/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TComDepthMapGenerator.cpp \brief depth map generator class */ #include "CommonDef.h" #include "TComDepthMapGenerator.h" #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION TComDepthMapGenerator::TComDepthMapGenerator() { m_bCreated = false; m_bInit = false; m_bDecoder = false; m_pcPrediction = 0; m_pcSPSAccess = 0; m_pcAUPicAccess = 0; m_uiMaxDepth = 0; m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth = 0; m_uiSubSampExpX = 0; m_uiSubSampExpY = 0; m_ppcYuv = 0; m_ppcCU = 0; } TComDepthMapGenerator::~TComDepthMapGenerator() { destroy (); uninit (); } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::create( Bool bDecoder, UInt uiPicWidth, UInt uiPicHeight, UInt uiMaxCUDepth, UInt uiMaxCUWidth, UInt uiMaxCUHeight, UInt uiOrgBitDepth, UInt uiSubSampExpX, UInt uiSubSampExpY ) { destroy(); m_bDecoder = bDecoder; m_uiMaxDepth = uiMaxCUDepth; m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth = uiOrgBitDepth; m_uiSubSampExpX = uiSubSampExpX; m_uiSubSampExpY = uiSubSampExpY; #if !QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 m_ppcYuv = new TComYuv* [ m_uiMaxDepth ]; m_ppcCU = new TComDataCU* [ m_uiMaxDepth ]; for( UInt uiDepth = 0; uiDepth < m_uiMaxDepth; uiDepth++ ) { UInt uiNumPart = 1 << ( ( m_uiMaxDepth - uiDepth ) << 1 ); UInt uiWidth = uiMaxCUWidth >> uiDepth; UInt uiHeight = uiMaxCUHeight >> uiDepth; m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ] = new TComYuv; m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ]->create( uiWidth >> m_uiSubSampExpX, uiHeight >> m_uiSubSampExpY ); m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ] = new TComDataCU; m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ]->create( uiNumPart, uiWidth, uiHeight, true, uiMaxCUWidth >> (uiMaxCUDepth - 1) ); } m_cTmpPic.create( uiPicWidth >> m_uiSubSampExpX, uiPicHeight >> m_uiSubSampExpY, uiMaxCUWidth >> m_uiSubSampExpX, uiMaxCUHeight >> m_uiSubSampExpY, uiMaxCUDepth ); xSetChroma( &m_cTmpPic, ( 1 << uiOrgBitDepth ) >> 1 ); #endif m_bCreated = true; } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::destroy() { if( m_bCreated ) { m_bCreated = false; #if !QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 for( UInt uiDepth = 0; uiDepth < m_uiMaxDepth; uiDepth++ ) { if( m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ] ) { m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ]->destroy(); delete m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ]; m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ] = 0; } if( m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ] ) { m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ]->destroy(); delete m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ]; m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ] = 0; } } delete [] m_ppcYuv; m_ppcYuv = 0; delete [] m_ppcCU; m_ppcCU = 0; m_cTmpPic.destroy(); #endif m_uiMaxDepth = 0; m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth = 0; m_uiSubSampExpX = 0; m_uiSubSampExpY = 0; m_bDecoder = false; } } #if VIDYO_VPS_INTEGRATION Void TComDepthMapGenerator::init( TComPrediction* pcPrediction, TComVPSAccess* pcVPSAccess, TComSPSAccess* pcSPSAccess, TComAUPicAccess* pcAUPicAccess ) #else Void TComDepthMapGenerator::init( TComPrediction* pcPrediction, TComSPSAccess* pcSPSAccess, TComAUPicAccess* pcAUPicAccess ) #endif { AOF( pcPrediction ); AOF( pcSPSAccess ); AOF( pcAUPicAccess ); uninit(); m_pcPrediction = pcPrediction; #if VIDYO_VPS_INTEGRATION m_pcVPSAccess = pcVPSAccess; #endif m_pcSPSAccess = pcSPSAccess; m_pcAUPicAccess = pcAUPicAccess; m_bInit = true; } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::uninit() { if( m_bInit ) { m_bInit = false; m_pcPrediction = 0; m_pcSPSAccess = 0; m_pcAUPicAccess = 0; } } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::initViewComponent( TComPic* pcPic ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( pcPic ); AOT ( pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() && !pcPic->getSPS()->isDepth() && pcPic->getPOC() && pcPic->getSPS()->getPredDepthMapGeneration() != m_pcSPSAccess->getPdm() ); m_bPDMAvailable = false; m_uiCurrViewId = pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId(); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE pcPic->setStoredPDMforV2(0); #endif // update SPS list and AU pic list and set depth map generator in SPS #if VIDYO_VPS_INTEGRATION m_pcVPSAccess ->addVPS( pcPic->getVPS() ); #endif m_pcSPSAccess ->addSPS( pcPic->getSPS() ); m_pcAUPicAccess->addPic( pcPic ); pcPic->getSPS()->setDepthMapGenerator( this ); // check whether we have depth data or don't use pred depth prediction ROFVS( pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() ); ROTVS( pcPic->getSPS()->isDepth () ); ROFVS( m_pcSPSAccess->getPdm () ); // set basic SPS parameters const Int iDisparityDir = 1; // 1 or -1, depending on the usage of disparity vectors TComSPS* pcSPS = pcPic->getSPS (); Int iVOI = pcSPS->getViewOrderIdx (); UInt uiPdmPrec = pcSPS->getPdmPrecision (); UInt uiCamPrec = pcSPS->getCamParPrecision (); Bool bInSlice = pcSPS->hasCamParInSliceHeader (); Int iScaleVOI01 = ( 1 << ( uiPdmPrec + PDM_INTER_CALC_SHIFT + PDM_VIRT_DEPTH_PRECISION - 2 ) ); // check availability of base views and set base id list std::vector aiAbsDeltaVOI; for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < m_uiCurrViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { TComSPS* pcBaseSPS = m_pcSPSAccess ->getSPS( uiBaseId ); TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseId ); AOF( pcBaseSPS != 0 && pcBasePic != 0 ); Int iDeltaVOI = iVOI - pcBaseSPS->getViewOrderIdx(); Int iAbsDeltaVOI = ( iDeltaVOI < 0 ? -iDeltaVOI : iDeltaVOI ); AOT( iAbsDeltaVOI == 0 ); aiAbsDeltaVOI.push_back( iAbsDeltaVOI ); } m_auiBaseIdList.clear(); while( (UInt)m_auiBaseIdList.size() < m_uiCurrViewId ) { Int iMinAbsDelta = MAX_INT; UInt uiNextBaseId = MAX_VIEW_NUM; for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < m_uiCurrViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { if( aiAbsDeltaVOI[ uiBaseId ] > 0 && aiAbsDeltaVOI[ uiBaseId ] <= iMinAbsDelta ) { iMinAbsDelta = aiAbsDeltaVOI[ uiBaseId ]; uiNextBaseId = uiBaseId; } } m_auiBaseIdList.push_back( uiNextBaseId ); aiAbsDeltaVOI[ uiNextBaseId ] = 0; } // check availability of prediction depth map if( m_uiCurrViewId ) { #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE UInt uiBaseVId = m_auiBaseIdList[0]; #else Bool bCheckVId1 = ( m_uiCurrViewId > 1 && m_auiBaseIdList[0] == 0 ); UInt uiBaseVId = ( bCheckVId1 ? 1 : m_auiBaseIdList[0] ); #endif TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseVId ); SliceType eSliceType = pcBasePic->getCurrSlice()->getSliceType(); Bool bNoRAPdm = ( pcPic->getSPS()->getPredDepthMapGeneration() == 1 ); m_bPDMAvailable = ( eSliceType != I_SLICE || !bNoRAPdm ); } // update disparity depth conversion parameters for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < m_uiCurrViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { TComSPS* pcBaseSPS = m_pcSPSAccess->getSPS( uiBaseId ); Int iBaseVOI = pcBaseSPS->getViewOrderIdx(); // disparity -> virtual depth Int iVNominator = ( 1 << PDM_LOG4_SCALE_DENOMINATOR ) + pcSPS->getPdmScaleNomDelta()[ uiBaseId ]; Int iVDiv = iVOI - iBaseVOI; Int iVAdd = ( iVDiv > 0 ? iVDiv / 2 : -iVDiv / 2 ); Int iVScalePred = ( iScaleVOI01 + iVAdd ) / iVDiv; Int iVShift = PDM_INTER_CALC_SHIFT; Int iVScale = Int( ( (Int64)iVNominator * (Int64)iVScalePred + (Int64)( ( 1 << PDM_LOG4_SCALE_DENOMINATOR ) >> 1 ) ) >> PDM_LOG4_SCALE_DENOMINATOR ); Int iVOffset = pcSPS->getPdmOffset()[ uiBaseId ] << PDM_OFFSET_SHIFT; m_aaiConvParsDisparity2VirtDepth[ uiBaseId ][ 0 ] = iDisparityDir * iVScale; m_aaiConvParsDisparity2VirtDepth[ uiBaseId ][ 1 ] = iDisparityDir * iVOffset + ( ( 1 << iVShift ) >> 1 ); m_aaiConvParsDisparity2VirtDepth[ uiBaseId ][ 2 ] = iVShift; // virtual depth -> disparity Int iVInvAdd = ( iVScale > 0 ? iVScale / 2 : -iVScale / 2 ); Int iVInvScale = Int( ( ( Int64( 1 ) << ( iVShift << 1 ) ) + iVInvAdd ) / Int64( iVScale ) ); Int iVInvOffset = Int( ( ( Int64( -iVOffset ) << iVShift ) + iVInvAdd ) / Int64( iVScale ) ); m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2Disparity[ uiBaseId ][ 0 ] = iDisparityDir * iVInvScale; m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2Disparity[ uiBaseId ][ 1 ] = iDisparityDir * iVInvOffset + ( ( 1 << iVShift ) >> 1 ); m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2Disparity[ uiBaseId ][ 2 ] = iVShift; // coded depth -> virtual depth Int iCScale = ( bInSlice ? pcPic->getCurrSlice()->getCodedScale () : pcSPS->getCodedScale () )[ uiBaseId ]; Int iCOffset = ( bInSlice ? pcPic->getCurrSlice()->getCodedOffset() : pcSPS->getCodedOffset() )[ uiBaseId ] << m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth; Int iCShift = m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth + uiCamPrec + 1 - 2; Int iCVShift = PDM_INTER_CALC_SHIFT; Int iTmpShift = iVShift + iCShift - iCVShift; AOF( iTmpShift >= 0 ) Int iCVScale = Int( ( Int64( iVScale ) * Int64( iCScale ) + Int64( ( 1 << iTmpShift ) >> 1 ) ) >> iTmpShift ); Int iCVOffset = Int( ( Int64( iVScale ) * Int64( iCOffset ) + Int64( ( 1 << iTmpShift ) >> 1 ) ) >> iTmpShift ); iTmpShift = iVShift - iCVShift; AOF( iTmpShift >= 0 ) iCVOffset += ( iVOffset + ( ( 1 << iTmpShift ) >> 1 ) ) >> iTmpShift; m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ uiBaseId ][ 0 ] = iCVScale; m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ uiBaseId ][ 1 ] = iCVOffset + ( ( 1 << iCVShift ) >> 1 ); m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ uiBaseId ][ 2 ] = iCVShift; // virtual depth -> coded depth Int iCVAdd = ( iCVScale > 0 ? iCVScale / 2 : -iCVScale / 2 ); Int iCVInvScale = Int( ( ( Int64( 1 ) << ( iCVShift << 1 ) ) + iCVAdd ) / Int64( iCVScale ) ); Int