/* The copyright in this software is being made available under the BSD * License, included below. This software may be subject to other third party * and contributor rights, including patent rights, and no such rights are * granted under this license. * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, ISO/IEC * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the ISO/IEC nor the names of its contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF * THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** \file TDecCAVLC.cpp \brief CAVLC decoder class */ #include "TDecCAVLC.h" #include "SEIread.h" // ==================================================================================================================== // Constructor / destructor / create / destroy // ==================================================================================================================== TDecCavlc::TDecCavlc() { m_bAlfCtrl = false; m_uiMaxAlfCtrlDepth = 0; m_aaiTempScale = new Int* [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aaiTempOffset = new Int* [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aaiTempPdmScaleNomDelta = new Int* [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aaiTempPdmOffset = new Int* [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; for( UInt uiVId = 0; uiVId < MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS; uiVId++ ) { m_aaiTempScale [ uiVId ] = new Int [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aaiTempOffset [ uiVId ] = new Int [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aaiTempPdmScaleNomDelta [ uiVId ] = new Int [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; m_aaiTempPdmOffset [ uiVId ] = new Int [ MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS ]; } } TDecCavlc::~TDecCavlc() { for( UInt uiVId = 0; uiVId < MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS; uiVId++ ) { delete [] m_aaiTempScale [ uiVId ]; delete [] m_aaiTempOffset [ uiVId ]; delete [] m_aaiTempPdmScaleNomDelta [ uiVId ]; delete [] m_aaiTempPdmOffset [ uiVId ]; } delete [] m_aaiTempScale; delete [] m_aaiTempOffset; delete [] m_aaiTempPdmScaleNomDelta; delete [] m_aaiTempPdmOffset; } // ==================================================================================================================== // Public member functions // ==================================================================================================================== Void TDecCavlc::parseNalUnitHeader ( NalUnitType& eNalUnitType, UInt& TemporalId, Bool& bOutputFlag ) { UInt uiCode; xReadCode ( 1, uiCode ); assert( 0 == uiCode); // forbidden_zero_bit xReadCode ( 2, uiCode ); // nal_ref_idc xReadCode ( 5, uiCode ); // nal_unit_type eNalUnitType = (NalUnitType) uiCode; if ( (eNalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE) || (eNalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR) || (eNalUnitType == NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_CDR) ) { xReadCode(3, uiCode); // temporal_id TemporalId = uiCode; xReadFlag(uiCode); // output_flag bOutputFlag = (0!=uiCode); xReadCode(4, uiCode); // reserved_one_4bits } else { TemporalId = 0; bOutputFlag = true; } } /** * unmarshal a sequence of SEI messages from bitstream. */ void TDecCavlc::parseSEI(SEImessages& seis) { assert(!m_pcBitstream->getBitsUntilByteAligned()); do { parseSEImessage(*m_pcBitstream, seis); /* SEI messages are an integer number of bytes, something has failed * in the parsing if bitstream not byte-aligned */ assert(!m_pcBitstream->getBitsUntilByteAligned()); } while (0x80 != m_pcBitstream->peekBits(8)); assert(m_pcBitstream->getBitsLeft() == 8); /* rsbp_trailing_bits */ } Void TDecCavlc::parsePPS(TComPPS* pcPPS) { UInt uiCode; xReadUvlc( uiCode ); pcPPS->setPPSId( uiCode ); xReadUvlc( uiCode ); pcPPS->setSPSId( uiCode ); #if CONSTRAINED_INTRA_PRED xReadFlag ( uiCode ); pcPPS->setConstrainedIntraPred( uiCode ? true : false ); #endif #ifdef WEIGHT_PRED xReadCode( 1, uiCode ); // Use of Weighting Prediction (P_SLICE) pcPPS->setUseWP( uiCode==1 ); xReadCode( 2, uiCode ); // Use of Bi-Directional Weighting Prediction (B_SLICE) pcPPS->setWPBiPredIdc( uiCode ); printf("TDecCavlc::parsePPS():\tm_bUseWeightPred=%d\tm_uiBiPredIdc=%d\n", pcPPS->getUseWP(), pcPPS->getWPBiPredIdc()); #endif return; } Void TDecCavlc::parseSPS(TComSPS* pcSPS) { UInt uiCode; Int iCode; // Structure xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); pcSPS->setSPSId ( uiCode ); xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); pcSPS->setWidth ( uiCode ); xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); pcSPS->setHeight ( uiCode ); xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); pcSPS->setPadX ( uiCode ); xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); pcSPS->setPadY ( uiCode ); xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); pcSPS->setMaxCUWidth ( uiCode ); g_uiMaxCUWidth = uiCode; pcSPS->setMaxCUHeight ( uiCode ); g_uiMaxCUHeight = uiCode; xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); pcSPS->setMaxCUDepth ( uiCode+1 ); g_uiMaxCUDepth = uiCode + 1; UInt uiMaxCUDepthCorrect = uiCode; xReadUvlc( uiCode ); pcSPS->setQuadtreeTULog2MinSize( uiCode + 2 ); xReadUvlc( uiCode ); pcSPS->setQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize( uiCode + pcSPS->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize() ); pcSPS->setMaxTrSize( 1<<(uiCode + pcSPS->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize()) ); xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); pcSPS->setQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter( uiCode+1 ); xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); pcSPS->setQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra( uiCode+1 ); g_uiAddCUDepth = 0; while( ( pcSPS->getMaxCUWidth() >> uiMaxCUDepthCorrect ) > ( 1 << ( pcSPS->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize() + g_uiAddCUDepth ) ) ) g_uiAddCUDepth++; pcSPS->setMaxCUDepth( uiMaxCUDepthCorrect+g_uiAddCUDepth ); g_uiMaxCUDepth = uiMaxCUDepthCorrect+g_uiAddCUDepth; // BB: these parameters may be removed completly and replaced by the fixed values pcSPS->setMinTrDepth( 0 ); pcSPS->setMaxTrDepth( 1 ); xReadUvlc( uiCode ); pcSPS->setCodedPictureBufferSize( uiCode ); // Tool on/off xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setUseALF ( uiCode ? true : false ); xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setUseDQP ( uiCode ? true : false ); #if !HHI_NO_LowDelayCoding xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setUseLDC ( uiCode ? true : false ); #endif xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setUseMRG ( uiCode ? true : false ); // SOPH: #if LM_CHROMA xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setUseLMChroma ( uiCode ? true : false ); #endif #if HHI_RMP_SWITCH xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setUseRMP( uiCode ? true : false ); #endif // AMVP mode for each depth (AM_NONE or AM_EXPL) for (Int i = 0; i < pcSPS->getMaxCUDepth(); i++) { xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setAMVPMode( i, (AMVP_MODE)uiCode ); } // Bit-depth information #if FULL_NBIT xReadUvlc( uiCode ); g_uiBitDepth = 8 + uiCode; g_uiBitIncrement = 0; pcSPS->setBitDepth(g_uiBitDepth); pcSPS->setBitIncrement(g_uiBitIncrement); #else #if ENABLE_IBDI xReadUvlc( uiCode ); pcSPS->setBitDepth ( uiCode+8 ); g_uiBitDepth = uiCode + 8; xReadUvlc( uiCode ); pcSPS->setBitIncrement ( uiCode ); g_uiBitIncrement = uiCode; #else xReadUvlc( uiCode ); g_uiBitDepth = 8; g_uiBitIncrement = uiCode; pcSPS->setBitDepth(g_uiBitDepth); pcSPS->setBitIncrement(g_uiBitIncrement); #endif #endif g_uiBASE_MAX = ((1<<(g_uiBitDepth))-1); #if IBDI_NOCLIP_RANGE g_uiIBDI_MAX = g_uiBASE_MAX << g_uiBitIncrement; #else g_uiIBDI_MAX = ((1<<(g_uiBitDepth+g_uiBitIncrement))-1); #endif #if HHI_DMM_WEDGE_INTRA || HHI_DMM_PRED_TEX g_dDeltaDCsQuantOffset = Double(g_uiBitIncrement) - 2.0; #endif #if MTK_NONCROSS_INLOOP_FILTER xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag( uiCode ? true : false); #endif #if MTK_SAO xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setUseSAO ( uiCode ? true : false ); #endif xReadFlag( uiCode ); // SPS base view flag if( uiCode ) { // baseview SPS -> set standard values pcSPS->initMultiviewSPS ( 0 ); #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION pcSPS->setPredDepthMapGeneration( 0, false ); #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED pcSPS->setMultiviewResPredMode ( 0 ); #endif } else { xReadFlag ( uiCode ); // depth flag if( uiCode ) { xReadUvlc( uiCode ); // view id xReadSvlc( iCode ); // view order index pcSPS->initMultiviewSPSDepth ( uiCode, iCode ); #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION pcSPS->setPredDepthMapGeneration( uiCode, true ); #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED pcSPS->setMultiviewResPredMode ( 0 ); #endif #if HHI_DMM_WEDGE_INTRA || HHI_DMM_PRED_TEX xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setUseDMM( uiCode ? true : false ); #endif #if HHI_MPI xReadFlag( uiCode ); pcSPS->setUseMVI( uiCode ? true : false ); #endif #if POZNAN_NONLINEAR_DEPTH #if POZNAN_NONLINEAR_DEPTH_SEND_AS_BYTE uiCode = 0; xReadCode(8, uiCode); pcSPS->setDepthPower(dequantizeDepthPower(uiCode)); #else uiCode = 0; xReadCode(sizeof(float)*8, uiCode); // We do not send seign //uiCode &= ~0x80000000; pcSPS->setDepthPower(*((float*)&uiCode)); #endif printf("\nfDepthPower = %f", pcSPS->getDepthPower()); #endif } else { UInt uiViewId, uiCamParPrecision; Int iVOI; Bool bCamParSlice; xReadUvlc( uiViewId ); uiViewId++; xReadSvlc( iVOI ); xReadUvlc( uiCamParPrecision ); xReadFlag( uiCode ); bCamParSlice = ( uiCode == 1 ); if( !bCamParSlice ) { for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < uiViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = iCode; //printf("SPS Scale: %d\n",iCode); xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = iCode; //printf("SPS Offset: %d\n",iCode); xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempScale [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = iCode - m_aaiTempScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ]; xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempOffset[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = iCode - m_aaiTempOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ]; } } pcSPS->initMultiviewSPS( uiViewId, iVOI, uiCamParPrecision, bCamParSlice, m_aaiTempScale, m_aaiTempOffset ); #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION UInt uiPredDepthMapGeneration = 0, uiPdmPrecision = 0; #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED UInt uiMultiviewMvPredMode = 0; #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED UInt uiMultiviewResPredMode = 0; #endif xReadUvlc( uiPredDepthMapGeneration ); if( uiPredDepthMapGeneration ) { xReadUvlc ( uiPdmPrecision ); for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < uiViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempPdmScaleNomDelta[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = iCode; xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempPdmOffset [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = iCode; } #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED xReadUvlc ( uiMultiviewMvPredMode ); #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED xReadFlag ( uiMultiviewResPredMode ); #endif } #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED pcSPS->setPredDepthMapGeneration( uiViewId, false, uiPredDepthMapGeneration, uiMultiviewMvPredMode, uiPdmPrecision, m_aaiTempPdmScaleNomDelta, m_aaiTempPdmOffset ); #else pcSPS->setPredDepthMapGeneration( uiViewId, false, uiPredDepthMapGeneration, 0, uiPdmPrecision, m_aaiTempPdmScaleNomDelta, m_aaiTempPdmOffset ); #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED pcSPS->setMultiviewResPredMode ( uiMultiviewResPredMode ); #endif #endif #if HHI_MPI pcSPS->setUseMVI( false ); #endif } } return; } Void TDecCavlc::parseSliceHeader (TComSlice*& rpcSlice) { UInt uiCode; Int iCode; xReadFlag ( uiCode ); Bool bEntropySlice = uiCode ? true : false; if (!bEntropySlice) { xReadUvlc ( uiCode ); rpcSlice->setPPSId( uiCode ); xReadCode (10, uiCode); rpcSlice->setPOC (uiCode); // 9 == SPS->Log2MaxFrameNum() xReadUvlc ( uiCode); rpcSlice->setSliceType ((SliceType)uiCode); xReadSvlc ( iCode); rpcSlice->setSliceQp (iCode); } if (bEntropySlice) { rpcSlice->setNextSlice ( false ); rpcSlice->setNextEntropySlice ( true ); xReadUvlc(uiCode); rpcSlice->setEntropySliceCurStartCUAddr( uiCode ); // start CU addr for entropy slice } else { rpcSlice->setNextSlice ( true ); rpcSlice->setNextEntropySlice ( false ); xReadUvlc(uiCode); rpcSlice->setSliceCurStartCUAddr( uiCode ); // start CU addr for slice rpcSlice->setEntropySliceCurStartCUAddr( uiCode ); // start CU addr for entropy slice xReadFlag ( uiCode ); rpcSlice->setSymbolMode( uiCode ); if (!rpcSlice->isIntra()) xReadFlag ( uiCode); else uiCode = 1; rpcSlice->setReferenced (uiCode ? true : false); #if !HIGH_ACCURACY_BI #ifdef ROUNDING_CONTROL_BIPRED if(!rpcSlice->isIntra()) { xReadFlag( uiCode ); Bool b = (uiCode != 0); rpcSlice->setRounding(b); } #endif #else #if !HIGH_ACCURACY_BI if(!rpcSlice->isIntra()) { rpcSlice->setRounding(false); } #endif #endif xReadFlag ( uiCode); rpcSlice->setLoopFilterDisable(uiCode ? 