/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2017, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TEncBinCoderCABAC.cpp \brief binary entropy encoder of CABAC */ #include "TEncBinCoderCABAC.h" #include "TLibCommon/TComRom.h" #include "TLibCommon/Debug.h" //! \ingroup TLibEncoder //! \{ TEncBinCABAC::TEncBinCABAC() : m_pcTComBitIf( 0 ) , m_binCountIncrement( 0 ) #if FAST_BIT_EST , m_fracBits( 0 ) #endif { } TEncBinCABAC::~TEncBinCABAC() { } Void TEncBinCABAC::init( TComBitIf* pcTComBitIf ) { m_pcTComBitIf = pcTComBitIf; } Void TEncBinCABAC::uninit() { m_pcTComBitIf = 0; } Void TEncBinCABAC::start() { m_uiLow = 0; m_uiRange = 510; m_bitsLeft = 23; m_numBufferedBytes = 0; m_bufferedByte = 0xff; #if FAST_BIT_EST m_fracBits = 0; #endif } Void TEncBinCABAC::finish() { if ( m_uiLow >> ( 32 - m_bitsLeft ) ) { //assert( m_numBufferedBytes > 0 ); //assert( m_bufferedByte != 0xff ); m_pcTComBitIf->write( m_bufferedByte + 1, 8 ); while ( m_numBufferedBytes > 1 ) { m_pcTComBitIf->write( 0x00, 8 ); m_numBufferedBytes--; } m_uiLow -= 1 << ( 32 - m_bitsLeft ); } else { if ( m_numBufferedBytes > 0 ) { m_pcTComBitIf->write( m_bufferedByte, 8 ); } while ( m_numBufferedBytes > 1 ) { m_pcTComBitIf->write( 0xff, 8 ); m_numBufferedBytes--; } } m_pcTComBitIf->write( m_uiLow >> 8, 24 - m_bitsLeft ); } Void TEncBinCABAC::flush() { encodeBinTrm(1); finish(); m_pcTComBitIf->write(1, 1); m_pcTComBitIf->writeAlignZero(); start(); } /** Reset BAC register and counter values. * \returns Void */ Void TEncBinCABAC::resetBac() { start(); } /** Encode PCM alignment zero bits. * \returns Void */ Void TEncBinCABAC::encodePCMAlignBits() { finish(); m_pcTComBitIf->write(1, 1); m_pcTComBitIf->writeAlignZero(); // pcm align zero } /** Write a PCM code. * \param uiCode code value * \param uiLength code bit-depth * \returns Void */ Void TEncBinCABAC::xWritePCMCode(UInt uiCode, UInt uiLength) { m_pcTComBitIf->write(uiCode, uiLength); } Void TEncBinCABAC::copyState( const TEncBinIf* pcTEncBinIf ) { const TEncBinCABAC* pcTEncBinCABAC = pcTEncBinIf->getTEncBinCABAC(); m_uiLow = pcTEncBinCABAC->m_uiLow; m_uiRange = pcTEncBinCABAC->m_uiRange; m_bitsLeft = pcTEncBinCABAC->m_bitsLeft; m_bufferedByte = pcTEncBinCABAC->m_bufferedByte; m_numBufferedBytes = pcTEncBinCABAC->m_numBufferedBytes; #if FAST_BIT_EST m_fracBits = pcTEncBinCABAC->m_fracBits; #if NH_MV D_PRINT_INDENT(g_traceEncFracBits, "CopyState " + n2s(m_fracBits) ); #endif #endif } Void TEncBinCABAC::resetBits() { m_uiLow = 0; m_bitsLeft = 23; m_numBufferedBytes = 0; m_bufferedByte = 0xff; if ( m_binCountIncrement ) { m_uiBinsCoded = 0; } #if FAST_BIT_EST #if NH_MV D_PRINT_INDENT( g_traceEncFracBits, "Reset Bits Before" + n2s(m_fracBits) ); #endif m_fracBits &= 32767; #if NH_MV D_PRINT_INDENT( g_traceEncFracBits, "Reset Bits " + n2s(m_fracBits) ); #endif #endif } UInt TEncBinCABAC::getNumWrittenBits() { return m_pcTComBitIf->getNumberOfWrittenBits() + 8 * m_numBufferedBytes + 23 - m_bitsLeft; } /** * \brief Encode bin * * \param binValue bin value * \param rcCtxModel context model */ Void TEncBinCABAC::encodeBin( UInt binValue, ContextModel &rcCtxModel ) { #if !NH_MV //{ // DTRACE_CABAC_VL( g_nSymbolCounter++ ) // DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\tstate=" ) // DTRACE_CABAC_V( ( rcCtxModel.getState() << 1 ) + rcCtxModel.getMps() ) // DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\tsymbol=" ) // DTRACE_CABAC_V( binValue ) // DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\n" ) //} #endif #if DEBUG_CABAC_BINS const UInt startingRange = m_uiRange; #endif m_uiBinsCoded += m_binCountIncrement; rcCtxModel.setBinsCoded( 1 ); UInt uiLPS = TComCABACTables::sm_aucLPSTable[ rcCtxModel.getState() ][ ( m_uiRange >> 6 ) & 3 ]; m_uiRange -= uiLPS; if( binValue != rcCtxModel.getMps() ) { Int numBits = TComCABACTables::sm_aucRenormTable[ uiLPS >> 3 ]; m_uiLow = ( m_uiLow + m_uiRange ) << numBits; m_uiRange = uiLPS << numBits; rcCtxModel.updateLPS(); m_bitsLeft -= numBits; testAndWriteOut(); } else { rcCtxModel.updateMPS(); if ( m_uiRange < 256 ) { m_uiLow <<= 1; m_uiRange <<= 1; m_bitsLeft--; testAndWriteOut(); } } #if DEBUG_CABAC_BINS if ((g_debugCounter + debugCabacBinWindow) >= debugCabacBinTargetLine) { std::cout << g_debugCounter << ": coding bin value " << binValue << ", range = [" << startingRange << "->" << m_uiRange << "]\n"; } if (g_debugCounter >= debugCabacBinTargetLine) { UChar breakPointThis; breakPointThis = 7; } if (g_debugCounter >= (debugCabacBinTargetLine + debugCabacBinWindow)) { exit(0); } g_debugCounter++; #endif } /** * \brief Encode equiprobable bin * * \param binValue bin value */ Void TEncBinCABAC::encodeBinEP( UInt binValue ) { if (false) { #if !NH_MV DTRACE_CABAC_VL( g_nSymbolCounter++ ) DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\tEPsymbol=" ) DTRACE_CABAC_V( binValue ) DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\n" ) #endif } m_uiBinsCoded += m_binCountIncrement; if (m_uiRange == 256) { encodeAlignedBinsEP(binValue, 1); return; } m_uiLow <<= 1; if( binValue ) { m_uiLow += m_uiRange; } m_bitsLeft--; testAndWriteOut(); } /** * \brief Encode equiprobable bins * * \param binValues bin values * \param numBins number of bins */ Void TEncBinCABAC::encodeBinsEP( UInt binValues, Int numBins ) { m_uiBinsCoded += numBins & -m_binCountIncrement; if (false) { for ( Int i = 0; i < numBins; i++ ) { #if !NH_MV DTRACE_CABAC_VL( g_nSymbolCounter++ ) DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\tEPsymbol=" ) DTRACE_CABAC_V( ( binValues >> ( numBins - 1 - i ) ) & 1 ) DTRACE_CABAC_T( "\n" ) #endif } } if (m_uiRange == 256) { encodeAlignedBinsEP(binValues, numBins); return; } while ( numBins > 8 ) { numBins -= 8; UInt pattern = binValues >> numBins; m_uiLow <<= 8; m_uiLow += m_uiRange * pattern; binValues -= pattern << numBins; m_bitsLeft -= 8; testAndWriteOut(); } m_uiLow <<= numBins; m_uiLow += m_uiRange * binValues; m_bitsLeft -= numBins; testAndWriteOut(); } Void TEncBinCABAC::align() { m_uiRange = 256; } Void TEncBinCABAC::encodeAlignedBinsEP( UInt binValues, Int numBins ) { Int binsRemaining = numBins; assert(m_uiRange == 256); //aligned encode only works when range = 256 while (binsRemaining > 0) { const UInt binsToCode = std::min(binsRemaining, 8); //code bytes if able to take advantage of the system's byte-write function const UInt binMask = (1 << binsToCode) - 1; const UInt newBins = (binValues >> (binsRemaining - binsToCode)) & binMask; //The process of encoding an EP bin is the same as that of coding a normal //bin where the symbol ranges for 1 and 0 are both half the range: // // low = (low + range/2) << 1 (to encode a 1) // low = low << 1 (to encode a 0) // // i.e. // low = (low + (bin * range/2)) << 1 // // which is equivalent to: // // low = (low << 1) + (bin * range) // // this can be generalised for multiple bins, producing the following expression: // m_uiLow = (m_uiLow << binsToCode) + (newBins << 8); //range is known to be 256 binsRemaining -= binsToCode; m_bitsLeft -= binsToCode; testAndWriteOut(); } } /** * \brief Encode terminating bin * * \param binValue bin value */ Void TEncBinCABAC::encodeBinTrm( UInt binValue ) { m_uiBinsCoded += m_binCountIncrement; m_uiRange -= 2; if( binValue ) { m_uiLow += m_uiRange; m_uiLow <<= 7; m_uiRange = 2 << 7; m_bitsLeft -= 7; } else if ( m_uiRange >= 256 ) { return; } else { m_uiLow <<= 1; m_uiRange <<= 1; m_bitsLeft--; } testAndWriteOut(); } Void TEncBinCABAC::testAndWriteOut() { if ( m_bitsLeft < 12 ) { writeOut(); } } /** * \brief Move bits from register into bitstream */ Void TEncBinCABAC::writeOut() { UInt leadByte = m_uiLow >> (24 - m_bitsLeft); m_bitsLeft += 8; m_uiLow &= 0xffffffffu >> m_bitsLeft; if ( leadByte == 0xff ) { m_numBufferedBytes++; } else { if ( m_numBufferedBytes > 0 ) { UInt carry = leadByte >> 8; UInt byte = m_bufferedByte + carry; m_bufferedByte = leadByte & 0xff; m_pcTComBitIf->write( byte, 8 ); byte = ( 0xff + carry ) & 0xff; while ( m_numBufferedBytes > 1 ) { m_pcTComBitIf->write( byte, 8 ); m_numBufferedBytes--; } } else { m_numBufferedBytes = 1; m_bufferedByte = leadByte; } } } //! \}