/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __TAPPCOMCAMPARA__ #define __TAPPCOMCAMPARA__ // Include files #include "../../Lib/TLibCommon/CommonDef.h" #include #define LOG10_VIEW_NUM_PREC 5 // Precision of view numbering #define VIEW_NUM_PREC pow( 10.0, (Int)LOG10_VIEW_NUM_PREC ) // ==================================================================================================================== // Class definition // ==================================================================================================================== class TAppComCamPara { private: // camera parameter data std::vector< std::vector > m_aadCameraParameters; ///< buffer for double values from file // miscellaneous variables Double m_dViewNumPrec; ///< factor for camera number to create integer representation Int m_iLog2Precision; ///< shift precision in LUT UInt m_uiInputBitDepth; ///< bit depth of input depth maps UInt m_uiBitDepthForLUT; ///< bit depth used for table look-up UInt m_uiFirstFrameId; ///< first frame id UInt m_uiLastFrameId; ///< last frame id UInt m_iCurrentFrameId; ///< currently set frame id Bool m_bSetupFromCoded; ///< setup from coded parameter file Bool m_bCamParsCodedPrecSet; ///< Coded Cam Para precision set for current frame; #if H_3D_REN_MAX_DEV_OUT Double m_dMaxShiftDeviation; ///< Maximum deviation of shifts with integer precision compare to double precision #endif //SAIT_VSO_EST_A0033 Double m_dDispCoeff; // view lists std::vector m_aiViewsInCfgFile; ///< views for which parameters are specified in cfg file (from left to right) std::vector m_aiSynthViews; ///< View numbers of External ViewReferences std::vector m_aiRelSynthViewsNum; ///< Relative view numbers of External ViewReferences std::vector m_aiBaseViews; ///< View numbers of Base View References (in coding order) std::vector m_aiSortedBaseViews; ///< View numbers of Base View References (from left to right) std::vector m_aiBaseId2SortedId; ///< mapping from coding order to left-right order for base views std::vector m_aiBaseSortedId2Id; ///< mapping from left-right order to coding order for base views Int m_iNumberOfBaseViews; ///< number of base views Int m_iNumberOfSynthViews; ///< number of synthesized views // SPS and slice header related variables std::vector m_aiViewOrderIndex; ///< list of view order indices UInt m_uiCamParsCodedPrecision; ///< precision for coding of camera parameters (x: max error in disparity is 2^(-x) luma samples) Bool m_bCamParsVaryOverTime; ///< flag specifying whether camera parameters vary for given frame numbers Int** m_aaiCodedScale; ///< array of coded scaling parameters [RefView][TargetView] Int** m_aaiCodedOffset; ///< array of coded offset parameters [RefView][TargetView] Int** m_aaiScaleAndOffsetSet; ///< array indicating whether scale and offset have been set // scale and offset parameters Double*** m_adBaseViewShiftParameter; ///< ShiftParameters between BaseViews e.g. [2][1][0] shift scale from view 2 to view 1; [2][1][1] shift offset from view 2 to view 1 Int64 *** m_aiBaseViewShiftParameter; ///< ShiftParameters between BaseViews e.g. [2][1][0] shift scale from view 2 to view 1; [2][1][1] shift offset from view 2 to view 1 /* do we need 64 bit? */ Double*** m_adSynthViewShiftParameter; ///< ShiftParameters between BaseViews and ERViews e.g. [2][1][0] shift scale from base view 2 to er view 1; Int64 *** m_aiSynthViewShiftParameter; ///< ShiftParameters between BaseViews and ERViews e.g. [2][1][0] shift