1 : 0); if (!rpcSlice->isIntra()) { xReadCode (3, uiCode); rpcSlice->setNumRefIdx (REF_PIC_LIST_0, uiCode); } else { rpcSlice->setNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0, 0); } if (rpcSlice->isInterB()) { xReadCode (3, uiCode); rpcSlice->setNumRefIdx (REF_PIC_LIST_1, uiCode); } else { rpcSlice->setNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1, 0); } if (!rpcSlice->isIntra()) { for(Int i = 0; igetNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0);i++) { xReadFlag( uiCode ) ; if( uiCode ) // interview { xReadUvlc( uiCode ) ; rpcSlice->setRefViewIdx(uiCode, REF_PIC_LIST_0, i) ; rpcSlice->setRefPOC(rpcSlice->getPOC(), REF_PIC_LIST_0, i) ; } else { xReadSvlc( iCode ) ; rpcSlice->setRefPOC(rpcSlice->getPOC()-iCode, REF_PIC_LIST_0, i) ; rpcSlice->setRefViewIdx(rpcSlice->getViewIdx(), REF_PIC_LIST_0, i) ; } } } else { rpcSlice->setNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0, 0); } if( rpcSlice->isInterB()) { for(Int i = 0; igetNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1);i++) { xReadFlag( uiCode ) ; if( uiCode ) // interview { xReadUvlc( uiCode ) ; rpcSlice->setRefViewIdx(uiCode, REF_PIC_LIST_1, i) ; rpcSlice->setRefPOC(rpcSlice->getPOC(), REF_PIC_LIST_1, i) ; } else { xReadSvlc( iCode ) ; rpcSlice->setRefPOC(rpcSlice->getPOC()-iCode, REF_PIC_LIST_1, i) ; rpcSlice->setRefViewIdx(rpcSlice->getViewIdx(), REF_PIC_LIST_1, i) ; } } } else { rpcSlice->setNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1, 0); } #if DCM_COMB_LIST if (rpcSlice->isInterB()) { xReadFlag (uiCode); rpcSlice->setRefPicListCombinationFlag(uiCode ? 1 : 0); if(uiCode) { xReadUvlc(uiCode); rpcSlice->setNumRefIdx (REF_PIC_LIST_C, uiCode+1); xReadFlag (uiCode); rpcSlice->setRefPicListModificationFlagLC(uiCode ? 1 : 0); if(uiCode) { for (UInt i=0;igetNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C);i++) { xReadFlag(uiCode); rpcSlice->setListIdFromIdxOfLC(i, uiCode); xReadUvlc(uiCode); rpcSlice->setRefIdxFromIdxOfLC(i, uiCode); rpcSlice->setRefIdxOfLC((RefPicList)rpcSlice->getListIdFromIdxOfLC(i), rpcSlice->getRefIdxFromIdxOfLC(i), i); } } } else { rpcSlice->setRefPicListCombinationFlag(false); rpcSlice->setRefPicListModificationFlagLC(false); rpcSlice->setNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C, -1); } } #endif #if AMVP_NEIGH_COL if ( rpcSlice->getSliceType() == B_SLICE ) { xReadFlag (uiCode); rpcSlice->setColDir(uiCode); } #endif #ifdef WEIGHT_PRED if ( (rpcSlice->getPPS()->getUseWP() && rpcSlice->getSliceType()==P_SLICE) || (rpcSlice->getPPS()->getWPBiPredIdc() && rpcSlice->getSliceType()==B_SLICE) ) { parseWeightPredTable(rpcSlice); rpcSlice->initWpScaling(); rpcSlice->displayWpScaling(); } #endif if( rpcSlice->getPPS()->getPPSId() != rpcSlice->getPPSId() ) { return; } if( rpcSlice->getSPS()->hasCamParInSliceHeader() ) { UInt uiViewId = rpcSlice->getSPS()->getViewId(); for( UInt uiBaseId = 0; uiBaseId < uiViewId; uiBaseId++ ) { xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = iCode; printf("Scale: %d\n",iCode); xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ] = iCode; printf("Offset: %d\n",iCode); xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempScale [ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = iCode - m_aaiTempScale [ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ]; xReadSvlc( iCode ); m_aaiTempOffset[ uiViewId ][ uiBaseId ] = iCode - m_aaiTempOffset[ uiBaseId ][ uiViewId ]; } rpcSlice->initMultiviewSlice( m_aaiTempScale, m_aaiTempOffset ); } } return; } Void TDecCavlc::resetEntropy (TComSlice* pcSlice) { m_bRunLengthCoding = ! pcSlice->isIntra(); m_uiRun = 0; #if !CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK ::memcpy(m_uiLPTableD8, g_auiLPTableD8, 10*128*sizeof(UInt)); #endif ::memcpy(m_uiLPTableD4, g_auiLPTableD4, 3*32*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiLastPosVlcIndex, g_auiLastPosVlcIndex, 10*sizeof(UInt)); #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP ::memcpy(m_uiCBP_YUV_TableD, g_auiCBP_YUV_TableD, 4*8*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiCBP_YS_TableD, g_auiCBP_YS_TableD, 2*4*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiCBP_YCS_TableD, g_auiCBP_YCS_TableD, 2*8*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiCBP_4Y_TableD, g_auiCBP_4Y_TableD, 2*15*sizeof(UInt)); m_uiCBP_4Y_VlcIdx = 0; #else m_uiCbpVlcIdx[0] = 0; m_uiCbpVlcIdx[1] = 0; ::memcpy(m_uiCBPTableD, g_auiCBPTableD, 2*8*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiBlkCBPTableD, g_auiBlkCBPTableD, 2*15*sizeof(UInt)); m_uiBlkCbpVlcIdx = 0; #endif #if UNIFY_INTER_TABLE ::memcpy(m_uiMI1TableD, g_auiComMI1TableD, 9*sizeof(UInt)); #else ::memcpy(m_uiMI1TableD, g_auiMI1TableD, 8*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiMI2TableD, g_auiMI2TableD, 15*sizeof(UInt)); #if DCM_COMB_LIST if ( pcSlice->getNoBackPredFlag() || pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C)>0) #else if ( pcSlice->getNoBackPredFlag() ) #endif { ::memcpy(m_uiMI1TableD, g_auiMI1TableDNoL1, 8*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiMI2TableD, g_auiMI2TableDNoL1, 15*sizeof(UInt)); } #if MS_LCEC_ONE_FRAME if ( pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0) <= 1 && pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1) <= 1 ) { if ( pcSlice->getNoBackPredFlag() || ( pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C) > 0 && pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C) <= 1 ) ) { ::memcpy(m_uiMI1TableD, g_auiMI1TableDOnly1RefNoL1, 8*sizeof(UInt)); } else { ::memcpy(m_uiMI1TableD, g_auiMI1TableDOnly1Ref, 8*sizeof(UInt)); } } #endif #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION if (pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C)>0) { m_uiMI1TableD[8] = 8; } else // GPB case { m_uiMI1TableD[8] = m_uiMI1TableD[6]; m_uiMI1TableD[6] = 8; } #endif #endif #if LCEC_INTRA_MODE #if MTK_DCM_MPM ::memcpy(m_uiIntraModeTableD17[0], g_auiIntraModeTableD17[0], 16*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiIntraModeTableD34[0], g_auiIntraModeTableD34[0], 33*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiIntraModeTableD17[1], g_auiIntraModeTableD17[1], 16*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiIntraModeTableD34[1], g_auiIntraModeTableD34[1], 33*sizeof(UInt)); #else ::memcpy(m_uiIntraModeTableD17, g_auiIntraModeTableD17, 16*sizeof(UInt)); ::memcpy(m_uiIntraModeTableD34, g_auiIntraModeTableD34, 33*sizeof(UInt)); #endif #endif #if QC_LCEC_INTER_MODE ::memcpy(m_uiSplitTableD, g_auiInterModeTableD, 4*7*sizeof(UInt)); #endif m_uiMITableVlcIdx = 0; #if CAVLC_COUNTER_ADAPT #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP ::memset(m_ucCBP_YUV_TableCounter, 0, 4*4*sizeof(UChar)); ::memset(m_ucCBP_4Y_TableCounter, 0, 2*2*sizeof(UChar)); ::memset(m_ucCBP_YCS_TableCounter, 0, 2*4*sizeof(UChar)); ::memset(m_ucCBP_YS_TableCounter, 0, 2*3*sizeof(UChar)); #else ::memset(m_ucCBFTableCounter, 0, 2*4*sizeof(UChar)); ::memset(m_ucBlkCBPTableCounter, 0, 2*2*sizeof(UChar)); #endif ::memset(m_ucMI1TableCounter, 0, 4*sizeof(UChar)); ::memset(m_ucSplitTableCounter, 0, 4*4*sizeof(UChar)); #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP m_ucCBP_YUV_TableCounterSum[0] = m_ucCBP_YUV_TableCounterSum[1] = m_ucCBP_YUV_TableCounterSum[2] = m_ucCBP_YUV_TableCounterSum[3] = 0; m_ucCBP_4Y_TableCounterSum[0] = m_ucCBP_4Y_TableCounterSum[1] = 0; m_ucCBP_YCS_TableCounterSum[0] = m_ucCBP_YCS_TableCounterSum[1] = 0; m_ucCBP_YS_TableCounterSum[0] = m_ucCBP_YS_TableCounterSum[1] = 0; #else m_ucCBFTableCounterSum[0] = m_ucCBFTableCounterSum[1] = 0; m_ucBlkCBPTableCounterSum[0] = m_ucBlkCBPTableCounterSum[1] = 0; #endif m_ucSplitTableCounterSum[0] = m_ucSplitTableCounterSum[1] = m_ucSplitTableCounterSum[2]= m_ucSplitTableCounterSum[3] = 0; m_ucMI1TableCounterSum = 0; #endif } Void TDecCavlc::parseTerminatingBit( UInt& ruiBit ) { ruiBit = false; Int iBitsLeft = m_pcBitstream->getBitsLeft(); if(iBitsLeft <= 8) { UInt uiPeekValue = m_pcBitstream->peekBits(iBitsLeft); if (uiPeekValue == (1<<(iBitsLeft-1))) ruiBit = true; } } Void TDecCavlc::parseAlfCtrlDepth ( UInt& ruiAlfCtrlDepth ) { UInt uiSymbol; xReadUnaryMaxSymbol(uiSymbol, g_uiMaxCUDepth-1); ruiAlfCtrlDepth = uiSymbol; } Void TDecCavlc::parseAlfCtrlFlag( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { if (!m_bAlfCtrl) return; if( uiDepth > m_uiMaxAlfCtrlDepth && !pcCU->isFirstAbsZorderIdxInDepth(uiAbsPartIdx, m_uiMaxAlfCtrlDepth)) { return; } UInt uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if (uiDepth > m_uiMaxAlfCtrlDepth) { pcCU->setAlfCtrlFlagSubParts( uiSymbol, uiAbsPartIdx, m_uiMaxAlfCtrlDepth); } else { pcCU->setAlfCtrlFlagSubParts( uiSymbol, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } } Void TDecCavlc::parseSkipFlag( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { #if QC_LCEC_INTER_MODE return; #else if( pcCU->getSlice()->isIntra() ) { return; } UInt uiSymbol = 0; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if( uiSymbol ) { pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_SKIP, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setPartSizeSubParts( SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setSizeSubParts( g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth, g_uiMaxCUHeight>>uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); #if HHI_MRG_SKIP pcCU->setMergeFlagSubParts( true , uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); #else TComMv cZeroMv(0,0); pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 )->setAllMvd ( cZeroMv, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 )->setAllMvd ( cZeroMv, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); pcCU->setTrIdxSubParts( 0, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts ( 0, 0, 0, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->isInterP() ) { pcCU->setInterDirSubParts( 1, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ) > 0 ) pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 )->setAllRefIdx( 0, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) > 0 ) pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 )->setAllRefIdx( NOT_VALID, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); } else { pcCU->setInterDirSubParts( 3, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ) > 0 ) pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 )->setAllRefIdx( 0, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) > 0 ) pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 )->setAllRefIdx( 0, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); } } #endif // HHI_MRG_SKIP #endif // QC_LCEC_INTER_MODE } /** parse the motion vector predictor index * \param pcCU * \param riMVPIdx * \param iMVPNum * \param uiAbsPartIdx * \param uiDepth * \param eRefList * \returns Void */ Void TDecCavlc::parseMVPIdx( TComDataCU* pcCU, Int& riMVPIdx, Int iMVPNum, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, RefPicList eRefList ) { UInt uiSymbol; xReadUnaryMaxSymbol(uiSymbol, iMVPNum-1); riMVPIdx = uiSymbol; } Void TDecCavlc::parseViewIdx(Int& riViewIdx) { UInt uiSymbol; xReadUnaryMaxSymbol(uiSymbol, MAX_NUMBER_VIEWS); riViewIdx = uiSymbol; } #if QC_LCEC_INTER_MODE /** parse the split flag * \param pcCU * \param uiAbsPartIdx * \param uiDepth * \returns Void */ Void TDecCavlc::parseSplitFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { if (pcCU->getSlice()->isIntra()) { if( uiDepth == g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth ) { pcCU->setDepthSubParts( uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx ); return ; } UInt uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); pcCU->setDepthSubParts( uiDepth + uiSymbol, uiAbsPartIdx ); return ; } UInt tmp=0; UInt cx=0; UInt uiMode ; { UInt iMaxLen= (uiDepth == g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth)?5:6; while (tmp==0 && cx0) { UInt cy = Max(0,cx-1); UInt y = m_uiSplitTableD[uiDepth][cy]; m_uiSplitTableD[uiDepth][cy] = x; m_uiSplitTableD[uiDepth][cx] = y; } #endif uiDepth = uiDepthRemember; } if (uiMode==0) { pcCU->setDepthSubParts( uiDepth + 1, uiAbsPartIdx ); } else { pcCU->setPartSizeSubParts( SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setMergeFlagSubParts(false, uiAbsPartIdx,0, uiDepth ); pcCU->setDepthSubParts( uiDepth , uiAbsPartIdx ); if (uiMode ==1) { TComMv cZeroMv(0,0); pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_SKIP, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setPartSizeSubParts( SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setSizeSubParts( g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth, g_uiMaxCUHeight>>uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 )->setAllMvd ( cZeroMv, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 )->setAllMvd ( cZeroMv, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); pcCU->setTrIdxSubParts( 0, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts ( 0, 0, 0, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); #if HHI_MRG_SKIP pcCU->setMergeFlagSubParts( true, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); #else if ( pcCU->getSlice()->isInterP() ) { pcCU->setInterDirSubParts( 1, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ) > 0 ) pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 )->setAllRefIdx( 0, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) > 0 ) pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 )->setAllRefIdx( NOT_VALID, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); } else { pcCU->setInterDirSubParts( 3, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ) > 0 ) pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 )->setAllRefIdx( 0, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) > 0 ) pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_1 )->setAllRefIdx( 0, SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, 0, uiDepth ); } #endif } else if (uiMode==2) { pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_INTER, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setPartSizeSubParts( SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setMergeFlagSubParts(true, uiAbsPartIdx,0, uiDepth ); pcCU->setSizeSubParts( g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth, g_uiMaxCUHeight>>uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } else if (uiMode==6) { #if MTK_DISABLE_INTRA_NxN_SPLIT && HHI_DISABLE_INTER_NxN_SPLIT if (uiDepth != g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth) { pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_INTRA, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setPartSizeSubParts( SIZE_2Nx2N, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setSizeSubParts( g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth, g_uiMaxCUHeight>>uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); UInt uiTrLevel = 0; UInt uiWidthInBit = g_aucConvertToBit[pcCU->getWidth(uiAbsPartIdx)]+2; UInt uiTrSizeInBit = g_aucConvertToBit[pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxTrSize()]+2; uiTrLevel = uiWidthInBit >= uiTrSizeInBit ? uiWidthInBit - uiTrSizeInBit : 0; pcCU->setTrIdxSubParts( uiTrLevel, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } else #endif { pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_INTER, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setPartSizeSubParts( SIZE_NxN, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } } else { pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_INTER, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setPartSizeSubParts( PartSize(uiMode-3), uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setSizeSubParts( g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth, g_uiMaxCUHeight>>uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } } } #else Void TDecCavlc::parseSplitFlag( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { if( uiDepth == g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth ) { pcCU->setDepthSubParts( uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx ); return ; } UInt uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); pcCU->setDepthSubParts( uiDepth + uiSymbol, uiAbsPartIdx ); return ; } #endif #if QC_LCEC_INTER_MODE /** parse partition size * \param pcCU * \param uiAbsPartIdx * \param uiDepth * \returns Void */ Void TDecCavlc::parsePartSize( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { UInt uiMode=0; if ( pcCU->getSlice()->isIntra()&& pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) ) { #if MTK_DISABLE_INTRA_NxN_SPLIT uiMode = 1; if ( uiDepth == (g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth )) #endif { UInt uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiMode = uiSymbol ? 1 : 2; } } #if MTK_DISABLE_INTRA_NxN_SPLIT && HHI_DISABLE_INTER_NxN_SPLIT else if (uiDepth != (g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth ) || pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx ) != SIZE_NxN) #else else if (pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx ) != SIZE_NxN) #endif { return; } else { UInt uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if(uiSymbol) { uiMode = 1; } else { #if (MTK_DISABLE_INTRA_NxN_SPLIT && !HHI_DISABLE_INTER_NxN_SPLIT) || (!MTK_DISABLE_INTRA_NxN_SPLIT && HHI_DISABLE_INTER_NxN_SPLIT ) if ( uiDepth != (g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth )) { #if MTK_DISABLE_INTRA_NxN_SPLIT && !HHI_DISABLE_INTER_NxN_SPLIT uiMode = 0; #elif !MTK_DISABLE_INTRA_NxN_SPLIT && HHI_DISABLE_INTER_NxN_SPLIT uiMode = 2; #endif } else #endif { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiMode = uiSymbol ? 2 : 0; } } } PartSize ePartSize; PredMode eMode; if (uiMode > 0) { eMode = MODE_INTRA; ePartSize = (uiMode==1) ? SIZE_2Nx2N:SIZE_NxN; } else { eMode = MODE_INTER; ePartSize = SIZE_NxN; } pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( eMode , uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setPartSizeSubParts( ePartSize, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setSizeSubParts( g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth, g_uiMaxCUHeight>>uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); if( pcCU->getPredictionMode(uiAbsPartIdx) == MODE_INTRA ) { UInt uiTrLevel = 0; UInt uiWidthInBit = g_aucConvertToBit[pcCU->getWidth(uiAbsPartIdx)] + 2; UInt uiTrSizeInBit = g_aucConvertToBit[pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxTrSize()] + 2; uiTrLevel = uiWidthInBit >= uiTrSizeInBit ? uiWidthInBit - uiTrSizeInBit : 0; if( pcCU->getPartitionSize( uiAbsPartIdx ) == SIZE_NxN ) { pcCU->setTrIdxSubParts( 1 + uiTrLevel, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } else { pcCU->setTrIdxSubParts( uiTrLevel, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } } } #else Void TDecCavlc::parsePartSize( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { UInt uiSymbol, uiMode = 0; PartSize eMode; if ( pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) ) { #if MTK_DISABLE_INTRA_NxN_SPLIT eMode = SIZE_2Nx2N; if( uiDepth == g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth ) #endif { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); eMode = uiSymbol ? SIZE_2Nx2N : SIZE_NxN; } } else { #if HHI_RMP_SWITCH if ( !pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getUseRMP()) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if( uiSymbol ) uiMode = 0; else uiMode = 3; } else #endif { UInt uiMaxNumBits = 3; for ( UInt ui = 0; ui < uiMaxNumBits; ui++ ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if ( uiSymbol ) { break; } uiMode++; } } eMode = (PartSize) uiMode; if (pcCU->getSlice()->isInterB() && uiMode == 3) { #if HHI_DISABLE_INTER_NxN_SPLIT uiSymbol = 0; if( uiDepth == g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth ) #endif { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); } if (uiSymbol == 0) { pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_INTRA, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); #if MTK_DISABLE_INTRA_NxN_SPLIT if( uiDepth == g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth ) #endif { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); } if (uiSymbol == 0) eMode = SIZE_2Nx2N; } } } pcCU->setPartSizeSubParts( eMode, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); pcCU->setSizeSubParts( g_uiMaxCUWidth>>uiDepth, g_uiMaxCUHeight>>uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); UInt uiTrLevel = 0; UInt uiWidthInBit = g_aucConvertToBit[pcCU->getWidth(uiAbsPartIdx)]+2; UInt uiTrSizeInBit = g_aucConvertToBit[pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxTrSize()]+2; uiTrLevel = uiWidthInBit >= uiTrSizeInBit ? uiWidthInBit - uiTrSizeInBit : 0; if( pcCU->getPredictionMode(uiAbsPartIdx) == MODE_INTRA ) { if( pcCU->getPartitionSize( uiAbsPartIdx ) == SIZE_NxN ) { pcCU->setTrIdxSubParts( 1+uiTrLevel, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } else { pcCU->setTrIdxSubParts( uiTrLevel, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } } } #endif /** parse prediction mode * \param pcCU * \param uiAbsPartIdx * \param uiDepth * \returns Void */ Void TDecCavlc::parsePredMode( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { if( pcCU->getSlice()->isIntra() ) { pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_INTRA, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); return ; } #if !QC_LCEC_INTER_MODE UInt uiSymbol; Int iPredMode = MODE_INTER; if ( pcCU->getSlice()->isInterB() ) { pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( (PredMode)iPredMode, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); return; } xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); iPredMode += uiSymbol; pcCU->setPredModeSubParts( (PredMode)iPredMode, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); #endif } #if LCEC_INTRA_MODE #if MTK_DCM_MPM Void TDecCavlc::parseIntraDirLumaAng ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { Int uiIPredMode = 0; Int iIntraIdx = pcCU->getIntraSizeIdx(uiAbsPartIdx); Int uiPreds[2] = {-1, -1}; Int uiPredNum = pcCU->getIntraDirLumaPredictor(uiAbsPartIdx, uiPreds); if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] < 5 ) { UInt uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if ( uiSymbol ) { if(uiPredNum == 1) { uiIPredMode = uiPreds[0]; } else { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode = uiPreds[uiSymbol]; } } else { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode = uiSymbol; if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] > 2 ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 1; } if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] > 3 ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 2; } for(UInt i = 0; i < uiPredNum; i++) { if(uiIPredMode >= uiPreds[i]) { uiIPredMode ++;} } } } else { Int iDir, iDirLarger, iRankIntraMode, iRankIntraModeLarger; const UInt *huff; const UInt *lengthHuff; UInt totMode; UInt *m_uiIntraModeTableD; if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] == 5 ) { totMode = (uiPredNum == 1)? 