/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2015, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "TAppRendererCfg.h" #include "../../Lib/TAppCommon/program_options_lite.h" #if NH_3D_VSO || NH_3D using namespace std; namespace po = df::program_options_lite; // ==================================================================================================================== // Local constants // ==================================================================================================================== #define MAX_INPUT_VIEW_NUM 10 #define MAX_OUTPUT_VIEW_NUM 64 // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / initialization / destroy // ==================================================================================================================== TAppRendererCfg::TAppRendererCfg() { } TAppRendererCfg::~TAppRendererCfg() { for(Int i = 0; i< m_pchVideoInputFileList.size(); i++ ) { if ( m_pchVideoInputFileList[i] != NULL ) free (m_pchVideoInputFileList[i]); } for(Int i = 0; i< m_pchDepthInputFileList.size(); i++ ) { if ( m_pchDepthInputFileList[i] != NULL ) free (m_pchDepthInputFileList[i]); } for(Int i = 0; i< m_pchSynthOutputFileList.size(); i++ ) { if ( m_pchSynthOutputFileList[i] != NULL ) free (m_pchSynthOutputFileList[i]); } if ( m_pchVideoInputFileBaseName ) free( m_pchVideoInputFileBaseName ); if ( m_pchDepthInputFileBaseName ) free( m_pchDepthInputFileBaseName ); if ( m_pchSynthOutputFileBaseName ) free( m_pchSynthOutputFileBaseName); if ( m_pchCameraParameterFile ) free( m_pchCameraParameterFile ); if ( m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers ) free( m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers ); if ( m_pchSynthViewCameraNumbers ) free( m_pchSynthViewCameraNumbers ); if ( m_pchViewConfig ) free( m_pchViewConfig ); } Void TAppRendererCfg::create() { } Void TAppRendererCfg::destroy() { } // ==================================================================================================================== // Public member functions // ==================================================================================================================== /** \param argc number of arguments \param argv array of arguments \retval true when success */ Bool TAppRendererCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, TChar* argv[] ) { bool do_help = false; po::Options opts; opts.addOptions() ("help", do_help, false, "this help text") ("c", po::parseConfigFile, "configuration file name") /* File I/O */ ("VideoInputFileBaseName,v", m_pchVideoInputFileBaseName, (TChar*) 0, "Basename to generate video input file names") ("DepthInputFileBaseName,d", m_pchDepthInputFileBaseName, (TChar*) 0, "Basename to generate depth input file names") ("SynthOutputFileBaseName,s", m_pchSynthOutputFileBaseName, (TChar*) 0, "Basename to generate synthesized output file names") ("ContOutputFileNumbering", m_bContOutputFileNumbering , false , "Continuous Output File Numbering") ("Sweep" , m_bSweep , false , "Store all views in first Output File") ("VideoInputFile_%d,v_%d", m_pchVideoInputFileList , (TChar *) 0, MAX_INPUT_VIEW_NUM , "Original Yuv video input file name %d") ("DepthInputFile_%d,d_%d", m_pchDepthInputFileList , (TChar *) 0, MAX_INPUT_VIEW_NUM , "Original Yuv depth input file name %d") ("SynthOutputFile_%d,s_%d", m_pchSynthOutputFileList, (TChar *) 0, MAX_OUTPUT_VIEW_NUM, "Synthesized Yuv output file name %d") ("InputBitDepth", m_inputBitDepth[0], 8, "Bit-depth of input file") ("OutputBitDepth", m_outputBitDepth[0], 0, "Bit-depth of output file (default:InternalBitDepth)") ("InternalBitDepth", m_internalBitDepth[0], 0, "Bit-depth the renderer operates at. (default:InputBitDepth)" "If different to InputBitDepth, source data will be converted") ("InputBitDepthC", m_inputBitDepth[1], 0, "As per InputBitDepth but for chroma component. (default:InputBitDepth)") ("OutputBitDepthC", m_outputBitDepth[1], 0, "As per OutputBitDepth but for chroma component. (default:InternalBitDepthC)") ("InternalBitDepthC", m_internalBitDepth[1], 0, "As per InternalBitDepth but for chroma component. (default:IntrenalBitDepth)") /* Source Specification */ ("SourceWidth,-wdt", m_iSourceWidth, 0, "Source picture width") ("SourceHeight,-hgt", m_iSourceHeight, 0, "Source picture height") ("FrameSkip,-fs", m_iFrameSkip, 0, "Number of frames to skip at start of input YUV") ("FramesToBeRendered,f", m_iFramesToBeRendered, 0, "Number of frames to be rendered (default=all)") /* Camera Specification */ ("CameraParameterFile,-cpf", m_pchCameraParameterFile, (TChar *) 0, "Camera Parameter File Name") ("BaseViewCameraNumbers" , m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, (TChar *) 0, "Numbers of base views") ("SynthViewCameraNumbers" , m_pchSynthViewCameraNumbers, (TChar *) 0, "Numbers of views to synthesis") ("ViewConfig" , m_pchViewConfig, (TChar *) 0, "View Configuration" ) /* Renderer Modes */ ("Log2SamplingFactor", m_iLog2SamplingFactor, 0, "Factor for horizontal up sampling before processing" ) ("UVup" , m_bUVUp , true, "Up sampling of chroma planes before processing" ) ("PreProcMode" , m_iPreProcMode , 0, "Depth preprocessing: 0 = None, 1 = Binomial filtering" ) ("PreFilterSize" , m_iPreFilterSize , 0, "For PreProcMode 1: Half Size of filter kernel" ) ("SimEnhance" , m_bSimEnhance , true, "Similarity enhancement of video" ) ("BlendMode" , m_iBlendMode , 0, "Blending of left and right image: 0: average, 1: only holes from right, 2: only holes from left, 3: first view in BaseViewOrder as main view" ) ("BlendZThresPerc" , m_iBlendZThresPerc , 30, "Z-difference threshold for blending in percent of total Z-range" ) ("BlendUseDistWeight", m_bBlendUseDistWeight , true, "0: blend using average; 1: blend factor depends on view distance" ) ("BlendHoleMargin" , m_iBlendHoleMargin , 6, "Margin around holes to fill with other view" ) ("InterpolationMode" , m_iInterpolationMode , 4, "0: NN, 1:linear (int), 2:linear (double) , 3:cubic Hermite spline (double), 4: 8-tap (int)" ) ("HoleFillingMode" , m_iHoleFillingMode , 1, "0: None, 1: line wise background extension" ) ("PostProcMode" , m_iPostProcMode , 0, "0: None, 1: horizontal 3-tap median" ) ("RenderMode" , m_iRenderMode , 0, "0: Use renderer, 1: use model renderer, 10: create used pels map") ("ShiftPrecision" , m_iShiftPrecision , 2, "Shift Precision for Interpolation Mode 4" ) ("TemporalDepthFilter", m_bTempDepthFilter , false, "Temporal depth filtering" ) ("RenderDirection" , m_iRenderDirection , 0, "0: Interpolate, 1: Extrapolate from left, 2: Extrapolate from right") ("UsedPelMapMarExt" , m_iUsedPelMapMarExt , 0, "Margin Extension in Pels for used pels map