#if !defined(AFX_TEncSeqStructure_H__268768B8_4D1D_484A_904E_586985833BAC__INCLUDED_) #define AFX_TEncSeqStructure_H__268768B8_4D1D_484A_904E_586985833BAC__INCLUDED_ #include #include "../TLibCommon/CommonDef.h" #include //SB #include class FrameDescriptor { public: ErrVal initFrameDescriptor( const std::string& rcString, UInt &ruiIncrement, std::map& cColDirTracker); const std::vector& getAllowedRelativeRefPocs( RefPicList eRefPicList, UInt uiViewIdx ) const { assert( eRefPicList == REF_PIC_LIST_0 || eRefPicList == REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); assert( m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL0.size() == m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL1.size() ); if( m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL0.size() <= uiViewIdx ) { return eRefPicList == REF_PIC_LIST_0 ? m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL0.back() : m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL1.back(); } return eRefPicList == REF_PIC_LIST_0 ? m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL0[uiViewIdx]: m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL1[uiViewIdx]; } const std::vector& getAllowedReferenceViewIdx( RefPicList eRefPicList, UInt uiViewIdx ) const { assert( eRefPicList == REF_PIC_LIST_0 || eRefPicList == REF_PIC_LIST_1 ); assert( m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0.size() == m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL1.size() ); if( m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0.size() <= uiViewIdx ) { return eRefPicList == REF_PIC_LIST_0 ? m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0.back() : m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL1.back(); } return eRefPicList == REF_PIC_LIST_0 ? m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0[uiViewIdx]: m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL1[uiViewIdx]; } UInt getTEncSeqStructureLayer(UInt uiViewIdx) const { if (m_auiLayer.size() <= uiViewIdx) { return m_auiLayer.back(); } return m_auiLayer[uiViewIdx]; } bool getStoreForRef(UInt uiViewIdx) const { if (m_abStoreForRef.size() <= uiViewIdx) { return m_abStoreForRef.back(); } return m_abStoreForRef[uiViewIdx]; } bool isIdr(UInt uiViewIdx) const { if (m_abIsIDR.size() <= uiViewIdx) { return m_abIsIDR.back(); } return m_abIsIDR[uiViewIdx]; } SliceType getSliceType(UInt uiViewIdx) const { if (m_aeSliceType.size() <= uiViewIdx) { return m_aeSliceType.back(); } return m_aeSliceType[uiViewIdx]; } UInt getColDir() const { return m_uiColDir ; } void addLayerOffset( Int iLayerOffset ) { for(Int i = 0; i m_abStoreForRef; std::vector m_abIsIDR; std::vector m_auiLayer; std::vector m_aeSliceType; std::vector< std::vector > m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL0; std::vector< std::vector > m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL1; std::vector< std::vector > m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0; std::vector< std::vector > m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL1; UInt m_uiColDir ; }; class TEncSeqStructure { private: class SequencePart { DISABLE_DEFAULT_CPYCTOR_AND_ASOP( SequencePart ); protected: SequencePart() : m_uiNumberOfRepetitions( 0 ) {} public: virtual ~SequencePart() {} virtual bool isLeafNode() const = 0; virtual SequencePart* getChildNode( UInt64 ui ) const { TOT( 1 ); return NULL; } virtual const FrameDescriptor* getFrameDescriptor( UInt64 ui ) const { TOT( 1 ); return NULL; } UInt64 getSize() const { TOT( isInfinitelyLong() ); return UInt64( m_uiNumberOfRepetitions ) * xGetSize(); } UInt64 getIncrement( UInt64 ui ) const { return ui - UInt64( xGetIdx( ui ) ) + UInt64( xGetIncrement( ui ) ); } // bool isInfinitelyLong() const { return m_uiNumberOfRepetitions == TypeLimits::m_iMax; } bool isInfinitelyLong() const { return m_uiNumberOfRepetitions == MAX_UINT; } virtual UInt64 findIncrement( UInt64 uiIncrement, bool &rbSuccess ) const { TOT( 1 ); return 0; } protected: UInt xGetIdx( UInt64 ui ) const { return UInt( ui % xGetSize() ); } void xSetNumRep( UInt ui ) { TOT( m_uiNumberOfRepetitions ); TOF( ui ); m_uiNumberOfRepetitions = ui; } private: virtual UInt xGetIncrement( UInt64 ui ) const { TOT( 1 ); return 0; } virtual UInt64 xGetSize() const = 0; UInt m_uiNumberOfRepetitions; //GT: *n5{...} }; class FrameSequencePart : public SequencePart //GT: Sequence of Frames without repetitions { public: FrameSequencePart( const std::string& rcString ); virtual ~FrameSequencePart() {} UInt64 xGetSize() const { return UInt64( m_acFrameDescriptors.size() ); } bool isLeafNode() const { return true; } const FrameDescriptor* getFrameDescriptor( UInt64 ui ) const { return &m_acFrameDescriptors[xGetIdx( ui )]; } UInt xGetIncrement( UInt64 ui ) const { return m_auiIncrements[xGetIdx( ui )]; } virtual UInt64 findIncrement( UInt64 uiIncrement, bool &rbSuccess ) const; private: ErrVal xCheck(); std::vector m_acFrameDescriptors; //GT: one descriptor for each frame B3L2(-4,+3) std::vector m_auiIncrements; //GT: same size as frame descriptor, stores increments P7L1(-8)B3L2(-4,+3)b0L4(-2,+2,+6) -> 1 3 0 std::map m_cColDirTracker ; }; class GeneralSequencePart : public SequencePart //GT: Sequence of FrameSequences { public: GeneralSequencePart( const std::string& rcString ); virtual ~GeneralSequencePart() {} UInt64 xGetSize() const { return UInt64( m_apcSequenceParts.size() ); } bool isLeafNode() const { return false; } SequencePart* getChildNode( UInt64 ui ) const { return m_apcSequenceParts[xGetIdx( ui )]; } private: AutoDeletePtrVector m_apcSequenceParts; }; public: TEncSeqStructure(); virtual ~TEncSeqStructure(); ErrVal init( const std::string& rcString ); UInt getMaxAbsPocDiff( const UInt uiNumberOfFrames ); UInt getDecodedPictureBufferSize( const UInt uiNumberOfFrames ); class Iterator { private: class SequencePartWithPos { public: const SequencePart *m_pcSeqPart; UInt64 m_uiCurrPos; }; public: Iterator() : m_cBasePoc( 0 ) {} virtual ~Iterator() {} Iterator( const TEncSeqStructure &r, PicOrderCnt cLayerChangeStartPoc, int iLayerOffset ); FrameDescriptor getFrameDescriptor() const { if( m_iLayerOffset != 0 && getPoc() >= m_cLayerChangeStartPoc ) { FrameDescriptor cModified = *xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getFrameDescriptor( xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos ); cModified.addLayerOffset ( m_iLayerOffset ); return cModified; } return *xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getFrameDescriptor( xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos ); } PicOrderCnt getPoc() const { return m_cBasePoc + xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getIncrement( xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos ); } Iterator& operator++(); Iterator& traverseByPocDiff( Int64 iPocDiff ); Iterator getIterByPocDiff( Int64 iPocDiff ) const; private: SequencePartWithPos& xGetCurr() { return m_acSeqPartPath.back(); } const SequencePartWithPos& xGetCurr() const { return m_acSeqPartPath.back(); } void xGoToPreviousFrameSequencePart(); void xGoToNextFrameSequencePart(); void xGoToLeaf( bool bGoToRightmostLeaf ); std::vector m_acSeqPartPath; PicOrderCnt m_cBasePoc; PicOrderCnt m_cLayerChangeStartPoc; int m_iLayerOffset; }; private: SequencePart *m_pcSequencePart; }; #endif // !defined(AFX_TEncSeqStructure_H__268768B8_4D1D_484A_904E_586985833BAC__INCLUDED_)