/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TComResidualGenerator.cpp \brief residual picture generator class */ #include "CommonDef.h" #include "TComResidualGenerator.h" #if H3D_IVRP TComResidualGenerator::TComResidualGenerator() { m_bCreated = false; m_bInit = false; m_bDecoder = false; m_pcTrQuant = 0; m_pcDepthMapGenerator = 0; m_pcSPSAccess = 0; m_pcAUPicAccess = 0; m_uiMaxDepth = 0; m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth = 0; m_ppcYuvTmp = 0; m_ppcYuv = 0; m_ppcCU = 0; } TComResidualGenerator::~TComResidualGenerator() { destroy (); uninit (); } Void TComResidualGenerator::create( Bool bDecoder, UInt uiPicWidth, UInt uiPicHeight, UInt uiMaxCUDepth, UInt uiMaxCUWidth, UInt uiMaxCUHeight, UInt uiOrgBitDepth ) { destroy(); m_bDecoder = bDecoder; m_uiMaxDepth = uiMaxCUDepth; m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth = uiOrgBitDepth; m_ppcYuvTmp = new TComYuv* [ NUM_TMP_YUV_BUFFERS ]; m_ppcYuv = new TComYuv* [ m_uiMaxDepth ]; m_ppcCU = new TComDataCU* [ m_uiMaxDepth ]; for( UInt uiIdx = 0; uiIdx < NUM_TMP_YUV_BUFFERS; uiIdx++ ) { m_ppcYuvTmp[uiIdx] = new TComYuv; m_ppcYuvTmp[uiIdx]->create( uiMaxCUWidth, uiMaxCUHeight ); } for( UInt uiDepth = 0; uiDepth < m_uiMaxDepth; uiDepth++ ) { UInt uiNumPart = 1 << ( ( m_uiMaxDepth - uiDepth ) << 1 ); UInt uiWidth = uiMaxCUWidth >> uiDepth; UInt uiHeight = uiMaxCUHeight >> uiDepth; m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ] = new TComYuv; m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ]->create( uiWidth, uiHeight ); m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ] = new TComDataCU; m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ]->create( uiNumPart, uiWidth, uiHeight, true, uiMaxCUWidth >> (uiMaxCUDepth - 1) ); } m_cTmpPic.create( uiPicWidth, uiPicHeight, uiMaxCUWidth, uiMaxCUHeight, uiMaxCUDepth ); m_bCreated = true; } Void TComResidualGenerator::destroy() { if( m_bCreated ) { m_bCreated = false; for( UInt uiIdx = 0; uiIdx < NUM_TMP_YUV_BUFFERS; uiIdx++ ) { m_ppcYuvTmp[uiIdx]->destroy(); delete m_ppcYuvTmp[uiIdx]; m_ppcYuvTmp[uiIdx] = 0; } for( UInt uiDepth = 0; uiDepth < m_uiMaxDepth; uiDepth++ ) { m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ]->destroy(); delete m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ]; m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ] = 0; m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ]->destroy(); delete m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ]; m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ] = 0; } delete [] m_ppcYuvTmp; m_ppcYuvTmp = 0; delete [] m_ppcYuv; m_ppcYuv = 0; delete [] m_ppcCU; m_ppcCU = 0; m_cTmpPic.destroy(); m_uiMaxDepth = 0; m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth = 0; m_bDecoder = false; } } Void TComResidualGenerator::init( TComTrQuant* pcTrQuant, TComDepthMapGenerator* pcDepthMapGenerator ) { AOF( pcTrQuant ); AOF( pcDepthMapGenerator ); AOF( pcDepthMapGenerator->getSPSAccess () ); AOF( pcDepthMapGenerator->getAUPicAccess() ); uninit(); m_pcTrQuant = pcTrQuant; m_pcDepthMapGenerator = pcDepthMapGenerator; m_pcSPSAccess = pcDepthMapGenerator->getSPSAccess (); m_pcAUPicAccess = pcDepthMapGenerator->getAUPicAccess(); m_bInit = true; } Void