 | |
587 | if( !( g_posScalingFactor[refLayerIdc][0] == 65536 && g_posScalingFactor[refLayerIdc][1] == 65536 ) || !scalingOffset || !sameBitDepths |
588 | #if Q0048_CGS_3D_ASYMLUT |
589 | || getPPS()->getCGSFlag() |
590 | #endif |
591 | ) // ratio 1x |
592 | #else |
593 | if(!( g_posScalingFactor[refLayerIdc][0] == 65536 && g_posScalingFactor[refLayerIdc][1] == 65536 ) || (!scalingOffset)) // ratio 1x |
594 | #endif |
595 | { |
597 | UInt predType = m_pcVPS->getDirectDependencyType( m_layerId, refLayerId ) + 1; |
598 | |
599 | if( predType & 0x1 ) |
600 | { |
601 | numResampler++; |
602 | refResamplingLayer[i] = refLayerIdc + 1; |
603 | } |
604 | |
605 | if( predType & 0x2 ) |
606 | { |
607 | numMotionResamplers++; |
608 | refResamplingLayer[i] -= refLayerIdc + 1; |
609 | } |
610 | #else |
611 | numResampler++; |
612 | #endif |
613 | } |
614 | } |
615 | |
616 | // When both picture sample values and picture motion field resampling processes are invoked for decoding of a particular picture, they shall be applied to the same reference layer picture. |
617 | if( m_activeNumILRRefIdx > 1 && numResampler > 0 ) |
618 | { |
619 | for( i=0; i < m_activeNumILRRefIdx; i++ ) |
620 | { |
621 | assert( refResamplingLayer[i] >= 0 && "Motion and sample inter-layer prediction shall be from the same layer" ); |
622 | } |
623 | } |
624 | |
625 | // Bitstream constraint for SHVC: The picture resampling process as specified in subclause G. shall not be invoked more than once for decoding of each particular picture. |
626 | assert(numResampler <= 1); |
628 | assert( numMotionResamplers <= 1 && "Up to 1 motion resampling is allowed" ); |
629 | #endif |
630 | } |
631 | #endif |
632 | } |
633 | Int numPocTotalCurr = NumPocStCurr0 + NumPocStCurr1 + NumPocLtCurr + m_activeNumILRRefIdx; |
634 | #else //SVC_EXTENSION |
635 | Int numPocTotalCurr = NumPocStCurr0 + NumPocStCurr1 + NumPocLtCurr; |
636 | #endif //SVC_EXTENSION |
637 | |
638 | if (checkNumPocTotalCurr) |
639 | { |
640 | // The variable NumPocTotalCurr is derived as specified in subclause It is a requirement of bitstream conformance that the following applies to the value of NumPocTotalCurr: |
641 | #if SVC_EXTENSION // inter-layer prediction is allowed for BLA, CRA pictures of nuh_layer_id>0 |
642 | // - If the current picture is a BLA or CRA picture with nuh_layer_id equal to 0, the value of NumPocTotalCurr shall be equal to 0. |
643 | // - Otherwise, when the current picture contains a P or B slice, the value of NumPocTotalCurr shall not be equal to 0. |
644 | if (getRapPicFlag() && getLayerId()==0) |
645 | #else |
646 | // - If the current picture is a BLA or CRA picture, the value of NumPocTotalCurr shall be equal to 0. |
647 | // - Otherwise, when the current picture contains a P or B slice, the value of NumPocTotalCurr shall not be equal to 0. |
648 | if (getRapPicFlag()) |
649 | #endif |
650 | { |
651 | assert(numPocTotalCurr == 0); |
652 | } |
653 | |
654 | if (m_eSliceType == I_SLICE) |
655 | { |
656 | ::memset( m_apcRefPicList, 0, sizeof (m_apcRefPicList)); |
657 | ::memset( m_aiNumRefIdx, 0, sizeof ( m_aiNumRefIdx )); |
658 | |
659 | return; |
660 | } |
661 | |
662 | assert(numPocTotalCurr > 0); |
663 | |
664 | m_aiNumRefIdx[0] = getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0); |
665 | m_aiNumRefIdx[1] = getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1); |
666 | } |
667 | |
668 | Int cIdx = 0; |
669 | for ( i=0; i<NumPocStCurr0; i++, cIdx++) |
670 | { |
671 | rpsCurrList0[cIdx] = RefPicSetStCurr0[i]; |
672 | } |
673 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
674 | #if RPL_INIT_N0316_N0082 |
675 | if( m_layerId > 0 ) |
676 | { |
677 | for( i = 0; i < m_activeNumILRRefIdx && cIdx < numPocTotalCurr; cIdx ++, i ++) |
678 | { |
679 | Int refLayerIdc = m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[i]; |
680 | #if O0225_MAX_TID_FOR_REF_LAYERS |
681 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = getVPS()->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId(),m_layerId); |
682 | #else |
683 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = getVPS()->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId()); |
684 | #endif |
685 | if( ((Int)(ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getTLayer())<=maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1-1) || (maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1==0 && ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getRapPicFlag()) ) |
686 | { |
687 | rpsCurrList0[cIdx] = ilpPic[refLayerIdc]; |
688 | } |
689 | } |
690 | } |
691 | #endif |
692 | #endif //SVC_EXTENSION |
693 | for ( i=0; i<NumPocStCurr1; i++, cIdx++) |
694 | { |
695 | rpsCurrList0[cIdx] = RefPicSetStCurr1[i]; |
696 | } |
697 | for ( i=0; i<NumPocLtCurr; i++, cIdx++) |
698 | { |
699 | rpsCurrList0[cIdx] = RefPicSetLtCurr[i]; |
700 | } |
701 | #if !RPL_INIT_N0316_N0082 |
702 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
703 | if( m_layerId > 0 ) |
704 | { |
705 | for( i = 0; i < m_activeNumILRRefIdx && cIdx < numPocTotalCurr; cIdx ++, i ++) |
706 | { |
707 | Int refLayerIdc = m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[i]; |
708 | #if O0225_MAX_TID_FOR_REF_LAYERS |
709 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = getVPS()->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId(),m_layerId); |
710 | #else |
711 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = getVPS()->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId()); |
712 | #endif |
713 | if( ((Int)(ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getTLayer())<=maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1-1) || (maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1==0 && ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getRapPicFlag()) ) |
714 | { |
715 | rpsCurrList0[cIdx] = ilpPic[refLayerIdc]; |
716 | } |
717 | } |
718 | } |
719 | #endif |
720 | #endif |
721 | assert(cIdx == numPocTotalCurr); |
722 | |
723 | if (m_eSliceType==B_SLICE) |
724 | { |
725 | cIdx = 0; |
726 | for ( i=0; i<NumPocStCurr1; i++, cIdx++) |
727 | { |
728 | rpsCurrList1[cIdx] = RefPicSetStCurr1[i]; |
729 | } |
730 | for ( i=0; i<NumPocStCurr0; i++, cIdx++) |
731 | { |
732 | rpsCurrList1[cIdx] = RefPicSetStCurr0[i]; |
733 | } |
734 | for ( i=0; i<NumPocLtCurr; i++, cIdx++) |
735 | { |
736 | rpsCurrList1[cIdx] = RefPicSetLtCurr[i]; |
737 | } |
738 | |
739 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
740 | if( m_layerId > 0 ) |
741 | { |
742 | for( i = 0; i < m_activeNumILRRefIdx && cIdx < numPocTotalCurr; cIdx ++, i ++) |
743 | { |
744 | Int refLayerIdc = m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[i]; |
745 | #if O0225_MAX_TID_FOR_REF_LAYERS |
746 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = getVPS()->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId(),m_layerId); |
747 | #else |
748 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = getVPS()->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId()); |
749 | #endif |
750 | if( ((Int)(ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getTLayer())<=maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1-1) || (maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1==0 && ilpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getRapPicFlag()) ) |
751 | { |
752 | rpsCurrList1[cIdx] = ilpPic[refLayerIdc]; |
753 | } |
754 | } |
755 | } |
756 | #endif //SVC_EXTENSION |
757 | |
758 | assert(cIdx == numPocTotalCurr); |
759 | } |
760 | |
761 | ::memset(m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm, 0, sizeof(m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm)); |
762 | |
763 | for (Int rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_aiNumRefIdx[0]; rIdx ++) |
764 | { |
765 | cIdx = m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicListModificationFlagL0() ? m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicSetIdxL0(rIdx) : rIdx % numPocTotalCurr; |
766 | assert(cIdx >= 0 && cIdx < numPocTotalCurr); |
767 | m_apcRefPicList[0][rIdx] = rpsCurrList0[ cIdx ]; |
768 | #if RPL_INIT_N0316_N0082 |
769 | m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm[0][rIdx] = ( cIdx >= NumPocStCurr0 && cIdx < NumPocStCurr0 + m_activeNumILRRefIdx ) || ( cIdx >= NumPocStCurr0 + NumPocStCurr1 + m_activeNumILRRefIdx ); |
770 | #else |
771 | m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm[0][rIdx] = ( cIdx >= NumPocStCurr0 + NumPocStCurr1 ); |
772 | #endif |
773 | } |
774 | if ( m_eSliceType != B_SLICE ) |
775 | { |
776 | m_aiNumRefIdx[1] = 0; |
777 | ::memset( m_apcRefPicList[1], 0, sizeof(m_apcRefPicList[1])); |
778 | } |
779 | else |
780 | { |
781 | for (Int rIdx = 0; rIdx < m_aiNumRefIdx[1]; rIdx ++) |
782 | { |
783 | cIdx = m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicListModificationFlagL1() ? m_RefPicListModification.getRefPicSetIdxL1(rIdx) : rIdx % numPocTotalCurr; |
784 | assert(cIdx >= 0 && cIdx < numPocTotalCurr); |
785 | m_apcRefPicList[1][rIdx] = rpsCurrList1[ cIdx ]; |
786 | m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm[1][rIdx] = ( cIdx >= NumPocStCurr0 + NumPocStCurr1 ); |
787 | } |
788 | } |
789 | } |
790 | |
791 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
792 | Void TComSlice::setRefPicListModificationSvc() |
793 | { |
794 | if( !m_pcPPS->getListsModificationPresentFlag()) |
795 | { |
796 | return; |
797 | } |
798 | |
799 | if(m_eNalUnitType >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP && m_eNalUnitType <= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) |
800 | { |
801 | return; |
802 | } |
803 | |
804 | TComRefPicListModification* refPicListModification = &m_RefPicListModification; |
805 | Int numberOfRpsCurrTempList = this->getNumRpsCurrTempList(); // total number of ref pics in listTemp0 including inter-layer ref pics |
806 | #if RPL_INIT_N0316_N0082 |
807 | Int numberOfPocBeforeCurr = this->getNumNegativeRpsCurrTempList(); // number of negative temporal ref pics |
808 | #endif |
809 | |
810 | assert(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] > 0); |
811 | assert(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] > 0); |
812 | |
813 | //set L0 inter-layer reference picture modification |
814 | #if RPL_INIT_N0316_N0082 |
815 | Bool hasModification = (m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] == (numberOfPocBeforeCurr + m_activeNumILRRefIdx)) ? false : true; |
816 | |
817 | if( m_activeNumILRRefIdx > 1 ) |
818 | { |
819 | hasModification = (m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] >= (numberOfPocBeforeCurr + m_activeNumILRRefIdx)) ? false : true; |
820 | } |
821 | #else |
822 | Bool hasModification = (m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] == numberOfRpsCurrTempList) ? false : true; |
823 | #endif |
824 | hasModification = hasModification && ( m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] > 1 ); |
825 | refPicListModification->setRefPicListModificationFlagL0(hasModification); |
826 | if(hasModification) |
827 | { |
828 | for(Int i = 0; i < min(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0], numberOfRpsCurrTempList); i++) |
829 | { |
830 | refPicListModification->setRefPicSetIdxL0(i, i); |
831 | } |
832 | |
833 | if(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] > numberOfRpsCurrTempList) |
834 | { |
835 | // repeat last ref pic when the number of active ref idx are more than RPS entries |
836 | for (Int i = numberOfRpsCurrTempList; i < m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0]; i ++) |
837 | { |
838 | refPicListModification->setRefPicSetIdxL0(i, numberOfRpsCurrTempList - 1); |
839 | } |
840 | } |
841 | else |
842 | { |
843 | // number of ILRPs included into the reference picture list with the list modification |
844 | Int includeNumILRP = min( max(1, m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0]-numberOfPocBeforeCurr), m_activeNumILRRefIdx); |
845 | |
846 | for(Int i = includeNumILRP; i > 0; i-- ) |
847 | { |
848 | #if RPL_INIT_N0316_N0082 |
849 | if((numberOfPocBeforeCurr) >= m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0]) |
850 | { |
851 | refPicListModification->setRefPicSetIdxL0(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] - i, numberOfPocBeforeCurr + includeNumILRP - i); |
852 | } |
853 | else |
854 | { |
855 | refPicListModification->setRefPicSetIdxL0(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] - i, numberOfPocBeforeCurr + includeNumILRP - i); |
856 | for (Int j = numberOfPocBeforeCurr; j < (m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] - i); j++) |
857 | { |
858 | assert( j + includeNumILRP < numberOfRpsCurrTempList ); |
859 | refPicListModification->setRefPicSetIdxL0(j, j + includeNumILRP); |
860 | } |
861 | } |
862 | #else |
863 | refPicListModification->setRefPicSetIdxL0(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_0] - i, numberOfRpsCurrTempList - i); |
864 | #endif |
865 | } |
866 | } |
867 | } |
868 | |
869 | //set L1 inter-layer reference picture modification |
870 | hasModification = (m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] >= numberOfRpsCurrTempList) ? false : true; |
871 | hasModification = hasModification && ( m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] > 1 ); |
872 | |
873 | refPicListModification->setRefPicListModificationFlagL1(hasModification); |
874 | if(hasModification) |
875 | { |
876 | for(Int i = 0; i < min(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1], numberOfRpsCurrTempList); i++) |
877 | { |
878 | refPicListModification->setRefPicSetIdxL1(i, i); |
879 | } |
880 | if(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] > numberOfRpsCurrTempList) |
881 | { |
882 | for (Int i = numberOfRpsCurrTempList; i < m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1]; i ++) |
883 | { |
884 | // repeat last ref pic when the number of active ref idx are more than RPS entries |
885 | refPicListModification->setRefPicSetIdxL1(i, numberOfRpsCurrTempList - 1); |
886 | } |
887 | } |
888 | else |
889 | { |
890 | Int includeNumILRP = min(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1], m_activeNumILRRefIdx); |
891 | |
892 | for(Int i = includeNumILRP; i > 0; i-- ) |
893 | { |
894 | refPicListModification->setRefPicSetIdxL1(m_aiNumRefIdx[REF_PIC_LIST_1] - i, numberOfRpsCurrTempList - i); |
895 | } |
896 | } |
897 | } |
898 | return; |
899 | } |
900 | #endif |
901 | #if RPL_INIT_N0316_N0082 |
902 | Int TComSlice::getNumNegativeRpsCurrTempList() |
903 | { |
904 | if( m_eSliceType == I_SLICE ) |
905 | { |
906 | return 0; |
907 | } |
908 | |
909 | Int numPocBeforeCurr = 0; |
910 | for( UInt i = 0; i < m_pcRPS->getNumberOfNegativePictures(); i++ ) |
911 | { |
912 | if(m_pcRPS->getUsed(i)) |
913 | { |
914 | numPocBeforeCurr++; |
915 | } |
916 | } |
917 | |
918 | return numPocBeforeCurr; |
919 | } |
920 | #endif |
921 | Int TComSlice::getNumRpsCurrTempList() |
922 | { |
923 | Int numRpsCurrTempList = 0; |
924 | |
925 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
926 | if( m_eSliceType == I_SLICE || ( m_layerId && |
927 | (m_eNalUnitType >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP) && |
928 | (m_eNalUnitType <= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) ) ) |
929 | #else |
930 | if (m_eSliceType == I_SLICE) |
931 | #endif |
932 | { |
933 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
934 | return m_activeNumILRRefIdx; |
935 | #else |
936 | return 0; |
937 | #endif |
938 | } |
939 | for(UInt i=0; i < m_pcRPS->getNumberOfNegativePictures()+ m_pcRPS->getNumberOfPositivePictures() + m_pcRPS->getNumberOfLongtermPictures(); i++) |
940 | { |
941 | if(m_pcRPS->getUsed(i)) |
942 | { |
943 | numRpsCurrTempList++; |
944 | } |
945 | } |
946 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
947 | if( m_layerId > 0 ) |
948 | { |
949 | numRpsCurrTempList += m_activeNumILRRefIdx; |
950 | } |
951 | #endif |
952 | |
953 | return numRpsCurrTempList; |
954 | } |
955 | |
956 | Void TComSlice::initEqualRef() |
957 | { |
958 | for (Int iDir = 0; iDir < 2; iDir++) |
959 | { |
960 | for (Int iRefIdx1 = 0; iRefIdx1 < MAX_NUM_REF; iRefIdx1++) |
961 | { |
962 | for (Int iRefIdx2 = iRefIdx1; iRefIdx2 < MAX_NUM_REF; iRefIdx2++) |
963 | { |
964 | m_abEqualRef[iDir][iRefIdx1][iRefIdx2] = m_abEqualRef[iDir][iRefIdx2][iRefIdx1] = (iRefIdx1 == iRefIdx2? true : false); |
965 | } |
