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CU width in pixel UInt m_uiMaxCUHeight; ///< max. CU height in pixel UInt m_uiMaxCUDepth; ///< max. CU depth // transfom unit (TU) definition UInt m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MaxSize; UInt m_uiQuadtreeTULog2MinSize; UInt m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthInter; UInt m_uiQuadtreeTUMaxDepthIntra; // coding tools (bit-depth) UInt m_uiInputBitDepth; ///< bit-depth of input file UInt m_uiOutputBitDepth; ///< bit-depth of output file #ifdef ENABLE_IBDI UInt m_uiBitIncrement; ///< bit-depth increment #endif UInt m_uiInternalBitDepth; ///< Internal bit-depth (BitDepth+BitIncrement) #if MTK_SAO vector m_abUseSAO; #endif // coding tools (loop filter) vector m_abUseALF; ///< flag for using adaptive loop filter [0] - video, [1] - depth #ifdef MQT_ALF_NPASS Int m_iALFEncodePassReduction; ///< ALF encoding pass, 0 = original 16-pass, 1 = 1-pass, 2 = 2-pass #endif vector m_abLoopFilterDisable; ///< flag for using deblocking filter filter [0] - video, [1] - depth Int m_iLoopFilterAlphaC0Offset; ///< alpha offset for deblocking filter Int m_iLoopFilterBetaOffset; ///< beta offset for deblocking filter // coding tools (entropy coder) Int m_iSymbolMode; ///< entropy coder mode, 0 = VLC, 1 = CABAC // coding tools (inter - merge motion partitions) Bool m_bUseMRG; ///< SOPH: flag for using motion partition Merge Mode #if LM_CHROMA Bool m_bUseLMChroma; ///< JL: Chroma intra prediction based on luma signal #endif #if HHI_RMP_SWITCH Bool m_bUseRMP; #endif // coding tools (encoder-only parameters) Bool m_bUseSBACRD; ///< flag for using RD optimization based on SBAC Bool m_bUseASR; ///< flag for using adaptive motion search range Bool m_bUseHADME; ///< flag for using HAD in sub-pel ME vector m_abUseRDOQ; ///< flag for using RD optimized quantization [0]-video, [1]-depth Int m_iFastSearch; ///< ME mode, 0 = full, 1 = diamond, 2 = PMVFAST Int m_iSearchRange; ///< ME search range Int m_bipredSearchRange; ///< ME search range for bipred refinement Bool m_bUseFastEnc; ///< flag for using fast encoder setting #if DEPTH_MAP_GENERATION UInt m_uiPredDepthMapGeneration; ///< using of (virtual) depth maps for texture coding #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_MOTION_PRED UInt m_uiMultiviewMvPredMode; ///< usage of predictors for multi-view mv prediction UInt m_uiMultiviewMvRegMode; ///< regularization for multiview motion vectors Double m_dMultiviewMvRegLambdaScale; ///< lambda scale for multiview motion vectors regularization #endif #if HHI_INTER_VIEW_RESIDUAL_PRED UInt m_uiMultiviewResPredMode; ///< using multiview residual prediction #endif #if HHI_INTERVIEW_SKIP UInt m_uiInterViewSkip; ///< usage of interview skip mode ( do not transmit residual) #if HHI_INTERVIEW_SKIP_LAMBDA_SCALE Double m_dInterViewSkipLambdaScale; ///< lambda scale for interview skip #endif #endif // camera parameter Char* m_pchCameraParameterFile; ///< camera parameter file Char* m_pchBaseViewCameraNumbers; TAppComCamPara m_cCameraData; Int m_iCodedCamParPrecision; ///< precision for coding of camera parameters #if HHI_INTERVIEW_SKIP TRenTop m_cUsedPelsRenderer; ///< renderer for used pels map #endif #if HHI_VSO Char* m_pchVSOConfig; Bool m_bUseVSO; ///< flag for using View Synthesis Optimization //// Used for development by GT, might be removed later Double m_dLambdaScaleVSO; ///< Scaling factor for Lambda in VSO mode Bool m_bForceLambdaScaleVSO; ///< Use Lambda Scale for depth even if VSO is turned off #if HHI_VSO_DIST_INT Bool m_bAllowNegDist; ///< Allow negative distortion in VSO #endif UInt