/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2014, ITU/ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ITU/ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TAppEncTop.cpp \brief Encoder application class */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TAppEncTop.h" #include "TLibEncoder/AnnexBwrite.h" using namespace std; //! \ingroup TAppEncoder //! \{ // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / initialization / destroy // ==================================================================================================================== TAppEncTop::TAppEncTop() { #if H_MV m_vps = new TComVPS; #else m_iFrameRcvd = 0; #endif m_totalBytes = 0; m_essentialBytes = 0; } TAppEncTop::~TAppEncTop() { #if H_MV if (m_vps) { delete m_vps; }; #endif } Void TAppEncTop::xInitLibCfg() { #if H_MV TComVPS& vps = (*m_vps); #else TComVPS vps; #endif #if H_3D vps.createCamPars(m_iNumberOfViews); TComDLT& dlt = m_dlt; #endif #if H_MV Int maxTempLayer = -1; for (Int j = 0; j < m_numberOfLayers; j++) { maxTempLayer = max( m_maxTempLayerMvc[ j ], maxTempLayer ); } vps.setMaxTLayers ( maxTempLayer ); if ( maxTempLayer ) { vps.setTemporalNestingFlag(true); } vps.setMaxLayersMinus1( m_numberOfLayers - 1); for(Int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i++) { Int maxNumReOrderPics = 0; Int maxDecPicBuffering = 0; for (Int j = 0; j < m_numberOfLayers; j++) { maxNumReOrderPics = max( maxNumReOrderPics, m_numReorderPicsMvc [ j ][ i ] ); maxDecPicBuffering = max( maxDecPicBuffering, m_maxDecPicBufferingMvc[ j ][ i ] ); } vps.setNumReorderPics ( maxNumReOrderPics ,i ); vps.setMaxDecPicBuffering ( maxDecPicBuffering ,i ); } #else vps.setMaxTLayers ( m_maxTempLayer ); if (m_maxTempLayer == 1) { vps.setTemporalNestingFlag(true); } vps.setMaxLayers ( 1 ); for(Int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i++) { vps.setNumReorderPics ( m_numReorderPics[i], i ); vps.setMaxDecPicBuffering ( m_maxDecPicBuffering[i], i ); } #endif #if H_MV xSetLayerIds ( vps ); xSetDimensionIdAndLength ( vps ); xSetDependencies ( vps ); xSetRepFormat ( vps ); xSetProfileTierLevel ( vps ); xSetLayerSets ( vps ); xSetDpbSize ( vps ); xSetVPSVUI ( vps ); #if H_3D xSetVPSExtension2 ( vps ); m_ivPicLists.setVPS ( &vps ); xDeriveDltArray ( vps, dlt ); #endif if ( m_targetEncLayerIdList.size() == 0 ) { for (Int i = 0; i < m_numberOfLayers; i++ ) { m_targetEncLayerIdList.push_back( vps.getLayerIdInNuh( i ) ); } } for( Int i = (Int) m_targetEncLayerIdList.size()-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { Int iNuhLayerId = m_targetEncLayerIdList[i]; Bool allRefLayersPresent = true; for( Int j = 0; j < vps.getNumRefLayers( iNuhLayerId ); j++) { allRefLayersPresent = allRefLayersPresent && xLayerIdInTargetEncLayerIdList( vps.getIdRefLayer( iNuhLayerId, j) ); } if ( !allRefLayersPresent ) { printf("\nCannot encode layer with nuh_layer_id equal to %d since not all reference layers are in TargetEncLayerIdList\n", iNuhLayerId); m_targetEncLayerIdList.erase( m_targetEncLayerIdList.begin() + i ); } } if ( m_outputVpsInfo ) { vps.printScalabilityId(); vps.printLayerDependencies(); vps.printLayerSets(); vps.printPTL(); } for(Int layerIdInVps = 0; layerIdInVps < m_numberOfLayers; layerIdInVps++) { m_frameRcvd .push_back(0); m_acTEncTopList .push_back(new TEncTop); m_acTVideoIOYuvInputFileList.push_back(new TVideoIOYuv); m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFileList.push_back(new TVideoIOYuv); m_picYuvRec .push_back(new TComList) ; m_ivPicLists.push_back( m_acTEncTopList[ layerIdInVps ]->getListPic() ); TEncTop& m_cTEncTop = *m_acTEncTopList[ layerIdInVps ]; // It is not a member, but this name helps avoiding code duplication !!! Int layerId = vps.getLayerIdInNuh( layerIdInVps ); m_cTEncTop.setLayerIdInVps ( layerIdInVps ); m_cTEncTop.setLayerId ( layerId ); m_cTEncTop.setViewId ( vps.getViewId ( layerId ) ); m_cTEncTop.setViewIndex ( vps.getViewIndex ( layerId ) ); #if H_3D Bool isDepth = ( vps.getDepthId ( layerId ) != 0 ) ; m_cTEncTop.setIsDepth ( isDepth ); //====== Camera Parameters ========= m_cTEncTop.setCameraParameters ( &m_cCameraData ); m_cTEncTop.setCamParPrecision ( m_cCameraData.getCamParsCodedPrecision () ); m_cTEncTop.setCamParInSliceHeader ( m_cCameraData.getVaryingCameraParameters() ); m_cTEncTop.setCodedScale ( m_cCameraData.getCodedScale () ); m_cTEncTop.setCodedOffset ( m_cCameraData.getCodedOffset () ); #if H_3D_VSO //====== VSO ========= m_cTEncTop.setRenderModelParameters ( &m_cRenModStrParser ); m_cTEncTop.setForceLambdaScaleVSO ( isDepth ? m_bForceLambdaScaleVSO : false ); m_cTEncTop.setLambdaScaleVSO ( isDepth ? m_dLambdaScaleVSO : 1 ); m_cTEncTop.setVSOMode ( isDepth ? m_uiVSOMode : 0 ); m_cTEncTop.setAllowNegDist ( isDepth ? m_bAllowNegDist : false ); // SAIT_VSO_EST_A0033 m_cTEncTop.setUseEstimatedVSD ( isDepth ? m_bUseEstimatedVSD : false ); // LGE_WVSO_A0119 m_cTEncTop.setUseWVSO ( isDepth ? m_bUseWVSO : false ); m_cTEncTop.setVSOWeight ( isDepth ? m_iVSOWeight : 0 ); m_cTEncTop.setVSDWeight ( isDepth ? m_iVSDWeight : 0 ); m_cTEncTop.setDWeight ( isDepth ? m_iDWeight : 0 ); #endif // H_3D_VSO #if H_3D_SPIVMP m_cTEncTop.setSubPULog2Size (( isDepth || 0==layerIdInVps ) ? 0 : m_iSubPULog2Size ); m_cTEncTop.setSubPUMPILog2Size ( !isDepth ? 0 : m_iSubPUMPILog2Size ); #endif #if H_3D_IC m_cTEncTop.setUseIC ( vps.getViewIndex( layerId ) == 0 || isDepth ? false : m_abUseIC ); m_cTEncTop.setUseICLowLatencyEnc ( m_bUseLowLatencyICEnc ); #endif //========== Depth intra modes ========== #if H_3D_DIM m_cTEncTop.setUseDMM ( isDepth ? m_useDMM : false ); #if H_3D_FCO m_cTEncTop.setUseIVP ( vps.getViewIndex( layerId ) == 0 && isDepth ? m_useIVP : false ); #else m_cTEncTop.setUseIVP ( isDepth ? m_useIVP : false ); #endif m_cTEncTop.setUseSDC ( isDepth ? m_useSDC : false ); m_cTEncTop.setUseDLT ( isDepth ? m_useDLT : false ); #endif #if H_3D_SINGLE_DEPTH m_cTEncTop.setUseSingleDepthMode ( isDepth ? m_useSingleDepthMode : false ); #endif #if H_3D_QTLPC m_cTEncTop.setUseQTL ( isDepth ? m_bUseQTL : false ); #endif //====== Depth Inter SDC ========= #if H_3D_INTER_SDC m_cTEncTop.setInterSDCEnable ( isDepth ? m_bDepthInterSDCFlag : false ); #endif #if H_3D_DBBP m_cTEncTop.setUseDBBP ( vps.getViewIndex( layerId ) == 0 || isDepth ? false : m_bUseDBBP ); #endif #if H_3D_IV_MERGE #if H_3D_FCO m_cTEncTop.setUseMPI ( vps.getViewIndex( layerId ) == 0 && isDepth ? m_bMPIFlag : false ); #else m_cTEncTop.setUseMPI ( isDepth ? m_bMPIFlag : false ); #endif #endif #endif // H_3D m_cTEncTop.setIvPicLists ( &m_ivPicLists ); #endif // H_MV m_cTEncTop.setVPS(&vps); #if H_3D m_cTEncTop.setDLT(&dlt); #endif #if H_MV m_cTEncTop.setProfile(m_profile[0]); m_cTEncTop.setLevel (m_levelTier[0], m_level[0]); #else m_cTEncTop.setProfile(m_profile); m_cTEncTop.setLevel(m_levelTier, m_level); #endif m_cTEncTop.setProgressiveSourceFlag(m_progressiveSourceFlag); m_cTEncTop.setInterlacedSourceFlag(m_interlacedSourceFlag); m_cTEncTop.setNonPackedConstraintFlag(m_nonPackedConstraintFlag); m_cTEncTop.setFrameOnlyConstraintFlag(m_frameOnlyConstraintFlag); m_cTEncTop.setFrameRate ( m_iFrameRate ); m_cTEncTop.setFrameSkip ( m_FrameSkip ); m_cTEncTop.setSourceWidth ( m_iSourceWidth ); m_cTEncTop.setSourceHeight ( m_iSourceHeight ); m_cTEncTop.setConformanceWindow ( m_confWinLeft, m_confWinRight, m_confWinTop, m_confWinBottom ); m_cTEncTop.setFramesToBeEncoded ( m_framesToBeEncoded ); //====== Coding Structure ======== #if H_MV m_cTEncTop.setIntraPeriod ( m_iIntraPeriod[ layerIdInVps ] ); #else m_cTEncTop.setIntraPeriod ( m_iIntraPeriod ); #endif m_cTEncTop.setDecodingRefreshType ( m_iDecodingRefreshType ); m_cTEncTop.setGOPSize ( m_iGOPSize ); #if H_MV m_cTEncTop.setGopList ( m_GOPListMvc[layerIdInVps] ); m_cTEncTop.setExtraRPSs ( m_extraRPSsMvc[layerIdInVps] ); for(Int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i++) { m_cTEncTop.setNumReorderPics ( m_numReorderPicsMvc[layerIdInVps][i], i ); m_cTEncTop.setMaxDecPicBuffering ( m_maxDecPicBufferingMvc[layerIdInVps][i], i ); } #else m_cTEncTop.setGopList ( m_GOPList ); m_cTEncTop.setExtraRPSs ( m_extraRPSs ); for(Int i = 0; i < MAX_TLAYER; i++) { m_cTEncTop.setNumReorderPics ( m_numReorderPics[i], i ); m_cTEncTop.setMaxDecPicBuffering ( m_maxDecPicBuffering[i], i ); } #endif for( UInt uiLoop = 0; uiLoop < MAX_TLAYER; ++uiLoop ) { m_cTEncTop.setLambdaModifier( uiLoop, m_adLambdaModifier[ uiLoop ] ); } #if H_MV m_cTEncTop.setQP ( m_iQP[layerIdInVps] ); #else m_cTEncTop.setQP ( m_iQP ); #endif m_cTEncTop.setPad ( m_aiPad ); #if H_MV m_cTEncTop.setMaxTempLayer ( m_maxTempLayerMvc[layerIdInVps] ); #else m_cTEncTop.setMaxTempLayer ( m_maxTempLayer ); #endif m_cTEncTop.setUseAMP( m_enableAMP ); //===== Slice ======== //====== Loop/Deblock Filter ======== #if H_MV m_cTEncTop.setLoopFilterDisable ( m_bLoopFilterDisable[layerIdInVps]); #else m_cTEncTop.setLoopFilterDisable ( m_bLoopFilterDisable ); #endif m_cTEncTop.setLoopFilterOffsetInPPS ( m_loopFilterOffsetInPPS ); m_cTEncTop.setLoopFilterBetaOffset ( m_loopFilterBetaOffsetDiv2 ); m_cTEncTop.setLoopFilterTcOffset ( m_loopFilterTcOffsetDiv2 ); m_cTEncTop.setDeblockingFilterControlPresent( m_DeblockingFilterControlPresent); m_cTEncTop.setDeblockingFilterMetric ( m_DeblockingFilterMetric ); //====== Motion search ======== m_cTEncTop.setFastSearch ( m_iFastSearch ); m_cTEncTop.setSearchRange ( m_iSearchRange ); m_cTEncTop.setBipredSearchRange ( m_bipredSearchRange ); //====== Quality control ======== m_cTEncTop.setMaxDeltaQP ( m_iMaxDeltaQP ); m_cTEncTop.setMaxCuDQPDepth ( m_iMaxCuDQPDepth ); m_cTEncTop.setChromaCbQpOffset ( m_cbQpOffset ); m_cTEncTop.setChromaCrQpOffset ( m_crQpOffset ); #if ADAPTIVE_QP_SELECTION m_cTEncTop.setUseAdaptQpSelect ( m_bUseAdaptQpSelect ); #endif m_cTEncTop.setUseAdaptiveQP ( m_bUseAdaptiveQP ); m_cTEncTop.setQPAdaptationRange ( m_iQPAdaptationRange ); //====== Tool list ======== m_cTEncTop.setDeltaQpRD ( m_uiDeltaQpRD ); m_cTEncTop.setUseASR ( m_bUseASR ); m_cTEncTop.setUseHADME ( m_bUseHADME ); #if H_MV m_cTEncTop.setdQPs ( m_aidQP[layerIdInVps] ); #else m_cTEncTop.setdQPs ( m_aidQP ); #endif m_cTEncTop.setUseRDOQ ( m_useRDOQ ); m_cTEncTop.setUseRDOQTS ( m_useRDOQTS ); m_cTEncTop.setRDpenalty ( m_rdPenalty ); m_cTEncTop.setQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize ( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize ); m_cTEncTop.setQuadtreeTULog2MinSize ( m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize ); m_cTEncTop.setQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter ( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter ); m_cTEncTop.setQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra ( m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra ); m_cTEncTop.setUseFastEnc ( m_bUseFastEnc ); m_cTEncTop.setUseEarlyCU ( m_bUseEarlyCU ); m_cTEncTop.setUseFastDecisionForMerge ( m_useFastDecisionForMerge ); m_cTEncTop.setUseCbfFastMode ( m_bUseCbfFastMode ); m_cTEncTop.setUseEarlySkipDetection ( m_useEarlySkipDetection ); m_cTEncTop.setUseTransformSkip ( m_useTransformSkip ); m_cTEncTop.setUseTransformSkipFast ( m_useTransformSkipFast ); m_cTEncTop.setUseConstrainedIntraPred ( m_bUseConstrainedIntraPred ); m_cTEncTop.setPCMLog2MinSize ( m_uiPCMLog2MinSize); m_cTEncTop.setUsePCM ( m_usePCM ); m_cTEncTop.setPCMLog2MaxSize ( m_pcmLog2MaxSize); m_cTEncTop.setMaxNumMergeCand ( m_maxNumMergeCand ); //====== Weighted Prediction ======== m_cTEncTop.setUseWP ( m_useWeightedPred ); m_cTEncTop.setWPBiPred ( m_useWeightedBiPred ); //====== Parallel Merge Estimation ======== m_cTEncTop.setLog2ParallelMergeLevelMinus2 ( m_log2ParallelMergeLevel - 2 ); //====== Slice ======== m_cTEncTop.setSliceMode ( m_sliceMode ); m_cTEncTop.setSliceArgument ( m_sliceArgument ); //====== Dependent Slice ======== m_cTEncTop.setSliceSegmentMode ( m_sliceSegmentMode ); m_cTEncTop.setSliceSegmentArgument ( m_sliceSegmentArgument ); Int iNumPartInCU = 1<<(m_uiMaxCUDepth<<1); if(m_sliceSegmentMode==FIXED_NUMBER_OF_LCU) { m_cTEncTop.setSliceSegmentArgument ( m_sliceSegmentArgument * iNumPartInCU ); } if(m_sliceMode==FIXED_NUMBER_OF_LCU) { m_cTEncTop.setSliceArgument ( m_sliceArgument * iNumPartInCU ); } if(m_sliceMode==FIXED_NUMBER_OF_TILES) { m_cTEncTop.setSliceArgument ( m_sliceArgument ); } if(m_sliceMode == 0 ) { m_bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag = true; } m_cTEncTop.setLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag( m_bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag ); #if H_MV m_cTEncTop.setUseSAO ( m_bUseSAO[layerIdInVps] ); #else m_cTEncTop.setUseSAO ( m_bUseSAO ); #endif m_cTEncTop.setMaxNumOffsetsPerPic (m_maxNumOffsetsPerPic); m_cTEncTop.setSaoLcuBoundary (m_saoLcuBoundary); m_cTEncTop.setPCMInputBitDepthFlag ( m_bPCMInputBitDepthFlag); m_cTEncTop.setPCMFilterDisableFlag ( m_bPCMFilterDisableFlag); m_cTEncTop.setDecodedPictureHashSEIEnabled(m_decodedPictureHashSEIEnabled); m_cTEncTop.setRecoveryPointSEIEnabled( m_recoveryPointSEIEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setBufferingPeriodSEIEnabled( m_bufferingPeriodSEIEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setPictureTimingSEIEnabled( m_pictureTimingSEIEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setToneMappingInfoSEIEnabled ( m_toneMappingInfoSEIEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIToneMapId ( m_toneMapId ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIToneMapCancelFlag ( m_toneMapCancelFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIToneMapPersistenceFlag ( m_toneMapPersistenceFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEICodedDataBitDepth ( m_toneMapCodedDataBitDepth ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEITargetBitDepth ( m_toneMapTargetBitDepth ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIModelID ( m_toneMapModelId ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIMinValue ( m_toneMapMinValue ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIMaxValue ( m_toneMapMaxValue ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEISigmoidMidpoint ( m_sigmoidMidpoint ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEISigmoidWidth ( m_sigmoidWidth ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIStartOfCodedInterva ( m_startOfCodedInterval ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEINumPivots ( m_numPivots ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEICodedPivotValue ( m_codedPivotValue ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEITargetPivotValue ( m_targetPivotValue ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEICameraIsoSpeedIdc ( m_cameraIsoSpeedIdc ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEICameraIsoSpeedValue ( m_cameraIsoSpeedValue ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIExposureIndexIdc ( m_exposureIndexIdc ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIExposureIndexValue ( m_exposureIndexValue ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIExposureCompensationValueSignFlag ( m_exposureCompensationValueSignFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIExposureCompensationValueNumerator ( m_exposureCompensationValueNumerator ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIExposureCompensationValueDenomIdc ( m_exposureCompensationValueDenomIdc ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIRefScreenLuminanceWhite ( m_refScreenLuminanceWhite ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIExtendedRangeWhiteLevel ( m_extendedRangeWhiteLevel ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEINominalBlackLevelLumaCodeValue ( m_nominalBlackLevelLumaCodeValue ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEINominalWhiteLevelLumaCodeValue ( m_nominalWhiteLevelLumaCodeValue ); m_cTEncTop.setTMISEIExtendedWhiteLevelLumaCodeValue ( m_extendedWhiteLevelLumaCodeValue ); m_cTEncTop.setFramePackingArrangementSEIEnabled( m_framePackingSEIEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setFramePackingArrangementSEIType( m_framePackingSEIType ); m_cTEncTop.setFramePackingArrangementSEIId( m_framePackingSEIId ); m_cTEncTop.setFramePackingArrangementSEIQuincunx( m_framePackingSEIQuincunx ); m_cTEncTop.setFramePackingArrangementSEIInterpretation( m_framePackingSEIInterpretation ); m_cTEncTop.setDisplayOrientationSEIAngle( m_displayOrientationSEIAngle ); m_cTEncTop.setTemporalLevel0IndexSEIEnabled( m_temporalLevel0IndexSEIEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setGradualDecodingRefreshInfoEnabled( m_gradualDecodingRefreshInfoEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setDecodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled( m_decodingUnitInfoSEIEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setSOPDescriptionSEIEnabled( m_SOPDescriptionSEIEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setScalableNestingSEIEnabled( m_scalableNestingSEIEnabled ); #if H_MV m_cTEncTop.setSubBitstreamPropSEIEnabled( m_subBistreamPropSEIEnabled ); if( m_subBistreamPropSEIEnabled ) { m_cTEncTop.setNumAdditionalSubStreams ( m_sbPropNumAdditionalSubStreams ); m_cTEncTop.setSubBitstreamMode ( m_sbPropSubBitstreamMode ); m_cTEncTop.setOutputLayerSetIdxToVps ( m_sbPropOutputLayerSetIdxToVps ); m_cTEncTop.setHighestSublayerId ( m_sbPropHighestSublayerId ); m_cTEncTop.setAvgBitRate ( m_sbPropAvgBitRate ); m_cTEncTop.setMaxBitRate ( m_sbPropMaxBitRate ); } #endif m_cTEncTop.setTileUniformSpacingFlag ( m_tileUniformSpacingFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setNumColumnsMinus1 ( m_numTileColumnsMinus1 ); m_cTEncTop.setNumRowsMinus1 ( m_numTileRowsMinus1 ); if(!m_tileUniformSpacingFlag) { m_cTEncTop.setColumnWidth ( m_tileColumnWidth ); m_cTEncTop.setRowHeight ( m_tileRowHeight ); } m_cTEncTop.xCheckGSParameters(); Int uiTilesCount = (m_numTileRowsMinus1+1) * (m_numTileColumnsMinus1+1); if(uiTilesCount == 1) { m_bLFCrossTileBoundaryFlag = true; } m_cTEncTop.setLFCrossTileBoundaryFlag( m_bLFCrossTileBoundaryFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setWaveFrontSynchro ( m_iWaveFrontSynchro ); m_cTEncTop.setWaveFrontSubstreams ( m_iWaveFrontSubstreams ); m_cTEncTop.setTMVPModeId ( m_TMVPModeId ); m_cTEncTop.setUseScalingListId ( m_useScalingListId ); m_cTEncTop.setScalingListFile ( m_scalingListFile ); m_cTEncTop.setSignHideFlag(m_signHideFlag); #if KWU_RC_VIEWRC_E0227 || KWU_RC_MADPRED_E0227 if(!m_cTEncTop.getIsDepth()) //only for texture { m_cTEncTop.setUseRateCtrl ( m_RCEnableRateControl ); } else { m_cTEncTop.setUseRateCtrl ( 0 ); } #else m_cTEncTop.setUseRateCtrl ( m_RCEnableRateControl ); #endif #if !KWU_RC_VIEWRC_E0227 m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate ( m_RCTargetBitrate ); #endif m_cTEncTop.setKeepHierBit ( m_RCKeepHierarchicalBit ); m_cTEncTop.setLCULevelRC ( m_RCLCULevelRC ); m_cTEncTop.setUseLCUSeparateModel ( m_RCUseLCUSeparateModel ); m_cTEncTop.setInitialQP ( m_RCInitialQP ); m_cTEncTop.setForceIntraQP ( m_RCForceIntraQP ); #if KWU_RC_MADPRED_E0227 if(m_cTEncTop.getUseRateCtrl() && !m_cTEncTop.getIsDepth()) { m_cTEncTop.setUseDepthMADPred(layerIdInVps ? m_depthMADPred : 0); if(m_cTEncTop.getUseDepthMADPred()) { m_cTEncTop.setCamParam(&m_cCameraData); } } #endif #if KWU_RC_VIEWRC_E0227 if(m_cTEncTop.getUseRateCtrl() && !m_cTEncTop.getIsDepth()) { m_cTEncTop.setUseViewWiseRateCtrl(m_viewWiseRateCtrl); if(m_iNumberOfViews == 1) { if(m_viewWiseRateCtrl) { m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate(m_viewTargetBits[layerIdInVps>>1]); } else { m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate ( m_RCTargetBitrate ); } } else { if(m_viewWiseRateCtrl) { m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate(m_viewTargetBits[layerIdInVps>>1]); } else { if(m_iNumberOfViews == 2) { if(m_cTEncTop.getViewId() == 0) { m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate ( (m_RCTargetBitrate*80)/100 ); } else if(m_cTEncTop.getViewId() == 1) { m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate ( (m_RCTargetBitrate*20)/100 ); } } else if(m_iNumberOfViews == 3) { if(m_cTEncTop.getViewId() == 0) { m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate ( (m_RCTargetBitrate*66)/100 ); } else if(m_cTEncTop.getViewId() == 1) { m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate ( (m_RCTargetBitrate*17)/100 ); } else if(m_cTEncTop.getViewId() == 2) { m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate ( (m_RCTargetBitrate*17)/100 ); } } else { m_cTEncTop.setTargetBitrate ( m_RCTargetBitrate ); } } } } #endif m_cTEncTop.setTransquantBypassEnableFlag(m_TransquantBypassEnableFlag); m_cTEncTop.setCUTransquantBypassFlagForceValue(m_CUTransquantBypassFlagForce); m_cTEncTop.setUseRecalculateQPAccordingToLambda( m_recalculateQPAccordingToLambda ); m_cTEncTop.setUseStrongIntraSmoothing( m_useStrongIntraSmoothing ); m_cTEncTop.setActiveParameterSetsSEIEnabled ( m_activeParameterSetsSEIEnabled ); m_cTEncTop.setVuiParametersPresentFlag( m_vuiParametersPresentFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setAspectRatioInfoPresentFlag( m_aspectRatioInfoPresentFlag); m_cTEncTop.setAspectRatioIdc( m_aspectRatioIdc ); m_cTEncTop.setSarWidth( m_sarWidth ); m_cTEncTop.setSarHeight( m_sarHeight ); m_cTEncTop.setOverscanInfoPresentFlag( m_overscanInfoPresentFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setOverscanAppropriateFlag( m_overscanAppropriateFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setVideoSignalTypePresentFlag( m_videoSignalTypePresentFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setVideoFormat( m_videoFormat ); m_cTEncTop.setVideoFullRangeFlag( m_videoFullRangeFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setColourDescriptionPresentFlag( m_colourDescriptionPresentFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setColourPrimaries( m_colourPrimaries ); m_cTEncTop.setTransferCharacteristics( m_transferCharacteristics ); m_cTEncTop.setMatrixCoefficients( m_matrixCoefficients ); m_cTEncTop.setChromaLocInfoPresentFlag( m_chromaLocInfoPresentFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setChromaSampleLocTypeTopField( m_chromaSampleLocTypeTopField ); m_cTEncTop.setChromaSampleLocTypeBottomField( m_chromaSampleLocTypeBottomField ); m_cTEncTop.setNeutralChromaIndicationFlag( m_neutralChromaIndicationFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setDefaultDisplayWindow( m_defDispWinLeftOffset, m_defDispWinRightOffset, m_defDispWinTopOffset, m_defDispWinBottomOffset ); m_cTEncTop.setFrameFieldInfoPresentFlag( m_frameFieldInfoPresentFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setPocProportionalToTimingFlag( m_pocProportionalToTimingFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setNumTicksPocDiffOneMinus1 ( m_numTicksPocDiffOneMinus1 ); m_cTEncTop.setBitstreamRestrictionFlag( m_bitstreamRestrictionFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setTilesFixedStructureFlag( m_tilesFixedStructureFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setMotionVectorsOverPicBoundariesFlag( m_motionVectorsOverPicBoundariesFlag ); m_cTEncTop.setMinSpatialSegmentationIdc( m_minSpatialSegmentationIdc ); m_cTEncTop.setMaxBytesPerPicDenom( m_maxBytesPerPicDenom ); m_cTEncTop.setMaxBitsPerMinCuDenom( m_maxBitsPerMinCuDenom ); m_cTEncTop.setLog2MaxMvLengthHorizontal( m_log2MaxMvLengthHorizontal ); m_cTEncTop.setLog2MaxMvLengthVertical( m_log2MaxMvLengthVertical ); #if H_MV } #endif #if H_3D_VSO if ( m_bUseVSO ) { if ( m_uiVSOMode == 4 ) { #if H_3D_VSO_EARLY_SKIP m_cRendererModel.create( m_cRenModStrParser.getNumOfBaseViews(), m_cRenModStrParser.getNumOfModels(), m_iSourceWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight , LOG2_DISP_PREC_LUT, 0, m_bVSOEarlySkip ); #else m_cRendererModel.create( m_cRenModStrParser.getNumOfBaseViews(), m_cRenModStrParser.getNumOfModels(), m_iSourceWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight , LOG2_DISP_PREC_LUT, 0 ); #endif for ( Int layer = 0; layer < m_numberOfLayers ; layer++ ) { TEncTop* pcEncTop = m_acTEncTopList[ layer ]; Int iViewNum = pcEncTop->getViewIndex(); Int iContent = pcEncTop->getIsDepth() ? 1 : 0; Int iNumOfModels = m_cRenModStrParser.getNumOfModelsForView(iViewNum, iContent); Bool bUseVSO = (iNumOfModels != 0); pcEncTop->setUseVSO( bUseVSO ); pcEncTop->getRdCost()->setRenModel( bUseVSO ? &m_cRendererModel : NULL ); for (Int iCurModel = 0; iCurModel < iNumOfModels; iCurModel++ ) { Int iModelNum; Int iLeftViewNum; Int iRightViewNum; Int iDump; Int iOrgRefNum; Int iBlendMode; m_cRenModStrParser.getSingleModelData ( iViewNum, iContent, iCurModel, iModelNum, iBlendMode, iLeftViewNum, iRightViewNum, iOrgRefNum, iDump ) ; m_cRendererModel .createSingleModel ( iViewNum, iContent, iModelNum, iLeftViewNum, iRightViewNum, (iOrgRefNum != -1), iBlendMode ); } } } else { AOT(true); } } #endif } Void TAppEncTop::xCreateLib() { #if H_MV // initialize global variables initROM(); #if H_3D_DIM_DMM initWedgeLists( true ); #endif for( Int layer=0; layer < m_numberOfLayers; layer++) { m_acTVideoIOYuvInputFileList[layer]->open( m_pchInputFileList[layer], false, m_inputBitDepthY, m_inputBitDepthC, m_internalBitDepthY, m_internalBitDepthC ); // read mode m_acTVideoIOYuvInputFileList[layer]->skipFrames( m_FrameSkip, m_iSourceWidth - m_aiPad[0], m_iSourceHeight - m_aiPad[1]); if (m_pchReconFileList[layer]) { m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFileList[layer]->open( m_pchReconFileList[layer], true, m_outputBitDepthY, m_outputBitDepthC, m_internalBitDepthY, m_internalBitDepthC); // write mode } m_acTEncTopList[layer]->create(); } #else // Video I/O m_cTVideoIOYuvInputFile.open( m_pchInputFile, false, m_inputBitDepthY, m_inputBitDepthC, m_internalBitDepthY, m_internalBitDepthC ); // read