/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. 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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TComDepthMapGenerator.h \brief depth map generator class (header) */ #ifndef __TCOM_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATOR__ #define __TCOM_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATOR__ #include "CommonDef.h" #include "TComPic.h" #include "TComPrediction.h" #include "TComSlice.h" #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION class TComSPSAccess // would be better to have a real SPS buffer { public: TComSPSAccess () { clear(); } ~TComSPSAccess() {} Void clear () { ::memset( m_aacActiveSPS, 0x00, sizeof( m_aacActiveSPS ) ); } Void addSPS ( TComSPS* pcSPS ) { m_aacActiveSPS[ pcSPS->isDepth() ? 1 : 0 ][ pcSPS->getViewId() ] = pcSPS; } TComSPS* getSPS ( UInt uiViewId, Bool bIsDepth = false ) { return m_aacActiveSPS[ bIsDepth ? 1 : 0 ][ uiViewId ]; } UInt getPdm () { if( m_aacActiveSPS[0][1] ) { return m_aacActiveSPS[0][1]->getPredDepthMapGeneration(); } return 0; } #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED UInt getResPrd () { if( m_aacActiveSPS[0][1] ) { return m_aacActiveSPS[0][1]->getMultiviewResPredMode (); } return 0; } #endif private: TComSPS* m_aacActiveSPS[ 2 ][ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; }; class TComAUPicAccess // would be better to have a real decoded picture buffer { public: TComAUPicAccess () : m_iLastPoc( 0 ), m_uiMaxViewId( 0 ) { clear(); } ~TComAUPicAccess() {} Void clear () { ::memset( m_aacCurrAUPics, 0x00, sizeof( m_aacCurrAUPics ) ); } Void addPic ( TComPic* pcPic ) { if( m_iLastPoc != pcPic->getPOC() ) { clear(); m_iLastPoc = pcPic->getPOC(); } m_aacCurrAUPics[ pcPic->getSPS()->isDepth() ? 1 : 0 ][ pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() ] = pcPic; if( pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() > m_uiMaxViewId ) { m_uiMaxViewId = pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId(); } } TComPic* getPic ( UInt uiViewId, Bool bIsDepth = false ) { return m_aacCurrAUPics[ bIsDepth ? 1 : 0 ][ uiViewId ]; } UInt getMaxVId () { return m_uiMaxViewId; } private: Int m_iLastPoc; UInt m_uiMaxViewId; TComPic* m_aacCurrAUPics[ 2 ][ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; }; class TComDepthMapGenerator { public: TComDepthMapGenerator (); ~TComDepthMapGenerator(); Void create ( Bool bDecoder, UInt uiPicWidth, UInt uiPicHeight, UInt uiMaxCUDepth, UInt uiMaxCUWidth, UInt uiMaxCUHeight, UInt uiOrgBitDepth ); Void destroy (); Void init ( TComPrediction* pcPrediction, TComSPSAccess* pcSPSAccess, TComAUPicAccess* pcAUPicAccess ); Void uninit (); Void initViewComponent ( TComPic* pcPic ); Bool predictDepthMap ( TComPic* pcPic ); Void updateDepthMap ( TComPic* pcPic ); Void dumpDepthMap ( TComPic* pcPic, char* pFilenameBase ); #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED Void covertOrgDepthMap ( TComPic* pcPic ); #endif UInt getBaseViewId ( UInt uiIdx ) { AOF( uiIdx < m_auiBaseIdList.size() ); return m_auiBaseIdList[uiIdx]; } Int getDisparity ( TComPic* pcPic, Int iPosX, Int iPosY, UInt uiRefViewId ); #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED Int getPdmMergeCandidate ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, Int* paiPdmRefIdx, TComMv* pacPdmMv ); Bool getPdmMvPred ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, TComMv& rcMv, Bool bMerge ); Bool getIViewOrgDepthMvPred( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, TComMv& rcMv ); #endif TComPrediction* getPrediction () { return m_pcPrediction; } TComSPSAccess* getSPSAccess () { return m_pcSPSAccess; } TComAUPicAccess* getAUPicAccess() { return m_pcAUPicAccess; } private: // picture operations Bool xConvertDepthMapCurr2Ref ( TComPic* pcRef, TComPic* pcCur ); Bool xConvertDepthMapRef2Curr ( TComPic* pcCur, TComPic* pcRef ); Bool xPredictDepthMap ( TComPic* pcPic ); Bool xFillDepthMapHoles ( TComPic* pcPic ); Void xClearDepthMap ( TComPic* pcPic, Int iVal = PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH ); Void xSetChroma ( TComPicYuv* pcPic, Int iVal ); // CU operations Void xPredictCUDepthMap ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiAbsPartIdx ); // CU depth map prediction Void xIntraPredictCUDepthMap ( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap ); // CU intra prediction Void xInterPredictCUDepthMap ( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap ); // CU inter prediction // PU and block operations Void xIntraPredictBlkDepthMap ( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiTrDepth ); // block intra prediction Void xInterPredictPUDepthMap ( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiPartIdx ); // PU inter prediction/update Void xIViewPUDepthMapUpdate ( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiPartIdx ); // PU interview update Void xInterPUDepthMapUpdate ( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiPartIdx ); // PU inter update Void xInterPUDepthMapPrediction( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiPartIdx ); // PU inter prediction Bool xGetPredDepth ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, Int& riPrdDepth, Int* piPosX = 0, Int* piPosY = 0 ); // conversion functions Int xGetVirtDepthFromDisparity( UInt uiBaseId, Int iDisparity ) { AOF( uiBaseId < m_uiCurrViewId ); Int* pPar = m_aaiConvParsDisparity2VirtDepth[ uiBaseId ]; Int iRes = ( pPar[ 0 ] * iDisparity + pPar[ 1 ] ) >> pPar[ 2 ]; return iRes; } Int xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( UInt uiBaseId, Int iVirtDepth ) { AOF( uiBaseId < m_uiCurrViewId ); Int* pPar = m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2Disparity[ uiBaseId ]; Int iRes = ( pPar[ 0 ] * iVirtDepth + pPar[ 1 ] ) >> pPar[ 2 ]; return iRes; } Int xGetVirtDepthFromOrigDepth( UInt uiViewId, Int iOrigDepth ) { AOF( uiViewId <= m_uiCurrViewId ); Int* pPar = m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ uiViewId ]; Int iRes = ( pPar[ 0 ] * iOrigDepth + pPar[ 1 ] ) >> pPar[ 2 ]; return iRes; } Int xGetOrigDepthFromVirtDepth( UInt uiViewId, Int iVirtDepth ) { AOF( uiViewId <= m_uiCurrViewId ); Int* pPar = m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ uiViewId ]; Int iRes = ( pPar[ 0 ] * iVirtDepth + pPar[ 1 ] ) >> pPar[ 2 ]; return iRes; } private: // general parameters Bool m_bCreated; Bool m_bInit; Bool m_bDecoder; TComPrediction* m_pcPrediction; TComSPSAccess* m_pcSPSAccess; TComAUPicAccess* m_pcAUPicAccess; UInt m_uiMaxDepth; UInt m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth; TComYuv** m_ppcYuv; TComDataCU** m_ppcCU; TComPicYuv m_cTmpPic; // conversion parameters UInt m_uiCurrViewId; Bool m_bPDMAvailable; std::vector m_auiBaseIdList; Int m_aaiConvParsDisparity2VirtDepth[ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ][ 3 ]; // disparity ==> virtual depth (0:scale, 1:add, 2:shift) Int m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2Disparity[ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ][ 3 ]; // virtual depth ==> disparity (0:scale, 1:add, 2:shift) Int m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ][ 3 ]; // original depth ==> virtual depth (0:scale, 1:add, 2:shift) Int m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ][ 3 ]; // virtual depth ==> original depth (0:scale, 1:add, 2:shift) // temporary arrays Bool m_aabDepthSet[ MAX_CU_SIZE >> 2 ][ MAX_CU_SIZE >> 2 ]; Int m_aai4x4Depth[ MAX_CU_SIZE >> 2 ][ MAX_CU_SIZE >> 2 ]; }; #endif // DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION #endif // __TCOM_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATOR__