Custom query (96 matches)


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Results (85 - 87 of 96)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#95 fixed Writing/parsing of pps_scaling_list_ref_layer_id does not depend on pps_infer_scaling_list_flag tech hallapur

This is a mismatch between the SW and the spec. As per spec, writing and parsing of pps_scaling_list_ref_layer_id syntax element should only happen when pps_infer_scaling_list_flag is equal to 1.

The condition should be added to the encoder and the decoder:

 if (pcPPS->getPpsInferScalingListFlag())
   WRITE_CODE(pcPPS->getPpsScalingListRefLayerId(), 6, "pps_scaling_list_ref_layer_id");
  if (pcPPS->getPpsInferScalingListFlag())
    READ_CODE( 6, uiCode, "pps_scaling_list_ref_layer_id" ); pcPPS->setPpsScalingListRefLayerId( uiCode );
#97 fixed AMVP view MV scaling tech Tomohiro Ikai

View base motion vector scaling in AMVP has been removed (this decision is related to D0122, see the note). But in SW, the scaling part remains. Thus we need to remove the part to solve the text-SW mismatch. A patch relative to r1167 is attached.

Note: This bug was found when confirming/checking 3D-HEVC text of JCT3V-K1001.

#98 fixed Disabling of depth intra skip tech tech

The encoder writes the skip_intra_flag syntax element to the bitstream although SkipIntraEnabledFlag is equal to 0.

The bug might be fixed by the following replacement in TEncEntropy.cpp (untested):


Void TEncEntropy::encodeDIS( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, Bool bRD )
  if ( !pcCU->getSlice()->getIsDepth() )


Void TEncEntropy::encodeDIS( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, Bool bRD )
  if( !pcCU->getSlice()->getDepthIntraSkipFlag() )

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