/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2012, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TAppEncCfg.cpp \brief Handle encoder configuration parameters */ #include #include #include #include #include "TLibCommon/TComRom.h" #include "TAppEncCfg.h" #include "TAppCommon/program_options_lite.h" #ifdef WIN32 #define strdup _strdup #endif using namespace std; namespace po = df::program_options_lite; //! \ingroup TAppEncoder //! \{ /* configuration helper funcs */ void doOldStyleCmdlineOn(po::Options& opts, const std::string& arg); void doOldStyleCmdlineOff(po::Options& opts, const std::string& arg); // ==================================================================================================================== // Local constants // ==================================================================================================================== /// max value of source padding size /** \todo replace it by command line option */ #define MAX_PAD_SIZE 16 // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / initialization / destroy // ==================================================================================================================== TAppEncCfg::TAppEncCfg() { m_aidQP = NULL; #if FIXES m_aidQPdepth = NULL; #endif } TAppEncCfg::~TAppEncCfg() { if ( m_aidQP ) { delete[] m_aidQP; m_aidQP = NULL; } #if FIXES if ( m_aidQPdepth ) { delete[] m_aidQPdepth; m_aidQPdepth = NULL; } #endif for(Int i = 0; i< m_pchInputFileList.size(); i++ ) { if ( m_pchInputFileList[i] != NULL ) free (m_pchInputFileList[i]); } for(Int i = 0; i< m_pchDepthInputFileList.size(); i++ ) { if ( m_pchDepthInputFileList[i] != NULL ) free (m_pchDepthInputFileList[i]); } for(Int i = 0; i< m_pchReconFileList.size(); i++ ) { if ( m_pchReconFileList[i] != NULL ) free (m_pchReconFileList[i]); } for(Int i = 0; i< m_pchDepthReconFileList.size(); i++ ) { if ( m_pchDepthReconFileList[i] != NULL ) free (m_pchDepthReconFileList[i]); } if (m_pchBitstreamFile != NULL) free (m_pchBitstreamFile) ; #if FLEX_CODING_ORDER if (m_pchMVCJointCodingOrder != NULL) { free(m_pchMVCJointCodingOrder) ; } #endif #if HHI_VSO if ( m_pchVSOConfig != NULL) free ( m_pchVSOConfig ); #endif } Void TAppEncCfg::create() { } Void TAppEncCfg::destroy() { } std::istringstream &operator>>( std::istringstream &in, GOPEntryMvc &entry ) //input { in>>entry.m_sliceType; in>>entry.m_POC; in>>entry.m_QPOffset; in>>entry.m_QPFactor; in>>entry.m_temporalId; in>>entry.m_numRefPicsActive; in>>entry.m_refPic; in>>entry.m_numRefPics; for ( Int i = 0; i < entry.m_numRefPics; i++ ) { in>>entry.m_referencePics[i]; } in>>entry.m_interRPSPrediction; if (entry.m_interRPSPrediction) { in>>entry.m_deltaRIdxMinus1; in>>entry.m_deltaRPS; in>>entry.m_numRefIdc; for ( Int i = 0; i < entry.m_numRefIdc; i++ ) { in>>entry.m_refIdc[i]; } } in>>entry.m_numInterViewRefPics; for( Int i = 0; i < entry.m_numInterViewRefPics; i++ ) { in>>entry.m_interViewRefs[i]; } for( Int i = 0; i < entry.m_numInterViewRefPics; i++ ) { in>>entry.m_interViewRefPosL0[i]; } for( Int i = 0; i < entry.m_numInterViewRefPics; i++ ) { in>>entry.m_interViewRefPosL1[i]; } return in; } // ==================================================================================================================== // Public member functions // ==================================================================================================================== /** \param argc number of arguments \param argv array of arguments \retval true when success */ Bool TAppEncCfg::parseCfg( Int argc, Char* argv[] ) { bool do_help = false; string cfg_BitstreamFile; string cfg_dQPFile; string cfg_ColumnWidth; string cfg_RowHeight; string cfg_ScalingListFile; #if FLEX_CODING_ORDER string cfg_JointCodingOrdering; #endif po::Options opts; opts.addOptions() ("help", do_help, false, "this help text") ("c", po::parseConfigFile, "configuration file name") /* File, I/O and source parameters */ ("InputFile_%d,i_%d", m_pchInputFileList, (char *) 0 , MAX_VIEW_NUM , "original Yuv input file name %d") ("DepthInputFile_%d,di_%d", m_pchDepthInputFileList, (char *) 0 , MAX_VIEW_NUM , "original Yuv depth input file name %d") ("ReconFile_%d,o_%d", m_pchReconFileList, (char *) 0 , MAX_VIEW_NUM , "reconstructed Yuv output file name %d") ("DepthReconFile_%d,do_%d", m_pchDepthReconFileList, (char *) 0 , MAX_VIEW_NUM , "reconstructed Yuv depth output file name %d") ("BitstreamFile,b", cfg_BitstreamFile, string(""), "bitstream output file name") ("CodeDepthMaps", m_bUsingDepthMaps, false, "Encode depth maps" ) ("CodedCamParsPrecision", m_iCodedCamParPrecision, STD_CAM_PARAMETERS_PRECISION, "precision for coding of camera parameters (in units of 2^(-x) luma samples)" ) ("LambdaModifier0,-LM0", m_adLambdaModifier[ 0 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 0") ("LambdaModifier1,-LM1", m_adLambdaModifier[ 1 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 1") ("LambdaModifier2,-LM2", m_adLambdaModifier[ 2 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 2") ("LambdaModifier3,-LM3", m_adLambdaModifier[ 3 ], ( double )1.0, "Lambda modifier for temporal layer 3") ("SourceWidth,-wdt", m_iSourceWidth, 0, "Source picture width") ("SourceHeight,-hgt", m_iSourceHeight, 0, "Source picture height") #if PIC_CROPPING ("CroppingMode", m_croppingMode, 0, "Cropping mode (0: no cropping, 1:automatic padding, 2: padding, 3:cropping") ("CropLeft", m_cropLeft, 0, "Left cropping/padding for cropping mode 3") ("CropRight", m_cropRight, 0, "Right cropping/padding for cropping mode 3") ("CropTop", m_cropTop, 0, "Top cropping/padding for cropping mode 3") ("CropBottom", m_cropBottom, 0, "Bottom cropping/padding for cropping mode 3") ("HorizontalPadding,-pdx",m_aiPad[0], 0, "horizontal source padding for cropping mode 2") ("VerticalPadding,-pdy", m_aiPad[1], 0, "vertical source padding for cropping mode 2") #endif ("InputBitDepth", m_uiInputBitDepth, 8u, "bit-depth of input file") ("BitDepth", m_uiInputBitDepth, 8u, "deprecated alias of InputBitDepth") ("OutputBitDepth", m_uiOutputBitDepth, 0u, "bit-depth of output file") ("InternalBitDepth", m_uiInternalBitDepth, 0u, "Internal bit-depth (BitDepth+BitIncrement)") #if !PIC_CROPPING ("HorizontalPadding,-pdx",m_aiPad[0], 0, "horizontal source padding size") ("VerticalPadding,-pdy", m_aiPad[1], 0, "vertical source padding size") ("PAD", m_bUsePAD, false, "automatic source padding of multiple of 16" ) #endif ("FrameRate,-fr", m_iFrameRate, 0, "Frame rate") ("FrameSkip,-fs", m_FrameSkip, 0u, "Number of frames to skip at start of input YUV") ("FramesToBeEncoded,f", m_iFrameToBeEncoded, 0, "number of frames to be encoded (default=all)") ("FrameToBeEncoded", m_iFrameToBeEncoded, 0, "depricated alias of FramesToBeEncoded") ("NumberOfViews", m_iNumberOfViews, 0, "Number of views") /* Unit definition parameters */ #if FLEX_CODING_ORDER ("3DVFlexOrder", m_b3DVFlexOrder, false, "flexible coding order flag" ) ("3DVCodingOrder", cfg_JointCodingOrdering, string(""), "The coding order for joint texture-depth coding") #endif ("MaxCUWidth", m_uiMaxCUWidth, 64u) ("MaxCUHeight", m_uiMaxCUHeight, 64u) /* todo: remove defaults from MaxCUSize */ ("MaxCUSize,s", m_uiMaxCUWidth, 64u, "max CU size") ("MaxCUSize,s", m_uiMaxCUHeight, 64u, "max CU size") ("MaxPartitionDepth,h", m_uiMaxCUDepth, 4u, "CU depth") ("QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize", m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize, 6u) ("QuadtreeTULog2MinSize", m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize, 2u) ("QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra", m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra, 1u) ("QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter", m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter, 2u) /* Coding structure paramters */ ("IntraPeriod,-ip",m_iIntraPeriod, -1, "intra period in frames, (-1: only first frame)") ("DecodingRefreshType,-dr",m_iDecodingRefreshType, 0, "intra refresh, (0:none 1:CRA 