generation" ); po::setDefaults(opts); po::scanArgv(opts, argc, (const char**) argv); if (argc == 1 || do_help) { /* argc == 1: no options have been specified */ po::doHelp(cout, opts); xPrintUsage(); return false; } /* * Set any derived parameters before checking */ /* rules for input, output and internal bitdepths as per help text */ if (!m_internalBitDepth[0]) { m_internalBitDepth[0] = m_inputBitDepth[0]; } if (!m_internalBitDepth[1]) { m_internalBitDepth[1] = m_internalBitDepth[0]; } if (!m_inputBitDepth[1]) { m_inputBitDepth[1] = m_inputBitDepth[0]; } if (!m_outputBitDepth[0]) { m_outputBitDepth[0] = m_internalBitDepth[0]; } if (!m_outputBitDepth[1]) { m_outputBitDepth[1] = m_internalBitDepth[1]; } UInt uiInputBitDepth = 8; UInt uiCamParPrecision = 5; m_bUseSetupString = ( m_pchViewConfig != NULL ) && ( m_iRenderMode != 0); if ( m_iRenderMode == 10 ) { m_cCameraData.init( MAX_INPUT_VIEW_NUM, uiInputBitDepth, uiCamParPrecision, (UInt)m_iFrameSkip, (UInt)m_iFramesToBeRendered, m_pchCameraParameterFile, m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, NULL, NULL, m_iLog2SamplingFactor+m_iShiftPrecision ); m_iNumberOfInputViews = (Int) m_cCameraData.getBaseViewNumbers() .size(); m_iNumberOfOutputViews = m_iNumberOfInputViews - 1; m_iRenderDirection = 1; } else { #if NH_3D_VSO if ( m_bUseSetupString ) { std::vector iaTempViews; std::vector* piaTempViews; m_cCameraData .convertNumberString( m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, iaTempViews, VIEW_NUM_PREC ); m_cRenModStrParser.setString( (Int) iaTempViews.size(), m_pchViewConfig ); piaTempViews = m_cRenModStrParser.getSynthViews(); m_iNumberOfOutputViews = (Int) m_cRenModStrParser.getNumOfModels(); m_iNumberOfInputViews = (Int) m_cRenModStrParser.getNumOfBaseViews(); m_bContOutputFileNumbering = true; m_cCameraData.init( MAX_INPUT_VIEW_NUM, uiInputBitDepth, uiCamParPrecision, (UInt)m_iFrameSkip, (UInt)m_iFramesToBeRendered, m_pchCameraParameterFile, m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, NULL, piaTempViews, m_iLog2SamplingFactor+m_iShiftPrecision ); } else { m_cCameraData.init( MAX_INPUT_VIEW_NUM, uiInputBitDepth, uiCamParPrecision, (UInt)m_iFrameSkip, (UInt)m_iFramesToBeRendered, m_pchCameraParameterFile, m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, m_pchSynthViewCameraNumbers, NULL, m_iLog2SamplingFactor+m_iShiftPrecision ); m_iNumberOfOutputViews = (Int) m_cCameraData.getSynthViewNumbers().size(); m_iNumberOfInputViews = (Int) m_cCameraData.getBaseViewNumbers() .size(); } #else AOF( false ); // Compile with VSO enabled to use this option. #endif } if (m_pchSynthOutputFileBaseName != NULL) xConfirmParameter( strrchr(m_pchSynthOutputFileBaseName,'$') == 0, "'$' must be a character in SynthOutputFileBaseName"); if (m_pchDepthInputFileBaseName != NULL) xConfirmParameter( strrchr(m_pchDepthInputFileBaseName, '$') == 0, "'$' must be a character in DepthInputFileBaseName" ); if (m_pchVideoInputFileBaseName != NULL) xConfirmParameter( strrchr(m_pchVideoInputFileBaseName, '$') == 0, "'$' must be a character in VideoInputFileBaseName" ); xCreateFileNames(); /* * check validity of input parameters */ xCheckParameter(); m_cCameraData.check( m_iRenderDirection == 0, m_iFramesToBeRendered != 0 ); // print-out parameters xPrintParameter(); return true; } // ==================================================================================================================== // Private