Custom Query (10 matches)


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Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Milestone
#1403 un-used index in the loop in eq. (F-53) (JCTVC-R1013_v6) defect closed trivial v5
#1415 tsShift calculation with extended_precision_processing_flag defect closed minor v5
#1424 nCS1L is not defined but used defect closed minor v5
#1428 there seems to be a typo about anticlockwise_rotation defect closed minor v5
#1268 Typographical errors (various sections) defect closed minor v5
#1302 WP unnecessary condition for log2Wd < 1 enhancement closed trivial v5
#1315 Inconsistent variable naming: CpbCnt defect closed minor v5
#1384 orphaned symbol in the spec enhancement closed minor v5
#1390 Duplicated lines in enhancement closed minor v5
#1398 Typos in the Text defect closed minor v5
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