17: 16; huff = huff17_2[uiPredNum - 1]; lengthHuff = lengthHuff17_2[uiPredNum - 1]; m_uiIntraModeTableD = m_uiIntraModeTableD17[uiPredNum - 1]; } else { totMode = (uiPredNum == 1)? 34: 33; huff = huff34_2[uiPredNum - 1]; lengthHuff = lengthHuff34_2[uiPredNum - 1]; m_uiIntraModeTableD = m_uiIntraModeTableD34[uiPredNum - 1]; } UInt uiCode; UInt uiLength = lengthHuff[totMode - 1]; m_pcBitstream->pseudoRead(uiLength,uiCode); if ((uiCode>>(uiLength- lengthHuff[0])) == huff[0]) { m_pcBitstream->read(lengthHuff[0],uiCode); if(uiPredNum == 1) { uiIPredMode = uiPreds[0]; } else if(uiPredNum == 2) { UInt uiPredIdx= 0; xReadFlag( uiPredIdx ); uiIPredMode = uiPreds[uiPredIdx]; } } else { iRankIntraMode = 0; for(Int i = 1; i < totMode; i++) { if( (uiCode>>(uiLength- lengthHuff[i])) == huff[i]) { m_pcBitstream->read(lengthHuff[i], uiCode); iRankIntraMode = i; break; } } iRankIntraMode --; iDir = m_uiIntraModeTableD[iRankIntraMode]; iRankIntraModeLarger = Max(0,iRankIntraMode-1); iDirLarger = m_uiIntraModeTableD[iRankIntraModeLarger]; m_uiIntraModeTableD[iRankIntraModeLarger] = iDir; m_uiIntraModeTableD[iRankIntraMode] = iDirLarger; for(UInt i = 0; i < uiPredNum; i++) { if(iDir >= uiPreds[i]) { iDir ++; } } uiIPredMode = iDir; } } #if ADD_PLANAR_MODE if (uiIPredMode == 2) { UInt planarFlag; xReadFlag( planarFlag ); if ( planarFlag ) { uiIPredMode = PLANAR_IDX; } } #endif pcCU->setLumaIntraDirSubParts( (UChar)uiIPredMode, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } #else Void TDecCavlc::parseIntraDirLumaAng ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { UInt uiSymbol; Int uiIPredMode; Int iMostProbable = pcCU->getMostProbableIntraDirLuma( uiAbsPartIdx ); Int iIntraIdx = pcCU->getIntraSizeIdx(uiAbsPartIdx); Int iDir, iDirLarger, iRankIntraMode, iRankIntraModeLarger; Int iLeft = pcCU->getLeftIntraDirLuma( uiAbsPartIdx ); Int iAbove = pcCU->getAboveIntraDirLuma( uiAbsPartIdx ); UInt ind=(iLeft==iAbove)? 0 : 1; const UInt *huff17=huff17_2[ind]; const UInt *lengthHuff17=lengthHuff17_2[ind]; const UInt *huff34=huff34_2[ind]; const UInt *lengthHuff34=lengthHuff34_2[ind]; if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] < 5 ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if ( uiSymbol ) uiIPredMode = iMostProbable; else { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode = uiSymbol; if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] > 2 ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 1; } if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] > 3 ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 2; } if(uiIPredMode >= iMostProbable) uiIPredMode ++; } } else if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] == 5 ) { UInt uiCode; UInt uiLength = lengthHuff17[15]; m_pcBitstream->pseudoRead(uiLength,uiCode); if ((uiCode>>(uiLength- lengthHuff17[0])) == huff17[0]) { m_pcBitstream->read(lengthHuff17[0],uiCode); uiIPredMode = iMostProbable; } else { iRankIntraMode = 0; for (Int i=1;i<17;i++) { if( (uiCode>>(uiLength- lengthHuff17[i])) == huff17[i]) { m_pcBitstream->read(lengthHuff17[i], uiCode); iRankIntraMode = i; break; } } if ( iRankIntraMode > 0 ) iRankIntraMode --; iDir = m_uiIntraModeTableD17[iRankIntraMode]; iRankIntraModeLarger = Max(0,iRankIntraMode-1); iDirLarger = m_uiIntraModeTableD17[iRankIntraModeLarger]; m_uiIntraModeTableD17[iRankIntraModeLarger] = iDir; m_uiIntraModeTableD17[iRankIntraMode] = iDirLarger; uiIPredMode = (iDir>=iMostProbable? iDir+1: iDir); } } else { UInt uiCode; UInt uiLength = lengthHuff34[32]; m_pcBitstream->pseudoRead(uiLength,uiCode); if ((uiCode>>(uiLength- lengthHuff34[0])) == huff34[0]) { m_pcBitstream->read(lengthHuff34[0],uiCode); uiIPredMode = iMostProbable; } else { iRankIntraMode = 0; for (Int i=1;i<34;i++) { if( (uiCode>>(uiLength- lengthHuff34[i])) == huff34[i]) { m_pcBitstream->read(lengthHuff34[i], uiCode); iRankIntraMode = i; break; } } if ( iRankIntraMode > 0 ) iRankIntraMode --; iDir = m_uiIntraModeTableD34[iRankIntraMode]; iRankIntraModeLarger = Max(0,iRankIntraMode-1); iDirLarger = m_uiIntraModeTableD34[iRankIntraModeLarger]; m_uiIntraModeTableD34[iRankIntraModeLarger] = iDir; m_uiIntraModeTableD34[iRankIntraMode] = iDirLarger; uiIPredMode = (iDir>=iMostProbable? iDir+1: iDir); } } #if ADD_PLANAR_MODE if (uiIPredMode == 2) { UInt planarFlag; xReadFlag( planarFlag ); if ( planarFlag ) { uiIPredMode = PLANAR_IDX; } } #endif pcCU->setLumaIntraDirSubParts( (UChar)uiIPredMode, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } #endif #else Void TDecCavlc::parseIntraDirLumaAng ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { UInt uiSymbol; Int uiIPredMode; Int iMostProbable = pcCU->getMostProbableIntraDirLuma( uiAbsPartIdx ); xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if ( uiSymbol ) uiIPredMode = iMostProbable; else { Int iIntraIdx = pcCU->getIntraSizeIdx(uiAbsPartIdx); if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] < 6 ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode = uiSymbol; if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] > 2 ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 1; } if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] > 3 ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 2; } if ( g_aucIntraModeBitsAng[iIntraIdx] > 4 ) { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 3; } } else { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode = uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 1; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 2; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 3; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode |= uiSymbol << 4; if (uiIPredMode == 31) { // Escape coding for the last two modes xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiIPredMode = uiSymbol ? 32 : 31; } } if (uiIPredMode >= iMostProbable) uiIPredMode++; } #if ADD_PLANAR_MODE if (uiIPredMode == 2) { UInt planarFlag; xReadFlag( planarFlag ); if ( planarFlag ) { uiIPredMode = PLANAR_IDX; } } #endif pcCU->setLumaIntraDirSubParts( (UChar)uiIPredMode, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } #endif Void TDecCavlc::parseIntraDirChroma( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { UInt uiSymbol; #if CHROMA_CODEWORD UInt uiMode = pcCU->getLumaIntraDir(uiAbsPartIdx); #if ADD_PLANAR_MODE if ( (uiMode == 2 ) || (uiMode == PLANAR_IDX) ) { uiMode = 4; } #endif #if LM_CHROMA Int iMaxMode = pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getUseLMChroma() ? 3 : 4; Int iMax = uiMode < iMaxMode ? 3 : 4; xReadUnaryMaxSymbol( uiSymbol, iMax ); //switch codeword if (uiSymbol == 0) { uiSymbol = 4; } else if (uiSymbol == 1 && pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getUseLMChroma()) { uiSymbol = 3; } else { #if CHROMA_CODEWORD_SWITCH uiSymbol = ChromaMapping[iMax-3][uiSymbol]; #endif if (pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getUseLMChroma()) uiSymbol --; if (uiSymbol <= uiMode) uiSymbol --; } #else // -- LM_CHROMA Int iMax = uiMode < 4 ? 3 : 4; xReadUnaryMaxSymbol( uiSymbol, iMax ); //switch codeword if (uiSymbol == 0) { uiSymbol = 4; } #if CHROMA_CODEWORD_SWITCH else { uiSymbol = ChromaMapping[iMax-3][uiSymbol]; if (uiSymbol <= uiMode) { uiSymbol --; } } #else else if (uiSymbol <= uiMode) { uiSymbol --; } #endif #endif // --> LM_CHROMA //printf("uiMode %d, chroma %d, codeword %d, imax %d\n", uiMode, uiSymbol, uiRead, iMax); #else xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if ( uiSymbol ) { xReadUnaryMaxSymbol( uiSymbol, 3 ); uiSymbol++; } #endif #if ADD_PLANAR_MODE if (uiSymbol == 2) { #if CHROMA_CODEWORD uiMode = pcCU->getLumaIntraDir(uiAbsPartIdx); if (uiMode == 2) { uiSymbol = PLANAR_IDX; } else if (uiMode != PLANAR_IDX) #endif { UInt planarFlag; xReadFlag( planarFlag ); if ( planarFlag ) { uiSymbol = PLANAR_IDX; } } } #endif pcCU->setChromIntraDirSubParts( uiSymbol, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); return ; } Void TDecCavlc::parseInterDir( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt& ruiInterDir, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { UInt uiSymbol; #if UNIFY_INTER_TABLE #if DCM_COMB_LIST UInt uiNumRefIdxOfLC = pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C); #endif #define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #if DCM_COMB_LIST UInt uiValNumRefIdxOfLC = min(4,pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C)); #endif UInt uiValNumRefIdxOfL0 = min(2,pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_0)); UInt uiValNumRefIdxOfL1 = min(2,pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_1)); if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getRefIdxCombineCoding() ) { UInt uiIndex,tmp; #if CAVLC_COUNTER_ADAPT Int x,cx; #else Int x,cx,y,cy; #endif UInt *m_uiMITableD = m_uiMI1TableD; UInt uiMaxVal; #if DCM_COMB_LIST if (uiNumRefIdxOfLC > 0) { uiMaxVal = uiValNumRefIdxOfLC + uiValNumRefIdxOfL0*uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; } else #endif if (pcCU->getSlice()->getNoBackPredFlag()) { uiMaxVal = uiValNumRefIdxOfL0 + uiValNumRefIdxOfL0*uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; } else { uiMaxVal = uiValNumRefIdxOfL0 + uiValNumRefIdxOfL1 + uiValNumRefIdxOfL0*uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; } xReadUnaryMaxSymbol( tmp, uiMaxVal ); x = m_uiMITableD[tmp]; uiIndex = x; /* Adapt table */ cx = tmp; #if CAVLC_COUNTER_ADAPT adaptCodeword(cx, m_ucMI1TableCounter, m_ucMI1TableCounterSum, m_uiMITableD, NULL, 4 ); #else cy = Max(0,cx-1); y = m_uiMITableD[cy]; m_uiMITableD[cy] = x; m_uiMITableD[cx] = y; m_uiMITableVlcIdx += cx == m_uiMITableVlcIdx ? 