Custom query (96 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 96)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#86 fixed Memory leak tech tech

Following object is not deleted in TDecCAVLC.cpp:

TComDLT* pcDLT = new TComDLT;

#87 fixed Memory leak tech tech

For some reasons

m_pbUseDDD = (Bool* ) xMalloc( Bool, uiNumPartition);

is not freed at the decoder, although

if ( m_pbUseDDD ) { xFree(m_pbUseDDD); m_pbUseDDD = NULL; }

is present in code.

#92 fixed cMax wedge_full_tab_idx tech tech

cMax for binarization of wedge_full_tab_idx represent the maximum number of bits and not the maximum value of wedge_full_tab_idx as it should be.

This can be editorially fixed by replacing wedgeFullTabIdxBits[ log2PbSize ] with NumWedgePattern[ log2PbSize ] − 1.

The semantics restriction

"The value of wedge_full_tab_idx[ x0 ][ y0 ] shall be in the range 0 to NumWedgePattern[ log2PbSize ] − 1, inclusive."

is then also implicitly given and can be removed.

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.