/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2012, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TAppEncCfg.cpp \brief Handle encoder configuration parameters */ #include #include #include #include #include "TLibCommon/TComRom.h" #include "TAppEncCfg.h" #include "TAppCommon/program_options_lite.h" #include "TLibEncoder/TEncRateCtrl.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define strdup _strdup #endif using namespace std; namespace po = df::program_options_lite; //! \ingroup TAppEncoder //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / initialization / destroy // ==================================================================================================================== TAppEncCfg::TAppEncCfg() #if SVC_EXTENSION : m_pchBitstreamFile() , m_pchColumnWidth() , m_pchRowHeight() , m_scalingListFile() #if REF_IDX_FRAMEWORK , m_elRapSliceBEnabled(0) #endif #else : m_pchInputFile() , m_pchBitstreamFile() , m_pchReconFile() , m_pchdQPFile() , m_pchColumnWidth() , m_pchRowHeight() , m_scalingListFile() #endif { #if SVC_EXTENSION for(UInt layer=0; layer>(std::istringstream &in, GOPEntry &entry) //input { in>>entry.m_sliceType; in>>entry.m_POC; in>>entry.m_QPOffset; in>>entry.m_QPFactor; in>>entry.m_temporalId; in>>entry.m_numRefPicsActive; #if !TEMPORAL_LAYER_NON_REFERENCE in>>entry.m_refPic; #endif in>>entry.m_numRefPics; for ( Int i = 0; i < entry.m_numRefPics; i++ ) { in>>entry.m_referencePics[i]; } in>>entry.m_interRPSPrediction; #if AUTO_INTER_RPS if (entry.m_interRPSPrediction==1) { #if !J0234_INTER_RPS_SIMPL in>>entry.m_deltaRIdxMinus1; #endif in>>entry.m_deltaRPS; in>>entry.m_numRefIdc; for ( Int i = 0; i < entry.m_numRefIdc; i++ ) { in>>entry.m_refIdc[i]; } } else if (entry.m_interRPSPrediction==2) { #if !J0234_INTER_RPS_SIMPL in>>entry.m_deltaRIdxMinus1; #endif in>>entry.m_deltaRPS; } #else if (entry.m_interRPSPrediction) { #if !J0234_INTER_RPS_SIMPL in>>entry.m_deltaRIdxMinus1; #endif in>>entry.m_deltaRPS; in>>entry.m_numRefIdc; for ( Int i = 0; i < entry.m_numRefIdc; i++ ) { in>>entry.m_refIdc[i]; } } #endif return in; } #if SVC_EXTENSION void TAppEncCfg::getDirFilename(string& filename, string& dir, const string path) { size_t pos = path.find_last_of("\\"); if(pos != std::string::npos) { filename.assign(path.begin() + pos + 1, path.end()); dir.assign(path.begin(), path.begin() + pos + 1); } else { pos = path.find_last_of("/"); if(pos != std::string::npos) { filename.assign(path.begin() + pos + 1, path.end()); dir.assign(path.begin(), path.begin() + pos + 1); } else { filename = path; dir.assign(""); } } } #endif // ==================================================================================================================== // Public member functions // ==================================================================================================================== /** \param argc number of arguments \param argv array of arguments \retval true when success */ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, Char* argv[] ) { bool do_help = false; #if SVC_EXTENSION string cfg_LayerCfgFile [MAX_LAYERS]; string cfg_BitstreamFile; string* cfg_InputFile [MAX_LAYERS]; string* cfg_ReconFile [MAX_LAYERS]; Double* cfg_fQP [MAX_LAYERS]; Int* cfg_SourceWidth [MAX_LAYERS]; Int* cfg_SourceHeight [MAX_LAYERS]; Int* cfg_FrameRate [MAX_LAYERS]; Int* cfg_IntraPeriod [MAX_LAYERS]; Int* cfg_CroppingMode [MAX_LAYERS]; for(UInt layer = 0; layer < MAX_LAYERS; layer++) { cfg_InputFile[layer] = &m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_cInputFile; cfg_ReconFile[layer] = &m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_cReconFile; cfg_fQP[layer] = &m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_fQP; cfg_SourceWidth[layer] = &m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_iSourceWidth; cfg_SourceHeight[layer] = &m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_iSourceHeight; cfg_FrameRate[layer] = &m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_iFrameRate; cfg_IntraPeriod[layer] = &m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_iIntraPeriod; cfg_CroppingMode[layer] = &m_acLayerCfg[layer].m_croppingMode; } #if AVC_SYNTAX string cfg_BLSyntaxFile; #endif #else string cfg_InputFile; string cfg_BitstreamFile; string cfg_ReconFile; string cfg_dQPFile; #endif string cfg_ColumnWidth; string cfg_RowHeight; string cfg_ScalingListFile; po::Options opts; opts.addOptions() ("help", do_help, false, "this help text") ("c", po::parseConfigFile, "configuration file name") // File, I/O and source parameters #if SVC_EXTENSION ("InputFile%d,-i%d", cfg_InputFile, string(""), MAX_LAYERS, "original YUV input file name for layer %d") ("ReconFile%d,-o%d", cfg_ReconFile, string(""), MAX_LAYERS, "reconstruction YUV input file name for layer %d") ("LayerConfig%d,-lc%d", cfg_LayerCfgFile, string(""), MAX_LAYERS, "layer %d configuration file name") ("BitstreamFile,b", cfg_BitstreamFile, string(""), "bitstream output file name") ("SourceWidth%d,-wdt%d", cfg_SourceWidth, 0, MAX_LAYERS, "Source picture width for layer %d") ("SourceHeight%d,-hgt%d", cfg_SourceHeight, 0, MAX_LAYERS, "Source picture height for layer %d") ("FrameRate%d,-fr%d", cfg_FrameRate, 0, MAX_LAYERS, "Frame rate for layer %d") ("LambdaModifier%d,-LM%d", m_adLambdaModifier, ( double )1.0, MAX_TLAYER, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer %d") ("CroppingMode%d", cfg_CroppingMode,0, MAX_LAYERS, "Cropping mode (0: no cropping, 1:automatic padding, 2: padding, 3:cropping") ("InputBitDepth", m_uiInputBitDepth, 8u, "bit-depth of input file") ("BitDepth", m_uiInputBitDepth, 8u, "deprecated alias of InputBitDepth") ("OutputBitDepth", m_uiOutputBitDepth, 0u, "bit-depth of output file") ("InternalBitDepth", m_uiInternalBitDepth, 0u, "Internal bit-depth (BitDepth+BitIncrement)") #if AVC_BASE ("InputBLFile,-ibl", *cfg_InputFile[0], string(""), "Base layer rec YUV input file name") #if AVC_SYNTAX ("InputBLSyntaxFile,-ibs", cfg_BLSyntaxFile, string(""), "Base layer syntax input file name") #endif #endif #if REF_IDX_FRAMEWORK ("EnableElRapB,-use-rap-b", m_elRapSliceBEnabled, 0, "Set ILP over base-layer I picture to B picture (default is P picture_") #endif #else ("InputFile,i", cfg_InputFile, string(""), "Original YUV input file name") ("BitstreamFile,b", cfg_BitstreamFile, string(""), "Bitstream output file name") ("ReconFile,o", cfg_ReconFile, string(""), "Reconstructed YUV output file name") ("SourceWidth,-wdt", m_iSourceWidth, 0, "Source picture width") ("SourceHeight,-hgt", m_iSourceHeight, 0, "Source picture height") ("InputBitDepth", m_uiInputBitDepth, 8u, "Bit-depth of input file") ("BitDepth", m_uiInputBitDepth, 8u, "Deprecated alias of InputBitDepth") ("OutputBitDepth", m_uiOutputBitDepth, 0u, "Bit-depth of output file") ("InternalBitDepth", m_uiInternalBitDepth, 0u, "Internal bit-depth (BitDepth+BitIncrement)") ("CroppingMode", m_croppingMode, 0, "Cropping mode (0: no cropping, 1:automatic padding, 2: padding, 3:cropping") ("HorizontalPadding,-pdx",m_aiPad[0], 0, "Horizontal source padding for cropping mode 2") ("VerticalPadding,-pdy", m_aiPad[1], 0, "Vertical source padding for cropping mode 2") ("CropLeft", m_cropLeft, 0, "Left cropping for cropping mode 3") ("CropRight", m_cropRight, 0, "Right cropping for cropping mode 3") ("CropTop", m_cropTop, 0, "Top cropping for cropping mode 3") ("CropBottom", m_cropBottom, 0, "Bottom cropping for cropping mode 3") ("FrameRate,-fr", m_iFrameRate, 0, "Frame rate") #endif ("FrameSkip,-fs", m_FrameSkip, 0u, "Number of frames to skip at start of input YUV") ("FramesToBeEncoded,f", m_iFrameToBeEncoded, 0, "Number of frames to be encoded (default=all)") #if SVC_EXTENSION ("NumLayers", m_numLayers, 1, "Number of layers to code") #endif // Unit definition parameters ("MaxCUWidth", m_uiMaxCUWidth, 64u) ("MaxCUHeight", m_uiMaxCUHeight, 64u) // todo: remove defaults from MaxCUSize ("MaxCUSize,s", m_uiMaxCUWidth, 64u, "Maximum CU size") ("MaxCUSize,s", m_uiMaxCUHeight, 64u, "Maximum CU size") ("MaxPartitionDepth,h", m_uiMaxCUDepth, 4u, "CU depth") ("QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize", m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize, 6u, "Maximum TU size in logarithm base 2") ("QuadtreeTULog2MinSize", m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize, 2u, "Minimum TU size in logarithm base 2") ("QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra", m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra, 1u, "Depth of TU tree for intra CUs") ("QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter", m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter, 2u, "Depth of TU tree for inter CUs") // Coding structure paramters #if SVC_EXTENSION ("IntraPeriod%d,-ip%d", cfg_IntraPeriod, -1, MAX_LAYERS, "intra period in frames for layer %d, (-1: only first frame)") #else ("IntraPeriod,-ip", m_iIntraPeriod, -1, "Intra period in frames, (-1: only first frame)") #endif ("DecodingRefreshType,-dr", m_iDecodingRefreshType, 0, "Intra refresh type (0:none 1:CRA 2:IDR)") ("GOPSize,g", m_iGOPSize, 1, "GOP size of temporal structure") ("ListCombination,-lc", m_bUseLComb, true, "Combined reference list for uni-prediction estimation in B-slices") // motion options ("FastSearch", m_iFastSearch, 1, "0:Full search 1:Diamond 2:PMVFAST") ("SearchRange,-sr", m_iSearchRange, 96, "Motion search range") ("BipredSearchRange", m_bipredSearchRange, 4, "Motion search range for bipred refinement") ("HadamardME", m_bUseHADME, true, "Hadamard ME for fractional-pel") ("ASR", m_bUseASR, false, "Adaptive motion search range") #if !SVC_EXTENSION // Mode decision parameters ("LambdaModifier0,-LM0", m_adLambdaModifier[ 0 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 0") ("LambdaModifier1,-LM1", m_adLambdaModifier[ 1 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 1") ("LambdaModifier2,-LM2", m_adLambdaModifier[ 2 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 2") ("LambdaModifier3,-LM3", m_adLambdaModifier[ 3 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 3") ("LambdaModifier4,-LM4", m_adLambdaModifier[ 4 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 4") ("LambdaModifier5,-LM5", m_adLambdaModifier[ 5 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 5") ("LambdaModifier6,-LM6", m_adLambdaModifier[ 6 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 6") ("LambdaModifier7,-LM7", m_adLambdaModifier[ 7 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 7") #endif /* Quantization parameters */ #if SVC_EXTENSION ("QP%d,-q%d", cfg_fQP, 30.0, MAX_LAYERS, "Qp value for layer %d, if value is float, QP is switched once during encoding") #else ("QP,q", m_fQP, 30.0, "Qp value, if value is float, QP is switched once during encoding") #endif ("DeltaQpRD,-dqr",m_uiDeltaQpRD, 0u, "max dQp offset for slice") ("MaxDeltaQP,d", m_iMaxDeltaQP, 0, "max dQp offset for block") ("MaxCuDQPDepth,-dqd", m_iMaxCuDQPDepth, 0, "max depth for a minimum CuDQP") ("CbQpOffset,-cbqpofs", m_cbQpOffset, 0, "Chroma Cb QP Offset") ("CrQpOffset,-crqpofs", m_crQpOffset, 0, "Chroma Cr QP Offset") #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION ("AdaptiveQpSelection,-aqps", m_bUseAdaptQpSelect, false, "AdaptiveQpSelection") #endif ("AdaptiveQP,-aq", m_bUseAdaptiveQP, false, "QP adaptation based on a psycho-visual model") ("MaxQPAdaptationRange,-aqr", m_iQPAdaptationRange, 6, "QP adaptation range") #if !SVC_EXTENSION ("dQPFile,m", cfg_dQPFile, string(""), "dQP file name") #endif ("RDOQ", m_bUseRDOQ, true ) // Entropy coding parameters ("SBACRD", m_bUseSBACRD, true, "SBAC based RD estimation") // Deblocking filter parameters ("LoopFilterDisable", m_bLoopFilterDisable, false ) ("LoopFilterOffsetInPPS", m_loopFilterOffsetInPPS, false ) ("LoopFilterBetaOffset_div2", m_loopFilterBetaOffsetDiv2, 0 ) ("LoopFilterTcOffset_div2", m_loopFilterTcOffsetDiv2, 0 ) ("DeblockingFilterControlPresent", m_DeblockingFilterControlPresent, false ) // Coding tools #if !REMOVE_NSQT ("NSQT", m_enableNSQT, true, "Enable non-square transforms") #endif ("AMP", m_enableAMP, true, "Enable asymmetric motion partitions") #if !REMOVE_LMCHROMA ("LMChroma", m_bUseLMChroma, true, "Intra chroma prediction based on reconstructed luma") #endif ("TransformSkip", m_useTransformSkip, false, "Intra transform skipping") ("TransformSkipFast", m_useTransformSkipFast, false, "Fast intra transform skipping") #if !REMOVE_ALF ("ALF", m_bUseALF, true, "Enable Adaptive Loop Filter") #endif ("SAO", m_bUseSAO, true, "Enable Sample Adaptive Offset") ("MaxNumOffsetsPerPic", m_maxNumOffsetsPerPic, 2048, "Max number of SAO offset per picture (Default: 2048)") #if SAO_LCU_BOUNDARY ("SAOLcuBoundary", m_saoLcuBoundary, false, "0: right/bottom LCU boundary areas skipped from SAO parameter estimation, 1: non-deblocked pixels are used for those areas") #endif ("SAOLcuBasedOptimization", m_saoLcuBasedOptimization, true, "0: SAO picture-based optimization, 1: SAO LCU-based optimization ") #if !REMOVE_ALF ("ALFLowLatencyEncode", m_alfLowLatencyEncoding, false, "Low-latency ALF encoding, 0: picture latency (trained from current frame), 1: LCU latency(trained from previous frame)") #endif ("SliceMode", m_iSliceMode, 0, "0: Disable all Recon slice limits, 1: Enforce max # of LCUs, 2: Enforce max # of bytes") ("SliceArgument", m_iSliceArgument, 0, "if SliceMode==1 SliceArgument represents max # of LCUs. if SliceMode==2 SliceArgument represents max # of bytes.") ("DependentSliceMode", m_iDependentSliceMode, 0, "0: Disable all dependent slice limits, 1: Enforce max # of LCUs, 2: Enforce constraint based dependent slices") ("DependentSliceArgument", m_iDependentSliceArgument,0, "if DependentSliceMode==1 SliceArgument represents max # of LCUs. if DependentSliceMode==2 DependentSliceArgument represents max # of bins.") #if DEPENDENT_SLICES #if TILES_WPP_ENTROPYSLICES_FLAGS ("EntropySliceEnabledFlag", m_entropySliceEnabledFlag, false, "Enable use of entropy slices instead of dependent slices." ) #else ("CabacIndependentFlag", m_bCabacIndependentFlag, false) #endif #endif #if !REMOVE_FGS ("SliceGranularity", m_iSliceGranularity, 0, "0: Slices always end at LCU borders. 1-3: slices may end at a depth of 1-3 below LCU level.") #endif ("LFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag", m_bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag, true) ("ConstrainedIntraPred", m_bUseConstrainedIntraPred, false, "Constrained Intra Prediction") ("PCMEnabledFlag", m_usePCM , false) ("PCMLog2MaxSize", m_pcmLog2MaxSize, 5u) ("PCMLog2MinSize", m_uiPCMLog2MinSize, 3u) ("PCMInputBitDepthFlag", m_bPCMInputBitDepthFlag, true) ("PCMFilterDisableFlag", m_bPCMFilterDisableFlag, false) ("LosslessCuEnabled", m_useLossless, false) ("weighted_pred_flag,-wpP", m_bUseWeightPred, false, "weighted prediction flag (P-Slices)") ("weighted_bipred_flag,-wpB", m_useWeightedBiPred, false, "weighted bipred flag (B-Slices)") ("Log2ParallelMergeLevel", m_log2ParallelMergeLevel, 2u, "Parallel merge estimation region") ("UniformSpacingIdc", m_iUniformSpacingIdr, 0, "Indicates if the column and row boundaries are distributed uniformly") ("NumTileColumnsMinus1", m_iNumColumnsMinus1, 0, "Number of columns in a picture minus 1") ("ColumnWidthArray", cfg_ColumnWidth, string(""), "Array containing ColumnWidth values in units of LCU") ("NumTileRowsMinus1", m_iNumRowsMinus1, 0, "Number of rows in a picture minus 1") ("RowHeightArray", cfg_RowHeight, string(""), "Array containing RowHeight values in units of LCU") ("LFCrossTileBoundaryFlag", m_bLFCrossTileBoundaryFlag, true, "1: cross-tile-boundary loop filtering. 0:non-cross-tile-boundary loop filtering") ("WaveFrontSynchro", m_iWaveFrontSynchro, 0, "0: no synchro; 1 synchro with TR; 2 TRR etc") ("ScalingList", m_useScalingListId, 0, "0: no scaling list, 1: default scaling lists, 2: scaling lists specified in ScalingListFile") ("ScalingListFile", cfg_ScalingListFile, string(""), "Scaling list file name") ("SignHideFlag,-SBH", m_signHideFlag, 1) ("MaxNumMergeCand", m_maxNumMergeCand, 5u, "Maximum number of merge candidates") /* Misc. */ ("SEIpictureDigest", m_decodePictureHashSEIEnabled, 0, "Control generation of decode picture hash SEI messages\n" "\t3: checksum\n" "\t2: CRC\n" "\t1: use MD5\n" "\t0: disable") ("TMVPMode", m_TMVPModeId, 1, "TMVP mode 0: TMVP disable for all slices. 