0 : (cx < m_uiMITableVlcIdx ? -1 : 1); #endif if (uiIndex < uiMaxVal) { #if DCM_COMB_LIST if (uiNumRefIdxOfLC > 0) { if (uiIndex < uiValNumRefIdxOfLC) { ruiInterDir = 1; m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiIndex; } else { UInt uiTmp = uiIndex-uiValNumRefIdxOfLC; ruiInterDir = 3; m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiTmp/uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; //uiValNumRefIdxOfL1 == 1 or 2, so division can be converted to shift op m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiTmp%uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; } } else #endif if (pcCU->getSlice()->getNoBackPredFlag()) { if (uiIndex < uiValNumRefIdxOfL0) { ruiInterDir = 1; m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiIndex; } else { UInt uiTmp = uiIndex-uiValNumRefIdxOfL0; ruiInterDir = 3; m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiTmp/uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; //uiValNumRefIdxOfL1 == 1 or 2, so division can be converted to shift op m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiTmp%uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; } } else { if (uiIndex < uiValNumRefIdxOfL0) { ruiInterDir = 1; m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiIndex; } else if (uiIndex < uiValNumRefIdxOfL1) { ruiInterDir = 2; m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiIndex-uiValNumRefIdxOfL0; } else { UInt uiTmp = uiIndex-uiValNumRefIdxOfL0-uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; ruiInterDir = 3; m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiTmp/uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; //uiValNumRefIdxOfL1 == 1 or 2, so division can be converted to shift op m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiTmp%uiValNumRefIdxOfL1; } } return; } } #else //UNIFY_INTER_TABLE #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getRefIdxCombineCoding() ) #else if(pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ) <= 2 && pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) <= 2) #endif { UInt uiIndex,uiInterDir,tmp; #if CAVLC_COUNTER_ADAPT Int x,cx; #else Int x,cx,y,cy; #endif #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_MAX_VALUE UInt uiMaxVal = 7; #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION uiMaxVal = 8; #endif if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ) <= 1 && pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) <= 1 ) { if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNoBackPredFlag() || ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C) > 0 && pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C) <= 1 ) ) { uiMaxVal = 1; } else { uiMaxVal = 2; } } else if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ) <= 2 && pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) <= 2 ) { if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNoBackPredFlag() || ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C) > 0 && pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C) <= 2 ) ) { uiMaxVal = 5; } else { uiMaxVal = 7; } } else if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C) <= 0 ) { uiMaxVal = 4+1+MS_LCEC_UNI_EXCEPTION_THRES; } xReadUnaryMaxSymbol( tmp, uiMaxVal ); #else UInt vlcn = g_auiMITableVlcNum[m_uiMITableVlcIdx]; tmp = xReadVlc( vlcn ); #endif UInt *m_uiMITableD = m_uiMI1TableD; x = m_uiMITableD[tmp]; uiIndex = x; /* Adapt table */ cx = tmp; #if CAVLC_COUNTER_ADAPT adaptCodeword(cx, m_ucMI1TableCounter, m_ucMI1TableCounterSum, m_uiMITableD, NULL, 4 ); #else cy = Max(0,cx-1); y = m_uiMITableD[cy]; m_uiMITableD[cy] = x; m_uiMITableD[cx] = y; m_uiMITableVlcIdx += cx == m_uiMITableVlcIdx ? 0 : (cx < m_uiMITableVlcIdx ? -1 : 1); #endif { uiInterDir = Min(2,uiIndex>>1); #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION if ( uiIndex >=4 ) { uiInterDir = 2; } else { uiInterDir = 0; } #endif #if DCM_COMB_LIST if(uiInterDir!=2 && pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C)>0) { uiInterDir = 0; m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiIndex; } else #endif if (uiInterDir==0) { #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiIndex; #else m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiIndex&1; #endif } else if (uiInterDir==1) m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx] = uiIndex&1; else { m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = (uiIndex>>1)&1; m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx] = (uiIndex>>0)&1; } } ruiInterDir = uiInterDir+1; #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION if ( x < 8 ) #endif { return; } } #endif //UNIFY_INTER_TABLE #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] = 1000; m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx] = 1000; #endif xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if ( uiSymbol ) { uiSymbol = 2; } #if DCM_COMB_LIST else if(pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C) > 0) { uiSymbol = 0; } #endif else if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNoBackPredFlag() ) { uiSymbol = 0; } else { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); } uiSymbol++; ruiInterDir = uiSymbol; return; } Void TDecCavlc::parseRefFrmIdx( TComDataCU* pcCU, Int& riRefFrmIdx, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, RefPicList eRefList ) { UInt uiSymbol; if (pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_0 ) <= 2 && pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( REF_PIC_LIST_1 ) <= 2 && pcCU->getSlice()->isInterB()) { #if DCM_COMB_LIST if(pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C ) > 0 && eRefList==REF_PIC_LIST_C) { riRefFrmIdx = m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx]; } else #endif if (eRefList==REF_PIC_LIST_0) { riRefFrmIdx = m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx]; } if (eRefList==REF_PIC_LIST_1) { riRefFrmIdx = m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx]; } return; } #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION if ( ( m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx] != 1000 || m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx] != 1000 ) && pcCU->getSlice()->getRefIdxCombineCoding() ) { if(pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C ) > 0 && eRefList==REF_PIC_LIST_C ) { riRefFrmIdx = m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx]; } else if (eRefList==REF_PIC_LIST_0) { riRefFrmIdx = m_iRefFrame0[uiAbsPartIdx]; } else if (eRefList==REF_PIC_LIST_1) { riRefFrmIdx = m_iRefFrame1[uiAbsPartIdx]; } return; } UInt uiRefFrmIdxMinus = 0; if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getRefIdxCombineCoding() ) { if ( pcCU->getInterDir( uiAbsPartIdx ) != 3 ) { if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx(REF_PIC_LIST_C) > 0 ) { uiRefFrmIdxMinus = 4; } else { uiRefFrmIdxMinus = MS_LCEC_UNI_EXCEPTION_THRES+1; } } else if ( eRefList == REF_PIC_LIST_1 && pcCU->getCUMvField( REF_PIC_LIST_0 )->getRefIdx( uiAbsPartIdx ) < 2 ) { uiRefFrmIdxMinus = 2; } } if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( eRefList ) - uiRefFrmIdxMinus <= 1 ) { uiSymbol = 0; riRefFrmIdx = uiSymbol; riRefFrmIdx += uiRefFrmIdxMinus; return; } #endif xReadFlag ( uiSymbol ); if ( uiSymbol ) { #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION xReadUnaryMaxSymbol( uiSymbol, pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( eRefList )-2 - uiRefFrmIdxMinus ); #else xReadUnaryMaxSymbol( uiSymbol, pcCU->getSlice()->getNumRefIdx( eRefList )-2 ); #endif uiSymbol++; } riRefFrmIdx = uiSymbol; #if MS_LCEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_EXCEPTION riRefFrmIdx += uiRefFrmIdxMinus; #endif return; } Void TDecCavlc::parseMvd( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, RefPicList eRefList ) { Int iHor, iVer; UInt uiAbsPartIdxL, uiAbsPartIdxA; Int iHorPred, iVerPred; TComDataCU* pcCUL = pcCU->getPULeft ( uiAbsPartIdxL, pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiAbsPartIdx ); TComDataCU* pcCUA = pcCU->getPUAbove( uiAbsPartIdxA, pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiAbsPartIdx ); TComCUMvField* pcCUMvFieldL = ( pcCUL == NULL || pcCUL->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdxL ) ) ? NULL : pcCUL->getCUMvField( eRefList ); TComCUMvField* pcCUMvFieldA = ( pcCUA == NULL || pcCUA->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdxA ) ) ? NULL : pcCUA->getCUMvField( eRefList ); iHorPred = ( (pcCUMvFieldL == NULL) ? 0 : pcCUMvFieldL->getMvd( uiAbsPartIdxL ).getAbsHor() ) + ( (pcCUMvFieldA == NULL) ? 0 : pcCUMvFieldA->getMvd( uiAbsPartIdxA ).getAbsHor() ); iVerPred = ( (pcCUMvFieldL == NULL) ? 0 : pcCUMvFieldL->getMvd( uiAbsPartIdxL ).getAbsVer() ) + ( (pcCUMvFieldA == NULL) ? 0 : pcCUMvFieldA->getMvd( uiAbsPartIdxA ).getAbsVer() ); TComMv cTmpMv( 0, 0 ); pcCU->getCUMvField( eRefList )->setAllMv( cTmpMv, pcCU->getPartitionSize( uiAbsPartIdx ), uiAbsPartIdx, uiPartIdx, uiDepth ); xReadSvlc( iHor ); xReadSvlc( iVer ); // set mvd TComMv cMv( iHor, iVer ); pcCU->getCUMvField( eRefList )->setAllMvd( cMv, pcCU->getPartitionSize( uiAbsPartIdx ), uiAbsPartIdx, uiPartIdx, uiDepth ); return; } Void TDecCavlc::parseDeltaQP( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { UInt uiDQp; Int iDQp; xReadFlag( uiDQp ); if ( uiDQp == 0 ) { uiDQp = pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceQp(); } else { xReadSvlc( iDQp ); uiDQp = pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceQp() + iDQp; } pcCU->setQPSubParts( uiDQp, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP /** Function for parsing cbf and split * \param pcCU pointer to CU * \param uiAbsPartIdx CU index * \param uiTrDepth Transform depth * \param uiDepth CU Depth * \param uiSubdiv split flag * \returns * This function performs parsing for cbf and split flag */ Void TDecCavlc::parseCbfTrdiv( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiTrDepth, UInt uiDepth, UInt& uiSubdiv ) { UInt uiCbf,tmp; UInt uiCBP,uiCbfY,uiCbfU,uiCbfV; UInt n,cx; UInt uiLog2TrSize = g_aucConvertToBit[ pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxCUWidth() >> uiDepth ] + 2; UInt uiQPartNumParent = pcCU->getPic()->getNumPartInCU() >> ((uiDepth-1) << 1); UInt uiQPartNumCurr = pcCU->getPic()->getNumPartInCU() >> ((uiDepth) << 1); UInt uiFlagPattern = xGetFlagPattern( pcCU, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth, uiSubdiv ); n = pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) ? 0 : 1; uiCbfY = uiCbfU = uiCbfV = 0; if(uiFlagPattern < 8) { if( uiLog2TrSize > pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize() ) { if(uiFlagPattern & 0x04) { xReadFlag(uiCbfU); } if(uiFlagPattern & 0x02) { xReadFlag(uiCbfV); } } else { uiCbfU = pcCU->getCbf(uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_U, uiTrDepth - 1)?1:0; uiCbfV = pcCU->getCbf(uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_V, uiTrDepth - 1)?1:0; } if(uiFlagPattern & 0x01) { parseTransformSubdivFlag( uiSubdiv, 0); } } else { if(uiFlagPattern == 8) { if (uiAbsPartIdx % uiQPartNumParent ==0) { parseBlockCbf(pcCU, uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_LUMA, uiTrDepth,uiDepth, uiQPartNumCurr); } uiCbfY = ( pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_LUMA ) >> uiTrDepth) & 0x1; if( uiLog2TrSize <= pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize() ) { uiCbfU = pcCU->getCbf(uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_U, uiTrDepth - 1)?1:0; uiCbfV = pcCU->getCbf(uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_V, uiTrDepth - 1)?1:0; } } else if(uiFlagPattern == 9) { bool bNeedToDecode = true; if ( n==1 && (uiAbsPartIdx%uiQPartNumParent) / uiQPartNumCurr == 3 ) // last one { UInt uiTempAbsPartIdx = uiAbsPartIdx/uiQPartNumParent*uiQPartNumParent; if ( pcCU->getCbf( uiTempAbsPartIdx + uiQPartNumCurr*0, TEXT_LUMA, uiTrDepth ) || pcCU->getCbf( uiTempAbsPartIdx + uiQPartNumCurr*1, TEXT_LUMA, uiTrDepth ) || pcCU->getCbf( uiTempAbsPartIdx + uiQPartNumCurr*2, TEXT_LUMA, uiTrDepth ) ) { bNeedToDecode = true; } else { bNeedToDecode = false; xReadFlag( uiSubdiv ); uiCbfY = 1; } } if ( bNeedToDecode ) { UInt uiSymbol; xReadUnaryMaxSymbol(cx, n?2:3); uiSymbol = m_uiCBP_YS_TableD[n][cx]; uiCbfY = uiSymbol >> 1; uiSubdiv = uiSymbol & 0x01; adaptCodeword(cx, m_ucCBP_YS_TableCounter[n], m_ucCBP_YS_TableCounterSum[n], m_uiCBP_YS_TableD[n], NULL, 3); } } else if (uiFlagPattern == 14) { UInt uiIdx = uiTrDepth? (2 + n) : n; xReadUnaryMaxSymbol(cx, 7); uiCBP = m_uiCBP_YUV_TableD[uiIdx][cx]; adaptCodeword(cx, m_ucCBP_YUV_TableCounter[uiIdx], m_ucCBP_YUV_TableCounterSum[uiIdx], m_uiCBP_YUV_TableD[uiIdx], NULL, 4); uiCbfY = (uiCBP>>2)&1; uiCbfU = (uiCBP>>1)&1; uiCbfV = (uiCBP>>0)&1; } else if ( uiFlagPattern == 11 || uiFlagPattern == 13 || uiFlagPattern == 15) { UInt uiSymbol, i; m_pcBitstream->pseudoRead(6, uiSymbol); for (i=0;i<8;i++) { if( (uiSymbol>>(6 - g_auiCBP_YCS_TableLen[n][i])) == g_auiCBP_YCS_Table[n][i] && g_auiCBP_YCS_TableLen[n][i]) { m_pcBitstream->read(g_auiCBP_YCS_TableLen[n][i],uiSymbol); uiSymbol =i; break; } } uiCBP = m_uiCBP_YCS_TableD[n][uiSymbol]; adaptCodeword(uiSymbol, m_ucCBP_YCS_TableCounter[n], m_ucCBP_YCS_TableCounterSum[n], m_uiCBP_YCS_TableD[n], NULL, 4); uiCbfY = uiCBP >> 2; UInt uiCbfUV = (uiCBP >> 1)& 0x01; uiSubdiv = uiCBP & 0x01; uiCbfU = 0; uiCbfV = 0; if (uiFlagPattern == 15) { if(uiCbfUV) { xReadUnaryMaxSymbol( uiSymbol , 2); uiSymbol = n? (uiSymbol + 1): (3 - uiSymbol); uiCbfU = uiSymbol >> 1; uiCbfV = uiSymbol & 0x01; } } else { uiCbfU = (uiFlagPattern & 0x04) ? uiCbfUV: 0; uiCbfV = (uiFlagPattern & 0x02) ? uiCbfUV: 0; } } else if (uiFlagPattern == 10 || uiFlagPattern == 12) { UInt uiSymbol; xReadUnaryMaxSymbol(tmp, 3); uiSymbol = g_auiCBP_YC_TableD[n][tmp]; uiCbfY = uiSymbol >> 1; uiCbfU = uiCbfV = 0; if(uiSymbol & 0x01) { uiCbfU = (uiFlagPattern & 0x04)? 