mode m_cTVideoIOYuvInputFile.skipFrames(m_FrameSkip, m_iSourceWidth - m_aiPad[0], m_iSourceHeight - m_aiPad[1]); if (m_pchReconFile) m_cTVideoIOYuvReconFile.open(m_pchReconFile, true, m_outputBitDepthY, m_outputBitDepthC, m_internalBitDepthY, m_internalBitDepthC); // write mode // Neo Decoder m_cTEncTop.create(); #endif } Void TAppEncTop::xDestroyLib() { #if H_MV // destroy ROM destroyROM(); for(Int layer=0; layerclose(); m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFileList[layer]->close(); delete m_acTVideoIOYuvInputFileList[layer] ; m_acTVideoIOYuvInputFileList[layer] = NULL; delete m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFileList[layer] ; m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFileList[layer] = NULL; m_acTEncTopList[layer]->deletePicBuffer(); m_acTEncTopList[layer]->destroy(); delete m_acTEncTopList[layer] ; m_acTEncTopList[layer] = NULL; delete m_picYuvRec[layer] ; m_picYuvRec[layer] = NULL; } #else // Video I/O m_cTVideoIOYuvInputFile.close(); m_cTVideoIOYuvReconFile.close(); // Neo Decoder m_cTEncTop.destroy(); #endif } Void TAppEncTop::xInitLib(Bool isFieldCoding) { #if H_3D for ( Int viewIndex = 0; viewIndex < m_vps->getNumViews(); viewIndex++ ) { m_vps->initCamParaVPS( viewIndex, true, m_cCameraData.getCamParsCodedPrecision(), m_cCameraData.getVaryingCameraParameters(), m_cCameraData.getCodedScale(), m_cCameraData.getCodedOffset() ); } #endif #if H_MV for(Int layer=0; layerinit( isFieldCoding, this ); #else m_acTEncTopList[layer]->init( isFieldCoding ); #endif } #else m_cTEncTop.init( isFieldCoding ); #endif } // ==================================================================================================================== // Public member functions // ==================================================================================================================== /** - create internal class - initialize internal variable - until the end of input YUV file, call encoding function in TEncTop class - delete allocated buffers - destroy internal class . */ Void TAppEncTop::encode() { fstream bitstreamFile(m_pchBitstreamFile, fstream::binary | fstream::out); if (!bitstreamFile) { fprintf(stderr, "\nfailed to open bitstream file `%s' for writing\n", m_pchBitstreamFile); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvOrg = new TComPicYuv; TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvRec = NULL; // initialize internal class & member variables xInitLibCfg(); xCreateLib(); xInitLib(m_isField); // main encoder loop #if H_MV Bool allEos = false; std::vector eos ; std::vector flush ; Int gopSize = 1; Int maxGopSize = 0; maxGopSize = (std::max)(maxGopSize, m_acTEncTopList[0]->getGOPSize()); for(Int layer=0; layer < m_numberOfLayers; layer++ ) { eos .push_back( false ); flush.push_back( false ); } #else Int iNumEncoded = 0; Bool bEos = false; #endif list outputAccessUnits; ///< list of access units to write out. is populated by the encoding process // allocate original YUV buffer if( m_isField ) { pcPicYuvOrg->create( m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeightOrg, m_uiMaxCUWidth, m_uiMaxCUHeight, m_uiMaxCUDepth ); } else { pcPicYuvOrg->create( m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeight, m_uiMaxCUWidth, m_uiMaxCUHeight, m_uiMaxCUDepth ); } #if H_MV while ( (m_targetEncLayerIdList.size() != 0 ) && !allEos ) { for(Int layer=0; layer < m_numberOfLayers; layer++ ) { if (!xLayerIdInTargetEncLayerIdList( m_vps->getLayerIdInNuh( layer ) )) { continue; } Int frmCnt = 0; while ( !eos[layer] && !(frmCnt == gopSize)) { // get buffers xGetBuffer(pcPicYuvRec, layer); // read input YUV file m_acTVideoIOYuvInputFileList[layer]->read ( pcPicYuvOrg, m_aiPad ); m_acTEncTopList [layer]->initNewPic( pcPicYuvOrg ); // increase number of received frames m_frameRcvd[layer]++; frmCnt++; eos[layer] = (m_frameRcvd[layer] == m_framesToBeEncoded); allEos = allEos||eos[layer]; // if end of file (which is only detected on a read failure) flush the encoder of any queued pictures if (m_acTVideoIOYuvInputFileList[layer]->isEof()) { flush [layer] = true; eos [layer] = true; m_frameRcvd [layer]--; m_acTEncTopList[layer]->setFramesToBeEncoded(m_frameRcvd[layer]); } } } for ( Int gopId=0; gopId < gopSize; gopId++ ) { #if H_3D UInt iNextPoc = m_acTEncTopList[0] -> getFrameId( gopId ); if ( iNextPoc < m_framesToBeEncoded ) { m_cCameraData.update( iNextPoc ); } #endif for(Int layer=0; layer < m_numberOfLayers; layer++ ) { if (!xLayerIdInTargetEncLayerIdList( m_vps->getLayerIdInNuh( layer ) )) { continue; } #if H_3D_VSO if( m_bUseVSO && m_bUseEstimatedVSD && iNextPoc < m_framesToBeEncoded ) { m_cCameraData.setDispCoeff( iNextPoc, m_acTEncTopList[layer]->getViewIndex() ); m_acTEncTopList[layer] ->setDispCoeff( m_cCameraData.getDispCoeff() ); } #endif #if !LGE_DDD_REMOVAL_J0042_J0030 #if H_3D_DDD m_acTEncTopList[ layer ]->getSliceEncoder()->setDDDPar( m_cCameraData.getCodedScale()[0][ m_acTEncTopList[layer]->getViewIndex() ], m_cCameraData.getCodedOffset()[0][ m_acTEncTopList[layer]->getViewIndex() ], m_cCameraData.getCamParsCodedPrecision() ); #endif #endif Int iNumEncoded = 0; // call encoding function for one frame m_acTEncTopList[layer]->encode( eos[layer], flush[layer] ? 0 : pcPicYuvOrg, *m_picYuvRec[layer], outputAccessUnits, iNumEncoded, gopId ); xWriteOutput(bitstreamFile, iNumEncoded, outputAccessUnits, layer); outputAccessUnits.clear(); } } gopSize = maxGopSize; } for(Int layer=0; layer < m_numberOfLayers; layer++ ) { if (!xLayerIdInTargetEncLayerIdList( m_vps->getLayerIdInNuh( layer ) )) { continue; } m_acTEncTopList[layer]->printSummary( m_acTEncTopList[layer]->getNumAllPicCoded(), m_isField ); } #else while ( !bEos ) { // get buffers xGetBuffer(pcPicYuvRec); // read input YUV file m_cTVideoIOYuvInputFile.read( pcPicYuvOrg, m_aiPad ); // increase number of received frames m_iFrameRcvd++; bEos = (m_isField && (m_iFrameRcvd == (m_framesToBeEncoded >> 1) )) || ( !m_isField && (m_iFrameRcvd == m_framesToBeEncoded) ); Bool flush = 0; // if end of file (which is only detected on a read failure) flush the encoder of any queued pictures if (m_cTVideoIOYuvInputFile.isEof()) { flush = true; bEos = true; m_iFrameRcvd--; m_cTEncTop.setFramesToBeEncoded(m_iFrameRcvd); } // call encoding function for one frame if ( m_isField ) { m_cTEncTop.encode( bEos, flush ? 0 : pcPicYuvOrg, m_cListPicYuvRec, outputAccessUnits, iNumEncoded, m_isTopFieldFirst); } else { m_cTEncTop.encode( bEos, flush ? 0 : pcPicYuvOrg, m_cListPicYuvRec, outputAccessUnits, iNumEncoded ); } // write bistream to file if necessary if ( iNumEncoded > 0 ) { xWriteOutput(bitstreamFile, iNumEncoded, outputAccessUnits); outputAccessUnits.clear(); } } m_cTEncTop.printSummary(m_isField); #endif // delete original YUV buffer pcPicYuvOrg->destroy(); delete pcPicYuvOrg; pcPicYuvOrg = NULL; #if !H_MV // delete used buffers in encoder class m_cTEncTop.deletePicBuffer(); #endif // delete buffers & classes xDeleteBuffer(); xDestroyLib(); printRateSummary(); #if H_3D_REN_MAX_DEV_OUT Double dMaxDispDiff = m_cCameraData.getMaxShiftDeviation(); if ( !(dMaxDispDiff < 0) ) { printf("\n Max. possible shift error: %12.3f samples.\n", dMaxDispDiff ); } #endif return; } // ==================================================================================================================== // Protected member functions // ==================================================================================================================== /** - application has picture buffer list with size of GOP - picture buffer list acts as ring buffer - end of the list has the latest picture . */ #if H_MV Void TAppEncTop::xGetBuffer( TComPicYuv*& rpcPicYuvRec, UInt layer) #else Void TAppEncTop::xGetBuffer( TComPicYuv*& rpcPicYuvRec) #endif { assert( m_iGOPSize > 0 ); // org. buffer #if H_MV if ( m_picYuvRec[layer]->size() == (UInt)m_iGOPSize ) { rpcPicYuvRec = m_picYuvRec[layer]->popFront(); #else if ( m_cListPicYuvRec.size() == (UInt)m_iGOPSize ) { rpcPicYuvRec = m_cListPicYuvRec.popFront(); #endif } else { rpcPicYuvRec = new TComPicYuv; rpcPicYuvRec->create( m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeight, m_uiMaxCUWidth, m_uiMaxCUHeight, m_uiMaxCUDepth ); } #if H_MV m_picYuvRec[layer]->pushBack( rpcPicYuvRec ); #else m_cListPicYuvRec.pushBack( rpcPicYuvRec ); #endif } Void TAppEncTop::xDeleteBuffer( ) { #if H_MV for(Int layer=0; layer::iterator iterPicYuvRec = m_picYuvRec[layer]->begin(); Int iSize = Int( m_picYuvRec[layer]->size() ); #else TComList::iterator iterPicYuvRec = m_cListPicYuvRec.begin(); Int iSize = Int( m_cListPicYuvRec.size() ); #endif for ( Int i = 0; i < iSize; i++ ) { TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvRec = *(iterPicYuvRec++); pcPicYuvRec->destroy(); delete pcPicYuvRec; pcPicYuvRec = NULL; } #if H_MV } } #endif } /** \param iNumEncoded number of encoded frames */ #if H_MV Void TAppEncTop::xWriteOutput(std::ostream& bitstreamFile, Int iNumEncoded, std::list& accessUnits, UInt layerId) #else Void TAppEncTop::xWriteOutput(std::ostream& bitstreamFile, Int iNumEncoded, const std::list& accessUnits) #endif { if (m_isField) { //Reinterlace fields Int i; #if H_MV if( iNumEncoded > 0 ) { TComList::iterator iterPicYuvRec = m_picYuvRec[layerId]->end(); #else TComList::iterator iterPicYuvRec = m_cListPicYuvRec.end(); list::const_iterator iterBitstream = accessUnits.begin(); #endif for ( i = 0; i < iNumEncoded; i++ ) { --iterPicYuvRec; } for ( i = 0; i < iNumEncoded/2; i++ ) { TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvRecTop = *(iterPicYuvRec++); TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvRecBottom = *(iterPicYuvRec++); #if H_MV if (m_pchReconFileList[layerId]) { #if H_MV_ALIGN_HM_15 m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFileList[layerId]->write( pcPicYuvRecTop, pcPicYuvRecBottom, m_confWinLeft, m_confWinRight, m_confWinTop, m_confWinBottom, m_isTopFieldFirst ); #else m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFileList[layerId]->write( pcPicYuvRecTop, pcPicYuvRecBottom, m_confLeft, m_confRight, m_confTop, m_confBottom, m_isTopFieldFirst ); #endif } } } if( ! accessUnits.empty() ) { list::iterator aUIter; for( aUIter = accessUnits.begin(); aUIter != accessUnits.end(); aUIter++ ) { const vector& stats = writeAnnexB(bitstreamFile, *aUIter); rateStatsAccum(*aUIter, stats); } } #else if (m_pchReconFile) { m_cTVideoIOYuvReconFile.write( pcPicYuvRecTop, pcPicYuvRecBottom, m_confWinLeft, m_confWinRight, m_confWinTop, m_confWinBottom, m_isTopFieldFirst ); } const AccessUnit& auTop = *(iterBitstream++); const vector& statsTop = writeAnnexB(bitstreamFile, auTop); rateStatsAccum(auTop, statsTop); const AccessUnit& auBottom = *(iterBitstream++); const vector& statsBottom = writeAnnexB(bitstreamFile, auBottom); rateStatsAccum(auBottom, statsBottom); } #endif } else { Int i; #if H_MV if( iNumEncoded > 0 ) { TComList::iterator iterPicYuvRec = m_picYuvRec[layerId]->end(); #else TComList::iterator iterPicYuvRec = m_cListPicYuvRec.end(); list::const_iterator iterBitstream = accessUnits.begin(); #endif for ( i = 0; i < iNumEncoded; i++ ) { --iterPicYuvRec; } for ( i = 0; i < iNumEncoded; i++ ) { TComPicYuv* pcPicYuvRec = *(iterPicYuvRec++); #if H_MV if (m_pchReconFileList[layerId]) { #if H_MV_ALIGN_HM_15 m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFileList[layerId]->write( pcPicYuvRec, m_confWinLeft, m_confWinRight, m_confWinTop, m_confWinBottom ); #else m_acTVideoIOYuvReconFileList[layerId]->write( pcPicYuvRec, m_confLeft, m_confRight, m_confTop, m_confBottom ); #endif } } } if( ! accessUnits.empty() ) { list::iterator aUIter; for( aUIter = accessUnits.begin(); aUIter != accessUnits.end(); aUIter++ ) { const vector& stats = writeAnnexB(bitstreamFile, *aUIter); rateStatsAccum(*aUIter, stats); } } #else if (m_pchReconFile) { m_cTVideoIOYuvReconFile.write( pcPicYuvRec, m_confWinLeft, m_confWinRight, m_confWinTop, m_confWinBottom ); } const AccessUnit& au = *(iterBitstream++); const vector& stats = writeAnnexB(bitstreamFile, au); rateStatsAccum(au, stats); } #endif } } /** * */ void TAppEncTop::rateStatsAccum(const AccessUnit& au, const std::vector& annexBsizes) { AccessUnit::const_iterator it_au = au.begin(); vector::const_iterator it_stats = annexBsizes.begin(); for (; it_au != au.end(); it_au++, it_stats++) { switch ((*it_au)->m_nalUnitType) { case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TRAIL_R: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TRAIL_N: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TSA_R: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_TSA_N: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_STSA_R: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_STSA_N: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_LP: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_W_RADL: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_BLA_N_LP: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_W_RADL: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR_N_LP: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CRA: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_N: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RADL_R: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_N: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_RASL_R: case NAL_UNIT_VPS: case NAL_UNIT_SPS: case NAL_UNIT_PPS: m_essentialBytes += *it_stats; break; default: break; } m_totalBytes += *it_stats; } } void TAppEncTop::printRateSummary() { #if H_MV Double time = (Double) m_frameRcvd[0] / m_iFrameRate; printf("\n"); #else Double time = (Double) m_iFrameRcvd / m_iFrameRate; #endif printf("Bytes written to file: %u (%.3f kbps)\n", m_totalBytes, 0.008 * m_totalBytes / time); #if VERBOSE_RATE printf("Bytes for SPS/PPS/Slice (Incl. Annex B): %u (%.3f kbps)\n", m_essentialBytes, 0.008 * m_essentialBytes / time); #endif } #if H_3D_DIM_DLT Void TAppEncTop::xAnalyzeInputBaseDepth(UInt layer, UInt uiNumFrames, TComVPS* vps, TComDLT* dlt) { TComPicYuv* pcDepthPicYuvOrg = new TComPicYuv; // allocate original YUV buffer pcDepthPicYuvOrg->create( m_iSourceWidth, m_iSourceHeight, m_uiMaxCUWidth, m_uiMaxCUHeight, m_uiMaxCUDepth ); TVideoIOYuv* depthVideoFile = new TVideoIOYuv; UInt uiMaxDepthValue = ((1 << g_bitDepthY)-1); Bool abValidDepths[256]; depthVideoFile->open( m_pchInputFileList[layer], false, m_inputBitDepthY, m_inputBitDepthC, m_internalBitDepthY, m_internalBitDepthC ); // read mode // initialize boolean array for(Int p=0; p<=uiMaxDepthValue; p++) abValidDepths[p] = false; Int iHeight = pcDepthPicYuvOrg->getHeight(); Int iWidth = pcDepthPicYuvOrg->getWidth(); Int iStride = pcDepthPicYuvOrg->getStride(); Pel* pInDM = pcDepthPicYuvOrg->getLumaAddr(); for(Int uiFrame=0; uiFrame < uiNumFrames; uiFrame++ ) { depthVideoFile->read( pcDepthPicYuvOrg, m_aiPad ); // check all pixel values for (Int i=0; iclose(); delete depthVideoFile; pcDepthPicYuvOrg->destroy(); delete pcDepthPicYuvOrg; // convert boolean array to idx2Depth LUT Int* aiIdx2DepthValue = (Int*) calloc(uiMaxDepthValue, sizeof(Int)); Int iNumDepthValues = 0; for(Int p=0; p<=uiMaxDepthValue; p++) { if( abValidDepths[p] == true) { aiIdx2DepthValue[iNumDepthValues++] = p; } } if( uiNumFrames == 0 || numBitsForValue(iNumDepthValues) == g_bitDepthY ) { dlt->setUseDLTFlag(layer, false); } // assign LUT if( dlt->getUseDLTFlag(layer) ) { dlt->setDepthLUTs(layer, aiIdx2DepthValue, iNumDepthValues); } // free temporary memory free(aiIdx2DepthValue); } #endif #if H_MV Void TAppEncTop::xSetDimensionIdAndLength( TComVPS& vps ) { vps.setScalabilityMaskFlag( m_scalabilityMask ); for( Int dim = 0; dim < m_dimIds.size(); dim++ ) { vps.setDimensionIdLen( dim, m_dimensionIdLen[ dim ] ); for( Int layer = 0; layer <= vps.getMaxLayersMinus1(); layer++ ) { vps.setDimensionId( layer, dim, m_dimIds[ dim ][ layer ] ); } } Int maxViewId = xGetMax( m_viewId ); Int viewIdLen = gCeilLog2( maxViewId + 1 ); const Int maxViewIdLen = ( 1 << 4 ) - 1; assert( viewIdLen <= maxViewIdLen ); vps.setViewIdLen( viewIdLen ); for (Int i = 0; i < m_iNumberOfViews; i++) { vps.setViewIdVal( i, m_viewId[ i] ); } assert( m_iNumberOfViews == vps.getNumViews() ); } Void TAppEncTop::xSetDependencies( TComVPS& vps ) { // Direct dependency flags + dependency types for( Int depLayer = 1; depLayer < MAX_NUM_LAYERS; depLayer++ ) { for( Int refLayer = 0; refLayer < MAX_NUM_LAYERS; refLayer++ ) { vps.setDirectDependencyFlag( depLayer, refLayer, false); vps.setDirectDependencyType( depLayer, refLayer, -1 ); } } Int defaultDirectDependencyType = -1; Bool defaultDirectDependencyFlag = false; for( Int depLayer = 1; depLayer < m_numberOfLayers; depLayer++ ) { Int numRefLayers = (Int) m_directRefLayers[depLayer].size(); assert( numRefLayers == (Int) m_dependencyTypes[depLayer].size() ); for( Int i = 0; i < numRefLayers; i++ ) { Int refLayer = m_directRefLayers[depLayer][i]; vps.setDirectDependencyFlag( depLayer, refLayer, true); Int curDirectDependencyType = m_dependencyTypes[depLayer][i]; if ( defaultDirectDependencyType != -1 ) { defaultDirectDependencyFlag = defaultDirectDependencyFlag && (curDirectDependencyType == defaultDirectDependencyType ); } else { defaultDirectDependencyType = curDirectDependencyType; defaultDirectDependencyFlag = true; } vps.setDirectDependencyType( depLayer, refLayer, curDirectDependencyType); } } vps.setDefaultDirectDependencyFlag( defaultDirectDependencyFlag ); vps.setDefaultDirectDependencyType( defaultDirectDependencyFlag ? defaultDirectDependencyType : -1 ); // Max sub layers, + presence flag Bool subLayersMaxMinus1PresentFlag = false; for (Int curLayerIdInVps = 0; curLayerIdInVps < m_numberOfLayers; curLayerIdInVps++ ) { Int curSubLayersMaxMinus1 = 0; for( Int i = 0; i < getGOPSize(); i++ ) { GOPEntry geCur = m_GOPListMvc[curLayerIdInVps][i]; curSubLayersMaxMinus1 = std::max( curSubLayersMaxMinus1, geCur.m_temporalId ); } vps.setSubLayersVpsMaxMinus1( curLayerIdInVps, curSubLayersMaxMinus1 ); subLayersMaxMinus1PresentFlag = subLayersMaxMinus1PresentFlag || ( curSubLayersMaxMinus1 != vps.getMaxSubLayersMinus1() ); } vps.setVpsSubLayersMaxMinus1PresentFlag( subLayersMaxMinus1PresentFlag ); // Max temporal id for inter layer reference pictures + presence flag Bool maxTidRefPresentFlag = false; for ( Int refLayerIdInVps = 0; refLayerIdInVps < m_numberOfLayers; refLayerIdInVps++) { for ( Int curLayerIdInVps = 1; curLayerIdInVps < m_numberOfLayers; curLayerIdInVps++) { Int maxTid = -1; for( Int i = 0; i < ( getGOPSize() + 1); i++ ) { GOPEntry geCur = m_GOPListMvc[curLayerIdInVps][( i < getGOPSize() ? i : MAX_GOP )]; GOPEntry geRef = m_GOPListMvc[refLayerIdInVps][( i < getGOPSize() ? i : MAX_GOP )]; for (Int j = 0; j < geCur.m_numActiveRefLayerPics; j++) { if ( m_directRefLayers[ curLayerIdInVps ][ geCur.m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[ j ]] == refLayerIdInVps ) { Bool refAlwaysIntra = ( i == getGOPSize() ) && ( m_iIntraPeriod[ curLayerIdInVps ] % m_iIntraPeriod[ refLayerIdInVps ] == 0 ); Bool refLayerZero = ( i == getGOPSize() ) && ( refLayerIdInVps == 0 ); maxTid = std::max( maxTid, ( refAlwaysIntra || refLayerZero ) ? 0 : geRef.m_temporalId ); } } } vps.setMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1( refLayerIdInVps, curLayerIdInVps, maxTid + 1 ); maxTidRefPresentFlag = maxTidRefPresentFlag || ( maxTid != 6 ); } } vps.setMaxTidRefPresentFlag( maxTidRefPresentFlag ); // Max one active ref layer flag Bool maxOneActiveRefLayerFlag = true; for ( Int layerIdInVps = 1; layerIdInVps < m_numberOfLayers && maxOneActiveRefLayerFlag; layerIdInVps++) { for( Int i = 0; i < ( getGOPSize() + 1) && maxOneActiveRefLayerFlag; i++ ) { GOPEntry ge = m_GOPListMvc[layerIdInVps][ ( i < getGOPSize() ? i : MAX_GOP ) ]; maxOneActiveRefLayerFlag = maxOneActiveRefLayerFlag && (ge.m_numActiveRefLayerPics <= 1); } } vps.setMaxOneActiveRefLayerFlag( maxOneActiveRefLayerFlag ); // Poc Lsb Not Present Flag for ( Int layerIdInVps = 1; layerIdInVps < m_numberOfLayers; layerIdInVps++) { if ( m_directRefLayers[ layerIdInVps ].size() == 0 ) { vps.setPocLsbNotPresentFlag( layerIdInVps, true ); } } // All Ref layers active flag Bool allRefLayersActiveFlag = true; for ( Int layerIdInVps = 1; layerIdInVps < m_numberOfLayers && allRefLayersActiveFlag; layerIdInVps++) { for( Int i = 0; i < ( getGOPSize() + 1) && allRefLayersActiveFlag; i++ ) { GOPEntry ge = m_GOPListMvc[layerIdInVps][ ( i < getGOPSize() ? i : MAX_GOP ) ]; Int tId = ge.m_temporalId; // Should be equal for all layers. // check if all reference layers when allRefLayerActiveFlag is equal to 1 are reference layer pictures specified in the gop entry for (Int k = 0; k < m_directRefLayers[ layerIdInVps].size() && allRefLayersActiveFlag; k++ ) { Int refLayerIdInVps = vps.getLayerIdInVps( m_directRefLayers[ layerIdInVps ][ k ] ); if ( vps.getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(refLayerIdInVps,layerIdInVps) > tId && vps.getSubLayersVpsMaxMinus1(refLayerIdInVps) >= tId ) { Bool gopEntryFoundFlag = false; for( Int l = 0; l < ge.m_numActiveRefLayerPics && !gopEntryFoundFlag; l++ ) { gopEntryFoundFlag = gopEntryFoundFlag || ( ge.m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[l] == k ); } allRefLayersActiveFlag = allRefLayersActiveFlag && gopEntryFoundFlag; } } // check if all inter layer reference pictures specified in the gop entry are valid reference layer pictures when allRefLayerActiveFlag is equal to 1 // (Should actually always be true) Bool maxTidIlRefAndSubLayerMaxVaildFlag = true; for( Int l = 0; l < ge.m_numActiveRefLayerPics; l++ ) { Bool referenceLayerFoundFlag = false; for (Int k = 0; k < m_directRefLayers[ layerIdInVps].size(); k++ ) { Int refLayerIdInVps = vps.getLayerIdInVps( m_directRefLayers[ layerIdInVps ][ k ] ); if ( vps.getMaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1(refLayerIdInVps,layerIdInVps) > tId && vps.getSubLayersVpsMaxMinus1(refLayerIdInVps) >= tId ) { referenceLayerFoundFlag = referenceLayerFoundFlag || ( ge.m_interLayerPredLayerIdc[l] == k ); } } maxTidIlRefAndSubLayerMaxVaildFlag = maxTidIlRefAndSubLayerMaxVaildFlag && referenceLayerFoundFlag; } assert ( maxTidIlRefAndSubLayerMaxVaildFlag ); // Something wrong with MaxTidIlRefPicsPlus1 or SubLayersVpsMaxMinus1 } } vps.setAllRefLayersActiveFlag( allRefLayersActiveFlag ); vps.setRefLayers(); }; GOPEntry* TAppEncTop::xGetGopEntry( Int layerIdInVps, Int poc ) { GOPEntry* geFound = NULL; for( Int i = 0; i < ( getGOPSize() + 1) && geFound == NULL ; i++ ) { GOPEntry* ge = &(m_GOPListMvc[layerIdInVps][ ( i < getGOPSize() ? i : MAX_GOP ) ]); if ( ge->m_POC == poc ) { geFound = ge; } } assert( geFound != NULL ); return geFound; } Void TAppEncTop::xSetLayerIds( TComVPS& vps ) { vps.setSplittingFlag ( m_splittingFlag ); Bool nuhLayerIdPresentFlag = !( m_layerIdInNuh.size() == 1 ); Int maxNuhLayerId = nuhLayerIdPresentFlag ? xGetMax( m_layerIdInNuh ) : ( m_numberOfLayers - 1 ) ; vps.setVpsMaxLayerId( maxNuhLayerId ); vps.setVpsNuhLayerIdPresentFlag( nuhLayerIdPresentFlag ); for (Int layer = 0; layer < m_numberOfLayers; layer++ ) { vps.setLayerIdInNuh( layer, nuhLayerIdPresentFlag ? m_layerIdInNuh[ layer ] : layer ); vps.setLayerIdInVps( vps.getLayerIdInNuh( layer ), layer ); } } Int TAppEncTop::xGetMax( std::vector& vec ) { Int maxVec = 0; for ( Int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) { maxVec = max( vec[i], maxVec ); } return maxVec; } Void TAppEncTop::xSetProfileTierLevel( TComVPS& vps ) { // SET PTL assert( m_profile.size() == m_level.size() && m_profile.size() == m_levelTier.size() ); vps.setVpsNumProfileTierLevelMinus1( (Int) m_profile.size() - 1 ); for ( Int ptlIdx = 0; ptlIdx <= vps.getVpsNumProfileTierLevelMinus1(); ptlIdx++ ) { if ( ptlIdx > 1 ) { Bool vpsProfilePresentFlag = ( m_profile[ptlIdx] != m_profile[ptlIdx - 1] ) || ( m_inblFlag[ptlIdx ] != m_inblFlag[ptlIdx - 1] ); vps.setVpsProfilePresentFlag( ptlIdx, vpsProfilePresentFlag ); } xSetProfileTierLevel( vps, ptlIdx, -1, m_profile[ptlIdx], m_level[ptlIdx], m_levelTier[ ptlIdx ], m_progressiveSourceFlag, m_interlacedSourceFlag, m_nonPackedConstraintFlag, m_frameOnlyConstraintFlag, m_inblFlag[ptlIdx] ); } } Void TAppEncTop::xSetProfileTierLevel(TComVPS& vps, Int profileTierLevelIdx, Int subLayer, Profile::Name profile, Level::Name level, Level::Tier tier, Bool progressiveSourceFlag, Bool interlacedSourceFlag, Bool nonPackedConstraintFlag, Bool frameOnlyConstraintFlag, Bool inbldFlag) { TComPTL* ptlStruct = vps.getPTL( profileTierLevelIdx ); assert( ptlStruct != NULL ); ProfileTierLevel* ptl; if ( subLayer == -1 ) { ptl = ptlStruct->getGeneralPTL(); } else { ptl = ptlStruct->getSubLayerPTL( subLayer ); } assert( ptl != NULL ); ptl->setProfileIdc( profile ); ptl->setTierFlag ( tier ); ptl->setLevelIdc ( level ); ptl->setProfileCompatibilityFlag( profile, true ); ptl->setInbldFlag( inbldFlag ); switch ( profile ) { case Profile::MAIN: break; case Profile::MULTIVIEWMAIN: #if H_3D case Profile::MAIN3D: #endif ptl->setMax12bitConstraintFlag ( true ); ptl->setMax12bitConstraintFlag ( true ); ptl->setMax10bitConstraintFlag ( true ); ptl->setMax8bitConstraintFlag ( true ); ptl->setMax422chromaConstraintFlag ( true ); ptl->setMax420chromaConstraintFlag ( true ); ptl->setMaxMonochromeConstraintFlag ( false ); ptl->setIntraConstraintFlag ( false ); ptl->setOnePictureOnlyConstraintFlag( false ); ptl->setLowerBitRateConstraintFlag ( true ); break; default: assert( 0 ); // other profiles currently not supported break; } } Void TAppEncTop::xSetRepFormat( TComVPS& vps ) { vps.setRepFormatIdxPresentFlag( false ); vps.setVpsNumRepFormatsMinus1 ( 0 ); TComRepFormat* repFormat = new TComRepFormat; repFormat->setBitDepthVpsChromaMinus8 ( g_bitDepthC - 8 ); repFormat->setBitDepthVpsLumaMinus8 ( g_bitDepthY - 8 ); repFormat->setChromaFormatVpsIdc ( CHROMA_420 ); repFormat->setPicHeightVpsInLumaSamples ( m_iSourceHeight ); repFormat->setPicWidthVpsInLumaSamples ( m_iSourceWidth ); repFormat->setChromaAndBitDepthVpsPresentFlag( true ); // ToDo not supported yet. //repFormat->setSeparateColourPlaneVpsFlag( ); repFormat->setConformanceWindowVpsFlag( true ); #if H_MV_ALIGN_HM_15 repFormat->setConfWinVpsLeftOffset ( m_confWinLeft / TComSPS::getWinUnitX( repFormat->getChromaFormatVpsIdc() ) ); repFormat->setConfWinVpsRightOffset ( m_confWinRight / TComSPS::getWinUnitX( repFormat->getChromaFormatVpsIdc() ) ); repFormat->setConfWinVpsTopOffset ( m_confWinTop / TComSPS::getWinUnitY( repFormat->getChromaFormatVpsIdc() ) ); repFormat->setConfWinVpsBottomOffset ( m_confWinBottom / TComSPS::getWinUnitY( repFormat->getChromaFormatVpsIdc() ) ); #else repFormat->setConfWinVpsLeftOffset ( m_confLeft / TComSPS::getWinUnitX( repFormat->getChromaFormatVpsIdc() ) ); repFormat->setConfWinVpsRightOffset ( m_confRight / TComSPS::getWinUnitX( repFormat->getChromaFormatVpsIdc() ) ); repFormat->setConfWinVpsTopOffset ( m_confTop / TComSPS::getWinUnitY( repFormat->getChromaFormatVpsIdc() ) ); repFormat->setConfWinVpsBottomOffset ( m_confBottom / TComSPS::getWinUnitY( repFormat->getChromaFormatVpsIdc() ) ); #endif assert( vps.getRepFormat( 0 ) == NULL ); vps.setRepFormat( 0 , repFormat ); } Void TAppEncTop::xSetDpbSize ( TComVPS& vps ) { // These settings need to be verified TComDpbSize* dpbSize = vps.getDpbSize(); assert ( dpbSize != 0 ); for( Int i = 0; i < vps.getNumOutputLayerSets(); i++ ) { Int currLsIdx = vps.olsIdxToLsIdx( i ); Bool subLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag = false; for( Int j = 0; j <= vps.getMaxSubLayersInLayerSetMinus1( currLsIdx ); j++ ) { Bool subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag = false; for( Int k = 0; k < vps.getNumLayersInIdList( currLsIdx ); k++ ) { Int layerIdInVps = vps.getLayerIdInVps( vps.getLayerSetLayerIdList( currLsIdx, k ) ); if ( vps.getNecessaryLayerFlag( i,k ) && ( vps.getVpsBaseLayerInternalFlag() || vps.getLayerSetLayerIdList( currLsIdx, k ) != 0 ) ) { dpbSize->setMaxVpsDecPicBufferingMinus1( i, k, j, m_maxDecPicBufferingMvc[ layerIdInVps ][ j ] - 1 ); if ( j > 0 ) { subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag = subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag || ( dpbSize->getMaxVpsDecPicBufferingMinus1( i, k, j ) != dpbSize->getMaxVpsDecPicBufferingMinus1( i, k, j - 1 ) ); } } else { if (vps.getNecessaryLayerFlag(i,k) && j == 0 && k == 0 ) { dpbSize->setMaxVpsDecPicBufferingMinus1(i, k ,j, 0 ); } } } Int maxNumReorderPics = MIN_INT; for ( Int idx = 0; idx < vps.getNumLayersInIdList( currLsIdx ); idx++ ) { if (vps.getNecessaryLayerFlag(i, idx )) { Int layerIdInVps = vps.getLayerIdInVps( vps.getLayerSetLayerIdList(currLsIdx, idx) ); maxNumReorderPics = std::max( maxNumReorderPics, m_numReorderPicsMvc[ layerIdInVps ][ j ] ); } } assert( maxNumReorderPics != MIN_INT ); dpbSize->setMaxVpsNumReorderPics( i, j, maxNumReorderPics ); if ( j > 0 ) { subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag = subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag || ( dpbSize->getMaxVpsNumReorderPics( i, j ) != dpbSize->getMaxVpsNumReorderPics( i, j - 1 ) ); } // To Be Done ! // dpbSize->setMaxVpsLatencyIncreasePlus1( i, j, xx ); if ( j > 0 ) { subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag = subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag || ( dpbSize->getMaxVpsLatencyIncreasePlus1( i, j ) != dpbSize->getMaxVpsLatencyIncreasePlus1( i, j - 1 ) ); } if( j > 0 ) { dpbSize->setSubLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag( i, j, subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag ); subLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag = subLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag || subLayerDpbInfoPresentFlag; } } dpbSize->setSubLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag( i, subLayerFlagInfoPresentFlag ); } } Void TAppEncTop::xSetLayerSets( TComVPS& vps ) { // Layer sets vps.setVpsNumLayerSetsMinus1 ( m_vpsNumLayerSets - 1 ); for (Int lsIdx = 0; lsIdx < m_vpsNumLayerSets; lsIdx++ ) { for( Int layerId = 0; layerId < MAX_NUM_LAYER_IDS; layerId++ ) { vps.setLayerIdIncludedFlag( false, lsIdx, layerId ); } for ( Int i = 0; i < m_layerIdsInSets[lsIdx].size(); i++) { vps.setLayerIdIncludedFlag( true, lsIdx, vps.getLayerIdInNuh( m_layerIdsInSets[lsIdx][i] ) ); } } vps.deriveLayerSetLayerIdList(); Int numAddOuputLayerSets = (Int) m_outputLayerSetIdx.size(); // Additional output layer sets + profileLevelTierIdx vps.setDefaultOutputLayerIdc ( m_defaultOutputLayerIdc ); if( vps.getNumIndependentLayers() == 0 && m_numAddLayerSets > 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "\nWarning: Ignoring additional layer sets since NumIndependentLayers is equal to 0.\n"); } else { vps.setNumAddLayerSets( m_numAddLayerSets ); if ( m_highestLayerIdxPlus1.size() < vps.getNumAddLayerSets() ) { fprintf(stderr, "\nError: Number of highestLayerIdxPlus1 parameters must be greater than or equal to NumAddLayerSets\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (Int i = 0; i < vps.getNumAddLayerSets(); i++) { if ( m_highestLayerIdxPlus1[ i ].size() < vps.getNumIndependentLayers() ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Number of elements in highestLayerIdxPlus1[ %d ] parameters must be greater than or equal to NumIndependentLayers(= %d)\n", i, vps.getNumIndependentLayers()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (Int j = 1; j < vps.getNumIndependentLayers(); j++) { if ( m_highestLayerIdxPlus1[ i ][ j ] < 0 || m_highestLayerIdxPlus1[ i ][ j ] > vps.getNumLayersInTreePartition( j ) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: highestLayerIdxPlus1[ %d ][ %d ] shall be in the range of 0 to NumLayersInTreePartition[ %d ] (= %d ), inclusive. \n", i, j, j, vps.getNumLayersInTreePartition( j ) ); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } vps.setHighestLayerIdxPlus1( i, j, m_highestLayerIdxPlus1[ i ][ j ] ); } vps.deriveAddLayerSetLayerIdList( i ); } } vps.setNumAddOlss ( numAddOuputLayerSets ); vps.initTargetLayerIdLists(); for (Int olsIdx = 0; olsIdx < vps.getNumLayerSets() + numAddOuputLayerSets; olsIdx++) { Int addOutLsIdx = olsIdx - vps.getNumLayerSets(); vps.setLayerSetIdxForOlsMinus1( olsIdx, ( ( addOutLsIdx < 0 ) ? olsIdx : m_outputLayerSetIdx[ addOutLsIdx ] ) - 1 ); Int lsIdx = vps.olsIdxToLsIdx( olsIdx ); if (vps.getDefaultOutputLayerIdc() == 2 || addOutLsIdx >= 0 ) { for ( Int i = 0; i < vps.getNumLayersInIdList( lsIdx ); i++) { vps.setOutputLayerFlag( olsIdx, i, ( olsIdx == 0 && i == 0 ) ? vps.inferOutputLayerFlag(olsIdx, i ) : false ); // This is a software only fix for a bug in the spec. In spec outputLayerFlag neither present nor inferred for this case ! } std::vector& outLayerIdList = ( addOutLsIdx >= 0 ) ? m_layerIdsInAddOutputLayerSet[addOutLsIdx] : m_layerIdsInDefOutputLayerSet[olsIdx]; Bool outputLayerInLayerSetFlag = false; for (Int j = 0; j < outLayerIdList.size(); j++) { for ( Int i = 0; i < vps.getNumLayersInIdList( lsIdx ); i++) { if ( vps.getLayerSetLayerIdList( lsIdx, i ) == outLayerIdList[ j ] ) { vps.setOutputLayerFlag( olsIdx, i, true ); outputLayerInLayerSetFlag = true; break; } } if ( !outputLayerInLayerSetFlag ) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Output layer %d in output layer set %d not in corresponding layer set %d \n", outLayerIdList[ j ], olsIdx , lsIdx ); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } } else { for ( Int i = 0; i < vps.getNumLayersInIdList( lsIdx ); i++) { vps.setOutputLayerFlag( olsIdx, i, vps.inferOutputLayerFlag( olsIdx, i ) ); } } vps.deriveNecessaryLayerFlags( olsIdx ); vps.deriveTargetLayerIdList( olsIdx ); // SET profile_tier_level_index. if ( olsIdx == 0 ) { vps.setProfileTierLevelIdx( 0, 0 , vps.getMaxLayersMinus1() > 0 ? 1 : 0 ); } else { if( (Int) m_profileTierLevelIdx[ olsIdx ].size() < vps.getNumLayersInIdList( lsIdx ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "Warning: Not enough profileTierLevelIdx values given for the %d-th OLS. Inferring default values.\n", olsIdx ); } for (Int j = 0; j < vps.getNumLayersInIdList( lsIdx ); j++) { if( j < (Int) m_profileTierLevelIdx[ olsIdx ].size() ) { vps.setProfileTierLevelIdx(olsIdx, j, m_profileTierLevelIdx[olsIdx][j] ); if( !vps.getNecessaryLayerFlag(olsIdx,j) && m_profileTierLevelIdx[ olsIdx ][ j ] != -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Warning: The %d-th layer in the %d-th OLS is not necessary such that profileTierLevelIdx[%d][%d] will be ignored. Set value to -1 to suppress warning.\n", j,olsIdx,olsIdx,j ); } } else if ( vps.getNecessaryLayerFlag(olsIdx,j) ) { // setting default values if ( j == 0 || vps.getVpsNumProfileTierLevelMinus1() < 1 ) { // set base layer as default vps.setProfileTierLevelIdx(olsIdx, j, 1 ); } else { // set VpsProfileTierLevel[2] as default vps.setProfileTierLevelIdx(olsIdx, j, 2 ); } } } } if ( vps.getNumOutputLayersInOutputLayerSet( olsIdx ) == 1 && vps.getNumDirectRefLayers( vps.getOlsHighestOutputLayerId( olsIdx ) ) ) { vps.setAltOutputLayerFlag( olsIdx , m_altOutputLayerFlag[ olsIdx ]); } else { vps.setAltOutputLayerFlag( olsIdx , false ); if ( m_altOutputLayerFlag[ olsIdx ] ) { printf( "\nWarning: Ignoring AltOutputLayerFlag for output layer set %d, since more than one output layer or no dependent layers.\n", olsIdx ); } } } } Void TAppEncTop::xSetVPSVUI( TComVPS& vps ) { vps.setVpsVuiPresentFlag( m_vpsVuiPresentFlag ); TComVPSVUI* pcVPSVUI = vps.getVPSVUI( ); assert( pcVPSVUI ); if ( m_vpsVuiPresentFlag ) { // All this stuff could actually be derived by the encoder, // however preliminary setting it from input parameters pcVPSVUI->setCrossLayerPicTypeAlignedFlag( m_crossLayerPicTypeAlignedFlag ); pcVPSVUI->setCrossLayerIrapAlignedFlag ( m_crossLayerIrapAlignedFlag ); pcVPSVUI->setAllLayersIdrAlignedFlag ( m_allLayersIdrAlignedFlag ); pcVPSVUI->setBitRatePresentVpsFlag( m_bitRatePresentVpsFlag ); pcVPSVUI->setPicRatePresentVpsFlag( m_picRatePresentVpsFlag ); if( pcVPSVUI->getBitRatePresentVpsFlag( ) || pcVPSVUI->getPicRatePresentVpsFlag( ) ) { for( Int i = 0; i < vps.getNumLayerSets(); i++ ) { for( Int j = 0; j <= vps.getMaxTLayers(); j++ ) { if( pcVPSVUI->getBitRatePresentVpsFlag( ) && m_bitRatePresentFlag[i].size() > j ) { pcVPSVUI->setBitRatePresentFlag( i, j, m_bitRatePresentFlag[i][j] ); } if( pcVPSVUI->getPicRatePresentVpsFlag( ) && m_picRatePresentFlag[i].size() > j ) { pcVPSVUI->setPicRatePresentFlag( i, j, m_picRatePresentFlag[i][j] ); } if( pcVPSVUI->getBitRatePresentFlag( i, j ) && m_avgBitRate[i].size() > j ) { pcVPSVUI->setAvgBitRate( i, j, m_avgBitRate[i][j] ); } if( pcVPSVUI->getBitRatePresentFlag( i, j ) && m_maxBitRate[i].size() > j ) { pcVPSVUI->setMaxBitRate( i, j, m_maxBitRate[i][j] ); } if( pcVPSVUI->getPicRatePresentFlag( i, j ) && m_constantPicRateIdc[i].size() > j ) { pcVPSVUI->setConstantPicRateIdc( i, j, m_constantPicRateIdc[i][j] ); } if( pcVPSVUI->getPicRatePresentFlag( i, j ) && m_avgPicRate[i].size() > j ) { pcVPSVUI->setAvgPicRate( i, j, m_avgPicRate[i][j] ); } } } } pcVPSVUI->setTilesNotInUseFlag( m_tilesNotInUseFlag ); if( !pcVPSVUI->getTilesNotInUseFlag() ) { for( Int i = 0; i <= vps.getMaxLayersMinus1(); i++ ) { pcVPSVUI->setTilesInUseFlag( i, m_tilesInUseFlag[ i ] ); if( pcVPSVUI->getTilesInUseFlag( i ) ) { pcVPSVUI->setLoopFilterNotAcrossTilesFlag( i, m_loopFilterNotAcrossTilesFlag[ i ] ); } } for( Int i = 1; i <= vps.getMaxLayersMinus1(); i++ ) { for( Int j = 0; j < vps.getNumDirectRefLayers( vps.getLayerIdInNuh( i ) ) ; j++ ) { Int layerIdx = vps.getLayerIdInVps( vps.getIdDirectRefLayer(vps.getLayerIdInNuh( i ) , j )); if( pcVPSVUI->getTilesInUseFlag( i ) && pcVPSVUI->getTilesInUseFlag( layerIdx ) ) { pcVPSVUI->setTileBoundariesAlignedFlag( i, j, m_tileBoundariesAlignedFlag[i][j] ); } } } } pcVPSVUI->setWppNotInUseFlag( m_wppNotInUseFlag ); if( !pcVPSVUI->getWppNotInUseFlag( ) ) { for( Int i = 1; i <= vps.getMaxLayersMinus1(); i++ ) { pcVPSVUI->setWppInUseFlag( i, m_wppInUseFlag[ i ]); } } pcVPSVUI->setSingleLayerForNonIrapFlag( m_singleLayerForNonIrapFlag ); pcVPSVUI->setHigherLayerIrapSkipFlag( m_higherLayerIrapSkipFlag ); pcVPSVUI->setIlpRestrictedRefLayersFlag( m_ilpRestrictedRefLayersFlag ); if( pcVPSVUI->getIlpRestrictedRefLayersFlag( ) ) { for( Int i = 1; i <= vps.getMaxLayersMinus1(); i++ ) { for( Int j = 0; j < vps.getNumDirectRefLayers( vps.getLayerIdInNuh( i ) ); j++ ) { if ( m_minSpatialSegmentOffsetPlus1[i].size() > j ) { pcVPSVUI->setMinSpatialSegmentOffsetPlus1( i, j, m_minSpatialSegmentOffsetPlus1[i][j] ); } if( pcVPSVUI->getMinSpatialSegmentOffsetPlus1( i, j ) > 0 ) { if ( m_ctuBasedOffsetEnabledFlag[i].size() > j ) { pcVPSVUI->setCtuBasedOffsetEnabledFlag( i, j, m_ctuBasedOffsetEnabledFlag[i][j] ); } if( pcVPSVUI->getCtuBasedOffsetEnabledFlag( i, j ) ) { if ( m_minHorizontalCtuOffsetPlus1[i].size() > j ) { pcVPSVUI->setMinHorizontalCtuOffsetPlus1( i, j, m_minHorizontalCtuOffsetPlus1[i][j] ); } } } } } } pcVPSVUI->setVideoSignalInfoIdxPresentFlag( true ); pcVPSVUI->setVpsNumVideoSignalInfoMinus1 ( 0 ); assert ( pcVPSVUI->getVideoSignalInfo( 0 ) == NULL ); TComVideoSignalInfo* videoSignalInfo = new TComVideoSignalInfo; videoSignalInfo->setColourPrimariesVps ( m_colourPrimaries ); videoSignalInfo->setMatrixCoeffsVps ( m_matrixCoefficients ); videoSignalInfo->setTransferCharacteristicsVps( m_transferCharacteristics ); videoSignalInfo->setVideoVpsFormat ( m_videoFormat ); videoSignalInfo->setVideoFullRangeVpsFlag ( m_videoFullRangeFlag ); pcVPSVUI->setVideoSignalInfo( 0, videoSignalInfo ); for (Int i = 0; i < m_numberOfLayers; i++) { pcVPSVUI->setVpsVideoSignalInfoIdx( i, 0 ); } pcVPSVUI->setVpsVuiBspHrdPresentFlag( false ); // TBD } else { pcVPSVUI->setCrossLayerIrapAlignedFlag ( false ); } } Bool TAppEncTop::xLayerIdInTargetEncLayerIdList(Int nuhLayerId) { return ( std::find(m_targetEncLayerIdList.begin(), m_targetEncLayerIdList.end(), nuhLayerId) != m_targetEncLayerIdList.end()) ; } #endif #if H_3D Void TAppEncTop::xSetVPSExtension2( TComVPS& vps ) { for ( Int layer = 0; layer <= vps.getMaxLayersMinus1(); layer++ ) { Bool isDepth = ( vps.getDepthId( layer ) == 1 ) ; Bool isLayerZero = ( layer == 0 ); #if H_3D_FCO Bool isDepthFirst = (layer > 1 ? true : false); #endif #if H_3D_ARP vps.setUseAdvRP ( layer, ( isDepth || isLayerZero || !vps.getNumDirectRefLayers(layer) ) ? 0 : m_uiUseAdvResPred ); vps.setARPStepNum ( layer, ( isDepth || isLayerZero || !vps.getNumDirectRefLayers(layer) ) ? 1 : H_3D_ARP_WFNR ); #endif #if H_3D_SPIVMP if( isDepth ) { vps.setSubPULog2Size ( layer, (layer != 1) ? 6: 0 ); vps.setSubPUMPILog2Size ( layer, (!isLayerZero) ? m_iSubPUMPILog2Size: 0 ); } else { vps.setSubPULog2Size ( layer, (!isLayerZero) ? m_iSubPULog2Size: 0 ); } #endif #if H_3D_DIM vps.setVpsDepthModesFlag( layer, isDepth && !isLayerZero && (m_useDMM || m_useSDC || m_useDLT ) ); #if H_3D_FCO vps.setIVPFlag ( layer, isDepth && !isLayerZero && m_useIVP && !isDepthFirst ); #else vps.setIVPFlag ( layer, isDepth && !isLayerZero && m_useIVP ); #endif #endif #if H_3D_IV_MERGE if( !vps.getNumDirectRefLayers(layer) ) { vps.setIvMvPredFlag (layer, false); vps.setIvMvScalingFlag (layer, false); } else { if( isDepth ) { vps.setIvMvPredFlag ( layer, (layer != 1) && m_ivMvPredFlag[1] ); } else { vps.setIvMvPredFlag ( layer, !isLayerZero && m_ivMvPredFlag[0] ); } vps.setIvMvScalingFlag (layer, m_ivMvScalingFlag); } #endif #if H_3D_QTLPC #if H_3D_FCO vps.setLimQtPredFlag ( layer, isDepth && m_bLimQtPredFlag && !isDepthFirst ); #else vps.setLimQtPredFlag ( layer, isDepth && m_bLimQtPredFlag ); #endif #endif #if H_3D_NBDV_REF vps.setDepthRefinementFlag ( layer, !isLayerZero && !isDepth && m_depthRefinementFlag ); #endif #if H_3D_VSP vps.setViewSynthesisPredFlag( layer, !isLayerZero && !isDepth && vps.getNumDirectRefLayers(layer) && m_viewSynthesisPredFlag ); #endif #if H_3D_DBBP vps.setUseDBBP ( layer, !isLayerZero && !isDepth && m_bUseDBBP ); #endif #if H_3D_INTER_SDC vps.setInterSDCFlag( layer, !isLayerZero && isDepth && m_bDepthInterSDCFlag ); #endif #if H_3D_IV_MERGE #if H_3D_FCO vps.setMPIFlag( layer, !isLayerZero && isDepth && m_bMPIFlag && !isDepthFirst ); #else vps.setMPIFlag( layer, !isLayerZero && isDepth && m_bMPIFlag ); #endif #endif } } Void TAppEncTop::xDeriveDltArray( TComVPS& vps, TComDLT& dlt ) { Int iNumDepthViews = 0; Bool bDltPresentFlag = false; for ( Int layer = 0; layer <= vps.getMaxLayersMinus1(); layer++ ) { Bool isDepth = ( vps.getDepthId( layer ) == 1 ); if ( isDepth ) { iNumDepthViews++; } dlt.setUseDLTFlag( layer , isDepth && m_useDLT ); if( dlt.getUseDLTFlag( layer ) ) { xAnalyzeInputBaseDepth(layer, max(m_iIntraPeriod[layer], 24), &vps, &dlt); bDltPresentFlag = bDltPresentFlag || dlt.getUseDLTFlag(layer); dlt.setInterViewDltPredEnableFlag(layer, (dlt.getUseDLTFlag(layer) && (layer>1))); } } dlt.setDltPresentFlag( bDltPresentFlag ); dlt.setNumDepthViews ( iNumDepthViews ); } #endif //! \}