all HTM Tickets ungrouped (15 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Created Reporter
#84 sdcEnableFlag is not aligned with the SW new clean up required minor 10 years kaizhang
#99 VSO bug, when coding texture and depth of one view only new defect minor 9 years tech
#104 Stranger simulation results with DBBP flag = 0 new defect minor 9 years cfchen
#114 Mismatch between text and software on DPB size syntax new mismatch major 8 years kkawamura
#96 Mis-alignment of CShift against Position in HTM new defect major 9 years Senoh
#94 LayerIdIncludedFlag are not set correcly new clean up required minor 9 years hallapur
#66 HTM11.0 Encoder crash with Anchor Configuration new defect major 10 years mrcord81
#60 Encoder Crashing when Rate Control Enabled: Assertion failed: numBins <= 32 new defect major 10 years mrcord81
#64 Encoder Crash when encoding GOP whose POC is greater than 23 (LD preditction structure) new defect major 10 years mrcord81
#78 DLT for full (256 levels) depth maps new defect major 10 years kwegner
#17 DDV from MCP blocks results in two equal disparity vectors new clean up required minor 11 years tech
#59 Configuration File for Inter layer prediction only at IRAP pictures not working new defect minor 10 years mrcord81
#109 Compliation fails under certain pre-processor define settings. new clean up required minor 9 years tech
#90 All Intra 3V+Depth cfg-file new defect minor 9 years tech
#25 A problem of HTM software new defect minor 11 years xiwushang
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