1 : 0; uiCbfV = (uiFlagPattern & 0x02)? 1 : 0; } } } uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_LUMA ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( uiCbfY << uiTrDepth ), TEXT_LUMA, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_U ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( uiCbfU << uiTrDepth ), TEXT_CHROMA_U, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_V ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( uiCbfV << uiTrDepth ), TEXT_CHROMA_V, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); if(!pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) && uiCbfY == 0 && uiCbfU == 0 && uiCbfV == 0) { uiSubdiv = 0; } return; } /** Function for parsing cbf and split * \param pcCU pointer to CU * \param uiAbsPartIdx CU index * \param uiDepth CU Depth * \param uiSubdiv split flag * \returns flag pattern * This function gets flagpattern for cbf and split flag */ UInt TDecCavlc::xGetFlagPattern( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt& uiSubdiv ) { const UInt uiLog2TrafoSize = g_aucConvertToBit[pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxCUWidth()]+2 - uiDepth; UInt uiTrDepth = uiDepth - pcCU->getDepth( uiAbsPartIdx ); UInt patternYUV, patternDiv; UInt bY, bU, bV; UInt uiFullDepth = pcCU->getDepth(uiAbsPartIdx) + uiTrDepth; UInt uiLog2TrSize = g_aucConvertToBit[ pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxCUWidth() >> uiFullDepth ] + 2; if(uiTrDepth == 0) { patternYUV = 7; } else if( uiLog2TrSize > pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize() ) { bY = pcCU->getCbf(uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_LUMA, uiTrDepth - 1)?1:0; bU = pcCU->getCbf(uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_U, uiTrDepth - 1)?1:0; bV = pcCU->getCbf(uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_V, uiTrDepth - 1)?1:0; patternYUV = (bY<<2) + (bU<<1) + bV; } else { bY = pcCU->getCbf(uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_LUMA, uiTrDepth - 1)?1:0; patternYUV = bY<<2; } if( pcCU->getPredictionMode(uiAbsPartIdx) == MODE_INTRA && pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_NxN && uiDepth == pcCU->getDepth(uiAbsPartIdx) ) { patternDiv = 0; uiSubdiv = 1; } else if( uiLog2TrafoSize > pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize() ) { patternDiv = 0; uiSubdiv = 1; } else if( uiLog2TrafoSize == pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize() ) { patternDiv = 0; uiSubdiv = 0; } else if( uiLog2TrafoSize == pcCU->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSizeInCU(uiAbsPartIdx) ) { patternDiv = 0; uiSubdiv = 0; } else { patternDiv = 1; } return ((patternYUV<<1)+patternDiv); } #endif Void TDecCavlc::parseCbf( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, TextType eType, UInt uiTrDepth, UInt uiDepth ) { if (eType == TEXT_ALL) { UInt uiCbf,tmp; UInt uiCBP,uiCbfY,uiCbfU,uiCbfV; #if CAVLC_COUNTER_ADAPT Int n, cx; #else Int n,x,cx,y,cy; #endif /* Start adaptation */ n = pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) ? 0 : 1; #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP UInt vlcn = 0; #else UInt vlcn = g_auiCbpVlcNum[n][m_uiCbpVlcIdx[n]]; #endif tmp = xReadVlc( vlcn ); #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP uiCBP = m_uiCBP_YUV_TableD[n][tmp]; #else uiCBP = m_uiCBPTableD[n][tmp]; #endif /* Adapt LP table */ cx = tmp; #if CAVLC_COUNTER_ADAPT #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP adaptCodeword(cx, m_ucCBP_YUV_TableCounter[n], m_ucCBP_YUV_TableCounterSum[n], m_uiCBP_YUV_TableD[n], NULL, 4); #else adaptCodeword(cx, m_ucCBFTableCounter[n], m_ucCBFTableCounterSum[n], m_uiCBPTableD[n], NULL, 4); #endif #else cy = Max(0,cx-1); x = uiCBP; y = m_uiCBPTableD[n][cy]; m_uiCBPTableD[n][cy] = x; m_uiCBPTableD[n][cx] = y; m_uiCbpVlcIdx[n] += cx == m_uiCbpVlcIdx[n] ? 0 : (cx < m_uiCbpVlcIdx[n] ? -1 : 1); #endif uiCbfY = (uiCBP>>0)&1; uiCbfU = (uiCBP>>1)&1; uiCbfV = (uiCBP>>2)&1; uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_LUMA ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( uiCbfY << uiTrDepth ), TEXT_LUMA, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_U ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( uiCbfU << uiTrDepth ), TEXT_CHROMA_U, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_V ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( uiCbfV << uiTrDepth ), TEXT_CHROMA_V, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } } Void TDecCavlc::parseBlockCbf( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, TextType eType, UInt uiTrDepth, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiQPartNum ) { assert(uiTrDepth > 0); UInt uiCbf4, uiCbf; #if CAVLC_COUNTER_ADAPT Int cx; #else Int x,cx,y,cy; #endif UInt tmp; UInt n = (pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) && eType == TEXT_LUMA)? 0:1; #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP UInt vlcn = (n==0)?g_auiCBP_4Y_VlcNum[m_uiCBP_4Y_VlcIdx]:11; #else UInt vlcn = (n==0)?g_auiBlkCbpVlcNum[m_uiBlkCbpVlcIdx]:11; #endif tmp = xReadVlc( vlcn ); #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP uiCbf4 = m_uiCBP_4Y_TableD[n][tmp]; #else uiCbf4 = m_uiBlkCBPTableD[n][tmp]; #endif cx = tmp; #if CAVLC_COUNTER_ADAPT #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP adaptCodeword(cx, m_ucCBP_4Y_TableCounter[n], m_ucCBP_4Y_TableCounterSum[n], m_uiCBP_4Y_TableD[n], NULL, 2); #else adaptCodeword(cx, m_ucBlkCBPTableCounter[n], m_ucBlkCBPTableCounterSum[n], m_uiBlkCBPTableD[n], NULL, 2); #endif #else cy = Max(0,cx-1); x = uiCbf4; y = m_uiBlkCBPTableD[n][cy]; m_uiBlkCBPTableD[n][cy] = x; m_uiBlkCBPTableD[n][cx] = y; #endif #if CAVLC_RQT_CBP if(n==0) m_uiCBP_4Y_VlcIdx += cx == m_uiCBP_4Y_VlcIdx ? 0 : (cx < m_uiCBP_4Y_VlcIdx ? -1 : 1); #else if(n==0) m_uiBlkCbpVlcIdx += cx == m_uiBlkCbpVlcIdx ? 0 : (cx < m_uiBlkCbpVlcIdx ? -1 : 1); #endif uiCbf4++; uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, eType ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( ((uiCbf4>>3)&0x01) << uiTrDepth ), eType, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); uiAbsPartIdx += uiQPartNum; uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, eType ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( ((uiCbf4>>2)&0x01) << uiTrDepth ), eType, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); uiAbsPartIdx += uiQPartNum; uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, eType ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( ((uiCbf4>>1)&0x01) << uiTrDepth ), eType, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); uiAbsPartIdx += uiQPartNum; uiCbf = pcCU->getCbf( uiAbsPartIdx, eType ); pcCU->setCbfSubParts( uiCbf | ( (uiCbf4&0x01) << uiTrDepth ), eType, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); return; } Void TDecCavlc::parseCoeffNxN( TComDataCU* pcCU, TCoeff* pcCoef, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiWidth, UInt uiHeight, UInt uiDepth, TextType eTType ) { if ( uiWidth > pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxTrSize() ) { uiWidth = pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxTrSize(); uiHeight = pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxTrSize(); } UInt uiSize = uiWidth*uiHeight; // point to coefficient TCoeff* piCoeff = pcCoef; // initialize scan const UInt* pucScan; #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK UInt maxBlSize = (eTType==TEXT_LUMA)? 32:8; UInt uiBlSize = Min(maxBlSize,uiWidth); UInt uiConvBit = g_aucConvertToBit[ pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) ? uiWidth : uiBlSize]; UInt uiNoCoeff = uiBlSize*uiBlSize; #else //UInt uiConvBit = g_aucConvertToBit[ Min(8,uiWidth) ]; UInt uiConvBit = g_aucConvertToBit[ pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) ? uiWidth : Min(8,uiWidth) ]; #endif pucScan = g_auiFrameScanXY [ uiConvBit + 1 ]; #if QC_MDCS UInt uiBlkPos; #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK UInt uiLog2BlkSize = g_aucConvertToBit[ pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) ? uiWidth : uiBlSize] + 2; #else UInt uiLog2BlkSize = g_aucConvertToBit[ pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx ) ? uiWidth : Min(8,uiWidth) ] + 2; #endif const UInt uiScanIdx = pcCU->getCoefScanIdx(uiAbsPartIdx, uiWidth, eTType==TEXT_LUMA, pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx)); #endif //QC_MDCS UInt uiDecodeDCCoeff = 0; Int dcCoeff = 0; if (pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx)) { UInt uiAbsPartIdxL, uiAbsPartIdxA; TComDataCU* pcCUL = pcCU->getPULeft (uiAbsPartIdxL, pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiAbsPartIdx); TComDataCU* pcCUA = pcCU->getPUAbove(uiAbsPartIdxA, pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiAbsPartIdx); if (pcCUL == NULL && pcCUA == NULL) { uiDecodeDCCoeff = 1; dcCoeff = xReadVlc(eTType == TEXT_LUMA ? 3 : 1); if (dcCoeff) { UInt sign; xReadFlag(sign); if (sign) { dcCoeff = -dcCoeff; } } } } UInt uiScanning; #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK static TCoeff scoeff[1024]; #else TCoeff scoeff[64]; #endif Int iBlockType; if( uiSize == 2*2 ) { // hack: re-use 4x4 coding #if QC_MOD_LCEC if (eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_U || eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_V) iBlockType = eTType-2; else iBlockType = 2 + ( pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) ? 0 : pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() ); #else iBlockType = pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) ? 0 : pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType(); #endif #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK xParseCoeff( scoeff, iBlockType, 4 ); #else xParseCoeff4x4( scoeff, iBlockType ); #endif for (uiScanning=0; uiScanning<4; uiScanning++) { #if QC_MDCS uiBlkPos = g_auiSigLastScan[uiScanIdx][uiLog2BlkSize-1][uiScanning]; piCoeff[ uiBlkPos ] = scoeff[15-uiScanning]; #else piCoeff[ pucScan[ uiScanning ] ] = scoeff[15-uiScanning]; #endif //QC_MDCS } } else if ( uiSize == 4*4 ) { #if QC_MOD_LCEC if (eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_U || eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_V) iBlockType = eTType-2; else iBlockType = 2 + ( pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) ? 