#include "TEncSeqStructure.h" #include "TEncFormattedStringParser.h" #include ErrVal FrameDescriptor::initFrameDescriptor( const std::string& rcString, UInt &ruiIncrement, std::map& rcColDirTracker) { std::string::size_type uiPos = 0; while( 1 ) { SliceType eSliceType; Bool bStoreForRef; Bool bIsIDR; UInt uiLayer; RNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::extractFrameType( rcString, eSliceType, bStoreForRef, bIsIDR, uiPos ) ); RNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::extractFrameLayer( rcString, uiLayer, uiPos ) ); m_aeSliceType.push_back( eSliceType ); m_abStoreForRef.push_back( bStoreForRef ); m_abIsIDR.push_back( bIsIDR ); m_auiLayer.push_back( uiLayer ); m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL0.push_back( std::vector() ); m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL1.push_back( std::vector() ); m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0.push_back( std::vector() ); m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL1.push_back( std::vector() ); if( eSliceType == P_SLICE ) { RNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::extractAllowedRelativeRefPocs( rcString, m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL0.back(), m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0.back(), uiPos ) ); } else if( eSliceType == B_SLICE ) { RNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::extractAllowedRelativeRefPocs( rcString, m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL0.back(), m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL1.back(), m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0.back(), m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL1.back(), uiPos ) ); } // check that only available views are referenced { const Int iCurrViewIdx = Int( m_aeSliceType.size() - 1 ); for( UInt ui = 0; ui < m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0.back().size(); ui++ ) { const Int iRefViewIdx = m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL0.back()[ui]; ROF( iRefViewIdx == -1 || ( 0 <= iRefViewIdx && iRefViewIdx < iCurrViewIdx ) ); } for( UInt ui = 0; ui < m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL1.back().size(); ui++ ) { const Int iRefViewIdx = m_aaiAllowedReferenceViewIdxL1.back()[ui]; ROF( iRefViewIdx == -1 || ( 0 <= iRefViewIdx && iRefViewIdx < iCurrViewIdx ) ); } } ROT( eSliceType == I_SLICE && ! m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL0.back().empty() && ! m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL1.back().empty() ); ROT( eSliceType == P_SLICE && ! m_aaiAllowedRelativeRefPocsL1.back().empty() ); if( rcString[uiPos] == '_' ) { uiPos++; break; } } RNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::extractFrameIncrement( rcString, ruiIncrement, uiPos ) ); if(rcColDirTracker.find( m_auiLayer[0] )==rcColDirTracker.end()) rcColDirTracker.insert( std::make_pair(m_auiLayer[0],1) ); m_uiColDir = rcColDirTracker[ m_auiLayer[0] ]; rcColDirTracker[ m_auiLayer[0] ] = 1 - rcColDirTracker[ m_auiLayer[0] ]; ROF( std::string::npos == uiPos || rcString.length() == uiPos ); return Err::m_nOK; } UInt64 TEncSeqStructure::FrameSequencePart::findIncrement( UInt64 uiIncrement, bool &rbSuccess ) const { TOF( isInfinitelyLong() || uiIncrement < getSize() ); rbSuccess = false; const UInt64 uiOffset = uiIncrement % xGetSize(); for( UInt ui = 0; ui < UInt( m_auiIncrements.size() ); ui++ ) { if( uiOffset == m_auiIncrements[ui] ) { rbSuccess = true; return uiIncrement - uiOffset + ui; } } return 0; } TEncSeqStructure::FrameSequencePart::FrameSequencePart( const std::string& rcString ) { std::string cNoRepString; //----- get number of repetitions and number of frames ----- UInt uiNumRep = 0; TNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::extractRepetitions( rcString, cNoRepString, uiNumRep ) ); xSetNumRep( uiNumRep ); UInt uiNumberOfFrames = 0; TNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::getNumberOfFrames( cNoRepString, uiNumberOfFrames ) ); TOF( uiNumberOfFrames ); //----- create array ----- m_acFrameDescriptors.resize( uiNumberOfFrames ); TOF( m_acFrameDescriptors.size() == uiNumberOfFrames ); m_auiIncrements.resize( uiNumberOfFrames ); //----- initialize array ----- UInt uiIndex; size_t uiPos; for( uiPos = 0, uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < uiNumberOfFrames; uiIndex++ ) { std::string cFDString; TNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::extractNextFrameDescription( cNoRepString, cFDString, uiPos ) ); UInt uiIncrement = 0; TNOK( m_acFrameDescriptors[uiIndex].initFrameDescriptor( cFDString, uiIncrement, m_cColDirTracker ) ); m_auiIncrements[uiIndex] = uiIncrement; } TNOK( xCheck() ); } ErrVal TEncSeqStructure::FrameSequencePart::xCheck() { ROTS( m_acFrameDescriptors.empty() ); std::vector abCovered( m_acFrameDescriptors.size(), false ); for( UInt uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < m_acFrameDescriptors.size(); uiIndex++ ) { const UInt uiInc = m_auiIncrements[uiIndex]; ROT( uiInc >= m_acFrameDescriptors.size() ); // error in config file parameter GOPFormatString ROT( abCovered[ uiInc ] ); abCovered[uiInc] = true; } return Err::m_nOK; } TEncSeqStructure::GeneralSequencePart::GeneralSequencePart( const std::string& rcString ) { std::string cNoRepString; UInt uiNumRep = 0; TNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::extractRepetitions( rcString, cNoRepString, uiNumRep ) ); xSetNumRep( uiNumRep ); UInt uiNumberOfParts = 0; TNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::getNumberOfParts( cNoRepString, uiNumberOfParts ) ); TOF( uiNumberOfParts ); //----- create array ----- m_apcSequenceParts.resize( uiNumberOfParts ); //----- initialize array ----- UInt uiIndex; size_t uiPos; for( uiPos = 0, uiIndex = 0; uiIndex < uiNumberOfParts; uiIndex++ ) { std::string cPartString; TNOK( TEncFormattedStringParser::extractPart( cNoRepString, cPartString, uiPos ) ); if( TEncFormattedStringParser::isFrameSequencePart( cPartString ) ) { m_apcSequenceParts[uiIndex] = new FrameSequencePart( cPartString ); } else { m_apcSequenceParts[uiIndex] = new GeneralSequencePart( cPartString ); } } } TEncSeqStructure::TEncSeqStructure() : m_pcSequencePart( NULL ) { } TEncSeqStructure::~TEncSeqStructure() { delete m_pcSequencePart; m_pcSequencePart = NULL ; } ErrVal TEncSeqStructure::init( const std::string& rcString ) { std::string cStringWithoutWhitespace; for( UInt ui = 0; ui < rcString.length(); ui++ ) { if( rcString[ui] != ' ' && rcString[ui] != '\t' ) { cStringWithoutWhitespace += rcString[ui]; } } if( cStringWithoutWhitespace.find( "*n{" ) == std::string::npos ) { cStringWithoutWhitespace = "*n{" + cStringWithoutWhitespace + "}"; } m_pcSequencePart = new GeneralSequencePart( cStringWithoutWhitespace ); return Err::m_nOK; } UInt TEncSeqStructure::getMaxAbsPocDiff( const UInt uiNumberOfFrames ) { TEncSeqStructure::Iterator cSeqIter = TEncSeqStructure::Iterator( *this, PicOrderCnt( 0 ), 0 ); UInt uiMaxAbsPocDiff = 0; Int64 iLastPoc = cSeqIter.getPoc(); int iNumFramesLeft = uiNumberOfFrames; for( int iIndex = 0; 0 != iNumFramesLeft; ++cSeqIter, iIndex++ ) { Int64 iPoc = cSeqIter.getPoc(); if( iPoc >= uiNumberOfFrames ) { // skiped due to frame behind end of sequence continue; } iNumFramesLeft--; //----- check POC differences ----- UInt uiAbsFrameDiffRef = (UInt) gAbs( iPoc - iLastPoc ); if( uiMaxAbsPocDiff < uiAbsFrameDiffRef ) { uiMaxAbsPocDiff = uiAbsFrameDiffRef; } iLastPoc = iPoc; } return uiMaxAbsPocDiff; } TEncSeqStructure::Iterator::Iterator( const TEncSeqStructure &r, PicOrderCnt cLayerChangeStartPoc, int iLayerOffset ) : m_cBasePoc( 0 ) , m_cLayerChangeStartPoc( cLayerChangeStartPoc ) , m_iLayerOffset( iLayerOffset ) { m_acSeqPartPath.resize( 1 ); xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart = r.m_pcSequencePart; xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos = 0; xGoToLeaf( false ); } void TEncSeqStructure::Iterator::xGoToLeaf( bool bGoToRightmostLeaf ) { while( !xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->isLeafNode() ) { SequencePartWithPos cPartWithPos; cPartWithPos.m_pcSeqPart = xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getChildNode( xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos ); cPartWithPos.m_uiCurrPos = 0; if( bGoToRightmostLeaf ) { TOT( cPartWithPos.m_pcSeqPart->isInfinitelyLong() ); cPartWithPos.m_uiCurrPos = cPartWithPos.m_pcSeqPart->getSize() - 1; } m_acSeqPartPath.push_back( cPartWithPos ); } } TEncSeqStructure::Iterator& TEncSeqStructure::Iterator::operator++() { ++xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos; if( !xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->isInfinitelyLong() && xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos == xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getSize() ) { xGoToNextFrameSequencePart(); xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos = 0; } return *this; } TEncSeqStructure::Iterator& TEncSeqStructure::Iterator::traverseByPocDiff( Int64 iPocDiff ) { const PicOrderCnt cTargetPoc = getPoc() + iPocDiff; const Int64 iIncrement = Int64( xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getIncrement( xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos ) ); if( iIncrement + iPocDiff < 0 ) { xGoToPreviousFrameSequencePart(); const Int64 iNewIncrement = Int64( xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getIncrement( xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos ) ); const Int64 iNewSize = Int64( xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getSize() ); traverseByPocDiff( iPocDiff + iIncrement + iNewSize - iNewIncrement ); TOF( cTargetPoc == getPoc() ); return *this; } if( !xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->isInfinitelyLong() ) { const Int64 iSize = Int64( xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getSize() ); if( iIncrement + iPocDiff >= iSize ) { xGoToNextFrameSequencePart(); traverseByPocDiff( iPocDiff - ( iSize - iIncrement ) ); TOF( cTargetPoc == getPoc() ); return *this; } } UInt64 uiPocDiffToFind = UInt64( iIncrement + iPocDiff ); bool bFound = false; xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos = xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->findIncrement( uiPocDiffToFind, bFound ); TOF( bFound ); TOF( cTargetPoc == getPoc() ); return *this; } TEncSeqStructure::Iterator TEncSeqStructure::Iterator::getIterByPocDiff( Int64 iPocDiff ) const { Iterator cCopy = *this; cCopy.traverseByPocDiff( iPocDiff ); return cCopy; } void TEncSeqStructure::Iterator::xGoToPreviousFrameSequencePart() { TOF( xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->isLeafNode() ); TOF( m_acSeqPartPath.size() > 1 ); m_acSeqPartPath.pop_back(); while( xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos == 0 ) { TOF( m_acSeqPartPath.size() > 1 ); m_acSeqPartPath.pop_back(); } xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos--; xGoToLeaf( true ); m_cBasePoc -= xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getSize(); } void TEncSeqStructure::Iterator::xGoToNextFrameSequencePart() { TOF( xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->isLeafNode() ); TOT( xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->isInfinitelyLong() ); m_cBasePoc += xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getSize(); m_acSeqPartPath.pop_back(); while( !xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->isInfinitelyLong() && xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos == xGetCurr().m_pcSeqPart->getSize() - 1 ) { TOF( m_acSeqPartPath.size() > 1 ); m_acSeqPartPath.pop_back(); } xGetCurr().m_uiCurrPos++; xGoToLeaf( false ); }