Custom Query (66 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#1342 TDecSbac::parseMVPIdx() could be simplified new enhancement trivial
#1365 Rename variables and functions for consistency with text. assigned enhancement trivial
#251 HM-5.0 referencing structure new enhancement minor
#1096 Reference decoder treats IRAP pictures as trailing pictures, as regards RPS rules new defect minor
#1101 Multiple CVSs and skipped leading pictures crash the reference decoder new defect minor
#1109 Reference decoder doesn't take sps_max_latency_increase_plus1 into account when outputting pictures new defect minor
#1145 Field-coding - odd-number of fields per GOP and intra-only processing new defect minor
#1277 DPB size in HM new defect minor
#1286 Decoder: output order not checked new task minor
#1287 Encoder: sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1 may be set too low new defect minor
#1300 Conflict in Lambda calculation when SATD is enabled. new defect minor
#1304 Unclear decoder DPB behaviour new defect minor
#1333 Leading pictures are sometimes skipped or not skipped incorrectly new defect minor
#1334 Reference decoder sometimes skips RADLs new defect minor
#1335 NoOutputOfPriorPicsFlag can be mishandled by reference decoder new defect minor
#1336 Incorrect NoOutputOfPriorPicsFlag flushing behaviour after EOS new defect minor
#1338 Adaptive QP Selection and multiple slices / slice segments new defect minor
#1339 calCostSliceI, rate control and multiple slices/slice segments new defect minor
#1367 Additional decoder verification checks for non-conforming streams new enhancement minor
#1383 Profile/Tier/Level checks needed at encoder new defect minor
#1393 Unnecessary condition checking when handling no output of prior picture new defect minor
#1427 (8-155) and (8-157) do not seem to be used reopened enhancement minor
#1437 typo in the spec in new defect minor
#1453 Rate control support for 16-picture GOP new enhancement minor
#1463 Illegal instructions on MS Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 new defect minor
#1464 local RPS usage in arrangeLongtermPicturesInRPS new defect minor
#1466 SEIs for skipped pictures assigned to non-skipped picture new defect minor HM-next
#1468 Console output error of nQP when LCU level rate control is on new defect minor
#1471 Mismatch between the description of FramesToBeEncoded default parameter and encoder behaviour new defect minor
#1475 Difference between HM and spec. on green metadata SEI new defect minor HM-16.15
#1476 wrong index new defect minor
#1478 HM 16.15_SCM8.4 producing streams with incorrect PPS ID for some slices new defect minor
#1491 duplicate invocation of arithmetic decoding process new defect minor
#1492 Trouble compiling with Visual Studio 2015 new defect minor
#1498 Typos in the Table 9-43 new defect minor v5
#1500 typo in equation (8-69),(8-70) new defect minor v5
#1501 HM 16.20 fails to build with gcc8 new defect minor
#1502 Using independent substreams for compressSlice I get x3 more bits per POC new defect minor
#1504 Small typos in profile_tier_level syntax in tabular form (7.3.3) new defect minor
#1505 Misleading bitstream requirement related to EOB NAL unit new defect minor
#1507 duplicate row entries for CU QP delta syntax elements in Table 9-48 new defect minor
#1510 Typo in command-line option new defect minor
#1511 decoder failed when two PPSs are coded and IBC is disabled in one PPS and enabled in another one new defect minor
#1514 Problems with HM Software Manual new defect minor HM+SCC-8.0
#1516 Typo in writing ContentColourVolume SEI new defect minor
#1517 HM outputs 40 frames for the test-vector NoOutPrior_A_Qualcomm_1.hevc new defect minor
#1518 windows build of HM crashes during encoding new defect minor
#1519 Fails to create correct cmake project new defect minor
#1520 Some smaller errors in the multiview spec new defect minor
#1521 qp clip in deblock new defect minor
#1522 Offset issue in clause new defect minor
#1153 Encoder crashes in field based coding with rate control new defect major
#1314 HM Rate Control Bug new defect major
#1346 wrong STSA decision new defect major
#1461 Decoder need to check if the DPB is overflowed assigned yaohualibin@… defect major
#1472 Diff between specification and HM on palette coding new defect major
#1484 HM crashes when a NALU with zero payload size new defect major
#1485 HM cannot handle multiple appearance of current frame in the reference list new defect major
#1486 Incorrect warning message new defect major
#1487 Last decoded frame is not being outputted correctly new defect major
#1503 Werror in the linux version of HM-16.14+SCM-8.3 new defect major
#1508 Shift-warnings with 64bit version of HM16.21 with high-bitdepth support when compiling with VS2019 new defect major
#1490 [SEI] no parameter set before recovery point SEI associated with non-IRAP frame. new defect critical
#1495 decoder bug about HEVC encryption new defect critical
#1512 Missing NAL Header in H265 Encoder output new technical change critical
#1513 TAppEncoder crashing bug new defect critical
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