TComResidualGenerator::uninit() { if( m_bInit ) { m_bInit = false; m_pcTrQuant = 0; m_pcDepthMapGenerator = 0; m_pcSPSAccess = 0; m_pcAUPicAccess = 0; } } Void TComResidualGenerator::initViewComponent( TComPic* pcPic ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( pcPic ); // set pointer in SPS pcPic->getSPS()->setResidualGenerator( this ); ROFVS( pcPic->getSPS()->getMultiviewResPredMode() ); #if OUTPUT_RESIDUAL_PICTURES // dump reconstructed residual picture for first AU if( pcPic->getPOC() == 0 ) { AOF( pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() ); UInt uiBaseViewId = pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() - 1; TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseViewId ); AOF( pcBasePic ); Char acFilenameBase[1024]; ::sprintf( acFilenameBase, "RecResidual_%s", ( m_bDecoder ? "Dec" : "Enc" ) ); xDumpResidual( pcBasePic, acFilenameBase ); } #endif } Void TComResidualGenerator::setRecResidualPic( TComPic* pcPic ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( pcPic ); #if H3D_IVRP if (pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() != 0) { return; } #endif if( pcPic->getPOC() == 0 ) { if( pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() == 0 || m_pcSPSAccess->getResPrd() != 0 ) { // set residual picture AOT( pcPic->getResidual() ); if( !pcPic->getResidual() ) { pcPic->addResidualBuffer(); } xSetRecResidualPic( pcPic ); } } else { if( m_pcSPSAccess->getResPrd() != 0 && pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() < m_pcAUPicAccess->getMaxVId() ) { // set residual picture AOT( pcPic->getResidual() ); if( !pcPic->getResidual() ) { pcPic->addResidualBuffer(); } xSetRecResidualPic( pcPic ); #if OUTPUT_RESIDUAL_PICTURES // dump reconstructed residual picture Char acFilenameBase[1024]; ::sprintf( acFilenameBase, "RecResidual_%s", ( m_bDecoder ? "Dec" : "Enc" ) ); xDumpResidual( pcPic, acFilenameBase ); #endif } } } #if H3D_NBDV Bool TComResidualGenerator::getResidualSamples( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPUIdx, TComYuv* pcYuv, TComMv iDisp, Bool bRecon ) #else Bool TComResidualGenerator::getResidualSamples( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPUIdx, TComYuv* pcYuv, Bool bRecon ) #endif //H3D_NBDV { AOF( pcCU ); UInt uiPartAddr; Int iBlkWidth, iBlkHeight, iXPos, iYPos; AOT( uiPUIdx ); uiPartAddr = 0; iBlkWidth = pcCU->getWidth ( 0 ); iBlkHeight = pcCU->getHeight ( 0 ); pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvRec()->getTopLeftSamplePos( pcCU->getAddr(), pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiPartAddr, iXPos, iYPos ); #if H3D_NBDV return getResidualSamples( pcCU->getPic(), (UInt)iXPos, (UInt)iYPos, (UInt)iBlkWidth, (UInt)iBlkHeight, pcYuv, iDisp, bRecon); #else return getResidualSamples( pcCU->getPic(), (UInt)iXPos, (UInt)iYPos, (UInt)iBlkWidth, (UInt)iBlkHeight, pcYuv, bRecon); #endif // H3D_NBDV } #if H3D_NBDV Bool TComResidualGenerator::getResidualSamples( TComPic* pcPic, UInt uiXPos, UInt uiYPos, UInt uiBlkWidth, UInt uiBlkHeight, TComYuv* pcYuv, TComMv iDisp, Bool bRecon) #else Bool TComResidualGenerator::getResidualSamples( TComPic* pcPic, UInt uiXPos, UInt uiYPos, UInt uiBlkWidth, UInt uiBlkHeight, TComYuv* pcYuv, Bool bRecon) #endif { UInt uiBaseViewId = 