m_uiVSOMode; ///< Number of VSO Mode, 1 = , 2 = simple, org vs. ren, 3 = simple, ren vs. ren, 4 = full Int m_iNumberOfExternalRefs; ///< number Virtual External Reference Views std::vector< std::vector > m_aaiBaseViewRefInd; ///< View numbers of Base View References std::vector< std::vector > m_aaiERViewRefInd; ///< View numbers of External ViewReferences std::vector< std::vector > m_aaiERViewRefLutInd; ///< Indices of LUTs used for External View References #endif Int m_iSliceMode; ///< 0: Disable all Recon slice limits, 1 : Maximum number of largest coding units per slice, 2: Maximum number of bytes in a slice Int m_iSliceArgument; ///< If m_iSliceMode==1, m_iSliceArgument=max. # of largest coding units. If m_iSliceMode==2, m_iSliceArgument=max. # of bytes. Int m_iEntropySliceMode; ///< 0: Disable all entropy slice limits, 1 : Maximum number of largest coding units per slice, 2: Constraint based entropy slice Int m_iEntropySliceArgument;///< If m_iEntropySliceMode==1, m_iEntropySliceArgument=max. # of largest coding units. If m_iEntropySliceMode==2, m_iEntropySliceArgument=max. # of bins. #if MTK_NONCROSS_INLOOP_FILTER Bool m_bLFCrossSliceBoundaryFlag; ///< 0: Cross-slice-boundary in-loop filtering 1: non-cross-slice-boundary in-loop filtering #endif #ifdef ROUNDING_CONTROL_BIPRED Bool m_useRoundingControlBipred; #endif #if CONSTRAINED_INTRA_PRED Bool m_bUseConstrainedIntraPred; ///< flag for using constrained intra prediction #endif #if HHI_DMM_WEDGE_INTRA || HHI_DMM_PRED_TEX Bool m_bUseDMM; #endif #if HHI_MPI Bool m_bUseMVI; ///< flag for using Motion Vector Inheritance for depth map coding #endif PicOrderCnt m_iQpChangeFrame; Int m_iQpChangeOffsetVideo; Int m_iQpChangeOffsetDepth; bool m_pictureDigestEnabled; ///< enable(1)/disable(0) md5 computation and SEI signalling //====== Weighted Prediction ======== #ifdef WEIGHT_PRED Bool m_bUseWeightPred; ///< Use of explicit Weighting Prediction for P_SLICE UInt m_uiBiPredIdc; ///< Use of Bi-Directional Weighting Prediction (B_SLICE): explicit(1) or implicit(2) #endif // internal member functions Void xSetGlobal (); ///< set global variables Void xCheckParameter (); ///< check validity of configuration values Void xPrintParameter (); ///< print configuration values Void xPrintUsage (); ///< print usage Void xCleanUpVectors (); ///< clean up vector sizes Void xInitCameraPars (); ///< init camera parameters // set MVD Parameters and LUTs Void xSetShiftParameters(); Void xGetShiftParameter( UInt uiSourceView, UInt uiTargetView, bool bExternal, double& rdScale, double& rdOffset ); ///< Get one Shift Parameters // util Void xAppendToFileNameEnd( Char* pchInputFileName, const Char* pchStringToAppend, Char* & rpchOutputFileName); Bool xConfirmParameter(Bool bflag, const char* message); template Void xCleanUpVector( std::vector& rcVec, const T& rcInvalid ); #if HHI_VSO // Ren Model String TRenModSetupStrParser m_cRenModStrParser; #endif #if POZNAN_TEXTURE_TU_DELTA_QP_PARAM_IN_CFG_FOR_ENC Double m_dTextureCuDeltaQpOffset; Double m_dTextureCuDeltaQpMul; Int m_iTextureCuDeltaQpTopBottomRow; #endif #if POZNAN_NONLINEAR_DEPTH Double m_fDepthPower; ///< Depth power value #endif #if POZNAN_STAT_JK std::vector m_pchStatFileList; ///< texure statistics file names std::vector m_pchDepthStatFileList; ///< depth statistics file names #endif public: TAppEncCfg(); virtual ~TAppEncCfg(); public: Void create (); ///< create option handling class Void destroy (); ///< destroy option handling class Bool parseCfg ( Int argc, Char* argv[] ); ///< parse configuration file to fill member variables };// END CLASS DEFINITION TAppEncCfg #endif // __TAPPENCCFG__