1: TMVP enable for all slices (default) 2: TMVP enable for certain slices only") ("FEN", m_bUseFastEnc, false, "fast encoder setting") ("ECU", m_bUseEarlyCU, false, "Early CU setting") ("FDM", m_useFastDecisionForMerge, true, "Fast decision for Merge RD Cost") ("CFM", m_bUseCbfFastMode, false, "Cbf fast mode setting") ("ESD", m_useEarlySkipDetection, false, "Early SKIP detection setting") ("RateCtrl,-rc", m_enableRateCtrl, false, "Rate control on/off") ("TargetBitrate,-tbr", m_targetBitrate, 0, "Input target bitrate") ("NumLCUInUnit,-nu", m_numLCUInUnit, 0, "Number of LCUs in an Unit") ("TransquantBypassEnableFlag", m_TransquantBypassEnableFlag, false, "transquant_bypass_enable_flag indicator in PPS") ("CUTransquantBypassFlagValue", m_CUTransquantBypassFlagValue, false, "Fixed cu_transquant_bypass_flag value, when transquant_bypass_enable_flag is enabled") #if RECALCULATE_QP_ACCORDING_LAMBDA ("RecalculateQPAccordingToLambda", m_recalculateQPAccordingToLambda, false, "Recalculate QP values according to lambda values. Do not suggest to be enabled in all intra case") #endif #if ACTIVE_PARAMETER_SETS_SEI_MESSAGE ("ActiveParameterSets", m_activeParameterSetsSEIEnabled, 0, "Control generation of active parameter sets SEI messages\n" "\t2: enable active parameter sets SEI message with active_sps_id\n" "\t1: enable active parameter sets SEI message without active_sps_id\n" "\t0: disable") #endif #if SUPPORT_FOR_VUI ("VuiParametersPresent,-vui", m_vuiParametersPresentFlag, false, "Enable generation of vui_parameters()") ("AspectRatioInfoPresent", m_aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag, false, "Signals whether aspect_ratio_idc is present") ("AspectRatioIdc", m_aspectRatioIdc, 0, "aspect_ratio_idc") ("SarWidth", m_sarWidth, 0, "horizontal size of the sample aspect ratio") ("SarHeight", m_sarHeight, 0, "vertical size of the sample aspect ratio") ("OverscanInfoPresent", m_overscanInfoPresentFlag, false, "Indicates whether cropped decoded pictures are suitable for display using overscan\n") ("OverscanAppropriate", m_overscanAppropriateFlag, false, "Indicates whether cropped decoded pictures are suitable for display using overscan\n") ("VideoSignalTypePresent", m_videoSignalTypePresentFlag, false, "Signals whether video_format, video_full_range_flag, and colour_description_present_flag are present") ("VideoFormat", m_videoFormat, 5, "Indicates representation of pictures") ("VideoFullRange", m_videoFullRangeFlag, false, "Indicates the black level and range of luma and chroma signals") ("ColourDescriptionPresent", m_colourDescriptionPresentFlag, false, "Signals whether colour_primaries, transfer_characteristics and matrix_coefficients are present") ("ColourPrimaries", m_colourPrimaries, 2, "Indicates chromaticity coordinates of the source primaries") ("TransferCharateristics", m_transferCharacteristics, 2, "Indicates the opto-electronic transfer characteristics of the source") ("MatrixCoefficients", m_matrixCoefficients, 2, "Describes the matrix coefficients used in deriving luma and chroma from RGB primaries") ("ChromaLocInfoPresent", m_chromaLocInfoPresentFlag, false, "Signals whether chroma_sample_loc_type_top_field and chroma_sample_loc_type_bottom_field are present") ("ChromaSampleLocTypeTopField", m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField, 0, "Specifies the location of chroma samples for top field") ("ChromaSampleLocTypeBottomField", m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField, 0, "Specifies the location of chroma samples for bottom field") ("NeutralChromaIndication", m_neutralChromaIndicationFlag, false, "Indicates that the value of all decoded chroma samples is equal to 1<<(BitDepthCr-1)") ("BitstreamRestriction", m_bitstreamRestrictionFlag, false, "Signals whether bitstream restriction parameters are present") ("TilesFixedStructure", m_tilesFixedStructureFlag, false, "Indicates that each active picture parameter set has the same values of the syntax elements related to tiles") ("MotionVectorsOverPicBoundaries", m_motionVectorsOverPicBoundariesFlag, false, "Indicates that no samples outside the picture boundaries are used for inter prediction") ("MaxBytesPerPicDenom", m_maxBytesPerPicDenom, 2, "Indicates a number of bytes not exceeded by the sum of the sizes of the VCL NAL units associated with any coded picture") ("MaxBitsPerMinCuDenom", m_maxBitsPerMinCuDenom, 1, "Indicates an upper bound for the number of bits of coding_unit() data") ("Log2MaxMvLengthHorizontal", m_log2MaxMvLengthHorizontal, 15, "Indicate the maximum absolute value of a decoded horizontal MV component in quarter-pel luma units") ("Log2MaxMvLengthVertical", m_log2MaxMvLengthVertical, 15, "Indicate the maximum absolute value of a decoded vertical MV component in quarter-pel luma units") #endif #if RECOVERY_POINT_SEI ("SEIRecoveryPoint", m_recoveryPointSEIEnabled, 0, "Control generation of recovery point SEI messages") #endif #if BUFFERING_PERIOD_AND_TIMING_SEI ("SEIBufferingPeriod", m_bufferingPeriodSEIEnabled, 0, "Control generation of buffering period SEI messages") ("SEIPictureTiming", m_pictureTimingSEIEnabled, 0, "Control generation of picture timing SEI messages") #endif ; for(Int i=1; i& argv_unhandled = po::scanArgv(opts, argc, (const char**) argv); for (list::const_iterator it = argv_unhandled.begin(); it != argv_unhandled.end(); it++) { fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled argument ignored: `%s'\n", *it); } if (argc == 1 || do_help) { /* argc == 1: no options have been specified */ po::doHelp(cout, opts); return false; } /* * Set any derived parameters */ /* convert std::string to c string for compatability */ #if SVC_EXTENSION m_pchBitstreamFile = cfg_BitstreamFile.