0; if( !pcYuv ) { pcYuv = m_ppcYuvTmp[1]; } UInt uiXPosInRefView = uiXPos , uiYPosInRefView = uiYPos; #if H3D_NBDV xSetPredResidualBlock( pcPic, uiBaseViewId, uiXPos, uiYPos, uiBlkWidth, uiBlkHeight, pcYuv, iDisp, &uiXPosInRefView , &uiYPosInRefView , bRecon ); #else xSetPredResidualBlock( pcPic, uiBaseViewId, uiXPos, uiYPos, uiBlkWidth, uiBlkHeight, pcYuv, &uiXPosInRefView , &uiYPosInRefView , bRecon ); #endif return true; } Bool TComResidualGenerator::xIsNonZeroByCBF( UInt uiBaseViewId , UInt uiXPos , UInt uiYPos, UInt uiBlkWidth , UInt uiBlkHeight ) { TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseViewId ); const Int nMaxPicX = pcBasePic->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() - 1; const Int nMaxPicY = pcBasePic->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() - 1; for( UInt y = 0 ; y < uiBlkHeight ; y +=4 ) { for( UInt x = 0 ; x <= uiBlkWidth ; x += 4 ) { // to cover both the mapped CU and the 1-pixel-right-shifted mapped CU Int iCuAddr = 0, iAbsZorderIdx = 0; pcBasePic->getPicYuvRec()->getCUAddrAndPartIdx( Min( uiXPos + x , nMaxPicX ) , Min( uiYPos + y , nMaxPicY ) , iCuAddr , iAbsZorderIdx ); TComDataCU *pCUInRefView = pcBasePic->getCU( iCuAddr ); if( pCUInRefView->isIntra( iAbsZorderIdx ) ) // no inter-view residual pred from a intra CU continue; UInt uiTempTrDepth = pCUInRefView->getTransformIdx( iAbsZorderIdx ); if( pCUInRefView->getCbf( iAbsZorderIdx , TEXT_LUMA , uiTempTrDepth ) || pCUInRefView->getCbf( iAbsZorderIdx , TEXT_CHROMA_U , uiTempTrDepth ) || pCUInRefView->getCbf( iAbsZorderIdx , TEXT_CHROMA_V , uiTempTrDepth ) ) return( true ); } } return( false ); } Void TComResidualGenerator::xSetRecResidualPic( TComPic* pcPic ) { AOF( pcPic ); AOF( pcPic->getResidual() ); for( UInt uiCUAddr = 0; uiCUAddr < pcPic->getPicSym()->getNumberOfCUsInFrame(); uiCUAddr++ ) { TComDataCU* pcCU = pcPic->getCU( uiCUAddr ); xSetRecResidualCU( pcCU, 0, 0 ); } pcPic->getResidual()->setBorderExtension( false ); pcPic->getResidual()->extendPicBorder (); } Void TComResidualGenerator::xSetRecResidualCU( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiAbsPartIdx ) { UInt uiLPelX = pcCU->getCUPelX() + g_auiRasterToPelX[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ]; UInt uiTPelY = pcCU->getCUPelY() + g_auiRasterToPelY[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ]; UInt uiRPelX = uiLPelX + ( g_uiMaxCUWidth >> uiDepth ) - 1; UInt uiBPelY = uiTPelY + ( g_uiMaxCUHeight >> uiDepth ) - 1; Bool bBoundary = ( uiRPelX >= pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() || uiBPelY >= pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ); Bool bSplit = ( ( uiDepth < pcCU->getDepth( uiAbsPartIdx ) && uiDepth < ( g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth ) ) || bBoundary ); if( bSplit ) { UInt uiQNumParts = ( pcCU->getPic()->getNumPartInCU() >> ( uiDepth << 1 ) ) >> 2; for ( UInt uiPartUnitIdx = 0; uiPartUnitIdx < 4; uiPartUnitIdx++, uiAbsPartIdx += uiQNumParts ) { uiLPelX = pcCU->getCUPelX() + g_auiRasterToPelX[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ]; uiTPelY = pcCU->getCUPelY() + g_auiRasterToPelY[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ]; Bool bInside = ( uiLPelX < pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() && uiTPelY < pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ); if( bInside ) { xSetRecResidualCU( pcCU, uiDepth + 1, uiAbsPartIdx ); } } return; } //--- set sub-CU and sub-residual --- TComDataCU* pcSubCU = m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ]; TComYuv* pcSubRes = m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ]; TComPicYuv* pcPicRes = pcCU->getPic()->getResidual(); UInt uiCUAddr = pcCU->getAddr(); pcSubCU->copySubCU( pcCU, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); //--- set residual --- switch( pcSubCU->getPredictionMode( 0 ) ) { case MODE_INTRA: xSetRecResidualIntraCU( pcSubCU, pcSubRes ); break; case MODE_SKIP: case MODE_INTER: xSetRecResidualInterCU( pcSubCU, pcSubRes ); break; default: AOT( true ); break; } //--- copy sub-residual --- pcSubRes->copyToPicYuv( pcPicRes, uiCUAddr, uiAbsPartIdx ); } Void TComResidualGenerator::xSetRecResidualIntraCU( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUResidual ) { //===== set residual to zero for entire CU ===== xClearResidual( pcCUResidual, 0, pcCU->getWidth( 0 ), pcCU->getHeight( 0 ) ); } Void TComResidualGenerator::xSetRecResidualInterCU( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUResidual ) { //===== reconstruct residual from coded transform coefficient levels ===== xClearResidual( pcCUResidual, 0, pcCU->getWidth( 0 ), pcCU->getHeight( 0 ) ); // luma UInt uiWidth = pcCU->getWidth ( 0 ); UInt uiHeight = pcCU->getHeight ( 0 ); TCoeff* piCoeff = pcCU->getCoeffY (); Pel* pRes = pcCUResidual->getLumaAddr(); UInt uiLumaTrMode, uiChromaTrMode; pcCU->convertTransIdx ( 0, pcCU->getTransformIdx( 0 ), uiLumaTrMode, uiChromaTrMode ); m_pcTrQuant->setQPforQuant ( pcCU->getQP( 0 ), !pcCU->getSlice()->getDepth(), pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType(), TEXT_LUMA, pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetY(), 0 ); m_pcTrQuant->invRecurTransformNxN ( pcCU, 0, TEXT_LUMA, pRes, 0, pcCUResidual->getStride(), uiWidth, uiHeight, uiLumaTrMode, 0, piCoeff ); // chroma Cb uiWidth >>= 1; uiHeight >>= 1; piCoeff = pcCU->getCoeffCb(); pRes = pcCUResidual->getCbAddr(); m_pcTrQuant->setQPforQuant ( pcCU->getQP( 0 ), !pcCU->getSlice()->getDepth(), pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType(), TEXT_CHROMA, pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQpBDOffsetC(), pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getChromaQpOffset() ); m_pcTrQuant->invRecurTransformNxN ( pcCU, 0, TEXT_CHROMA_U, pRes, 0, pcCUResidual->getCStride(), uiWidth, uiHeight, uiChromaTrMode, 0, piCoeff ); // chroma Cr piCoeff = pcCU->getCoeffCr(); pRes = pcCUResidual->getCrAddr(); m_pcTrQuant->invRecurTransformNxN ( pcCU, 0, TEXT_CHROMA_V, pRes, 0, pcCUResidual->getCStride(), uiWidth, uiHeight, uiChromaTrMode, 0, piCoeff ); //===== clear inter-view predicted parts ===== for( UInt uiPartIdx = 0; uiPartIdx < pcCU->getNumPartInter(); uiPartIdx++ ) { xClearIntViewResidual( pcCU, pcCUResidual, uiPartIdx ); } } Void TComResidualGenerator::xClearIntViewResidual( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUResidual, UInt uiPartIdx ) { UInt uiCurrViewId = pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getViewId(); if( uiCurrViewId ) { Int