966 | } |
967 | } |
968 | } |
969 | |
970 | Void TComSlice::checkColRefIdx(UInt curSliceIdx, TComPic* pic) |
971 | { |
972 | Int i; |
973 | TComSlice* curSlice = pic->getSlice(curSliceIdx); |
974 | Int currColRefPOC = curSlice->getRefPOC( RefPicList(1-curSlice->getColFromL0Flag()), curSlice->getColRefIdx()); |
975 | TComSlice* preSlice; |
976 | Int preColRefPOC; |
977 | for(i=curSliceIdx-1; i>=0; i--) |
978 | { |
979 | preSlice = pic->getSlice(i); |
980 | if(preSlice->getSliceType() != I_SLICE) |
981 | { |
982 | preColRefPOC = preSlice->getRefPOC( RefPicList(1-preSlice->getColFromL0Flag()), preSlice->getColRefIdx()); |
983 | if(currColRefPOC != preColRefPOC) |
984 | { |
985 | printf("Collocated_ref_idx shall always be the same for all slices of a coded picture!\n"); |
986 | exit(EXIT_FAILURE); |
987 | } |
988 | else |
989 | { |
990 | break; |
991 | } |
992 | } |
993 | } |
994 | } |
995 | |
996 | Void TComSlice::checkCRA(TComReferencePictureSet *pReferencePictureSet, Int& pocCRA, NalUnitType& associatedIRAPType, TComList<TComPic *>& rcListPic) |
997 | { |
998 | for(Int i = 0; i < pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfNegativePictures()+pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfPositivePictures(); i++) |
999 | { |
1000 | if(pocCRA < MAX_UINT && getPOC() > pocCRA) |
1001 | { |
1002 | assert(getPOC()+pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) >= pocCRA); |
1003 | } |
1004 | } |
1005 | for(Int i = pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfNegativePictures()+pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfPositivePictures(); i < pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfPictures(); i++) |
1006 | { |
1007 | if(pocCRA < MAX_UINT && getPOC() > pocCRA) |
1008 | { |
1009 | if (!pReferencePictureSet->getCheckLTMSBPresent(i)) |
1010 | { |
1011 | assert(xGetLongTermRefPic(rcListPic, pReferencePictureSet->getPOC(i), false)->getPOC() >= pocCRA); |
1012 | } |
1013 | else |
1014 | { |
1015 | assert(pReferencePictureSet->getPOC(i) >= pocCRA); |
1016 | } |
1017 | } |
1018 | } |
1019 | if ( getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP ) // IDR picture found |
1020 | { |
1021 | pocCRA = getPOC(); |
1022 | associatedIRAPType = getNalUnitType(); |
1023 | } |
1024 | else if ( getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA ) // CRA picture found |
1025 | { |
1026 | pocCRA = getPOC(); |
1027 | associatedIRAPType = getNalUnitType(); |
1028 | } |
1029 | else if ( getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP |
1030 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL |
1031 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP ) // BLA picture found |
1032 | { |
1033 | pocCRA = getPOC(); |
1034 | associatedIRAPType = getNalUnitType(); |
1035 | } |
1036 | } |
1037 | |
1038 | /** Function for marking the reference pictures when an IDR/CRA/CRANT/BLA/BLANT is encountered. |
1039 | * \param pocCRA POC of the CRA/CRANT/BLA/BLANT picture |
1040 | * \param bRefreshPending flag indicating if a deferred decoding refresh is pending |
1041 | * \param rcListPic reference to the reference picture list |
1042 | * This function marks the reference pictures as "unused for reference" in the following conditions. |
1043 | * If the nal_unit_type is IDR/BLA/BLANT, all pictures in the reference picture list |
1044 | * are marked as "unused for reference" |
1045 | * If the nal_unit_type is BLA/BLANT, set the pocCRA to the temporal reference of the current picture. |
1046 | * Otherwise |
1047 | * If the bRefreshPending flag is true (a deferred decoding refresh is pending) and the current |
1048 | * temporal reference is greater than the temporal reference of the latest CRA/CRANT/BLA/BLANT picture (pocCRA), |
1049 | * mark all reference pictures except the latest CRA/CRANT/BLA/BLANT picture as "unused for reference" and set |
1050 | * the bRefreshPending flag to false. |
1051 | * If the nal_unit_type is CRA/CRANT, set the bRefreshPending flag to true and pocCRA to the temporal |
1052 | * reference of the current picture. |
1053 | * Note that the current picture is already placed in the reference list and its marking is not changed. |
1054 | * If the current picture has a nal_ref_idc that is not 0, it will remain marked as "used for reference". |
1055 | */ |
1057 | Void TComSlice::decodingRefreshMarking( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, Bool noClrasOutputFlag ) |
1058 | { |
1059 | if( !isIRAP() ) |
1060 | { |
1061 | return; |
1062 | } |
1063 | |
1064 | Int pocCurr = getPOC(); |
1065 | TComPic* rpcPic = NULL; |
1066 | |
1067 | // When the current picture is an IRAP picture with nuh_layer_id equal to 0 and NoClrasOutputFlag is equal to 1, |
1068 | // all reference pictures with any value of nuh_layer_id currently in the DPB (if any) are marked as "unused for reference". |
1069 | if( m_layerId == 0 && noClrasOutputFlag ) |
1070 | { |
1071 | // mark all pictures for all layers as not used for reference |
1072 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1073 | while( iterPic != rcListPic.end() ) |
1074 | { |
1075 | rpcPic = *(iterPic); |
1076 | if( rpcPic->getPOC() != pocCurr ) |
1077 | { |
1078 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(false); |
1079 | } |
1080 | iterPic++; |
1081 | } |
1082 | } |
1083 | |
1084 | // When the current picture is an IRAP picture with NoRaslOutputFlag equal to 1, |
1085 | // all reference pictures with nuh_layer_id equal to currPicLayerId currently in the DPB (if any) are marked as "unused for reference". |
1086 | if( m_noRaslOutputFlag ) |
1087 | { |
1088 | // mark all pictures of a current layer as not used for reference |
1089 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1090 | while( iterPic != rcListPic.end() ) |
1091 | { |
1092 | rpcPic = *(iterPic); |
1093 | if( rpcPic->getPOC() != pocCurr && rpcPic->getLayerId() == m_layerId ) |
1094 | { |
1095 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(false); |
1096 | } |
1097 | iterPic++; |
1098 | } |
1099 | } |
1100 | } |
1101 | |
1102 | Void TComSlice::decodingRefreshMarking(Int& pocCRA, Bool& bRefreshPending, TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, Bool noClrasOutputFlag) |
1103 | #else |
1104 | Void TComSlice::decodingRefreshMarking(Int& pocCRA, Bool& bRefreshPending, TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic) |
1105 | #endif |
1106 | { |
1107 | TComPic* rpcPic; |
1108 | #if !FIX1172 |
1109 | setAssociatedIRAPPOC(pocCRA); |
1110 | #endif |
1111 | Int pocCurr = getPOC(); |
1112 | |
1113 | if ( getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP |
1114 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL |
1115 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP |
1116 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL |
1117 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP ) // IDR or BLA picture |
1118 | { |
1119 | // mark all pictures as not used for reference |
1120 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1121 | while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1122 | { |
1123 | rpcPic = *(iterPic); |
1124 | rpcPic->setCurrSliceIdx(0); |
1127 | if (noClrasOutputFlag) |
1128 | { |
1129 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(false); // all layers // TODO. This does not mark all layers |
1130 | } |
1131 | else |
1132 | { |
1133 | if (rpcPic->getLayerId() == m_layerId) rpcPic->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(false); // only current layer |
1134 | } |
1135 | #else |
1136 | if (noClrasOutputFlag) |
1137 | { |
1138 | if (rpcPic->getPOC() != pocCurr) rpcPic->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(false); // all layers |
1139 | } |
1140 | else |
1141 | { |
1142 | if (rpcPic->getPOC() != pocCurr && rpcPic->getLayerId() == m_layerId) rpcPic->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(false); // only current layer |
1143 | } |
1144 | #endif |
1145 | #else |
1146 | if (rpcPic->getPOC() != pocCurr) rpcPic->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(false); |
1147 | #endif |
1148 | iterPic++; |
1149 | } |
1151 | this->getPic()->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(true); // Mark the current picture back as refererced. |
1152 | #endif |
1153 | if ( getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP |
1154 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL |
1155 | || getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP ) |
1156 | { |
1157 | pocCRA = pocCurr; |
1158 | } |
1160 | bRefreshPending = true; |
1161 | #endif |
1162 | } |
1163 | else // CRA or No DR |
1164 | { |
1166 | if(getAssociatedIRAPType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP || getAssociatedIRAPType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL) |
1167 | { |
1168 | if (bRefreshPending==true && pocCurr > m_iLastIDR) // IDR reference marking pending |
1169 | { |
1170 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1171 | while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1172 | { |
1173 | rpcPic = *(iterPic); |
1174 | if (rpcPic->getPOC() != pocCurr && rpcPic->getPOC() != m_iLastIDR) |
1175 | { |
1176 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(false); |
1177 | } |
1178 | iterPic++; |
1179 | } |
1180 | bRefreshPending = false; |
1181 | } |
1182 | } |
1183 | else |
1184 | { |
1185 | #endif |
1186 | if (bRefreshPending==true && pocCurr > pocCRA) // CRA reference marking pending |
1187 | { |
1188 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1189 | while (iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1190 | { |
1191 | rpcPic = *(iterPic); |
1192 | if (rpcPic->getPOC() != pocCurr && rpcPic->getPOC() != pocCRA) |
1193 | { |
1194 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->setReferenced(false); |
1195 | } |
1196 | iterPic++; |
1197 | } |
1198 | bRefreshPending = false; |
1199 | } |
1201 | } |
1202 | #endif |
1203 | if ( getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA ) // CRA picture found |
1204 | { |
1205 | bRefreshPending = true; |
1206 | pocCRA = pocCurr; |
1207 | } |
1208 | } |
1209 | } |
1210 | |
1211 | Void TComSlice::copySliceInfo(TComSlice *pSrc) |
1212 | { |
1213 | assert( pSrc != NULL ); |
1214 | |
1215 | Int i, j, k; |
1216 | |
1217 | m_iPOC = pSrc->m_iPOC; |
1218 | m_eNalUnitType = pSrc->m_eNalUnitType; |
1219 | m_eSliceType = pSrc->m_eSliceType; |
1220 | m_iSliceQp = pSrc->m_iSliceQp; |
1222 | m_iSliceQpBase = pSrc->m_iSliceQpBase; |
1223 | #endif |
1224 | m_deblockingFilterDisable = pSrc->m_deblockingFilterDisable; |
1225 | m_deblockingFilterOverrideFlag = pSrc->m_deblockingFilterOverrideFlag; |
1226 | m_deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 = pSrc->m_deblockingFilterBetaOffsetDiv2; |
1227 | m_deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2 = pSrc->m_deblockingFilterTcOffsetDiv2; |
1228 | |
1229 | for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
1230 | { |
1231 | m_aiNumRefIdx[i] = pSrc->m_aiNumRefIdx[i]; |
1232 | } |
1233 | |
1234 | for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_REF; i++) |
1235 | { |
1236 | m_list1IdxToList0Idx[i] = pSrc->m_list1IdxToList0Idx[i]; |
1237 | } |
1238 | m_bCheckLDC = pSrc->m_bCheckLDC; |
1239 | m_iSliceQpDelta = pSrc->m_iSliceQpDelta; |
1240 | m_iSliceQpDeltaCb = pSrc->m_iSliceQpDeltaCb; |
1241 | m_iSliceQpDeltaCr = pSrc->m_iSliceQpDeltaCr; |
1242 | for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
1243 | { |
1244 | for (j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_REF; j++) |
1245 | { |
1246 | m_apcRefPicList[i][j] = pSrc->m_apcRefPicList[i][j]; |
1247 | m_aiRefPOCList[i][j] = pSrc->m_aiRefPOCList[i][j]; |
1248 | } |
1249 | } |
1250 | for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
1251 | { |
1252 | for (j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_REF + 1; j++) |
1253 | { |
1254 | m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm[i][j] = pSrc->m_bIsUsedAsLongTerm[i][j]; |
1255 | } |
1256 | } |
1257 | m_iDepth = pSrc->m_iDepth; |
1258 | |
1259 | // referenced slice |
1260 | m_bRefenced = pSrc->m_bRefenced; |
1261 | |
1262 | // access channel |
1263 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
1264 | m_pcVPS = pSrc->m_pcVPS; |
1265 | m_layerId = pSrc->m_layerId; |
1266 | m_activeNumILRRefIdx = pSrc->m_activeNumILRRefIdx; |
1267 | m_interLayerPredEnabledFlag = pSrc->m_interLayerPredEnabledFlag; |
1268 | memcpy( m_interLayerPredLayerIdc, pSrc->m_interLayerPredLayerIdc, sizeof( m_interLayerPredLayerIdc ) ); |
1269 | #if P0312_VERT_PHASE_ADJ |
1270 | memcpy( m_vertPhasePositionFlag, pSrc->m_vertPhasePositionFlag, sizeof( m_vertPhasePositionFlag ) ); |
1271 | #endif |
1272 | #endif |
1273 | m_pcSPS = pSrc->m_pcSPS; |
1274 | m_pcPPS = pSrc->m_pcPPS; |
1275 | m_pcRPS = pSrc->m_pcRPS; |
1276 | m_iLastIDR = pSrc->m_iLastIDR; |
1277 | |
1278 | m_pcPic = pSrc->m_pcPic; |
1279 | |
1280 | m_colFromL0Flag = pSrc->m_colFromL0Flag; |
1281 | m_colRefIdx = pSrc->m_colRefIdx; |
1282 | setLambdas(pSrc->getLambdas()); |
1283 | for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) |
1284 | { |
1285 | for (j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_REF; j++) |
1286 | { |
1287 | for (k =0; k < MAX_NUM_REF; k++) |
1288 | { |
1289 | m_abEqualRef[i][j][k] = pSrc->m_abEqualRef[i][j][k]; |
1290 | } |
1291 | } |
1292 | } |
1293 | |
1294 | m_uiTLayer = pSrc->m_uiTLayer; |
1295 | m_bTLayerSwitchingFlag = pSrc->m_bTLayerSwitchingFlag; |
1296 | |
1297 | m_sliceMode = pSrc->m_sliceMode; |
1298 | m_sliceArgument = pSrc->m_sliceArgument; |
1299 | m_sliceCurStartCUAddr = pSrc->m_sliceCurStartCUAddr; |
1300 | m_sliceCurEndCUAddr = pSrc->m_sliceCurEndCUAddr; |
1301 | m_sliceIdx = pSrc->m_sliceIdx; |
1302 | m_sliceSegmentMode = pSrc->m_sliceSegmentMode; |
1303 | m_sliceSegmentArgument = pSrc->m_sliceSegmentArgument; |
1304 | m_sliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr = pSrc->m_sliceSegmentCurStartCUAddr; |
1305 | m_sliceSegmentCurEndCUAddr = pSrc->m_sliceSegmentCurEndCUAddr; |
1306 | m_nextSlice = pSrc->m_nextSlice; |
1307 | m_nextSliceSegment = pSrc->m_nextSliceSegment; |
1308 | for ( Int e=0 ; e<2 ; e++ ) |
1309 | { |
1310 | for ( Int n=0 ; n<MAX_NUM_REF ; n++ ) |
1311 | { |
1312 | memcpy(m_weightPredTable[e][n], pSrc->m_weightPredTable[e][n], sizeof(wpScalingParam)*3 ); |
1313 | } |
1314 | } |
1315 | m_saoEnabledFlag = pSrc->m_saoEnabledFlag; |
1316 | m_saoEnabledFlagChroma = pSrc->m_saoEnabledFlagChroma; |
1317 | m_cabacInitFlag = pSrc->m_cabacInitFlag; |
1318 | m_numEntryPointOffsets = pSrc->m_numEntryPointOffsets; |
1319 | |
1320 | m_bLMvdL1Zero = pSrc->m_bLMvdL1Zero; |
1321 | m_LFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag = pSrc->m_LFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag; |
1322 | m_enableTMVPFlag = pSrc->m_enableTMVPFlag; |
1323 | m_maxNumMergeCand = pSrc->m_maxNumMergeCand; |
1324 | } |
1325 | |
1326 | Int TComSlice::m_prevTid0POC = 0; |
1327 | |
1328 | /** Function for setting the slice's temporal layer ID and corresponding temporal_layer_switching_point_flag. |
1329 | * \param uiTLayer Temporal layer ID of the current slice |
1330 | * The decoder calls this function to set temporal_layer_switching_point_flag for each temporal layer based on |
1331 | * the SPS's temporal_id_nesting_flag and the parsed PPS. Then, current slice's temporal layer ID and |
1332 | * temporal_layer_switching_point_flag is set accordingly. |
1333 | */ |
1334 | Void TComSlice::setTLayerInfo( UInt uiTLayer ) |
1335 | { |
1336 | m_uiTLayer = uiTLayer; |
1337 | } |
1338 | |
1339 | /** Function for checking if this is a switching-point |
1340 | */ |
1341 | Bool TComSlice::isTemporalLayerSwitchingPoint( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic ) |
1342 | { |
1343 | TComPic* rpcPic; |
1344 | // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer |
1345 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1346 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1347 | { |
1348 | rpcPic = *(iterPic++); |
1349 | if(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced() && rpcPic->getPOC() != getPOC()) |
1350 | { |
1351 | if(rpcPic->getTLayer() >= getTLayer()) |
1352 | { |
1353 | return false; |
1354 | } |
1355 | } |
1356 | } |
1357 | return true; |
1358 | } |
1359 | |
1360 | /** Function for checking if this is a STSA candidate |