2:IDR)") ("GOPSize,g", m_iGOPSize, 1, "GOP size of temporal structure") #if !H0567_DPB_PARAMETERS_PER_TEMPORAL_LAYER ("MaxNumberOfReorderPictures", m_numReorderFrames, -1, "Max. number of reorder pictures: -1: encoder determines value, >=0: set explicitly") ("MaxNumberOfReferencePictures", m_maxNumberOfReferencePictures, 6, "Max. number of reference pictures") #endif ("ListCombination,-lc", m_bUseLComb, true, "combined reference list flag for uni-prediction in B-slices") ("LCModification", m_bLCMod, false, "enables signalling of combined reference list derivation") ("DisableInter4x4", m_bDisInter4x4, true, "Disable Inter 4x4") ("NSQT", m_enableNSQT, true, "Enable non-square transforms") ("AMP", m_enableAMP, true, "Enable asymmetric motion partitions") /* motion options */ ("FastSearch", m_iFastSearch, 1, "0:Full search 1:Diamond 2:PMVFAST") ("SearchRange,-sr",m_iSearchRange, 96, "motion search range") ("BipredSearchRange", m_bipredSearchRange, 4, "motion search range for bipred refinement") ("HadamardME", m_bUseHADME, true, "hadamard ME for fractional-pel") ("ASR", m_bUseASR, false, "adaptive motion search range") /* Quantization parameters */ ("QP,q", m_adQP, std::vector(1,32), "Qp value, if value is float, QP is switched once during encoding, if two values are given the second is used for depth") ("DeltaQpRD,-dqr",m_uiDeltaQpRD, 0u, "max dQp offset for slice") ("MaxDeltaQP,d", m_iMaxDeltaQP, 0, "max dQp offset for block") ("MaxCuDQPDepth,-dqd", m_iMaxCuDQPDepth, 0, "max depth for a minimum CuDQP") ("ChromaQpOffset, -cqo", m_iChromaQpOffset, 0, "ChromaQpOffset") ("ChromaQpOffset2nd,-cqo2", m_iChromaQpOffset2nd, 0, "ChromaQpOffset2nd") #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION ("AdaptiveQpSelection,-aqps", m_bUseAdaptQpSelect, false, "AdaptiveQpSelection") #endif ("AdaptiveQP,-aq", m_bUseAdaptiveQP, false, "QP adaptation based on a psycho-visual model") ("MaxQPAdaptationRange,-aqr", m_iQPAdaptationRange, 6, "QP adaptation range") ("dQPFile,m", cfg_dQPFile, string(""), "dQP file name") ("RDOQ", m_abUseRDOQ, std::vector(1,true), "Enable RDOQ") ("TemporalLayerQPOffset_L0,-tq0", m_aiTLayerQPOffset[0], MAX_QP + 1, "QP offset of temporal layer 0") ("TemporalLayerQPOffset_L1,-tq1", m_aiTLayerQPOffset[1], MAX_QP + 1, "QP offset of temporal layer 1") ("TemporalLayerQPOffset_L2,-tq2", m_aiTLayerQPOffset[2], MAX_QP + 1, "QP offset of temporal layer 2") ("TemporalLayerQPOffset_L3,-tq3", m_aiTLayerQPOffset[3], MAX_QP + 1, "QP offset of temporal layer 3") #if !H0566_TLA ("TLayeringBasedOnCodingStruct,-tl", m_bTLayering, false, "Temporal ID is set based on the hierarchical coding structure") ("TLayerSwitchingFlag_L0,-ts0", m_abTLayerSwitchingFlag[0], false, "Switching flag for temporal layer 0") ("TLayerSwitchingFlag_L1,-ts1", m_abTLayerSwitchingFlag[1], false, "Switching flag for temporal layer 1") ("TLayerSwitchingFlag_L2,-ts2", m_abTLayerSwitchingFlag[2], false, "Switching flag for temporal layer 2") ("TLayerSwitchingFlag_L3,-ts3", m_abTLayerSwitchingFlag[3], false, "Switching flag for temporal layer 3") #endif /* Entropy coding parameters */ ("SBACRD", m_bUseSBACRD, true, "SBAC based RD estimation") /* Deblocking filter parameters */ ("LoopFilterDisable", m_abLoopFilterDisable, std::vector(1,false), "Disables LoopFilter") ("LoopFilterOffsetInAPS", m_loopFilterOffsetInAPS, false) ("LoopFilterBetaOffset_div2", m_loopFilterBetaOffsetDiv2, 0 ) ("LoopFilterTcOffset_div2", m_loopFilterTcOffsetDiv2, 0 ) #if DBL_CONTROL ("DeblockingFilterControlPresent", m_DeblockingFilterControlPresent, false) #endif /* Camera Paremetes */ ("CameraParameterFile,cpf", m_pchCameraParameterFile, (Char *) 0, "Camera Parameter File Name") ("BaseViewCameraNumbers" , m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, (Char *) 0, "Numbers of base views") /* View Synthesis Optimization */ #if HHI_VSO ("VSOConfig", m_pchVSOConfig , (Char *) 0 , "VSO configuration") ("VSO", m_bUseVSO , false , "Use VSO" ) ("VSOMode", m_uiVSOMode , (UInt) 4 , "VSO Mode") ("LambdaScaleVSO", m_dLambdaScaleVSO , (Double) 1 , "Lambda Scaling for VSO") #if HHI_VSO_LS_TABLE ("VSOLSTable", m_bVSOLSTable , true , "Depth QP dependent video/depth rate allocation by Lagrange multiplier" ) #endif #if SAIT_VSO_EST_A0033 ("UseEstimatedVSD", m_bUseEstimatedVSD , true , "Model based VSD estimation instead of rendering based for some encoder decisions" ) #endif #if LGE_VSO_EARLY_SKIP_A0093 ("VSOEarlySkip", m_bVSOEarlySkip , true , "Early skip of VSO computation if synthesis error assumed to be zero" ) #endif ("ForceLambdaScaleVSO", m_bForceLambdaScaleVSO , false , "Force using Lambda Scale VSO also in non-VSO-Mode") #if HHI_VSO_DIST_INT ("AllowNegDist", m_bAllowNegDist , true , "Allow negative Distortion in VSO") #endif #endif #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION ("PredDepthMapGen", m_uiPredDepthMapGeneration, (UInt)0, "generation of prediction depth maps for motion data prediction" ) #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED ("MultiviewMvPred", m_uiMultiviewMvPredMode, (UInt)0, "usage of predicted depth maps" ) ("MultiviewMvRegMode", m_uiMultiviewMvRegMode, (UInt)0, "regularization mode for multiview motion vectors" ) ("MultiviewMvRegLambdaScale", m_dMultiviewMvRegLambdaScale, (Double)0, "lambda scale for multiview motion vector regularization" ) #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED ("MultiviewResPred", m_uiMultiviewResPredMode, (UInt)0, "usage of inter-view residual prediction" ) #endif /* Coding tools */ ("LMChroma", m_bUseLMChroma, true, "intra chroma prediction based on recontructed luma") ("ALF", m_abUseALF, std::vector(1,true), "Enables ALF") ("SAO", m_abUseSAO, std::vector(1, true), "SAO") #if SAO_UNIT_INTERLEAVING ("MaxNumOffsetsPerPic", m_maxNumOffsetsPerPic, 2048, "2048: default") ("SAOInterleaving", m_saoInterleavingFlag, false, "0: SAO Picture Mode, 1: SAO Interleaving ") #endif ("ALFEncodePassReduction", m_iALFEncodePassReduction, 0, "0:Original 16-pass, 1: 1-pass, 2: 2-pass encoding") ("ALFMaxNumFilter,-ALFMNF", m_iALFMaxNumberFilters, 16, "16: No Constrained, 1-15: Constrained max number of filter") #if LCU_SYNTAX_ALF ("ALFParamInSlice", m_bALFParamInSlice, false, "ALF parameters in 0: APS, 1: slice header") ("ALFPicBasedEncode", m_bALFPicBasedEncode, true, "ALF picture-based encoding 0: false, 1: true") #endif ("SliceMode", m_iSliceMode, 0, "0: Disable all Recon slice limits, 1: Enforce max # of LCUs, 2: Enforce max # of bytes") ("SliceArgument", m_iSliceArgument, 0, "if SliceMode==1 SliceArgument represents max # of LCUs. if SliceMode==2 SliceArgument represents max # of bytes.") ("EntropySliceMode", m_iEntropySliceMode, 0, "0: Disable all entropy slice limits, 1: Enforce max # of LCUs, 2: Enforce constraint based entropy slices") ("EntropySliceArgument", m_iEntropySliceArgument,0, "if EntropySliceMode==1 SliceArgument represents max # of LCUs. if EntropySliceMode==2 EntropySliceArgument represents max # of bins.") ("SliceGranularity", m_iSliceGranularity, 0, "0: Slices always end at LCU borders. 1-3: slices may end at a depth of 1-3 below LCU level.") ("LFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag", m_bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag, true) ("ConstrainedIntraPred", m_bUseConstrainedIntraPred, false, "Constrained Intra Prediction") ("PCMEnabledFlag", m_usePCM , false) ("PCMLog2MaxSize", m_pcmLog2MaxSize, 5u) ("PCMLog2MinSize", m_uiPCMLog2MinSize, 3u) ("PCMInputBitDepthFlag", m_bPCMInputBitDepthFlag, true) ("PCMFilterDisableFlag", m_bPCMFilterDisableFlag, false) #if LOSSLESS_CODING ("LosslessCuEnabled", m_useLossless, false) #endif ("weighted_pred_flag,-wpP", m_bUseWeightPred, false, "weighted prediction flag (P-Slices)") ("weighted_bipred_idc,-wpBidc", m_uiBiPredIdc, 0u, "weighted bipred idc (B-Slices)") ("TileInfoPresentFlag", m_iColumnRowInfoPresent, 1, "0: tiles parameters are NOT present in the PPS. 1: tiles parameters are present in the PPS") ("UniformSpacingIdc", m_iUniformSpacingIdr, 0, "Indicates if the column and row boundaries are distributed uniformly") #if !REMOVE_TILE_DEPENDENCE ("TileBoundaryIndependenceIdc", m_iTileBoundaryIndependenceIdr, 1, "Indicates if the column and row boundaries break the prediction") #endif ("NumTileColumnsMinus1", m_iNumColumnsMinus1, 0, "Number of columns in a picture minus 1") ("ColumnWidthArray", cfg_ColumnWidth, string(""), "Array containing ColumnWidth values in units of LCU") ("NumTileRowsMinus1", m_iNumRowsMinus1, 0, "Number of rows in a picture minus 1") ("RowHeightArray", cfg_RowHeight, string(""), "Array containing RowHeight values in units of LCU") ("TileLocationInSliceHeaderFlag", m_iTileLocationInSliceHeaderFlag, 0, "0: Disable transmission of tile location in slice header. 