14 Nov 2013:
- 10:23 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [695] by
- Integration branch for F0147 and F0151.
- 09:58 Ticket #48 (Wrong element name of poc_lsb_present_flag[] on slice_segment_header()) created by
- An element name of poc_lsb_not_present_flag[] in …
- 09:50 Ticket #47 (missing a close-bracket on slice_pic_order_cnt_lsb) created by
- A close-bracket corresponding to a if statement, i.e., if( …
13 Nov 2013:
- 15:40 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [694] by
- Initial version for JCT3V-F0109/JCT3V-F0120
- 08:14 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [693] by
- Integration of F0105
- 07:35 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [692] by
- The test results are updated.
- 07:00 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [691] by
- For Samsung's integration
- 02:24 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [690] by
- Integration of "Removal of redundancy on VSP, ARP and IC" …
12 Nov 2013:
- 05:27 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [689] by
- JCT3V-F0160
- 05:22 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [688] by
- JCT3V-F0159
- 05:14 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [687] by
- JCT3V-F0158
11 Nov 2013:
- 03:37 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [686] by
- Initial version for JCT3V-F0105
8 Nov 2013:
- 08:26 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [685] by
- Initial version for JCT3V-F0104: CE3: Removal of redundancy on VSP, …
- 08:06 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [684] by
- Change back to original TAppDecoder_vc9.vcproj
- 02:45 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [683] by
- Integration of VSP simplification proposed in FJCT3V-F0111 enabled by …
- 02:12 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [682] by
- JCT3V-0159, JCT3V-F0160 checklist/Crosscheck_F0132_F0171 vs 3D_8.2 …
- 02:04 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [681] by
- JCT3V-F0123_F0108 Crosscheck update
- 01:10 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [680] by
- JCT3V-F0159, JCT3V-F0160 update
- 00:57 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [679] by
- JCT3V-F0161 update
- 00:16 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [678] by
- JCT3V-F0161 Checklist
- 00:16 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [677] by
- JCT3V-F0161 results
- 00:12 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [676] by
- JCT3V-F1061
7 Nov 2013:
- 10:03 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [675] by
- Checklist upload
- 09:56 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [674] by
- Crosscheck_F0132_F0171 & integration result
- 08:47 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [673] by
- JCT3V-F0159; JCT3V-F0160 Bugfix is included. (JCT3V-F0158)
5 Nov 2013:
- 19:13 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [672] by
- Track 2 - MediaTek
4 Nov 2013:
- 23:18 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [671] by
- Remove space.
- 22:28 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [670] by
- Integration branch for F0159 and F0160.
- 17:39 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [669] by
- JCT3V-F0125
- 17:13 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [668] by
- For integration of JCT3V-F0161
- 16:32 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [667] by
- JCT3V-F0132; JCT3V-F0171
- 16:21 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [666] by
- JCT3V-F0123, JCT3V-F0108
31 Oct 2013:
- 15:01 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [665] by
- Integration branch for JCT3V-F0132/JCT3V-F0171.
- 15:00 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [664] by
- Integration branch for JCT3V-F0125.
- 14:46 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [663] by
- Integration branch for JCT3V-F0123/JCT3V-F0108.
- 14:35 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [662] by
- Not needed anymore, due to rearrangement of integration plan.
- 09:34 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [661] by
- Integration branch for JCT3V-F0110.
- 09:33 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [660] by
- Fixed wrong branch name.
- 09:33 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [659] by
- Fixed wrong branch name.
- 09:32 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [658] by
- Fixed wrong branch name
23 Oct 2013:
- 23:23 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [657] by
- Version including: -FCO -Rate control -Clean ups -Update to HTM-12.0
- 23:12 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [656] by
- Added coding results. Changed version number.
- 23:01 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [655] by
- Merged 8.1-Cleanup@654
21 Oct 2013:
- 21:26 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [654] by
- Fixed minor issues, introduced by update.
- 18:32 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [653] by
- Added missing parts of merge.
- 18:20 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [652] by
- Added missing parts of merge.
- 17:52 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [651] by
- Update to HM 12.0.
- 11:18 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [650] by
19 Oct 2013:
- 19:02 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [649] by
- Added missing macros.
- 18:46 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [648] by
- Macro removal part H_MV5.
- 17:30 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [647] by
- Macro removal part 2.
- 02:18 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [646] by
- Macro removal part 1.
- 00:06 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [645] by
- Branch for cleanups.
18 Oct 2013:
- 18:30 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [644] by
- - CTC Fixed cfg file. - Restructured Non-CTC cfg files
- 17:21 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [643] by
- Macro-related revision.
- 15:55 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [642] by
- Added missing guard macros (GT_RC_MACRO_FIX). Fixed TypeDef.h.
- 15:12 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [641] by
- Macro-related fixed.
- 12:44 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [640] by
- Rest of the marcos fixed.
- 07:01 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [639] by
- Macro cleaned up.
- 04:44 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [638] by
- Macro enclosed and cleaned-up
17 Oct 2013:
- 20:17 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [637] by
- Clean up and revised according to the guideline.
16 Oct 2013:
- 11:27 Changeset in 3DVCSoftware [636] by
- Clean-up version of JCT3V-E0227.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.