iCVInvOffset= Int( ( ( Int64( -iCVOffset ) << iCVShift ) + iCVAdd ) / Int64( iCVScale ) ); m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ uiBaseId ][ 0 ] = iCVInvScale; m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ uiBaseId ][ 1 ] = iCVInvOffset + ( ( 1 << iCVShift ) >> 1 ); m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ uiBaseId ][ 2 ] = iCVShift; } if( m_uiCurrViewId > 0 ) { UInt uiBaseId = 0; UInt uiBaseVOI = 0; // per definition Int iVNominator = ( 1 << PDM_LOG4_SCALE_DENOMINATOR ) + pcSPS->getPdmScaleNomDelta()[ uiBaseId ]; Int iVDiv = iVOI - uiBaseVOI; Int iVAdd = ( iVDiv > 0 ? iVDiv / 2 : -iVDiv / 2 ); Int iVScalePred = ( iScaleVOI01 + iVAdd ) / iVDiv; Int iVShift = PDM_INTER_CALC_SHIFT; Int iVScale = Int( ( (Int64)iVNominator * (Int64)iVScalePred + (Int64)( ( 1 << PDM_LOG4_SCALE_DENOMINATOR ) >> 1 ) ) >> PDM_LOG4_SCALE_DENOMINATOR ); Int iVOffset = pcSPS->getPdmOffset()[ uiBaseId ] << PDM_OFFSET_SHIFT; // coded depth -> virtual depth (current view) Int iCScale = ( bInSlice ? pcPic->getCurrSlice()->getInvCodedScale () : pcSPS->getInvCodedScale () )[ uiBaseId ]; Int iCOffset = ( bInSlice ? pcPic->getCurrSlice()->getInvCodedOffset() : pcSPS->getInvCodedOffset() )[ uiBaseId ] << m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth; Int iCShift = m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth + uiCamPrec + 1 - 2; Int iCVShift = PDM_INTER_CALC_SHIFT; Int iTmpShift = iVShift + iCShift - iCVShift; AOF( iTmpShift >= 0 ) Int iCVScale = Int( ( Int64( -iVScale ) * Int64( iCScale ) + Int64( ( 1 << iTmpShift ) >> 1 ) ) >> iTmpShift ); Int iCVOffset = Int( ( Int64( -iVScale ) * Int64( iCOffset ) + Int64( ( 1 << iTmpShift ) >> 1 ) ) >> iTmpShift ); iTmpShift = iVShift - iCVShift; AOF( iTmpShift >= 0 ) iCVOffset += ( iVOffset + ( ( 1 << iTmpShift ) >> 1 ) ) >> iTmpShift; m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 0 ] = iCVScale; m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 1 ] = iCVOffset + ( ( 1 << iCVShift ) >> 1 ); m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 2 ] = iCVShift; // virtual depth -> coded depth Int iCVAdd = ( iCVScale > 0 ? iCVScale / 2 : -iCVScale / 2 ); Int iCVInvScale = Int( ( ( Int64( 1 ) << ( iCVShift << 1 ) ) + iCVAdd ) / Int64( iCVScale ) ); Int iCVInvOffset= Int( ( ( Int64( -iCVOffset ) << iCVShift ) + iCVAdd ) / Int64( iCVScale ) ); m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 0 ] = iCVInvScale; m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 1 ] = iCVInvOffset + ( ( 1 << iCVShift ) >> 1 ); m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 2 ] = iCVShift; } else if( pcPic->getPOC() == 0 ) { // set dummy values m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 0 ] = 0; m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 1 ] = 0; m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 2 ] = 0; m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 0 ] = 0; m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 1 ] = 0; m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ m_uiCurrViewId ][ 2 ] = 0; } #if 0 // print out for debugging if( m_uiCurrViewId ) { printf( "\n\ninit slice of view %d (VOI=%2d):\n===============================\n", m_uiCurrViewId, iVOI ); { printf( "\n disparity -> virtual depth:\n" ); for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < m_uiCurrViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { Int* pP = m_aaiConvParsDisparity2VirtDepth[ uiBaseId ]; Double dF = 1.0 / Double( 1 << pP[ 2 ] ); Double dA = dF * Double( pP[ 0 ] ); Double dB = dF * Double( pP[ 1 ] - ( ( 1 << pP[ 2 ] ) >> 1 ) ); printf( " BId=%d: a = %10.4lf b = %10.4lf\n", uiBaseId, dA, dB ); } printf( "\n virtual depth -> disparity:\n" ); for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < m_uiCurrViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { Int* pP = m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2Disparity[ uiBaseId ]; Double dF = 1.0 / Double( 1 << pP[ 2 ] ); Double dA = dF * Double( pP[ 0 ] ); Double dB = dF * Double( pP[ 1 ] - ( ( 1 << pP[ 2 ] ) >> 1 ) ); printf( " BId=%d: a = %10.4lf b = %10.4lf\n", uiBaseId, dA, dB ); } printf( "\n original depth -> virtual depth:\n" ); for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId <= m_uiCurrViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { Int* pP = m_aaiConvParsOrigDepth2VirtDepth[ uiBaseId ]; Double dF = 1.0 / Double( 1 << pP[ 2 ] ); Double dA = dF * Double( pP[ 0 ] ); Double dB = dF * Double( pP[ 1 ] - ( ( 1 << pP[ 2 ] ) >> 1 ) ); printf( " VId=%d: a = %10.4lf b = %10.4lf\n", uiBaseId, dA, dB ); } printf( "\n virtual depth -> original depth:\n" ); for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId <= m_uiCurrViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { Int* pP = m_aaiConvParsVirtDepth2OrigDepth[ uiBaseId ]; Double dF = 1.0 / Double( 1 << pP[ 2 ] ); Double dA = dF * Double( pP[ 0 ] ); Double dB = dF * Double( pP[ 1 ] - ( ( 1 << pP[ 2 ] ) >> 1 ) ); printf( " VId=%d: a = %10.4lf b = %10.4lf\n", uiBaseId, dA, dB ); } printf( "\n" ); } } #endif } #if !QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 Bool TComDepthMapGenerator::predictDepthMap( TComPic* pcPic ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( pcPic ); ROTRS( pcPic->getSPS()->isDepth(), true ); ROFRS( m_pcSPSAccess->getPdm(), true ); AOF ( pcPic->getPredDepthMap() ); AOF ( pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); #if PDM_OUTPUT_PRED_DEPTH_MAP Char acFilenameBase[1024]; ::sprintf( acFilenameBase, "PDM_%s_Prd", ( m_bDecoder ? "Dec" : "Enc" ) ); #endif Bool bUndefined = true; if( m_uiCurrViewId ) { AOF( m_auiBaseIdList.size() ); UInt uiBaseId = m_auiBaseIdList[ 0 ]; TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseId ); AOF( pcBasePic ); if( m_uiCurrViewId == 1 ) { if( pcBasePic->getPOC() == 0 ) { pcBasePic->removePrdDepthMapBuffer(); pcBasePic->addPrdDepthMapBuffer( PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_X(m_pcSPSAccess->getPdm()), PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_Y(m_pcSPSAccess->getPdm()) ); xClearDepthMap( pcBasePic ); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE xClearDepthMap( pcBasePic, PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH, 1 ); #endif } #if PDM_OUTPUT_PRED_DEPTH_MAP dumpDepthMap( pcBasePic, acFilenameBase ); #endif } Bool bLoadDepth = ( m_pcSPSAccess->getPdm() == 2 ); if( m_pcSPSAccess->getPdm() > 2 ) { bLoadDepth = ( pcBasePic->getCurrSlice()->getSliceType() == I_SLICE ); } if( bLoadDepth) { // load coded depth of base view TComPic* pcBaseDepth = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseId, true ); AOF( pcBaseDepth ); AOF( pcBaseDepth->getPicYuvRec() ); AOF( pcBaseDepth->getPicYuvRec()->getWidth () == pcBasePic->getPredDepthMap()->getWidth () ); AOF( pcBaseDepth->getPicYuvRec()->getHeight() == pcBasePic->getPredDepthMap()->getHeight() ); Int iWidth = pcBasePic ->getPredDepthMap()->getWidth (); Int iHeight = pcBasePic ->getPredDepthMap()->getHeight (); Int iDesStride = pcBasePic ->getPredDepthMap()->getStride (); Int iSrcStride = pcBaseDepth->getPicYuvRec ()->getStride (); Pel* pDesSamples = pcBasePic ->getPredDepthMap()->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); Pel* pSrcSamples = pcBaseDepth->getPicYuvRec ()->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pSrcSamples += iSrcStride, pDesSamples += iDesStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++ ) { pDesSamples[ iX ] = xGetVirtDepthFromOrigDepth( uiBaseId, pSrcSamples[ iX ] ); } } } // convert depth of base view to current view bUndefined = xConvertDepthMapRef2Curr( pcPic, pcBasePic ); #if PDM_OUTPUT_PRED_DEPTH_MAP dumpDepthMap( pcPic, acFilenameBase ); #endif } else { xClearDepthMap( pcPic ); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE xClearDepthMap( pcPic, PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH, 1 ); #endif } return bUndefined; } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::updateDepthMap( TComPic* pcPic ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( pcPic ); ROTVS( pcPic->getSPS()->isDepth() ); ROFVS( m_pcSPSAccess->getPdm() == 1 || m_pcSPSAccess->getPdm() == 3 ); AOF ( pcPic->getPredDepthMap() ); AOF ( pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); #if PDM_OUTPUT_PRED_DEPTH_MAP Char acFilenameBase[1024]; ::sprintf( acFilenameBase, "PDM_%s_Upd", ( m_bDecoder ? "Dec" : "Enc" ) ); #endif // predict depth map using current coding symbols #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE pcPic->setStoredPDMforV2(0); xPredictDepthMap( pcPic ); if(m_uiCurrViewId==0) { pcPic->setStoredPDMforV2(1); xPredictDepthMap( pcPic ); pcPic->setStoredPDMforV2(0); } #else xPredictDepthMap( pcPic ); #if PDM_OUTPUT_PRED_DEPTH_MAP if( m_uiCurrViewId ) { dumpDepthMap( pcPic, acFilenameBase ); } #endif #endif // generate base depth map if( m_uiCurrViewId == 1 ) { TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( 0 ); AOF( pcBasePic ); xConvertDepthMapCurr2Ref( pcBasePic, pcPic ); #if PDM_OUTPUT_PRED_DEPTH_MAP dumpDepthMap( pcBasePic, acFilenameBase ); #endif } #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if( m_uiCurrViewId == 2 ) { TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( 0 ); AOF( pcBasePic ); xConvertDepthMapCurr2Ref( pcBasePic, pcPic ); #if PDM_OUTPUT_PRED_DEPTH_MAP dumpDepthMap( pcBasePic, acFilenameBase ); #endif } #endif } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::dumpDepthMap( TComPic* pcPic, char* pFilenameBase ) { AOF( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF( pcPic ); AOF( pFilenameBase ); AOF( m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth == 8 + g_uiBitIncrement ); AOF( pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId() <= m_uiCurrViewId ); // convert to output format Int iMax = ( 1 << m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth ) - 1; UInt uiViewId = pcPic->getSPS()->getViewId(); TComPicYuv* pcPicYuv = pcPic->getPredDepthMap(); Int iWidth = pcPicYuv->getWidth (); Int iHeight = pcPicYuv->getHeight (); Int iSrcStride = pcPicYuv->getStride (); Int iDstStride = m_cTmpPic.getStride (); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if(pcPic->getStoredPDMforV2()) pcPicYuv = pcPic->getPredDepthMapTemp(); #endif Pel* pSrcSamples = pcPicYuv->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); Pel* pDstSamples = m_cTmpPic.getLumaAddr ( 0 ); Int iMidOrgDpth = ( 1 << m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth ) >> 1; AOF( m_cTmpPic.getWidth () == iWidth ); AOF( m_cTmpPic.getHeight() == iHeight ); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pSrcSamples += iSrcStride, pDstSamples += iDstStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++ ) { Int iOrgDepth = ( pSrcSamples[ iX ] != PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH ? xGetOrigDepthFromVirtDepth( uiViewId, pSrcSamples[ iX ] ) : iMidOrgDpth ); pDstSamples[ iX ] = Max( 0, Min( iMax, iOrgDepth ) ); } } // output Char acFilename[1024]; ::sprintf ( acFilename, "%s_V%d.yuv", pFilenameBase, uiViewId ); m_cTmpPic.dump( acFilename, ( pcPic->getPOC() != 0 ) ); } #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED Void TComDepthMapGenerator::covertOrgDepthMap( TComPic* pcPic ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( pcPic ); ROFVS( pcPic->getOrgDepthMap() ); AOF ( pcPic->getViewId() ); UInt uiBaseId = pcPic->getViewId(); Int iWidth = pcPic->getOrgDepthMap()->getWidth (); Int iHeight = pcPic->getOrgDepthMap()->getHeight (); Int iStride = pcPic->getOrgDepthMap()->getStride (); Pel* pSamples = pcPic->getOrgDepthMap()->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pSamples += iStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++ ) { pSamples[ iX ] = xGetVirtDepthFromOrigDepth( uiBaseId, pSamples[ iX ] ); } } } #endif Int TComDepthMapGenerator::getDisparity( TComPic* pcPic, Int iPosX, Int iPosY, UInt uiRefViewId ) { AOF( pcPic ); AOF( pcPic->getPredDepthMap() ); AOF( iPosX >= 0 && iPosX < pcPic->getPredDepthMap()->getWidth () ); AOF( iPosY >= 0 && iPosY < pcPic->getPredDepthMap()->getHeight() ); Pel* piPdmMap = pcPic->getPredDepthMap()->getLumaAddr( 0 ); Int iStride = pcPic->getPredDepthMap()->getStride (); Int iPrdDepth = piPdmMap[ iPosX + iPosY * iStride ]; Int iDisparity = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( uiRefViewId, iPrdDepth ); return iDisparity; } #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED #if QC_AMVP_MRG_UNIFY_IVCAN_C0051 Bool TComDepthMapGenerator::getPdmCandidate(TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, Int* paiPdmRefIdx, TComMv* pacPdmMv, DisInfo* pDInfo, Int* iPdm, Bool bMerge ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); TComSlice* pcSlice = pcCU->getSlice (); TComSPS* pcSPS = pcSlice->getSPS(); AOF ( pcSPS->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); TComPic* pcRefPic = pcSlice->getRefPic( eRefPicList, iRefIdx ); UInt uiRefViewId = pcRefPic->getSPS()->getViewId(); Bool bInterview = ( uiRefViewId < m_uiCurrViewId ); Bool bPdmIView = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_IVIEW ) == PDM_USE_FOR_IVIEW ); Bool bPdmInter = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_INTER ) == PDM_USE_FOR_INTER ); Bool bPdmMerge = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ) == PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ); if(!bMerge) { ROTRS( ( bInterview && !bMerge ) && !bPdmIView, false ); ROTRS( (!bInterview && !bMerge ) && !bPdmInter, false ); ROTRS( bMerge && !bPdmMerge, false ); } else ROTRS( !bPdmMerge, 0 ); #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 Bool abPdmAvailable[4] = {false, false, false, false}; #else Bool abPdmAvailable[2] = {false,false}; #endif Int iValid = 0; Int iViewId = 0; for( UInt uiBId = 0; uiBId < m_uiCurrViewId && iValid==0; uiBId++ ) { UInt uiBaseId = m_auiBaseIdList[ uiBId ]; TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseId ); for( Int iRefListId = 0; iRefListId < 2 && iValid==0; iRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eRefPicListTest = RefPicList( iRefListId ); Int iNumRefPics = pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( eRefPicListTest ) ; for( Int iRefIndex = 0; iRefIndex < iNumRefPics; iRefIndex++ ) { if(pcBasePic->getPOC() == pcSlice->getRefPic( eRefPicListTest, iRefIndex )->getPOC() && pcBasePic->getViewId() == pcSlice->getRefPic( eRefPicListTest, iRefIndex )->getViewId()) { iValid=1; iViewId = uiBaseId; break; } } } } if (iValid == 0) return false; //--- get base CU/PU and check prediction mode --- TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( iViewId ); TComPicYuv* pcBaseRec = pcBasePic->getPicYuvRec (); if(bMerge || !bInterview) { #if QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 Int iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY; UInt uiPartAddr; Int iWidth; Int iHeight; pcCU->getPartIndexAndSize( uiPartIdx, uiPartAddr, iWidth, iHeight ); pcBaseRec->getTopLeftSamplePos( pcCU->getAddr(), pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiPartAddr, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY ); iCurrPosX += ( ( iWidth - 1 ) >> 1 ); iCurrPosY += ( ( iHeight - 1 ) >> 1 ); Int iBasePosX = Clip3( 0, pcBaseRec->getWidth () - 1, iCurrPosX + ( (pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0].getHor() + 2 ) >> 2 ) ); Int iBasePosY = Clip3( 0, pcBaseRec->getHeight() - 1, iCurrPosY + ( (pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0].getVer() + 2 ) >> 2 )); Int iBaseCUAddr; Int iBaseAbsPartIdx; pcBaseRec->getCUAddrAndPartIdx( iBasePosX , iBasePosY , iBaseCUAddr, iBaseAbsPartIdx ); #else Int iPrdDepth, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY; Bool bAvailable = xGetPredDepth( pcCU, uiPartIdx, iPrdDepth, &iCurrPosX, &iCurrPosY ); AOF( bAvailable ); TComPicYuv* pcBasePdm = pcBasePic->getPredDepthMap(); Int iDisparity = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( iViewId, iPrdDepth ); Int iShiftX = m_uiSubSampExpX + 2; Int iAddX = ( 1 << iShiftX ) >> 1; Int iBasePosX = Clip3( 0, pcBasePdm->getWidth () - 1, iCurrPosX + ( ( iDisparity + iAddX ) >> iShiftX ) ); Int iBasePosY = Clip3( 0, pcBasePdm->getHeight() - 1, iCurrPosY ); Int iBaseCUAddr; Int iBaseAbsPartIdx; pcBaseRec->getCUAddrAndPartIdx( iBasePosX<< m_uiSubSampExpX , iBasePosY<< m_uiSubSampExpY , iBaseCUAddr, iBaseAbsPartIdx ); #endif TComDataCU* pcBaseCU = pcBasePic->getCU( iBaseCUAddr ); if( pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) == MODE_INTER || pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) == MODE_SKIP ) { for( UInt uiCurrRefListId = 0; uiCurrRefListId < 2; uiCurrRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eCurrRefPicList = RefPicList( uiCurrRefListId ); if(!bMerge && eCurrRefPicList != eRefPicList) continue; Bool bLoop_stop = false; for(Int iLoop = 0; iLoop < 2 && !bLoop_stop; ++iLoop) { RefPicList eBaseRefPicList = (iLoop ==1)? RefPicList( 1 - uiCurrRefListId ) : RefPicList( uiCurrRefListId ); TComMvField cBaseMvField; pcBaseCU->getMvField( pcBaseCU, iBaseAbsPartIdx, eBaseRefPicList, cBaseMvField ); Int iBaseRefIdx = cBaseMvField.getRefIdx(); if (iBaseRefIdx >= 0) { Int iBaseRefPOC = pcBaseCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC(eBaseRefPicList, iBaseRefIdx); if (iBaseRefPOC != pcSlice->getPOC()) { for (Int iPdmRefIdx = (bMerge?0: iRefIdx); iPdmRefIdx < (bMerge? pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( eCurrRefPicList ): (iRefIdx+1)); iPdmRefIdx++) { if (iBaseRefPOC == pcSlice->getRefPOC(eCurrRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx)) { abPdmAvailable[ uiCurrRefListId ] = true; TComMv cMv(cBaseMvField.getHor(), cBaseMvField.getVer()); #if LGE_DVMCP_A0126 if( bMerge ) { cMv.m_bDvMcp = true; cMv.m_iDvMcpDispX = pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0].getHor(); } #endif pcCU->clipMv( cMv ); if(bMerge) { paiPdmRefIdx [ uiCurrRefListId ] = iPdmRefIdx; pacPdmMv [ uiCurrRefListId ] = cMv; bLoop_stop = true; break; }else { pacPdmMv [0] = cMv; return true; } } } } } } } } if( bMerge ) iPdm[0] = ( abPdmAvailable[0] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( abPdmAvailable[1] ? 2 : 0 ); } if(bMerge || bInterview) { for( Int iRefListId = 0; iRefListId < 2 ; iRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eRefPicListDMV = RefPicList( iRefListId ); Int iNumRefPics = pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( eRefPicListDMV ); for( Int iPdmRefIdx = (bMerge ? 0: iRefIdx); iPdmRefIdx < (bMerge ? iNumRefPics: (iRefIdx+1) ); iPdmRefIdx++ ) { if( pcSlice->getRefPOC( eRefPicListDMV, iPdmRefIdx ) == pcSlice->getPOC()) { #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 abPdmAvailable[ iRefListId+2 ] = true; paiPdmRefIdx [ iRefListId+2 ] = iPdmRefIdx; #else abPdmAvailable[ iRefListId ] = true; paiPdmRefIdx [ iRefListId ] = iPdmRefIdx; #endif #if QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 TComMv cMv = pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0]; cMv.setVer(0); #else TComMv cMv(iDisparity, 0); #endif pcCU->clipMv( cMv ); #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 pacPdmMv [ iRefListId + 2] = cMv; #else pacPdmMv [ iRefListId ] = cMv; #endif if(bMerge) break; else { pacPdmMv [0] = cMv; return true; } } } } #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 iPdm[1] = ( abPdmAvailable[2] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( abPdmAvailable[3] ? 2 : 0 ); #else iPdmInterDir = ( abPdmAvailable[0] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( abPdmAvailable[1] ? 