member functions // ==================================================================================================================== Void TAppRendererCfg::xCheckParameter() { bool check_failed = false; /* abort if there is a fatal configuration problem */ #define xConfirmPara(a,b) check_failed |= xConfirmParameter(a,b) // check range of parameters /// File I/O // source specification xConfirmPara( m_iSourceWidth <= 0, "Source width must be greater than 0" ); xConfirmPara( m_iSourceHeight <= 0, "Source height must be greater than 0" ); xConfirmPara( m_iFrameSkip < 0, "Frame Skipping must be more than or equal to 0" ); xConfirmPara( m_iFramesToBeRendered < 0, "Total Number Of Frames rendered must be more than 1" ); // bit depth xConfirmPara( m_internalBitDepth[0] != m_internalBitDepth[1], "InternalBitDepth for luma and chroma must be equal. "); xConfirmPara( m_inputBitDepth[0] < 8, "InputBitDepth must be at least 8" ); xConfirmPara( m_inputBitDepth[1] < 8, "InputBitDepthC must be at least 8" ); // camera specification xConfirmPara( m_iNumberOfInputViews > MAX_INPUT_VIEW_NUM , "NumberOfInputViews must be less than of equal to MAX_INPUT_VIEW_NUM"); xConfirmPara( m_iNumberOfOutputViews > MAX_OUTPUT_VIEW_NUM, "NumberOfOutputViews must be less than of equal to MAX_OUTPUT_VIEW_NUM"); xConfirmPara( m_iRenderDirection < 0 || m_iRenderDirection > 2 , "RenderDirection must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 3"); xConfirmPara(m_iNumberOfOutputViews < 1, "Number of OutputViews must be greater or equal to 1"); if ( m_iRenderDirection == 0 ) { xConfirmPara( m_iNumberOfInputViews < 2, "Number of InputViews must be more than or equal to 2"); } else { xConfirmPara( m_iNumberOfInputViews < 1, "Number of InputViews must be more than or equal to 1"); } xConfirmPara( m_iLog2SamplingFactor < 0 || m_iLog2SamplingFactor > 4, "Log2SamplingFactor must be more than or equal to 0 and less than 5" ); xConfirmPara( m_iPreProcMode < 0 || m_iPreProcMode > 1, "PreProcMode must be more than or equal to 0 and less than 2" ); xConfirmPara( m_iPreFilterSize < 0 || m_iPreFilterSize > 3, "PreFilterSize must be more than or equal to 0 and less than 4" ); xConfirmPara( m_iBlendMode < 0 || m_iBlendMode > 3, "BlendMode must be more than or equal to 0 and less than 4" ); xConfirmPara( m_iBlendZThresPerc < 0 || m_iBlendZThresPerc > 100,"BlendZThresPerc must be more than or equal to 0 and less than 101" ); xConfirmPara( m_iBlendHoleMargin < 0 || m_iBlendHoleMargin > 20,"BlendHoleMargin must be more than or equal to 0 and less than 19" ); xConfirmPara( m_iInterpolationMode < 0 || m_iInterpolationMode > 4, "InterpolationMode must be more than or equal to 0 and less than 5" ); xConfirmPara( m_iHoleFillingMode < 0 || m_iHoleFillingMode > 1, "HoleFillingMode must be more than or equal to 0 and less than 2" ); xConfirmPara( m_iPostProcMode < 0 || m_iPostProcMode > 2, "PostProcMode must be more than or equal to 0 and less than 3" ); Int iNumNonNULL; for (iNumNonNULL = 0; (iNumNonNULL < m_iNumberOfInputViews) && m_pchDepthInputFileList[iNumNonNULL]; iNumNonNULL++) {}; xConfirmPara( iNumNonNULL < m_iNumberOfInputViews, "Number of DepthInputFiles must be greater than or equal to number of BaseViewNumbers" ); for (iNumNonNULL = 0; (iNumNonNULL < m_iNumberOfInputViews) && m_pchVideoInputFileList[iNumNonNULL]; iNumNonNULL++) {}; xConfirmPara( iNumNonNULL < m_iNumberOfInputViews, "Number of DepthInputFiles must be greater than or equal to number of BaseViewNumbers" ); if ( !m_bSweep ) { for (iNumNonNULL = 0; (iNumNonNULL < m_iNumberOfOutputViews) && m_pchSynthOutputFileList[iNumNonNULL]; iNumNonNULL++) {}; xConfirmPara( iNumNonNULL < m_iNumberOfOutputViews, "Number of SynthOutputFiles must be greater than or equal to number of SynthViewNumbers" ); } else { xConfirmPara( iNumNonNULL < 1, "Number of SynthOutputFiles must be equal to or more than 1" ); } #undef xConfirmPara if ( check_failed ) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } Void TAppRendererCfg::xPrintParameter() { printf("\n"); for( Int iCounter = 0; iCounter < m_iNumberOfInputViews; iCounter++) { printf("InputVideoFile_%i : %s\n", iCounter, m_pchVideoInputFileList[iCounter]); } for( Int iCounter = 0; iCounter < m_iNumberOfInputViews; iCounter++) { printf("InputDepthFile_%i : %s\n", iCounter, m_pchDepthInputFileList[iCounter]); } for( Int iCounter = 0; iCounter < m_iNumberOfOutputViews; iCounter++) { printf("SynthOutputFile_%i : %s\n", iCounter, m_pchSynthOutputFileList[iCounter]); } printf("Format : %dx%d \n", m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeight ); printf("Frame index : %d - %d (%d frames)\n", m_iFrameSkip, m_iFrameSkip+m_iFramesToBeRendered-1, m_iFramesToBeRendered); printf("CameraParameterFile : %s\n", m_pchCameraParameterFile ); printf("BaseViewNumbers : %s (%d views) \n", m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers , m_iNumberOfInputViews ); printf("Sweep : %d\n", m_bSweep ); if ( m_bUseSetupString ) { printf("ViewConfig : %s\n", m_pchViewConfig ); } else { printf("SynthViewNumbers : %s (%d views) \n", m_pchSynthViewCameraNumbers, m_iNumberOfOutputViews ); } printf("Log2SamplingFactor : %d\n", m_iLog2SamplingFactor ); printf("UVUp : %d\n", m_bUVUp ); printf("PreProcMode : %d\n", m_iPreProcMode ); printf("PreFilterSize : %d\n", m_iPreFilterSize ); printf("SimEnhance : %d\n", m_bSimEnhance ); printf("BlendMode : %d\n", m_iBlendMode ); printf("BlendZThresPerc : %d\n", m_iBlendZThresPerc ); printf("BlendUseDistWeight : %d\n", m_bBlendUseDistWeight ); printf("BlendHoleMargin : %d\n", m_iBlendHoleMargin ); printf("InterpolationMode : %d\n", m_iInterpolationMode ); printf("HoleFillingMode : %d\n", m_iHoleFillingMode ); printf("PostProcMode : %d\n", m_iPostProcMode ); printf("ShiftPrecision : %d\n", m_iShiftPrecision ); printf("TemporalDepthFilter : %d\n", m_bTempDepthFilter ); printf("RenderMode : %d\n", m_iRenderMode ); printf("RendererDirection : %d\n", m_iRenderDirection ); if (m_iRenderMode == 10 ) { printf("UsedPelMapMarExt : %d\n", m_iUsedPelMapMarExt ); } printf("\n"); // printf("TOOL CFG: "); // printf("ALF:%d ", m_bUseALF ); // printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } Void TAppRendererCfg::xPrintUsage() { printf( "\n" ); printf( " Example: TAppRenderer.exe -c test.cfg\n\n"); } Bool TAppRendererCfg::xConfirmParameter(Bool bflag, const char* message) { if (!bflag) return false; printf("Error: %s\n",message); return true; } Void TAppRendererCfg::xCreateFileNames() { if ( m_iRenderMode == 10 ) return; Int iPrecBefore; Int iPrecAfter; xGetMaxPrecision( m_cCameraData.getSynthViewNumbers(), iPrecBefore, iPrecAfter ); if (iPrecBefore > LOG10_VIEW_NUM_PREC ) { std::cerr << "Error: View Numbers with more than " << LOG10_VIEW_NUM_PREC << " digits are not supported" << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } AOT( !m_bContOutputFileNumbering && (m_cCameraData.getSynthViewNumbers().size() != m_iNumberOfOutputViews )); for(Int iIdx = 0; iIdx < m_iNumberOfOutputViews; iIdx++) { //GT; Create ReconFileNames if (m_pchSynthOutputFileList[iIdx] == NULL ) { if ( m_bContOutputFileNumbering ) { xAddNumberToFileName( m_pchSynthOutputFileBaseName, m_pchSynthOutputFileList[iIdx], (Int) ((iIdx+1) * VIEW_NUM_PREC) , 2, 0 ); } else { xAddNumberToFileName( m_pchSynthOutputFileBaseName, m_pchSynthOutputFileList[iIdx], m_cCameraData.getSynthViewNumbers()[iIdx], iPrecBefore, iPrecAfter ); } } } xGetMaxPrecision( m_cCameraData.getBaseViewNumbers(), iPrecBefore, iPrecAfter ); for(Int iIdx = 0; iIdx < m_cCameraData.getBaseViewNumbers().size() ; iIdx++) { //GT; Create ReconFileNames if (m_pchVideoInputFileList[iIdx] == NULL ) { xAddNumberToFileName( m_pchVideoInputFileBaseName, m_pchVideoInputFileList[iIdx], m_cCameraData.getBaseViewNumbers()[iIdx], iPrecBefore, iPrecAfter ); } if (m_pchDepthInputFileList[iIdx] == NULL ) { xAddNumberToFileName( m_pchDepthInputFileBaseName, m_pchDepthInputFileList[iIdx], m_cCameraData.getBaseViewNumbers()[iIdx], iPrecBefore, iPrecAfter ); } } } Void TAppRendererCfg::xAddNumberToFileName( TChar* pchSourceFileName, TChar*& rpchTargetFileName, Int iNumberToAdd, UInt uiPrecBefore, UInt uiPrecAfter ) { if ( pchSourceFileName == NULL ) { std::cerr << "No BaseName for file name generation given." << std::endl; AOT(true); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TChar pchNumberBuffer[2* LOG10_VIEW_NUM_PREC + 2]; TChar pchPrintBuffer[10]; Double dNumberToAdd = ( (Double) iNumberToAdd ) / VIEW_NUM_PREC; UInt uiWidth = uiPrecBefore; if (uiPrecAfter != 0) { uiWidth += uiPrecAfter + 1; } sprintf( pchPrintBuffer, "%%0%d.%df", uiWidth, uiPrecAfter ); sprintf( pchNumberBuffer, pchPrintBuffer, dNumberToAdd ); if ( uiPrecAfter > 0 ) pchNumberBuffer[ uiPrecBefore ] = '_'; size_t iInLength = strlen(pchSourceFileName); size_t iAddLength = strlen(pchNumberBuffer); rpchTargetFileName = (TChar*) malloc(iInLength+iAddLength+1); TChar* pchPlaceHolder = strrchr(pchSourceFileName,'$'); assert( pchPlaceHolder ); size_t iCharsToPlaceHolder = pchPlaceHolder - pchSourceFileName; size_t iCharsToEnd = iInLength - iCharsToPlaceHolder; strncpy(rpchTargetFileName , pchSourceFileName , iCharsToPlaceHolder); strncpy(rpchTargetFileName+iCharsToPlaceHolder , pchNumberBuffer , iAddLength ); strncpy(rpchTargetFileName+iCharsToPlaceHolder+iAddLength, pchSourceFileName+iCharsToPlaceHolder+1, iCharsToEnd-1 ); rpchTargetFileName[iInLength+iAddLength-1] = '\0'; } Void TAppRendererCfg::xGetMaxPrecision( IntAry1d aiIn, Int& iPrecBefore, Int& iPrecAfter ) { iPrecBefore = 0; iPrecAfter = 0; for (UInt uiK = 0; uiK < aiIn.size(); uiK ++ ) { if ( aiIn[uiK] == 0 ) continue; Int iCurPrec; iCurPrec = 0; for ( Int iCur = aiIn[uiK]; iCur != 0; iCur /= 10, iCurPrec++ ); iPrecBefore = max(iPrecBefore, iCurPrec - LOG10_VIEW_NUM_PREC ); iCurPrec = 0; for ( Int iCur = 1; aiIn[uiK] % iCur == 0; iCur *= 10, iCurPrec++); iCurPrec = LOG10_VIEW_NUM_PREC - std::min((Int) LOG10_VIEW_NUM_PREC, iCurPrec-1 ); iPrecAfter = max(iPrecAfter, iCurPrec ); } } #endif