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IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file WeightedPredAnalysis.cpp \brief encoder class */ #include "../TLibCommon/TypeDef.h" #include "../TLibCommon/TComSlice.h" #include "../TLibCommon/TComPic.h" #include "../TLibCommon/TComPicYuv.h" #include "WeightPredAnalysis.h" #ifdef WEIGHT_PRED #define ABS(a) ((a) < 0 ? - (a) : (a)) WeightPredAnalysis::WeightPredAnalysis() { for ( Int e=0 ; e<2 ; e++ ) for ( Int iRefIdx=0 ; iRefIdxbPresentFlag = false; pwp->uiLog2WeightDenom = 0; pwp->uiLog2WeightDenom = 0; pwp->iWeight = 1; pwp->iOffset = 0; } } } Bool WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcACDCParamSlice(TComSlice *slice) { //===== calculate AC/DC value ===== //Int iPoc = slice->getPOC(); TComPicYuv* pPic = slice->getPic()->getPicYuvOrg(); Int iSample = 0; // calculate DC/AC value for Y Pel* pOrg = pPic->getLumaAddr(); Int64 iOrgDCY = xCalcDCValueSlice(slice, pOrg, &iSample); Int64 iOrgNormDCY = ((iOrgDCY+(iSample>>1)) / iSample); pOrg = pPic->getLumaAddr(); Int64 iOrgACY = xCalcACValueSlice(slice, pOrg, iOrgNormDCY); // calculate DC/AC value for Cb pOrg = pPic->getCbAddr(); Int64 iOrgDCCb = xCalcDCValueUVSlice(slice, pOrg, &iSample); Int64 iOrgNormDCCb = ((iOrgDCCb+(iSample>>1)) / (iSample)); pOrg = pPic->getCbAddr(); Int64 iOrgACCb = xCalcACValueUVSlice(slice, pOrg, iOrgNormDCCb); // calculate DC/AC value for Cr pOrg = pPic->getCrAddr(); Int64 iOrgDCCr = xCalcDCValueUVSlice(slice, pOrg, &iSample); Int64 iOrgNormDCCr = ((iOrgDCCr+(iSample>>1)) / (iSample)); pOrg = pPic->getCrAddr(); Int64 iOrgACCr = xCalcACValueUVSlice(slice, pOrg, iOrgNormDCCr); wpACDCParam weightACDCParam[3]; weightACDCParam[0].iAC = iOrgACY; weightACDCParam[0].iDC = iOrgNormDCY; weightACDCParam[1].iAC = iOrgACCb; weightACDCParam[1].iDC = iOrgNormDCCb; weightACDCParam[2].iAC = iOrgACCr; weightACDCParam[2].iDC = iOrgNormDCCr; slice->setWpAcDcParam(weightACDCParam); return (true); } Bool WeightPredAnalysis::xEstimateWPParamSlice(TComSlice *slice) { #define wpTable m_wp //wpScalingParam weightPredTable[2][MAX_NUM_REF][3]; //Int iPoc = slice->getPOC(); Int iDenom = 6; Int iDefaultWeight = ((Int)1<getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0)>3) { iDenom = 7; iDefaultWeight = ((Int)1<isInterP() ? 1 : 2; for ( Int iRefList = 0; iRefList < iNumPredDir; iRefList++ ) { RefPicList eRefPicList = ( iRefList ? REF_PIC_LIST_1 : REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); for ( Int iRefIdxTemp = 0; iRefIdxTemp < slice->getNumRefIdx(eRefPicList); iRefIdxTemp++ ) { wpACDCParam *CurrWeightACDCParam, *RefWeightACDCParam; slice->getWpAcDcParam(CurrWeightACDCParam); slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, iRefIdxTemp)->getSlice(0)->getWpAcDcParam(RefWeightACDCParam); //Int64 iSADWP=0, iSADnoWP=0; for ( Int iComp = 0; iComp < 3; iComp++ ) { //Int irefPoc = slice->getRefPOC(eRefPicList, iRefIdxTemp); // current frame Int64 iCurrDC = CurrWeightACDCParam[iComp].iDC; Int64 iCurrAC = CurrWeightACDCParam[iComp].iAC; // reference frame Int64 iRefDC = RefWeightACDCParam[iComp].iDC; Int64 iRefAC = RefWeightACDCParam[iComp].iAC; // calculating iWeight and iOffset params (these two codes are only "Double") Double dWeight = (iRefAC==0) ? (Double)1.0 : ( (Double)(iCurrAC) / (Double)iRefAC); Int iWeight = (Int)( 0.5 + dWeight * (Double)(1<> iRealDenom ); wpTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][iComp].bPresentFlag = true; wpTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][iComp].iWeight = (Int)iWeight; wpTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][iComp].iOffset = (Int)iOffset; wpTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][iComp].uiLog2WeightDenom = (Int)iDenom; } } } // selecting whether WP is used, or not xSelectWP(slice, wpTable, iDenom); slice->setWpScaling( wpTable ); return (true); } Bool WeightPredAnalysis::xSelectWP(TComSlice *slice, wpScalingParam weightPredTable[2][MAX_NUM_REF][3], Int iDenom) { //Int iPoc = slice->getPOC(); TComPicYuv* pPic = slice->getPic()->getPicYuvOrg(); Int iWidth = pPic->getWidth(); Int iHeight = pPic->getHeight(); Int iDefaultWeight = ((Int)1<isInterP() ? 1 : 2; for ( Int iRefList = 0; iRefList < iNumPredDir; iRefList++ ) { Int64 iSADWP = 0, iSADnoWP = 0; RefPicList eRefPicList = ( iRefList ? REF_PIC_LIST_1 : REF_PIC_LIST_0 ); for ( Int iRefIdxTemp = 0; iRefIdxTemp < slice->getNumRefIdx(eRefPicList); iRefIdxTemp++ ) { Pel* pOrg = pPic->getLumaAddr(); Pel* pRef = slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, iRefIdxTemp)->getPicYuvRec()->getLumaAddr(); Int iOrgStride = pPic->getStride(); Int iRefStride = slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, iRefIdxTemp)->getPicYuvRec()->getStride(); // calculate SAD costs with/without wp for luma iSADWP = this->xCalcSADvalueWP(pOrg, pRef, iWidth, iHeight, iOrgStride, iRefStride, iDenom, weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][0].iWeight, weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][0].iOffset); iSADnoWP = this->xCalcSADvalueWP(pOrg, pRef, iWidth, iHeight, iOrgStride, iRefStride, iDenom, iDefaultWeight, 0); pOrg = pPic->getCbAddr(); pRef = slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, iRefIdxTemp)->getPicYuvRec()->getCbAddr(); iOrgStride = pPic->getCStride(); iRefStride = slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, iRefIdxTemp)->getPicYuvRec()->getCStride(); // calculate SAD costs with/without wp for chroma cb iSADWP += this->xCalcSADvalueWPUV(pOrg, pRef, iWidth>>1, iHeight>>1, iOrgStride, iRefStride, iDenom, weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][1].iWeight, weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][1].iOffset); iSADnoWP += this->xCalcSADvalueWPUV(pOrg, pRef, iWidth>>1, iHeight>>1, iOrgStride, iRefStride, iDenom, iDefaultWeight, 0); pOrg = pPic->getCrAddr(); pRef = slice->getRefPic(eRefPicList, iRefIdxTemp)->getPicYuvRec()->getCrAddr(); // calculate SAD costs with/without wp for chroma cr iSADWP += this->xCalcSADvalueWPUV(pOrg, pRef, iWidth>>1, iHeight>>1, iOrgStride, iRefStride, iDenom, weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][2].iWeight, weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][2].iOffset); iSADnoWP += this->xCalcSADvalueWPUV(pOrg, pRef, iWidth>>1, iHeight>>1, iOrgStride, iRefStride, iDenom, iDefaultWeight, 0); if(iSADWP >= iSADnoWP) { for ( Int iComp = 0; iComp < 3; iComp++ ) { weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][iComp].bPresentFlag = false; weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][iComp].iOffset = (Int)0; weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][iComp].iWeight = (Int)iDefaultWeight; weightPredTable[iRefList][iRefIdxTemp][iComp].uiLog2WeightDenom = (Int)iDenom; } } } } return (true); } Int64 WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcDCValueSlice(TComSlice *slice, Pel *pPel, Int *iSample) { TComPicYuv* pPic = slice->getPic()->getPicYuvOrg(); Int iStride = pPic->getStride(); *iSample = 0; Int iWidth = pPic->getWidth(); Int iHeight = pPic->getHeight(); *iSample = iWidth*iHeight; Int64 iDC = xCalcDCValue(pPel, iWidth, iHeight, iStride); return (iDC); } Int64 WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcACValueSlice(TComSlice *slice, Pel *pPel, Int64 iDC) { TComPicYuv* pPic = slice->getPic()->getPicYuvOrg(); Int iStride = pPic->getStride(); Int iWidth = pPic->getWidth(); Int iHeight = pPic->getHeight(); Int64 iAC = xCalcACValue(pPel, iWidth, iHeight, iStride, iDC); return (iAC); } Int64 WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcDCValueUVSlice(TComSlice *slice, Pel *pPel, Int *iSample) { TComPicYuv* pPic = slice->getPic()->getPicYuvOrg(); Int iCStride = pPic->getCStride(); *iSample = 0; Int iWidth = pPic->getWidth()>>1; Int iHeight = pPic->getHeight()>>1; *iSample = iWidth*iHeight; Int64 iDC = xCalcDCValueUV(pPel, iWidth, iHeight, iCStride); return (iDC); } Int64 WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcACValueUVSlice(TComSlice *slice, Pel *pPel, Int64 iDC) { TComPicYuv* pPic = slice->getPic()->getPicYuvOrg(); Int iCStride = pPic->getCStride(); Int iWidth = pPic->getWidth()>>1; Int iHeight = pPic->getHeight()>>1; Int64 iAC = xCalcACValueUV(pPel, iWidth, iHeight, iCStride, iDC); return (iAC); } Int64 WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcDCValue(Pel *pPel, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Int iStride) { Int x, y; Int64 iDC = 0; for( y = 0; y < iHeight; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < iWidth; x++ ) { iDC += (Int)( pPel[x] ); } pPel += iStride; } return (iDC); } Int64 WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcACValue(Pel *pPel, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Int iStride, Int64 iDC) { Int x, y; Int64 iAC = 0; for( y = 0; y < iHeight; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < iWidth; x++ ) { iAC += abs( (Int)pPel[x] - (Int)iDC); } pPel += iStride; } return (iAC); } Int64 WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcDCValueUV(Pel *pPel, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Int iStride) { Int x, y; Int64 iDC = 0; for( y = 0; y < iHeight; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < iWidth; x++ ) { iDC += (Int)( pPel[x]); } pPel += iStride; } return (iDC); } Int64 WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcACValueUV(Pel *pPel, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Int iStride, Int64 iDC) { Int x, y; Int64 iAC = 0; for( y = 0; y < iHeight; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < iWidth; x++ ) { iAC += abs( (Int)pPel[x] - (Int)iDC); } pPel += iStride; } return (iAC); } Int64 WeightPredAnalysis::xCalcSADvalueWP(Pel *pOrgPel, Pel *pRefPel, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Int iOrgStride, Int iRefStride, Int iDenom, Int iWeight, Int iOffset) { Int x, y; Int64 iSAD = 0; Int64 iSize = iWidth*iHeight; Int64 iRealDenom = iDenom + (g_uiBitDepth+g_uiBitIncrement-8); for( y = 0; y < iHeight; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < iWidth; x++ ) { iSAD += ABS(( ((Int64)pOrgPel[x]<<(Int64)iDenom) - ( (Int64)pRefPel[x] * (Int64)iWeight + ((Int64)iOffset<