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_BitstreamFile.c_str()); #if AVC_SYNTAX m_BLSyntaxFile = cfg_BLSyntaxFile.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_BLSyntaxFile.c_str()); #endif #else m_pchInputFile = cfg_InputFile.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_InputFile.c_str()); m_pchBitstreamFile = cfg_BitstreamFile.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_BitstreamFile.c_str()); m_pchReconFile = cfg_ReconFile.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_ReconFile.c_str()); m_pchdQPFile = cfg_dQPFile.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_dQPFile.c_str()); #endif m_pchColumnWidth = cfg_ColumnWidth.empty() ? NULL: strdup(cfg_ColumnWidth.c_str()); m_pchRowHeight = cfg_RowHeight.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_RowHeight.c_str()); m_scalingListFile = cfg_ScalingListFile.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_ScalingListFile.c_str()); #if !SVC_EXTENSION // TODO:ChromaFmt assumes 4:2:0 below switch (m_croppingMode) { case 0: { // no cropping or padding m_cropLeft = m_cropRight = m_cropTop = m_cropBottom = 0; m_aiPad[1] = m_aiPad[0] = 0; break; } case 1: { // automatic padding to minimum CU size Int minCuSize = m_uiMaxCUHeight >> (m_uiMaxCUDepth - 1); if (m_iSourceWidth % minCuSize) { m_aiPad[0] = m_cropRight = ((m_iSourceWidth / minCuSize) + 1) * minCuSize - m_iSourceWidth; m_iSourceWidth += m_cropRight; } if (m_iSourceHeight % minCuSize) { m_aiPad[1] = m_cropBottom = ((m_iSourceHeight / minCuSize) + 1) * minCuSize - m_iSourceHeight; m_iSourceHeight += m_cropBottom; } if (m_aiPad[0] % TComSPS::getCropUnitX(CHROMA_420) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: picture width is not an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (m_aiPad[1] % TComSPS::getCropUnitY(CHROMA_420) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: picture height is not an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; } case 2: { //padding m_iSourceWidth += m_aiPad[0]; m_iSourceHeight += m_aiPad[1]; m_cropRight = m_aiPad[0]; m_cropBottom = m_aiPad[1]; break; } case 3: { // cropping if ((m_cropLeft == 0) && (m_cropRight == 0) && (m_cropTop == 0) && (m_cropBottom == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Cropping enabled, but all cropping parameters set to zero\n"); } if ((m_aiPad[1] != 0) || (m_aiPad[0]!=0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Cropping enabled, padding parameters will be ignored\n"); } m_aiPad[1] = m_aiPad[0] = 0; break; } } // allocate slice-based dQP values m_aidQP = new Int[ m_iFrameToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ]; ::memset( m_aidQP, 0, sizeof(Int)*( m_iFrameToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ) ); // handling of floating-point QP values // if QP is not integer, sequence is split into two sections having QP and QP+1 m_iQP = (Int)( m_fQP ); if ( m_iQP < m_fQP ) { Int iSwitchPOC = (Int)( m_iFrameToBeEncoded - (m_fQP - m_iQP)*m_iFrameToBeEncoded + 0.5 ); iSwitchPOC = (Int)( (Double)iSwitchPOC / m_iGOPSize + 0.5 )*m_iGOPSize; for ( Int i=iSwitchPOC; i 1 && m_iGOPSize % 2, "GOP Size must be a multiple of 2, if GOP Size is greater than 1" ); #if !SVC_EXTENSION xConfirmPara( (m_iIntraPeriod > 0 && m_iIntraPeriod < m_iGOPSize) || m_iIntraPeriod == 0, "Intra period must be more than GOP size, or -1 , not 0" ); #endif xConfirmPara( m_iDecodingRefreshType < 0 || m_iDecodingRefreshType > 2, "Decoding Refresh Type must be equal to 0, 1 or 2" ); #if !SVC_EXTENSION xConfirmPara( m_iQP < -6 * ((Int)m_uiInternalBitDepth - 8) || m_iQP > 51, "QP exceeds supported range (-QpBDOffsety to 51)" ); #endif xConfirmPara( m_loopFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 < -13 || m_loopFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 > 13, "Loop Filter Beta Offset div. 2 exceeds supported range (-13 to 13)"); xConfirmPara( m_loopFilterTcOffsetDiv2 < -13 || m_loopFilterTcOffsetDiv2 > 13, "Loop Filter Tc Offset div. 2 exceeds supported range (-13 to 13)"); xConfirmPara( m_iFastSearch < 0 || m_iFastSearch > 2, "Fast Search Mode is not supported value (0:Full search 1:Diamond 2:PMVFAST)" ); xConfirmPara( m_iSearchRange < 0 , "Search Range must be more than 0" ); xConfirmPara( m_bipredSearchRange < 0 , "Search Range must be more than 0" ); xConfirmPara( m_iMaxDeltaQP > 7, "Absolute Delta QP exceeds supported range (0 to 7)" ); xConfirmPara( m_iMaxCuDQPDepth > m_uiMaxCUDepth - 1, "Absolute depth for a minimum CuDQP exceeds maximum coding unit depth" ); xConfirmPara( m_cbQpOffset < -12, "Min. Chroma Cb QP Offset is -12" ); xConfirmPara( m_cbQpOffset > 12, "Max. Chroma Cb QP Offset is 12" ); xConfirmPara( m_crQpOffset < -12, "Min. Chroma Cr QP Offset is -12" ); xConfirmPara( m_crQpOffset > 12, "Max. Chroma Cr QP Offset is 12" ); xConfirmPara( m_iQPAdaptationRange <= 0, "QP Adaptation Range must be more than 0" ); #if !SVC_EXTENSION if (m_iDecodingRefreshType == 2) { xConfirmPara( m_iIntraPeriod > 0 && m_iIntraPeriod <= m_iGOPSize , "Intra period must be larger than GOP size for periodic IDR pictures"); } #endif xConfirmPara( (m_uiMaxCUWidth >> m_uiMaxCUDepth) < 4, "Minimum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 8"); xConfirmPara( (m_uiMaxCUHeight >> m_uiMaxCUDepth) < 4, "Minimum partition height size should be larger than or equal to 8"); xConfirmPara( m_uiMaxCUWidth < 16, "Maximum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 16"); xConfirmPara( m_uiMaxCUHeight < 16, "Maximum partition height size should be larger than or equal to 16"); #if !SVC_EXTENSION xConfirmPara( (m_iSourceWidth % (m_uiMaxCUWidth >> (m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)))!=0, "Resulting coded frame width must be a multiple of the minimum CU size"); xConfirmPara( (m_iSourceHeight % (m_uiMaxCUHeight >> (m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)))!=0, "Resulting coded frame height must be a multiple of the minimum CU size"); #endif xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize < 2, "QuadtreeTULog2MinSize must be 2 or greater."); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize > 5, "QuadtreeTULog2MinSize must be 5 or smaller."); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize < 2, "QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize must be 2 or greater."); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize > 5, "QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize must be 5 or smaller."); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize < m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize, "QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize must be greater than or equal to m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize."); xConfirmPara( (1<(m_uiMaxCUWidth >>(m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)), "QuadtreeTULog2MinSize must not be greater than minimum CU size" ); // HS xConfirmPara( (1<(m_uiMaxCUHeight>>(m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)), "QuadtreeTULog2MinSize must not be greater than minimum CU size" ); // HS xConfirmPara( ( 1 << m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize ) > ( m_uiMaxCUWidth >> m_uiMaxCUDepth ), "Minimum CU width must be greater than minimum transform size." ); xConfirmPara( ( 1 << m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize ) > ( m_uiMaxCUHeight >> m_uiMaxCUDepth ), "Minimum CU height must be greater than minimum transform size." ); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter < 1, "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be greater than or equal to 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter > m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize - m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize + 1, "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be less than or equal to the difference between QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize and QuadtreeTULog2MinSize plus 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra < 1, "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra must be greater than or equal to 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra > m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize - m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize + 1, "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra must be less than or equal to the difference between QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize and QuadtreeTULog2MinSize plus 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_maxNumMergeCand < 1, "MaxNumMergeCand must be 1 or greater."); xConfirmPara( m_maxNumMergeCand > 5, "MaxNumMergeCand must be 5 or smaller."); #if !SVC_EXTENSION #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION xConfirmPara( m_bUseAdaptQpSelect == true && m_iQP < 0, "AdaptiveQpSelection must be disabled when QP < 0."); xConfirmPara( m_bUseAdaptQpSelect == true && (m_cbQpOffset !=0 || m_crQpOffset != 0 ), "AdaptiveQpSelection must be disabled when ChromaQpOffset is not equal to 0."); #endif #endif if( m_usePCM) { xConfirmPara( m_uiPCMLog2MinSize < 3, "PCMLog2MinSize must be 3 or greater."); xConfirmPara( m_uiPCMLog2MinSize > 5, "PCMLog2MinSize must be 5 or smaller."); xConfirmPara( m_pcmLog2MaxSize > 5, "PCMLog2MaxSize must be 5 or smaller."); xConfirmPara( m_pcmLog2MaxSize < m_uiPCMLog2MinSize, "PCMLog2MaxSize must be equal to or greater than m_uiPCMLog2MinSize."); } xConfirmPara( m_iSliceMode < 0 || m_iSliceMode > 3, "SliceMode exceeds supported range (0 to 3)" ); if (m_iSliceMode!=0) { xConfirmPara( m_iSliceArgument < 1 , "SliceArgument should be larger than or equal to 1" ); } #if !REMOVE_FGS if (m_iSliceMode==3) { xConfirmPara( m_iSliceGranularity > 0 , "When SliceMode == 3 is chosen, the SliceGranularity must be 0" ); } #endif xConfirmPara( m_iDependentSliceMode < 0 || m_iDependentSliceMode > 2, "DependentSliceMode exceeds supported range (0 to 2)" ); if (m_iDependentSliceMode!