1361 | */ |
1362 | Bool TComSlice::isStepwiseTemporalLayerSwitchingPointCandidate( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic ) |
1363 | { |
1364 | TComPic* rpcPic; |
1365 | |
1366 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1367 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1368 | { |
1369 | rpcPic = *(iterPic++); |
1370 | if(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced() && (rpcPic->getUsedByCurr()==true) && rpcPic->getPOC() != getPOC()) |
1371 | { |
1372 | if(rpcPic->getTLayer() >= getTLayer()) |
1373 | { |
1374 | return false; |
1375 | } |
1376 | } |
1377 | } |
1378 | return true; |
1379 | } |
1380 | |
1382 | Void TComSlice::checkLeadingPictureRestrictions(TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, Bool usePocBeforeReset) |
1383 | #else |
1384 | Void TComSlice::checkLeadingPictureRestrictions(TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic) |
1385 | #endif |
1386 | { |
1387 | TComPic* rpcPic; |
1388 | |
1389 | Int nalUnitType = this->getNalUnitType(); |
1390 | |
1391 | // When a picture is a leading picture, it shall be a RADL or RASL picture. |
1392 | if(this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() > this->getPOC()) |
1393 | { |
1394 | // Do not check IRAP pictures since they may get a POC lower than their associated IRAP |
1395 | if(nalUnitType < NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP || |
1396 | nalUnitType > NAL_UNIT_RESERVED_IRAP_VCL23) |
1397 | { |
1398 | assert(nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_N || |
1399 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_R || |
1400 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_N || |
1401 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_R); |
1402 | } |
1403 | } |
1404 | |
1405 | // When a picture is a trailing picture, it shall not be a RADL or RASL picture. |
1406 | if(this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() < this->getPOC()) |
1407 | { |
1408 | assert(nalUnitType != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_N && |
1409 | nalUnitType != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_R && |
1410 | nalUnitType != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_N && |
1411 | nalUnitType != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_R); |
1412 | } |
1413 | |
1414 | // No RASL pictures shall be present in the bitstream that are associated |
1415 | // with a BLA picture having nal_unit_type equal to BLA_W_RADL or BLA_N_LP. |
1416 | if(nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_N || |
1417 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_R) |
1418 | { |
1419 | assert(this->getAssociatedIRAPType() != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL && |
1420 | this->getAssociatedIRAPType() != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP); |
1421 | } |
1422 | |
1423 | // No RASL pictures shall be present in the bitstream that are associated with |
1424 | // an IDR picture. |
1425 | if(nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_N || |
1426 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_R) |
1427 | { |
1428 | assert(this->getAssociatedIRAPType() != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP && |
1429 | this->getAssociatedIRAPType() != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL); |
1430 | } |
1431 | |
1432 | // No RADL pictures shall be present in the bitstream that are associated with |
1433 | // a BLA picture having nal_unit_type equal to BLA_N_LP or that are associated |
1434 | // with an IDR picture having nal_unit_type equal to IDR_N_LP. |
1435 | if(nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_N || |
1436 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_R) |
1437 | { |
1438 | assert(this->getAssociatedIRAPType() != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP && |
1439 | this->getAssociatedIRAPType() != NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP); |
1440 | } |
1441 | |
1442 | // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer |
1443 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1444 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1445 | { |
1446 | rpcPic = *(iterPic++); |
1448 | if(!rpcPic->getReconMark()) |
1449 | { |
1450 | continue; |
1451 | } |
1452 | #endif |
1453 | if (rpcPic->getPOC() == this->getPOC()) |
1454 | { |
1455 | continue; |
1456 | } |
1457 | |
1458 | // Any picture that has PicOutputFlag equal to 1 that precedes an IRAP picture |
1459 | // in decoding order shall precede the IRAP picture in output order. |
1460 | // (Note that any picture following in output order would be present in the DPB) |
1462 | if(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getPicOutputFlag() == 1) |
1463 | #else |
1464 | if(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getPicOutputFlag() == 1 && !this->getNoOutputPriorPicsFlag()) |
1465 | #endif |
1466 | { |
1467 | if(nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP || |
1468 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP || |
1469 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL || |
1470 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA || |
1471 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP || |
1472 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL) |
1473 | { |
1475 | if( usePocBeforeReset ) |
1476 | { |
1477 | assert(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getPocValueBeforeReset() < this->getPocValueBeforeReset()); |
1478 | } |
1479 | else |
1480 | { |
1481 | assert(rpcPic->getPOC() < this->getPOC()); |
1482 | } |
1483 | #else |
1484 | assert(rpcPic->getPOC() < this->getPOC()); |
1485 | #endif |
1486 | } |
1487 | } |
1488 | |
1489 | // Any picture that has PicOutputFlag equal to 1 that precedes an IRAP picture |
1490 | // in decoding order shall precede any RADL picture associated with the IRAP |
1491 | // picture in output order. |
1492 | if(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getPicOutputFlag() == 1) |
1493 | { |
1494 | if((nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_N || |
1495 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_R)) |
1496 | { |
1497 | // rpcPic precedes the IRAP in decoding order |
1498 | if(this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() > rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getAssociatedIRAPPOC()) |
1499 | { |
1500 | // rpcPic must not be the IRAP picture |
1501 | if(this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() != rpcPic->getPOC()) |
1502 | { |
1504 | if( usePocBeforeReset ) |
1505 | { |
1506 | assert(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getPocValueBeforeReset() < this->getPocValueBeforeReset()); |
1507 | } |
1508 | else |
1509 | { |
1510 | assert(rpcPic->getPOC() < this->getPOC()); |
1511 | } |
1512 | #else |
1513 | assert(rpcPic->getPOC() < this->getPOC()); |
1514 | #endif |
1515 | } |
1516 | } |
1517 | } |
1518 | } |
1519 | |
1520 | // When a picture is a leading picture, it shall precede, in decoding order, |
1521 | // all trailing pictures that are associated with the same IRAP picture. |
1522 | if(nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_N || |
1523 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_R || |
1524 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_N || |
1525 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_R) |
1526 | { |
1527 | if(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() == this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC()) |
1528 | { |
1529 | // rpcPic is a picture that preceded the leading in decoding order since it exist in the DPB |
1530 | // rpcPic would violate the constraint if it was a trailing picture |
1532 | if( usePocBeforeReset ) |
1533 | { |
1534 | assert(rpcPic->getPOC() <= this->getAssociatedIrapPocBeforeReset()); |
1535 | } |
1536 | else |
1537 | { |
1538 | assert(rpcPic->getPOC() <= this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC()); |
1539 | } |
1540 | #else |
1541 | assert(rpcPic->getPOC() <= this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC()); |
1542 | #endif |
1543 | } |
1544 | } |
1545 | |
1546 | // Any RASL picture associated with a CRA or BLA picture shall precede any |
1547 | // RADL picture associated with the CRA or BLA picture in output order |
1548 | if(nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_N || |
1549 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_R) |
1550 | { |
1551 | if((this->getAssociatedIRAPType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP || |
1552 | this->getAssociatedIRAPType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP || |
1553 | this->getAssociatedIRAPType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL || |
1554 | this->getAssociatedIRAPType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) && |
1555 | this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() == rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getAssociatedIRAPPOC()) |
1556 | { |
1557 | if(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_N || |
1558 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_R) |
1559 | { |
1560 | assert(rpcPic->getPOC() > this->getPOC()); |
1561 | } |
1562 | } |
1563 | } |
1564 | |
1565 | // Any RASL picture associated with a CRA picture shall follow, in output |
1566 | // order, any IRAP picture that precedes the CRA picture in decoding order. |
1567 | if(nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_N || |
1568 | nalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_R) |
1569 | { |
1570 | if(this->getAssociatedIRAPType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) |
1571 | { |
1572 | if(rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getPOC() < this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() && |
1573 | (rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP || |
1574 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP || |
1575 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL || |
1576 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP || |
1577 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL || |
1578 | rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA)) |
1579 | { |
1580 | assert(this->getPOC() > rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getPOC()); |
1581 | } |
1582 | } |
1583 | } |
1584 | } |
1585 | } |
1586 | |
1587 | |
1588 | |
1589 | /** Function for applying picture marking based on the Reference Picture Set in pReferencePictureSet. |
1590 | */ |
1591 | Void TComSlice::applyReferencePictureSet( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, TComReferencePictureSet *pReferencePictureSet) |
1592 | { |
1593 | TComPic* rpcPic; |
1594 | Int i, isReference; |
1595 | |
1596 | #if !ALIGNED_BUMPING |
1597 | checkLeadingPictureRestrictions(rcListPic); |
1598 | #endif |
1599 | |
1600 | // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer |
1601 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1602 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1603 | { |
1604 | rpcPic = *(iterPic++); |
1605 | |
1606 | if(!rpcPic->getSlice( 0 )->isReferenced()) |
1607 | { |
1608 | continue; |
1609 | } |
1610 | |
1611 | isReference = 0; |
1612 | // loop through all pictures in the Reference Picture Set |
1613 | // to see if the picture should be kept as reference picture |
1614 | for(i=0;i<pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfPositivePictures()+pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfNegativePictures();i++) |
1615 | { |
1616 | if(!rpcPic->getIsLongTerm() && rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC() == this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i)) |
1617 | { |
1618 | isReference = 1; |
1619 | rpcPic->setUsedByCurr(pReferencePictureSet->getUsed(i)); |
1620 | rpcPic->setIsLongTerm(0); |
1621 | } |
1622 | } |
1623 | for(;i<pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfPictures();i++) |
1624 | { |
1625 | if(pReferencePictureSet->getCheckLTMSBPresent(i)==true) |
1626 | { |
1627 | if(rpcPic->getIsLongTerm() && (rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC()) == pReferencePictureSet->getPOC(i)) |
1628 | { |
1629 | isReference = 1; |
1630 | rpcPic->setUsedByCurr(pReferencePictureSet->getUsed(i)); |
1631 | } |
1632 | } |
1633 | else |
1634 | { |
1635 | Int pocCycle = 1<<rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getSPS()->getBitsForPOC(); |
1636 | Int curPoc = rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC() & (pocCycle-1); |
1637 | Int refPoc = pReferencePictureSet->getPOC(i) & (pocCycle-1); |
1638 | if(rpcPic->getIsLongTerm() && curPoc == refPoc) |
1639 | { |
1640 | isReference = 1; |
1641 | rpcPic->setUsedByCurr(pReferencePictureSet->getUsed(i)); |
1642 | } |
1643 | } |
1644 | |
1645 | } |
1647 | if( isReference ) // Current picture is in the temporal RPS |
1648 | { |
1649 | assert( rpcPic->getSlice(0)->getDiscardableFlag() == 0 ); // Temporal RPS shall not contain picture with discardable_flag equal to 1 |
1650 | } |
1651 | #endif |
1652 | // mark the picture as "unused for reference" if it is not in |
1653 | // the Reference Picture Set |
1654 | if(rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC() != this->getPOC() && isReference == 0) |
1655 | { |
1656 | rpcPic->getSlice( 0 )->setReferenced( false ); |
1657 | rpcPic->setUsedByCurr(0); |
1658 | rpcPic->setIsLongTerm(0); |
1659 | } |
1660 | //check that pictures of higher temporal layers are not used |
1661 | assert(rpcPic->getSlice( 0 )->isReferenced()==0||rpcPic->getUsedByCurr()==0||rpcPic->getTLayer()<=this->getTLayer()); |
1662 | //check that pictures of higher or equal temporal layer are not in the RPS if the current picture is a TSA picture |
1663 | if(this->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TSA_R || this->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TSA_N) |
1664 | { |
1665 | assert(rpcPic->getSlice( 0 )->isReferenced()==0||rpcPic->getTLayer()<this->getTLayer()); |
1666 | } |
1667 | //check that pictures marked as temporal layer non-reference pictures are not used for reference |
1668 | if(rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC() != this->getPOC() && rpcPic->getTLayer()==this->getTLayer()) |
1669 | { |
1670 | assert(rpcPic->getSlice( 0 )->isReferenced()==0||rpcPic->getUsedByCurr()==0||rpcPic->getSlice( 0 )->getTemporalLayerNonReferenceFlag()==false); |
1671 | } |
1672 | } |
1673 | } |
1674 | |
1675 | /** Function for applying picture marking based on the Reference Picture Set in pReferencePictureSet. |
1676 | */ |
1678 | Int TComSlice::checkThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, TComReferencePictureSet *pReferencePictureSet, Bool printErrors, Int pocRandomAccess, Bool bUseRecoveryPoint) |
1679 | #else |
1680 | Int TComSlice::checkThatAllRefPicsAreAvailable( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, TComReferencePictureSet *pReferencePictureSet, Bool printErrors, Int pocRandomAccess) |
1681 | #endif |
1682 | { |
1684 | Int atLeastOneUnabledByRecoveryPoint = 0; |
1685 | Int atLeastOneFlushedByPreviousIDR = 0; |
1686 | #endif |
1687 | TComPic* rpcPic; |
1688 | Int i, isAvailable; |
1689 | Int atLeastOneLost = 0; |
1690 | Int atLeastOneRemoved = 0; |
1691 | Int iPocLost = 0; |
1692 | |
1693 | // loop through all long-term pictures in the Reference Picture Set |
1694 | // to see if the picture should be kept as reference picture |
1695 | for(i=pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfNegativePictures()+pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfPositivePictures();i<pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfPictures();i++) |
1696 | { |
1697 | isAvailable = 0; |
1698 | // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer |
1699 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1700 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1701 | { |
1702 | rpcPic = *(iterPic++); |
1703 | if(pReferencePictureSet->getCheckLTMSBPresent(i)==true) |
1704 | { |
1705 | if(rpcPic->getIsLongTerm() && (rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC()) == pReferencePictureSet->getPOC(i) && rpcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced()) |
1706 | { |
1708 | if(bUseRecoveryPoint && this->getPOC() > pocRandomAccess && this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) < pocRandomAccess) |