2 : 0 ) ; } #endif } return false; } #else #if QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 Int TComDepthMapGenerator::getPdmMergeCandidate( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, Int* paiPdmRefIdx, TComMv* pacPdmMv, DisInfo* pDInfo #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 , Int* iPdm #endif ) #else Int TComDepthMapGenerator::getPdmMergeCandidate( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, Int* paiPdmRefIdx, TComMv* pacPdmMv ) #endif { #if MTK_INTERVIEW_MERGE_A0049 AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); #if !QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 ROFRS( m_bPDMAvailable, 0 ); #endif TComSlice* pcSlice = pcCU->getSlice (); TComSPS* pcSPS = pcSlice->getSPS(); AOF ( pcSPS->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); Bool bPdmMerge = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ) == PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ); ROTRS( !bPdmMerge, 0 ); #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 Bool abPdmAvailable[4] = {false, false, false, false}; #else Bool abPdmAvailable[2] = {false,false}; #endif Int iValid = 0; Int iViewId = 0; for( UInt uiBId = 0; uiBId < m_uiCurrViewId && iValid==0; uiBId++ ) { UInt uiBaseId = m_auiBaseIdList[ uiBId ]; TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseId ); for( Int iRefListId = 0; iRefListId < 2 && iValid==0; iRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eRefPicListTest = RefPicList( iRefListId ); Int iNumRefPics = pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( eRefPicListTest ) ; for( Int iRefIndex = 0; iRefIndex < iNumRefPics; iRefIndex++ ) { if(pcBasePic->getPOC() == pcSlice->getRefPic( eRefPicListTest, iRefIndex )->getPOC() && pcBasePic->getViewId() == pcSlice->getRefPic( eRefPicListTest, iRefIndex )->getViewId()) { iValid=1; iViewId = uiBaseId; break; } } } } if (iValid == 0) return 0; //--- get base CU/PU and check prediction mode --- TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( iViewId ); TComPicYuv* pcBaseRec = pcBasePic->getPicYuvRec (); #if QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 Int iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY; UInt uiPartAddr; Int iWidth; Int iHeight; pcCU->getPartIndexAndSize( uiPartIdx, uiPartAddr, iWidth, iHeight ); pcBaseRec->getTopLeftSamplePos( pcCU->getAddr(), pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiPartAddr, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY ); iCurrPosX += ( ( iWidth - 1 ) >> 1 ); iCurrPosY += ( ( iHeight - 1 ) >> 1 ); Int iBasePosX = Clip3( 0, pcBaseRec->getWidth () - 1, iCurrPosX + ( (pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0].getHor() + 2 ) >> 2 ) ); Int iBasePosY = Clip3( 0, pcBaseRec->getHeight() - 1, iCurrPosY + ( (pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0].getVer() + 2 ) >> 2 )); Int iBaseCUAddr; Int iBaseAbsPartIdx; pcBaseRec->getCUAddrAndPartIdx( iBasePosX , iBasePosY , iBaseCUAddr, iBaseAbsPartIdx ); #else Int iPrdDepth, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY; Bool bAvailable = xGetPredDepth( pcCU, uiPartIdx, iPrdDepth, &iCurrPosX, &iCurrPosY ); AOF( bAvailable ); TComPicYuv* pcBasePdm = pcBasePic->getPredDepthMap(); Int iDisparity = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( iViewId, iPrdDepth ); Int iShiftX = m_uiSubSampExpX + 2; Int iAddX = ( 1 << iShiftX ) >> 1; Int iBasePosX = Clip3( 0, pcBasePdm->getWidth () - 1, iCurrPosX + ( ( iDisparity + iAddX ) >> iShiftX ) ); Int iBasePosY = Clip3( 0, pcBasePdm->getHeight() - 1, iCurrPosY ); Int iBaseCUAddr; Int iBaseAbsPartIdx; pcBaseRec->getCUAddrAndPartIdx( iBasePosX<< m_uiSubSampExpX , iBasePosY<< m_uiSubSampExpY , iBaseCUAddr, iBaseAbsPartIdx ); #endif TComDataCU* pcBaseCU = pcBasePic->getCU( iBaseCUAddr ); if( pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) == MODE_INTER || pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) == MODE_SKIP ) { for( UInt uiBaseRefListId = 0; uiBaseRefListId < 2; uiBaseRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eBaseRefPicList = RefPicList( uiBaseRefListId ); TComMvField cBaseMvField; pcBaseCU->getMvField( pcBaseCU, iBaseAbsPartIdx, eBaseRefPicList, cBaseMvField ); Int iBaseRefIdx = cBaseMvField.getRefIdx(); if (iBaseRefIdx >= 0) { Int iBaseRefPOC = pcBaseCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC(eBaseRefPicList, iBaseRefIdx); if (iBaseRefPOC != pcSlice->getPOC()) { for (Int iPdmRefIdx = 0; iPdmRefIdx < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( eBaseRefPicList ); iPdmRefIdx++) { if (iBaseRefPOC == pcSlice->getRefPOC(eBaseRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx)) { abPdmAvailable[ uiBaseRefListId ] = true; paiPdmRefIdx [ uiBaseRefListId ] = iPdmRefIdx; TComMv cMv(cBaseMvField.getHor(), cBaseMvField.getVer()); #if LGE_DVMCP_A0126 cMv.m_bDvMcp = true; cMv.m_iDvMcpDispX = pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0].getHor(); #endif pcCU->clipMv( cMv ); pacPdmMv [ uiBaseRefListId ] = cMv; break; } } } } } } Int iPdmInterDir = ( abPdmAvailable[0] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( abPdmAvailable[1] ? 2 : 0 ); #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 iPdm[0] = iPdmInterDir; #else if (iPdmInterDir == 0) { #endif for( Int iRefListId = 0; iRefListId < 2 ; iRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eRefPicList = RefPicList( iRefListId ); Int iNumRefPics = pcSlice->getNumRefIdx( eRefPicList ); for( Int iPdmRefIdx = 0; iPdmRefIdx < iNumRefPics; iPdmRefIdx++ ) { if( pcSlice->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx ) == pcSlice->getPOC()) { #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 abPdmAvailable[ iRefListId+2 ] = true; paiPdmRefIdx [ iRefListId+2 ] = iPdmRefIdx; #else abPdmAvailable[ iRefListId ] = true; paiPdmRefIdx [ iRefListId ] = iPdmRefIdx; #endif #if QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 TComMv cMv = pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0]; cMv.setVer(0); #else TComMv cMv(iDisparity, 0); #endif pcCU->clipMv( cMv ); #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 pacPdmMv [ iRefListId + 2] = cMv; #else pacPdmMv [ iRefListId ] = cMv; #endif break; } } } #if QC_MRG_CANS_B0048 iPdmInterDir = ( abPdmAvailable[2] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( abPdmAvailable[3] ? 2 : 0 ) ; iPdm[1] = iPdmInterDir; #else iPdmInterDir = ( abPdmAvailable[0] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( abPdmAvailable[1] ? 2 : 0 ) ; } #endif return iPdmInterDir; #else Int iMaxNumInterPics = 1; Int iMaxNumAllPics = 2; // inter-only Bool abPdmAvailable[2] = {false,false}; for( Int iRefListId = 0; iRefListId < 2; iRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eRefPicList = RefPicList( iRefListId ); Int iNumRefPics = pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( eRefPicList ); TComMv cMv; for( Int iPdmRefIdx = 0, iInterPics = 0; iPdmRefIdx < iNumRefPics && iInterPics < iMaxNumInterPics; iPdmRefIdx++ ) { if( pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx ) != pcCU->getSlice()->getPOC() ) { #if QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 if( getDisCanPdmMvPred (pcCU, uiPartIdx, eRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx, cMv, pDInfo, true ) ) #else if( getPdmMvPred( pcCU, uiPartIdx, eRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx, cMv, true ) ) #endif { pcCU->clipMv( cMv ); abPdmAvailable[ iRefListId ] = true; paiPdmRefIdx [ iRefListId ] = iPdmRefIdx; pacPdmMv [ iRefListId ] = cMv; break; } iInterPics++; } } } Int iPdmInterDir = ( abPdmAvailable[0] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( abPdmAvailable[1] ? 2 : 0 ); if( 0==iPdmInterDir ) { // check all, including inter view references for( Int iRefListId = 0; iRefListId < 2; iRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eRefPicList = RefPicList( iRefListId ); Int iNumRefPics = Min( iMaxNumAllPics, pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( eRefPicList ) ); TComMv cMv; for( Int iPdmRefIdx = 0; iPdmRefIdx < iNumRefPics; iPdmRefIdx++ ) { #if QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 if ( getDisCanPdmMvPred (pcCU, uiPartIdx, eRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx, cMv, pDInfo, true ) ) #else if( getPdmMvPred( pcCU, uiPartIdx, eRefPicList, iPdmRefIdx, cMv, true ) ) #endif { pcCU->clipMv( cMv ); abPdmAvailable[ iRefListId ] = true; paiPdmRefIdx [ iRefListId ] = iPdmRefIdx; pacPdmMv [ iRefListId ] = cMv; break; } } } iPdmInterDir = ( abPdmAvailable[0] ? 1 : 0 ) + ( abPdmAvailable[1] ? 