0 : pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() ); #else iBlockType = pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) ? 0 : pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType(); #endif #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK xParseCoeff( scoeff, iBlockType, 4 ); #else xParseCoeff4x4( scoeff, iBlockType ); #endif for (uiScanning=0; uiScanning<16; uiScanning++) { #if QC_MDCS uiBlkPos = g_auiSigLastScan[uiScanIdx][uiLog2BlkSize-1][uiScanning]; piCoeff[ uiBlkPos ] = scoeff[15-uiScanning]; #else piCoeff[ pucScan[ uiScanning ] ] = scoeff[15-uiScanning]; #endif //QC_MDCS } } else if ( uiSize == 8*8 ) { if (eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_U || eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_V) //8x8 specific iBlockType = eTType-2; else iBlockType = 2 + ( pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) ? 0 : pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() ); #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK xParseCoeff( scoeff, iBlockType, 8 ); #else xParseCoeff8x8( scoeff, iBlockType ); #endif for (uiScanning=0; uiScanning<64; uiScanning++) { #if QC_MDCS uiBlkPos = g_auiSigLastScan[uiScanIdx][uiLog2BlkSize-1][uiScanning]; piCoeff[ uiBlkPos ] = scoeff[63-uiScanning]; #else piCoeff[ pucScan[ uiScanning ] ] = scoeff[63-uiScanning]; #endif //QC_MDCS } } else { if (!pcCU->isIntra( uiAbsPartIdx )) { memset(piCoeff,0,sizeof(TCoeff)*uiSize); if (eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_U || eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_V) iBlockType = eTType-2; else iBlockType = 5 + ( pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) ? 0 : pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() ); #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK xParseCoeff( scoeff, iBlockType, uiBlSize ); #else xParseCoeff8x8( scoeff, iBlockType ); #endif #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK for (uiScanning=0; uiScanningisIntra( uiAbsPartIdx )) { memset(piCoeff,0,sizeof(TCoeff)*uiSize); if (eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_U || eTType==TEXT_CHROMA_V) iBlockType = eTType-2; else iBlockType = 5 + ( pcCU->isIntra(uiAbsPartIdx) ? 0 : pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() ); #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK xParseCoeff( scoeff, iBlockType, uiBlSize ); for (uiScanning=0; uiScanningsetCbfSubParts( uiSymbol << uiTrDepth, eType, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } Void TDecCavlc::parseQtRootCbf( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt& uiQtRootCbf ) { UInt uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiQtRootCbf = uiSymbol; } Void TDecCavlc::parseAlfFlag (UInt& ruiVal) { xReadFlag( ruiVal ); } #if TSB_ALF_HEADER Void TDecCavlc::parseAlfFlagNum( UInt& ruiVal, UInt minValue, UInt depth ) { UInt uiLength = 0; UInt maxValue = (minValue << (depth*2)); UInt temp = maxValue - minValue; for(UInt i=0; i<32; i++) { if(temp&0x1) { uiLength = i+1; } temp = (temp >> 1); } if(uiLength) { xReadCode( uiLength, ruiVal ); } else { ruiVal = 0; } ruiVal += minValue; } Void TDecCavlc::parseAlfCtrlFlag( UInt &ruiAlfCtrlFlag ) { UInt uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); ruiAlfCtrlFlag = uiSymbol; } #endif Void TDecCavlc::parseAlfUvlc (UInt& ruiVal) { xReadUvlc( ruiVal ); } Void TDecCavlc::parseAlfSvlc (Int& riVal) { xReadSvlc( riVal ); } #if MTK_SAO Void TDecCavlc::parseAoFlag (UInt& ruiVal) { xReadFlag( ruiVal ); } Void TDecCavlc::parseAoUvlc (UInt& ruiVal) { xReadUvlc( ruiVal ); } Void TDecCavlc::parseAoSvlc (Int& riVal) { xReadSvlc( riVal ); } #endif Void TDecCavlc::parseMergeFlag ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth, UInt uiPUIdx ) { #if QC_LCEC_INTER_MODE if (pcCU->getPartitionSize(uiAbsPartIdx) == SIZE_2Nx2N ) return; #endif UInt uiSymbol; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); pcCU->setMergeFlagSubParts( uiSymbol ? true : false, uiAbsPartIdx, uiPUIdx, uiDepth ); } #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED || HHI_MPI || POZNAN_EIVD Void TDecCavlc::parseMergeIndexMV( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt& ruiMergeIndex, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { UInt uiNumCand = 0; #if HHI_MPI const Bool bMVIAvailable = pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getUseMVI() && pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() != I_SLICE; const UInt uiMviMergePos = bMVIAvailable ? HHI_MPI_MERGE_POS : MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS; if( bMVIAvailable ) uiNumCand++; #endif #if POZNAN_EIVD UInt uiModIdx; const Bool bEIVDAvailable = pcCU->getSlice()->getMP()->isEIVDEnabled(); #endif for( UInt uiIdx = 0; uiIdx < MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS; uiIdx++ ) { if( pcCU->getNeighbourCandIdx( uiIdx, uiAbsPartIdx ) == uiIdx + 1 ) { uiNumCand++; } } AOF( uiNumCand > 1 ); UInt uiUnaryIdx = 0; for( ; uiUnaryIdx < uiNumCand - 1; uiUnaryIdx++ ) { UInt uiSymbol = 0; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if( uiSymbol == 0 ) { break; } } ruiMergeIndex = uiUnaryIdx; for( UInt uiIdx = 0; uiIdx <= ruiMergeIndex; uiIdx++ ) { #if HHI_MPI if( uiIdx > uiMviMergePos ) { #if POZNAN_EIVD if(bEIVDAvailable) { if(uiIdx==POZNAN_EIVD_MERGE_POS) uiModIdx = POZNAN_EIVD_MRG_CAND; else if(uiIdx>POZNAN_EIVD_MERGE_POS) uiModIdx = uiIdx--; else uiModIdx = uiIdx; } else uiModIdx = uiIdx; if( pcCU->getNeighbourCandIdx( uiModIdx-1, uiAbsPartIdx ) != uiModIdx ) { ruiMergeIndex++; } #else if( pcCU->getNeighbourCandIdx( uiIdx - 1, uiAbsPartIdx ) != uiIdx ) { ruiMergeIndex++; } #endif } else if( uiIdx < uiMviMergePos ) #endif #if POZNAN_EIVD if(bEIVDAvailable) { if(uiIdx==POZNAN_EIVD_MERGE_POS) uiModIdx = POZNAN_EIVD_MRG_CAND; else if(uiIdx>POZNAN_EIVD_MERGE_POS) uiModIdx = uiIdx--; else uiModIdx = uiIdx; } else uiModIdx = uiIdx; if( pcCU->getNeighbourCandIdx( uiModIdx, uiAbsPartIdx ) != uiModIdx + 1 ) { ruiMergeIndex++; } #else if( pcCU->getNeighbourCandIdx( uiIdx, uiAbsPartIdx ) != uiIdx + 1 ) { ruiMergeIndex++; } #endif } #if HHI_MPI if( ruiMergeIndex > uiMviMergePos ) { ruiMergeIndex--; } else if( ruiMergeIndex == uiMviMergePos ) { pcCU->setTextureModeDepthSubParts( uiDepth, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); } #endif #if POZNAN_EIVD if(bEIVDAvailable) { if(ruiMergeIndex==POZNAN_EIVD_MERGE_POS) ruiMergeIndex = POZNAN_EIVD_MRG_CAND; else if(ruiMergeIndex>POZNAN_EIVD_MERGE_POS) ruiMergeIndex--; } #endif } #endif /** parse merge index * \param pcCU * \param ruiMergeIndex * \param uiAbsPartIdx * \param uiDepth * \returns Void */ Void TDecCavlc::parseMergeIndex ( TComDataCU* pcCU, UInt& ruiMergeIndex, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED || HHI_MPI || POZNAN_EIVD if( #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED ( pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getViewId() > 0 && ( pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMultiviewMvPredMode() & PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ) == PDM_USE_FOR_MERGE ) || #endif #if HHI_MPI ( pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getUseMVI() && pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() != I_SLICE && pcCU->getPartitionSize( uiAbsPartIdx ) == SIZE_2Nx2N ) || #endif #if POZNAN_EIVD ( pcCU->getSlice()->getMP()->isEIVDEnabled() ) || #endif 0 ) { parseMergeIndexMV( pcCU, ruiMergeIndex, uiAbsPartIdx, uiDepth ); return; } #endif Bool bLeftInvolved = false; Bool bAboveInvolved = false; Bool bCollocatedInvolved = false; Bool bCornerInvolved = false; UInt uiNumCand = 0; for( UInt uiIter = 0; uiIter < MRG_MAX_NUM_CANDS; ++uiIter ) { if( pcCU->getNeighbourCandIdx( uiIter, uiAbsPartIdx ) == uiIter + 1 ) { uiNumCand++; if( uiIter == 0 ) { bLeftInvolved = true; } else if( uiIter == 1 ) { bAboveInvolved = true; } else if( uiIter == 2 ) { bCollocatedInvolved = true; } else if( uiIter == 3 ) { bCornerInvolved = true; } } } assert( uiNumCand > 1 ); UInt uiUnaryIdx = 0; for( ; uiUnaryIdx < uiNumCand - 1; ++uiUnaryIdx ) { UInt uiSymbol = 0; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); if( uiSymbol == 0 ) { break; } } if( !bLeftInvolved ) { ++uiUnaryIdx; } if( !bAboveInvolved && uiUnaryIdx >= 1 ) { ++uiUnaryIdx; } if( !bCollocatedInvolved && uiUnaryIdx >= 2 ) { ++uiUnaryIdx; } if( !bCornerInvolved && uiUnaryIdx >= 3 ) { ++uiUnaryIdx; } ruiMergeIndex = uiUnaryIdx; } Void TDecCavlc::parseResPredFlag( TComDataCU* pcCU, Bool& rbResPredFlag, UInt uiAbsPartIdx, UInt uiDepth ) { UInt uiSymbol = 0; xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); rbResPredFlag = ( uiSymbol != 0 ); } // ==================================================================================================================== // Protected member functions // ==================================================================================================================== Void TDecCavlc::xReadCode (UInt uiLength, UInt& ruiCode) { assert ( uiLength > 0 ); m_pcBitstream->read (uiLength, ruiCode); } Void TDecCavlc::xReadUvlc( UInt& ruiVal) { UInt uiVal = 0; UInt uiCode = 0; UInt uiLength; m_pcBitstream->read( 1, uiCode ); if( 0 == uiCode ) { uiLength = 0; while( ! ( uiCode & 1 )) { m_pcBitstream->read( 1, uiCode ); uiLength++; } m_pcBitstream->read( uiLength, uiVal ); uiVal += (1 << uiLength)-1; } ruiVal = uiVal; } Void TDecCavlc::xReadSvlc( Int& riVal) { UInt uiBits = 0; m_pcBitstream->read( 1, uiBits ); if( 0 == uiBits ) { UInt uiLength = 0; while( ! ( uiBits & 1 )) { m_pcBitstream->read( 1, uiBits ); uiLength++; } m_pcBitstream->read( uiLength, uiBits ); uiBits += (1 << uiLength); riVal = ( uiBits & 1) ? -(Int)(uiBits>>1) : (Int)(uiBits>>1); } else { riVal = 0; } } Void TDecCavlc::xReadFlag (UInt& ruiCode) { m_pcBitstream->read( 1, ruiCode ); } Void TDecCavlc::xReadUnaryMaxSymbol( UInt& ruiSymbol, UInt uiMaxSymbol ) { if (uiMaxSymbol == 0) { ruiSymbol = 0; return; } xReadFlag( ruiSymbol ); if (ruiSymbol == 0 || uiMaxSymbol == 1) { return; } UInt uiSymbol = 0; UInt uiCont; do { xReadFlag( uiCont ); uiSymbol++; } while( uiCont && (uiSymbol < uiMaxSymbol-1) ); if( uiCont && (uiSymbol == uiMaxSymbol-1) ) { uiSymbol++; } ruiSymbol = uiSymbol; } Void TDecCavlc::xReadExGolombLevel( UInt& ruiSymbol ) { UInt uiSymbol ; UInt uiCount = 0; do { xReadFlag( uiSymbol ); uiCount++; } while( uiSymbol && (uiCount != 13)); ruiSymbol = uiCount-1; if( uiSymbol ) { xReadEpExGolomb( uiSymbol, 0 ); ruiSymbol += uiSymbol+1; } return; } Void TDecCavlc::xReadEpExGolomb( UInt& ruiSymbol, UInt uiCount ) { UInt uiSymbol = 0; UInt uiBit = 1; while( uiBit ) { xReadFlag( uiBit ); uiSymbol += uiBit << uiCount++; } uiCount--; while( uiCount-- ) { xReadFlag( uiBit ); uiSymbol += uiBit << uiCount; } ruiSymbol = uiSymbol; return; } UInt TDecCavlc::xGetBit() { UInt ruiCode; m_pcBitstream->read( 1, ruiCode ); return ruiCode; } Int TDecCavlc::xReadVlc( Int n ) { #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK assert( n>=0 && n<=13 ); #else assert( n>=0 && n<=11 ); #endif UInt zeroes=0, done=0, tmp; UInt cw, bit; UInt val = 0; UInt first; UInt lead = 0; if (n < 5) { while (!done && zeroes < 6) { xReadFlag( bit ); if (bit) { if (n) { xReadCode( n, cw ); } else { cw = 0; } done = 1; } else { zeroes++; } } if ( done ) { val = (zeroes<pseudoRead(32,val); if (val) { tmp = 31; while(!done) { if( val>>tmp ) { xReadCode(32-tmp, val); lead += 31-tmp; xReadCode(6, val); val += (lead<<6); done = 1; } tmp--; } } else { xReadCode(32, val); lead += 32; } } } else if (n == 13) { while (!done) { m_pcBitstream->pseudoRead(32,val); if (val) { tmp = 31; while(!done) { if(val>>tmp) { xReadCode(32-tmp, cw); zeroes += 31-tmp; xReadCode(4, cw); done = 1; } tmp--; } } else { xReadCode(32, val); zeroes += 32; } } val = (zeroes<<4)+cw; } #endif return val; } #if !CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK Void TDecCavlc::xParseCoeff4x4( TCoeff* scoeff, Int n ) { Int i; UInt sign; Int tmp; Int vlc,cn,this_pos; Int maxrun; Int last_position; Int atable[5] = {4,6,14,28,0xfffffff}; Int vlc_adaptive=0; Int done; LastCoeffStruct combo; #if QC_MOD_LCEC Int nTab; Int tr1; nTab=max(0,n-2); #endif for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { scoeff[i] = 0; } { /* Get the last nonzero coeff */ Int x,y,cx,cy,vlcNum; Int vlcTable[8] = {2,2,2}; /* Decode according to current LP table */ #if QC_MOD_LCEC vlcNum = vlcTable[nTab]; tmp = xReadVlc( vlcNum ); cn = m_uiLPTableD4[nTab][tmp]; #else vlcNum = vlcTable[n]; tmp = xReadVlc( vlcNum ); cn = m_uiLPTableD4[n][tmp]; #endif combo.level = (cn>15); combo.last_pos = cn&0x0f; /* Adapt LP table */ cx = tmp; cy = Max( 0, cx-1 ); x = cn; #if QC_MOD_LCEC y = m_uiLPTableD4[nTab][cy]; m_uiLPTableD4[nTab][cy] = x; m_uiLPTableD4[nTab][cx] = y; #else y = m_uiLPTableD4[n][cy]; m_uiLPTableD4[n][cy] = x; m_uiLPTableD4[n][cx] = y; #endif } if ( combo.level == 1 ) { tmp = xReadVlc( 0 ); sign = tmp&1; tmp = (tmp>>1)+2; } else { tmp = 1; xReadFlag( sign ); } #if QC_MOD_LCEC if (tmp>1) { tr1=0; } else { tr1=1; } #endif if ( sign ) { tmp = -tmp; } last_position = combo.last_pos; this_pos = 15 - last_position; scoeff[this_pos] = tmp; i = this_pos; i++; done = 0; { while (!done && i < 16) { maxrun = 15-i; #if QC_MOD_LCEC if(n==2) vlc = g_auiVlcTable8x8Intra[maxrun]; else vlc = g_auiVlcTable8x8Inter[maxrun]; #else if (maxrun > 27) { maxrun = 28; vlc = 3; } else { vlc = g_auiVlcTable8x8[maxrun]; } #endif /* Go into run mode */ cn = xReadVlc( vlc ); #if QC_MOD_LCEC if(n==2) { xRunLevelIndInv(&combo, maxrun, g_auiLumaRunTr14x4[tr1][maxrun], cn); } else #endif { #if RUNLEVEL_TABLE_CUT xRunLevelIndInterInv(&combo, maxrun, cn); #else combo = g_acstructLumaRun8x8[maxrun][cn]; #endif } i += combo.last_pos; /* No sign for last zeroes */ if (i < 16) { if (combo.level == 1) { tmp = xReadVlc( 0 ); sign = tmp&1; tmp = (tmp>>1)+2; done = 1; } else { tmp = 1; xReadFlag( sign ); } if ( sign ) { tmp = -tmp; } scoeff[i] = tmp; } i++; #if QC_MOD_LCEC if (tr1>0 && tr1 atable[vlc_adaptive] ) { vlc_adaptive++; } if ( tmp ) { xReadFlag( sign ); if ( sign ) { tmp = -tmp; } } scoeff[i] = tmp; i++; } } return; } #endif #if QC_MOD_LCEC Void TDecCavlc::xRunLevelIndInv(LastCoeffStruct *combo, Int maxrun, UInt lrg1Pos, UInt cn) { int lev, run; if (lrg1Pos>0) { if(cn < min(lrg1Pos, maxrun+2)) { lev = 0; run = cn; } else if(cn < (maxrun<<1) + 4 - (Int)lrg1Pos) { if((cn+lrg1Pos)&1) { lev = 0; run = (cn + lrg1Pos - 1) >> 1; } else { lev = 1; run = (cn - lrg1Pos)>>1; } } else { lev = 1; run = cn - maxrun - 2; } } else { if( cn & 1 ) { lev = 0; run = (cn-1)>>1; } else { run = cn >> 1; lev = (run <= maxrun)?1:0; } } combo->level = lev; combo->last_pos = run; } #if RUNLEVEL_TABLE_CUT /** Function for deriving run and level value in CAVLC run-level coding * \param combo pointer to a struct of run and level * \param maxrun maximum length of run for a given coefficient location * \param cn codeword index * \returns * This function derives run and level value in CAVLC run-level coding based on codeword index and maximum run value. */ Void TDecCavlc::xRunLevelIndInterInv(LastCoeffStruct *combo, Int maxrun, UInt cn) { if (maxrun<28) { if(cn > maxrun+1) { combo->level = 1; combo->last_pos = g_acstructLumaRun8x8[maxrun][cn-maxrun-1]; } else { combo->level = 0; combo->last_pos = g_acstructLumaRun8x8[maxrun][cn]; } } else { if(cnlevel = 0; combo->last_pos = cn; } else { combo->level = 1; combo->last_pos = cn-maxrun-2; } } } #endif #endif #if !CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK Void TDecCavlc::xParseCoeff8x8(TCoeff* scoeff, int n) { Int i; UInt sign; Int tmp; LastCoeffStruct combo; Int vlc,cn,this_pos; Int maxrun; Int last_position; Int atable[5] = {4,6,14,28,0xfffffff}; Int vlc_adaptive=0; Int done; #if QC_MOD_LCEC Int tr1; #endif static const Int switch_thr[10] = {49,49,0,49,49,0,49,49,49,49}; Int sum_big_coef = 0; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { scoeff[i] = 0; } /* Get the last nonzero coeff */ { Int x,y,cx,cy,vlcNum; /* Decode according to current LP table */ // ADAPT_VLC_NUM vlcNum = g_auiLastPosVlcNum[n][Min(16,m_uiLastPosVlcIndex[n])]; tmp = xReadVlc( vlcNum ); cn = m_uiLPTableD8[n][tmp]; combo.level = (cn>63); combo.last_pos = cn&0x3f; /* Adapt LP table */ cx = tmp; cy = Max(0,cx-1); x = cn; y = m_uiLPTableD8[n][cy]; m_uiLPTableD8[n][cy] = x; m_uiLPTableD8[n][cx] = y; // ADAPT_VLC_NUM m_uiLastPosVlcIndex[n] += cx == m_uiLastPosVlcIndex[n] ? 0 : (cx < m_uiLastPosVlcIndex[n] ? -1 : 1); } if (combo.level == 1) { tmp = xReadVlc( 0 ); sign = tmp&1; tmp = (tmp>>1)+2; } else { tmp = 1; xReadFlag( sign ); } #if QC_MOD_LCEC if (tmp>1) { tr1=0; } else { tr1=1; } #endif if ( sign ) { tmp = -tmp; } last_position = combo.last_pos; this_pos = 63 - last_position; scoeff[this_pos] = tmp; i = this_pos; i++; done = 0; { while (!done && i < 64) { maxrun = 63-i; #if QC_MOD_LCEC if (n == 2 || n == 5) vlc = g_auiVlcTable8x8Intra[Min(maxrun,28)]; else vlc = g_auiVlcTable8x8Inter[Min(maxrun,28)]; #else if (maxrun > 27) { maxrun = 28; vlc = 3; } else { vlc = g_auiVlcTable8x8[maxrun]; } #endif /* Go into run mode */ cn = xReadVlc( vlc ); #if QC_MOD_LCEC if (n == 2 || n == 5) xRunLevelIndInv(&combo, maxrun, g_auiLumaRunTr18x8[tr1][min(maxrun,28)], cn); else #if RUNLEVEL_TABLE_CUT xRunLevelIndInterInv(&combo, maxrun, cn); #else combo = g_acstructLumaRun8x8[Min(maxrun,28)][cn]; #endif #else combo = g_acstructLumaRun8x8[maxrun][cn]; #endif i += combo.last_pos; /* No sign for last zeroes */ if (i < 64) { if (combo.level == 1) { tmp = xReadVlc( 0 ); sign = tmp&1; tmp = (tmp>>1)+2; sum_big_coef += tmp; if (i > switch_thr[n] || sum_big_coef > 2) { done = 1; } } else { tmp = 1; xReadFlag( sign ); } if ( sign ) { tmp = -tmp; } scoeff[i] = tmp; } i++; #if QC_MOD_LCEC if (tr1==0 || combo.level != 0) { tr1=0; } else if( tr1 < MAX_TR1) { tr1++; } #endif } } if (i < 64) { /* Get the rest in level mode */ while (i<64) { tmp = xReadVlc( vlc_adaptive ); if (tmp>atable[vlc_adaptive]) { vlc_adaptive++; } if (tmp) { xReadFlag( sign ); if ( sign ) { tmp = -tmp; } } scoeff[i] = tmp; i++; } } return; } #endif #if CAVLC_COEF_LRG_BLK /** Function for parsing a block of transform coeffcients in CAVLC. * \param scoeff pointer to transform coefficient buffer * \param n block type information, e.g. luma, chroma, intra, inter, etc. * \param blSize block size * \returns * This function performs parsing for a block of transform coefficient in CAVLC. */ Void TDecCavlc::xParseCoeff(TCoeff* scoeff, int n, Int blSize) { static const Int switch_thr[10] = {49,49,0,49,49,0,49,49,49,49}; Int i, noCoeff=blSize*blSize;; UInt sign; LastCoeffStruct combo; Int cn, maxrun, tmprun; Int atable[5] = {4,6,14,28,0xfffffff}; Int done, tr1, tmp; Int sum_big_coef = 0; memset(scoeff,0,sizeof(TCoeff)*noCoeff); /* Get the last nonzero coeff */ if(blSize >=8 ) { /* Decode according to current LP table */ // ADAPT_VLC_NUM tmp = g_auiLastPosVlcNum[n][Min(16,m_uiLastPosVlcIndex[n])]; cn = xReadVlc( tmp ); xLastLevelIndInv(combo.level, combo.last_pos, blSize, cn); /* Adapt LP table */ cn = (blSize==8)?cn:(cn>>2); // ADAPT_VLC_NUM m_uiLastPosVlcIndex[n] += cn == m_uiLastPosVlcIndex[n] ? 0 : (cn < m_uiLastPosVlcIndex[n] ? -1 : 1); } else { /* Get the last nonzero coeff */ Int y,cy; Int nTab = max(0,n-2); /* Decode according to current LP table */ tmp = xReadVlc( 2 ); cn = m_uiLPTableD4[nTab][tmp]; combo.level = (cn>15)?1:0; combo.last_pos = cn&0x0f; /* Adapt LP table */ cy = Max( 0, tmp-1 ); y = m_uiLPTableD4[nTab][cy]; m_uiLPTableD4[nTab][cy] = cn; m_uiLPTableD4[nTab][tmp] = y; } if (combo.level == 1) { tmp = xReadVlc( 0 ); sign = tmp&1; tmp = (tmp>>1)+2; tr1=0; } else { tmp = 1; xReadFlag( sign ); tr1=1; } i = noCoeff - 1 - combo.last_pos; scoeff[i++] = sign? -tmp:tmp; done = 0; const UInt *vlcTable = (n == 2||n == 5)? ((blSize<=8)? g_auiVlcTable8x8Intra:g_auiVlcTable16x16Intra): ((blSize<=8)? g_auiVlcTable8x8Inter:g_auiVlcTable16x16Inter); const UInt **pLumaRunTr1 = (blSize==4)? g_pLumaRunTr14x4:g_pLumaRunTr18x8; while (!done && i < noCoeff) { maxrun = noCoeff - 1 -i; tmprun = min(maxrun,28); tmp = vlcTable[tmprun]; /* Go into run mode */ cn = xReadVlc( tmp ); if (n == 2 || n == 5) { xRunLevelIndInv(&combo, maxrun, pLumaRunTr1[tr1][tmprun], cn); } else { xRunLevelIndInterInv(&combo, maxrun, cn); } i += combo.last_pos; if (i < noCoeff) { if (combo.level == 1) { tmp = xReadVlc( 0 ); sign = tmp&1; tmp = (tmp>>1)+2; sum_big_coef += tmp; if (blSize==4 ||i > switch_thr[n] || sum_big_coef > 2) { done = 1; } } else { tmp = 1; xReadFlag( sign ); } scoeff[i++] = sign? -tmp:tmp; } if (tr1==0 || combo.level != 0) { tr1=0; } else if( tr1 < MAX_TR1) { tr1++; } } if (i < noCoeff) { /* Get the rest in level mode */ Int vlc_adaptive = 0; while (i < noCoeff) { tmp = xReadVlc( vlc_adaptive ); if (tmp) { xReadFlag( sign ); scoeff[i] = sign?-tmp:tmp; if (tmp > atable[vlc_adaptive]) { vlc_adaptive++; } } i++; } } return; } #endif #ifdef WEIGHT_PRED Void TDecCavlc::parseWeightPredTable( TComSlice* pcSlice ) { wpScalingParam *wp; Bool bChroma = true; // color always present in HEVC ? TComPPS* pps = pcSlice->getPPS(); SliceType eSliceType = pcSlice->getSliceType(); Int nbRef = (eSliceType == B_SLICE ) ? (2) : (1); UInt uiLog2WeightDenomLuma, uiLog2WeightDenomChroma; UInt uiMode = 0; if ( (eSliceType==P_SLICE && pps->getUseWP()) || (eSliceType==B_SLICE && pps->getWPBiPredIdc()==1) ) uiMode = 1; else if ( eSliceType==B_SLICE && pps->getWPBiPredIdc()==2 ) uiMode = 2; if ( uiMode == 1 ) // explicit { printf("\nTDecCavlc::parseWeightPredTable(poc=%d) explicit...\n", pcSlice->getPOC()); // decode luma_log2_weight_denom : xReadUvlc( uiLog2WeightDenomLuma ); // ue(v): luma_log2_weight_denom if( bChroma ) { // color always present in HEVC ? xReadUvlc( uiLog2WeightDenomChroma ); // ue(v): chroma_log2_weight_denom } for ( Int numRef=0 ; numRefgetNumRefIdx(eRefPicList) ; iRefIdx++ ) { pcSlice->getWpScaling(eRefPicList, iRefIdx, wp); wp[0].uiLog2WeightDenom = uiLog2WeightDenomLuma; wp[1].uiLog2WeightDenom = uiLog2WeightDenomChroma; wp[2].uiLog2WeightDenom = uiLog2WeightDenomChroma; UInt uiCode; xReadFlag( uiCode ); // u(1): luma_weight_l0_flag wp[0].bPresentFlag = ( uiCode == 1 ); if ( wp[0].bPresentFlag ) { xReadSvlc( wp[0].iWeight ); // se(v): luma_weight_l0[i] xReadSvlc( wp[0].iOffset ); // se(v): luma_offset_l0[i] } else { wp[0].iWeight = (1 << wp[0].uiLog2WeightDenom); wp[0].iOffset = 0; } if ( bChroma ) { xReadFlag( uiCode ); // u(1): chroma_weight_l0_flag wp[1].bPresentFlag = ( uiCode == 1 ); wp[2].bPresentFlag = ( uiCode == 1 ); if ( wp[1].bPresentFlag ) { for ( Int j=1 ; j<3 ; j++ ) { xReadSvlc( wp[j].iWeight ); // se(v): chroma_weight_l0[i][j] xReadSvlc( wp[j].iOffset ); // se(v): chroma_offset_l0[i][j] } } else { for ( Int j=1 ; j<3 ; j++ ) { wp[j].iWeight = (1 << wp[j].uiLog2WeightDenom); wp[j].iOffset = 0; } } } } // Just for displayWpScaling(): for ( Int iRefIdx=pcSlice->getNumRefIdx(eRefPicList) ; iRefIdxgetWpScaling(eRefPicList, iRefIdx, wp); wp[0].bPresentFlag = false; wp[1].bPresentFlag = false; wp[2].bPresentFlag = false; } } } else if ( uiMode == 2 ) // implicit { printf("\nTDecCavlc::parseWeightPredTable(poc=%d) implicit...\n", pcSlice->getPOC()); } else assert(0); } #endif