1709 | { |
1710 | isAvailable = 0; |
1711 | } |
1712 | else |
1713 | { |
1714 | isAvailable = 1; |
1715 | } |
1716 | #else |
1717 | isAvailable = 1; |
1718 | #endif |
1719 | } |
1720 | } |
1721 | else |
1722 | { |
1723 | Int pocCycle = 1<<rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getSPS()->getBitsForPOC(); |
1724 | Int curPoc = rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC() & (pocCycle-1); |
1725 | Int refPoc = pReferencePictureSet->getPOC(i) & (pocCycle-1); |
1726 | if(rpcPic->getIsLongTerm() && curPoc == refPoc && rpcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced()) |
1727 | { |
1729 | if(bUseRecoveryPoint && this->getPOC() > pocRandomAccess && this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) < pocRandomAccess) |
1730 | { |
1731 | isAvailable = 0; |
1732 | } |
1733 | else |
1734 | { |
1735 | isAvailable = 1; |
1736 | } |
1737 | #else |
1738 | isAvailable = 1; |
1739 | #endif |
1740 | } |
1741 | } |
1742 | } |
1743 | // if there was no such long-term check the short terms |
1744 | if(!isAvailable) |
1745 | { |
1746 | iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1747 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1748 | { |
1749 | rpcPic = *(iterPic++); |
1750 | |
1751 | Int pocCycle = 1 << rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getSPS()->getBitsForPOC(); |
1752 | Int curPoc = rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC(); |
1753 | Int refPoc = pReferencePictureSet->getPOC(i); |
1754 | if (!pReferencePictureSet->getCheckLTMSBPresent(i)) |
1755 | { |
1756 | curPoc = curPoc & (pocCycle - 1); |
1757 | refPoc = refPoc & (pocCycle - 1); |
1758 | } |
1759 | |
1760 | if (rpcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced() && curPoc == refPoc) |
1761 | { |
1763 | if(bUseRecoveryPoint && this->getPOC() > pocRandomAccess && this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) < pocRandomAccess) |
1764 | { |
1765 | isAvailable = 0; |
1766 | } |
1767 | else |
1768 | { |
1769 | isAvailable = 1; |
1770 | rpcPic->setIsLongTerm(1); |
1771 | break; |
1772 | } |
1773 | #else |
1774 | isAvailable = 1; |
1775 | rpcPic->setIsLongTerm(1); |
1776 | break; |
1777 | #endif |
1778 | } |
1779 | } |
1780 | } |
1781 | // report that a picture is lost if it is in the Reference Picture Set |
1782 | // but not available as reference picture |
1783 | if(isAvailable == 0) |
1784 | { |
1785 | if (this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) >= pocRandomAccess) |
1786 | { |
1787 | if(!pReferencePictureSet->getUsed(i) ) |
1788 | { |
1789 | if(printErrors) |
1790 | { |
1791 | printf("\nLong-term reference picture with POC = %3d seems to have been removed or not correctly decoded.", this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i)); |
1792 | } |
1793 | atLeastOneRemoved = 1; |
1794 | } |
1795 | else |
1796 | { |
1797 | if(printErrors) |
1798 | { |
1799 | printf("\nLong-term reference picture with POC = %3d is lost or not correctly decoded!", this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i)); |
1800 | } |
1801 | atLeastOneLost = 1; |
1802 | iPocLost=this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i); |
1803 | } |
1804 | } |
1806 | else if(bUseRecoveryPoint && this->getPOC() > pocRandomAccess) |
1807 | { |
1808 | atLeastOneUnabledByRecoveryPoint = 1; |
1809 | } |
1810 | else if(bUseRecoveryPoint && (this->getAssociatedIRAPType()==NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP || this->getAssociatedIRAPType()==NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL)) |
1811 | { |
1812 | atLeastOneFlushedByPreviousIDR = 1; |
1813 | } |
1814 | #endif |
1815 | } |
1816 | } |
1817 | // loop through all short-term pictures in the Reference Picture Set |
1818 | // to see if the picture should be kept as reference picture |
1819 | for(i=0;i<pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfNegativePictures()+pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfPositivePictures();i++) |
1820 | { |
1821 | isAvailable = 0; |
1822 | // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer |
1823 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1824 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1825 | { |
1826 | rpcPic = *(iterPic++); |
1827 | |
1828 | if(!rpcPic->getIsLongTerm() && rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC() == this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) && rpcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced()) |
1829 | { |
1831 | if(bUseRecoveryPoint && this->getPOC() > pocRandomAccess && this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) < pocRandomAccess) |
1832 | { |
1833 | isAvailable = 0; |
1834 | } |
1835 | else |
1836 | { |
1837 | isAvailable = 1; |
1838 | } |
1839 | #else |
1840 | isAvailable = 1; |
1841 | #endif |
1842 | } |
1843 | } |
1844 | // report that a picture is lost if it is in the Reference Picture Set |
1845 | // but not available as reference picture |
1846 | if(isAvailable == 0) |
1847 | { |
1849 | if (this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) >= pocRandomAccess) |
1850 | #endif |
1851 | { |
1852 | if(!pReferencePictureSet->getUsed(i) ) |
1853 | { |
1854 | if(printErrors) |
1855 | { |
1856 | printf("\nShort-term reference picture with POC = %3d seems to have been removed or not correctly decoded.", this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i)); |
1857 | } |
1858 | atLeastOneRemoved = 1; |
1859 | } |
1860 | else |
1861 | { |
1862 | if(printErrors) |
1863 | { |
1864 | printf("\nShort-term reference picture with POC = %3d is lost or not correctly decoded!", this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i)); |
1865 | } |
1866 | atLeastOneLost = 1; |
1867 | iPocLost=this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i); |
1868 | } |
1869 | } |
1872 | if(bUseRecoveryPoint && this->getPOC() > pocRandomAccess) |
1873 | #else |
1874 | else if(bUseRecoveryPoint && this->getPOC() > pocRandomAccess) |
1875 | #endif |
1876 | { |
1877 | atLeastOneUnabledByRecoveryPoint = 1; |
1878 | } |
1879 | else if(bUseRecoveryPoint && (this->getAssociatedIRAPType()==NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP || this->getAssociatedIRAPType()==NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL)) |
1880 | { |
1881 | atLeastOneFlushedByPreviousIDR = 1; |
1882 | } |
1883 | #endif |
1884 | } |
1885 | } |
1887 | if(atLeastOneUnabledByRecoveryPoint || atLeastOneFlushedByPreviousIDR) |
1888 | { |
1889 | return -1; |
1890 | } |
1891 | #endif |
1892 | if(atLeastOneLost) |
1893 | { |
1894 | return iPocLost+1; |
1895 | } |
1896 | if(atLeastOneRemoved) |
1897 | { |
1898 | return -2; |
1899 | } |
1900 | else |
1901 | { |
1902 | return 0; |
1903 | } |
1904 | } |
1905 | |
1906 | /** Function for constructing an explicit Reference Picture Set out of the available pictures in a referenced Reference Picture Set |
1907 | */ |
1909 | Void TComSlice::createExplicitReferencePictureSetFromReference( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, TComReferencePictureSet *pReferencePictureSet, Bool isRAP, Int pocRandomAccess, Bool bUseRecoveryPoint) |
1910 | #else |
1911 | Void TComSlice::createExplicitReferencePictureSetFromReference( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, TComReferencePictureSet *pReferencePictureSet, Bool isRAP) |
1912 | #endif |
1913 | { |
1914 | TComPic* rpcPic; |
1915 | Int i, j; |
1916 | Int k = 0; |
1917 | Int nrOfNegativePictures = 0; |
1918 | Int nrOfPositivePictures = 0; |
1919 | TComReferencePictureSet* pcRPS = this->getLocalRPS(); |
1920 | |
1921 | // loop through all pictures in the Reference Picture Set |
1922 | for(i=0;i<pReferencePictureSet->getNumberOfPictures();i++) |
1923 | { |
1924 | j = 0; |
1925 | // loop through all pictures in the reference picture buffer |
1926 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1927 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1928 | { |
1929 | j++; |
1930 | rpcPic = *(iterPic++); |
1931 | |
1932 | if(rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC() == this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) && rpcPic->getSlice(0)->isReferenced()) |
1933 | { |
1934 | // This picture exists as a reference picture |
1935 | // and should be added to the explicit Reference Picture Set |
1936 | pcRPS->setDeltaPOC(k, pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i)); |
1937 | pcRPS->setUsed(k, pReferencePictureSet->getUsed(i) && (!isRAP)); |
1939 | pcRPS->setUsed(k, pcRPS->getUsed(k) && !(bUseRecoveryPoint && this->getPOC() > pocRandomAccess && this->getPOC() + pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaPOC(i) < pocRandomAccess) ); |
1940 | #endif |
1941 | if(pcRPS->getDeltaPOC(k) < 0) |
1942 | { |
1943 | nrOfNegativePictures++; |
1944 | } |
1945 | else |
1946 | { |
1947 | nrOfPositivePictures++; |
1948 | } |
1949 | k++; |
1950 | } |
1951 | } |
1952 | } |
1954 | Bool useNewRPS = false; |
1955 | // if current picture is complimentary field associated to IRAP, add the IRAP to its RPS. |
1956 | if(m_pcPic->isField()) |
1957 | { |
1958 | TComList<TComPic*>::iterator iterPic = rcListPic.begin(); |
1959 | while ( iterPic != rcListPic.end()) |
1960 | { |
1961 | rpcPic = *(iterPic++); |
1962 | if(rpcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(0)->getPOC() == this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() && this->getAssociatedIRAPPOC() == this->getPOC()+1) |
1963 | { |
1964 | pcRPS->setDeltaPOC(k, 1); |
1965 | pcRPS->setUsed(k, true); |
1966 | nrOfPositivePictures++; |
1967 | k ++; |
1968 | useNewRPS = true; |
1969 | } |
1970 | } |
1971 | } |
1972 | #endif |
1973 | pcRPS->setNumberOfNegativePictures(nrOfNegativePictures); |
1974 | pcRPS->setNumberOfPositivePictures(nrOfPositivePictures); |
1975 | pcRPS->setNumberOfPictures(nrOfNegativePictures+nrOfPositivePictures); |
1976 | // This is a simplistic inter rps example. A smarter encoder will look for a better reference RPS to do the |
1977 | // inter RPS prediction with. Here we just use the reference used by pReferencePictureSet. |
1978 | // If pReferencePictureSet is not inter_RPS_predicted, then inter_RPS_prediction is for the current RPS also disabled. |
1979 | if (!pReferencePictureSet->getInterRPSPrediction() |
1981 | || useNewRPS |
1982 | #endif |
1983 | ) |
1984 | { |
1985 | pcRPS->setInterRPSPrediction(false); |
1986 | pcRPS->setNumRefIdc(0); |
1987 | } |
1988 | else |
1989 | { |
1990 | Int rIdx = this->getRPSidx() - pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaRIdxMinus1() - 1; |
1991 | Int deltaRPS = pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaRPS(); |
1992 | TComReferencePictureSet* pcRefRPS = this->getSPS()->getRPSList()->getReferencePictureSet(rIdx); |
1993 | Int iRefPics = pcRefRPS->getNumberOfPictures(); |
1994 | Int iNewIdc=0; |
1995 | for(i=0; i<= iRefPics; i++) |
1996 | { |
1997 | Int deltaPOC = ((i != iRefPics)? pcRefRPS->getDeltaPOC(i) : 0); // check if the reference abs POC is >= 0 |
1998 | Int iRefIdc = 0; |
1999 | for (j=0; j < pcRPS->getNumberOfPictures(); j++) // loop through the pictures in the new RPS |
2000 | { |
2001 | if ( (deltaPOC + deltaRPS) == pcRPS->getDeltaPOC(j)) |
2002 | { |
2003 | if (pcRPS->getUsed(j)) |
2004 | { |
2005 | iRefIdc = 1; |
2006 | } |
2007 | else |
2008 | { |
2009 | iRefIdc = 2; |
2010 | } |
2011 | } |
2012 | } |
2013 | pcRPS->setRefIdc(i, iRefIdc); |
2014 | iNewIdc++; |
2015 | } |
2016 | pcRPS->setInterRPSPrediction(true); |
2017 | pcRPS->setNumRefIdc(iNewIdc); |
2018 | pcRPS->setDeltaRPS(deltaRPS); |
2019 | pcRPS->setDeltaRIdxMinus1(pReferencePictureSet->getDeltaRIdxMinus1() + this->getSPS()->getRPSList()->getNumberOfReferencePictureSets() - this->getRPSidx()); |
2020 | } |
2021 | |
2022 | this->setRPS(pcRPS); |
2023 | this->setRPSidx(-1); |
2024 | } |
2025 | |
2026 | /** get AC and DC values for weighted pred |
2027 | * \param *wp |
2028 | * \returns Void |
2029 | */ |
2030 | Void TComSlice::getWpAcDcParam(wpACDCParam *&wp) |
2031 | { |
2032 | wp = m_weightACDCParam; |
2033 | } |
2034 | |
2035 | /** init AC and DC values for weighted pred |
2036 | * \returns Void |
2037 | */ |
2038 | Void TComSlice::initWpAcDcParam() |
2039 | { |
2040 | for(Int iComp = 0; iComp < 3; iComp++ ) |
2041 | { |
2042 | m_weightACDCParam[iComp].iAC = 0; |
2043 | m_weightACDCParam[iComp].iDC = 0; |
2044 | } |
2045 | } |
2046 | |
2047 | /** get WP tables for weighted pred |
2048 | * \param RefPicList |
2049 | * \param iRefIdx |
2050 | * \param *&wpScalingParam |
2051 | * \returns Void |
2052 | */ |
2053 | Void TComSlice::getWpScaling( RefPicList e, Int iRefIdx, wpScalingParam *&wp ) |
2054 | { |
2055 | wp = m_weightPredTable[e][iRefIdx]; |
2056 | } |
2057 | |
2058 | /** reset Default WP tables settings : no weight. |
2059 | * \param wpScalingParam |
2060 | * \returns Void |
2061 | */ |
2062 | Void TComSlice::resetWpScaling() |
2063 | { |
2064 | for ( Int e=0 ; e<2 ; e++ ) |
2065 | { |
2066 | for ( Int i=0 ; i<MAX_NUM_REF ; i++ ) |
2067 | { |
2068 | for ( Int yuv=0 ; yuv<3 ; yuv++ ) |
2069 | { |
2070 | wpScalingParam *pwp = &(m_weightPredTable[e][i][yuv]); |
2071 | pwp->bPresentFlag = false; |
2072 | pwp->uiLog2WeightDenom = 0; |
2073 | pwp->uiLog2WeightDenom = 0; |
2074 | pwp->iWeight = 1; |
2075 | pwp->iOffset = 0; |
2076 | } |
2077 | } |
2078 | } |
2079 | } |
2080 | |
2081 | /** init WP table |
2082 | * \returns Void |
2083 | */ |
2084 | Void TComSlice::initWpScaling() |
2085 | { |
2086 | for ( Int e=0 ; e<2 ; e++ ) |
2087 | { |
2088 | for ( Int i=0 ; i<MAX_NUM_REF ; i++ ) |
2089 | { |
2090 | for ( Int yuv=0 ; yuv<3 ; yuv++ ) |
2091 | { |
2092 | wpScalingParam *pwp = &(m_weightPredTable[e][i][yuv]); |
2093 | if ( !pwp->bPresentFlag ) |
2094 | { |
2095 | // Inferring values not present : |
2096 | pwp->iWeight = (1 << pwp->uiLog2WeightDenom); |
2097 | pwp->iOffset = 0; |
2098 | } |
2099 | |
2100 | pwp->w = pwp->iWeight; |
2101 | Int bitDepth = yuv ? g_bitDepthC : g_bitDepthY; |
2102 | pwp->o = pwp->iOffset << (bitDepth-8); |
2103 | pwp->shift = pwp->uiLog2WeightDenom; |
2104 | pwp->round = (pwp->uiLog2WeightDenom>=1) ? (1 << (pwp->uiLog2WeightDenom-1)) : (0); |
2105 | } |
2106 | } |
2107 | } |
2108 | } |
2109 | |
2110 | #if REPN_FORMAT_IN_VPS |
2111 | UInt TComSlice::getPicWidthInLumaSamples() |
2112 | { |
2113 | TComSPS *sps = getSPS(); |
2114 | TComVPS *vps = getVPS(); |
2115 | UInt retVal, layerId = getLayerId(); |
2116 | #if O0096_REP_FORMAT_INDEX |
2117 | #if R0279_REP_FORMAT_INBL |
2118 | if ( layerId == 0 || sps->getV1CompatibleSPSFlag() == 1 ) |
2119 | { |
2120 | if( layerId == 0 && vps->getAvcBaseLayerFlag() ) |
2121 | #else |
2122 | if ( layerId == 0 ) |
2123 | { |
2124 | if( vps->getAvcBaseLayerFlag() ) |
2125 | #endif |
2126 | { |
2127 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat(layerId)->getPicWidthVpsInLumaSamples(); |
2128 | } |
2129 | else |
2130 | { |
2131 | retVal = sps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(); |
2132 | } |
2133 | } |
2134 | else |
2135 | { |
2136 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ? sps->getUpdateRepFormatIndex() : layerId) )->getPicWidthVpsInLumaSamples(); |
2137 | } |
2138 | #else |
2139 | if( ( layerId == 0 ) || sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ) |
2140 | { |
2141 | retVal = sps->getPicWidthInLumaSamples(); |
2142 | } |
2143 | else |
2144 | { |
2145 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(layerId) )->getPicWidthVpsInLumaSamples(); |
2146 | } |
2147 | #endif |
2148 | return retVal; |
2149 | } |
2150 | UInt TComSlice::getPicHeightInLumaSamples() |
2151 | { |
2152 | TComSPS *sps = getSPS(); |
2153 | TComVPS *vps = getVPS(); |
2154 | UInt retVal, layerId = getLayerId(); |
2155 | #if O0096_REP_FORMAT_INDEX |
2156 | #if R0279_REP_FORMAT_INBL |
2157 | if ( layerId == 0 || sps->getV1CompatibleSPSFlag() == 1 ) |
2158 | { |
2159 | if( layerId == 0 && vps->getAvcBaseLayerFlag() ) |
2160 | #else |
2161 | if ( layerId == 0 ) |
2162 | { |
2163 | if( vps->getAvcBaseLayerFlag() ) |
2164 | #endif |
2165 | { |
2166 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat(layerId)->getPicHeightVpsInLumaSamples(); |
2167 | } |
2168 | else |
2169 | { |
2170 | retVal = sps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(); |
2171 | } |
2172 | } |
2173 | else |
2174 | { |