2 : 0 ); } return iPdmInterDir; #endif } #if QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 Bool TComDepthMapGenerator::getDisCanPdmMvPred ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, TComMv& rcMv, DisInfo* pDInfo, Bool bMerge ) { #if LGE_DVMCP_A0126 rcMv.m_bDvMcp = false; #endif AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( iRefIdx >= 0 ); AOF ( pcCU ); //ROFRS( m_bPDMAvailable, false ); TComSlice* pcSlice = pcCU->getSlice (); TComSPS* pcSPS = pcSlice->getSPS(); AOF ( pcSPS->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); TComPic* pcRefPic = pcSlice->getRefPic( eRefPicList, iRefIdx ); UInt uiRefViewId = pcRefPic->getSPS()->getViewId(); Int iRefPoc = pcRefPic->getPOC(); Bool bInterview = ( uiRefViewId < m_uiCurrViewId ); AOT( bInterview && iRefPoc != pcSlice->getPOC() ); AOT( !bInterview && iRefPoc == pcSlice->getPOC() ); Bool bPdmIView = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_IVIEW ) == PDM_USE_FOR_IVIEW ); Bool bPdmInter = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_INTER ) == PDM_USE_FOR_INTER ); Bool bPdmMerge = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ) == PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ); ROTRS( ( bInterview && !bMerge ) && !bPdmIView, false ); ROTRS( (!bInterview && !bMerge ) && !bPdmInter, false ); ROTRS( bMerge && !bPdmMerge, false ); Int iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY; TComMv cDisMv; if( bInterview ) { rcMv = pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0]; rcMv.setVer(0); return true; } for( UInt uiBId = 0; uiBId < m_uiCurrViewId; uiBId++ ) { UInt uiBaseId = uiBId; //m_auiBaseIdList[ uiBId ]; if (m_uiCurrViewId >1 && uiBaseId ==1 ) continue; TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseId ); TComPicYuv* pcBaseRec = pcBasePic->getPicYuvRec (); UInt uiPartAddr; Int iWidth; Int iHeight; pcCU->getPartIndexAndSize( uiPartIdx, uiPartAddr, iWidth, iHeight ); pcBaseRec->getTopLeftSamplePos( pcCU->getAddr(), pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiPartAddr, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY ); iCurrPosX += ( ( iWidth - 1 ) >> 1 ); iCurrPosY += ( ( iHeight - 1 ) >> 1 ); Int iBasePosX = Clip3( 0, pcBaseRec->getWidth () - 1, iCurrPosX + ( (pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0].getHor() + 2 ) >> 2 ) ); Int iBasePosY = Clip3( 0, pcBaseRec->getHeight() - 1, iCurrPosY + ( (pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0].getVer() + 2 ) >> 2 )); Int iBaseCUAddr; Int iBaseAbsPartIdx; pcBaseRec->getCUAddrAndPartIdx( iBasePosX , iBasePosY , iBaseCUAddr, iBaseAbsPartIdx ); TComDataCU* pcBaseCU = pcBasePic->getCU( iBaseCUAddr ); if( pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) != MODE_INTER && pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) != MODE_SKIP ) { continue; } for( UInt uiBaseRefListId = 0; uiBaseRefListId < 2; uiBaseRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eBaseRefPicList = RefPicList( uiBaseRefListId ); TComMvField cBaseMvField; pcBaseCU->getMvField( pcBaseCU, iBaseAbsPartIdx, eBaseRefPicList, cBaseMvField ); Int iBaseRefIdx = cBaseMvField.getRefIdx(); Int iBaseRefPoc = ( iBaseRefIdx >= 0 ? pcBaseCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( eBaseRefPicList, iBaseRefIdx )->getPOC() : -(1<<30) ); if( iBaseRefIdx >= 0 && iBaseRefPoc == iRefPoc ) { rcMv.set( cBaseMvField.getHor(), cBaseMvField.getVer() ); #if LGE_DVMCP_A0126 // save disparity vector when a merge candidate for IVMP is set as DV-MCP if( bMerge ) { rcMv.m_bDvMcp = true; rcMv.m_iDvMcpDispX = pDInfo->m_acMvCand[0].getHor(); } else { // AMVP ? rcMv.m_bDvMcp = false; } #endif return true; } } } return false; } #else Bool TComDepthMapGenerator::getPdmMvPred( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, TComMv& rcMv, Bool bMerge ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( iRefIdx >= 0 ); AOF ( pcCU ); ROFRS( m_bPDMAvailable, false ); TComSlice* pcSlice = pcCU->getSlice (); TComPic* pcPic = pcCU->getPic (); TComSPS* pcSPS = pcSlice->getSPS(); AOF ( pcPic->getPredDepthMap() ); AOF ( pcSPS->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); TComPic* pcRefPic = pcSlice->getRefPic( eRefPicList, iRefIdx ); UInt uiRefViewId = pcRefPic->getSPS()->getViewId(); Int iRefPoc = pcRefPic->getPOC(); Bool bInterview = ( uiRefViewId < m_uiCurrViewId ); AOT( bInterview && iRefPoc != pcSlice->getPOC() ); AOT( !bInterview && iRefPoc == pcSlice->getPOC() ); Bool bPdmIView = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_IVIEW ) == PDM_USE_FOR_IVIEW ); Bool bPdmInter = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_INTER ) == PDM_USE_FOR_INTER ); Bool bPdmMerge = ( ( pcSPS->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ) == PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ); ROTRS( ( bInterview && !bMerge ) && !bPdmIView, false ); ROTRS( (!bInterview && !bMerge ) && !bPdmInter, false ); ROTRS( bMerge && !bPdmMerge, false ); //===== get predicted depth for middle position of current PU ===== Int iPrdDepth, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY; Bool bAvailable = xGetPredDepth( pcCU, uiPartIdx, iPrdDepth, &iCurrPosX, &iCurrPosY ); AOF( bAvailable ); //===== inter-view motion vector prediction ===== if( bInterview ) { Int iDisparity = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( uiRefViewId, iPrdDepth ); rcMv.set ( iDisparity, 0 ); return true; } //===== inter motion vector prediction ===== for( UInt uiBId = 0; uiBId < m_uiCurrViewId; uiBId++ ) { //--- get base CU/PU and check prediction mode --- UInt uiBaseId = m_auiBaseIdList[ uiBId ]; #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if( uiBaseId != 0) continue; #endif TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseId ); TComPicYuv* pcBasePdm = pcBasePic->getPredDepthMap(); TComPicYuv* pcBaseRec = pcBasePic->getPicYuvRec (); Int iDisparity = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( uiBaseId, iPrdDepth ); Int iShiftX = m_uiSubSampExpX + 2; Int iAddX = ( 1 << iShiftX ) >> 1; Int iBasePosX = Clip3( 0, pcBasePdm->getWidth () - 1, iCurrPosX + ( ( iDisparity + iAddX ) >> iShiftX ) ); Int iBasePosY = Clip3( 0, pcBasePdm->getHeight() - 1, iCurrPosY ); Int iBaseCUAddr; Int iBaseAbsPartIdx; pcBaseRec->getCUAddrAndPartIdx( iBasePosX << m_uiSubSampExpX, iBasePosY << m_uiSubSampExpY, iBaseCUAddr, iBaseAbsPartIdx ); TComDataCU* pcBaseCU = pcBasePic->getCU( iBaseCUAddr ); if( pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) != MODE_INTER && pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) != MODE_SKIP ) { continue; } for( UInt uiBaseRefListId = 0; uiBaseRefListId < 2; uiBaseRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eBaseRefPicList = RefPicList( uiBaseRefListId ); TComMvField cBaseMvField; pcBaseCU->getMvField( pcBaseCU, iBaseAbsPartIdx, eBaseRefPicList, cBaseMvField ); Int iBaseRefIdx = cBaseMvField.getRefIdx(); Int iBaseRefPoc = ( iBaseRefIdx >= 0 ? pcBaseCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( eBaseRefPicList, iBaseRefIdx )->getPOC() : -(1<<30) ); if( iBaseRefIdx >= 0 && iBaseRefPoc == iRefPoc ) { rcMv.set( cBaseMvField.getHor(), cBaseMvField.getVer() ); return true; } } } return false; } #endif #endif Bool // first version TComDepthMapGenerator::getIViewOrgDepthMvPred( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, RefPicList eRefPicList, Int iRefIdx, TComMv& rcMv ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( iRefIdx >= 0 ); AOF ( pcCU ); TComSlice* pcSlice = pcCU->getSlice (); TComPic* pcPic = pcCU->getPic (); TComSPS* pcSPS = pcSlice->getSPS(); AOF ( pcSPS->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); ROFRS( pcPic->getOrgDepthMap(), false ); TComPic* pcRefPic = pcSlice->getRefPic( eRefPicList, iRefIdx ); UInt uiRefViewId = pcRefPic->getSPS()->getViewId(); Int iRefPoc = pcRefPic->getPOC(); ROFRS( uiRefViewId < m_uiCurrViewId, false ); AOF ( iRefPoc == pcSlice->getPOC() ); //===== get predicted depth for middle position of current PU (first version) ===== UInt uiPartAddr; Int iWidth; Int iHeight; pcCU->getPartIndexAndSize( uiPartIdx, uiPartAddr, iWidth, iHeight ); TComPicYuv* pcOrgDepthMap = pcPic->getOrgDepthMap(); Pel* piOrgDepthMap = pcOrgDepthMap->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); Int iCurrStride = pcOrgDepthMap->getStride (); Int iCurrPosX; Int iCurrPosY; pcOrgDepthMap->getTopLeftSamplePos( pcCU->getAddr(), pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiPartAddr, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY ); iCurrPosX += ( iWidth - 1 ) >> 1; iCurrPosY += ( iHeight - 1 ) >> 1; Int iPrdDepth = piOrgDepthMap[ iCurrPosX + iCurrPosY * iCurrStride ]; //===== get disparity vector ===== Int iDisparity = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( uiRefViewId, iPrdDepth ); rcMv.set ( iDisparity, 0 ); return true; } #endif #if !QC_MULTI_DIS_CAN_A0097 /*=======================================================* *===== =====* *===== p i c t u r e o p e r a t i o n s =====* *===== =====* *=======================================================*/ Bool TComDepthMapGenerator::xConvertDepthMapCurr2Ref( TComPic* pcRef, TComPic* pcCur ) { AOF( pcCur->getSPS()->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); AOF( pcCur->getSPS()->getViewId() > pcRef->getSPS()->getViewId() ); AOF( pcCur->getPredDepthMap() ); AOF( pcRef->getPredDepthMap() ); AOF( pcRef->getPredDepthMap()->getWidth () == pcCur->getPredDepthMap()->getWidth () ); AOF( pcRef->getPredDepthMap()->getHeight() == pcCur->getPredDepthMap()->getHeight() ); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if( pcCur->getViewId() == 1) xClearDepthMap( pcRef ); else if (pcCur->getViewId() == 2) xClearDepthMap( pcRef, PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH, 1 ); #else xClearDepthMap( pcRef ); #endif TComPicYuv* pcCurDepthMap = pcCur->getPredDepthMap (); TComPicYuv* pcRefDepthMap = pcRef->getPredDepthMap (); Int iWidth = pcCurDepthMap->getWidth (); Int iHeight = pcCurDepthMap->getHeight (); Int iCurStride = pcCurDepthMap->getStride (); Int iRefStride = pcRefDepthMap->getStride (); Pel* pCurSamples = pcCurDepthMap->getLumaAddr( 0 ); Pel* pRefSamples = pcRefDepthMap->getLumaAddr( 0 ); Int iRefViewIdx = pcRef->getViewId(); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if( pcCur->getViewId() == 2) { pcRefDepthMap = pcRef->getPredDepthMapTemp(); pRefSamples = pcRefDepthMap->getLumaAddr( 0 ); } #endif Int iShiftX = m_uiSubSampExpX + 2; Int iAddX = ( 1 << iShiftX ) >> 1; for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pCurSamples += iCurStride, pRefSamples += iRefStride ) { for( Int iXCur = 0; iXCur < iWidth; iXCur++ ) { Int iDepth = pCurSamples[ iXCur ]; Int iDisp = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( iRefViewIdx, iDepth ); Int iXRef = iXCur + ( ( iDisp + iAddX ) >> iShiftX ); if( iXRef >= 0 && iXRef < iWidth && iDepth > pRefSamples[ iXRef ] ) { pRefSamples[ iXRef ] = iDepth; } } } Bool bUndefined = xFillDepthMapHoles( pcRef ); pcRefDepthMap->setBorderExtension( false ); pcRefDepthMap->extendPicBorder (); return bUndefined; } Bool TComDepthMapGenerator::xConvertDepthMapRef2Curr( TComPic* pcCur, TComPic* pcRef ) { AOF( pcCur->getSPS()->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); AOF( pcCur->getSPS()->getViewId() > pcRef->getSPS()->getViewId() ); AOF( pcCur->getPredDepthMap() ); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if(pcCur->getViewId() == 