1: Transmit tile locations in slice header.") ("TileMarkerFlag", m_iTileMarkerFlag, 0, "0: Disable transmission of lightweight tile marker. 1: Transmit light weight tile marker.") ("MaxTileMarkerEntryPoints", m_iMaxTileMarkerEntryPoints, 4, "Maximum number of uniformly-spaced tile entry points (using light weigh tile markers). Default=4. If number of tiles < MaxTileMarkerEntryPoints then all tiles have entry points.") ("TileControlPresentFlag", m_iTileBehaviorControlPresentFlag, 1, "0: tiles behavior control parameters are NOT present in the PPS. 1: tiles behavior control parameters are present in the PPS") ("LFCrossTileBoundaryFlag", m_bLFCrossTileBoundaryFlag, true, "1: cross-tile-boundary loop filtering. 0:non-cross-tile-boundary loop filtering") ("WaveFrontSynchro", m_iWaveFrontSynchro, 0, "0: no synchro; 1 synchro with TR; 2 TRR etc") ("WaveFrontFlush", m_iWaveFrontFlush, 0, "Flush and terminate CABAC coding for each LCU line") ("WaveFrontSubstreams", m_iWaveFrontSubstreams, 1, "# coded substreams wanted; per tile if TileBoundaryIndependenceIdc is 1, otherwise per frame") ("ScalingList", m_useScalingListId, 0, "0: no scaling list, 1: default scaling lists, 2: scaling lists specified in ScalingListFile") ("ScalingListFile", cfg_ScalingListFile, string(""), "Scaling list file name") #if MULTIBITS_DATA_HIDING ("SignHideFlag,-SBH", m_signHideFlag, 1) ("SignHideThreshold,-TSIG", m_signHidingThreshold, 4) #endif #if HHI_DMM_WEDGE_INTRA || HHI_DMM_PRED_TEX ("DMM", m_bUseDMM, false, "depth model modes flag") #endif /* Misc. */ ("SEIpictureDigest", m_pictureDigestEnabled, true, "Control generation of picture_digest SEI messages\n" "\t1: use MD5\n" "\t0: disable") ("TMVP", m_enableTMVP, true, "Enable TMVP" ) ("FEN", m_bUseFastEnc, false, "fast encoder setting") ("ECU", m_bUseEarlyCU, false, "Early CU setting") #if FAST_DECISION_FOR_MRG_RD_COST ("FDM", m_useFastDecisionForMerge, true, "Fast decision for Merge RD Cost") #endif ("CFM", m_bUseCbfFastMode, false, "Cbf fast mode setting") #if HHI_INTERVIEW_SKIP ("InterViewSkip", m_bInterViewSkip, false, "usage of interview skip" ) #if HHI_INTERVIEW_SKIP_LAMBDA_SCALE ("InterViewSkipLambdaScale", m_dInterViewSkipLambdaScale, (Double)8, "lambda scale for interview skip" ) #endif #endif /* Compatability with old style -1 FOO or -0 FOO options. */ ("1", doOldStyleCmdlineOn, "turn option on") ("0", doOldStyleCmdlineOff, "turn option off") #if HHI_MPI ("MVI", m_bUseMVI, false, "use motion vector inheritance for depth map coding") #endif ; // parse coding structure for( Int k = 0; k < MAX_VIEW_NUM; k++ ) { if( k == 0 ) { for( Int i = 1; i < MAX_GOP + 1; i++ ) { std::ostringstream cOSS; cOSS<<"Frame"<& argv_unhandled = po::scanArgv(opts, argc, (const char**) argv); for (list::const_iterator it = argv_unhandled.begin(); it != argv_unhandled.end(); it++) { fprintf(stderr, "Unhandled argument ignored: `%s'\n", *it); } if (argc == 1 || do_help) { /* argc == 1: no options have been specified */ po::doHelp(cout, opts); xPrintUsage(); return false; } /* * Set any derived parameters */ /* convert std::string to c string for compatability */ m_pchBitstreamFile = cfg_BitstreamFile.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_BitstreamFile.c_str()); m_pchdQPFile = cfg_dQPFile.empty() ? NULL : strdup(cfg_dQPFile.c_str()); #if FLEX_CODING_ORDER m_pchMVCJointCodingOrder= cfg_JointCodingOrdering.empty()?NULL:strdup(cfg_JointCodingOrdering.c_str()); // If flexible order is enabled and if depth comes before the texture for a view, disable VSO #if HHI_VSO && DISABLE_FCO_FOR_VSO Bool depthComesFirst = false; int iter = 0; if ( m_b3DVFlexOrder ) { for(Int iViewIdx=0; iViewIdx> (m_uiMaxCUDepth - 1); if (m_iSourceWidth % minCuSize) { m_aiPad[0] = m_cropRight = ((m_iSourceWidth / minCuSize) + 1) * minCuSize - m_iSourceWidth; m_iSourceWidth += m_cropRight; } if (m_iSourceHeight % minCuSize) { m_aiPad[1] = m_cropBottom = ((m_iSourceHeight / minCuSize) + 1) * minCuSize - m_iSourceHeight; m_iSourceHeight += m_cropBottom; } break; } case 2: { //padding m_iSourceWidth += m_aiPad[0]; m_iSourceHeight += m_aiPad[1]; m_cropRight = m_aiPad[0]; m_cropBottom = m_aiPad[1]; break; } case 3: { // cropping if ((m_cropLeft == 0) && (m_cropRight == 0) && (m_cropTop == 0) && (m_cropBottom == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Cropping enabled, but all cropping parameters set to zero\n"); } if ((m_aiPad[1] != 0) || (m_aiPad[0]!=0)) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Cropping enabled, padding parameters will be ignored\n"); } m_aiPad[1] = m_aiPad[0] = 0; break; } } #else // compute source padding size if ( m_bUsePAD ) { if ( m_iSourceWidth%MAX_PAD_SIZE ) { m_aiPad[0] = (m_iSourceWidth/MAX_PAD_SIZE+1)*MAX_PAD_SIZE - m_iSourceWidth; } if ( m_iSourceHeight%MAX_PAD_SIZE ) { m_aiPad[1] = (m_iSourceHeight/MAX_PAD_SIZE+1)*MAX_PAD_SIZE - m_iSourceHeight; } } m_iSourceWidth += m_aiPad[0]; m_iSourceHeight += m_aiPad[1]; #endif // allocate slice-based dQP values m_aidQP = new Int[ m_iFrameToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ]; m_aidQPdepth = new Int[ m_iFrameToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ]; ::memset( m_aidQP, 0, sizeof(Int)*( m_iFrameToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ) ); ::memset( m_aidQPdepth, 0, sizeof(Int)*( m_iFrameToBeEncoded + m_iGOPSize + 1 ) ); // handling of floating-point QP values // if QP is not integer, sequence is split into two sections having QP and QP+1 m_aiQP[0] = (Int)( m_adQP[0] ); if ( m_aiQP[0] < m_adQP[0] ) { Int iSwitchPOC = (Int)( m_iFrameToBeEncoded - (m_adQP[0] - m_aiQP[0])*m_iFrameToBeEncoded + 0.5 ); iSwitchPOC = (Int)( (Double)iSwitchPOC / m_iGOPSize + 0.5 )*m_iGOPSize; for ( Int i=iSwitchPOC; i 51)); m_dLambdaScaleVSO *= adLambdaScaleTable[m_aiQP[1]]; } #endif #endif // set global variables xSetGlobal(); // read and check camera parameters #if HHI_VSO if ( m_bUseVSO && m_uiVSOMode == 4) { m_cRenModStrParser.setString( m_iNumberOfViews, m_pchVSOConfig ); m_cCameraData .init ( (UInt)m_iNumberOfViews, m_uiInputBitDepth, (UInt)m_iCodedCamParPrecision, m_FrameSkip, (UInt)m_iFrameToBeEncoded, m_pchCameraParameterFile, m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, NULL, m_cRenModStrParser.getSynthViews(), LOG2_DISP_PREC_LUT ); } else if ( m_bUseVSO && m_uiVSOMode != 4 ) { m_cCameraData .init ( (UInt)m_iNumberOfViews, m_uiInputBitDepth, (UInt)m_iCodedCamParPrecision, m_FrameSkip, (UInt)m_iFrameToBeEncoded, m_pchCameraParameterFile, m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, m_pchVSOConfig, NULL, LOG2_DISP_PREC_LUT ); } else { m_cCameraData .init ( (UInt)m_iNumberOfViews, m_uiInputBitDepth, (UInt)m_iCodedCamParPrecision, m_FrameSkip, (UInt)m_iFrameToBeEncoded, m_pchCameraParameterFile, m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, NULL, NULL, LOG2_DISP_PREC_LUT ); } #else m_cCameraData .init ( (UInt)m_iNumberOfViews, m_uiInputBitDepth, (UInt)m_iCodedCamParPrecision, m_FrameSkip, (UInt)m_iFrameToBeEncoded, m_pchCameraParameterFile, m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers, NULL, NULL, LOG2_DISP_PREC_LUT ); #endif // check validity of input parameters xCheckParameter(); m_cCameraData.check( false, true ); // print-out parameters xPrintParameter(); return