scale from base view 2 to er view 1; /* do we need 64 bit? */ // look-up tables Double**** m_adBaseViewShiftLUT; ///< Disparity LUT Int**** m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT; ///< Disparity LUT Double**** m_adSynthViewShiftLUT; ///< Disparity LUT Int**** m_aiSynthViewShiftLUT; ///< Disparity LUT protected: // create and delete arrays Void xCreateLUTs ( UInt uiNumberSourceViews, UInt uiNumberTargetViews, Double****& radLUT, Int****& raiLUT, Double***& radShiftParams, Int64***& raiShiftParams ); Void xCreate2dArray( UInt uiNum1Ids, UInt uiNum2Ids, Int**& raaiArray ); Void xInit2dArray ( UInt uiNum1Ids, UInt uiNum2Ids, Int**& raaiArray, Int iValue ); template Void xDeleteArray ( T*& rpt, UInt uiSize1, UInt uiSize2, UInt uiSize3 ); template Void xDeleteArray ( T*& rpt, UInt uiSize1, UInt uiSize2 ); template Void xDeleteArray ( T*& rpt, UInt uiSize ); // functions for reading, initialization, sorting, getting data, etc. Void xReadCameraParameterFile ( Char* pchCfgFileName ); Bool xGetCameraDataRow ( Int iView, UInt uiFrame, UInt& ruiFoundLine ); Void xGetSortedViewList ( const std::vector& raiViews, std::vector& raiSortedViews, std::vector& raiId2SortedId, std::vector& raiSortedId2Id ); Void xGetViewOrderIndices ( const std::vector& raiId2SortedId, std::vector& raiVOIdx ); Bool xGetCamParsChangeFlag (); Int xGetBaseViewId ( Int iBaseView ); Int xGetViewId ( std::vector aiViewList, Int iBaseView ); Bool xGetLeftRightView ( Int iView, std::vector aiSortedViews, Int& riLeftView, Int& riRightView, Int& riLeftSortedViewIdx, Int& riRightSortedViewIdx ); Void xGetPrevAndNextBaseView ( Int iSourceViewNum, Int iTargetViewNum, Int& riPrevBaseViewNum, Int& riNextBaseViewNum ); #if !KWU_RC_MADPRED_E0227 Void xGetZNearZFar ( Int iView, UInt uiFrame, Double& rdZNear, Double& rdZFar ); Void xGetGeometryData ( Int dView, UInt uiFrame, Double& rdFocalLength, Double& rdPosition, Double& rdCameraShift, Bool& rbInterpolated ); #endif Void xSetupBaseViewsFromCoded (); Void xSetupBaseViews ( Char* pchBaseViewNumbers, UInt uiNumBaseViews ); #if H_3D_FIX_REN_WARNING Bool xIsIn ( std::vector& rVec, Int iNumber); #endif // functions for getting and setting scales and offsets Bool xGetShiftParameterReal ( UInt uiSourceView, UInt uiTargetView, UInt uiFrame, Bool bExternal, Bool bByIdx, Double& rdScale, Double& rdOffset ); Void xGetShiftParameterCoded ( UInt uiSourceView, UInt uiTargetView, UInt uiFrame, Bool bByIdx, Int& riScale, Int& riOffset ); Void xGetShiftParameterInt ( UInt uiSourceView, UInt uiTargetView, UInt uiFrame, Bool bExternal, Bool bByIdx, Int64& riScale, Int64& riOffset ); Void xGetCodedCameraData ( UInt uiSourceView, UInt uiTargetView, Bool bByIdx, UInt uiFrame, Int& riScale, Int& riOffset, Int& riPrecision ); Void xSetCodedScaleOffset ( UInt uiFrame ); Void xSetShiftParametersAndLUT ( UInt uiNumViewDim1, UInt uiNumViewDim2, UInt uiFrame, Bool bExternalReference, Double****& radLUT, Int****& raiLUT, Double***& radShiftParams, Int64***& raiShiftParams ); Void xSetShiftParametersAndLUT ( UInt uiFrame ); // getting conversion parameters for disparity to virtual depth conversion Void xGetCameraShifts ( UInt uiSourceView, UInt uiTargetView, UInt uiFrame, Double& rdCamPosShift, Double& rdPicPosShift ); Void xSetPdmConversionParams (); public: // constructor and destructor TAppComCamPara(); ~TAppComCamPara(); // initialization, check, and and update Void init ( UInt uiNumBaseViews, UInt uiInputBitDepth, UInt