Custom query (96 matches)


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Results (88 - 90 of 96)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#105 fixed layer_set_idx_for_ols_minus1[i] code length calculation diff between spec description and HTM code implementation tech dechang

This syntax use u(v) to code.

  • Spec description: code length should be Ceil(Log2(NumLayerSets - 1))
  • HTM implementation: Ceil(Log2(NumLayerSets ))


  • VPS high level syntax

We can always handle this potential problem due to SW implementation, no HW related.

#106 fixed Inter-view bi-prediction mismatch with identical motion tech dechang
  • Inter-view bi-prediction mismatch with identicalMotion Mismatch case conditions: V2 are bi-predicted from V0 and V1. (V0->V2<-V1) No Weighted Bi prediction is used. Forward MV0 is equal to backward MV1. RefPOCL0 is equal to RefPOCL1


2 views beyond (such as 3 views) If we only target 2 views, we can ignore this potential bug.

#107 fixed Missing derivation on OlsIdxToLsIdx[] tech Tomohiro Ikai

According the verion 2 spec, the OlsIdxToLsIdx[] is derived as "OlsIdxToLsIdx[ i ] = ( i < NumLayerSets ) ? i : ( layer_set_idx_for_ols_minus1[ i ] + 1 )".

However, in the HTM, the derivation is missing when layer_set_idx_for_ols_minus1 is not present. The inference of layer_set_idx_for_ols_minus1 is also missing ("When not present, the value of layer_set_idx_for_ols_minus1[ i ] is inferred to be equal to 0"). In the current HTM, the OlsIdxToLsIdx[] seems not affect decoding/encoding process but it should be fixed to avoid future confusion.

A patch is attached.

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