iWidth; Int iHeight; UInt uiAbsPartIdx; pcCU->getPartIndexAndSize( uiPartIdx, uiAbsPartIdx, iWidth, iHeight ); TComCUMvField* aiCurrMvField[2] = { pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ), pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) }; Int aiCurrRefIdx [2] = { aiCurrMvField[0]->getRefIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ), aiCurrMvField[1]->getRefIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ) }; Bool abCurrIntView[2] = { aiCurrRefIdx[0] >= 0 && pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, aiCurrRefIdx[0] )->getSPS()->getViewId() != uiCurrViewId, aiCurrRefIdx[1] >= 0 && pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, aiCurrRefIdx[1] )->getSPS()->getViewId() != uiCurrViewId }; Bool bUsesInterViewPrd = ( abCurrIntView[0] || abCurrIntView[1] ); if( bUsesInterViewPrd ) { //===== set resiudal to zero ===== xClearResidual( pcCUResidual, uiAbsPartIdx, (UInt)iWidth, (UInt)iHeight ); } } } Void TComResidualGenerator::xClearResidual( TComYuv* pcCUResidual, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight ) { // luma Pel* pSamplesY = pcCUResidual->getLumaAddr( uiAbsPartIdx ); Int iStrideY = pcCUResidual->getStride (); for( UInt uiY = 0; uiY < uiHeight; uiY++, pSamplesY += iStrideY ) { ::memset( pSamplesY, 0x00, uiWidth * sizeof( Pel ) ); } // chroma uiWidth >>= 1; uiHeight >>= 1; Pel* pSamplesU = pcCUResidual->getCbAddr ( uiAbsPartIdx ); Pel* pSamplesV = pcCUResidual->getCrAddr ( uiAbsPartIdx ); Int iStrideC = pcCUResidual->getCStride(); for( UInt uiY = 0; uiY < uiHeight; uiY++, pSamplesU += iStrideC, pSamplesV += iStrideC ) { ::memset( pSamplesU, 0x00, uiWidth * sizeof( Pel ) ); ::memset( pSamplesV, 0x00, uiWidth * sizeof( Pel ) ); } } #if H3D_NBDV Void TComResidualGenerator::xSetPredResidualBlock( TComPic* pcPic, UInt uiBaseViewId, UInt uiXPos, UInt uiYPos, UInt uiBlkWidth, UInt uiBlkHeight, TComYuv* pcYuv, TComMv iDisp ,UInt * puiXPosInRefView , UInt * puiYPosInRefView , Bool bRecon ) #else // H3D_NBDV Void TComResidualGenerator::xSetPredResidualBlock( TComPic* pcPic, UInt uiBaseViewId, UInt uiXPos, UInt uiYPos, UInt uiBlkWidth, UInt uiBlkHeight, TComYuv* pcYuv , UInt * puiXPosInRefView , UInt * puiYPosInRefView , Bool bRecon ) #endif // H3D_NBDV { //===== set and check some basic variables ===== AOF( pcYuv ); TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseViewId ); AOF( pcPic ); AOF( pcBasePic ); TComPicYuv* pcBaseRes = pcBasePic->getResidual (); TComPicYuv* pcPdmMap = pcPic ->getPredDepthMap(); AOF( pcBaseRes ); AOF( pcPdmMap ); UInt uiPicWidth = pcBaseRes->getWidth (); UInt uiPicHeight = pcBaseRes->getHeight(); AOT( uiXPos + uiBlkWidth > uiPicWidth ); AOT( uiYPos + uiBlkHeight > uiPicHeight ); //===== get disparity ===== #if H3D_NBDV Int iDisparity_y = iDisp.getVer(); Int iDisparity = iDisp.getHor(); #else //H3D_NBDV Int iMidPosX = Int( uiXPos + ( ( uiBlkWidth - 1 ) >> 1 ) ) >> m_pcDepthMapGenerator->getSubSampExpX(); Int iMidPosY = Int( uiYPos + ( ( uiBlkHeight - 1 ) >> 1 ) ) >> m_pcDepthMapGenerator->getSubSampExpY(); Int iDisparity = m_pcDepthMapGenerator->getDisparity( pcPic, iMidPosX, iMidPosY, uiBaseViewId ); #endif //H3D_NBDV //===== compensate luma ===== Int iYWidth = Int( uiBlkWidth ); Int iYHeight = Int( uiBlkHeight ); Int iYWeight1 = ( iDisparity & 3 ); Int iYWeight0 = 4 - iYWeight1; Int iYRefPosX0 = Int( uiXPos ) + ( iDisparity >> 2 ); Int iYRefPosX1 = iYRefPosX0 + 1; Int iYMaxPosY = Int( uiPicHeight ) - 1; Int iYWeight3 = ( iDisparity_y & 3 ); Int iYWeight2 = 4 - iYWeight3; Int iYRefPosY0 = Max( 0, Min( iYMaxPosY, Int( uiYPos ) + ( iDisparity_y >> 2 )) ); Int iYRefPosY1 = Max( 0, Min( iYMaxPosY, iYRefPosY0 + 1 )); Int iYMaxPosX = Int( uiPicWidth ) - 1; Int iSrcStrideY = pcBaseRes->getStride (); Int iDesStrideY = pcYuv ->getStride (); Pel* pSrcSamplesY0= pcBaseRes->getLumaAddr ( 0 ) + iYRefPosY0 * iSrcStrideY; Pel* pSrcSamplesY1= pcBaseRes->getLumaAddr ( 0 ) + iYRefPosY1 * iSrcStrideY; Pel* pDesSamplesY= pcYuv ->getLumaAddr (); if( puiXPosInRefView != NULL ) *puiXPosInRefView = Max( 0, Min( iYMaxPosX, iYRefPosX0 ) ); if( puiYPosInRefView != NULL ) *puiYPosInRefView = uiYPos; if( bRecon == false ) return; for( Int iY = 0; iY < iYHeight; iY++, pSrcSamplesY0 += iSrcStrideY, pSrcSamplesY1 += iSrcStrideY, pDesSamplesY += iDesStrideY ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iYWidth; iX++ ) { Int iXPic0 = Max( 0, Min( iYMaxPosX, iYRefPosX0 + iX ) ); Int iXPic1 = Max( 0, Min( iYMaxPosX, iYRefPosX1 + iX ) ); Pel Temp1,Temp2; Temp1 =( iYWeight0 * pSrcSamplesY0[iXPic0] + iYWeight1 * pSrcSamplesY0[iXPic1] + 2 ) >> 2; Temp2 =( iYWeight0 * pSrcSamplesY1[iXPic0] + iYWeight1 * pSrcSamplesY1[iXPic1] + 2 ) >> 2; pDesSamplesY[iX] = ( iYWeight2 * Temp1 + iYWeight3 * Temp2 + 2 ) >> 2; } } //===== compensate chroma ===== Int iCWidth = Int( uiBlkWidth >> 1 ); Int iCHeight = Int( uiBlkHeight >> 1 ); Int iCWeight1 = ( iDisparity & 7 ); Int iCWeight0 = 8 - iCWeight1; Int iCRefPosX0 = Int( uiXPos >> 1 ) + ( iDisparity >> 3 ); Int iCRefPosX1 = iCRefPosX0 + 1; Int iCMaxPosY = Int( uiPicHeight >> 1 ) - 1; Int iCWeight3 = ( iDisparity_y & 7 ); Int iCWeight2 = 8 - iCWeight3; Int iCRefPosY0 = Max( 0, Min( iCMaxPosY, Int( uiYPos >> 1 ) + ( iDisparity_y >> 3 )) ); Int iCRefPosY1 = Max( 0, Min( iCMaxPosY, iCRefPosY0 + 1 )); Int iCMaxPosX = Int( uiPicWidth >> 1 ) - 1; Int iSrcStrideC = pcBaseRes->getCStride(); Int iDesStrideC = pcYuv ->getCStride(); Pel* pSrcSamplesU0= pcBaseRes->getCbAddr ( 0 ) + iCRefPosY0 * iSrcStrideC; Pel* pSrcSamplesU1= pcBaseRes->getCbAddr ( 0 ) + iCRefPosY1 * iSrcStrideC; Pel* pSrcSamplesV0= pcBaseRes->getCrAddr ( 0 ) + iCRefPosY0 * iSrcStrideC; Pel* pSrcSamplesV1= pcBaseRes->getCrAddr ( 0 ) + iCRefPosY1 * iSrcStrideC; Pel* pDesSamplesU= pcYuv ->getCbAddr (); Pel* pDesSamplesV= pcYuv ->getCrAddr (); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iCHeight; iY++, pSrcSamplesU0 += iSrcStrideC, pSrcSamplesU1 += iSrcStrideC, pDesSamplesU += iDesStrideC, pSrcSamplesV0 += iSrcStrideC, pSrcSamplesV1 += iSrcStrideC, pDesSamplesV += iDesStrideC ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iCWidth; iX++ ) { Int iXPic0 = Max( 0, Min( iCMaxPosX, iCRefPosX0 + iX ) ); Int iXPic1 = Max( 0, Min( iCMaxPosX, iCRefPosX1 + iX ) ); Pel Temp1,Temp2; Temp1 =( iCWeight0 * pSrcSamplesU0[iXPic0] + iCWeight1 * pSrcSamplesU0[iXPic1] + 4 ) >> 3; Temp2 =( iCWeight0 * pSrcSamplesU1[iXPic0] + iCWeight1 * pSrcSamplesU1[iXPic1] + 4 ) >> 3; pDesSamplesU[iX] = ( iCWeight2 * Temp1 + iCWeight3 * Temp2 + 4 ) >> 3; Temp1 =( iCWeight0 * pSrcSamplesV0[iXPic0] + iCWeight1 * pSrcSamplesV0[iXPic1] + 4 ) >> 3; Temp2 =( iCWeight0 * pSrcSamplesV1[iXPic0] + iCWeight1 * pSrcSamplesV1[iXPic1] + 4 ) >> 3; pDesSamplesV[iX] = ( iCWeight2 * Temp1 + iCWeight3 * Temp2 + 4 ) >> 3; } } } Bool TComResidualGenerator::xIsNonZero( TComYuv* pcYuv, UInt uiBlkWidth, UInt uiBlkHeight ) { AOF( pcYuv ); //===== check luma ===== Int iYWidth = Int( uiBlkWidth ); Int iYHeight = Int( uiBlkHeight ); Int iStrideY = pcYuv->getStride (); Pel* pSamplesY = pcYuv->getLumaAddr (); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iYHeight; iY++, pSamplesY += iStrideY ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iYWidth; iX++ ) { ROTRS( pSamplesY[iX], true ); } } //===== compensate chroma ===== Int iCWidth = Int( uiBlkWidth >> 1 ); Int iCHeight = Int( uiBlkHeight >> 1 ); Int iStrideC = pcYuv->getCStride(); Pel* pSamplesU = pcYuv->getCbAddr (); Pel* pSamplesV = pcYuv->getCrAddr (); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iCHeight; iY++, pSamplesU += iStrideC, pSamplesV += iStrideC ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iCWidth; iX++ ) { ROTRS( pSamplesU[iX], true ); ROTRS( pSamplesV[iX], true ); } } return false; } Void TComResidualGenerator::xDumpResidual( TComPic* pcPic, char* pFilenameBase ) { AOF( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF( pcPic ); AOF( pFilenameBase ); AOF( m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth == 8 + g_uiBitIncrement ); // convert to output format (just clip high absolute values, since they are very unlikely) Int iMin = 0; Int iMax = ( 1 << m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth ) - 1; Int iMid = ( 1 << m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth ) >> 1; UInt uiViewId = pcPic ->getSPS ()->getViewId(); TComPicYuv* pcPicYuv = pcPic ->getResidual (); // luma Int iWidth = pcPicYuv->getWidth (); Int iHeight = pcPicYuv->getHeight (); Int iSrcStride = pcPicYuv->getStride (); Int iDstStride = m_cTmpPic.getStride (); Pel* pSrcSamples = pcPicYuv->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); Pel* pDstSamples = m_cTmpPic.getLumaAddr ( 0 ); AOF( m_cTmpPic.getWidth () == iWidth ); AOF( m_cTmpPic.getHeight() == iHeight ); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pSrcSamples += iSrcStride, pDstSamples += iDstStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++ ) { pDstSamples[ iX ] = Max( iMin, Min( iMax, iMid + pSrcSamples[ iX ] ) ); } } // chroma iWidth >>= 1; iHeight >>= 1; iSrcStride = pcPicYuv->getCStride(); iDstStride = m_cTmpPic.getCStride(); Pel* pSrcCb = pcPicYuv->getCbAddr ( 0 ); Pel* pSrcCr = pcPicYuv->getCrAddr ( 0 ); Pel* pDstCb = m_cTmpPic.getCbAddr ( 0 ); Pel* pDstCr = m_cTmpPic.getCrAddr ( 0 ); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pSrcCb += iSrcStride, pSrcCr += iSrcStride, pDstCb += iDstStride, pDstCr += iDstStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++ ) { pDstCb[ iX ] = Max( iMin, Min( iMax, iMid + pSrcCb[ iX ] ) ); pDstCr[ iX ] = Max( iMin, Min( iMax, iMid + pSrcCr[ iX ] ) ); } } // output Char acFilename[1024]; ::sprintf ( acFilename, "%s_V%d.yuv", pFilenameBase, uiViewId ); m_cTmpPic.dump( acFilename, ( pcPic->getPOC() != 0 ) ); } #endif // H3D_IVRP