uiCodedCamParsPrecision, UInt uiStartFrameId, UInt uiNumFrames, Char* pchCfgFileName, Char* pchBaseViewNumbers, Char* pchSynthViewNumbers, std::vector* paiSynthViewNumbers, Int iLog2Precision ); Void init ( UInt uiInputBitDepth, UInt uiStartFrameId, UInt uiNumFrames, Char* pchCfgFileName, Char* pchSynthViewNumbers, std::vector* paiSynthViewNumbers, Int iLog2Precision ); Void check ( Bool bCheckViewRange, Bool bCheckFrameRange ); Void update ( UInt uiFrameId ); // miscellaneous functions Int synthRelNum2Idx ( Int iRelNum ); Bool getLeftRightBaseView ( Int iSynthViewIdx, Int &riLeftViewIdx, Int &riRightViewIdx, Int &riRelDistToLeft, Bool& rbIsBaseView ); Int getRelDistLeft ( Int iSynthViewIdx, Int iLeftViewIdx, Int iRightViewIdx ); UInt getCurFrameId () { return m_iCurrentFrameId; } static Void convertNumberString ( Char* pchViewNumberString, std::vector& raiViewNumbers, Double dViewNumPrec ); #if H_3D_REN_MAX_DEV_OUT Double getMaxShiftDeviation () { return m_dMaxShiftDeviation; }; #endif #if H_3D_VSO // SAIT_VSO_EST_A033 Void setDispCoeff ( UInt uiStartFrameId, Int iViewIdx ); Double getDispCoeff () { return m_dDispCoeff; } #endif // function for getting parameters and parameter arrays std::vector& getBaseViewNumbers () { return m_aiBaseViews; } std::vector& getSortedBaseViewNumbers () { return m_aiSortedBaseViews; } std::vector& getSynthViewNumbers () { return m_aiSynthViews; } std::vector& getRelSynthViewNumbers () { return m_aiRelSynthViewsNum;} std::vector& getBaseId2SortedId () { return m_aiBaseId2SortedId; } std::vector& getBaseSortedId2Id () { return m_aiBaseSortedId2Id; } Double*** getBaseViewShiftParameterD() { return m_adBaseViewShiftParameter; } Int*** getBaseViewShiftParameterI() { return (Int***)m_aiBaseViewShiftParameter; } Double**** getSynthViewShiftLUTD () { return m_adSynthViewShiftLUT; } Double**** getBaseViewShiftLUTD () { return m_adBaseViewShiftLUT; } Int**** getSynthViewShiftLUTI () { return m_aiSynthViewShiftLUT; } Int**** getBaseViewShiftLUTI () { return m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT; } Bool getVaryingCameraParameters() { return m_bCamParsVaryOverTime; } UInt getCamParsCodedPrecision () { return m_uiCamParsCodedPrecision; } std::vector& getViewOrderIndex () { return m_aiViewOrderIndex; } Int** getCodedScale () { return m_aaiCodedScale; } Int** getCodedOffset () { return m_aaiCodedOffset; } #if KWU_RC_MADPRED_E0227 Void xGetZNearZFar ( Int iView, UInt uiFrame, Double& rdZNear, Double& rdZFar ); Void xGetGeometryData ( Int dView, UInt uiFrame, Double& rdFocalLength, Double& rdPosition, Double& rdCameraShift, Bool& rbInterpolated ); #endif }; template Void TAppComCamPara::xDeleteArray( T*& rpt, UInt uiSize1, UInt uiSize2, UInt uiSize3 ) { if( rpt ) { for( UInt uiK = 0; uiK < uiSize1; uiK++ ) { for( UInt uiL = 0; uiL < uiSize2; uiL++ ) { for( UInt uiM = 0; uiM < uiSize3; uiM++ ) { delete[] rpt[ uiK ][ uiL ][ uiM ]; } delete[] rpt[ uiK ][ uiL ]; } delete[] rpt[ uiK ]; } delete[] rpt; } rpt = NULL; }; template Void TAppComCamPara::xDeleteArray( T*& rpt, UInt uiSize1, UInt uiSize2 ) { if( rpt ) { for( UInt uiK = 0; uiK < uiSize1; uiK++ ) { for( UInt uiL = 0; uiL < uiSize2; uiL++ ) { delete[] rpt[ uiK ][ uiL ]; } delete[] rpt[ uiK ]; } delete[] rpt; } rpt = NULL; }; template Void TAppComCamPara::xDeleteArray( T*& rpt, UInt uiSize ) { if( rpt ) { for( UInt uiK = 0; uiK < uiSize; uiK++ ) { delete[] rpt[ uiK ]; } delete[] rpt; } rpt = NULL; }; #endif // __TAPPCOMCAMPARA__