true; } // ==================================================================================================================== // Private member functions // ==================================================================================================================== Bool confirmPara(Bool bflag, const char* message); Void TAppEncCfg::xCheckParameter() { bool check_failed = false; /* abort if there is a fatal configuration problem */ #define xConfirmPara(a,b) check_failed |= confirmPara(a,b) // check range of parameters xConfirmPara( m_uiInputBitDepth < 8, "InputBitDepth must be at least 8" ); xConfirmPara( m_iFrameRate <= 0, "Frame rate must be more than 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_iFrameToBeEncoded <= 0, "Total Number Of Frames encoded must be more than 0" ); xConfirmPara( m_iGOPSize < 1 , "GOP Size must be greater or equal to 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_iGOPSize > 1 && m_iGOPSize % 2, "GOP Size must be a multiple of 2, if GOP Size is greater than 1" ); xConfirmPara( (m_iIntraPeriod > 0 && m_iIntraPeriod < m_iGOPSize) || m_iIntraPeriod == 0, "Intra period must be more than GOP size, or -1 , not 0" ); xConfirmPara( m_iDecodingRefreshType < 0 || m_iDecodingRefreshType > 2, "Decoding Refresh Type must be equal to 0, 1 or 2" ); #if H0736_AVC_STYLE_QP_RANGE xConfirmPara( m_aiQP[0] < -6 * ((Int)m_uiInternalBitDepth - 8) || m_aiQP[0] > 51, "QP exceeds supported range (-QpBDOffsety to 51)" ); if ( m_aiQP.size() >= 2 ) { xConfirmPara( m_aiQP[1] < -6 * ((Int)m_uiInternalBitDepth - 8) || m_aiQP[1] > 51, "QP depth exceeds supported range (-QpBDOffsety to 51)" ); } #else xConfirmPara( m_aiQP[0] < 0 || m_aiQP[0] > 51, "QP exceeds supported range (0 to 51)" ); if ( m_aiQP.size() >= 2 ) { xConfirmPara( m_aiQP[1] < 0 || m_aiQP[1] > 51, "QP Depth exceeds supported range (0 to 51)" ); } #endif xConfirmPara( m_iALFEncodePassReduction < 0 || m_iALFEncodePassReduction > 2, "ALFEncodePassReduction must be equal to 0, 1 or 2"); #if LCU_SYNTAX_ALF xConfirmPara( m_iALFMaxNumberFilters < 1, "ALFMaxNumFilter should be larger than 1"); #else xConfirmPara( m_iALFMaxNumberFilters < 1 || m_iALFMaxNumberFilters > 16, "ALFMaxNumFilter exceeds supported range (1 to 16)"); #endif xConfirmPara( m_loopFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 < -13 || m_loopFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 > 13, "Loop Filter Beta Offset div. 2 exceeds supported range (-13 to 13)"); xConfirmPara( m_loopFilterTcOffsetDiv2 < -13 || m_loopFilterTcOffsetDiv2 > 13, "Loop Filter Tc Offset div. 2 exceeds supported range (-13 to 13)"); xConfirmPara( m_iFastSearch < 0 || m_iFastSearch > 2, "Fast Search Mode is not supported value (0:Full search 1:Diamond 2:PMVFAST)" ); xConfirmPara( m_iSearchRange < 0 , "Search Range must be more than 0" ); xConfirmPara( m_bipredSearchRange < 0 , "Search Range must be more than 0" ); xConfirmPara( m_iMaxDeltaQP > 7, "Absolute Delta QP exceeds supported range (0 to 7)" ); xConfirmPara( m_iMaxCuDQPDepth > m_uiMaxCUDepth - 1, "Absolute depth for a minimum CuDQP exceeds maximum coding unit depth" ); xConfirmPara( m_iChromaQpOffset < -12, "Min. Chroma Qp Offset is -12" ); xConfirmPara( m_iChromaQpOffset > 12, "Max. Chroma Qp Offset is 12" ); xConfirmPara( m_iChromaQpOffset2nd < -12, "Min. Chroma Qp Offset 2nd is -12" ); xConfirmPara( m_iChromaQpOffset2nd > 12, "Max. Chroma Qp Offset 2nd is 12" ); xConfirmPara( m_iQPAdaptationRange <= 0, "QP Adaptation Range must be more than 0" ); if (m_iDecodingRefreshType == 2) { xConfirmPara( m_iIntraPeriod > 0 && m_iIntraPeriod <= m_iGOPSize , "Intra period must be larger than GOP size for periodic IDR pictures"); } xConfirmPara( (m_uiMaxCUWidth >> m_uiMaxCUDepth) < 4, "Minimum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 8"); xConfirmPara( (m_uiMaxCUHeight >> m_uiMaxCUDepth) < 4, "Minimum partition height size should be larger than or equal to 8"); xConfirmPara( m_uiMaxCUWidth < 16, "Maximum partition width size should be larger than or equal to 16"); xConfirmPara( m_uiMaxCUHeight < 16, "Maximum partition height size should be larger than or equal to 16"); #if PIC_CROPPING xConfirmPara( (m_iSourceWidth % (m_uiMaxCUWidth >> (m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)))!=0, "Resulting coded frame width must be a multiple of the minimum CU size"); xConfirmPara( (m_iSourceHeight % (m_uiMaxCUHeight >> (m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)))!=0, "Resulting coded frame height must be a multiple of the minimum CU size"); #else xConfirmPara( (m_iSourceWidth % (m_uiMaxCUWidth >> (m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)))!=0, "Frame width should be multiple of minimum CU size"); xConfirmPara( (m_iSourceHeight % (m_uiMaxCUHeight >> (m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)))!=0, "Frame height should be multiple of minimum CU size"); #endif xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize < 2, "QuadtreeTULog2MinSize must be 2 or greater."); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize > 5, "QuadtreeTULog2MinSize must be 5 or smaller."); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize < 2, "QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize must be 2 or greater."); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize > 5, "QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize must be 5 or smaller."); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize < m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize, "QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize must be greater than or equal to m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize."); xConfirmPara( (1<(m_uiMaxCUWidth >>(m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)), "QuadtreeTULog2MinSize must not be greater than minimum CU size" ); // HS xConfirmPara( (1<(m_uiMaxCUHeight>>(m_uiMaxCUDepth-1)), "QuadtreeTULog2MinSize must not be greater than minimum CU size" ); // HS xConfirmPara( ( 1 << m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize ) > ( m_uiMaxCUWidth >> m_uiMaxCUDepth ), "Minimum CU width must be greater than minimum transform size." ); xConfirmPara( ( 1 << m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize ) > ( m_uiMaxCUHeight >> m_uiMaxCUDepth ), "Minimum CU height must be greater than minimum transform size." ); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter < 1, "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be greater than or equal to 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter > m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize - m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize + 1, "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter must be less than or equal to the difference between QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize and QuadtreeTULog2MinSize plus 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra < 1, "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra must be greater than or equal to 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra > m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize - m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize + 1, "QuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra must be less than or equal to the difference between QuadtreeTULog2MaxSize and QuadtreeTULog2MinSize plus 1" ); xConfirmPara( m_iNumberOfViews > MAX_VIEW_NUM , "NumberOfViews must be less than or equal to MAX_VIEW_NUM"); xConfirmPara ( Int( m_pchInputFileList.size() ) < m_iNumberOfViews, "Number of InputFiles must be greater than or equal to NumberOfViews" ); xConfirmPara ( Int( m_pchReconFileList.size() ) < m_iNumberOfViews, "Number of ReconFiles must be greater than or equal to NumberOfViews" ); xConfirmPara ( m_iCodedCamParPrecision < 0 || m_iCodedCamParPrecision > 5, "CodedCamParsPrecision must be in range of 0..5" ); #if HHI_INTERVIEW_SKIP xConfirmPara ( m_bInterViewSkip && !m_bUsingDepthMaps, "RenderingSkipMode requires