2175 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ? sps->getUpdateRepFormatIndex() : layerId) )->getPicHeightVpsInLumaSamples(); |
2176 | } |
2177 | #else |
2178 | if( ( layerId == 0 ) || sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ) |
2179 | { |
2180 | retVal = sps->getPicHeightInLumaSamples(); |
2181 | } |
2182 | else |
2183 | { |
2184 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(layerId) )->getPicHeightVpsInLumaSamples(); |
2185 | } |
2186 | #endif |
2187 | return retVal; |
2188 | } |
2190 | ChromaFormat TComSlice::getChromaFormatIdc() |
2191 | #else |
2192 | UInt TComSlice::getChromaFormatIdc() |
2193 | #endif |
2194 | { |
2195 | TComSPS *sps = getSPS(); |
2196 | TComVPS *vps = getVPS(); |
2198 | ChromaFormat retVal; |
2199 | UInt layerId = getLayerId(); |
2200 | #else |
2201 | UInt retVal, layerId = getLayerId(); |
2202 | #endif |
2203 | #if O0096_REP_FORMAT_INDEX |
2204 | #if R0279_REP_FORMAT_INBL |
2205 | if ( layerId == 0 || sps->getV1CompatibleSPSFlag() == 1 ) |
2206 | { |
2207 | if( layerId == 0 && vps->getAvcBaseLayerFlag() ) |
2208 | #else |
2209 | if ( layerId == 0 ) |
2210 | { |
2211 | if( vps->getAvcBaseLayerFlag() ) |
2212 | #endif |
2213 | { |
2214 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat(layerId)->getChromaFormatVpsIdc(); |
2215 | } |
2216 | else |
2217 | { |
2218 | retVal = sps->getChromaFormatIdc(); |
2219 | } |
2220 | } |
2221 | else |
2222 | { |
2223 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ? sps->getUpdateRepFormatIndex() : layerId) )->getChromaFormatVpsIdc(); |
2224 | } |
2225 | #else |
2226 | if( ( layerId == 0 ) || sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ) |
2227 | { |
2228 | retVal = sps->getChromaFormatIdc(); |
2229 | } |
2230 | else |
2231 | { |
2232 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(layerId) )->getChromaFormatVpsIdc(); |
2233 | } |
2234 | #endif |
2235 | return retVal; |
2236 | } |
2237 | UInt TComSlice::getBitDepthY() |
2238 | { |
2239 | TComSPS *sps = getSPS(); |
2240 | TComVPS *vps = getVPS(); |
2241 | UInt retVal, layerId = getLayerId(); |
2242 | #if O0096_REP_FORMAT_INDEX |
2243 | #if R0279_REP_FORMAT_INBL |
2244 | if ( layerId == 0 || sps->getV1CompatibleSPSFlag() == 1 ) |
2245 | #else |
2246 | if ( layerId == 0 ) |
2247 | #endif |
2248 | { |
2249 | retVal = sps->getBitDepthY(); |
2250 | } |
2251 | else |
2252 | { |
2253 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ? sps->getUpdateRepFormatIndex() : layerId) )->getBitDepthVpsLuma(); |
2254 | } |
2255 | #else |
2256 | if( ( layerId == 0 ) || sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ) |
2257 | { |
2258 | retVal = sps->getBitDepthY(); |
2259 | } |
2260 | else |
2261 | { |
2262 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(layerId) )->getBitDepthVpsLuma(); |
2263 | } |
2264 | #endif |
2265 | return retVal; |
2266 | } |
2267 | UInt TComSlice::getBitDepthC() |
2268 | { |
2269 | TComSPS *sps = getSPS(); |
2270 | TComVPS *vps = getVPS(); |
2271 | UInt retVal, layerId = getLayerId(); |
2272 | #if O0096_REP_FORMAT_INDEX |
2273 | #if R0279_REP_FORMAT_INBL |
2274 | if ( layerId == 0 || sps->getV1CompatibleSPSFlag() == 1 ) |
2275 | #else |
2276 | if ( layerId == 0 ) |
2277 | #endif |
2278 | { |
2279 | retVal = sps->getBitDepthC(); |
2280 | } |
2281 | else |
2282 | { |
2283 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ? sps->getUpdateRepFormatIndex() : layerId) )->getBitDepthVpsChroma(); |
2284 | } |
2285 | #else |
2286 | if( ( layerId == 0 ) || sps->getUpdateRepFormatFlag() ) |
2287 | { |
2288 | retVal = sps->getBitDepthC(); |
2289 | } |
2290 | else |
2291 | { |
2292 | retVal = vps->getVpsRepFormat( vps->getVpsRepFormatIdx(layerId) )->getBitDepthVpsChroma(); |
2293 | } |
2294 | #endif |
2295 | return retVal; |
2296 | } |
2297 | Int TComSlice::getQpBDOffsetY() |
2298 | { |
2299 | return (getBitDepthY() - 8) * 6; |
2300 | } |
2301 | Int TComSlice::getQpBDOffsetC() |
2302 | { |
2303 | return (getBitDepthC() - 8) * 6; |
2304 | } |
2305 | |
2306 | RepFormat::RepFormat() |
2308 | : m_chromaFormatVpsIdc (CHROMA_420) |
2309 | #else |
2310 | : m_chromaFormatVpsIdc (0) |
2311 | #endif |
2312 | , m_separateColourPlaneVpsFlag (false) |
2313 | , m_picWidthVpsInLumaSamples (0) |
2314 | , m_picHeightVpsInLumaSamples (0) |
2315 | , m_bitDepthVpsLuma (0) |
2316 | , m_bitDepthVpsChroma (0) |
2317 | {} |
2319 | Void RepFormat::init() |
2320 | { |
2321 | m_chromaFormatVpsIdc = CHROMA_420; |
2322 | m_separateColourPlaneVpsFlag = false; |
2323 | m_picWidthVpsInLumaSamples = 0; |
2324 | m_picHeightVpsInLumaSamples = 0; |
2325 | m_bitDepthVpsLuma = 0; |
2326 | m_bitDepthVpsChroma = 0; |
2327 | } |
2328 | #endif |
2329 | #endif |
2330 | |
2331 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
2332 | // Video parameter set (VPS) |
2333 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
2334 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
2335 | TComVPS::TComVPS() |
2336 | : m_VPSId ( 0) |
2338 | , m_baseLayerInternalFlag (true) |
2339 | , m_baseLayerAvailableFlag (true) |
2340 | #endif |
2341 | , m_uiMaxTLayers ( 1) |
2342 | , m_uiMaxLayers ( 1) |
2343 | , m_bTemporalIdNestingFlag (false) |
2344 | , m_numHrdParameters ( 0) |
2345 | , m_hrdParameters (NULL) |
2346 | , m_hrdOpSetIdx (NULL) |
2347 | , m_cprmsPresentFlag (NULL) |
2348 | , m_maxLayerId (0) |
2349 | , m_numLayerSets (0) |
2351 | , m_numOutputLayerSets (0) |
2352 | #endif |
2353 | , m_numProfileTierLevel (0) |
2354 | #if !VPS_EXTN_UEV_CODING |
2355 | , m_moreOutputLayerSetsThanDefaultFlag (false) |
2356 | #endif |
2357 | , m_numAddOutputLayerSets (0) |
2358 | #if P0295_DEFAULT_OUT_LAYER_IDC |
2359 | , m_defaultTargetOutputLayerIdc (0) |
2360 | #else |
2361 | #if O0109_DEFAULT_ONE_OUT_LAYER_IDC |
2362 | , m_defaultOneTargetOutputLayerIdc (0) |
2363 | #else |
2364 | , m_defaultOneTargetOutputLayerFlag (false) |
2365 | #endif |
2366 | #endif |
2367 | , m_bitRatePresentVpsFlag (false) |
2368 | , m_picRatePresentVpsFlag (false) |
2369 | #if REPN_FORMAT_IN_VPS |
2370 | #if Q0195_REP_FORMAT_CLEANUP |
2371 | , m_repFormatIdxPresentFlag (false) |
2372 | #else |
2373 | , m_repFormatIdxPresentFlag (true) |
2374 | #endif |
2375 | , m_vpsNumRepFormats (1) |
2376 | #endif |
2378 | #if O0109_VIEW_ID_LEN |
2379 | , m_viewIdLen (0) |
2380 | #else |
2381 | , m_viewIdLenMinus1 (0) |
2382 | #endif |
2383 | #endif |
2384 | #if !P0307_REMOVE_VPS_VUI_OFFSET |
2385 | #if VPS_VUI_OFFSET |
2386 | , m_vpsVuiOffset (0) |
2387 | #endif |
2388 | #endif |
2389 | #if P0307_VPS_NON_VUI_EXTENSION |
2390 | , m_vpsNonVuiExtLength (0) |
2391 | #endif |
2392 | { |
2393 | for( Int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i++) |
2394 | { |
2395 | m_numReorderPics[i] = 0; |
2396 | m_uiMaxDecPicBuffering[i] = 1; |
2397 | m_uiMaxLatencyIncrease[i] = 0; |
2398 | } |
2400 | m_avcBaseLayerFlag = false; |
2401 | m_splittingFlag = false; |
2402 | ::memset(m_scalabilityMask, 0, sizeof(m_scalabilityMask)); |
2403 | ::memset(m_dimensionIdLen, 0, sizeof(m_dimensionIdLen)); |
2404 | m_nuhLayerIdPresentFlag = false; |
2405 | ::memset(m_layerIdInNuh, 0, sizeof(m_layerIdInNuh)); |
2406 | ::memset(m_dimensionId, 0, sizeof(m_dimensionId)); |
2407 | |
2408 | m_numScalabilityTypes = 0; |
2409 | ::memset(m_layerIdInVps, 0, sizeof(m_layerIdInVps)); |
2410 | #endif |
2412 | ::memset(m_profilePresentFlag, 0, sizeof(m_profilePresentFlag)); |
2413 | #if !P0048_REMOVE_PROFILE_REF |
2414 | ::memset(m_profileLayerSetRef, 0, sizeof(m_profileLayerSetRef)); |
2415 | #endif |
2416 | #endif |
2418 | ::memset(m_layerIdIncludedFlag, 0, sizeof(m_layerIdIncludedFlag)); |
2419 | // Consider dynamic allocation for outputLayerSetIdx and outputLayerFlag |
2420 | ::memset(m_outputLayerSetIdx, 0, sizeof(m_outputLayerSetIdx)); |
2421 | ::memset(m_outputLayerFlag, 0, sizeof(m_outputLayerFlag)); |
2422 | #endif |
2424 | ::memset(m_directDependencyFlag, 0, sizeof(m_directDependencyFlag)); |
2425 | ::memset(m_numDirectRefLayers, 0, sizeof(m_numDirectRefLayers )); |
2426 | ::memset(m_refLayerId, 0, sizeof(m_refLayerId )); |
2427 | m_directDepTypeLen = 2; |
2428 | ::memset(m_directDependencyType, 0, sizeof(m_directDependencyType)); |
2429 | #endif |
2431 | ::memset(m_layerSetLayerIdList, 0, sizeof(m_layerSetLayerIdList)); |
2432 | ::memset(m_numLayerInIdList, 0, sizeof(m_numLayerInIdList )); |
2433 | #endif |
2434 | ::memset(m_profileLevelTierIdx, 0, sizeof(m_profileLevelTierIdx)); |
2435 | m_maxOneActiveRefLayerFlag = true; |
2436 | #if O0062_POC_LSB_NOT_PRESENT_FLAG |
2437 | ::memset(m_pocLsbNotPresentFlag, 0, sizeof(m_pocLsbNotPresentFlag)); |
2438 | #endif |
2440 | m_crossLayerPictureTypeAlignFlag = true; |
2441 | #endif |
2442 | m_crossLayerIrapAlignFlag = true; |
2444 | m_crossLayerAlignedIdrOnlyFlag = false; |
2445 | #endif |
2446 | m_maxTidRefPresentFlag = true; |
2447 | for( Int i = 0; i < MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1 - 1; i++) |
2448 | { |
2449 | #if O0225_MAX_TID_FOR_REF_LAYERS |
2450 | for( Int j = 0; j < MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1; j++) |
2451 | { |
2452 | m_maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1[i][j] = m_uiMaxTLayers + 1; |
2453 | } |
2454 | #else |
2455 | m_maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1[i] = m_uiMaxTLayers + 1; |
2456 | #endif |
2457 | } |
2459 | m_tilesNotInUseFlag = true; |
2460 | ::memset(m_tilesInUseFlag, 0, sizeof(m_tilesInUseFlag)); |
2461 | ::memset(m_loopFilterNotAcrossTilesFlag, 0, sizeof(m_loopFilterNotAcrossTilesFlag)); |
2462 | #endif |
2463 | ::memset(m_tileBoundariesAlignedFlag, 0, sizeof(m_tileBoundariesAlignedFlag)); |
2465 | m_wppNotInUseFlag = true; |
2466 | ::memset(m_wppInUseFlag, 0, sizeof(m_wppInUseFlag)); |
2467 | #endif |
2468 | #if N0160_VUI_EXT_ILP_REF |
2469 | m_ilpRestrictedRefLayersFlag = false; |
2470 | ::memset(m_minSpatialSegmentOffsetPlus1, 0, sizeof(m_minSpatialSegmentOffsetPlus1)); |
2471 | ::memset(m_ctuBasedOffsetEnabledFlag, 0, sizeof(m_ctuBasedOffsetEnabledFlag)); |
2472 | ::memset(m_minHorizontalCtuOffsetPlus1, 0, sizeof(m_minHorizontalCtuOffsetPlus1)); |
2473 | #endif |
2475 | m_vidSigPresentVpsFlag=true; |
2476 | m_vpsVidSigInfo=1; |
2477 | ::memset( m_vpsVidSigIdx, 0, sizeof(m_vpsVidSigIdx) ); |
2478 | m_vpsVidSigIdx[0]=0; |
2479 | for (Int i=0; i < 16; i++) |
2480 | { |
2481 | m_vpsVidFormat[i] = 5; |
2482 | m_vpsFullRangeFlag[i] = false; |
2483 | m_vpsColorPrimaries[i] = 2; |
2484 | m_vpsTransChar[i] = 2; |
2485 | m_vpsMatCoeff[i] = 2; |
2486 | } |
2487 | #endif |
2488 | ::memset(m_bitRatePresentFlag, 0, sizeof(m_bitRatePresentFlag)); |
2489 | ::memset(m_picRatePresentFlag, 0, sizeof(m_picRatePresentFlag)); |
2490 | ::memset(m_avgBitRate , 0, sizeof(m_avgBitRate) ); |
2491 | ::memset(m_maxBitRate , 0, sizeof(m_maxBitRate) ); |
2492 | ::memset(m_constPicRateIdc , 0, sizeof(m_constPicRateIdc) ); |
2493 | ::memset(m_avgPicRate , 0, sizeof(m_avgPicRate) ); |
2494 | #if REPN_FORMAT_IN_VPS |
2495 | ::memset( m_vpsRepFormatIdx, 0, sizeof(m_vpsRepFormatIdx) ); |
2496 | #endif |
2498 | ::memset(m_viewIdVal, 0, sizeof(m_viewIdVal)); |
2499 | #endif |
2500 | #if O0092_0094_DEPENDENCY_CONSTRAINT |
2501 | for (Int i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS; i++) |
2502 | { |
2503 | m_numberRefLayers[i] = 0; |
2504 | for (Int j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS; j++) |
2505 | { |
2506 | m_recursiveRefLayerFlag[i][j] = 0; |
2507 | } |
2508 | } |
2509 | #endif |
2510 | #if VPS_DPB_SIZE_TABLE |
2511 | ::memset( m_subLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag, 0, sizeof(m_subLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag ) ); |
2512 | ::memset( m_subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag, 0, sizeof(m_subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag ) ); |
2513 | ::memset( m_maxVpsDecPicBufferingMinus1, 0, sizeof(m_maxVpsDecPicBufferingMinus1 ) ); |
2515 | ::memset( m_maxVpsLayerDecPicBuffMinus1, 0, sizeof(m_maxVpsLayerDecPicBuffMinus1 ) ); |
2516 | #endif |
2517 | ::memset( m_maxVpsNumReorderPics, 0, sizeof(m_maxVpsNumReorderPics ) ); |
2518 | ::memset( m_maxVpsLatencyIncreasePlus1, 0, sizeof(m_maxVpsLatencyIncreasePlus1 ) ); |
2519 | ::memset( m_numSubDpbs , 0, sizeof(m_numSubDpbs) ); |
2520 | #endif |
2521 | } |
2522 | #else |
2523 | TComVPS::TComVPS() |
2524 | : m_VPSId ( 0) |
2525 | , m_uiMaxTLayers ( 1) |
2526 | , m_uiMaxLayers ( 1) |
2527 | , m_bTemporalIdNestingFlag (false) |
2528 | , m_numHrdParameters ( 0) |
2529 | , m_maxNuhReservedZeroLayerId ( 0) |
2530 | , m_hrdParameters (NULL) |
2531 | , m_hrdOpSetIdx (NULL) |
2532 | , m_cprmsPresentFlag (NULL) |
2533 | { |
2534 | for( Int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i++) |
2535 | { |
2536 | m_numReorderPics[i] = 0; |
2537 | m_uiMaxDecPicBuffering[i] = 1; |
2538 | m_uiMaxLatencyIncrease[i] = 0; |
2539 | } |
2540 | } |
2541 | #endif //SVC_EXTENSION |
2542 | |
2543 | TComVPS::~TComVPS() |
2544 | { |
2545 | if( m_hrdParameters != NULL ) delete[] m_hrdParameters; |
2546 | if( m_hrdOpSetIdx != NULL ) delete[] m_hrdOpSetIdx; |
2547 | if( m_cprmsPresentFlag != NULL ) delete[] m_cprmsPresentFlag; |
2548 | } |
2550 | Void TComVPS::deriveLayerIdListVariables() |
2551 | { |
2552 | // For layer 0 |
2553 | m_numLayerInIdList[0] = 1; |
2554 | m_layerSetLayerIdList[0][0] = 0; |
2555 | |
2556 | // For other layers |
2557 | Int i, m, n; |
2558 | for( i = 1; i < m_numLayerSets; i++ ) |
2559 | { |
2560 | n = 0; |
2561 | for( m = 0; m <= m_maxLayerId; m++) |
2562 | { |
2563 | if( m_layerIdIncludedFlag[i][m] ) |
2564 | { |
2565 | m_layerSetLayerIdList[i][n++] = m; |
2566 | } |
2567 | } |
2568 | m_numLayerInIdList[i] = n; |
2569 | } |
2570 | } |
2571 | #endif |
2573 | #if VPS_DPB_SIZE_TABLE |
2574 | Void TComVPS::deriveNumberOfSubDpbs() |
2575 | { |
2576 | // Derive number of sub-DPBs |
2578 | // For layer set 0 |
2579 | setNumSubDpbs(0, 1); |
2580 | // For other layer sets |
2581 | for( Int i = 1; i < getNumLayerSets(); i++) |
2582 | { |
2583 | setNumSubDpbs( i, getNumLayersInIdList( i ) ); |
2584 | } |
2585 | #else |
2586 | // For output layer set 0 |
2587 | setNumSubDpbs(0, 1); |
2588 | // For other output layer sets |
2589 | for( Int i = 1; i < getNumOutputLayerSets(); i++) |
2590 | { |
2591 | setNumSubDpbs( i, getNumLayersInIdList( getOutputLayerSetIdx(i)) ); |
2592 | } |
2593 | #endif |
2594 | } |
2595 | #endif |
2596 | #endif |
2598 | Void TComVPS::setTilesNotInUseFlag(Bool x) |
2599 | { |
2600 | m_tilesNotInUseFlag = x; |
2601 | if (m_tilesNotInUseFlag) |
2602 | { |
2603 | for (int i = 0; i < getMaxLayers(); i++) |
2604 | { |
2605 | m_tilesInUseFlag[i] = m_loopFilterNotAcrossTilesFlag[i] = m_tilesNotInUseFlag; |
2606 | } |
2607 | } |
2608 | |
2609 | if (m_tilesNotInUseFlag) |
2610 | { |
2611 | for (int i = 1; i < getMaxLayers(); i++) |
2612 | { |
2613 | for(int j = 0; j < getNumDirectRefLayers(getLayerIdInNuh(i)); j++) |
2614 | { |
2615 | setTileBoundariesAlignedFlag(i, j, m_tilesNotInUseFlag); |
2616 | } |
2617 | } |
2618 | } |
2619 | } |
2620 | #endif |
2621 | |
2623 | Void TComVPS::setWppNotInUseFlag(Bool x) |
2624 | { |
2625 | m_wppNotInUseFlag = x; |
2626 | if (m_wppNotInUseFlag) |
2627 | { |
2628 | for (int i = 0; i < getMaxLayers(); i++) |
2629 | { |
2630 | m_wppInUseFlag[i] = m_wppNotInUseFlag; |
2631 | } |
2632 | } |
2633 | } |
2634 | #endif |
2635 | #if O0092_0094_DEPENDENCY_CONSTRAINT |
2636 | Void TComVPS::setRefLayersFlags(Int currLayerId) |
2637 | { |
2638 | for (Int i = 0; i < m_numDirectRefLayers[currLayerId]; i++) |
2639 | { |
2640 | UInt refLayerId = getRefLayerId(currLayerId, i); |
2641 | m_recursiveRefLayerFlag[currLayerId][refLayerId] = true; |
2642 | for (Int k = 0; k < MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS; k++) |
2643 | { |
2644 | m_recursiveRefLayerFlag[currLayerId][k] = m_recursiveRefLayerFlag[currLayerId][k] | m_recursiveRefLayerFlag[refLayerId][k]; |
2645 | } |
2646 | } |
2647 | } |
2648 | |
2649 | Void TComVPS::setNumRefLayers() |
2650 | { |
2651 | memset( m_numberRefLayers, 0, sizeof( m_numberRefLayers ) ); |
2652 | |
2653 | for (Int i = 0; i < m_uiMaxLayers; i++) |
2654 | { |
2655 | UInt iNuhLId = m_layerIdInNuh[i]; |
2656 | setRefLayersFlags(iNuhLId); |
2657 | for (UInt j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS; j++) |
2658 | { |
2659 | m_numberRefLayers[iNuhLId] += (m_recursiveRefLayerFlag[iNuhLId][j] == true ? 1 : 0); |