=0) { xConfirmPara( m_iDependentSliceArgument < 1 , "DependentSliceArgument should be larger than or equal to 1" ); } #if !REMOVE_FGS xConfirmPara( m_iSliceGranularity >= m_uiMaxCUDepth, "SliceGranularity must be smaller than maximum cu depth"); xConfirmPara( m_iSliceGranularity <0 || m_iSliceGranularity > 3, "SliceGranularity exceeds supported range (0 to 3)" ); xConfirmPara( m_iSliceGranularity > m_iMaxCuDQPDepth, "SliceGranularity must be smaller smaller than or equal to maximum dqp depth" ); #endif bool tileFlag = (m_iNumColumnsMinus1 > 0 || m_iNumRowsMinus1 > 0 ); #if !TILES_WPP_ENTROPYSLICES_FLAGS xConfirmPara( tileFlag && m_iDependentSliceMode, "Tile and Dependent Slice can not be applied together"); #endif xConfirmPara( tileFlag && m_iWaveFrontSynchro, "Tile and Wavefront can not be applied together"); #if !DEPENDENT_SLICES xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSynchro && m_iDependentSliceMode, "Wavefront and Dependent Slice can not be applied together"); #endif #if DEPENDENT_SLICES #if TILES_WPP_ENTROPYSLICES_FLAGS xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSynchro && m_entropySliceEnabledFlag, "WaveFrontSynchro and EntropySliceEnabledFlag can not be applied together"); #else xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSynchro && m_bCabacIndependentFlag, "Wavefront and CabacIndependentFlag can not be applied together"); #endif #endif //TODO:ChromaFmt assumes 4:2:0 below #if !SVC_EXTENSION xConfirmPara( m_iSourceWidth % TComSPS::getCropUnitX(CHROMA_420) != 0, "Picture width must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling"); xConfirmPara( m_iSourceHeight % TComSPS::getCropUnitY(CHROMA_420) != 0, "Picture height must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling"); #endif #if !SVC_EXTENSION xConfirmPara( m_aiPad[0] % TComSPS::getCropUnitX(CHROMA_420) != 0, "Horizontal padding must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling"); xConfirmPara( m_aiPad[1] % TComSPS::getCropUnitY(CHROMA_420) != 0, "Vertical padding must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling"); xConfirmPara( m_cropLeft % TComSPS::getCropUnitX(CHROMA_420) != 0, "Left cropping must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling"); xConfirmPara( m_cropRight % TComSPS::getCropUnitX(CHROMA_420) != 0, "Right cropping must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling"); xConfirmPara( m_cropTop % TComSPS::getCropUnitY(CHROMA_420) != 0, "Top cropping must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling"); xConfirmPara( m_cropBottom % TComSPS::getCropUnitY(CHROMA_420) != 0, "Bottom cropping must be an integer multiple of the specified chroma subsampling"); #endif #if REF_IDX_ME_AROUND_ZEROMV || REF_IDX_ME_ZEROMV xConfirmPara( REF_IDX_ME_AROUND_ZEROMV && REF_IDX_ME_ZEROMV, "REF_IDX_ME_AROUND_ZEROMV and REF_IDX_ME_ZEROMV cannot be enabled simultaneously"); #endif // max CU width and height should be power of 2 UInt ui = m_uiMaxCUWidth; while(ui) { ui >>= 1; if( (ui & 1) == 1) xConfirmPara( ui != 1 , "Width should be 2^n"); } ui = m_uiMaxCUHeight; while(ui) { ui >>= 1; if( (ui & 1) == 1) xConfirmPara( ui != 1 , "Height should be 2^n"); } Bool verifiedGOP=false; Bool errorGOP=false; Int checkGOP=1; Int numRefs = 1; Int refList[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS+1]; refList[0]=0; Bool isOK[MAX_GOP]; for(Int i=0; i=0&&(m_iIntraPeriod%m_iGOPSize!=0), "Intra period must be a multiple of GOPSize, or -1" ); #endif for(Int i=0; i 0) m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs]=m_GOPList[curGOP]; Int newRefs=0; for(Int i = 0; i< m_GOPList[curGOP].m_numRefPics; i++) { Int absPOC = curPOC+m_GOPList[curGOP].m_referencePics[i]; if(absPOC>=0) { m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_referencePics[newRefs]=m_GOPList[curGOP].m_referencePics[i]; m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_usedByCurrPic[newRefs]=m_GOPList[curGOP].m_usedByCurrPic[i]; newRefs++; } } Int numPrefRefs = m_GOPList[curGOP].m_numRefPicsActive; for(Int offset = -1; offset>-checkGOP; offset--) { //step backwards in coding order and include any extra available pictures we might find useful to replace the ones with POC < 0. Int offGOP = (checkGOP-1+offset)%m_iGOPSize; Int offPOC = ((checkGOP-1+offset)/m_iGOPSize)*m_iGOPSize + m_GOPList[offGOP].m_POC; #if TEMPORAL_LAYER_NON_REFERENCE if(offPOC>=0&&m_GOPList[offGOP].m_temporalId<=m_GOPList[curGOP].m_temporalId) #else if(offPOC>=0&&m_GOPList[offGOP].m_refPic&&m_GOPList[offGOP].m_temporalId<=m_GOPList[curGOP].m_temporalId) #endif { Bool newRef=false; for(Int i=0; i0) { insertPoint = j; break; } } Int prev = offPOC-curPOC; Int prevUsed = m_GOPList[offGOP].m_temporalId<=m_GOPList[curGOP].m_temporalId; for(Int j=insertPoint; j=numPrefRefs) { break; } } m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_numRefPics=newRefs; m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_POC = curPOC; if (m_extraRPSs == 0) { m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_interRPSPrediction = 0; m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_numRefIdc = 0; } else { Int rIdx = m_iGOPSize + m_extraRPSs - 1; Int refPOC = m_GOPList[rIdx].m_POC; Int refPics = m_GOPList[rIdx].m_numRefPics; Int newIdc=0; for(Int i = 0; i<= refPics; i++) { Int deltaPOC = ((i != refPics)? m_GOPList[rIdx].m_referencePics[i] : 0); // check if the reference abs POC is >= 0 Int absPOCref = refPOC+deltaPOC; Int refIdc = 0; for (Int j = 0; j < m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_numRefPics; j++) { if ( (absPOCref - curPOC) == m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_referencePics[j]) { if (m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_usedByCurrPic[j]) { refIdc = 1; } else { refIdc = 2; } } } m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_refIdc[newIdc]=refIdc; newIdc++; } m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_interRPSPrediction = 1; m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_numRefIdc = newIdc; m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_deltaRPS = refPOC - m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_POC; #if !J0234_INTER_RPS_SIMPL m_GOPList[m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs].m_deltaRIdxMinus1 = 0; #endif } curGOP=m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs; m_extraRPSs++; } numRefs=0; for(Int i = 0; i< m_GOPList[curGOP].m_numRefPics; i++) { Int absPOC = curPOC+m_GOPList[curGOP].m_referencePics[i]; if(absPOC >= 0) { refList[numRefs]=absPOC; numRefs++; } } refList[numRefs]=curPOC; numRefs++; } checkGOP++; } xConfirmPara(errorGOP,"Invalid GOP structure given"); m_maxTempLayer = 1; for(Int i=0; i= m_maxTempLayer) { m_maxTempLayer = m_GOPList[i].m_temporalId+1; } xConfirmPara(m_GOPList[i].m_sliceType!='B'&&m_GOPList[i].m_sliceType!='P', "Slice type must be equal to B or P"); } for(Int i=0; i m_maxDecPicBuffering[m_GOPList[i].m_temporalId]) { m_maxDecPicBuffering[m_GOPList[i].m_temporalId] = m_GOPList[i].m_numRefPics; } Int highestDecodingNumberWithLowerPOC = 0; for(Int j=0; j m_GOPList[i].m_POC) { numReorder++; } } if(numReorder > m_numReorderPics[m_GOPList[i].m_temporalId]) { m_numReorderPics[m_GOPList[i].m_temporalId] = numReorder; } } for(Int i=0; i m_maxDecPicBuffering[i]) { m_maxDecPicBuffering[i] = m_numReorderPics[i]; } // a lower layer can not have higher value of m_uiMaxDecPicBuffering than a higher layer if(m_maxDecPicBuffering[i+1] < m_maxDecPicBuffering[i]) { m_maxDecPicBuffering[i+1] = m_maxDecPicBuffering[i]; } } // the value of num_reorder_pics[ i ] shall be in the range of 0 to max_dec_pic_buffering[ i ], inclusive if(m_numReorderPics[MAX_TLAYER-1] > m_maxDecPicBuffering[MAX_TLAYER-1]) { m_maxDecPicBuffering[MAX_TLAYER-1] = m_numReorderPics[MAX_TLAYER-1]; } xConfirmPara( m_bUseLComb==false && m_numReorderPics[MAX_TLAYER-1]!=0, "ListCombination can only be 0 in low delay coding (more precisely when L0 and L1 are identical)" ); // Note however this is not the full necessary condition as ref_pic_list_combination_flag can only be 0 if L0 == L1. xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSynchro < 0, "WaveFrontSynchro cannot be negative" ); #if !SVC_EXTENSION xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSubstreams <= 0, "WaveFrontSubstreams must be positive" ); xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSubstreams > 1 && !m_iWaveFrontSynchro, "Must have WaveFrontSynchro > 0 in order to have WaveFrontSubstreams > 1" ); #endif xConfirmPara( m_decodePictureHashSEIEnabled<0 || m_decodePictureHashSEIEnabled>3, "this hash type is not correct!\n"); #if !SVC_EXTENSION if(m_enableRateCtrl) { Int numLCUInWidth = (m_iSourceWidth / m_uiMaxCUWidth) + (( m_iSourceWidth % m_uiMaxCUWidth ) ? 1 : 0); Int numLCUInHeight = (m_iSourceHeight / m_uiMaxCUHeight)+ (( m_iSourceHeight % m_uiMaxCUHeight) ? 1 : 0); Int numLCUInPic = numLCUInWidth * numLCUInHeight; xConfirmPara( (numLCUInPic % m_numLCUInUnit) != 0, "total number of LCUs in a frame should be completely divided by NumLCUInUnit" ); m_iMaxDeltaQP = MAX_DELTA_QP; m_iMaxCuDQPDepth = MAX_CUDQP_DEPTH; } #endif xConfirmPara(!m_TransquantBypassEnableFlag && m_CUTransquantBypassFlagValue, "CUTransquantBypassFlagValue cannot be 1 when TransquantBypassEnableFlag is 0"); xConfirmPara(m_log2ParallelMergeLevel < 2, "Log2ParallelMergeLevel should be larger than or equal to 2"); #if ACTIVE_PARAMETER_SETS_SEI_MESSAGE xConfirmPara(m_activeParameterSetsSEIEnabled < 0 || m_activeParameterSetsSEIEnabled > 2, "ActiveParametersSEIEnabled exceeds supported range (0 to 2)"); #endif #undef xConfirmPara if (check_failed) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /** \todo use of global variables should be removed later */ Void TAppEncCfg::xSetGlobal() { // set max CU width & height g_uiMaxCUWidth = m_uiMaxCUWidth; g_uiMaxCUHeight = m_uiMaxCUHeight; // compute actual CU depth with respect to config depth and max transform size g_uiAddCUDepth = 0; while( (m_uiMaxCUWidth>>m_uiMaxCUDepth) > ( 1 << ( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize + g_uiAddCUDepth ) ) ) g_uiAddCUDepth++; m_uiMaxCUDepth += g_uiAddCUDepth; g_uiAddCUDepth++; g_uiMaxCUDepth = m_uiMaxCUDepth; // set internal bit-depth and constants #if FULL_NBIT g_uiBitDepth = m_uiInternalBitDepth; g_uiBitIncrement = 0; #else g_uiBitDepth = 8; g_uiBitIncrement = m_uiInternalBitDepth - g_uiBitDepth; #endif g_uiBASE_MAX = ((1<<(g_uiBitDepth))-1); #if IBDI_NOCLIP_RANGE g_uiIBDI_MAX = g_uiBASE_MAX << g_uiBitIncrement; #else g_uiIBDI_MAX = ((1<<(g_uiBitDepth+g_uiBitIncrement))-1); #endif if (m_uiOutputBitDepth == 0) { m_uiOutputBitDepth = m_uiInternalBitDepth; } g_uiPCMBitDepthLuma = m_uiPCMBitDepthLuma = ((m_bPCMInputBitDepthFlag)? m_uiInputBitDepth : m_uiInternalBitDepth); g_uiPCMBitDepthChroma = ((m_bPCMInputBitDepthFlag)? m_uiInputBitDepth : m_uiInternalBitDepth); } Void TAppEncCfg::xPrintParameter() { printf("\n"); #if SVC_EXTENSION printf("Total number of layers : %d\n", m_numLayers ); for(UInt layer=0; layer