CodeDepthMaps = 1" ); #endif #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION xConfirmPara ( m_uiPredDepthMapGeneration > 2, "PredDepthMapGen must be less than or equal to 2" ); xConfirmPara ( m_uiPredDepthMapGeneration >= 2 && !m_bUsingDepthMaps, "PredDepthMapGen >= 2 requires CodeDepthMaps = 1" ); #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED xConfirmPara ( m_uiMultiviewMvPredMode > 7, "MultiviewMvPred must be less than or equal to 7" ); xConfirmPara ( m_uiMultiviewMvPredMode > 0 && m_uiPredDepthMapGeneration == 0 , "MultiviewMvPred > 0 requires PredDepthMapGen > 0" ); xConfirmPara ( m_uiMultiviewMvRegMode > 1, "MultiviewMvRegMode must be less than or equal to 1" ); xConfirmPara ( m_dMultiviewMvRegLambdaScale < 0.0, "MultiviewMvRegLambdaScale must not be negative" ); if( m_uiMultiviewMvRegMode ) { xConfirmPara ( Int( m_pchDepthInputFileList.size() ) < m_iNumberOfViews, "MultiviewMvRegMode > 0 requires the presence of input depth maps" ); } #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED xConfirmPara ( m_uiMultiviewResPredMode > 1, "MultiviewResPred must be less than or equal to 1" ); xConfirmPara ( m_uiMultiviewResPredMode > 0 && m_uiPredDepthMapGeneration == 0 , "MultiviewResPred > 0 requires PredDepthMapGen > 0" ); #endif if( m_bUsingDepthMaps ) { xConfirmPara ( Int( m_pchDepthInputFileList.size() ) < m_iNumberOfViews, "Number of DepthInputFiles must be greater than or equal to NumberOfViews" ); xConfirmPara ( Int( m_pchDepthReconFileList.size() ) < m_iNumberOfViews, "Number of DepthReconFiles must be greater than or equal to NumberOfViews" ); #if HHI_VSO if( m_bUseVSO ) { xConfirmPara( m_pchCameraParameterFile == 0 , "CameraParameterFile must be given"); xConfirmPara( m_pchVSOConfig == 0 , "VSO Setup string must be given"); xConfirmPara( m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers == 0 , "BaseViewCameraNumbers must be given" ); xConfirmPara( m_iNumberOfViews != m_cCameraData.getBaseViewNumbers().size(), "Number of Views in BaseViewCameraNumbers must be equal to NumberOfViews" ); xConfirmPara( m_uiVSOMode > 4 , "VSO Mode must be less than 5"); } #endif } #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION #if H0736_AVC_STYLE_QP_RANGE xConfirmPara( m_bUseAdaptQpSelect == true && m_aiQP[0] < 0, "AdaptiveQpSelection must be disabled when QP < 0."); xConfirmPara( m_bUseAdaptQpSelect == true && m_aiQP[1] < 0, "AdaptiveQpSelection must be disabled when QP < 0."); xConfirmPara( m_bUseAdaptQpSelect == true && (m_iChromaQpOffset !=0 || m_iChromaQpOffset2nd != 0 ), "AdaptiveQpSelection must be disabled when ChromaQpOffset is not equal to 0."); #endif #endif if( m_usePCM) { xConfirmPara( m_uiPCMLog2MinSize < 3, "PCMLog2MinSize must be 3 or greater."); xConfirmPara( m_uiPCMLog2MinSize > 5, "PCMLog2MinSize must be 5 or smaller."); xConfirmPara( m_pcmLog2MaxSize > 5, "PCMLog2MaxSize must be 5 or smaller."); xConfirmPara( m_pcmLog2MaxSize < m_uiPCMLog2MinSize, "PCMLog2MaxSize must be equal to or greater than m_uiPCMLog2MinSize."); } #if FIXED_NUMBER_OF_TILES_SLICE_MODE xConfirmPara( m_iSliceMode < 0 || m_iSliceMode > 3, "SliceMode exceeds supported range (0 to 3)" ); #endif if (m_iSliceMode!=0) { xConfirmPara( m_iSliceArgument < 1 , "SliceArgument should be larger than or equal to 1" ); } #if FIXED_NUMBER_OF_TILES_SLICE_MODE if (m_iSliceMode==3) { xConfirmPara( m_iSliceGranularity > 0 , "When SliceMode == 3 is chosen, the SliceGranularity must be 0" ); } #endif xConfirmPara( m_iEntropySliceMode < 0 || m_iEntropySliceMode > 2, "EntropySliceMode exceeds supported range (0 to 2)" ); if (m_iEntropySliceMode!=0) { xConfirmPara( m_iEntropySliceArgument < 1 , "EntropySliceArgument should be larger than or equal to 1" ); } xConfirmPara( m_iSliceGranularity >= m_uiMaxCUDepth, "SliceGranularity must be smaller than maximum cu depth"); xConfirmPara( m_iSliceGranularity <0 || m_iSliceGranularity > 3, "SliceGranularity exceeds supported range (0 to 3)" ); xConfirmPara( m_iSliceGranularity > m_iMaxCuDQPDepth, "SliceGranularity must be smaller smaller than or equal to maximum dqp depth" ); #if NO_COMBINED_PARALLEL bool tileFlag = (m_iNumColumnsMinus1 > 0 || m_iNumRowsMinus1 > 0 ); xConfirmPara( tileFlag && m_iEntropySliceMode, "Tile and Entropy Slice can not be applied together"); xConfirmPara( tileFlag && m_iWaveFrontSynchro, "Tile and Wavefront can not be applied together"); xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSynchro && m_iEntropySliceMode, "Wavefront and Entropy Slice can not be applied together"); #endif // max CU width and height should be power of 2 UInt ui = m_uiMaxCUWidth; while(ui) { ui >>= 1; if( (ui & 1) == 1) xConfirmPara( ui != 1 , "Width should be 2^n"); } ui = m_uiMaxCUHeight; while(ui) { ui >>= 1; if( (ui & 1) == 1) xConfirmPara( ui != 1 , "Height should be 2^n"); } xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSynchro < 0, "WaveFrontSynchro cannot be negative" ); xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontFlush < 0, "WaveFrontFlush cannot be negative" ); xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSubstreams <= 0, "WaveFrontSubstreams must be positive" ); xConfirmPara( m_iWaveFrontSubstreams > 1 && !m_iWaveFrontSynchro, "Must have WaveFrontSynchro > 0 in order to have WaveFrontSubstreams > 1" ); #undef xConfirmPara if (check_failed) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } xCheckCodingStructureMvc(); } Void TAppEncCfg::xCheckCodingStructureMvc() { bool check_failed = false; /* abort if there is a fatal configuration problem */ #define xConfirmPara(a,b) check_failed |= confirmPara(a,b) // validate that POC of same frame is identical across multiple views Bool bErrorMvePoc = false; if( m_iNumberOfViews > 1 ) { for( Int k = 1; k < m_iNumberOfViews; k++ ) { for( Int i = 0; i < MAX_GOP; i++ ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_POC != m_GOPListsMvc[0][i].m_POC ) { printf( "\nError: Frame%d_v%d POC %d is not identical to Frame%d POC\n", i, k, m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_POC, i ); bErrorMvePoc = true; } } } } xConfirmPara( bErrorMvePoc, "Invalid inter-view POC structure given" ); // validate that baseview has no inter-view refs Bool bErrorIvpBase = false; for( Int i = 0; i < MAX_GOP; i++ ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[0][i].m_numInterViewRefPics != 0 ) { printf( "\nError: Frame%d inter_view refs not available in view 0\n", i ); bErrorIvpBase = true; } } xConfirmPara( bErrorIvpBase, "Inter-view refs not possible in base view" ); // validate inter-view refs Bool bErrorIvpEnhV = false; if( m_iNumberOfViews > 1 ) { for( Int k = 1; k < m_iNumberOfViews; k++ ) { for( Int i = 0; i < MAX_GOP+1; i++ ) { for( Int j = 0; j < m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_numInterViewRefPics; j++ ) { Int iAbsViewId = m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_interViewRefs[j] + k; if( iAbsViewId < 0 || iAbsViewId >= k ) { printf( "\nError: inter-view ref pic %d is not available for Frame%d_v%d\n", m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_interViewRefs[j], i, k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_interViewRefPosL0[j] < 0 || m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_interViewRefPosL0[j] > m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_numRefPicsActive ) { printf( "\nError: inter-view ref pos %d on L0 is not available for Frame%d_v%d\n", m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_interViewRefPosL0[j], i, k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_interViewRefPosL1[j] < 0 || m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_interViewRefPosL1[j] > m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_numRefPicsActive ) { printf( "\nError: inter-view ref pos %d on L1 is not available for Frame%d_v%d\n", m_GOPListsMvc[k][i].m_interViewRefPosL1[j], i, k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } } if( i == MAX_GOP ) // inter-view refs at I pic position in base view { if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_sliceType != 'B' && m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_sliceType != 'P' && m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_sliceType != 'I' ) { printf( "\nError: slice type of FrameI_v%d must be equal to B or P or I\n", k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_POC != 0 ) { printf( "\nError: POC %d not possible for FrameI_v%d, must be 0\n", m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_POC, k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_temporalId != 0 ) { printf( "\nWarning: Temporal id of FrameI_v%d must be 0 (cp. I-frame in base view)\n", k ); m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_temporalId = 0; } if( !