1) { AOF( pcRef->getPredDepthMap() ); }else { AOF( pcRef->getPredDepthMapTemp() ); } #else AOF( pcRef->getPredDepthMap() ); #endif AOF( pcRef->getPredDepthMap()->getWidth () == pcCur->getPredDepthMap()->getWidth () ); AOF( pcRef->getPredDepthMap()->getHeight() == pcCur->getPredDepthMap()->getHeight() ); xClearDepthMap( pcCur ); TComPicYuv* pcRefDepthMap = pcRef->getPredDepthMap (); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if(pcCur->getViewId() == 2) pcRefDepthMap = pcRef->getPredDepthMapTemp (); #endif TComPicYuv* pcCurDepthMap = pcCur->getPredDepthMap (); Int iWidth = pcRefDepthMap->getWidth (); Int iHeight = pcRefDepthMap->getHeight (); Int iRefStride = pcRefDepthMap->getStride (); Int iCurStride = pcCurDepthMap->getStride (); Pel* pRefSamples = pcRefDepthMap->getLumaAddr( 0 ); Pel* pCurSamples = pcCurDepthMap->getLumaAddr( 0 ); Int iRefViewIdx = pcRef->getViewId(); Int iShiftX = m_uiSubSampExpX + 2; Int iAddX = ( 1 << iShiftX ) >> 1; for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pRefSamples += iRefStride, pCurSamples += iCurStride ) { for( Int iXRef = 0; iXRef < iWidth; iXRef++ ) { Int iDepth = pRefSamples[ iXRef ]; Int iDisp = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( iRefViewIdx, iDepth ); Int iXCur = iXRef - ( ( iDisp + iAddX ) >> iShiftX ); if( iXCur >= 0 && iXCur < iWidth && iDepth > pCurSamples[ iXCur ] ) { pCurSamples[ iXCur ] = iDepth; } } } Bool bUndefined = xFillDepthMapHoles( pcCur ); pcCurDepthMap->setBorderExtension( false ); pcCurDepthMap->extendPicBorder (); return bUndefined; } Bool TComDepthMapGenerator::xPredictDepthMap( TComPic* pcPic ) { for( UInt uiCUAddr = 0; uiCUAddr < pcPic->getPicSym()->getNumberOfCUsInFrame(); uiCUAddr++ ) { TComDataCU* pcCU = pcPic->getCU( uiCUAddr ); xPredictCUDepthMap( pcCU, 0, 0 ); } Bool bUndefined = xFillDepthMapHoles( pcPic ); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if(pcPic->getStoredPDMforV2() == 1){ pcPic->getPredDepthMapTemp()->setBorderExtension( false ); pcPic->getPredDepthMapTemp()->extendPicBorder (); }else{ #endif pcPic->getPredDepthMap()->setBorderExtension( false ); pcPic->getPredDepthMap()->extendPicBorder (); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE } #endif return bUndefined; } Bool TComDepthMapGenerator::xFillDepthMapHoles( TComPic* pcPic ) { Bool bUndefined = false; TComPicYuv* pcDepthMap = pcPic->getPredDepthMap (); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if(pcPic->getViewId()==0 && pcPic->getStoredPDMforV2()==1) pcDepthMap = pcPic->getPredDepthMapTemp (); #endif Int iWidth = pcDepthMap->getWidth (); Int iHeight = pcDepthMap->getHeight (); Int iStride = pcDepthMap->getStride (); Pel* pDMSamples = pcDepthMap->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); // horizontal for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight && !bUndefined; iY++, pDMSamples += iStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++ ) { if( pDMSamples[ iX ] == PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH ) { Int iE; for( iE = iX + 1; iE < iWidth; iE++ ) { if( pDMSamples[ iE ] != PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH ) { break; } } if( iX > 0 || iE < iWidth ) { Int iDepth; if ( iX > 0 && iE < iWidth ) iDepth = ( pDMSamples[ iX-1 ] < pDMSamples[ iE ] ? pDMSamples[ iX-1 ] : pDMSamples[ iE ] ); else if( iX > 0 ) iDepth = pDMSamples[ iX-1 ]; else /*( iE < iWidth )*/ iDepth = pDMSamples[ iE ]; for( Int iZ = iX; iZ < iE; iZ++ ) { pDMSamples[ iZ ] = iDepth; } } else { bUndefined = true; break; } iX = iE - 1; } } } if( bUndefined && m_uiCurrViewId ) { pDMSamples = pcDepthMap->getLumaAddr( 0 ); Int iMiddleOrgDpth = ( 1 << m_uiOrgDepthBitDepth ) >> 1; Int iMiddleDepth = xGetVirtDepthFromOrigDepth( m_uiCurrViewId, iMiddleOrgDpth ); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pDMSamples += iStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++ ) { pDMSamples[ iX ] = iMiddleDepth; } } } return bUndefined; } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xClearDepthMap( TComPic* pcPic, Int iVal #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE , Int forFirstNonBaseView #endif ) { TComPicYuv* pcDepthMap = pcPic->getPredDepthMap (); Int iWidth = pcDepthMap->getWidth (); Int iHeight = pcDepthMap->getHeight (); Int iStride = pcDepthMap->getStride (); Pel* pDMSamples = pcDepthMap->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if( forFirstNonBaseView == 1) { pcDepthMap = pcPic->getPredDepthMapTemp (); pDMSamples = pcDepthMap->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); } #endif for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pDMSamples += iStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++ ) { pDMSamples[ iX ] = iVal; } } pcDepthMap->setBorderExtension( false ); pcDepthMap->extendPicBorder (); } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xSetChroma( TComPicYuv* pcPic, Int iVal ) { Int iWidth = pcPic->getWidth () >> 1; Int iHeight = pcPic->getHeight () >> 1; Int iStride = pcPic->getCStride (); Pel* pCbSamples = pcPic->getCbAddr ( 0 ); Pel* pCrSamples = pcPic->getCrAddr ( 0 ); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pCbSamples += iStride, pCrSamples += iStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++ ) { pCbSamples[ iX ] = pCrSamples[ iX ] = iVal; } } } /*===============================================* *===== =====* *===== C U p r e d i c t i o n s =====* *===== =====* *===============================================*/ Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xPredictCUDepthMap( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiAbsPartIdx ) { UInt uiLPelX = pcCU->getCUPelX() + g_auiRasterToPelX[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ]; UInt uiTPelY = pcCU->getCUPelY() + g_auiRasterToPelY[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ]; UInt uiRPelX = uiLPelX + ( g_uiMaxCUWidth >> uiDepth ) - 1; UInt uiBPelY = uiTPelY + ( g_uiMaxCUHeight >> uiDepth ) - 1; Bool bBoundary = ( uiRPelX >= pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() || uiBPelY >= pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ); Bool bSplit = ( ( uiDepth < pcCU->getDepth( uiAbsPartIdx ) && uiDepth < ( g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth ) ) || bBoundary ); if( bSplit ) { UInt uiQNumParts = ( pcCU->getPic()->getNumPartInCU() >> ( uiDepth << 1 ) ) >> 2; for ( UInt uiPartUnitIdx = 0; uiPartUnitIdx < 4; uiPartUnitIdx++, uiAbsPartIdx += uiQNumParts ) { uiLPelX = pcCU->getCUPelX() + g_auiRasterToPelX[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ]; uiTPelY = pcCU->getCUPelY() + g_auiRasterToPelY[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ]; Bool bInside = ( uiLPelX < pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicWidthInLumaSamples() && uiTPelY < pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getPicHeightInLumaSamples() ); if( bInside ) { xPredictCUDepthMap( pcCU, uiDepth + 1, uiAbsPartIdx ); } } return; } //--- set sub-CU and sub-depth-map --- TComDataCU* pcSubCU = m_ppcCU [ uiDepth ]; TComYuv* pcSubDM = m_ppcYuv[ uiDepth ]; TComPicYuv* pcPicDM = pcCU->getPic()->getPredDepthMap(); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if( pcCU->getPic()->getStoredPDMforV2() == 1) pcPicDM = pcCU->getPic()->getPredDepthMapTemp(); #endif UInt uiCUAddr = pcCU->getAddr(); pcSubCU->copySubCU( pcCU, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); //--- update depth map --- switch( pcSubCU->getPredictionMode( 0 ) ) { case MODE_INTRA: xIntraPredictCUDepthMap( pcSubCU, pcSubDM ); break; case MODE_SKIP: case MODE_INTER: xInterPredictCUDepthMap( pcSubCU, pcSubDM ); break; default: AOT( true ); break; } //--- copy sub-depth-map --- pcSubDM->copyToPicYuv( pcPicDM, uiCUAddr, uiAbsPartIdx ); } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xIntraPredictCUDepthMap( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap ) { UInt uiInitTrDepth = ( pcCU->getPartitionSize( 0 ) == SIZE_2Nx2N ? 0 : 1 ); UInt uiNumPart = pcCU->getNumPartInter (); UInt uiNumQParts = pcCU->getTotalNumPart () >> 2; for( UInt uiPU = 0; uiPU < uiNumPart; uiPU++ ) { xIntraPredictBlkDepthMap( pcCU, pcCUDepthMap, uiPU * uiNumQParts, uiInitTrDepth ); } } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xInterPredictCUDepthMap( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap ) { for( UInt uiPartIdx = 0; uiPartIdx < pcCU->getNumPartInter(); uiPartIdx++ ) { xInterPredictPUDepthMap( pcCU, pcCUDepthMap, uiPartIdx ); } } /*=====================================================================* *===== =====* *===== P U - a n d B l o c k p r e d i c t i o n s =====* *===== =====* *=====================================================================*/ Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xIntraPredictBlkDepthMap( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiTrDepth ) { UInt uiFullDepth = pcCU->getDepth( 0 ) + uiTrDepth; UInt uiTrMode = pcCU->getTransformIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ); if( uiTrMode == uiTrDepth ) { UInt uiWidth = pcCU->getWidth ( 0 ) >> ( uiTrDepth + m_uiSubSampExpX ); UInt uiHeight = pcCU->getHeight( 0 ) >> ( uiTrDepth + m_uiSubSampExpY ); UInt uiStride = pcCUDepthMap->getStride (); UInt uiBlkX = g_auiRasterToPelX[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ] >> m_uiSubSampExpX; UInt uiBlkY = g_auiRasterToPelY[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ] >> m_uiSubSampExpY; Pel* pDepthMap = pcCUDepthMap->getLumaAddr() + uiBlkY * pcCUDepthMap->getStride() + uiBlkX; UInt uiLumaPredMode = pcCU->getLumaIntraDir ( uiAbsPartIdx ); Bool bAboveAvail = false; Bool bLeftAvail = false; pcCU->getPattern()->initPattern ( pcCU, uiTrDepth, uiAbsPartIdx, true ); pcCU->getPattern()->initAdiPattern( pcCU, uiAbsPartIdx, uiTrDepth, m_pcPrediction->getPredicBuf (), m_pcPrediction->getPredicBufWidth (), m_pcPrediction->getPredicBufHeight (), bAboveAvail, bLeftAvail, false, true, m_uiSubSampExpX, m_uiSubSampExpY ); m_pcPrediction->predIntraDepthAng ( pcCU->getPattern(), uiLumaPredMode, pDepthMap, uiStride, uiWidth, uiHeight ); // could be replaced with directional intra prediction // using "predIntraLumaAng", but note: // - need to take care of neighbours with undefined depth // - special case for wedgelet mode (if available in normal views) // copy to picture array (for next intra prediction block) UInt uiZOrderIdx = pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiAbsPartIdx; Pel* pPicDepthMap = pcCU->getPic()->getPredDepthMap()->getLumaAddr( pcCU->getAddr(), uiZOrderIdx ); #if PDM_REMOVE_DEPENDENCE if(pcCU->getPic()->getStoredPDMforV2()==1) pPicDepthMap = pcCU->getPic()->getPredDepthMapTemp()->getLumaAddr( pcCU->getAddr(), uiZOrderIdx ); #endif Int iPicStride = pcCU->getPic()->getPredDepthMap()->getStride (); for( UInt uiY = 0; uiY < uiHeight; uiY++, pDepthMap += uiStride, pPicDepthMap += iPicStride ) { for( UInt uiX = 0; uiX < uiWidth; uiX++ ) { pPicDepthMap[ uiX ] = pDepthMap[ uiX ]; } } } else { UInt uiNumQPart = pcCU->getPic()->getNumPartInCU() >> ( ( uiFullDepth + 1 ) << 1 ); for( UInt uiPart = 0; uiPart < 4; uiPart++ ) { xIntraPredictBlkDepthMap( pcCU, pcCUDepthMap, uiAbsPartIdx + uiPart * uiNumQPart, uiTrDepth + 1 ); } } } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xInterPredictPUDepthMap( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiPartIdx ) { if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getViewId() ) { AOF( m_uiCurrViewId == pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getViewId() ); // check for interview prediction Int iWidth; Int iHeight; UInt uiAbsPartIdx; pcCU->getPartIndexAndSize( uiPartIdx, uiAbsPartIdx, iWidth, iHeight ); TComCUMvField* aiCurrMvField[2] = { pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ), pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) }; Int aiCurrRefIdx [2] = { aiCurrMvField[0]->getRefIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ), aiCurrMvField[1]->getRefIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ) }; Bool abCurrIntView[2] = { aiCurrRefIdx[0] >= 0 && pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, aiCurrRefIdx[0] )->getSPS()->getViewId() != m_uiCurrViewId, aiCurrRefIdx[1] >= 0 && pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, aiCurrRefIdx[1] )->getSPS()->getViewId() != m_uiCurrViewId }; Bool bUsesInterViewPrd = ( abCurrIntView[0] || abCurrIntView[1] ); if( bUsesInterViewPrd ) { xIViewPUDepthMapUpdate ( pcCU, pcCUDepthMap, uiPartIdx ); } else { #if PDM_NO_INTER_UPDATE xInterPUDepthMapPrediction( pcCU, pcCUDepthMap, uiPartIdx ); #else xInterPUDepthMapUpdate ( pcCU, pcCUDepthMap, uiPartIdx ); #endif } } else { xInterPUDepthMapPrediction( pcCU, pcCUDepthMap, uiPartIdx ); } } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xIViewPUDepthMapUpdate( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiPartIdx ) { // get width, height, and part address Int iWidth; Int iHeight; UInt uiAbsPartIdx; pcCU->getPartIndexAndSize( uiPartIdx, uiAbsPartIdx, iWidth, iHeight ); iWidth >>= m_uiSubSampExpX; iHeight >>= m_uiSubSampExpY; // get depth values Int iDepthValue = PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH; Int aiPrdDepth[2] = { PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH, PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH }; for( Int iRefListId = 0; iRefListId < 2; iRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eRefPicList = RefPicList( iRefListId ); TComCUMvField* pcCUMvField = pcCU->getCUMvField( eRefPicList ); Int iRefIdx = pcCUMvField->getRefIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ); UInt uiBaseId = ( iRefIdx >= 0 ? pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( eRefPicList, iRefIdx )->getSPS()->getViewId() : MAX_VIEW_NUM ); Bool bInterview = ( iRefIdx >= 0 && uiBaseId < m_uiCurrViewId ); if( bInterview ) { Int iMvX = pcCUMvField->getMv( uiAbsPartIdx ).getHor(); aiPrdDepth[ iRefListId ] = xGetVirtDepthFromDisparity( uiBaseId, iMvX ); } } if( aiPrdDepth[ 0 ] != PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH && aiPrdDepth[ 1 ] != PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH ) { iDepthValue = ( aiPrdDepth[ 0 ] + aiPrdDepth[ 1 ] + 1 ) >> 1; } else { iDepthValue = ( aiPrdDepth[ 0 ] != PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH ? aiPrdDepth[ 0 ] : aiPrdDepth[ 1 ] ); AOT( iDepthValue == PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH ); } iDepthValue = Max( 0, Min( PDM_MAX_ABS_VIRT_DEPTH, iDepthValue ) ); // set depth map for PU UInt uiBlkX = g_auiRasterToPelX[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ] >> m_uiSubSampExpX; UInt uiBlkY = g_auiRasterToPelY[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ] >> m_uiSubSampExpY; Pel* pDMSamples = pcCUDepthMap->getLumaAddr() + uiBlkY * pcCUDepthMap->getStride() + uiBlkX; Int iStride = pcCUDepthMap->getStride (); for( Int iY = 0; iY < iHeight; iY++, pDMSamples += iStride ) { for( Int iX = 0; iX < iWidth; iX++) { pDMSamples[ iX ] = (Pel)iDepthValue; } } } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xInterPUDepthMapUpdate( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiPartIdx ) { const Int iMaxAbsDeltaMvY = 8 << 2; //===== determine block parameters for current access unit and current view ===== Int iWidth; Int iHeight; UInt uiAbsPartIdx; pcCU->getPartIndexAndSize ( uiPartIdx, uiAbsPartIdx, iWidth, iHeight ); UInt uiCurrViewId = pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getViewId(); Int iNum4x4BlksY = iHeight >> 2; Int iNum4x4BlksX = iWidth >> 2; iWidth >>= m_uiSubSampExpX; iHeight >>= m_uiSubSampExpY; TComPicYuv* pcCurrDepthMap = pcCU->getPic()->getPredDepthMap(); Pel* piCurrDepthMap = pcCurrDepthMap->getLumaAddr(); Int iCurrStride = pcCurrDepthMap->getStride(); TComCUMvField* aiCurrMvField[2] = { pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ), pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) }; Int aiCurrRefIdx [2] = { aiCurrMvField[0]->getRefIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ), aiCurrMvField[1]->getRefIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ) }; Int iMinCurrListId = ( aiCurrRefIdx [0] < 0 ? 1 : 0 ); Int iMaxCurrListId = ( aiCurrRefIdx [1] < 0 ? 0 : 1 ); Int iCurrPUPosX; Int iCurrPUPosY; pcCurrDepthMap->getTopLeftSamplePos( pcCU->getAddr(), pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiAbsPartIdx, iCurrPUPosX, iCurrPUPosY ); AOT( uiCurrViewId != m_uiCurrViewId ); AOT( iMinCurrListId > iMaxCurrListId ); AOT( aiCurrRefIdx[0] >= 0 && pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, aiCurrRefIdx[0] )->getSPS()->getViewId() != uiCurrViewId ); AOT( aiCurrRefIdx[1] >= 0 && pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, aiCurrRefIdx[1] )->getSPS()->getViewId() != uiCurrViewId ); //===== determine parameters for current access unit and base view ===== AOF( m_auiBaseIdList.size() ); UInt uiBaseId = m_auiBaseIdList[ 0 ]; TComPic* pcBasePic = m_pcAUPicAccess->getPic( uiBaseId ); AOF( pcBasePic ); TComPicYuv* pcBaseDepthMap = pcBasePic->getPredDepthMap(); TComPicYuv* pcBaseRecPic = pcBasePic->getPicYuvRec (); Pel* piBaseDepthMap = pcBaseDepthMap->getLumaAddr(); Int iBaseStride = pcBaseDepthMap->getStride(); Int iShiftX = m_uiSubSampExpX + 2; Int iShiftY = m_uiSubSampExpY + 2; Int iAddX = ( 1 << iShiftX ) >> 1; Int iAddY = ( 1 << iShiftY ) >> 1; //===== initialize 4x4 block arrays ===== for( Int i4x4BlkY = 0; i4x4BlkY < iNum4x4BlksY; i4x4BlkY++ ) { for( Int i4x4BlkX = 0; i4x4BlkX < iNum4x4BlksX; i4x4BlkX++ ) { m_aabDepthSet[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX ] = false; m_aai4x4Depth[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX ] = PDM_UNDEFINED_DEPTH; } } Int iNum4x4Set = 0; //===== determine depth based on 4x4 blocks ===== for( Int i4x4BlkY = 0; i4x4BlkY < iNum4x4BlksY; i4x4BlkY++ ) { for( Int i4x4BlkX = 0; i4x4BlkX < iNum4x4BlksX; i4x4BlkX++ ) { // position parameters Int iCurrBlkPosX = iCurrPUPosX + ( ( i4x4BlkX << 2 ) >> m_uiSubSampExpX ); Int iCurrBlkPosY = iCurrPUPosY + ( ( i4x4BlkY << 2 ) >> m_uiSubSampExpY ); Int iCurrSamplePosX = iCurrBlkPosX + ( 1 >> m_uiSubSampExpX ); Int iCurrSamplePosY = iCurrBlkPosY + ( 1 >> m_uiSubSampExpY ); Int iCurrPredDepth = piCurrDepthMap[ iCurrSamplePosY * iCurrStride + iCurrSamplePosX ]; Int iCurrPredDisp = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( uiBaseId, iCurrPredDepth ); Int iBaseSamplePosX = iCurrSamplePosX + ( ( iCurrPredDisp + iAddX ) >> iShiftX ); Int iBaseSamplePosY = iCurrSamplePosY; iBaseSamplePosX = Clip3( 0, pcBaseDepthMap->getWidth () - 1, iBaseSamplePosX ); iBaseSamplePosY = Clip3( 0, pcBaseDepthMap->getHeight() - 1, iBaseSamplePosY ); // check for occlusion if( piBaseDepthMap[ iBaseSamplePosY * iBaseStride + iBaseSamplePosX ] != iCurrPredDepth ) { continue; } // determine base motion data and check prediction mode Int iBaseCUAddr; Int iBaseAbsPartIdx; pcBaseRecPic->getCUAddrAndPartIdx( iBaseSamplePosX << m_uiSubSampExpX, iBaseSamplePosY << m_uiSubSampExpY, iBaseCUAddr, iBaseAbsPartIdx ); TComDataCU* pcBaseCU = pcBasePic->getCU( iBaseCUAddr ); if( pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) != MODE_INTER && pcBaseCU->getPredictionMode( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) != MODE_SKIP ) { continue; } // check whether base was inter-view predicted TComCUMvField* aiBaseMvField[2] = { pcBaseCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ), pcBaseCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) }; Int aiBaseRefIdx [2] = { aiBaseMvField[0]->getRefIdx( iBaseAbsPartIdx ), aiBaseMvField[1]->getRefIdx( iBaseAbsPartIdx ) }; Bool abBaseIntView[2] = { aiBaseRefIdx[0] >= 0 && pcBaseCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_0, aiBaseRefIdx[0] )->getSPS()->getViewId() != uiBaseId, aiBaseRefIdx[1] >= 0 && pcBaseCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( REF_PIC_LIST_1, aiBaseRefIdx[1] )->getSPS()->getViewId() != uiBaseId }; if( abBaseIntView[0] || abBaseIntView[1] ) { // current depth is reliable m_aai4x4Depth[i4x4BlkY][i4x4BlkX] = iCurrPredDepth; m_aabDepthSet[i4x4BlkY][i4x4BlkX] = true; iNum4x4Set++; continue; } // determine depth candidates using an approximate 4-point relationship (if appropriate) std::vector aiDepthCand; Int iMinBaseListId = ( aiBaseRefIdx [0] < 0 ? 