2660 | } |
2661 | } |
2662 | } |
2663 | #endif |
2664 | |
2665 | #if Q0078_ADD_LAYER_SETS |
2666 | Void TComVPS::setPredictedLayerIds() |
2667 | { |
2668 | for (UInt i = 0; i < getMaxLayers() - 1; i++) |
2669 | { |
2670 | UInt iNuhLId = getLayerIdInNuh(i); |
2671 | UInt predIdx = 0; |
2672 | for (UInt j = iNuhLId + 1; j < MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS; j++) |
2673 | { |
2674 | if (getRecursiveRefLayerFlag(j, iNuhLId)) |
2675 | { |
2676 | setPredictedLayerId(i, predIdx, j); |
2677 | predIdx++; |
2678 | } |
2679 | } |
2680 | setNumPredictedLayers(iNuhLId, predIdx); |
2681 | } |
2682 | } |
2683 | |
2684 | Void TComVPS::setTreePartitionLayerIdList() |
2685 | { |
2686 | Bool countedLayerIdxFlag[MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS]; |
2687 | |
2688 | for (UInt i = 0; i <= getMaxLayers() - 1; i++) |
2689 | { |
2690 | countedLayerIdxFlag[i] = false; |
2691 | } |
2692 | |
2693 | Int numIndependentLayers = 0; |
2694 | |
2695 | for (UInt i = 0; i <= getMaxLayers() - 1; i++) |
2696 | { |
2697 | UInt iNuhLId = getLayerIdInNuh(i); |
2698 | if (getNumDirectRefLayers(iNuhLId) == 0) |
2699 | { |
2700 | setTreePartitionLayerId(numIndependentLayers, 0, iNuhLId); |
2701 | setNumLayersInTreePartition(numIndependentLayers, 1); |
2702 | for (UInt j = 0; j < getNumPredictedLayers(iNuhLId); j++) |
2703 | { |
2704 | if (!countedLayerIdxFlag[getLayerIdInVps(iNuhLId)]) |
2705 | { |
2706 | setTreePartitionLayerId(numIndependentLayers, getNumLayersInTreePartition(numIndependentLayers), getPredictedLayerId(iNuhLId, j)); |
2707 | setNumLayersInTreePartition(numIndependentLayers, getNumLayersInTreePartition(numIndependentLayers) + 1); |
2708 | countedLayerIdxFlag[getLayerIdInVps(getPredictedLayerId(iNuhLId, j))] = true; |
2709 | } |
2710 | } |
2711 | numIndependentLayers++; |
2712 | } |
2713 | } |
2714 | |
2715 | setNumIndependentLayers(numIndependentLayers); |
2716 | } |
2717 | |
2718 | void TComVPS::setLayerIdIncludedFlagsForAddLayerSets() |
2719 | { |
2720 | for (UInt i = 0; i < getNumAddLayerSets(); i++) |
2721 | { |
2722 | for (UInt j = 1; j < getNumIndependentLayers(); j++) |
2723 | { |
2724 | Int layerNum = 0; |
2725 | Int lsIdx = getVpsNumLayerSetsMinus1() + 1 + i; |
2726 | for (Int layerId = 0; layerId < MAX_VPS_LAYER_ID_PLUS1; layerId++) |
2727 | { |
2728 | setLayerIdIncludedFlag(false, lsIdx, layerId); |
2729 | } |
2730 | for (Int treeIdx = 1; treeIdx < getNumIndependentLayers(); treeIdx++) |
2731 | { |
2732 | for (Int layerCnt = 0; layerCnt < getHighestLayerIdxPlus1(i, j); layerCnt++) |
2733 | { |
2734 | setLayerSetLayerIdList(lsIdx, layerNum, getTreePartitionLayerId(treeIdx, layerCnt)); |
2735 | setLayerIdIncludedFlag(true, lsIdx, getTreePartitionLayerId(treeIdx, layerCnt)); |
2736 | layerNum++; |
2737 | } |
2738 | } |
2739 | setNumLayersInIdList(lsIdx, layerNum); |
2740 | } |
2741 | } |
2742 | } |
2743 | |
2744 | #endif |
2745 | |
2747 | Int TComVPS::getNumViews() |
2748 | { |
2749 | Int numViews = 1; |
2750 | for( Int i = 0; i <= getMaxLayers() - 1; i++ ) |
2751 | { |
2752 | Int lId = getLayerIdInNuh( i ); |
2753 | if ( i > 0 && ( getViewIndex( lId ) != getScalabilityId( i - 1, VIEW_ORDER_INDEX ) ) ) |
2754 | { |
2755 | numViews++; |
2756 | } |
2757 | } |
2758 | |
2759 | return numViews; |
2760 | } |
2761 | Int TComVPS::getScalabilityId( Int layerIdInVps, ScalabilityType scalType ) |
2762 | { |
2763 | return getScalabilityMask( scalType ) ? getDimensionId( layerIdInVps, scalTypeToScalIdx( scalType ) ) : 0; |
2764 | } |
2765 | Int TComVPS::scalTypeToScalIdx( ScalabilityType scalType ) |
2766 | { |
2767 | assert( scalType >= 0 && scalType <= MAX_VPS_NUM_SCALABILITY_TYPES ); |
2768 | assert( scalType == MAX_VPS_NUM_SCALABILITY_TYPES || getScalabilityMask( scalType ) ); |
2769 | Int scalIdx = 0; |
2770 | for( Int curScalType = 0; curScalType < scalType; curScalType++ ) |
2771 | { |
2772 | scalIdx += ( getScalabilityMask( curScalType ) ? 1 : 0 ); |
2773 | |
2774 | } |
2775 | |
2776 | return scalIdx; |
2777 | } |
2778 | #endif |
2779 | #if VPS_DPB_SIZE_TABLE |
2780 | Void TComVPS::determineSubDpbInfoFlags() |
2781 | { |
2782 | for(Int i = 1; i < getNumOutputLayerSets(); i++) |
2783 | { |
2784 | Int layerSetIdxForOutputLayerSet = getOutputLayerSetIdx( i ); |
2785 | // For each output layer set, set the DPB size for each layer and the reorder/latency value the maximum for all layers |
2786 | Bool checkFlagOuter = false; // Used to calculate sub_layer_flag_info_present_flag |
2787 | Bool checkFlagInner[MAX_TLAYER]; // Used to calculate sub_layer_dpb_info_present_flag |
2788 | |
2789 | for(Int j = 0; j < getMaxTLayers(); j++) |
2790 | { |
2791 | // -------------------------------------------------------- |
2792 | // To determine value of m_subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag |
2793 | // -------------------------------------------------------- |
2794 | if( j == 0 ) // checkFlagInner[0] is always 1 |
2795 | { |
2796 | checkFlagInner[j] = true; // Always signal sub-layer DPB information for the first sub-layer |
2797 | } |
2798 | else |
2799 | { |
2800 | checkFlagInner[j] = false; // Initialize to be false. If the values of the current sub-layers matches with the earlier sub-layer, |
2801 | // then will be continue to be false - i.e. the j-th sub-layer DPB info is not signaled |
2802 | checkFlagInner[j] |= ( getMaxVpsNumReorderPics(i, j) != getMaxVpsNumReorderPics(i, j - 1) ); |
2804 | for(Int subDpbIdx = 0; subDpbIdx < getNumSubDpbs(layerSetIdxForOutputLayerSet) && !checkFlagInner[j]; subDpbIdx++) // If checkFlagInner[j] is true, break and signal the values |
2805 | #else |
2806 | for(Int k = 0; k < getNumSubDpbs(i) && !checkFlagInner[j]; k++) // If checkFlagInner[j] is true, break and signal the values |
2807 | #endif |
2808 | { |
2809 | checkFlagInner[j] |= ( getMaxVpsDecPicBufferingMinus1(i, subDpbIdx, j - 1) != getMaxVpsDecPicBufferingMinus1(i, subDpbIdx, j) ); |
2810 | } |
2812 | for(Int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < this->getNumLayersInIdList(layerSetIdxForOutputLayerSet) && !checkFlagInner[j]; layerIdx++) // If checkFlagInner[j] is true, break and signal the values |
2813 | { |
2814 | checkFlagInner[j] |= ( getMaxVpsLayerDecPicBuffMinus1(i, layerIdx, j - 1) != getMaxVpsLayerDecPicBuffMinus1(i, layerIdx, j) ); |
2815 | } |
2816 | #endif |
2817 | } |
2818 | // If checkFlagInner[j] = true, then some value needs to be signalled for the j-th sub-layer |
2819 | setSubLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag( i, j, checkFlagInner[j] ); |
2820 | } |
2821 | |
2822 | // -------------------------------------------------------- |
2823 | // To determine value of m_subLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag |
2824 | // -------------------------------------------------------- |
2825 | |
2826 | for(Int j = 1; j < getMaxTLayers(); j++) // Check if DPB info of any of non-zero sub-layers is signaled. If so set flag to one |
2827 | { |
2828 | if( getSubLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag(i, j) ) |
2829 | { |
2830 | checkFlagOuter = true; |
2831 | break; |
2832 | } |
2833 | } |
2834 | setSubLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag( i, checkFlagOuter ); |
2835 | } |
2836 | } |
2837 | #endif |
2839 | Void TComVPS::assignSubDpbIndices() |
2840 | { |
2841 | RepFormat layerRepFormat [MAX_LAYERS]; |
2842 | RepFormat subDpbRepFormat [MAX_LAYERS]; |
2843 | |
2844 | for(Int lsIdx = 0; lsIdx < this->getNumLayerSets(); lsIdx++) |
2845 | { |
2846 | for(Int j = 0; j < MAX_LAYERS; j++) |
2847 | { |
2848 | layerRepFormat [j].init(); |
2849 | subDpbRepFormat[j].init(); |
2850 | } |
2851 | |
2852 | // Assign resolution, bit-depth, colour format for each layer in the layer set |
2853 | for(Int i = 0; i < this->getNumLayersInIdList( lsIdx ); i++) |
2854 | { |
2855 | Int layerIdxInVps = this->getLayerIdInVps( this->getLayerSetLayerIdList(lsIdx, i) ); |
2856 | Int repFormatIdx = this->getVpsRepFormatIdx( layerIdxInVps ); |
2857 | RepFormat* repFormat = this->getVpsRepFormat( repFormatIdx ); |
2858 | |
2859 | // Assign the rep_format() to the layer |
2860 | layerRepFormat[i] = *repFormat; |
2861 | } |
2862 | |
2863 | // ---------------------------------------- |
2864 | // Sub-DPB assignment |
2865 | // ---------------------------------------- |
2866 | // For the base layer |
2867 | m_subDpbAssigned[lsIdx][0] = 0; |
2868 | subDpbRepFormat[0] = layerRepFormat[0]; |
2869 | |
2870 | // Sub-DPB counter |
2871 | Int subDpbCtr = 1; |
2872 | |
2873 | for(Int i = 1; i < this->getNumLayersInIdList( lsIdx ); i++) |
2874 | { |
2875 | Bool newSubDpbFlag = true; |
2876 | for(Int j = 0; (j < subDpbCtr) && (newSubDpbFlag); j++) |
2877 | { |
2878 | if( RepFormat::checkSameSubDpb( layerRepFormat[i], subDpbRepFormat[j] ) ) |
2879 | { |
2880 | // Belong to i-th sub-DPB |
2881 | m_subDpbAssigned[lsIdx][i] = j; |
2882 | newSubDpbFlag = false; |
2883 | } |
2884 | } |
2885 | if( newSubDpbFlag ) |
2886 | { |
2887 | // New sub-DPB |
2888 | subDpbRepFormat[subDpbCtr] = layerRepFormat[i]; |
2889 | m_subDpbAssigned[lsIdx][i] = subDpbCtr; |
2890 | subDpbCtr++; // Increment # subDpbs |
2891 | } |
2892 | } |
2893 | m_numSubDpbs[lsIdx] = subDpbCtr; |
2894 | } |
2895 | } |
2896 | Int TComVPS::findLayerIdxInLayerSet ( Int lsIdx, Int nuhLayerId ) |
2897 | { |
2898 | for(Int i = 0; i < this->getNumLayersInIdList(lsIdx); i++) |
2899 | { |
2900 | if( this->getLayerSetLayerIdList( lsIdx, i) == nuhLayerId ) |
2901 | { |
2902 | return i; |
2903 | } |
2904 | } |
2905 | return -1; // Layer not found |
2906 | } |
2907 | #endif |
2908 | #if O0164_MULTI_LAYER_HRD |
2909 | Void TComVPS::setBspHrdParameters( UInt hrdIdx, UInt frameRate, UInt numDU, UInt bitRate, Bool randomAccess ) |
2910 | { |
2911 | if( !getVpsVuiBspHrdPresentFlag() ) |
2912 | { |
2913 | return; |
2914 | } |
2915 | |
2916 | TComHRD *hrd = getBspHrd(hrdIdx); |
2917 | |
2918 | Bool rateCnt = ( bitRate > 0 ); |
2919 | hrd->setNalHrdParametersPresentFlag( rateCnt ); |
2920 | hrd->setVclHrdParametersPresentFlag( rateCnt ); |
2921 | |
2922 | hrd->setSubPicCpbParamsPresentFlag( ( numDU > 1 ) ); |
2923 | |
2924 | if( hrd->getSubPicCpbParamsPresentFlag() ) |
2925 | { |
2926 | hrd->setTickDivisorMinus2( 100 - 2 ); // |
2927 | hrd->setDuCpbRemovalDelayLengthMinus1( 7 ); // 8-bit precision ( plus 1 for last DU in AU ) |
2928 | hrd->setSubPicCpbParamsInPicTimingSEIFlag( true ); |
2929 | hrd->setDpbOutputDelayDuLengthMinus1( 5 + 7 ); // With sub-clock tick factor of 100, at least 7 bits to have the same value as AU dpb delay |
2930 | } |
2931 | else |
2932 | { |
2933 | hrd->setSubPicCpbParamsInPicTimingSEIFlag( false ); |
2934 | } |
2935 | |
2936 | hrd->setBitRateScale( 4 ); // in units of 2~( 6 + 4 ) = 1,024 bps |
2937 | hrd->setCpbSizeScale( 6 ); // in units of 2~( 4 + 4 ) = 1,024 bit |
2938 | hrd->setDuCpbSizeScale( 6 ); // in units of 2~( 4 + 4 ) = 1,024 bit |
2939 | |
2940 | hrd->setInitialCpbRemovalDelayLengthMinus1(15); // assuming 0.5 sec, log2( 90,000 * 0.5 ) = 16-bit |
2941 | if( randomAccess ) |
2942 | { |
2943 | hrd->setCpbRemovalDelayLengthMinus1(5); // 32 = 2^5 (plus 1) |
2944 | hrd->setDpbOutputDelayLengthMinus1 (5); // 32 + 3 = 2^6 |
2945 | } |
2946 | else |
2947 | { |
2948 | hrd->setCpbRemovalDelayLengthMinus1(9); // max. 2^10 |
2949 | hrd->setDpbOutputDelayLengthMinus1 (9); // max. 2^10 |
2950 | } |
2951 | |
2952 | /* |
2953 | Note: only the case of "vps_max_temporal_layers_minus1 = 0" is supported. |
2954 | */ |
2955 | Int i, j; |
2956 | UInt birateValue, cpbSizeValue; |
2957 | UInt ducpbSizeValue; |
2958 | UInt duBitRateValue = 0; |
2959 | |
2960 | for( i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i ++ ) |
2961 | { |
2962 | hrd->setFixedPicRateFlag( i, 1 ); |
2963 | hrd->setPicDurationInTcMinus1( i, 0 ); |
2964 | hrd->setLowDelayHrdFlag( i, 0 ); |
2965 | hrd->setCpbCntMinus1( i, 0 ); |
2966 | |
2967 | birateValue = bitRate; |
2968 | cpbSizeValue = bitRate; // 1 second |
2969 | ducpbSizeValue = bitRate/numDU; |
2970 | duBitRateValue = bitRate; |
2971 | for( j = 0; j < ( hrd->getCpbCntMinus1( i ) + 1 ); j ++ ) |
2972 | { |
2973 | hrd->setBitRateValueMinus1( i, j, 0, ( birateValue - 1 ) ); |
2974 | hrd->setCpbSizeValueMinus1( i, j, 0, ( cpbSizeValue - 1 ) ); |
2975 | hrd->setDuCpbSizeValueMinus1( i, j, 0, ( ducpbSizeValue - 1 ) ); |
2976 | hrd->setCbrFlag( i, j, 0, ( j == 0 ) ); |
2977 | |
2978 | hrd->setBitRateValueMinus1( i, j, 1, ( birateValue - 1) ); |
2979 | hrd->setCpbSizeValueMinus1( i, j, 1, ( cpbSizeValue - 1 ) ); |
2980 | hrd->setDuCpbSizeValueMinus1( i, j, 1, ( ducpbSizeValue - 1 ) ); |
2981 | hrd->setDuBitRateValueMinus1( i, j, 1, ( duBitRateValue - 1 ) ); |
2982 | hrd->setCbrFlag( i, j, 1, ( j == 0 ) ); |
2983 | } |
2984 | } |
2985 | } |
2986 | #endif |
2988 | // RepFormat Assignment operator |
2989 | RepFormat& RepFormat::operator= (const RepFormat &other) |
2990 | { |
2991 | if( this != &other) |
2992 | { |
2993 | m_chromaAndBitDepthVpsPresentFlag = other.m_chromaAndBitDepthVpsPresentFlag; |
2994 | m_chromaFormatVpsIdc = other.m_chromaFormatVpsIdc; |
2995 | m_separateColourPlaneVpsFlag = other.m_separateColourPlaneVpsFlag; |
2996 | m_picWidthVpsInLumaSamples = other.m_picWidthVpsInLumaSamples; |
2997 | m_picHeightVpsInLumaSamples = other.m_picHeightVpsInLumaSamples; |
2998 | m_bitDepthVpsLuma = other.m_bitDepthVpsLuma; |
2999 | m_bitDepthVpsChroma = other.m_bitDepthVpsChroma; |
3000 | } |
3001 | return *this; |
3002 | } |
3003 | |
3004 | // Check whether x and y share the same resolution, chroma format and bit-depth. |
3005 | Bool RepFormat::checkSameSubDpb(const RepFormat &x, const RepFormat &y) |
3006 | { |
3007 | return ( (x.m_chromaFormatVpsIdc == y.m_chromaFormatVpsIdc) |
3008 | && (x.m_picWidthVpsInLumaSamples == y.m_picWidthVpsInLumaSamples) |
3009 | && (x.m_picHeightVpsInLumaSamples == y.m_picHeightVpsInLumaSamples) |
3010 | && (x.m_bitDepthVpsLuma == y.m_bitDepthVpsLuma) |
3011 | && (x.m_bitDepthVpsChroma == y.m_bitDepthVpsChroma) |
3012 | ); |
3013 | } |
3014 | #endif |
3015 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3016 | // Sequence parameter set (SPS) |
3017 | // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
3018 | |
3019 | TComSPS::TComSPS() |
3020 | : m_SPSId ( 0) |
3021 | , m_VPSId ( 0) |
3022 | , m_chromaFormatIdc (CHROMA_420) |
3023 | , m_uiMaxTLayers ( 1) |
3024 | #if R0279_REP_FORMAT_INBL |
3025 | , m_bV1CompatibleSPSFlag ( 0) |
3026 | #endif |
3027 | // Structure |
3028 | , m_picWidthInLumaSamples (352) |
3029 | , m_picHeightInLumaSamples (288) |
3030 | , m_log2MinCodingBlockSize ( 0) |
3031 | , m_log2DiffMaxMinCodingBlockSize (0) |
3032 | , m_uiMaxCUWidth ( 32) |
3033 | , m_uiMaxCUHeight ( 32) |
3034 | , m_uiMaxCUDepth ( 3) |
3035 | , m_bLongTermRefsPresent (false) |
3036 | , m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize ( 0) |
3037 | , m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize ( 0) |
3038 | , m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter ( 0) |
3039 | , m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra ( 0) |
3040 | // Tool list |
3041 | , m_usePCM (false) |
3042 | , m_pcmLog2MaxSize ( 5) |
3043 | , m_uiPCMLog2MinSize ( 7) |
3044 | , m_bitDepthY ( 8) |
3045 | , m_bitDepthC ( 8) |
3046 | , m_qpBDOffsetY ( 0) |
3047 | , m_qpBDOffsetC ( 0) |
3048 | , m_uiPCMBitDepthLuma ( 8) |
3049 | , m_uiPCMBitDepthChroma ( 8) |
3050 | , m_bPCMFilterDisableFlag (false) |
3051 | , m_uiBitsForPOC ( 8) |
3052 | , m_numLongTermRefPicSPS ( 0) |
3053 | , m_uiMaxTrSize ( 32) |
3054 | , m_bUseSAO (false) |
3055 | , m_bTemporalIdNestingFlag (false) |
3056 | , m_scalingListEnabledFlag (false) |
3057 | , m_useStrongIntraSmoothing (false) |
3058 | , m_vuiParametersPresentFlag (false) |
3059 | , m_vuiParameters () |
3060 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
3061 | , m_layerId ( 0 ) |
3062 | , m_extensionFlag ( false ) |
3063 | , m_numScaledRefLayerOffsets ( 0 ) |
3064 | #if REPN_FORMAT_IN_VPS |
3065 | , m_updateRepFormatFlag (false) |
3066 | #if O0096_REP_FORMAT_INDEX |
3067 | , m_updateRepFormatIndex (0) |
3068 | #endif |
3069 | #endif |
3071 | , m_inferScalingListFlag ( false ) |
3072 | , m_scalingListRefLayerId ( 0 ) |
3073 | #endif |
3074 | #endif //SVC_EXTENSION |
3075 | { |
3076 | for ( Int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i++ ) |
3077 | { |
