/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TDecEntropy.h \brief entropy decoder class (header) */ #ifndef __TDECENTROPY__ #define __TDECENTROPY__ #include "../TLibCommon/CommonDef.h" #include "../TLibCommon/TComBitStream.h" #include "../TLibCommon/TComSlice.h" #include "../TLibCommon/TComPic.h" #include "../TLibCommon/TComPrediction.h" #include "../TLibCommon/TComSampleAdaptiveOffset.h" class TDecSbac; class TDecCavlc; class ParameterSetManagerDecoder; //! \ingroup TLibDecoder //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Class definition // ==================================================================================================================== /// entropy decoder pure class class TDecEntropyIf { public: // Virtual list for SBAC/CAVLC virtual Void resetEntropy ( TComSlice* pcSlice ) = 0; virtual Void setBitstream ( TComInputBitstream* p ) = 0; virtual Void parseVPS ( TComVPS* pcVPS ) = 0; #if H_3D virtual Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS, Int viewIndex, Bool depthFlag ) = 0; #else virtual Void parseSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS ) = 0; #endif #if H_3D virtual Void parsePPS ( TComPPS* pcPPS, TComVPS* pcVPS ) = 0; #else virtual Void parsePPS ( TComPPS* pcPPS ) = 0; #endif virtual Void parseSliceHeader ( TComSlice*& rpcSlice, ParameterSetManagerDecoder *parameterSetManager) = 0; virtual Void parseTerminatingBit ( UInt& ruilsLast ) = 0; virtual Void parseMVPIdx ( Int& riMVPIdx ) = 0; public: virtual Void parseSkipFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parseCUTransquantBypassFlag( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parseSplitFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parseMergeFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiPUIdx ) = 0; virtual Void parseMergeIndex ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt& ruiMergeIndex ) = 0; #if H_3D_ARP virtual Void parseARPW ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; #endif #if H_3D_IC virtual Void parseICFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; #endif #if H_3D_INTER_SDC #if QC_SDC_UNIFY_G0130 virtual Void parseDeltaDC ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt absPartIdx, UInt depth ) = 0; virtual Void parseSDCFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; #else virtual Void parseInterSDCFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parseInterSDCResidualData ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiPart ) = 0; #endif #endif #if H_3D_DBBP virtual Void parseDBBPFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; #endif virtual Void parsePartSize ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parsePredMode ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parseIntraDirLumaAng( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parseIntraDirChroma( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parseInterDir ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt& ruiInterDir, UInt uiAbsPartIdx ) = 0; virtual Void parseRefFrmIdx ( TComDataCU* pcCU, Int& riRefFrmIdx, RefPicList eRefList ) = 0; virtual Void parseMvd ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartAddr, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, RefPicList eRefList ) = 0; virtual Void parseTransformSubdivFlag( UInt& ruiSubdivFlag, UInt uiLog2TransformBlockSize ) = 0; virtual Void parseQtCbf ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, TextType eType, UInt uiTrDepth, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parseQtRootCbf ( UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt& uiQtRootCbf ) = 0; virtual Void parseDeltaQP ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) = 0; virtual Void parseIPCMInfo ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth) = 0; virtual Void parseCoeffNxN( TComDataCU* pcCU, TCoeff* pcCoef, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, UInt uiDepth, TextType eTType ) = 0; virtual Void parseTransformSkipFlags ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt width, UInt height, UInt uiDepth, TextType eTType) = 0; virtual Void updateContextTables( SliceType eSliceType, Int iQp ) = 0; virtual ~TDecEntropyIf() {} }; /// entropy decoder class class TDecEntropy { private: TDecEntropyIf* m_pcEntropyDecoderIf; TComPrediction* m_pcPrediction; UInt m_uiBakAbsPartIdx; UInt m_uiBakChromaOffset; UInt m_bakAbsPartIdxCU; public: Void init (TComPrediction* p) {m_pcPrediction = p;} Void decodePUWise ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, TComDataCU* pcSubCU ); Void decodeInterDirPU ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiPartIdx ); Void decodeRefFrmIdxPU ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefList ); Void decodeMvdPU ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefList ); Void decodeMVPIdxPU ( TComDataCU* pcSubCU, UInt uiPartAddr, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefList ); Void setEntropyDecoder ( TDecEntropyIf* p ); Void setBitstream ( TComInputBitstream* p ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->setBitstream(p); } Void resetEntropy ( TComSlice* p) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->resetEntropy(p); } Void decodeVPS ( TComVPS* pcVPS ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parseVPS(pcVPS); } #if H_3D Void decodeSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS, Int viewIndex, Bool depthFlag ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parseSPS(pcSPS, viewIndex, depthFlag ); } #else Void decodeSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parseSPS(pcSPS); } #endif #if H_3D Void decodePPS ( TComPPS* pcPPS, TComVPS* pcVPS ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parsePPS(pcPPS, pcVPS); } #else Void decodePPS ( TComPPS* pcPPS ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parsePPS(pcPPS); } #endif Void decodeSliceHeader ( TComSlice*& rpcSlice, ParameterSetManagerDecoder *parameterSetManager) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parseSliceHeader(rpcSlice, parameterSetManager); } Void decodeTerminatingBit ( UInt& ruiIsLast ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->parseTerminatingBit(ruiIsLast); } TDecEntropyIf* getEntropyDecoder() { return m_pcEntropyDecoderIf; } public: Void decodeSplitFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); Void decodeSkipFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); Void decodeCUTransquantBypassFlag( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); Void decodeMergeFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiPUIdx ); Void decodeMergeIndex ( TComDataCU* pcSubCU, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiPartAddr, UInt uiDepth ); Void decodePredMode ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); Void decodePartSize ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); #if H_3D_ARP Void decodeARPW ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); #endif #if H_3D_IC Void decodeICFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); #endif #if H_3D_INTER_SDC #if QC_SDC_UNIFY_G0130 Void decodeSDCFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); #else Void decodeInterSDCFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); Void decodeInterSDCResidualData ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); #endif #endif #if H_3D_DBBP Void decodeDBBPFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); #endif Void decodeIPCMInfo ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); Void decodePredInfo ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, TComDataCU* pcSubCU ); Void decodeIntraDirModeLuma ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); Void decodeIntraDirModeChroma( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ); Void decodeQP ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx ); Void updateContextTables ( SliceType eSliceType, Int iQp ) { m_pcEntropyDecoderIf->updateContextTables( eSliceType, iQp ); } private: Void xDecodeTransform ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt offsetLuma, UInt offsetChroma, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt width, UInt height, UInt uiTrIdx, Bool& bCodeDQP ); public: Void decodeCoeff ( TComDataCU* pcCU , UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, Bool& bCodeDQP ); };// END CLASS DEFINITION TDecEntropy //! \} #endif // __TDECENTROPY__