1 : 0 ); Int iMaxBaseListId = ( aiBaseRefIdx [1] < 0 ? 0 : 1 ); AOT( iMinBaseListId > iMaxBaseListId ); for( Int iCurrRefListId = iMinCurrListId; iCurrRefListId <= iMaxCurrListId; iCurrRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eCurrRefPicList = RefPicList( iCurrRefListId ); Int iCurrRefPoc = pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eCurrRefPicList, aiCurrRefIdx[ iCurrRefListId ] ); TComPic* pcCurrRefPic = pcCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( eCurrRefPicList, aiCurrRefIdx[ iCurrRefListId ] ); TComPicYuv* pcCurrRefDMap = pcCurrRefPic->getPredDepthMap(); Pel* piCurrRefDMap = pcCurrRefDMap->getLumaAddr(); Int iCurrRefStride = pcCurrRefDMap->getStride(); TComMv rcCurrMv = aiCurrMvField[ iCurrRefListId ]->getMv( uiAbsPartIdx ); Int iCurrRefSamplePosX = iCurrSamplePosX + ( ( rcCurrMv.getHor() + iAddX ) >> iShiftX ); Int iCurrRefSamplePosY = iCurrSamplePosY + ( ( rcCurrMv.getVer() + iAddY ) >> iShiftY ); Int iCurrRefSamplePosXC = Clip3( 0, pcCurrRefDMap->getWidth () - 1, iCurrRefSamplePosX ); Int iCurrRefSamplePosYC = Clip3( 0, pcCurrRefDMap->getHeight() - 1, iCurrRefSamplePosY ); Int iCurrRefDepth = piCurrRefDMap[ iCurrRefSamplePosYC * iCurrRefStride + iCurrRefSamplePosXC ]; for( Int iBaseRefListId = iMinBaseListId; iBaseRefListId <= iMaxBaseListId; iBaseRefListId++ ) { RefPicList eBaseRefPicList = RefPicList( iBaseRefListId ); Int iBaseRefPoc = pcBaseCU->getSlice()->getRefPOC( eBaseRefPicList, aiBaseRefIdx[ iBaseRefListId ] ); if( iCurrRefPoc == iBaseRefPoc ) { // location and depth for path currView/currAU -> currView/refAU -> baseView/refAU Int iCurrRefDisp = xGetDisparityFromVirtDepth( uiBaseId, iCurrRefDepth ); Int iBaseRefSamplePosX = iCurrRefSamplePosX + ( ( iCurrRefDisp + iAddX ) >> iShiftX ); Int iBaseRefSamplePosY = iCurrRefSamplePosY; TComPic* pcBaseRefPic = pcBaseCU->getSlice()->getRefPic( eBaseRefPicList, aiBaseRefIdx[ iBaseRefListId ] ); TComPicYuv* pcBaseRefDMap = pcBaseRefPic->getPredDepthMap(); Pel* piBaseRefDMap = pcBaseRefDMap->getLumaAddr(); Int iBaseRefStride = pcBaseRefDMap->getStride(); iBaseRefSamplePosX = Clip3( 0, pcBaseRefDMap->getWidth () - 1, iBaseRefSamplePosX ); iBaseRefSamplePosY = Clip3( 0, pcBaseRefDMap->getHeight() - 1, iBaseRefSamplePosY ); Int iBaseRefDepth = piBaseRefDMap[ iBaseRefSamplePosY * iBaseRefStride + iBaseRefSamplePosX ]; // location and depth for path currView/currAU ->baseView/currAU -> baseView/refAU TComMv rcBaseMv = aiBaseMvField[ iBaseRefListId ]->getMv( iBaseAbsPartIdx ); Int iAbsDeltaMvY = ( rcBaseMv.getAbsVer() > rcCurrMv.getVer() ? rcBaseMv.getAbsVer() - rcCurrMv.getVer() : rcCurrMv.getVer() - rcBaseMv.getAbsVer() ); // check reliability (occlusion in reference access unit / vertical motion vector difference) if( iBaseRefDepth != iCurrRefDepth || iAbsDeltaMvY > iMaxAbsDeltaMvY ) { continue; } // determine new depth Int iCurrCandDisp = iCurrRefDisp + rcCurrMv.getHor() - rcBaseMv.getHor(); Int iCurrCandDepth = xGetVirtDepthFromDisparity( uiBaseId, iCurrCandDisp ); aiDepthCand.push_back( iCurrCandDepth ); } // iCurrRefPoc == iBaseRefPoc } // iBaseRefListId } // iCurrRefListId // set depth for 4x4 block if( aiDepthCand.size() ) { // get depth with minimum change (probably most reliable) Int iMinAbsDepthChange = (1<<30); Int iDepthForMinChange = (1<<30); for( UInt uiCandId = 0; uiCandId < (UInt)aiDepthCand.size(); uiCandId++ ) { Int iAbsDeltaDepth = ( aiDepthCand[uiCandId] > iCurrPredDepth ? aiDepthCand[uiCandId] > iCurrPredDepth : iCurrPredDepth - aiDepthCand[uiCandId] ); if( iAbsDeltaDepth < iMinAbsDepthChange ) { iMinAbsDepthChange = iAbsDeltaDepth; iDepthForMinChange = aiDepthCand[uiCandId]; } } m_aai4x4Depth[i4x4BlkY][i4x4BlkX] = Min( Max( 0, iDepthForMinChange ), PDM_MAX_ABS_VIRT_DEPTH ); m_aabDepthSet[i4x4BlkY][i4x4BlkX] = true; iNum4x4Set++; } } // i4x4BlkX } // i4x4BlkY //===== fall back (take original depth for 4x4 blocks) ==== if( iNum4x4Set < Max( 1, ( iNum4x4BlksY * iNum4x4BlksX ) >> 2 ) ) { iNum4x4Set = 0; for( Int i4x4BlkY = 0; i4x4BlkY < iNum4x4BlksY; i4x4BlkY++ ) { for( Int i4x4BlkX = 0; i4x4BlkX < iNum4x4BlksX; i4x4BlkX++ ) { Int iCurrSamplePosX = iCurrPUPosX + ( ( ( i4x4BlkX << 2 ) + 1 ) >> m_uiSubSampExpX ); Int iCurrSamplePosY = iCurrPUPosY + ( ( ( i4x4BlkY << 2 ) + 1 ) >> m_uiSubSampExpY ); m_aai4x4Depth[i4x4BlkY][i4x4BlkX] = piCurrDepthMap[ iCurrSamplePosY * iCurrStride + iCurrSamplePosX ]; m_aabDepthSet[i4x4BlkY][i4x4BlkX] = true; iNum4x4Set++; } } } #if PDM_ONE_DEPTH_PER_PU //===== set average in 4x4 depth array ===== Int iSum = 0; for( Int i4x4BlkY = 0; i4x4BlkY < iNum4x4BlksY; i4x4BlkY++ ) { for( Int i4x4BlkX = 0; i4x4BlkX < iNum4x4BlksX; i4x4BlkX++ ) { if( m_aabDepthSet[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX ] ) { iSum += m_aai4x4Depth[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX ]; } } } Int iDepth = ( iSum + ( iNum4x4Set >> 1 ) ) / iNum4x4Set; iNum4x4Set = iNum4x4BlksY * iNum4x4BlksX; for( Int i4x4BlkY = 0; i4x4BlkY < iNum4x4BlksY; i4x4BlkY++ ) { for( Int i4x4BlkX = 0; i4x4BlkX < iNum4x4BlksX; i4x4BlkX++ ) { m_aai4x4Depth[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX ] = iDepth; m_aabDepthSet[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX ] = true; } } #endif //===== complete depth arrays ===== while( iNum4x4BlksY * iNum4x4BlksX - iNum4x4Set ) { for( Int i4x4BlkY = 0; i4x4BlkY < iNum4x4BlksY; i4x4BlkY++ ) { for( Int i4x4BlkX = 0; i4x4BlkX < iNum4x4BlksX; i4x4BlkX++ ) { if( !m_aabDepthSet[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX ] ) { // could also use minimum of neighbours (occlusions) Int iNumNeighbours = 0; Int iSumNeighbours = 0; if( i4x4BlkY > 0 && m_aabDepthSet[ i4x4BlkY-1 ][ i4x4BlkX ] ) { iSumNeighbours += m_aai4x4Depth[ i4x4BlkY-1 ][ i4x4BlkX ]; iNumNeighbours++; } if( i4x4BlkY < iNum4x4BlksY-1 && m_aabDepthSet[ i4x4BlkY+1 ][ i4x4BlkX ] ) { iSumNeighbours += m_aai4x4Depth[ i4x4BlkY+1 ][ i4x4BlkX ]; iNumNeighbours++; } if( i4x4BlkX > 0 && m_aabDepthSet[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX-1 ] ) { iSumNeighbours += m_aai4x4Depth[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX-1 ]; iNumNeighbours++; } if( i4x4BlkX < iNum4x4BlksX-1 && m_aabDepthSet[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX+1 ] ) { iSumNeighbours += m_aai4x4Depth[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX+1 ]; iNumNeighbours++; } if( iNumNeighbours ) { m_aai4x4Depth[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX ] = ( iSumNeighbours + ( iNumNeighbours >> 1 ) ) / iNumNeighbours; m_aabDepthSet[ i4x4BlkY ][ i4x4BlkX ] = true; iNum4x4Set++; } } } } } //===== set depth values ===== UInt uiBlkX = g_auiRasterToPelX[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ] >> m_uiSubSampExpX; UInt uiBlkY = g_auiRasterToPelY[ g_auiZscanToRaster[ uiAbsPartIdx ] ] >> m_uiSubSampExpY; Pel* piDepthMap = pcCUDepthMap->getLumaAddr() + uiBlkY * pcCUDepthMap->getStride() + uiBlkX; Int iCUStride = pcCUDepthMap->getStride (); for( Int iRow = 0; iRow < iHeight; iRow++, piDepthMap += iCUStride ) { for( Int iCol = 0; iCol < iWidth; iCol++ ) { piDepthMap[ iCol ] = m_aai4x4Depth[ (iRow << m_uiSubSampExpY) >> 2 ][ (iCol << m_uiSubSampExpX) >> 2 ]; } } } Void TComDepthMapGenerator::xInterPUDepthMapPrediction( TComDataCU* pcCU, TComYuv* pcCUDepthMap, UInt uiPartIdx ) { m_pcPrediction->motionCompensation( pcCU, pcCUDepthMap, REF_PIC_LIST_X, (Int)uiPartIdx, true, m_uiSubSampExpX, m_uiSubSampExpY ); } Bool TComDepthMapGenerator::xGetPredDepth( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiPartIdx, Int& riPrdDepth, Int* piPosX, Int* piPosY ) { AOF ( m_bCreated && m_bInit ); AOF ( pcCU ); ROFRS( m_bPDMAvailable, false ); TComSlice* pcSlice = pcCU->getSlice (); TComPic* pcPic = pcCU->getPic (); TComSPS* pcSPS = pcSlice->getSPS(); AOF ( pcPic->getPredDepthMap() ); AOF ( pcSPS->getViewId() == m_uiCurrViewId ); //===== get predicted depth and disprity for middle position of current PU ===== UInt uiPartAddr; Int iWidth; Int iHeight; pcCU->getPartIndexAndSize( uiPartIdx, uiPartAddr, iWidth, iHeight ); TComPicYuv* pcPredDepthMap = pcPic->getPredDepthMap(); Pel* piPredDepthMap = pcPredDepthMap->getLumaAddr ( 0 ); Int iCurrStride = pcPredDepthMap->getStride (); Int iCurrPosX; Int iCurrPosY; pcPredDepthMap->getTopLeftSamplePos( pcCU->getAddr(), pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiPartAddr, iCurrPosX, iCurrPosY ); #if SAIT_IMPROV_MOTION_PRED_M24829 // max disparity within PU Int DiWidth = iCurrPosX+(iWidth >> m_uiSubSampExpX); Int DiHeight = iCurrPosY+(iHeight >> m_uiSubSampExpY); Int maxDepth = MIN_INT; for(Int y=iCurrPosY; y maxDepth) { maxDepth = piPredDepthMap[ x + y * iCurrStride ]; } } } iCurrPosX += ( ( iWidth >> m_uiSubSampExpX ) - 1 ) >> 1; iCurrPosY += ( ( iHeight >> m_uiSubSampExpY ) - 1 ) >> 1; riPrdDepth = maxDepth; #else iCurrPosX += ( ( iWidth >> m_uiSubSampExpX ) - 1 ) >> 1; iCurrPosY += ( ( iHeight >> m_uiSubSampExpY ) - 1 ) >> 1; riPrdDepth = piPredDepthMap[ iCurrPosX + iCurrPosY * iCurrStride ]; #endif if( piPosX ) { *piPosX = iCurrPosX; } if( piPosY ) { *piPosY = iCurrPosY; } return true; } #endif #endif // DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION