/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TDecTop.cpp \brief decoder class */ #include "../../App/TAppDecoder/TAppDecTop.h" #include "TDecTop.h" CamParsCollector::CamParsCollector() : m_bInitialized( false ) { m_aaiCodedOffset = new Int* [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aaiCodedScale = new Int* [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aiViewOrderIndex = new Int [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aiViewReceived = new Int [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; for( UInt uiId = 0; uiId < MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS; uiId++ ) { m_aaiCodedOffset [ uiId ] = new Int [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aaiCodedScale [ uiId ] = new Int [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; } #if POZNAN_SYNTH || (POZNAN_MP && !POZNAN_MP_USE_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION) xCreateLUTs ( (UInt)MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS, (UInt)MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS, m_adBaseViewShiftLUT, m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT); m_iLog2Precision = LOG2_DISP_PREC_LUT; m_uiBitDepthForLUT = 8; //fixed #endif } CamParsCollector::~CamParsCollector() { for( UInt uiId = 0; uiId < MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS; uiId++ ) { delete [] m_aaiCodedOffset [ uiId ]; delete [] m_aaiCodedScale [ uiId ]; } delete [] m_aaiCodedOffset; delete [] m_aaiCodedScale; delete [] m_aiViewOrderIndex; delete [] m_aiViewReceived; #if POZNAN_SYNTH || (POZNAN_MP && !POZNAN_MP_USE_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION) xDeleteArray( m_adBaseViewShiftLUT, MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS, MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS, 2 ); xDeleteArray( m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT, MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS, MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS, 2 ); #endif } Void CamParsCollector::init( FILE* pCodedScaleOffsetFile ) { m_bInitialized = true; m_pCodedScaleOffsetFile = pCodedScaleOffsetFile; m_uiCamParsCodedPrecision = 0; m_bCamParsVaryOverTime = false; m_iLastViewId = -1; m_iLastPOC = -1; m_uiMaxViewId = 0; #if POZNAN_NONLINEAR_DEPTH m_fDepthPower = 1.0; #endif } #if POZNAN_SYNTH || (POZNAN_MP && !POZNAN_MP_USE_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION) Void CamParsCollector::xCreateLUTs( UInt uiNumberSourceViews, UInt uiNumberTargetViews, Double****& radLUT, Int****& raiLUT) { //AOF( m_uiBitDepthForLUT == 8 ); //AOF(radLUT == NULL && raiLUT == NULL ); uiNumberSourceViews = Max( 1, uiNumberSourceViews ); uiNumberTargetViews = Max( 1, uiNumberTargetViews ); radLUT = new Double***[ uiNumberSourceViews ]; raiLUT = new Int ***[ uiNumberSourceViews ]; for( UInt uiSourceView = 0; uiSourceView < uiNumberSourceViews; uiSourceView++ ) { radLUT [ uiSourceView ] = new Double**[ uiNumberTargetViews ]; raiLUT [ uiSourceView ] = new Int **[ uiNumberTargetViews ]; for( UInt uiTargetView = 0; uiTargetView < uiNumberTargetViews; uiTargetView++ ) { radLUT [ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ] = new Double*[ 2 ]; radLUT [ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 0 ] = new Double [ 257 ]; radLUT [ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 1 ] = new Double [ 257 ]; raiLUT [ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ] = new Int* [ 2 ]; raiLUT [ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 0 ] = new Int [ 257 ]; raiLUT [ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 1 ] = new Int [ 257 ]; } } } Void CamParsCollector::xInitLUTs( UInt uiSourceView, UInt uiTargetView, Int iScale, Int iOffset, Double****& radLUT, Int****& raiLUT) { Int iLog2DivLuma = m_uiBitDepthForLUT + m_uiCamParsCodedPrecision + 1 - m_iLog2Precision; AOF( iLog2DivLuma > 0 ); Int iLog2DivChroma = iLog2DivLuma + 1; iOffset <<= m_uiBitDepthForLUT; Double dScale = (Double) iScale / (( Double ) ( 1 << iLog2DivLuma )); Double dOffset = (Double) iOffset / (( Double ) ( 1 << iLog2DivLuma )); // offsets including rounding offsets Int64 iOffsetLuma = iOffset + ( ( 1 << iLog2DivLuma ) >> 1 ); Int64 iOffsetChroma = iOffset + ( ( 1 << iLog2DivChroma ) >> 1 ); #if POZNAN_NONLINEAR_DEPTH TComNonlinearDepthBackward cNonlinearDepthBwd(m_fDepthPower, (POZNAN_LUT_INCREASED_PRECISION) ? g_uiBitIncrement : 0, (POZNAN_LUT_INCREASED_PRECISION) ? g_uiBitIncrement : 0); #endif for( UInt uiDepthValue = 0; uiDepthValue < 256; uiDepthValue++ ) { Double dDepthValue = (Double)uiDepthValue; Int64 iDepthValue = (Int64)uiDepthValue; #if POZNAN_NONLINEAR_DEPTH dDepthValue = cNonlinearDepthBwd(dDepthValue); iDepthValue = (Int64)(dDepthValue+0.5); #endif #if POZNAN_LUT_INCREASED_PRECISION dDepthValue /= (1<>= g_uiBitIncrement; #endif Int64 iTestScale = ( iTempScale + iOffset ); // for checking accuracy of camera parameters Int64 iShiftLuma = ( iTempScale + iOffsetLuma ) >> iLog2DivLuma; Int64 iShiftChroma = ( iTempScale + iOffsetChroma ) >> iLog2DivChroma; raiLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 0 ][ uiDepthValue ] = (Int)iShiftLuma; raiLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 1 ][ uiDepthValue ] = (Int)iShiftChroma; // maximum deviation //dMaxDispDev = Max( dMaxDispDev, fabs( Double( (Int) iTestScale ) - dShiftLuma * Double( 1 << iLog2DivLuma ) ) / Double( 1 << iLog2DivLuma ) ); //dMaxRndDispDvL = Max( dMaxRndDispDvL, fabs( Double( (Int) iShiftLuma ) - dShiftLuma ) ); //dMaxRndDispDvC = Max( dMaxRndDispDvC, fabs( Double( (Int) iShiftChroma ) - dShiftChroma ) ); } radLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 0 ][ 256 ] = radLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 0 ][ 255 ]; radLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 1 ][ 256 ] = radLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 1 ][ 255 ]; raiLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 0 ][ 256 ] = raiLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 0 ][ 255 ]; raiLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 1 ][ 256 ] = raiLUT[ uiSourceView ][ uiTargetView ][ 1 ][ 255 ]; } Bool CamParsCollector::getNearestBaseView( Int iSynthViewIdx, Int &riNearestViewIdx, Int &riRelDistToLeft, Bool& rbRenderFromLeft) { /* riNearestViewIdx = 0; Bool bDecencdingVN = ( m_aiSortedBaseViews.size() >= 2 && m_aiSortedBaseViews[ 0 ] > m_aiSortedBaseViews[ 1 ] ); Int iFactor = ( bDecencdingVN ? -1 : 1 ); if( ( m_aiBaseId2SortedId[iSynthViewIdx] - m_aiBaseId2SortedId[riNearestViewIdx] ) * iFactor <= 0 ) { rbRenderFromLeft = true; } else { rbRenderFromLeft = false; } riRelDistToLeft = 128; //Not used for now; //*/ return true; } #endif Void CamParsCollector::uninit() { m_bInitialized = false; } Void CamParsCollector::setSlice( TComSlice* pcSlice ) { if( pcSlice == 0 ) { AOF( xIsComplete() ); if( m_bCamParsVaryOverTime || m_iLastPOC == 0 ) { xOutput( m_iLastPOC ); } return; } AOF( pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId() < MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ); if ( pcSlice->getSPS()->isDepth () ) { #if POZNAN_NONLINEAR_DEPTH m_fDepthPower = pcSlice->getSPS()->getDepthPower(); #endif return; } else { #if POZNAN_NONLINEAR_DEPTH pcSlice->getSPS()->setDepthPower(m_fDepthPower); // OLGIERD: ToDo - QP-Tex should not use getDepthPower() from texture SPS. #endif } Bool bFirstAU = ( pcSlice->getPOC() == 0 ); Bool bFirstSliceInAU = ( pcSlice->getPOC() != Int ( m_iLastPOC ) ); Bool bFirstSliceInView = ( pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId() != UInt( m_iLastViewId ) || bFirstSliceInAU ); AOT( bFirstSliceInAU && pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId() != 0 ); AOT( !bFirstSliceInAU && pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId() < UInt( m_iLastViewId ) ); AOT( !bFirstSliceInAU && pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId() > UInt( m_iLastViewId + 1 ) ); AOT( !bFirstAU && pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId() > m_uiMaxViewId ); if ( !bFirstSliceInView ) { if( m_bCamParsVaryOverTime ) // check consistency of slice parameters here { UInt uiViewId = pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId(); for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < uiViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { AOF( m_aaiCodedScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] == pcSlice->getCodedScale () [ uiBaseId ] ); AOF( m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] == pcSlice->getCodedOffset () [ uiBaseId ] ); AOF( m_aaiCodedScale [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] == pcSlice->getInvCodedScale () [ uiBaseId ] ); AOF( m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] == pcSlice->getInvCodedOffset() [ uiBaseId ] ); } } return; } if( bFirstSliceInAU ) { if( !bFirstAU ) { AOF( xIsComplete() ); xOutput( m_iLastPOC ); } ::memset( m_aiViewReceived, 0x00, MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS * sizeof( Int ) ); } UInt uiViewId = pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId(); m_aiViewReceived[ uiViewId ] = 1; if( bFirstAU ) { m_uiMaxViewId = Max( m_uiMaxViewId, uiViewId ); m_aiViewOrderIndex[ uiViewId ] = pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewOrderIdx(); if( uiViewId == 1 ) { m_uiCamParsCodedPrecision = pcSlice->getSPS()->getCamParPrecision (); m_bCamParsVaryOverTime = pcSlice->getSPS()->hasCamParInSliceHeader (); } else if( uiViewId > 1 ) { AOF( m_uiCamParsCodedPrecision == pcSlice->getSPS()->getCamParPrecision () ); AOF( m_bCamParsVaryOverTime == pcSlice->getSPS()->hasCamParInSliceHeader () ); } for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < uiViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { if( m_bCamParsVaryOverTime ) { m_aaiCodedScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = pcSlice->getCodedScale () [ uiBaseId ]; m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = pcSlice->getCodedOffset () [ uiBaseId ]; m_aaiCodedScale [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = pcSlice->getInvCodedScale () [ uiBaseId ]; m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = pcSlice->getInvCodedOffset() [ uiBaseId ]; #if POZNAN_SYNTH || (POZNAN_MP && !POZNAN_MP_USE_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION) xInitLUTs(uiBaseId,uiViewId,m_aaiCodedScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ],m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ],m_adBaseViewShiftLUT,m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT); xInitLUTs(uiViewId,uiBaseId,m_aaiCodedScale [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ],m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ],m_adBaseViewShiftLUT,m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT); #endif } else { m_aaiCodedScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = pcSlice->getSPS()->getCodedScale () [ uiBaseId ]; m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = pcSlice->getSPS()->getCodedOffset () [ uiBaseId ]; m_aaiCodedScale [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = pcSlice->getSPS()->getInvCodedScale () [ uiBaseId ]; m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = pcSlice->getSPS()->getInvCodedOffset() [ uiBaseId ]; #if POZNAN_SYNTH || (POZNAN_MP && !POZNAN_MP_USE_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION) xInitLUTs(uiBaseId,uiViewId,m_aaiCodedScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ],m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ],m_adBaseViewShiftLUT,m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT); xInitLUTs(uiViewId,uiBaseId,m_aaiCodedScale [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ],m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ],m_adBaseViewShiftLUT,m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT); #endif } } } else { AOF( m_aiViewOrderIndex[ uiViewId ] == pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewOrderIdx() ); if( m_bCamParsVaryOverTime ) { for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < uiViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { m_aaiCodedScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = pcSlice->getCodedScale () [ uiBaseId ]; m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = pcSlice->getCodedOffset () [ uiBaseId ]; m_aaiCodedScale [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = pcSlice->getInvCodedScale () [ uiBaseId ]; m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = pcSlice->getInvCodedOffset() [ uiBaseId ]; #if POZNAN_SYNTH || (POZNAN_MP && !POZNAN_MP_USE_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION) xInitLUTs(uiBaseId,uiViewId,m_aaiCodedScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ],m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ],m_adBaseViewShiftLUT,m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT); xInitLUTs(uiViewId,uiBaseId,m_aaiCodedScale [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ],m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ],m_adBaseViewShiftLUT,m_aiBaseViewShiftLUT); #endif } } } m_iLastViewId = (Int)pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId(); m_iLastPOC = (Int)pcSlice->getPOC(); } Bool CamParsCollector::xIsComplete() { for( UInt uiView = 0; uiView <= m_uiMaxViewId; uiView++ ) { if( m_aiViewReceived[ uiView ] == 0 ) { return false; } } return true; } Void CamParsCollector::xOutput( Int iPOC ) { if( m_pCodedScaleOffsetFile ) { if( iPOC == 0 ) { fprintf( m_pCodedScaleOffsetFile, "# ViewId ViewOrderIdx\n" ); fprintf( m_pCodedScaleOffsetFile, "#----------- ------------\n" ); for( UInt uiViewId = 0; uiViewId <= m_uiMaxViewId; uiViewId++ ) { fprintf( m_pCodedScaleOffsetFile, "%12d %12d\n", uiViewId, m_aiViewOrderIndex[ uiViewId ] ); } fprintf( m_pCodedScaleOffsetFile, "\n\n"); fprintf( m_pCodedScaleOffsetFile, "# StartFrame EndFrame TargetView BaseView CodedScale CodedOffset Precision\n" ); fprintf( m_pCodedScaleOffsetFile, "#----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------\n" ); } if( iPOC == 0 || m_bCamParsVaryOverTime ) { Int iS = iPOC; Int iE = ( m_bCamParsVaryOverTime ? iPOC : ~( 1 << 31 ) ); for( UInt uiViewId = 0; uiViewId <= m_uiMaxViewId; uiViewId++ ) { for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId <= m_uiMaxViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { if( uiViewId != uiBaseId ) { fprintf( m_pCodedScaleOffsetFile, "%12d %12d %12d %12d %12d %12d %12d\n", iS, iE, uiViewId, uiBaseId, m_aaiCodedScale[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ], m_aaiCodedOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ], m_uiCamParsCodedPrecision ); } } } } } } TDecTop::TDecTop() : m_SEIs(0) { m_iGopSize = 0; m_bGopSizeSet = false; m_iMaxRefPicNum = 0; m_uiValidPS = 0; m_bIsDepth = false ; m_iViewIdx = 0 ; #if SONY_COLPIC_AVAILABILITY m_iViewOrderIdx = 0; #endif #if ENC_DEC_TRACE g_hTrace = fopen( "TraceDec.txt", "wb" ); g_bJustDoIt = g_bEncDecTraceDisable; g_nSymbolCounter = 0; #endif #if DCM_DECODING_REFRESH m_bRefreshPending = 0; m_uiPOCCDR = 0; #if DCM_SKIP_DECODING_FRAMES m_uiPOCRA = MAX_UINT; #endif #endif m_uiPrevPOC = UInt(-1); m_bFirstSliceInPicture = true; m_bFirstSliceInSequence = true; m_pcCamParsCollector = 0; #if POZNAN_MP m_pcMP = NULL; #endif } TDecTop::~TDecTop() { #if ENC_DEC_TRACE fclose( g_hTrace ); #endif } Void TDecTop::create() { m_cGopDecoder.create(); m_apcSlicePilot = new TComSlice; m_uiSliceIdx = m_uiLastSliceIdx = 0; } Void TDecTop::destroy() { m_cGopDecoder.destroy(); delete m_apcSlicePilot; m_apcSlicePilot = NULL; m_cSliceDecoder.destroy(); #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION m_cDepthMapGenerator.destroy(); #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED m_cResidualGenerator.destroy(); #endif #if POZNAN_MP m_pcMP = NULL; #endif } Void TDecTop::init( TAppDecTop* pcTAppDecTop, Bool bFirstInstance ) { // initialize ROM if( bFirstInstance ) initROM(); #if MTK_SAO m_cGopDecoder. init( &m_cEntropyDecoder, &m_cSbacDecoder, &m_cBinCABAC, &m_cCavlcDecoder, &m_cSliceDecoder, &m_cLoopFilter, &m_cAdaptiveLoopFilter, &m_cSAO #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION , &m_cDepthMapGenerator #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED , &m_cResidualGenerator #endif ); #else m_cGopDecoder. init( &m_cEntropyDecoder, &m_cSbacDecoder, &m_cBinCABAC, &m_cCavlcDecoder, &m_cSliceDecoder, &m_cLoopFilter, &m_cAdaptiveLoopFilter #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION , &m_cDepthMapGenerator #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED , &m_cResidualGenerator #endif ); #endif m_cSliceDecoder.init( &m_cEntropyDecoder, &m_cCuDecoder ); m_cEntropyDecoder.init(&m_cPrediction); m_pcTAppDecTop = pcTAppDecTop; #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION m_cDepthMapGenerator.init( &m_cPrediction, m_pcTAppDecTop->getSPSAccess(), m_pcTAppDecTop->getAUPicAccess() ); #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED m_cResidualGenerator.init( &m_cTrQuant, &m_cDepthMapGenerator ); #endif #if POZNAN_MP m_pcMP = pcTAppDecTop->getMP(); #endif } Void TDecTop::setSPS(TComSPS cSPS) { m_cSPS = cSPS ; if ( !m_cAdaptiveLoopFilter.isCreated()) { m_cAdaptiveLoopFilter.create( m_cSPS.getWidth(), m_cSPS.getHeight(), g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, g_uiMaxCUDepth ); #if MTK_SAO m_cSAO.create( m_cSPS.getWidth(), m_cSPS.getHeight(), g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, g_uiMaxCUDepth ); #endif m_cLoopFilter. create( g_uiMaxCUDepth ); } m_uiValidPS |= 1; } Void TDecTop::deletePicBuffer ( ) { TComList::iterator iterPic = m_cListPic.begin(); Int iSize = Int( m_cListPic.size() ); for (Int i = 0; i < iSize; i++ ) { TComPic* pcPic = *(iterPic++); pcPic->destroy(); delete pcPic; pcPic = NULL; } // destroy ALF temporary buffers m_cAdaptiveLoopFilter.destroy(); #if MTK_SAO m_cSAO.destroy(); #endif m_cLoopFilter. destroy(); // destroy ROM if( m_iViewIdx <= 0 && !m_bIsDepth) destroyROM(); } Void TDecTop::xGetNewPicBuffer ( TComSlice* pcSlice, TComPic*& rpcPic ) { m_iMaxRefPicNum = getCodedPictureBufferSize( ); #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION UInt uiPdm = ( pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId() ? pcSlice->getSPS()->getPredDepthMapGeneration() : m_pcTAppDecTop->getSPSAccess()->getPdm() ); Bool bNeedPrdDepthMapBuffer = ( !pcSlice->getSPS()->isDepth() && uiPdm > 0 ); #endif if (m_cListPic.size() < (UInt)m_iMaxRefPicNum) { rpcPic = new TComPic; rpcPic->create ( pcSlice->getSPS()->getWidth(), pcSlice->getSPS()->getHeight(), g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, g_uiMaxCUDepth ); #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION if( bNeedPrdDepthMapBuffer ) { rpcPic->addPrdDepthMapBuffer( PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_X(uiPdm), PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_Y(uiPdm) ); } #endif m_cListPic.pushBack( rpcPic ); return; } Bool bBufferIsAvailable = false; TComList::iterator iterPic = m_cListPic.begin(); while (iterPic != m_cListPic.end()) { rpcPic = *(iterPic++); if ( rpcPic->getReconMark() == false ) { bBufferIsAvailable = true; break; } } if ( !bBufferIsAvailable ) { pcSlice->sortPicList(m_cListPic); iterPic = m_cListPic.begin(); rpcPic = *(iterPic); rpcPic->setReconMark(false); // mark it should be extended } rpcPic->getPicYuvRec()->setBorderExtension(false); #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION if( bNeedPrdDepthMapBuffer && !rpcPic->getPredDepthMap() ) { rpcPic->addPrdDepthMapBuffer( PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_X(uiPdm), PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_Y(uiPdm) ); } #endif } Void TDecTop::deleteExtraPicBuffers( Int iPoc ) { TComPic* pcPic = 0; TComList::iterator cIter = m_cListPic.begin(); TComList::iterator cEnd = m_cListPic.end (); for( ; cIter != cEnd; cIter++ ) { if( (*cIter)->getPOC() == iPoc ) { pcPic = *cIter; break; } } AOF( pcPic ); if ( pcPic ) { pcPic->removeOriginalBuffer (); #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED pcPic->removeOrgDepthMapBuffer(); #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED pcPic->removeResidualBuffer (); #endif #if HHI_INTERVIEW_SKIP pcPic->removeUsedPelsMapBuffer(); #endif #if POZNAN_AVAIL_MAP pcPic->removeAvailabilityBuffer(); #endif #if POZNAN_SYNTH_VIEW pcPic->removeSynthesisBuffer(); #endif #if POZNAN_TEXTURE_TU_DELTA_QP_ACCORDING_TO_DEPTH pcPic->removeSynthesisDepthBuffer(); #endif } } #if AMVP_BUFFERCOMPRESS Void TDecTop::compressMotion( Int iPoc ) { TComPic* pcPic = 0; TComList::iterator cIter = m_cListPic.begin(); TComList::iterator cEnd = m_cListPic.end (); for( ; cIter != cEnd; cIter++ ) { if( (*cIter)->getPOC() == iPoc ) { pcPic = *cIter; break; } } AOF( pcPic ); if ( pcPic ) { pcPic->compressMotion(); } } #endif Void TDecTop::executeDeblockAndAlf(Bool bEos, TComBitstream* pcBitstream, UInt& ruiPOC, TComList*& rpcListPic, Int& iSkipFrame, Int& iPOCLastDisplay) { TComPic*& pcPic = m_pcPic; // Execute Deblock and ALF only + Cleanup TComSlice* pcSlice = pcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice( m_uiSliceIdx ); m_cGopDecoder.decompressGop ( bEos, pcBitstream, pcPic, true); if( m_pcCamParsCollector && bEos ) { m_pcCamParsCollector->setSlice( 0 ); } pcSlice->sortPicList ( m_cListPic ); // sorting for application output ruiPOC = pcPic->getSlice(m_uiSliceIdx-1)->getPOC(); rpcListPic = &m_cListPic; m_cCuDecoder.destroy(); m_bFirstSliceInPicture = true; return; } #if DCM_SKIP_DECODING_FRAMES Bool TDecTop::decode (Bool bEos, TComBitstream* pcBitstream, UInt& ruiPOC, TComList*& rpcListPic, NalUnitType& reNalUnitType, TComSPS& cComSPS, Int& iSkipFrame, Int& iPOCLastDisplay) #else Void TDecTop::decode (Bool bEos, TComBitstream* pcBitstream, UInt& ruiPOC, TComList*& rpcListPic, NalUnitType& reNalUnitType, TComSPS& cComSPS ) #endif { if (m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { rpcListPic = NULL; } TComPic*& pcPic = m_pcPic; // Initialize entropy decoder m_cEntropyDecoder.setEntropyDecoder (&m_cCavlcDecoder); m_cEntropyDecoder.setBitstream (pcBitstream); NalUnitType eNalUnitType; UInt TemporalId; Bool OutputFlag; m_cEntropyDecoder.decodeNalUnitHeader(eNalUnitType, TemporalId, OutputFlag); reNalUnitType = eNalUnitType; switch (eNalUnitType) { case NAL_UNIT_SPS: { TComSPS cTempSPS; m_cEntropyDecoder.decodeSPS( &cTempSPS ); if( (m_iViewIdx == cTempSPS.getViewId()) && ( m_bIsDepth == cTempSPS.isDepth() ) ) { m_cSPS = cTempSPS; cComSPS = m_cSPS; } else { #if POZNAN_NONLINEAR_DEPTH // For texture complete depth power information. Depth power is sended, for example, for base view depth map and it should be available prior non-base texture decoding if(!cTempSPS.isDepth() && cTempSPS.getViewId()) { Float fDepthPower = getDecTop()->getPicFromView( 0, pcPic->getPOC(), true )->getSPS()->getDepthPower(); cTempSPS.setDepthPower(fDepthPower); } #endif cComSPS = cTempSPS; return false; } // create ALF temporary buffer if ( !m_cAdaptiveLoopFilter.isCreated()) { m_cAdaptiveLoopFilter.create( m_cSPS.getWidth(), m_cSPS.getHeight(), g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, g_uiMaxCUDepth ); #if MTK_SAO m_cSAO.create( m_cSPS.getWidth(), m_cSPS.getHeight(), g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, g_uiMaxCUDepth ); #endif m_cLoopFilter. create( g_uiMaxCUDepth ); } m_uiValidPS |= 1; #if POZNAN_MP #if POZNAN_MP_USE_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION m_pcMP->init( m_cSPS.getHeight(), m_cSPS.getWidth() ); #else m_pcMP->init( m_cSPS.getHeight(), m_cSPS.getWidth(), m_pcCamParsCollector->getBaseViewShiftLUTI()); #endif #endif return false; } case NAL_UNIT_PPS: m_cEntropyDecoder.decodePPS( &m_cPPS ); assert( m_cPPS.getSPSId() == m_cSPS.getSPSId() ); m_uiValidPS |= 2; return false; case NAL_UNIT_SEI: m_SEIs = new SEImessages; m_cEntropyDecoder.decodeSEI(*m_SEIs); return false; case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR: case NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CDR: { // make sure we already received both parameter sets assert( 3 == m_uiValidPS ); if (m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { m_apcSlicePilot->initSlice(); m_uiSliceIdx = 0; m_uiLastSliceIdx = 0; } m_apcSlicePilot->setSliceIdx(m_uiSliceIdx); // Read slice header m_apcSlicePilot->setSPS( &m_cSPS ); m_apcSlicePilot->setPPS( &m_cPPS ); m_apcSlicePilot->setSliceIdx(m_uiSliceIdx); m_apcSlicePilot->setViewIdx( m_cSPS.getViewId() ); #if SONY_COLPIC_AVAILABILITY m_apcSlicePilot->setViewOrderIdx( m_cSPS.getViewOrderIdx()); #endif if (!m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { memcpy(m_apcSlicePilot, pcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(m_uiSliceIdx-1), sizeof(TComSlice)); } #if DCM_DECODING_REFRESH m_apcSlicePilot->setNalUnitType (eNalUnitType); #endif m_cEntropyDecoder.decodeSliceHeader (m_apcSlicePilot); // if (m_apcSlicePilot->isNextSlice() && m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC()!=m_uiPrevPOC && !m_bFirstSliceInSequence) // if (m_apcSlicePilot->isNextSlice() && ( m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC()!=m_uiPrevPOC || m_apcSlicePilot->getPPSId() != m_cPPS.getPPSId() ) && !m_bFirstSliceInSequence) if (m_apcSlicePilot->isNextSlice() && ( m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC()!=m_uiPrevPOC || m_apcSlicePilot->getPPSId() != m_cPPS.getPPSId() ) && !m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { m_uiPrevPOC = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); return true; } if (m_apcSlicePilot->isNextSlice()) m_uiPrevPOC = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); m_bFirstSliceInSequence = false; if (m_apcSlicePilot->isNextSlice()) { #if DCM_SKIP_DECODING_FRAMES // Skip pictures due to random access if (isRandomAccessSkipPicture(iSkipFrame, iPOCLastDisplay)) { return false; } #endif } if (m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { // Buffer initialize for prediction. m_cPrediction.initTempBuff(); // Get a new picture buffer xGetNewPicBuffer (m_apcSlicePilot, pcPic); pcPic->setViewIdx( m_cSPS.getViewId() ); #if SONY_COLPIC_AVAILABILITY pcPic->setViewOrderIdx( m_cSPS.getViewOrderIdx() ); #endif /* transfer any SEI messages that have been received to the picture */ pcPic->setSEIs(m_SEIs); m_SEIs = NULL; // Recursive structure m_cCuDecoder.create ( g_uiMaxCUDepth, g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight ); m_cCuDecoder.init ( &m_cEntropyDecoder, &m_cTrQuant, &m_cPrediction ); m_cTrQuant.init ( g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, m_apcSlicePilot->getSPS()->getMaxTrSize()); m_cSliceDecoder.create( m_apcSlicePilot, m_apcSlicePilot->getSPS()->getWidth(), m_apcSlicePilot->getSPS()->getHeight(), g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, g_uiMaxCUDepth ); #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION UInt uiPdm = ( m_cSPS.getViewId() ? m_cSPS.getPredDepthMapGeneration() : getDecTop()->getSPSAccess()->getPdm() ); m_cDepthMapGenerator.create( true, m_apcSlicePilot->getSPS()->getWidth(), m_apcSlicePilot->getSPS()->getHeight(), g_uiMaxCUDepth, g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, g_uiBitDepth + g_uiBitIncrement, PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_X(uiPdm), PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_Y(uiPdm) ); TComDepthMapGenerator* pcDMG0 = getDecTop()->getDecTop0()->getDepthMapGenerator(); if( m_cSPS.getViewId() == 1 && ( pcDMG0->getSubSampExpX() != PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_X(uiPdm) || pcDMG0->getSubSampExpY() != PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_Y(uiPdm) ) ) { pcDMG0->create( true, m_apcSlicePilot->getSPS()->getWidth(), m_apcSlicePilot->getSPS()->getHeight(), g_uiMaxCUDepth, g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, g_uiBitDepth + g_uiBitIncrement, PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_X(uiPdm), PDM_SUB_SAMP_EXP_Y(uiPdm) ); } #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED m_cResidualGenerator.create( true, m_apcSlicePilot->getSPS()->getWidth(), m_apcSlicePilot->getSPS()->getHeight(), g_uiMaxCUDepth, g_uiMaxCUWidth, g_uiMaxCUHeight, g_uiBitDepth + g_uiBitIncrement ); #endif } // Set picture slice pointer TComSlice* pcSlice = m_apcSlicePilot; Bool bNextSlice = pcSlice->isNextSlice(); if (m_bFirstSliceInPicture) { if(pcPic->getNumAllocatedSlice() != 1) { pcPic->clearSliceBuffer(); } } else { pcPic->allocateNewSlice(); } assert(pcPic->getNumAllocatedSlice() == (m_uiSliceIdx + 1)); m_apcSlicePilot = pcPic->getPicSym()->getSlice(m_uiSliceIdx); pcPic->getPicSym()->setSlice(pcSlice, m_uiSliceIdx); #if POZNAN_MP pcSlice->setMP(m_pcMP); #endif if (bNextSlice) { #if DCM_DECODING_REFRESH // Do decoding refresh marking if any pcSlice->decodingRefreshMarking(m_uiPOCCDR, m_bRefreshPending, m_cListPic); #endif // Set reference list std::vector apcSpatRefPics = getDecTop()->getSpatialRefPics( pcPic->getViewIdx(), pcSlice->getPOC(), m_cSPS.isDepth() ); TComPic * const pcTexturePic = m_cSPS.isDepth() ? getDecTop()->getPicFromView( pcPic->getViewIdx(), pcSlice->getPOC(), false ) : NULL; assert( ! m_cSPS.isDepth() || pcTexturePic != NULL ); pcSlice->setTexturePic( pcTexturePic ); pcSlice->setViewIdx( pcPic->getViewIdx() ); #if SONY_COLPIC_AVAILABILITY pcSlice->setViewOrderIdx( pcPic->getViewOrderIdx() ); #endif pcSlice->setRefPicListExplicitlyDecoderSided(m_cListPic, apcSpatRefPics) ;// temporary solution #if DCM_COMB_LIST if(!pcSlice->getRefPicListModificationFlagLC()) { pcSlice->generateCombinedList(); } #endif pcSlice->setNoBackPredFlag( false ); #if DCM_COMB_LIST if ( pcSlice->getSliceType() == B_SLICE && !pcSlice->getRefPicListCombinationFlag()) #else if ( pcSlice->getSliceType() == B_SLICE ) #endif { if ( pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList( 0 ) ) == pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList( 1 ) ) ) { pcSlice->setNoBackPredFlag( true ); int i; for ( i=0; i < pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(RefPicList( 1 ) ); i++ ) { if ( pcSlice->getRefPOC(RefPicList(1), i) != pcSlice->getRefPOC(RefPicList(0), i) ) { pcSlice->setNoBackPredFlag( false ); break; } } } } } pcPic->setCurrSliceIdx(m_uiSliceIdx); #if HHI_DMM_WEDGE_INTRA || HHI_DMM_PRED_TEX if ( m_cSPS.getUseDMM() && g_aacWedgeLists.empty() && m_bIsDepth ) { initWedgeLists(); } #endif #if POZNAN_SYNTH if( m_pcCamParsCollector) { m_pcCamParsCollector->setSlice( pcSlice ); } //if(!getIsDepth()) if(pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseCUSkip()) { getDecTop()->storeSynthPicsInBuffer(pcSlice->getViewIdx(),pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewOrderIdx(),pcSlice->getPOC(),getIsDepth()); } #endif //* #if POZNAN_TEXTURE_TU_DELTA_QP_ACCORDING_TO_DEPTH if(!getIsDepth() && pcSlice->getSPS()->getUseTexDqpAccordingToDepth()) { getDecTop()->storeDepthSynthPicsInBuffer(pcSlice->getViewIdx(),pcSlice->getSPS()->getViewOrderIdx(),pcSlice->getPOC()); } #endif //*/ #if POZNAN_MP std::vector apcSpatDataRefPics = getDecTop()->getSpatialRefPics( pcPic->getViewIdx(), pcSlice->getPOC(), m_cSPS.isDepth() ); pcSlice->getMP()->setRefPicsList(&apcSpatDataRefPics); #if !POZNAN_MP_USE_DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION std::vector apcSpatDepthRefPics = getDecTop()->getSpatialRefPics( pcPic->getViewIdx(), pcSlice->getPOC(), true ); pcSlice->getMP()->setDepthRefPicsList(&apcSpatDepthRefPics); #endif #endif // Decode a picture m_cGopDecoder.decompressGop ( bEos, pcBitstream, pcPic, false ); #if POZNAN_MP //pcSlice->getMP()->disable(); #endif if( m_pcCamParsCollector ) { m_pcCamParsCollector->setSlice( pcSlice ); } m_bFirstSliceInPicture = false; m_uiSliceIdx++; } break; default: assert (1); } return false; } #if DCM_SKIP_DECODING_FRAMES /** Function for checking if picture should be skipped because of random access * \param iSkipFrame skip frame counter * \param iPOCLastDisplay POC of last picture displayed * \returns true if the picture shold be skipped in the random access. * This function checks the skipping of pictures in the case of -s option random access. * All pictures prior to the random access point indicated by the counter iSkipFrame are skipped. * It also checks the type of Nal unit type at the random access point. * If the random access point is CDR, pictures with POC equal to or greater than the CDR POC are decoded. * If the random access point is IDR all pictures after the random access point are decoded. * If the random access point is not IDR or CDR, a warning is issues, and decoding of pictures with POC * equal to or greater than the random access point POC is attempted. For non IDR/CDR random * access point there is no guarantee that the decoder will not crash. */ Bool TDecTop::isRandomAccessSkipPicture(Int& iSkipFrame, Int& iPOCLastDisplay) { if (iSkipFrame) { iSkipFrame--; // decrement the counter return true; } else if (m_uiPOCRA == MAX_UINT) // start of random access point, m_uiPOCRA has not been set yet. { if (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CDR) { m_uiPOCRA = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); // set the POC random access since we need to skip the reordered pictures in CDR. } else if (m_apcSlicePilot->getNalUnitType() == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR) { m_uiPOCRA = 0; // no need to skip the reordered pictures in IDR, they are decodable. } else { printf("\nUnsafe random access point. Decoder may crash."); m_uiPOCRA = m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC(); // set the POC random access skip the reordered pictures and try to decode if possible. This increases the chances of avoiding a decoder crash. //m_uiPOCRA = 0; } } else if (m_apcSlicePilot->getPOC() < m_uiPOCRA) // skip the reordered pictures if necessary { iPOCLastDisplay++; return true; } // if we reach here, then the picture is not skipped. return false; } #endif