(m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_refPic) ) { printf( "\nWarning: FrameI_v%d must be ref pic (cp. I-frame in base view)\n", k ); m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_refPic = true; } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numRefPics != 0 ) { printf( "\nWarning: temporal references not possible for FrameI_v%d\n", k ); for( Int j = 0; j < m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numRefPics; j++ ) { m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_referencePics[j] = 0; } m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numRefPics = 0; } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_interRPSPrediction ) { printf( "\nError: inter RPS prediction not possible for FrameI_v%d, must be 0\n", k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_sliceType == 'I' && m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numInterViewRefPics != 0 ) { printf( "\nError: inter-view prediction not possible for FrameI_v%d with slice type I, #IV_ref_pics must be 0\n", k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numRefPicsActive > m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numInterViewRefPics ) { m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numRefPicsActive = m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numInterViewRefPics; } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_sliceType == 'P' ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numInterViewRefPics < 1 ) { printf( "\nError: #IV_ref_pics must be at least one for FrameI_v%d with slice type P\n", k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } else { for( Int j = 0; j < m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numInterViewRefPics; j++ ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_interViewRefPosL1[j] != 0 ) { printf( "\nError: inter-view ref pos %d on L1 not possible for FrameI_v%d with slice type P\n", m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_interViewRefPosL1[j], k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } } } } if( m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_sliceType == 'B' && m_GOPListsMvc[k][MAX_GOP].m_numInterViewRefPics < 1 ) { printf( "\nError: #IV_ref_pics must be at least one for FrameI_v%d with slice type B\n", k ); bErrorIvpEnhV = true; } } } } } xConfirmPara( bErrorIvpEnhV, "Invalid inter-view coding structure for enhancement views given" ); // validate temporal coding structure if( !bErrorMvePoc && !bErrorIvpBase && !bErrorIvpEnhV ) { for( Int viewId = 0; viewId < m_iNumberOfViews; viewId++ ) { Bool verifiedGOP = false; Bool errorGOP = false; Int checkGOP = 1; Int numRefs = 1; Int refList[MAX_NUM_REF_PICS+1]; refList[0] = 0; Bool isOK[MAX_GOP]; for( Int i = 0; i < MAX_GOP; i++ ) { isOK[i] = false; } Int numOK = 0; #if !H0567_DPB_PARAMETERS_PER_TEMPORAL_LAYER Int numReorderFramesRequired=0; m_maxNumberOfReferencePictures=0; Int lastDisp = -1; #endif m_extraRPSs[viewId] = 0; //start looping through frames in coding order until we can verify that the GOP structure is correct. while( !verifiedGOP && !errorGOP ) { Int curGOP = (checkGOP-1)%m_iGOPSize; Int curPOC = ((checkGOP-1)/m_iGOPSize)*m_iGOPSize + m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_POC; if( m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_POC < 0 ) { printf( "\nError: found fewer Reference Picture Sets than GOPSize for view %d\n", viewId ); errorGOP = true; } else { //check that all reference pictures are available, or have a POC < 0 meaning they might be available in the next GOP. Bool beforeI = false; for( Int i = 0; i < m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_numRefPics; i++ ) { Int absPOC = curPOC + m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_referencePics[i]; if( absPOC < 0 ) { beforeI = true; } else { Bool found = false; for( Int j = 0; j < numRefs; j++ ) { if( refList[j] == absPOC ) { found = true; for( Int k = 0; k < m_iGOPSize; k++ ) { if( absPOC%m_iGOPSize == m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][k].m_POC%m_iGOPSize ) { m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_usedByCurrPic[i] = (m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][k].m_temporalId <= m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_temporalId); } } } } if( !found ) { printf("\nError: ref pic %d is not available for GOP frame %d of view %d\n", m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_referencePics[i], curGOP+1, viewId ); errorGOP = true; } } } if( !beforeI && !errorGOP ) { //all ref frames were present if( !isOK[curGOP] ) { numOK++; isOK[curGOP] = true; if( numOK == m_iGOPSize ) { verifiedGOP = true; } } } else { //create a new GOPEntry for this frame containing all the reference pictures that were available (POC > 0) m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]] = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP]; Int newRefs = 0; for( Int i = 0; i < m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_numRefPics; i++ ) { Int absPOC = curPOC + m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_referencePics[i]; if( absPOC >= 0 ) { m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_referencePics[newRefs] = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_referencePics[i]; m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_usedByCurrPic[newRefs] = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_usedByCurrPic[i]; newRefs++; } } Int numPrefRefs = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_numRefPicsActive; for( Int offset = -1; offset > -checkGOP; offset-- ) { //step backwards in coding order and include any extra available pictures we might find useful to replace the ones with POC < 0. Int offGOP = (checkGOP - 1 + offset)%m_iGOPSize; Int offPOC = ((checkGOP - 1 + offset)/m_iGOPSize) * m_iGOPSize + m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][offGOP].m_POC; if( offPOC >= 0 && m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][offGOP].m_refPic && m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][offGOP].m_temporalId <= m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_temporalId ) { Bool newRef = false; for( Int i = 0; i < numRefs; i++ ) { if( refList[i] == offPOC ) { newRef = true; } } for( Int i = 0; i < newRefs; i++ ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_referencePics[i] == (offPOC - curPOC) ) { newRef = false; } } if( newRef ) { Int insertPoint = newRefs; //this picture can be added, find appropriate place in list and insert it. for( Int j = 0; j < newRefs; j++ ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_referencePics[j] < (offPOC - curPOC) || m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_referencePics[j] > 0 ) { insertPoint = j; break; } } Int prev = offPOC - curPOC; Int prevUsed = (m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][offGOP].m_temporalId <= m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_temporalId); for( Int j = insertPoint; j < newRefs+1; j++ ) { Int newPrev = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_referencePics[j]; Int newUsed = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_usedByCurrPic[j]; m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_referencePics[j] = prev; m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_usedByCurrPic[j] = prevUsed; prevUsed = newUsed; prev = newPrev; } newRefs++; } } if( newRefs >= numPrefRefs ) { break; } } m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_numRefPics = newRefs; m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_POC = curPOC; if( m_extraRPSs[viewId] == 0 ) { m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_interRPSPrediction = 0; m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_numRefIdc = 0; } else { Int rIdx = m_iGOPSize + m_extraRPSs[viewId] - 1; Int refPOC = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][rIdx].m_POC; Int refPics = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][rIdx].m_numRefPics; Int newIdc = 0; for( Int i = 0; i <= refPics; i++ ) { Int deltaPOC = ((i != refPics)? m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][rIdx].m_referencePics[i] : 0); // check if the reference abs POC is >= 0 Int absPOCref = refPOC + deltaPOC; Int refIdc = 0; for( Int j = 0; j < m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_numRefPics; j++ ) { if( (absPOCref - curPOC) == m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_referencePics[j] ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_usedByCurrPic[j] ) { refIdc = 1; } else { refIdc = 2; } } } m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_refIdc[newIdc] = refIdc; newIdc++; } m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_interRPSPrediction = 1; m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_numRefIdc = newIdc; m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_deltaRPS = refPOC - m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_POC; m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][m_iGOPSize+m_extraRPSs[viewId]].m_deltaRIdxMinus1 = 0; } curGOP = m_iGOPSize + m_extraRPSs[viewId]; m_extraRPSs[viewId]++; } numRefs = 0; for( Int i = 0; i < m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_numRefPics; i++ ) { Int absPOC = curPOC + m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][curGOP].m_referencePics[i]; if( absPOC >= 0 ) { refList[numRefs] = absPOC; numRefs++; } } #if !H0567_DPB_PARAMETERS_PER_TEMPORAL_LAYER if(m_maxNumberOfReferencePictureslastDisp) { nonDisplayed++; } } if(nonDisplayed>numReorderFramesRequired) { numReorderFramesRequired=nonDisplayed; } #endif } checkGOP++; } #if !H0567_DPB_PARAMETERS_PER_TEMPORAL_LAYER if (m_numReorderFrames == -1) { m_numReorderFrames = numReorderFramesRequired; } #endif xConfirmPara( errorGOP, "Invalid GOP structure given" ); #if H0566_TLA m_maxTempLayer[viewId] = 1; #endif for( Int i = 0; i < m_iGOPSize; i++ ) { #if H0566_TLA if( m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_temporalId >= m_maxTempLayer[viewId] ) { m_maxTempLayer[viewId] = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_temporalId + 1; } #endif xConfirmPara( m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_sliceType != 'B' && m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_sliceType != 'P', "Slice type must be equal to B or P" ); } #if H0567_DPB_PARAMETERS_PER_TEMPORAL_LAYER for( Int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i++ ) { m_numReorderPics[viewId][i] = 0; m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][i] = 0; } for( Int i = 0; i < m_iGOPSize; i++ ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_numRefPics > m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_temporalId] ) { m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_temporalId] = m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_numRefPics; } Int highestDecodingNumberWithLowerPOC = 0; for( Int j = 0; j < m_iGOPSize; j++ ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][j].m_POC <= m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_POC ) { highestDecodingNumberWithLowerPOC = j; } } Int numReorder = 0; for( Int j = 0; j < highestDecodingNumberWithLowerPOC; j++ ) { if( m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][j].m_temporalId <= m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_temporalId && m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][j].m_POC > m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_POC ) { numReorder++; } } if( numReorder > m_numReorderPics[viewId][m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_temporalId] ) { m_numReorderPics[viewId][m_GOPListsMvc[viewId][i].m_temporalId] = numReorder; } } for( Int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER-1; i++ ) { // a lower layer can not have higher value of m_numReorderPics than a higher layer if( m_numReorderPics[viewId][i+1] < m_numReorderPics[viewId][i] ) { m_numReorderPics[viewId][i+1] = m_numReorderPics[viewId][i]; } // the value of num_reorder_pics[ i ] shall be in the range of 0 to max_dec_pic_buffering[ i ], inclusive if( m_numReorderPics[viewId][i] > m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][i] ) { m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][i] = m_numReorderPics[viewId][i]; } // a lower layer can not have higher value of m_uiMaxDecPicBuffering than a higher layer if( m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][i+1] < m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][i] ) { m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][i+1] = m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][i]; } } // the value of num_reorder_pics[ i ] shall be in the range of 0 to max_dec_pic_buffering[ i ], inclusive if( m_numReorderPics[viewId][MAX_TLAYER-1] > m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][MAX_TLAYER-1] ) { m_maxDecPicBuffering[viewId][MAX_TLAYER-1] = m_numReorderPics[viewId][MAX_TLAYER-1]; } #endif #if H0567_DPB_PARAMETERS_PER_TEMPORAL_LAYER xConfirmPara( m_bUseLComb == false && m_numReorderPics[viewId][MAX_TLAYER-1] != 0, "ListCombination can only be 0 in low delay coding (more precisely when L0 and L1 are identical)" ); // Note however this is not the full necessary condition as ref_pic_list_combination_flag can only be 0 if L0 == L1. #else xConfirmPara( m_bUseLComb==false && m_numReorderFrames!=0, "ListCombination can only be 0 in low delay coding (more precisely when L0 and L1 are identical)" ); // Note however this is not the full necessary condition as ref_pic_list_combination_flag can only be 0 if L0 == L1. xConfirmPara( m_numReorderFrames < numReorderFramesRequired, "For the used GOP the encoder requires more pictures for reordering than specified in MaxNumberOfReorderPictures" ); #endif } } #undef xConfirmPara if( check_failed ) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } template Void TAppEncCfg::xCleanUpVector( std::vector& rcVec, const T& rcInvalid ) { Int iFirstInv = (Int)rcVec.size(); for( Int iIdx = 0; iIdx < (Int)rcVec.size(); iIdx++ ) { if( rcVec[ iIdx ] == rcInvalid ) { iFirstInv = iIdx; break; } } while( (Int)rcVec.size() > iFirstInv ) { rcVec.pop_back(); } } Void TAppEncCfg::xCleanUpVectors() { xCleanUpVector( m_pchInputFileList, (char*)0 ); xCleanUpVector( m_pchDepthInputFileList, (char*)0 ); xCleanUpVector( m_pchReconFileList, (char*)0 ); xCleanUpVector( m_pchDepthReconFileList, (char*)0 ); } /** \todo use of global variables should be removed later */ Void TAppEncCfg::xSetGlobal() { // set max CU width & height g_uiMaxCUWidth = m_uiMaxCUWidth; g_uiMaxCUHeight = m_uiMaxCUHeight; // compute actual CU depth with respect to config depth and max transform size g_uiAddCUDepth = 0; while( (m_uiMaxCUWidth>>m_uiMaxCUDepth) > ( 1 << ( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize + g_uiAddCUDepth ) ) ) g_uiAddCUDepth++; m_uiMaxCUDepth += g_uiAddCUDepth; g_uiAddCUDepth++; g_uiMaxCUDepth = m_uiMaxCUDepth; // set internal bit-depth and constants #if FULL_NBIT g_uiBitDepth = m_uiInternalBitDepth; g_uiBitIncrement = 0; #else g_uiBitDepth = 8; g_uiBitIncrement = m_uiInternalBitDepth - g_uiBitDepth; #endif #if HHI_DMM_WEDGE_INTRA || HHI_DMM_PRED_TEX g_iDeltaDCsQuantOffset = g_uiBitIncrement - 2; #endif g_uiBASE_MAX = ((1<<(g_uiBitDepth))-1); #if IBDI_NOCLIP_RANGE g_uiIBDI_MAX = g_uiBASE_MAX << g_uiBitIncrement; #else g_uiIBDI_MAX = ((1<<(g_uiBitDepth+g_uiBitIncrement))-1); #endif if (m_uiOutputBitDepth == 0) { m_uiOutputBitDepth = m_uiInternalBitDepth; } g_uiPCMBitDepthLuma = m_uiPCMBitDepthLuma = ((m_bPCMInputBitDepthFlag)? m_uiInputBitDepth : m_uiInternalBitDepth); g_uiPCMBitDepthChroma = ((m_bPCMInputBitDepthFlag)? m_uiInputBitDepth : m_uiInternalBitDepth); } Void TAppEncCfg::xPrintParameter() { printf("\n"); for( Int iCounter = 0; iCounter< m_iNumberOfViews; iCounter++) { printf("Texture Input File %i : %s\n", iCounter, m_pchInputFileList[iCounter]); } if( m_bUsingDepthMaps ) { for( Int iCounter = 0; iCounter < m_iNumberOfViews; iCounter++) { printf("Depth Input File %i : %s\n", iCounter, m_pchDepthInputFileList[iCounter]); } } printf("Bitstream File : %s\n", m_pchBitstreamFile ); for( Int iCounter = 0; iCounter< m_iNumberOfViews; iCounter++) { printf("Texture Reconstruction File %i : %s\n", iCounter, m_pchReconFileList[iCounter]); } if( m_bUsingDepthMaps ) { for( Int iCounter = 0; iCounter< m_iNumberOfViews; iCounter++) { printf("Depth Reconstruction File %i : %s\n", iCounter, m_pchDepthReconFileList[iCounter]); } } #if PIC_CROPPING printf("Real Format : %dx%d %dHz\n", m_iSourceWidth - m_cropLeft - m_cropRight, m_iSourceHeight - m_cropTop - m_cropBottom, m_iFrameRate ); #else printf("Real Format : %dx%d %dHz\n", m_iSourceWidth - m_aiPad[0], m_iSourceHeight-m_aiPad[1], m_iFrameRate ); #endif printf("Internal Format : %dx%d %dHz\n", m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeight, m_iFrameRate ); printf("Frame index : %u - %d (%d frames)\n", m_FrameSkip, m_FrameSkip+m_iFrameToBeEncoded-1, m_iFrameToBeEncoded ); printf("CU size / depth : %d / %d\n", m_uiMaxCUWidth, m_uiMaxCUDepth ); printf("RQT trans. size (min / max) : %d / %d\n", 1 << m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize, 1 << m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize ); printf("Max RQT depth inter : %d\n", m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter); printf("Max RQT depth intra : %d\n", m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra); printf("Min PCM size : %d\n", 1 << m_uiPCMLog2MinSize); printf("Motion search range : %d\n", m_iSearchRange ); printf("Intra period : %d\n", m_iIntraPeriod ); printf("Decoding refresh type : %d\n", m_iDecodingRefreshType ); printf("QP Texture : %5.2f\n", m_adQP[0] ); if( m_bUsingDepthMaps ) { printf("QP Depth : %5.2f\n", m_adQP[ m_adQP.size() < 2 ? 0 : 1] ); } printf("Max dQP signaling depth : %d\n", m_iMaxCuDQPDepth); printf("Chroma Qp Offset : %d\n", m_iChromaQpOffset ); printf("Chroma Qp Offset 2nd : %d\n", m_iChromaQpOffset2nd); printf("QP adaptation : %d (range=%d)\n", m_bUseAdaptiveQP, (m_bUseAdaptiveQP ? m_iQPAdaptationRange : 0) ); printf("GOP size : %d\n", m_iGOPSize ); printf("Internal bit depth : %d\n", m_uiInternalBitDepth ); printf("PCM sample bit depth : %d\n", m_uiPCMBitDepthLuma ); if((m_uiMaxCUWidth >> m_uiMaxCUDepth) == 4) { printf("DisableInter4x4 : %d\n", m_bDisInter4x4); } printf("Loop Filter Disabled : %d %d\n", m_abLoopFilterDisable[0] ? 1 : 0, m_abLoopFilterDisable[1] ? 1 : 0 ); printf("Coded Camera Param. Precision: %d\n", m_iCodedCamParPrecision); #if HHI_VSO printf("Force use of Lambda Scale : %d\n", m_bForceLambdaScaleVSO ); if ( m_bUseVSO ) { printf("VSO Lambda Scale : %5.2f\n", m_dLambdaScaleVSO ); printf("VSO Mode : %d\n", m_uiVSOMode ); printf("VSO Config : %s\n", m_pchVSOConfig ); #if HHI_VSO_DIST_INT printf("VSO Negative Distortion : %d\n", m_bAllowNegDist ? 1 : 0); #endif #if HHI_VSO_LS_TABLE printf("VSO LS Table : %d\n", m_bVSOLSTable ? 1 : 0); #endif #if SAIT_VSO_EST_A0033 printf("VSO Estimated VSD : %d\n", m_bUseEstimatedVSD ? 1 : 0); #endif #if LGE_VSO_EARLY_SKIP_A0093 printf("VSO Early Skip : %d\n", m_bVSOEarlySkip ? 1 : 0); #endif } #endif #if HHI_INTERVIEW_SKIP printf("InterView Skip: : %d\n", m_bInterViewSkip ? 1:0 ); printf("InterView Skip Lambda Scale : %f\n", m_dInterViewSkipLambdaScale ); #endif printf("\n"); printf("TOOL CFG General: "); #if LCU_SYNTAX_ALF printf("ALFMNF:%d ", m_iALFMaxNumberFilters); printf("ALFInSlice:%d ", m_bALFParamInSlice); printf("ALFPicEnc:%d ", m_bALFPicBasedEncode); #endif printf("IBD:%d ", !!g_uiBitIncrement); printf("HAD:%d ", m_bUseHADME ); printf("SRD:%d ", m_bUseSBACRD ); printf("SQP:%d ", m_uiDeltaQpRD ); printf("ASR:%d ", m_bUseASR ); #if !PIC_CROPPING printf("PAD:%d ", m_bUsePAD ); #endif printf("LComb:%d ", m_bUseLComb ); printf("LCMod:%d ", m_bLCMod ); printf("FEN:%d ", m_bUseFastEnc ); printf("ECU:%d ", m_bUseEarlyCU ); #if FAST_DECISION_FOR_MRG_RD_COST printf("FDM:%d ", m_useFastDecisionForMerge ); #endif printf("CFM:%d ", m_bUseCbfFastMode ); printf("RQT:%d ", 1 ); printf("LMC:%d ", m_bUseLMChroma ); printf("Slice: G=%d M=%d ", m_iSliceGranularity, m_iSliceMode); if (m_iSliceMode!=0) { printf("A=%d ", m_iSliceArgument); } printf("EntropySlice: M=%d ",m_iEntropySliceMode); if (m_iEntropySliceMode!=0) { printf("A=%d ", m_iEntropySliceArgument); } printf("CIP:%d ", m_bUseConstrainedIntraPred); #if BURST_IPCM printf("PCM:%d ", (m_usePCM && (1< = ALF - adaptive loop filter\n"); printf( " IBD - bit-depth increasement\n"); printf( " GPB - generalized B instead of P in low-delay mode\n"); printf( " HAD - hadamard ME for fractional-pel\n"); printf( " SRD - SBAC based RD estimation\n"); printf( " RDQ - RDOQ\n"); printf( " LDC - low-delay mode\n"); printf( " NRF - non-reference frame marking in last layer\n"); printf( " BQP - hier-P style QP assignment in low-delay mode\n"); printf( " PAD - automatic source padding of multiple of 16\n"); printf( " ASR - adaptive motion search range\n"); printf( " FEN - fast encoder setting\n"); printf( " ECU - Early CU setting\n"); printf( " CFM - Cbf fast mode setting\n"); printf( " LMC - intra chroma prediction based on luma\n"); printf( "\n" ); printf( " Example 1) TAppEncoder.exe -c test.cfg -q 32 -g 8 -f 9 -s 64 -h 4\n"); printf(" -> QP 32, hierarchical-B GOP 8, 9 frames, 64x64-8x8 CU (~4x4 PU)\n\n"); printf( " Example 2) TAppEncoder.exe -c test.cfg -q 32 -g 4 -f 9 -s 64 -h 4 -1 LDC\n"); printf(" -> QP 32, hierarchical-P GOP 4, 9 frames, 64x64-8x8 CU (~4x4 PU)\n\n"); } Bool confirmPara(Bool bflag, const char* message) { if (!bflag) return false; printf("Error: %s\n",message); return true; } /* helper function */ /* for handling "-1/-0 FOO" */ void translateOldStyleCmdline(const char* value, po::Options& opts, const std::string& arg) { const char* argv[] = {arg.c_str(), value}; /* replace some short names with their long name varients */ if (arg == "LDC") { argv[0] = "LowDelayCoding"; } else if (arg == "RDQ") { argv[0] = "RDOQ"; } else if (arg == "HAD") { argv[0] = "HadamardME"; } else if (arg == "SRD") { argv[0] = "SBACRD"; } else if (arg == "IBD") { argv[0] = "BitIncrement"; } /* issue a warning for change in FEN behaviour */ if (arg == "FEN") { /* xxx todo */ } po::storePair(opts, argv[0], argv[1]); } void doOldStyleCmdlineOn(po::Options& opts, const std::string& arg) { if (arg == "IBD") { translateOldStyleCmdline("4", opts, arg); return; } translateOldStyleCmdline("1", opts, arg); } void doOldStyleCmdlineOff(po::Options& opts, const std::string& arg) { translateOldStyleCmdline("0", opts, arg); } Void TAppEncCfg::xAppendToFileNameEnd( Char* pchInputFileName, const Char* pchStringToAppend, Char*& rpchOutputFileName) { size_t iInLength = strlen(pchInputFileName); size_t iAppendLength = strlen(pchStringToAppend); rpchOutputFileName = (Char*) malloc(iInLength+iAppendLength+1); Char* pCDot = strrchr(pchInputFileName,'.'); pCDot = pCDot ? pCDot : pchInputFileName + iInLength; size_t iCharsToDot = pCDot - pchInputFileName ; size_t iCharsToEnd = iInLength - iCharsToDot; strncpy(rpchOutputFileName , pchInputFileName , iCharsToDot ); strncpy(rpchOutputFileName+ iCharsToDot , pchStringToAppend , iAppendLength); strncpy(rpchOutputFileName+ iCharsToDot+iAppendLength , pchInputFileName+iCharsToDot, iCharsToEnd ); rpchOutputFileName[iInLength+iAppendLength] = '\0'; } //! \}