3078 | m_uiMaxLatencyIncrease[i] = 0; |
3079 | m_uiMaxDecPicBuffering[i] = 1; |
3080 | m_numReorderPics[i] = 0; |
3081 | } |
3082 | m_scalingList = new TComScalingList; |
3083 | ::memset(m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps, 0, sizeof(m_ltRefPicPocLsbSps)); |
3084 | ::memset(m_usedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag, 0, sizeof(m_usedByCurrPicLtSPSFlag)); |
3085 | |
3086 | #if P0312_VERT_PHASE_ADJ |
3087 | ::memset(m_vertPhasePositionEnableFlag, 0, sizeof(m_vertPhasePositionEnableFlag)); |
3088 | #endif |
3089 | } |
3090 | |
3091 | TComSPS::~TComSPS() |
3092 | { |
3094 | if( !m_inferScalingListFlag ) |
3095 | #endif |
3096 | delete m_scalingList; |
3097 | m_RPSList.destroy(); |
3098 | } |
3099 | |
3100 | Void TComSPS::createRPSList( Int numRPS ) |
3101 | { |
3102 | m_RPSList.destroy(); |
3103 | m_RPSList.create(numRPS); |
3104 | } |
3105 | |
3106 | Void TComSPS::setHrdParameters( UInt frameRate, UInt numDU, UInt bitRate, Bool randomAccess ) |
3107 | { |
3108 | if( !getVuiParametersPresentFlag() ) |
3109 | { |
3110 | return; |
3111 | } |
3112 | |
3113 | TComVUI *vui = getVuiParameters(); |
3114 | TComHRD *hrd = vui->getHrdParameters(); |
3115 | |
3116 | TimingInfo *timingInfo = vui->getTimingInfo(); |
3117 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
3118 | if( m_layerId > 0 ) |
3119 | { |
3120 | timingInfo->setTimingInfoPresentFlag( false ); |
3121 | return; |
3122 | } |
3123 | #endif |
3124 | |
3125 | timingInfo->setTimingInfoPresentFlag( true ); |
3126 | switch( frameRate ) |
3127 | { |
3128 | case 24: |
3129 | timingInfo->setNumUnitsInTick( 1125000 ); timingInfo->setTimeScale ( 27000000 ); |
3130 | break; |
3131 | case 25: |
3132 | timingInfo->setNumUnitsInTick( 1080000 ); timingInfo->setTimeScale ( 27000000 ); |
3133 | break; |
3134 | case 30: |
3135 | timingInfo->setNumUnitsInTick( 900900 ); timingInfo->setTimeScale ( 27000000 ); |
3136 | break; |
3137 | case 50: |
3138 | timingInfo->setNumUnitsInTick( 540000 ); timingInfo->setTimeScale ( 27000000 ); |
3139 | break; |
3140 | case 60: |
3141 | timingInfo->setNumUnitsInTick( 450450 ); timingInfo->setTimeScale ( 27000000 ); |
3142 | break; |
3143 | default: |
3144 | timingInfo->setNumUnitsInTick( 1001 ); timingInfo->setTimeScale ( 60000 ); |
3145 | break; |
3146 | } |
3147 | |
3148 | Bool rateCnt = ( bitRate > 0 ); |
3149 | hrd->setNalHrdParametersPresentFlag( rateCnt ); |
3150 | hrd->setVclHrdParametersPresentFlag( rateCnt ); |
3151 | |
3152 | hrd->setSubPicCpbParamsPresentFlag( ( numDU > 1 ) ); |
3153 | |
3154 | if( hrd->getSubPicCpbParamsPresentFlag() ) |
3155 | { |
3156 | hrd->setTickDivisorMinus2( 100 - 2 ); // |
3157 | hrd->setDuCpbRemovalDelayLengthMinus1( 7 ); // 8-bit precision ( plus 1 for last DU in AU ) |
3158 | hrd->setSubPicCpbParamsInPicTimingSEIFlag( true ); |
3159 | hrd->setDpbOutputDelayDuLengthMinus1( 5 + 7 ); // With sub-clock tick factor of 100, at least 7 bits to have the same value as AU dpb delay |
3160 | } |
3161 | else |
3162 | { |
3163 | hrd->setSubPicCpbParamsInPicTimingSEIFlag( false ); |
3164 | } |
3165 | |
3166 | hrd->setBitRateScale( 4 ); // in units of 2~( 6 + 4 ) = 1,024 bps |
3167 | hrd->setCpbSizeScale( 6 ); // in units of 2~( 4 + 4 ) = 1,024 bit |
3168 | hrd->setDuCpbSizeScale( 6 ); // in units of 2~( 4 + 4 ) = 1,024 bit |
3169 | |
3170 | hrd->setInitialCpbRemovalDelayLengthMinus1(15); // assuming 0.5 sec, log2( 90,000 * 0.5 ) = 16-bit |
3171 | if( randomAccess ) |
3172 | { |
3173 | hrd->setCpbRemovalDelayLengthMinus1(5); // 32 = 2^5 (plus 1) |
3174 | hrd->setDpbOutputDelayLengthMinus1 (5); // 32 + 3 = 2^6 |
3175 | } |
3176 | else |
3177 | { |
3178 | hrd->setCpbRemovalDelayLengthMinus1(9); // max. 2^10 |
3179 | hrd->setDpbOutputDelayLengthMinus1 (9); // max. 2^10 |
3180 | } |
3181 | |
3182 | /* |
3183 | Note: only the case of "vps_max_temporal_layers_minus1 = 0" is supported. |
3184 | */ |
3185 | Int i, j; |
3186 | UInt birateValue, cpbSizeValue; |
3187 | UInt ducpbSizeValue; |
3188 | UInt duBitRateValue = 0; |
3189 | |
3190 | for( i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i ++ ) |
3191 | { |
3192 | hrd->setFixedPicRateFlag( i, 1 ); |
3193 | hrd->setPicDurationInTcMinus1( i, 0 ); |
3194 | hrd->setLowDelayHrdFlag( i, 0 ); |
3195 | hrd->setCpbCntMinus1( i, 0 ); |
3196 | |
3197 | birateValue = bitRate; |
3198 | cpbSizeValue = bitRate; // 1 second |
3199 | ducpbSizeValue = bitRate/numDU; |
3200 | duBitRateValue = bitRate; |
3201 | for( j = 0; j < ( hrd->getCpbCntMinus1( i ) + 1 ); j ++ ) |
3202 | { |
3203 | hrd->setBitRateValueMinus1( i, j, 0, ( birateValue - 1 ) ); |
3204 | hrd->setCpbSizeValueMinus1( i, j, 0, ( cpbSizeValue - 1 ) ); |
3205 | hrd->setDuCpbSizeValueMinus1( i, j, 0, ( ducpbSizeValue - 1 ) ); |
3206 | hrd->setCbrFlag( i, j, 0, ( j == 0 ) ); |
3207 | |
3208 | hrd->setBitRateValueMinus1( i, j, 1, ( birateValue - 1) ); |
3209 | hrd->setCpbSizeValueMinus1( i, j, 1, ( cpbSizeValue - 1 ) ); |
3210 | hrd->setDuCpbSizeValueMinus1( i, j, 1, ( ducpbSizeValue - 1 ) ); |
3211 | hrd->setDuBitRateValueMinus1( i, j, 1, ( duBitRateValue - 1 ) ); |
3212 | hrd->setCbrFlag( i, j, 1, ( j == 0 ) ); |
3213 | } |
3214 | } |
3215 | } |
3216 | const Int TComSPS::m_winUnitX[]={1,2,2,1}; |
3217 | const Int TComSPS::m_winUnitY[]={1,2,1,1}; |
3218 | |
3219 | #if O0098_SCALED_REF_LAYER_ID |
3220 | Window& TComSPS::getScaledRefLayerWindowForLayer(Int layerId) |
3221 | { |
3222 | static Window win; |
3223 | |
3224 | for (Int i = 0; i < m_numScaledRefLayerOffsets; i++) |
3225 | { |
3226 | if (layerId == m_scaledRefLayerId[i]) |
3227 | { |
3228 | return m_scaledRefLayerWindow[i]; |
3229 | } |
3230 | } |
3231 | |
3232 | win.resetWindow(); // scaled reference layer offsets are inferred to be zero when not present |
3233 | return win; |
3234 | } |
3235 | #endif |
3236 | |
3237 | TComPPS::TComPPS() |
3238 | : m_PPSId (0) |
3239 | , m_SPSId (0) |
3240 | , m_picInitQPMinus26 (0) |
3241 | , m_useDQP (false) |
3242 | , m_bConstrainedIntraPred (false) |
3243 | , m_bSliceChromaQpFlag (false) |
3244 | , m_pcSPS (NULL) |
3245 | , m_uiMaxCuDQPDepth (0) |
3246 | , m_uiMinCuDQPSize (0) |
3247 | , m_chromaCbQpOffset (0) |
3248 | , m_chromaCrQpOffset (0) |
3249 | , m_numRefIdxL0DefaultActive (1) |
3250 | , m_numRefIdxL1DefaultActive (1) |
3251 | , m_TransquantBypassEnableFlag (false) |
3252 | , m_useTransformSkip (false) |
3253 | , m_dependentSliceSegmentsEnabledFlag (false) |
3254 | , m_tilesEnabledFlag (false) |
3255 | , m_entropyCodingSyncEnabledFlag (false) |
3256 | , m_loopFilterAcrossTilesEnabledFlag (true) |
3257 | , m_uniformSpacingFlag (false) |
3258 | , m_numTileColumnsMinus1 (0) |
3259 | , m_numTileRowsMinus1 (0) |
3260 | , m_numSubstreams (1) |
3261 | , m_signHideFlag(0) |
3262 | , m_cabacInitPresentFlag (false) |
3263 | , m_encCABACTableIdx (I_SLICE) |
3264 | , m_sliceHeaderExtensionPresentFlag (false) |
3265 | , m_loopFilterAcrossSlicesEnabledFlag (false) |
3266 | , m_listsModificationPresentFlag( 0) |
3267 | , m_numExtraSliceHeaderBits(0) |
3268 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
3269 | , m_extensionFlag(false) |
3271 | , m_layerId(0) |
3272 | , m_inferScalingListFlag ( false ) |
3273 | , m_scalingListRefLayerId ( 0 ) |
3274 | #endif |
3275 | #if POC_RESET_IDC |
3276 | , m_pocResetInfoPresentFlag (false) |
3277 | #endif |
3278 | #if Q0048_CGS_3D_ASYMLUT |
3279 | , m_nCGSFlag(0) |
3280 | , m_nCGSOutputBitDepthY(0) |
3281 | , m_nCGSOutputBitDepthC(0) |
3282 | #endif |
3283 | #endif //SVC_EXTENSION |
3284 | { |
3285 | m_scalingList = new TComScalingList; |
3286 | } |
3287 | |
3288 | TComPPS::~TComPPS() |
3289 | { |
3291 | if( !m_inferScalingListFlag ) |
3292 | #endif |
3293 | delete m_scalingList; |
3294 | } |
3295 | |
3296 | TComReferencePictureSet::TComReferencePictureSet() |
3297 | : m_numberOfPictures (0) |
3298 | , m_numberOfNegativePictures (0) |
3299 | , m_numberOfPositivePictures (0) |
3300 | , m_numberOfLongtermPictures (0) |
3301 | , m_interRPSPrediction (0) |
3302 | , m_deltaRIdxMinus1 (0) |
3303 | , m_deltaRPS (0) |
3304 | , m_numRefIdc (0) |
3305 | { |
3306 | ::memset( m_deltaPOC, 0, sizeof(m_deltaPOC) ); |
3307 | ::memset( m_POC, 0, sizeof(m_POC) ); |
3308 | ::memset( m_used, 0, sizeof(m_used) ); |
3309 | ::memset( m_refIdc, 0, sizeof(m_refIdc) ); |
3310 | } |
3311 | |
3312 | TComReferencePictureSet::~TComReferencePictureSet() |
3313 | { |
3314 | } |
3315 | |
3316 | Void TComReferencePictureSet::setUsed(Int bufferNum, Bool used) |
3317 | { |
3318 | m_used[bufferNum] = used; |
3319 | } |
3320 | |
3321 | Void TComReferencePictureSet::setDeltaPOC(Int bufferNum, Int deltaPOC) |
3322 | { |
3323 | m_deltaPOC[bufferNum] = deltaPOC; |
3324 | } |
3325 | |
3326 | Void TComReferencePictureSet::setNumberOfPictures(Int numberOfPictures) |
3327 | { |
3328 | m_numberOfPictures = numberOfPictures; |
3329 | } |
3330 | |
3331 | Int TComReferencePictureSet::getUsed(Int bufferNum) |
3332 | { |
3333 | return m_used[bufferNum]; |
3334 | } |
3335 | |
3336 | Int TComReferencePictureSet::getDeltaPOC(Int bufferNum) |
3337 | { |
3338 | return m_deltaPOC[bufferNum]; |
3339 | } |
3340 | |
3341 | Int TComReferencePictureSet::getNumberOfPictures() |
3342 | { |
3343 | return m_numberOfPictures; |
3344 | } |
3345 | |
3346 | Int TComReferencePictureSet::getPOC(Int bufferNum) |
3347 | { |
3348 | return m_POC[bufferNum]; |
3349 | } |
3350 | |
3351 | Void TComReferencePictureSet::setPOC(Int bufferNum, Int POC) |
3352 | { |
3353 | m_POC[bufferNum] = POC; |
3354 | } |
3355 | |
3356 | Bool TComReferencePictureSet::getCheckLTMSBPresent(Int bufferNum) |
3357 | { |
3358 | return m_bCheckLTMSB[bufferNum]; |
3359 | } |
3360 | |
3361 | Void TComReferencePictureSet::setCheckLTMSBPresent(Int bufferNum, Bool b) |
3362 | { |
3363 | m_bCheckLTMSB[bufferNum] = b; |
3364 | } |
3365 | |
3366 | /** set the reference idc value at uiBufferNum entry to the value of iRefIdc |
3367 | * \param uiBufferNum |
3368 | * \param iRefIdc |
3369 | * \returns Void |
3370 | */ |
3371 | Void TComReferencePictureSet::setRefIdc(Int bufferNum, Int refIdc) |
3372 | { |
3373 | m_refIdc[bufferNum] = refIdc; |
3374 | } |
3375 | |
3376 | /** get the reference idc value at uiBufferNum |
3377 | * \param uiBufferNum |
3378 | * \returns Int |
3379 | */ |
3380 | Int TComReferencePictureSet::getRefIdc(Int bufferNum) |
3381 | { |
3382 | return m_refIdc[bufferNum]; |
3383 | } |
3384 | |
3385 | /** Sorts the deltaPOC and Used by current values in the RPS based on the deltaPOC values. |
3386 | * deltaPOC values are sorted with -ve values before the +ve values. -ve values are in decreasing order. |
3387 | * +ve values are in increasing order. |
3388 | * \returns Void |
3389 | */ |
3390 | Void TComReferencePictureSet::sortDeltaPOC() |
3391 | { |
3392 | // sort in increasing order (smallest first) |
3393 | for(Int j=1; j < getNumberOfPictures(); j++) |
3394 | { |
3395 | Int deltaPOC = getDeltaPOC(j); |
3396 | Bool used = getUsed(j); |
3397 | for (Int k=j-1; k >= 0; k--) |
3398 | { |
3399 | Int temp = getDeltaPOC(k); |
3400 | if (deltaPOC < temp) |
3401 | { |
3402 | setDeltaPOC(k+1, temp); |
3403 | setUsed(k+1, getUsed(k)); |
3404 | setDeltaPOC(k, deltaPOC); |
3405 | setUsed(k, used); |
3406 | } |
3407 | } |
3408 | } |
3409 | // flip the negative values to largest first |
3410 | Int numNegPics = getNumberOfNegativePictures(); |
3411 | for(Int j=0, k=numNegPics-1; j < numNegPics>>1; j++, k--) |
3412 | { |
3413 | Int deltaPOC = getDeltaPOC(j); |
3414 | Bool used = getUsed(j); |
3415 | setDeltaPOC(j, getDeltaPOC(k)); |
3416 | setUsed(j, getUsed(k)); |
3417 | setDeltaPOC(k, deltaPOC); |
3418 | setUsed(k, used); |
3419 | } |
3420 | } |
3421 | |
3422 | /** Prints the deltaPOC and RefIdc (if available) values in the RPS. |
3423 | * A "*" is added to the deltaPOC value if it is Used bu current. |
3424 | * \returns Void |
3425 | */ |
3426 | Void TComReferencePictureSet::printDeltaPOC() |
3427 | { |
3428 | printf("DeltaPOC = { "); |
3429 | for(Int j=0; j < getNumberOfPictures(); j++) |
3430 | { |
3431 | printf("%d%s ", getDeltaPOC(j), (getUsed(j)==1)?"*":""); |
3432 | } |
3433 | if (getInterRPSPrediction()) |
3434 | { |
3435 | printf("}, RefIdc = { "); |
3436 | for(Int j=0; j < getNumRefIdc(); j++) |
3437 | { |
3438 | printf("%d ", getRefIdc(j)); |
3439 | } |
3440 | } |
3441 | printf("}\n"); |
3442 | } |
3443 | |
3444 | TComRPSList::TComRPSList() |
3445 | :m_referencePictureSets (NULL) |
3446 | { |
3447 | } |
3448 | |
3449 | TComRPSList::~TComRPSList() |
3450 | { |
3451 | } |
3452 | |
3453 | Void TComRPSList::create( Int numberOfReferencePictureSets) |
3454 | { |
3455 | m_numberOfReferencePictureSets = numberOfReferencePictureSets; |
3456 | m_referencePictureSets = new TComReferencePictureSet[numberOfReferencePictureSets]; |
3457 | } |
3458 | |
3459 | Void TComRPSList::destroy() |
3460 | { |
3461 | if (m_referencePictureSets) |
3462 | { |
3463 | delete [] m_referencePictureSets; |
3464 | } |
3465 | m_numberOfReferencePictureSets = 0; |
3466 | m_referencePictureSets = NULL; |
3467 | } |
3468 | |
3469 | |
3470 | |
3471 | TComReferencePictureSet* TComRPSList::getReferencePictureSet(Int referencePictureSetNum) |
3472 | { |
3473 | return &m_referencePictureSets[referencePictureSetNum]; |
3474 | } |
3475 | |
3476 | Int TComRPSList::getNumberOfReferencePictureSets() |
3477 | { |
3478 | return m_numberOfReferencePictureSets; |
3479 | } |
3480 | |
3481 | Void TComRPSList::setNumberOfReferencePictureSets(Int numberOfReferencePictureSets) |
3482 | { |
3483 | m_numberOfReferencePictureSets = numberOfReferencePictureSets; |
3484 | } |
3485 | |
3486 | TComRefPicListModification::TComRefPicListModification() |
3487 | : m_bRefPicListModificationFlagL0 (false) |
3488 | , m_bRefPicListModificationFlagL1 (false) |
3489 | { |
3490 | ::memset( m_RefPicSetIdxL0, 0, sizeof(m_RefPicSetIdxL0) ); |
3491 | ::memset( m_RefPicSetIdxL1, 0, sizeof(m_RefPicSetIdxL1) ); |
3492 | } |
3493 | |
3494 | TComRefPicListModification::~TComRefPicListModification() |
3495 | { |
3496 | } |
3497 | |
3498 | TComScalingList::TComScalingList() |
3499 | { |
3500 | init(); |
3501 | } |
3502 | |
3503 | TComScalingList::~TComScalingList() |
3504 | { |
3505 | destroy(); |
3506 | } |
3507 | |
3508 | /** set default quantization matrix to array |
3509 | */ |
3510 | Void TComSlice::setDefaultScalingList() |
3511 | { |
3512 | for(UInt sizeId = 0; sizeId < SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM; sizeId++) |
3513 | { |
3514 | for(UInt listId=0;listId<g_scalingListNum[sizeId];listId++) |
3515 | { |
3516 | getScalingList()->processDefaultMatrix(sizeId, listId); |
3517 | } |
3518 | } |
3519 | } |
3520 | /** check if use default quantization matrix |
3521 | * \returns true if use default quantization matrix in all size |
3522 | */ |
3523 | Bool TComSlice::checkDefaultScalingList() |
3524 | { |
3525 | UInt defaultCounter=0; |
3526 | |
3527 | for(UInt sizeId = 0; sizeId < SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM; sizeId++) |
3528 | { |
3529 | for(UInt listId=0;listId<g_scalingListNum[sizeId];listId++) |
3530 | { |
3531 | if( !memcmp(getScalingList()->getScalingListAddress(sizeId,listId), getScalingList()->getScalingListDefaultAddress(sizeId, listId),sizeof(Int)*min(MAX_MATRIX_COEF_NUM,(Int)g_scalingListSize[sizeId])) // check value of matrix |
3532 | && ((sizeId < SCALING_LIST_16x16) || (getScalingList()->getScalingListDC(sizeId,listId) == 16))) // check DC value |
3533 | { |
3534 | defaultCounter++; |
3535 | } |
3536 | } |
3537 | } |
3538 | return (defaultCounter == (SCALING_LIST_NUM * SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM - 4)) ? false : true; // -4 for 32x32 |
3539 | } |
3540 | |
3541 | /** get scaling matrix from RefMatrixID |
3542 | * \param sizeId size index |
3543 | * \param Index of input matrix |
3544 | * \param Index of reference matrix |
3545 | */ |
3546 | Void TComScalingList::processRefMatrix( UInt sizeId, UInt listId , UInt refListId ) |
3547 | { |
3548 | ::memcpy(getScalingListAddress(sizeId, listId),((listId == refListId)? getScalingListDefaultAddress(sizeId, refListId): getScalingListAddress(sizeId, refListId)),sizeof(Int)*min(MAX_MATRIX_COEF_NUM,(Int)g_scalingListSize[sizeId])); |
3549 | } |
3550 | |
3551 | /** parse syntax infomation |
3552 | * \param pchFile syntax infomation |
3553 | * \returns false if successful |
3554 | */ |
3555 | Bool TComScalingList::xParseScalingList(Char* pchFile) |
3556 | { |
3557 | FILE *fp; |
3558 | Char line[1024]; |
3559 | UInt sizeIdc,listIdc; |
3560 | UInt i,size = 0; |
3561 | Int *src=0,data; |
3562 | Char *ret; |
3563 | UInt retval; |
3564 | |
3565 | if((fp = fopen(pchFile,"r")) == (FILE*)NULL) |
3566 | { |
3567 | printf("can't open file %s :: set Default Matrix\n",pchFile); |
3568 | return true; |
3569 | } |
3570 | |
3571 | for(sizeIdc = 0; sizeIdc < SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM; sizeIdc++) |
3572 | { |
3573 | size = min(MAX_MATRIX_COEF_NUM,(Int)g_scalingListSize[sizeIdc]); |
3574 | for(listIdc = 0; listIdc < g_scalingListNum[sizeIdc]; listIdc++) |
3575 | { |
3576 | src = getScalingListAddress(sizeIdc, listIdc); |
3577 | |
3578 | fseek(fp,0,0); |
3579 | do |
3580 | { |
3581 | ret = fgets(line, 1024, fp); |
3582 | if ((ret==NULL)||(strstr(line, MatrixType[sizeIdc][listIdc])==NULL && feof(fp))) |
3583 | { |
3584 | printf("Error: can't read Matrix :: set Default Matrix\n"); |
3585 | return true; |
3586 | } |
3587 | } |
3588 | while (strstr(line, MatrixType[sizeIdc][listIdc]) == NULL); |
3589 | for (i=0; i<size; i++) |
3590 | { |
3591 | retval = fscanf(fp, "%d,", &data); |
3592 | if (retval!=1) |
3593 | { |
3594 | printf("Error: can't read Matrix :: set Default Matrix\n"); |
3595 | return true; |
3596 | } |
3597 | src[i] = data; |
3598 | } |
3599 | //set DC value for default matrix check |
3600 | setScalingListDC(sizeIdc,listIdc,src[0]); |
3601 | |
3602 | if(sizeIdc > SCALING_LIST_8x8) |
3603 | { |
3604 | fseek(fp,0,0); |
3605 | do |
3606 | { |
3607 | ret = fgets(line, 1024, fp); |
3608 | if ((ret==NULL)||(strstr(line, MatrixType_DC[sizeIdc][listIdc])==NULL && feof(fp))) |
3609 | { |
3610 | printf("Error: can't read DC :: set Default Matrix\n"); |
3611 | return true; |
3612 | } |
3613 | } |
3614 | while (strstr(line, MatrixType_DC[sizeIdc][listIdc]) == NULL); |
3615 | retval = fscanf(fp, "%d,", &data); |
3616 | if (retval!=1) |
3617 | { |
3618 | printf("Error: can't read Matrix :: set Default Matrix\n"); |
3619 | return true; |
3620 | } |
3621 | //overwrite DC value when size of matrix is larger than 16x16 |
3622 | setScalingListDC(sizeIdc,listIdc,data); |
3623 | } |
3624 | } |
3625 | } |
3626 | fclose(fp); |
3627 | return false; |
3628 | } |
3629 | |
3630 | /** initialization process of quantization matrix array |
3631 | */ |
3632 | Void TComScalingList::init() |
3633 | { |
3634 | for(UInt sizeId = 0; sizeId < SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM; sizeId++) |
3635 | { |
3636 | for(UInt listId = 0; listId < g_scalingListNum[sizeId]; listId++) |
3637 | { |
3638 | m_scalingListCoef[sizeId][listId] = new Int [min(MAX_MATRIX_COEF_NUM,(Int)g_scalingListSize[sizeId])]; |
3639 | } |
3640 | } |
3641 | m_scalingListCoef[SCALING_LIST_32x32][3] = m_scalingListCoef[SCALING_LIST_32x32][1]; // copy address for 32x32 |
3642 | } |
3643 | |
3644 | /** destroy quantization matrix array |
3645 | */ |
3646 | Void TComScalingList::destroy() |
3647 | { |
3648 | for(UInt sizeId = 0; sizeId < SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM; sizeId++) |
3649 | { |
3650 | for(UInt listId = 0; listId < g_scalingListNum[sizeId]; listId++) |
3651 | { |
3652 | if(m_scalingListCoef[sizeId][listId]) delete [] m_scalingListCoef[sizeId][listId]; |
3653 | } |
3654 | } |
3655 | } |
3656 | |
3657 | /** get default address of quantization matrix |
3658 | * \param sizeId size index |
3659 | * \param listId list index |
3660 | * \returns pointer of quantization matrix |
3661 | */ |
3662 | Int* TComScalingList::getScalingListDefaultAddress(UInt sizeId, UInt listId) |
3663 | { |
3664 | Int *src = 0; |
3665 | switch(sizeId) |
3666 | { |
3667 | case SCALING_LIST_4x4: |
3668 | src = g_quantTSDefault4x4; |
3669 | break; |
3670 | case SCALING_LIST_8x8: |
3671 | src = (listId<3) ? g_quantIntraDefault8x8 : g_quantInterDefault8x8; |
3672 | break; |
3673 | case SCALING_LIST_16x16: |
3674 | src = (listId<3) ? g_quantIntraDefault8x8 : g_quantInterDefault8x8; |
3675 | break; |
3676 | case SCALING_LIST_32x32: |
3677 | src = (listId<1) ? g_quantIntraDefault8x8 : g_quantInterDefault8x8; |
3678 | break; |
3679 | default: |
3680 | assert(0); |
3681 | src = NULL; |
3682 | break; |
3683 | } |
3684 | return src; |
3685 | } |
3686 | |
3687 | /** process of default matrix |
3688 | * \param sizeId size index |
3689 | * \param Index of input matrix |
3690 | */ |
3691 | Void TComScalingList::processDefaultMatrix(UInt sizeId, UInt listId) |
3692 | { |
3693 | ::memcpy(getScalingListAddress(sizeId, listId),getScalingListDefaultAddress(sizeId,listId),sizeof(Int)*min(MAX_MATRIX_COEF_NUM,(Int)g_scalingListSize[sizeId])); |
3694 | setScalingListDC(sizeId,listId,SCALING_LIST_DC); |
3695 | } |
3696 | |
3697 | /** check DC value of matrix for default matrix signaling |
3698 | */ |
3699 | Void TComScalingList::checkDcOfMatrix() |
3700 | { |
3701 | for(UInt sizeId = 0; sizeId < SCALING_LIST_SIZE_NUM; sizeId++) |
3702 | { |
3703 | for(UInt listId = 0; listId < g_scalingListNum[sizeId]; listId++) |
3704 | { |
3705 | //check default matrix? |
3706 | if(getScalingListDC(sizeId,listId) == 0) |
3707 | { |
3708 | processDefaultMatrix(sizeId, listId); |
3709 | } |
3710 | } |
3711 | } |
3712 | } |
3713 | |
3714 | ParameterSetManager::ParameterSetManager() |
3715 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
3716 | : m_activeSPSId(-1) |
3717 | , m_activePPSId(-1) |
3718 | #else |
3719 | : m_vpsMap(MAX_NUM_VPS) |
3720 | , m_spsMap(MAX_NUM_SPS) |
3721 | , m_ppsMap(MAX_NUM_PPS) |
3722 | , m_activeVPSId(-1) |
3723 | , m_activeSPSId(-1) |
3724 | , m_activePPSId(-1) |
3725 | #endif |
3726 | { |
3727 | } |
3728 | |
3729 | |
3730 | ParameterSetManager::~ParameterSetManager() |
3731 | { |
3732 | } |
3733 | |
3734 | //! activate a SPS from a active parameter sets SEI message |
3735 | //! \returns true, if activation is successful |
3736 | Bool ParameterSetManager::activateSPSWithSEI(Int spsId) |
3737 | { |
3738 | TComSPS *sps = m_spsMap.getPS(spsId); |
3739 | if (sps) |
3740 | { |
3741 | Int vpsId = sps->getVPSId(); |
3742 | if (m_vpsMap.getPS(vpsId)) |
3743 | { |
3744 | m_activeVPSId = vpsId; |
3745 | m_activeSPSId = spsId; |
3746 | return true; |
3747 | } |
3748 | else |
3749 | { |
3750 | printf("Warning: tried to activate SPS using an Active parameter sets SEI message. Referenced VPS does not exist."); |
3751 | } |
3752 | } |
3753 | else |
3754 | { |
3755 | printf("Warning: tried to activate non-existing SPS using an Active parameter sets SEI message."); |
3756 | } |
3757 | return false; |
3758 | } |
3759 | |
3760 | //! activate a PPS and depending on isIDR parameter also SPS and VPS |
3761 | //! \returns true, if activation is successful |
3762 | Bool ParameterSetManager::activatePPS(Int ppsId, Bool isIRAP) |
3763 | { |
3764 | TComPPS *pps = m_ppsMap.getPS(ppsId); |
3765 | if (pps) |
3766 | { |
3767 | Int spsId = pps->getSPSId(); |
3768 | if (!isIRAP && (spsId != m_activeSPSId)) |
3769 | { |
3770 | printf("Warning: tried to activate PPS referring to a inactive SPS at non-IRAP."); |
3771 | return false; |
3772 | } |
3773 | TComSPS *sps = m_spsMap.getPS(spsId); |
3774 | if (sps) |
3775 | { |
3776 | Int vpsId = sps->getVPSId(); |
3777 | if (!isIRAP && (vpsId != m_activeVPSId)) |
3778 | { |
3779 | printf("Warning: tried to activate PPS referring to a inactive VPS at non-IRAP."); |
3780 | return false; |
3781 | } |
3782 | if (m_vpsMap.getPS(vpsId)) |
3783 | { |
3784 | m_activePPSId = ppsId; |
3785 | m_activeVPSId = vpsId; |
3786 | m_activeSPSId = spsId; |
3787 | |
3788 | return true; |
3789 | } |
3790 | else |
3791 | { |
3792 | printf("Warning: tried to activate PPS that refers to a non-existing VPS."); |
3793 | } |
3794 | } |
3795 | else |
3796 | { |
3797 | printf("Warning: tried to activate a PPS that refers to a non-existing SPS."); |
3798 | } |
3799 | } |
3800 | else |
3801 | { |
3802 | printf("Warning: tried to activate non-existing PPS."); |
3803 | } |
3804 | return false; |
3805 | } |
3806 | |
3807 | ProfileTierLevel::ProfileTierLevel() |
3808 | : m_profileSpace (0) |
3809 | , m_tierFlag (false) |
3810 | , m_profileIdc (0) |
3811 | , m_levelIdc (0) |
3812 | , m_progressiveSourceFlag (false) |
3813 | , m_interlacedSourceFlag (false) |
3814 | , m_nonPackedConstraintFlag(false) |
3815 | , m_frameOnlyConstraintFlag(false) |
3816 | { |
3817 | ::memset(m_profileCompatibilityFlag, 0, sizeof(m_profileCompatibilityFlag)); |
3818 | } |
3820 | Void ProfileTierLevel::copyProfileInfo(ProfileTierLevel *ptl) |
3821 | { |
3822 | this->setProfileSpace ( ptl->getProfileSpace() ); |
3823 | this->setTierFlag ( ptl->getTierFlag() ); |
3824 | this->setProfileIdc ( ptl->getProfileIdc() ); |
3825 | for(Int j = 0; j < 32; j++) |
3826 | { |
3827 | this->setProfileCompatibilityFlag(j, ptl->getProfileCompatibilityFlag(j)); |
3828 | } |
3829 | this->setProgressiveSourceFlag ( ptl->getProgressiveSourceFlag() ); |
3830 | this->setInterlacedSourceFlag ( ptl->getInterlacedSourceFlag() ); |
3831 | this->setNonPackedConstraintFlag( ptl->getNonPackedConstraintFlag()); |
3832 | this->setFrameOnlyConstraintFlag( ptl->getFrameOnlyConstraintFlag()); |
3833 | } |
3834 | #endif |
3835 | |
3836 | TComPTL::TComPTL() |
3837 | { |
3838 | ::memset(m_subLayerProfilePresentFlag, 0, sizeof(m_subLayerProfilePresentFlag)); |
3839 | ::memset(m_subLayerLevelPresentFlag, 0, sizeof(m_subLayerLevelPresentFlag )); |
3840 | } |
3842 | Void TComPTL::copyProfileInfo(TComPTL *ptl) |
3843 | { |
3844 | // Copy all information related to general profile |
3845 | this->getGeneralPTL()->copyProfileInfo(ptl->getGeneralPTL()); |
3846 | } |
3847 | #endif |
3848 | |
3849 | #if SVC_EXTENSION |
3850 | Bool TComSlice::setBaseColPic( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic, UInt refLayerIdc ) |
3851 | { |
3852 | if(m_layerId == 0) |
3853 | { |
3854 | memset( m_pcBaseColPic, 0, sizeof( m_pcBaseColPic ) ); |
3855 | return false; |
3856 | } |
3859 | TComPic* pic = xGetRefPic( rcListPic, getPOC() ); |
3860 | #else |
3861 | TComPic* pic = xGetRefPic( rcListPic, m_bPocResetFlag ? 0 : m_iPOC ); |
3862 | #endif |
3863 | |
3864 | if( pic ) |
3865 | { |
3866 | setBaseColPic(refLayerIdc, pic ); |
3867 | } |
3868 | else |
3869 | { |
3870 | return false; |
3871 | } |
3872 | |
3873 | return true; |
3874 | #else |
3875 | setBaseColPic(refLayerIdc, xGetRefPic(rcListPic, getPOC())); |
3876 | return true; |
3877 | #endif |
3878 | } |
3879 | |
3881 | TComPic* TComSlice::getBaseColPic( TComList<TComPic*>& rcListPic ) |
3882 | { |
3883 | #if POC_RESET_FLAG |
3884 | return xGetRefPic( rcListPic, m_bPocResetFlag ? 0 : m_iPOC ); |
3885 | #else |
3886 | return xGetRefPic( rcListPic, m_iPOC ); |
3887 | #endif |
3888 | } |
3889 | #endif |
3890 | |
3891 | Void TComSlice::setILRPic(TComPic **pcIlpPic) |
3892 | { |
3893 | for( Int i = 0; i < m_activeNumILRRefIdx; i++ ) |
3894 | { |
3895 | Int refLayerIdc = m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[i]; |
3896 | |
3897 | if( pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc] ) |
3898 | { |
3899 | TComPic* pcRefPicBL = m_pcBaseColPic[refLayerIdc]; |
3900 | |
3901 | // copy scalability ratio, it is needed to get the corect location for the motion field of the corresponding reference layer block |
3902 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->setSpatialEnhLayerFlag( refLayerIdc, m_pcPic->isSpatialEnhLayer(refLayerIdc) ); |
3903 | |
3904 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->copyUpsampledPictureYuv( m_pcPic->getFullPelBaseRec( refLayerIdc ), pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getPicYuvRec() ); |
3905 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setBaseColPic( refLayerIdc, pcRefPicBL ); |
3906 | |
3907 | //set reference picture POC of each ILP reference |
3908 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setPOC( m_iPOC ); |
3909 | |
3910 | //set temporal Id |
3911 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setTLayer( m_uiTLayer ); |
3912 | |
3913 | //copy layer id from the reference layer |
3914 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->setLayerId( pcRefPicBL->getLayerId() ); |
3915 | |
3916 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getPicYuvRec()->setBorderExtension( false ); |
3917 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getPicYuvRec()->extendPicBorder(); |
3918 | for (Int j=0; j<pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getPicSym()->getNumberOfCUsInFrame(); j++) // set reference CU layerId |
3919 | { |
3920 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getPicSym()->getCU(j)->setLayerId( pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getLayerId() ); |
3921 | } |
3922 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->setIsLongTerm(1); |
3923 | |
3924 | #if REF_IDX_MFM |
3925 | if( m_bMFMEnabledFlag && !(m_eNalUnitType >= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP && m_eNalUnitType <= NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA) ) |
3926 | { |
3927 | //set reference picture POC of each ILP reference |
3928 | assert( pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getPOC() == pcRefPicBL->getPOC() ); |
3929 | |
3930 | //copy slice type from the reference layer |
3931 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setSliceType( pcRefPicBL->getSlice(0)->getSliceType() ); |
3932 | |
3933 | //copy "used for reference" |
3934 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setReferenced( pcRefPicBL->getSlice(0)->isReferenced() ); |
3935 | |
3936 | for( Int refList = 0; refList < 2; refList++ ) |
3937 | { |
3938 | RefPicList refPicList = RefPicList( refList ); |
3939 | |
3940 | //set reference POC of ILP |
3941 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setNumRefIdx(refPicList, pcRefPicBL->getSlice(0)->getNumRefIdx(refPicList)); |
3942 | assert(pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getNumRefIdx(refPicList) >= 0); |
3943 | assert(pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getNumRefIdx(refPicList) <= MAX_NUM_REF); |
3944 | |
3945 | //initialize reference POC of ILP |
3946 | for(Int refIdx = 0; refIdx < pcRefPicBL->getSlice(0)->getNumRefIdx(refPicList); refIdx++) |
3947 | { |
3948 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setRefPOC(pcRefPicBL->getSlice(0)->getRefPOC(refPicList, refIdx), refPicList, refIdx); |
3949 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setRefPic(pcRefPicBL->getSlice(0)->getRefPic(refPicList, refIdx), refPicList, refIdx); |
3950 | } |
3951 | |
3952 | for(Int refIdx = pcRefPicBL->getSlice(0)->getNumRefIdx(refPicList); refIdx < MAX_NUM_REF; refIdx++) |
3953 | { |
3954 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setRefPOC(0, refPicList, refIdx); |
3955 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setRefPic(NULL, refPicList, refIdx); |
3956 | } |
3957 | |
3958 | //copy reference pictures' marking from the reference layer |
3959 | for(Int j = 0; j < MAX_NUM_REF + 1; j++) |
3960 | { |
3961 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->setIsUsedAsLongTerm(refList, j, pcRefPicBL->getSlice(0)->getIsUsedAsLongTerm(refList, j)); |
3962 | } |
3963 | } |
3964 | |
3965 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->copyUpsampledMvField( refLayerIdc, m_pcBaseColPic[refLayerIdc] ); |
3966 | } |
3967 | else |
3968 | { |
3969 | pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->initUpsampledMvField(); |
3970 | } |
3971 | #endif |
3972 | |
3973 | #if O0225_MAX_TID_FOR_REF_LAYERS |
3974 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = m_pcVPS->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1( pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId(), m_layerId ); |
3975 | #else |
3976 | Int maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 = m_pcVPS->getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1( pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getLayerId() ); |
3977 | #endif |
3978 | assert( (Int)pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getTLayer() < maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 || ( !maxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 && pcIlpPic[refLayerIdc]->getSlice(0)->getRapPicFlag() ) ); |
3979 | |
3980 | } |
3981 | } |
3982 | } |
3983 | #endif //SVC_EXTENSION |
3984 | |
3985 | //! \} |